Bob Roll and Christian Vande Velde recap Critérium du Dauphiné stage 8 where Primož Roglič won the overall despite a late surge from Matteo Jorgenson. #NBCSports #Cycling #PrimozRoglic
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    Primož Roglič hangs on to win second Criterium du Dauphine title | Beyond the Podium | NBC Sports

    and how things can change so quickly in professional cycling visma was like so far beyond better than the best that to imagine now that they’re like playing ketchup the only thing that I have a bit of pause with is that’s a lot of cooks in the kitchen it’s a a lot of talent a lot of people who are used to being at the Forefront they are the stars but I I don’t want to pretend that I’m not a huge Remco aole fan but I just don’t see him being ready uh against rogich against yonas against even Mato uh and especially against tidy Pacha in the tour to front in the big mountains at least this year and if you have a rider who has maturity level of Mato like we already talked about and now you have confidence that’s the last year now now we’re cruising honestly I want Primos to avoid those crashes and I think that perhaps I wanted to run this by you he didn’t start cycling as a teenager he didn’t start racing his bike as a young uh athlete like a lot of the big stars we see nowadays and maybe he didn’t acquire that that sort of Supernatural abil ability to anticipate and avoid pileups which taty Pacha by the way is maybe the best I’ve ever seen at that welcome all to beyond the podium do just wrapping Primos rogich the winner Matteo Jorgenson second just 8 seconds slower Remco aole an up and down week and a big stage win by Carlos Rodriguez on the final day and also an interview that we didn’t get to hear from in the live call with Mato Jorgenson all of that on beyond the podium thanks everybody for joining us Christian van a fantastic week of racing and I thought but it was going to be a miracle if rogish would win just based on what he’s gone through in a similar situation in the past and I’m actually I’m I’m surprised and quite happy for Primos and his team Bor that he did pull it off but I had my doubts and it looked very good until about three miles to go and then it started coming apart at the seams in the final few hundred meters of climbing today it was crazy day it was close I I I had extreme confidence in him actually that he was going to pull it off and I didn’t really think that anyone was really GNA give him a good push to the Finish Line to take that yellow Jersey and so I was actually surprised on the other side that how close Mato was um maybe just a little bit of Monday Morning Quarterback that he could have gone a little bit harder earlier but you never know I mean it’s hard to Second it’s hard not to second guess yourself a lot of times in those kind of situations but nonetheless fourth closest dolphin a on record um it was incredible it was very testing last three days as well that’s pretty amazing right there that there’s been three h that were closer than this one yeah and and we’re in the 70 some how many how many of these have we had 75 76th Edition yes 76 editions so yeah we’re going back decades upon decades I we the first closest one 1 second with Pavo Tonka by in 2001 but to hear eight seconds all right that is so close uh so yeah for my my I was surprised to be honest with the other way that you were you just thinking that Primos I’m sure you’re just thinking he’s going to crash something bad was going to happen yeah exactly but it didn’t but his legs did fall apart and you know he you know if you think back at his interviews in the last couple days he almost surprised himself how good he was and said you know he beat himself up pretty bad in those two crashes that he had he was in the crash of pretty much everyone apart from Mato and seus who were a part of on stage number five he went down pretty well and he was he also crashed the day before that as well so um nonetheless you know the biggest thing I always say we always said this is that it’s hard not to read into a lot of results and what happens during the dolphin a but you can’t you know the the tour to France is a completely different animal you could see a lot of highlights you could see a lot of things uh Trends you know you want to see a trend that you were getting better you want to see a trend that you have momentum coming out of it and then hopefully you’re going to you’re going to recover that much quicker and be able to build that much quicker on the heels of doin and get ready for the Twitter frats um apart from that though we saw you know Derk G was a massive standout and I’m gonna put Mato in that as well I mean I don’t know if Mato would have said that he was going to be this close to winning outright here I we saw him do incredible things in perin uh but high mountains like we saw with 37,000 feet of climb in the last three days hats off mat tail that was impressive riding what worries me about Primos is every time there’s a crash he jumps Primos is he’s in it it’s incredible it’s like oh no crash where is rogish oh man I mean it’s got to be at a certain point um something you have to be able have to be better at than Primos has been and he’s lost a lot of big races because of that so I thought that the accumulated damage would affect him at some point throughout the week’s racing and it seemed like it was the last three kilometers of today’s stage but the two previous days not that much pressure from the other GC contenders he was able to mitigate that damage and win those two stages but I thought oh no how many times have we seen this Christian it’s so nerve-wracking and honestly I want Primos to avoid those crashes yeah and I think that perhaps I wanted to run this by you he didn’t start cycling as a teenager he didn’t start racing his bike as a young uh athlete like a lot of the big stars we see nowadays and maybe he didn’t acquire that that sort of Supernatural abil ability to anticipate and avoid pileups which tat Pacha by the way is maybe the best I’ve ever seen at that yeah I mean let’s be fair there are sometimes and I’ll get to your point um but you the stage five that pile up that that’s completely out of your control you’re at the mercy of everyone who’s ahead of you and whether or not there was something on the road but everyone’s going down whether you like it or not you’re going down in there um unless you’re absolutely on the front like we saw with Matteo but yeah that’s that’s a great Point Bob um some people push the envelope a little bit harder than others some people um get a little bit too nervous once in a while and you see of that I I fell victim to that especially towards later end of my career where I didn’t have the form and I need to really push myself into the right position the right time at all times and sometimes not having the legs to back that um I don’t think that’s been the case with Primo sometimes though especially the tour to France just it just seems like like you said at the top of the show is like if there’s a crash he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time most often I mean like the hay bales in the the the Cobblestone stage a couple years ago Bob I mean how could he know that a motorcycle’s going to hit a hail Bale right before him and then he’s going to go and dislocate his shoulder coming into it you know so it seems like he’s just I don’t know for how lucky he seems he could be he’s equally unlucky on the other sides and Perry n it happened do okay that was bad yeah that’s right I remember in the VTA he’s Alone by himself in the front on one stage and I said and we were calling that all he has to do is get through this next Corner safely whoosh and it’s like oh oh no Primos come on I by the way I’m a huge fan of Primos rogish and I want him to get safely through each stage so we can see him at his best what he does and that’s chip away at the leads and great climber great time trialist and a fast Sprinter there’s no reason he shouldn’t have won the Tour a couple of times at this point Christian so I I think I another chance to do it if I’m gonna say anything about I would say it’s aggression you know and we have some riders that are always going to be a little bit more aggressive than others and always push a little bit harder than others um and maybe that that’s the only thing I could say I’m not going to chalk it up to the cons that consideration that he’s coming to Sport AS late which is a great point though as well coming from ski racing or coming from Ski Jumping I should say um but it it there’s there’s some things that obviously are out of your control and sometimes when your time is up your time is up and you’re you’re you’re going down whether you like it or not but you were right you backed up with some very hard facts of things that have happened in the past and reasons to have trepidation for Primos going to the last stage first and foremost staying on your bike not necessarily falling apart like he did which has happened as well I mean you think back of the dolphin that almost with when car not not the dolphin the VTA shredding him on the 20th stage that was close that was very close it actually felt exactly like today I’m just happy for Mato that the difference was wasn’t winning the stage that time bonus that difference between 10 seconds and 6 seconds because if it was 4 seconds that he lost by to that would have hurt so bad or three or something like that that would have been brutal but nonetheless I I think that Mato could hold his head up very high after the way he raced um again like I said maybe a little bit of Monday Morning Quarterback of how he played it out um and but you don’t you don’t know until it happens right you never know how bad theyself and considering that Primos put him to the sword the previous two days it’d be hard to really have that confidence going anyways where B was the only one who could even stay on his wheel just yesterday I don’t know well I was impressed with Primos but for the team maybe more importantly than Primos winning the the doof the the confidence and the investment they’ve made and the difference he’s made to the program to actually deliver for me that was important for his teammates going into the tour to fronts as it was for him himself I think yeah uh J hindley was was definitely stepping up I think he’ll be a lot better at the tter France he’s starting to get better and better um Bob jungles was getting better he’s one of the the stale Awards he’s going to have to be by his side as a team captain on the road and blaso exceptional during this week so strong team they rode well together and Primos brought up this point early I think the first day before the first day talking about he hasn’t really had the opportunity to truly race with a team too many times if you take away the time trial the one time trial that he won in the bass country and the time trial also in perin he’s only had nine days of racing with his team since he’s been on this team since he left yum bisma last year so yeah he needed every day to get the team and get the team out to have the the full backing of his team and get that confidence going and it’s all about momentum we talk about this all the time and you always want the moment and coming out of the race going into a big rendevu with the tour to France and especially how hard this first week of racing where you need to be on point so uh I think most of these Riders apart from maybe a few like David godu I mentioned in the show he would be one of the guys I totally call that there’s no chance you could put him on the favorites list like no just just no um but most even I would say the same thing goes with Remco evole I I’m not displeased the way he raced you know winning the time sh out by himself and I think that he got better and better he said to himself he hadn’t had that much time he had to do so much work on his body off the bike before you can even think about truly training so I think he’s going to be okay as well it’s still close this day and age you don’t want to be too far off the mark with even with two and a half three weeks to go so he’s he’s got some work to do um both on and off the bike up until the tour but I I I’m giving him the nudge that he’s going to be ready when things all start when the really hat drops in Florence I think I think rco’s going to be ready you just announced their roster for the tour to France how do they stack up against Bora for example dude youu could they could come up with they could come up with like three teams that’ still be great I mean that’s a good point if they were allowed three teams in the tour I think they’d have a couple of guys in the top 10 win five stages get the overall win H it’s just an incredible budget that they have let’s be honest um but the team for the tour to FR it looks really solid and uh I think that they have a big Advantage for Teddy pachar over every other team in the tour front in my estimation in all honesty the only thing that I have a bit of pause with is that’s a lot of cooks in the kitchen it’s a a lot of talent a lot of people who are used to being at the Forefront they are the stars and to take to beat second tur to someone else and I’m I’m thinking of AA first and for not that he’s a jerk or anything bad by it’s just character you know it’s the hard wiring yeah yeah and and that’s why we love him he he does go he goes flat out so I USA didn’t finish this race for example um so I I think they’ll they’ll all be good that that’s the only thing I could come up with as as a negative just being Devil’s Advocate in this conversation because they are on paper unbelievable I mean there’s nothing wrong with the team on paper um and especially I I can’t wait to see I use I I think that he will Elevate his riding stature with the eyeballs that are going to be at him I I feel like he has that kind of class um elm’s always been to me sometimes just eh when it comes to being a teammate as as far as you know going deep in the mountains he’s he’s got it but you know does a lot of time he doesn’t have that massive acceleration go really deep and make the the pace as hard as Tedy needs to to go to attack off that um but all the other soldiers they it’s a strong team but like I said if I’m going to play D Devil’s Advocate there’s a lot of cooks in that kitchen and just it’s that’s the front office you know just to try to keep those guys in line keep them happy keep them remind them that they’re going to have their chance next year or this chance over here because when you start thinking about well what when am I going to get my opportunity to shine where when can I go and get a stage win or when can I go for the general classification H you might be waiting a while because Ted’s he’s just to feel like he’s just getting the engines going yet again and how things can change so quickly in professional cycling visma was it like so far beyond better than the best yes that to imagine now that they’re like playing catchup Matteo jensson we’ll get to Mato in a second but for the rest of that Squad to think that Bora would be better at this point in the season that UAE most certainly would be better and and any riding great by the way we’ll see if aan Bernal or Carlos Rodriguez is the leader in the tourto fronts but visma is a big question mark for me at this point in the season I think they have a lot of questions as well I think I don’t think you’re alone and that I mean if they’re going to be honest I they they don’t know exactly what’s going to happen I think it’s going to go day by day and I think it’s going to come all the way down to the wire of some the decisions they’re making and maybe even some decisions during the tour itself I mean this week is a great example that this great point you brought up Steven cwick Dylan Van barell two strong two of the strongest real lieutenants they have on their team are now out of the tour entirely sep cous had to start not start today’s stage today’s Sunday with the last stage they did not get to start with sep cous and he has been a shell of himself let’s be honest the entire doph so I’m not too scared to set but it’s it’s a hard fact that those two Riders Stevie and Dylan will not be at the tour to friend it’s massive hole man I don’t care who’s putting go those guys in who you putting in there right I mean yeah exactly not thees and W maybe not at their best either that y yeah so time will tell visma though they might not be the dominant Force they have been in recent years in the T France that’s for sure in UAE an embarrassment of riches and poor are riding so good good uh time will tell but uh it definitely might make for a much more interesting TT France if yonas is not at his very best when last year was an absolute runaway starting with time trial but they’ve been sneaky they’ve been quiet about y’s progress or lack thereof we don’t really know um we’re not privy to his numbers what he’s been doing in training I mean can see some things you can see just what he looks like physically uh there’s a picture of him on obviously up in the Alps not so long and you can see his time TR bike in the background as well so he’s obviously still riding his time TR bike so he’s he’s not just training a little bit he’s training a lot and with specicity as as well so he’s riding the Tantra bike when it’s flat and the downhills in recovery um I think he’s GNA be there I really didn’t think at all after spending 12 days in the hospital after the crash in the I didn’t think it was going to be a possibility for him to come back um I’m pumped that he has but it’s another big decision because you don’t want to bring yonas there just to have yonas there you want them there to be a challenger and this is a guy who just won the Tour last two years you’re not bringing them to get seventh or eighth no way that’s too big of an asset especially going forward and looking to next year so it’s uh yeah it’s it’s the time is ticking quickly we’ve been having this conversation for the last month within our our crew here and it can’t believe how quickly it’s going by I mean I’m leaving in two weeks you’re leaving even closer to go over to Italy got to get to Italy early the pasta awaits Christian good reason to get over there even if Jonas is at his best you got to imagine Mato the young American on the squad will be a protected Rider throughout at least the opening stages of of the tour to front for the visma squad I would assume so Bob I I would 100% assume so and I I think that I would even put sep in there even though he wasn’t able to perform at his best this week he’s a gamer he’s going to be ready they he knows exactly what he needs to do to get himself ready obviously had some kind of stumbling with sickness whatever his issues were this year he was nowhere close to his best this last eight days of racing or seven for him so I’m G to put step into that mix as well so having three years I don’t like that conversation though either you want to go to a race with just one leader 100% but with so many question marks how do you do that that’s scary yeah so it’s it’s going to be it’s going to be tricky and and not having Dylan and not having Stevie there and W still being a question mark hope hopefully he’s goingon to be there um I assume especially that Dylan is now out I assume that W is going to have to be pushed a little bit here to go and do the tour to France and not be able to 100% focus on the Olympic Games so that’s that’s my guess I don’t know I I don’t know any more than yourself what do you think you think walk’s going to be there I I I definitely yeah yeah Steph he’s going to he started to get better tour of Norway better and better each day third on the final stage and from that point almost a month maybe a month plus before the tour to France and uh we see nowadays with rogl with Figo with pachar with Remco not having a lot of races is sometimes an asset and same with Mato Mato Jorgenson doesn’t need that many races because training now is so specific and so geared toward being successful at the big objective of the season I think that wal would be solid and Mota Matteo especially is going to be even better at the tourto fronts and that’s going to be something to see but this week Matteo was really really solidly just missed the win and maybe because of winning Perry nce which was a big surprise to Mato and everybody else earlier in the year might be a little bit disappointed but uh his week I thought went really really well about as well as could be expected and rogal was just a tiny bit better at the end of the whole week of racing and like you brought up in the show without those time bonuses you know it’s it’s always like that though with with rogich how many times have we call the rication he’s always getting those time bonuses across the line he’s just that much quicker than the other climbers did a great time St third place 39 seconds behind Remco evle so yeah I I think that rites def but back to Mato I again I I think that he’s gaining that confidence every day I think he goes into the unknown with every race that we’ve seen this year he’s never gone that far in paring n he’s never tried to go and win a one- day classic like om okay he’s tried but never really truly had the capabilities of doing so and that kind of pressure going forward with one of the best teams um so he’s definitely flown the flag for that Squad and thank God they signed him and you know it’s funny to think that you know there’s a lot of question marks with Mato going to that strong Squad and it was the same thing as youe embarrassment of riches when are you going to be given the opportunity to be the leader of the team how are you ever going to go and race for yourself well obviously he’s had the best season we could ever have prayed for and it’s and just and it’s still only halfway through the season let’s see what happen to the tour there’s an interview coming a little bit after the podium presentation uh or at least to to our eyes and we did get a chance to hear from him um after the stage finished and he was second on the stage and won the best Young Riders Jersey maybe in in the I don’t know days probably not but weeks and months to come losing out on the doof by only 8 seconds um I was very impressed of how steady how calm how UNP Panic how safely how much chaos there was and how Matteo avoided all of it through the week’s racing and that’s down to his character and I think that uh that’s a big piece of the puzzle for being a contender in a three-week tour and Matteo in this doof and in the perin by the way and uh throughout just about every season he seems to be not immune to the chaos of professional cycling but at least a little bit better than many of his Rivals yeah maturity Way Beyond his years there’s no doubt about that and we’ve been saying that for a couple years even when he was pretty much the lone soldier doing everything for himself on mov star but now at the backing the squad that he has with Vima Lisa bike he’s having a good time and he’s think that’s been the biggest shift in his mentality that how much happier he is that he’s not by himself doing ALU Camp he’s not I mean who cares about the monetary side we having to do it yourself but really just being alone that’s not easy nor is it fun so having that team structure around him and the maturity level like you said those pay massive dividends it’s it’s how how you are socially of course to get along with your team but to be able to take the days and take the stress and stay calm and collected at 24 years AG okay he’s going to be 25 in the first week of the tour to friends a very mature kid um where he could go is anyone’s guess from here I mean we saw a lot of similarities with with yonas when he was working for Primos in in the Dolph when he had to put the braks on and wait for Primos on the last stage holy man this kid is incredible and then Primos crashing out him getting the green light and he get in second place like oh my good and then of course we all know what happened the last two years winning back to back so like you said earlier cycling changes really quickly these days it doesn’t take the years of development anymore there’s so much information at our fingertips nutrition has changed things with larger Riders being able to go deeper into high mountains stage races like we saw here with both Derek G and and Mato 6’3 6’2 massive kids going deep it it’s going to be fun to watch I I’m I’m very excited there was a a time when the jro had just finished and I was terrified looking I was like oh my goodness Teddy is gonna sweep the floor with everyone and that still might happen be it still might happen but you know we’re just going to have to wait Anything Could Happen um I think there’s a lot more players coming in into Focus as we get closer into the tour um yes that still may happen as I said that I uh I’m second guessing well let’s hear what Mato had to say after today’s stage when he had another very good day in the Criterium to doof uh best young Rider but uh let’s hear from Matteo after today’s stage it’s a grueling finish uh did you see what was going on behind did you see that Primos was uh struggling yeah I had a feeling from uh the start of the day on the four claw the first climb of the day the break was going and it was quite hard and uh I just had a feeling Primos was struggling a bit um and yeah thankfully I was correct I uh yeah there’re yeah just have to thank te because he really uh the whole day was telling me believe in yourself believe in yourself you can do it and yeah I to yeah I just think sometimes throughout my whole career I’ve maybe others have believed in me more than I’ve believed in myself and um yeah that needs to change I think this is the last time uh that I don’t believe in myself did you have the time gaps in your ears you had a like 20 seconds 30 seconds 35 seconds 45 seconds getting closer to a potential yellow Jersey you were listening till the the gaps yeah of course of course it was it was nonstop in the radio uh and yeah I was just trying to do my best in the end like the gaps didn’t really help so much because I was just trying to give my best effort and it was also getting a bit complicated I didn’t want G to then come around cuz he was really yeah he was really close to me and so I just was being careful but once he was dropped I yeah I went all in with Carlos and I got close really close but um yeah wasn’t to be this time any regrets no regrets no regrets it’s been a really good week and I leave here super happy and ready for the Twitter friends and you leave with a with a jersey on your shoulders and that’s also always nice I suppose for your collection definitely my last year in the white jersey and um yeah it’s it’s super nice see you on the tour thanks so see you on the tour can’t wait to see Mato in this year’s tour to France uh for the visma squad and protected Rider most certainly would be probably good tactics for the visma team and maybe sharpen his form a little bit what does Mato need to do between now and the tour to front scription to be at his very best well I think the biggest takeaway there is is the confidence Bob um yeah that’s never going to happen again i’ l hearing that um I think a lot of us I think everyone has struggled with confidence at some point in time especially if you’re not just born into winning like T for example where you that’s all you know and you don’t even question anything about this is the way you race whereas you know when I spoke to mat Before the Race started he had to questions how his body was going to react with three massive days in the mountains and I’m saying like to see how these broad shoulders can make it up the hills and so when you change your mindset from okay I’m not just making it through this I’m flourishing and I’m second place and now I have the opportunity of winning this outright all within five kilometers time this all adjust um in hindsight maybe if he would have gone from the bottom and he Al also referenced the fact that he saw that Primos was struggling on the first category one climb the for claws coming out of ansy um so and then of course th t b saying hey just believe in yourself believe in yourself and many of us have had those problems that fear failure or imposter syndrome when you’re with a rider like Primos who let’s be honest beat him up pretty good in the previous two stages but you just don’t know until you actually race so I think the biggest takeaway there is is his confidence has grown exponentially um this solidified what he did in perin which was already a massive surprise to himself the team myself everyone around the world um he’s someone to contend with and if you have a rider who has maturity level of Mato like we already talked about and now you have confidence that’s the last year now now we’re cruising um and just you just have to just give yourself the right opportunities and he’s given himself every opportunity like you mentioned Bob he’s always really really in control of his emotions and himself on the bike um even saying that he was quite conservative in the first two days and not wanting to go too deep and then today you know I’m gonna give it give it a shot and see what I could do um maybe again not in his Wildest Dreams what do you thought he was going to come within eight seconds as well today so I yeah that being the last stumbling block of of any athlete and especially in professional cycling these days where the top tier is so it’s just hairs difference in form and strength and if you have the confidence to attack sometime that’s the biggest Money Maker right there that’s the biggest difference there is that confidence to really or or take away the fear and just race your bike like you know you know how to do how do you reckon he divined that Primos was in trouble on the first climate of the day I thought Primos looked pretty solid to the last few kilometers but Mato must have some solid tactical abilities also I mean and it’s physically spectacular but that’s impressive to me Christian well we didn’t get to see that that they don’t do wall to wall uh coverage like we be at the tour to FR so we didn’t get to see how they’re racing up the four Cola so maybe he hurt you could you know obviously you know as well as I do sometimes you could hear you could even hear the breath rate of a rider next to you they’re way over their limit the way they’re pedaling sometimes and he just not being doing Primos things Primos once in a while he just decides to go to front he’ll pass 20 guys you know this just and he if he wasn’t doing those kind of things and he’s pinned or maybe just panicking a little bit Yeah you could take some things out of the equation and that I think that just shows you how good Mato was as well if he’s that in the moment that he’s already looking around and judging Riders around him he has the wherewithal to do so that shows again his maturity level impressive uh yeah and his just his cycling IQ so uh I think everyone’s very very forward and very bullish on mat tail going forward and see what he could do in the tour how about Remco I thought that that it was I thought Josh Tarling was going to stomp everybody in the time trial so when rco won that I was like oh boy here we go the belgians as usual are lying about their form when we don’t know absolutely for sure he say no I’m off the back I’m not at my best I got I need some time uh but on the last three days in the mountains until today where he was better I kind of was like okay maybe he wasn’t lying and it looked like he needed more time to me that than he has before the tour to front starting in Florence in 20 days Christian so so you’re saying that he he still needs let’s say another week or so I to in my estimation to be capable of doing what he can and win the Tour and uh got to go back to Lucien van imp for a Belgian to cycling craziest Nation on Earth to have a tour winner maybe that’ll be a stumbling block but I I don’t want to pretend that I’m not a huge Remco aaple fan but I just don’t see him being ready uh against rogich against Jonas against even Mato uh and especially against tidy Pacha in the tourto fronts in the big mountains at least this year for for the win I’m not going to disagree with you I think he’s I think he’s going to be heads and shoulders better than what we saw this week in the doph um but I’m not going to disagree with you there I think he’s he’s in good shape to be able to be a a solid Podium Contender but honestly but I I didn’t put him above that before and this is before you know the big crash of yonas bingo in the B country I I didn’t put him on the same level in the tour to France as taty and Jonas I always saw him as as being the best app those guys is the incredible bike rider to your point yeah absolutely he’s when when he’s on his day good luck trying to beat that kid um yes but I I think I think you’re right I’m I’m not going to disagree with you at all I think he could definitely use another another week of of prepping and fine-tuning um that said though again I think that he looked so much better and it’s all about just getting better and better trying to recover as quickly as you possibly can not push too hard but definitely work and fine-tuning that engine in the last two or so weeks we have before coming back down from alud if they’re going to go back up to which I I’m assuming that he will be um so I I think he’s going to be he’s going to be good he’s going to be great he’s going to be able to contend for the win I I’m kind of with you I I definitely think that’s that’s a bit of a stretch but I if I am on his team and I REM go I’m quite content with the way this week went mik Landa was strong the rest of the team you saw in the finale Carlos Rodriguez five teammates and a guy in the breakway it’s only seven men in the race and Mikel Landa that’s maybe uh for sudal and Remco aaple something we’ll be talking a lot about that if Remco does find himself in a position to get a high place in the overall standings what kind of team support he will have in those critical moments that might be the big difference in the tour to France this year yeah and Elon Van Wilder as well um a writer who was writing very well I don’t know how beat up he was from one of those crashes for example um but he was nowhere to be seen um yeah so that’s a great great point to bring up especially with these teams seemingly so just getting stronger and stronger every year and it’s not just one team it’s several teams just like we had the same conversation with the Sprint trains with one point in time it’s only one team not two teams now there’s seven eight teams who have incredible Sprint trains all dedicated to try to win Sprint stages same thing goes with a general classification whether or not that really means a difference though Bob of winning or losing because you you still need to have someone who’s going to finish off the job inos has had a strong team many times but they never had the guy who really good across the line especially with these two you know talents that are just really their generational talents with with yonos and T so what’s going to happen this year who knows there’s always a revelation just like we saw this this week with Derek G usually there’s a revelation in the Twitter France as well most times we know by now who’s going to be there and I’m not going to say there’s going to be a Derek g at the tour I’m hoping for him I think it’s always great um but when Tad took Primos rage down a step back in 2020 we didn’t see that going coming though either and plch the bell fee there’s no way thought Primo 100% had in the bag that’s why we race and that’s why we just keep on pushing it forward that’s why we race and that’s why we are always looking forward to the tour to France and we’re only 20 days away from it now thanks everybody for joining us and uh we will see you soon on beyond the podium and before you know it the tour of fro will be here thanks everybody for watching


    1. Wish you guys had commeted the coverage. The feed used has a knowledgeable commentator who has a voice for magazines…
      I'm sorry but his voice is grating after a while watching.
      Looking forward to TdF and seeing and hearing the team, especially the one and only Phil along with Bob and Christian.
      Is Chris Horner ever coming back?

    2. After watching Chris Horner analyze, dissect key moments, and inject insight into this race…. these guys sound like generalists adding nothing that you or I already thought about.

    3. Tadej to win Le Tour Primos & Jonas for podium but Matteo is a wildcard. Let's hope Cav gets that last win as well 🙏🏼🚵🏾‍♀️👍🏻💯🇨🇵

    4. Guys, Matteo told us a couple of times, Benoot was the one that saw something in Roglic (how many years did they ride together?) and kept egging Matteo. Heck, at points he was leading the pack and had to look back a few times just to see that Matteo wasn't there. That's how convinced Benoot was that Roglic didn't have it.

    5. BOB… are you at least shaving The Great White Mess , for the Tour ?? Do it early so you can get some color on that face of yours !!
      Bless you Both for all you do for our sport !
      SIMPLY THE BEST !! 😎

    6. I've always thought primoz was having a trauma response to his ski jumping accident.

      This is what part of your system will try to avoid the things that put you in danger previously.

      When you override this part of your system you lose some of the cohesion that would otherwise be available to you to avoid the crashes.

      I have fixed similar encoded body memories but not necessarily in a sports focus setting.

      Hope he finds the answer.

    7. Roglic way off his best and yet he still finds a way to win! Matteo is great but he is at his best right now also no crashes or injuries. Lets see how he bounces back when that happens to him?

    8. Another great show guys…always love hearing the musings of Santa Bobke and CVDV!

      Bobke makes a great point about the almost supernatural skill of staying upright on the bicycle in the bunch and the cost of failure to do so. This is such an uderrated skill that is raised to an art by riders like Tadej Pogacar, but to be fair Bobke, let us not forget that there was a Texan who was pretty good at it too!


    9. I noticed that he sits much lower than other riders. Even his bike is lower. Is it possible he can't see far enough ahead of himself to anticipate things happening. Just a thought. I too would love to see him race at full capacity against his competitors.

    10. not sure what happened nbc but the first and last stage were commentated by Bob and Christian and then the others were commentated by a brit whose name I can never remember. why was that? and my takeaways were Kuss is paying the price this year for having ridden 3 tours last year and roglic and remko can't compete with the form tadej has shown this year. the tdf will be great

    11. Good overall analysis of the Dauphine and predictions for the TDF. Tadej is definitely the overwhelming favorite and the best overall rider in the world currently. A healthy Jonas is one of the best stage racers and climbers of all time, so this TDF outcome hinges largely on the health of Jonas and the talent of Tadej. Fun times!

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