Join George Cyprus Insight for a day on a Buggie.

    Looking for a fun day out with a buggie? Check out this guide to quads, buggies, scooters, and bike hire in Cyprus! All you need to know for an adventure-filled day.

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    Music Tiptoe by Jeremy Blake.
    Graphics by Max Harrison.

    [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] well hi guys it’s George from Cyprus insight and today we’re in the lovely quiet paner we parked up and I’m very excited guys we’re going to rent a buggy it’s a nice day today little bit overcast but really nice lovely warm there’s a little bit of a breeze I think a perfect day for a picnic bit of off-roading so I thought let’s give George down in Panera a little ring and see if he’s got that pickup truck so I rang him earlyer and said George have you got that pickup truck can we hire it for the day and he says yeah it’s available come down done me a great deal so we’re down here guys there’s George’s place look special prices and really is special prices oh look there’s some people got them quad bikes so as you can see it’s quite busy here guys and we’re only in the beginning of the Season there’s some more buggies that one’s a bit low I don’t fancy that one guys this one’s quite nice isn’t it it’s got massive Wheels I’m after one of these guys the pickup truck I saw this last year and uh he did bring some brand new ones in I think this is one of the brand new ones so hopefully we’ll take one of these out and as I said we gave George a ring and he did say yeah there’s one available do come down and uh pick it up so we’ll go and do the paperwork and then get going there we are just a couple there got their quad bikes and off they go so guys some people are just waiting to finish their paperwork work and they be off this has just come back this is what we got last year guys do you remember look out for the video If you haven’t seen it we picked up one of these for four people I don’t know why we picked it up it was available and he gave us a really good price on it guys and also had loads and loads of room at the back for our picnic so we got this and fantastic fun we went down to Capo greo we had our picnic and went off-roading a little bit and as as I said this year we fancy a pickup truck now let me show you what sort of machines Georgie’s got to offer he’s got loads and loads this year he has had a delivery of brand new buggies and some brand new mopeds so here we are we’ve got some buggies here they’re waiting to be cleaned prepared to go out again tomorrow I do believe the pickup truck’s being prepared to go out I think we’re taking that as I say there is this massive quad bike guys it is enormous now look at the size of this and I do believe this is brand new this year guys it’s got a massive box at the back so you can fit all sorts and you can look it up there we are looks like it fits to people very comfortably and look at the back rest on this really nice isn’t it guys looks very safe quite like that if I was getting a quad bike guys I might get one of those cuz um it looks really really safe here’s the mopeds guys he’s got loads of them he’s got 50 CC’s 125s and also he’s got some big ones over there guys there’s some more smaller quad bikes if you fancy something small they’re nice as well we’ve seen these around haven’t we guys loads of people rent these very very popular also you can rent push bikes from George’s as well these got some nice push bikes they’re like mountain bikes guys look at these loads of mountain bikes lovely thick tires great suspension really good ones he’s got a few new ones amongst them look that green one the black one and the red one oh and that one over there they all brand new this year and that’s a brand new one look so if you’re into mopeds guys really good price on your mopeds here guys I’ve just seen two young ladies rent a moped and uh they are very reasonable oh what’s out there I think that’s another brand new quad bike thing oh it is look at this yet another big quad bike this one’s got a hitch on the front look at that whoa just in case you get caught in the mud guys it can pull you out in fact you can pull yourself out could you yeah it’s got a motor there it is there look so if you get into trouble looks like you just get this pull it out get yourself out of trouble that’s a good idea loads and loads of room look how wide it is really comfortable for the passenger you sit back and relax and they’re all automatic guys really easy to drive apparently look just put it in gear and off you go so they’re really really easy to drive and George will show you how to drive them explain what to do of course you can always pick one of these up guys if you’re around the paneer area and you want to scoot around they’re very nice to uh scoot around especially in the evening if you fancy going lots of places oh there’s another buggy look at that one right yet another brand new buggy guys as you can see look they’re all automatic you just put it in drive or whatever you press the button and off you go of course he’s got loads and loads of safety equipment guys we’ve got bike helmets up here really good ones loads and loads of proper bike helmets there loads there guys there loads over here oh that’s a fancy one isn’t it and you can pick anyone you like try it on see if it’s your size now lots of people have been asking us about mobility scooters and here we are guys it’s a brand new Mobility Scooter here looks really nice also even got wind Minas so that also available guys now as you can see guys these two young ladies are taking the little buggy out the one right at the end and George’s colleague is showing him the map where they can go interesting places to see especially on the uh little buggies so there’s our lovely George how are you always happy to help aren’t you any problems it good everything’s fine George great now uh we’ve done the paperwork haven’t we yes great so we needed our passport is that cor you need the driving license and your passport that’s right we’ve given you the driving license and the passport now how old have you got to be to rent one of these machines have to be 18 year and old so you got to be 18 years and older yes oh dear George I got a bit of a problem I’m only 17 ah this is a little bit BS you have to be 18 of not really guys he looked at me a bit strange there didn’t you give you 17 years so you can have a scooter with provisional license you can have a one new scooter like this one here scooter you scoter 17 years so you have to have a scooter with provisional 18 and up you need to put license to drive the quot or baggies or anything and of course you can always hire a push bike couldn’t you a bik icle or also with not license you can drive the ey go oh yes of course the little eye go that’s right and you can scoot around in those can’t you yes and I did notice you’ve got a Mobility Scooter as well for the disabled this year I have also I get I buy in Mobility yes right I did we did notice that the mobility scooter and that’s also available to anybody I buy this year the mobility scoter so it’s brand new the ship right so let’s go and have a look at the ranger this this is brand new this year isn’t it yes brand new I get it very busy very early and I’m busy busy you are busy I have a lot of R and I’ve not I noticed it’s all prepared for us it’s all being cleaned which you’ve cleaned it every it looks spectacular we can put lots of food in there couldn’t we potato everything everything or we could go out in the fields can’t wa now you have shown us the map and showed us some interesting places to visit haven’t you show you I I give to people nice map and I going to explain where they allowed to go where is not allowed to go they can go to see the caves they can go come show you right okay let’s go and have a look guys he has actually given us a a map already I’m going to use the slope oh I do like that slope he’s just jumped up there oh he’s fitter than me my Jew is much younger than me so let’s go and have a look should we here we are so this is the big man on the wall I give this map and I explain to the customers where they can go my shop is here they can go to see Pras you can go to down to see the caves then Green Bay with the tles how you call it tles that’s right the turtles that’s great yeah we go green BOS Beach caves right from caves they can go to the love Bridge love Bridge can go they can go to see the village close TOA brilliant fantastic so lots and lots of places to visit whatever you’re hiring yes brilliant and also you’ve given us on the paperwork is the phone numbers anything any problems any problem they have I look after that they just call me and I go to have a service I have a 24-hour service right yeah you did say to us that you’re available 24 hours of the day if any emergency any problem they have it I’m next to my customers fantastic so George we’re lucky enough to have our own car and come down here in p and if if you’re not staying in Panera and you’re not local if he’s the out if he’s far away for me they can call me the people and I go to pick him up from the hotel I have a free how transfer yes well so if they’re interested you they can phone you they can even phone you WhatApp in WhatsApp or Viper or they send me message where they stay or in the village or any Hotel they are and I go to pick him up from the place to drive it here and when they finish I going to drive you back to the place where they live and that’s all included in the price this I don’t charge any extra that sounds fantastic what a service thank you very much so there are these two have just yeah just now that ladies they rented one with my bike beautiful ladies for feel so enjoy yourselves girls enjoy your day it’s really easy to Drive isn’t it yeah it’s fantastic and you driveing left side H because I know in F drive right left side always H well enjoy if any problem call me yes so as I explained to the viewers georg’s sorted this one out for us haven’t you George I’m going to show you how is work okay George all right no problem jump inside that is a steer that’s the steering wheel well we got that far brilliant so we know about the steering wheel don’t we when you started with everything the steer they go up and down oh okay so we got an adjusting column yeah switch on wait going down break and start without brake is no start you have to use a brake and start right so like automatics we put your you put your foot on the brake and it will start sounds easy enough this is a park brake right reverse neutral hi that’s it is that it George very very it so easy and off it goes wow no stop that is in left stop right stop off in the park and that’s it even the child could do it really couldn’t they so easy to drive fantastic and that’s it and is that the same with most of the vehicles the 90% is work like this it’s all of it automatic it’s known gears g g go gas going that’s it brilliant guys if you are lucky enough to hire a buggy or quad bike or whatever we’re going to give you a few tips a few essentials bring a little cardigan can and get chilly can’t it there are remember guys there’s no windscreen so it can get a little bit chilly so we got our backpack don’t forget if you’re going a capo Greco if you’re going Capo Greco guys don’t forget your insect repellent so insect repellent guys if you’re going for the sunset like we are don’t forget your insect repellent they do come out at Sunset don’t they the little buggers next suntan lotion guys don’t forget your suntan lotion especially in that uh heat of the day and also it can get a bit windy you could get a little bit uh burnt and also guys sunglasses or normal glasses of course sunglasses you won’t be able to wear them in the dark you can use reactor lights or any glasses cuz of course you haven’t got a windscreen so you got the wind blowing up in your face so it’s a good idea to have some sort of glasses so here we are guys you’re right there the Cru you’re right you have to climb up a little bit there’s a little bit of a step not much guys so this is the one we’re taking out it’s a Ranger XP lovely headlights beautiful so we’ve got our backpacks on the back guys the crew is getting strapped in and then we’ll make a plan and see where we’re going to go we are going for a picnic so guys we parked the car a little around the corner and the crew is going to go and get the cat food we forgot the cat food always carry cat food guys we just got dry cat food this time just in case we come across a few cats especially when we have in a picnic we don’t want to be sitting there eating while we got some cats around us and they haven’t got anything so the crew’s picking up the cat food and she’s going to put it in the back loads of room in the back do we know where we’re going first uh the cave Church we’re going to go to a cave Church guys so buckle up and let’s go [Music] so guys we’re it’s our first off-roading Road there it’s a bit rough you can’t get down here with a normal car we ain’t got to worry in this lovely Jeep thing and we’re going have G visit AOS Sanda it’s down there on the right I do believe right off we go guys [Music] [Applause] so here we are there’s the church guys and it’s in a cave we’ve been here before we’ve done a little video and as we picked up the uh lovely pickup truck we thought we’d come back and do another video for you guys can you see the dirt road so if you do come up here with your car guys do be careful and we ain’t got to worry too much not with this giant thing we’ve hired it’s fantastic are you enjoying it I am it’s fantastic guys so let’s go have a look around the cave church should we guys oh look at little steeple at the top it beautiful so guys I’m going to go and have a look at the church in the cave and we’ll do a separate video for you guys for the this whole area so look out for the video so guys we’re on the way down there’s a picnic area on the right convenient located picnic area and you can see how pickley pickley the road is so guys as per usual we lost but it doesn’t matter the this road should lead us out so guys we’re back on the main road going towards a Nappa so destination number two there’s the crew in the ranger guys and we’re going to visit the lovely a Nappa Sculpture Park going to have a little wander around look out for the videos guys of this place and then we’re going to go on into a neppa so there’s some lovely sculptures look at that that’s a new one I think there loads and loads of new sculptures guys this is a must do so this is a fantastic place to visit guys and if you’re here in the summer why not come down at Sunset when it cools down a bit you can visit this place it’s completely free there’s loads and loads of fantastic works of art and yet another fantastic visit to the a NEPA scul part guys so let’s get back on the ranger so guys destination number three in our Ranger This Is The Love Bridge oh looks like someone else is hired a ranger as well let’s go down to the love Bridge sh we guys now be careful down here it’s a little bit hiy piy it’s a little bit slidy very popular destination guys there’s our famous Coastal path there we are don’t forget to look out for the videos guys we have done the coastal path around this area guys around onto a neppa so let’s go to the love Bridge so if you have got little ones with you guys hold their hand there are no barriers around here just Cliff edges so be very very careful especially if you don’t like heights like me right down here looks like lots of people taking photos there we are around the corner oh look at that sea a’t it lovely and there’s the famous love Bridge guys there are some caves around here as well down there at the bottom so destination number four I think I will lose count obviously guys and we are in Nissi Avenue in AA and we’re going to pick up our picnic at the bakery up the steps oh big steps right guys I’m going to get a halumi and cheese pie there’s the flers guys the traditional cot e cheese pie get one of them for definite cuz you don’t get them often just at Easter time so you’re going to get a gooa aren’t you and you got the mushroom one fasting type one don’t forget the lemon loads and loads of drinks to choose from there’s the traditional superate red eggs guys they’re normal eggs dyed red we’ve got different colors here I’ve never seen seen them in different colors normally it’s red so destination number five guys I Adventure in the ranger here we are at this lovely Beach guys it really is a Hidden Gem amost Kari I do believe it’s pronounced it’s a beautiful little beach I’ll take you down to the beach in a minute guys before we take you to the beach there is a feeding station here for the cats this is fantastic guys a new feeding station for the cats ain’t it a great idea at this so what they’ve done they’ve made a lovely little shed for them it’s got two levels and this is a good idea isn’t it guys it’s like a plastic and then there’s another feeding station down here so guys you can look out for the video we have been to this beach a couple of times and done few videos for you guys as we had a delicious sandwich down here there is an amazing Sandwich Bar just beyond the coastal path I’ll show you that in a minute before I show you that guys let me show you the beautiful butterflies so just walk along here and they start coming out the bushes there we are I don’t know if we can catch them on the video there we are can you see that and they beautiful what an amazing butterfly I’ve never seen a butterfly that like that before guys they are beautiful aren’t they and they’re all over the place looks like the cats like them I don’t think they eat them guys they just play with them I think there we go there’s another one there’s hundreds of them all around here guys right now let’s go onto the beach and I’ll show you this amazing Beach so there’s the beach guys and they’ve got these beautiful sun beds now they are the same price as everywhere else €250 an item but they got these massive cushions amazing umbrellas lovely soft sand and there’s a gentle Sandy slope going into the sea well sheltered around here it’s not a very big beach guys just a very small Beach so if you do come down here and the weekends especially do come early cuz there’s not a lot of sun beds it looks like there’s a lot but there isn’t trust me lots of lovely sculptures down here similar to the Sculpture Park at aan neppa which is just up the road so let’s have a look at the venue area should we guys there it is I do believe you can get married here can’t you there’s lots of conveniently located benches either side for your guests conveniently located at table for your bits and pieces while you get married and look at the view well let me take this opportunity guys to thank Elite Koy Steven CLA and an for the super thanks much much appreciated now if I go a little bit forward you can see the soft Sandy slope straight into the sea and can you see how well sheltered it is it’s only small isn’t it it’s very small beach look how big it is and there’s all the sun beds on the right this is the only place you can get in the seea guys it’s all Rocky all the way around but very Sandy here there are lifeguards here as well guys there’s the brand new lifeguard posts oh I’m going to have a little rest here what a lovely place to have a rest let me take this opportunity to say hello to David hello David he’d be joining us on the St George’s for the family Sunset Cruise and if anyone else like to join us let us know you’d get 20% discount on the tickets and that’s on the 30th of July guys and also don’t forget we will be going on to the St George’s for the 80s and 90s disco Sunset Cruise on the 22nd of May May and the 29th of June and again guys if you want to join us just let us know and we’ll get you 20% off the ticket price also guys let me mention we are on the magusa on the 12th of May it’s not an official Meetup but we will be going on a little cruise on the Fantastic Medusa boat and that sets off at 10 30 a.m. guys sharp oh you can see the a Nappa wonky Tower from here right so let me show you the sandwich bar as well guys look out for the video cuz they do an amazing delish Cate sandwich it’s down here along the coastal path look at the lovely gardens around here aren’t they wonderful guys loads and loads of free car parking there’s our Ranger over there I think he’s caught a fish it’s a big fish he’s got put on his back now there are showers here guys oh fancy showers as well look changing room toilets and there’s the little Sandridge bar ain’t it quaint guys ain’t it lovely that’s a have a look what a separate sandwich is €650 here we are stackus special sandwich €650 or you can go for the mix sandwich at5 oh I might have one of them this year as well it’s making me feel hungry I’ll tell you what let’s go to our next destination it might be the picnic I’ll ask the crew guys see where we’re going next she’s done the schedule for today oh she’s feeding the cats again where we going next crew Capo crao picnic oh I’m glad you said that guys I’m feeling quite hungry I’m looking forward to that fler the traditional CIA cheese pie do you want some floner no they don’t have fler they got dry food so you can see guys that we’re heading for Capo Greco up the top the roads a bit hiy but it’s not too bad you can see that the cars have to go very slow but in our Ranger it doesn’t really matter we can go as fast as we like L of course you can go as fast as you like unless you get stuck behind the car and now you can’t go fast at all guys so it’s not quite Sunset guys don’t forget your insect repellent so there you are the insect repellent there’s lots of car parking spaces around here guys and as you can see the road is very hicky picky the cars have to go very very slow but in our Ranger it’s not a problem at all so this is destination number five or six guys I told you I forget anyway doesn’t matter we have got our backpacks we’ve got our picnic and we’re going to go up the top guys all very popular at the moment we’re not going to do sunset today cuz it’s a bit Misty isn’t it bit hazy today but we’re going to do our picnic oh delish looking forward to that it’s been lots and lots of fun up to now in our Ranger really exciting oh that’s brand new guys look there’s a snack wagon now o oh look at that that’s new this year that wasn’t there last year guys right so let’s make can’t way up to Capo Greco as you notice guys it’s a very very popular area look out for the videos we have done the walk around here there is a nature walk goes all the way around Capo Greco that starts down there we’re not here today to do nature walk but you can look out for the video as I say oh the snack bars open on that side side I thought that was closer snack bar but it’s actually open guys and there’s umbrellas conveniently located chairs and tables so if you come up here and you haven’t bought your picnic with you doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore there’s a snack bar he probably does the famous Cate sandwich M delish so it’s the 28th of April guys and that’s why it’s a bit hazy it was sunny earlier in the week in the last couple of days it’s been a little bit hazy but hot so it’s a bit of a hike going up towards the Viewpoint well worth it very very popular especially in the summer guys lots and lots of people come down here in Rangers quad bikes buggies to watch the sunset oh thank you very much each and every one of you guys I’ve just heard we’ve hit 14,000 subscribers wow oh look at the [Music] view so guys a big push now to 15,000 subscribers if you haven’t subscribed yet to help it is completely free just press the Subscribe button okay we’re almost there how long do you think that’s taken us about 5 minutes guys as I said it’s a bit of a hike coming up really as you’re going down there are conveniently located benches is lots of shade up here look it’s like a pergula let me show you that let’s go up here up over the hickle to pickle two rocks mind you don’t slip there see we got a percula beautiful percula we’ve got conveniently located benches all over way around so you can watch the sunset and let me go up to the benches guys we’re going to go into the pergula to have our picnic but I want to show you the conveniently located benches here they are there’s one here and there’s one oh to my right right on the edge and look at the view beautiful it’s just a shame it’s a bit Misty today but as I said The Season’s only just started it is been warm anyway you could have gone to the beach this morning so you got the traditional CET gooa normally has mints meat in it this one’s got mushrooms cuz it’s fasting time it is Easter or Easter coming up now Easter’s next week guys orthod dox Easter is 1 month after English Easter isn’t it is it delish always delish is it now I’ve got the traditional cypriate floner it’s Unique to Cyprus guys the cypret fler it’s a traditional cheese pie here we are and that’s baked only at Easter well let’s open this up and see what it’s like so there we are there’s the floner guys lots and lots of raisins in this particular one as I said it’s cheese it’s a cheese pie you can have it with or without raisins and it is delish going to the halumi and Olive Pie Guys oh look at the size of that halumi M delish well we’ve had a fantastic day haven’t we on our adventure on the Ranger and we’ve been to lots of places that are difficult to get to by car and there’s lots lots more other places you can go to guys that are difficult to get to by car including the caves they’re down there you see the cars and the quad bikes down below you might not be able to catch them on camera there’s lots more other places guys you can visit with these quad bikes and Rangers and Buggies we’ve had lots of fun guys don’t forget to like And subscribe and if there’s somewhere You’ like me to go put it in the comments below [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music]


    1. Excellent, George and Su , the vast majority, use these with common sense, I hate to read stories, that tourists have a accident by going crazy speeding etc, enjoy people who are going to use them. Hope George and Su enjoyed them.

    2. Yet another fact filled video keep it up you always give me ideas of places to visit when we come over. We are over twice this year we tried it last year so thought to keep it up we are staying at the Livas as usual and coming in June and October two weeks June and Ten days in October, keep up the good work its just a pity you did not mention the prices of the hire for all the items bt that could have taken a while.

    3. Super video. More like a Safari with Rangers George & Su! Enjoyed seeing the sights, you can certainly do more off-road driving and sightseeing in that Ranger.
      Enjoy the pre Easter week.

    4. Thank you for these . We are coming to Protaras in May of this year. Do you have an accessible video for wheelchair users we could see, or maybe you could make one thanks

    5. Hi George and Su thank you for showing this Vlog I’ve been looking forward to this and it’s still looks like a great place to go to get your quads buggies and things from and it looks like you both had amazing great fun and we have been to the sculpture park for a sunset picnic and we haven’t been to the love bridge before only seen it from boat trips and Zorbas is really delish and we have have been on that Ammos beach twice for the first time last year and we would like to thank you for showing it and we can’t even say yet and it’s really amazing and went to the sandwich bar as well and thank you for feeding the beautiful cats it’s really very kind of you to do that and what a fantastic idea on the feeding station and we don’t think it was there last year well never saw it anyway and the butterflies are beautiful too and never been up to Cape Greko but it is on the list for the sunset picnic and don’t know how much longer we can wait to have something from Zorbas and once again thank you for sharing your amazing adventure with us

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