We’re so excited to share this incredible adventure with you! Our friend Toby, all the way from Canada (originally Switzerland!), joined us for an unforgettable hot air balloon ride over southern Utah. From thrilling bike rides to soaring above Zion’s stunning landscapes, this weekend was packed with fun and excitement. Watch Toby face his fear of heights and experience the beauty of Zion from a whole new perspective. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more epic adventures! ✨

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    this is Toby he’s a Switzerland native that now lives in Canada you’re probably wondering how we even met this Swiss Canadian it was a few months to go at Matt’s off-road games and we liked him in his story we knew we’d had to bring him out so I made it to my first stop from winek to miniapolis and I’m waiting for my collection flight to Salt Lake City and I’m so excited to get to white bison Resort tonight I hope I see you everyone there thank you guys guys talk to you soon hey everybody good morning and welcome to another adventure here at Zion white bison I’m Benji if you don’t who I am I am here today because we have brought a special guest out to Zion white bison his name is Toby I know he’s from Canada and we brought him out here to learn a little bit about Zion help you learn a little bit about Zion and we’re going to go on a whole bunch of different adventures with him and learn a little bit about his life and some of the cool experiences he’s had so why don’t you come with me let’s go meet Toby and we’ll start the adventure right now [Music] good morning you must be Toby good morning yes and you are I’m Benji nice to meet you nice to meet you we’re glad to have you here thank you very much thanks for having me we’re excited to kind of show you a little bit about this place which we’re going to do now I think and then take you on a whole bunch of Adventures oh here we go I’m looking forward to it so what other language do you speak I speak uh Swiss German High German and a little bit of English your mom’s side dad’s side’s from Germany or Switzerland Switzerland [Music] okay one of my other favorite parts of being here is the river I think this is just the scenery here and just the sounds are just beautiful so quiet quiet and peaceful isn’t it yeah peaceful extremely peaceful yeah so it calms you down definitely definitely the world could use much more of this if we just experience you know what Nature has all right the one thing I haven’t shown you yet is some bison now have you I’m sure you’re familiar with bison and buffalo I am what color are they well they’re brown they’re brown right they’re brown well we’ve got some that aren’t Brown they’re actually the same color kind of as your little beard there white they are white white that’s why we called this Zion white bis how would you like to go see a white bisp oh that would be amazing all right let’s go cuz not everyone has seen these these are just well here they are oh my God such gorgeous from what I have been told in the research we’ve kind of done is the white bison are the most precious sacred animal some of the Native American Indians there was a time that the white bison went away and now they’re starting to return the story is when the white bison starts coming back it’s kind of a fulfillment of some of the prophecies that they felt like some of the Native American Indian tribes were not really close to to Mother Earth to God there there might be some peace coming back seems like in the world right now there’s the thing they were saying there was people not getting along like like we’re seeing there was no peace and now that they’re coming back that’s a sign that things are starting to possibly get better so this is part of this thing that we’re thinking is so cool I want to share with everybody is these are just very sacred precious animals that are returning to the Earth and it’s just they’re just so beautiful they’re beautiful just to look at it [Music] so now what I want to do is I’ve got my son Bridger he’s set up some Adventures that you’re going to be able to go out and do some other activities outside of the park here what we have are you ready I’m I’m ready I’m trying to think if you’re dressed right I got to figure out whether I don’t know what he’s going to take you to do whether it’s something wet I’ve Good Ju cold you’re ready to go all right so you’re going to meet up with Bridger now for the next adventure so awesome hey guys it’s Bridger now it’s my turn to hang out with Toby and take him on an epic adventure how’s it going Toby you going really good thank you what are we doing we are going on mountain bikes up to guacamole and having a spectacular view mountain biking here we go let’s go let’s go how much experience do you have mountain biking Toby not really much this is perfect cuz today zmp huge shout out to them sponsored us and gave us these pedal assistant bikes that we could take along for our Trail and Adventure today pedalist I like that it and look they’re Ballo and guess what what does that say it’s a Canadian flag it’s a Canadian flag my home Toby are you worried how are you feeling well I’m not 100% sure since I don’t have much experience in mountain biking I what do you think those bike can’t take us there I think we’ll be okay if you need me to I will hold your hand along the way do you know what you’re doing I think so good then let’s do it for this adventure we have Quinn wow okay as many of you know Clint is a buddy that I grew up with so he’s coming along with us so now not only do you have to trust me you have to trust him no problem no problem no problem you can’t trust him I can’t no okay I follow you okay all right let’s hop on the bikes and let’s get ripping yeah your hair looks good buddy I’m young enough stuff all right guys me and Toby are here Toby how are you feeling I’m really worried and we found some random couch and at tire so if we get tired we know where to come back that’s my couch let’s do it let’s do it to thanks all right look at that we already got spe G always look at those M look at that mountain holy oh look at that you see it [Music] I hope my camera can catch that you want race hey hey hey you’re way lighter than me that’s unfair do you see this junk in this trunk it ain’t that much lighter same the bo purple because it is red running me off the road as soon as you live somewhere for a certain time you forget what you have around you because it is every day it’s normal so it’s nothing special anymore for me when I come here it’s special right something completely different yeah especially I don’t want to fall because of my hip help no I try I find another way way when you were something and you can’t do it find another way holy cow [Music] W you hear that Echo that’s so [Music] sweet The View was spectacular awesome awesome this Trail is called guacamole but it is getting close to dinner time so we’re going to head back down down there drive safe hopefully I don’t see you on the other side I’m kind of a little bit worri about the brakes but what sh now you’re worth all right guys we’re back at Z white bison about to go to dinner at balcony 1 if you make a reservation while staying at Zan white bison balcony 1 will come down and actually pick you up and take you to the restaurant super convenient super awesome and we’re about to go get some amazing dinner let’s go [Music] actually good that’s so good George really nice meeting you thank you very much for everything was really great thank you very much well how was dinner I was amazing it was really good thank you very much it was awesome that being said guys we have to get up bright and early we need as much sleep as possible we’ll see you guys in the morning early morning early morning thank you very much tomorrow all right thank you so hello everyone this is kind of day round up so today was my first day here we did a lot of Adventure it was amazing guys look this is stacon from the inside look at that did you see that back there is a full bathroom with full shower everything look at that look at the ceiling look at the ceiling it’s amazing so we went for dinner I was amazing that restaurant was so good you got to go there when you’re here they pick you up good food great people George is amazing I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s uh Adventure can tell you what it is uh of course I know but uh I’m excited okay guys see you all tomorrow all right guys we’re back at Z white bison it is literally 4:00 a.m. let’s see if Toby’s awake and get him ready for our next adventure good morning good morning sweetheart you’re late no you’re early are you ready for this adventure I’m born ready right your first BN way here yeah I’m signing my life as you guys know we woke up at 4:00 a.m. this morning right behind me is Zan balloons for today’s adventure we’re taking Toby up in the sky yeah we signed her a waiver so let’s just load in and let’s get out [Music] there it’s colder out here than it was back there first time kind of it’s my second time I barely remember because was so long ago back in Switzerland friend of mine he’s piloting license and he needed hours in the air I’m looking forward to that to refresh my memory how it is I made it that time so I’m pretty sure I made it this time yeah in the balloon while it’s like still being inflated what do you think how are you feeling [Music] now there there we go like that yes see you later yeah so welcome aboard the Heart of Dixie like I was mentioning this balloon’s 130,000 cubic feet it’s the equipment of 130,000 basketballs worth of hot air up in there’re high up bu yeah really high up you nervous at all yeah okay I have I’m fine as long as look that way we’re currently at 5,000 ft so that’s about 2500t F feet above the ground okay this is sea level yeah guys are in sea level so oh no I hope I don’t fall shut up is that making you scared yeah so it’s kind of high yes so Rush more so we stopped there of course see my face on it yeah it looked pretty the hair was a little bit messed up by the way [Laughter] so that was 1,930 mil wow [Music] hi guys sign well what’ you think that was amazing yeah you like that was awesome thank you very much a pleasure having you aboard the Heart of [Music] Dixie thanks so much Zan balloons they are an amazing partner to have you guys should definitely come out on an adventure use our code Zade when you booking with Z balloons and get yourself a discount okay guys now that we have gone back safely we are going to head out to Zion we’re going to show Toby an amazing Place have you ever been to Mimi’s Cafe no are you hungry I’m always hungry let’s load up in the car let’s head out to Zion and go to Mimi’s Cafe sound good sounds good all right perfect we made it to zans guys it is time to eat you that from from jail they create and it’s not even joke it’s actually [Music] everyone all right guys we just finished eating that MIM wasn’t that just amazing that was amazing MIM thank you so much for partnering with us guys if you’re coming design got to check them out well I’m going to take a nap I’m going to hand you off to Lance thank you so much for hanging out it was a pleasure having you thank you Lance is going to take good care of you you can trust him thank you very much of course all right guys I’m out hey Toby how’s it going good good how are you so I heard you did some hot air ballooning today oh yeah it was amazing fun I take it you’re not scared of height uh I am you are we’re about to go see some height that’s different we still kind of on the ground this doesn’t bother me at all but you’re ready for some hiking absolutely I most kind of where where I grew up no trees anymore we just above the tree line really you’re that high yeah that high that’s wild the the trees started with the climate change started to grow further up wow look at that can you imagine walking along this wash here when it was raining having this be a flowing river and then just spilling right over this Edge oh my God we have to not get too close cuz this is pretty intense you see that that’s oh that’s insane I think the worry here is that we have an overhang here get too close to it this rock could just break off oh say that oh that you see how this overhang right here is happening yeah so I try and stay about this line where we’re not quite overhanging so much but wow close look at that view wow yeah compared to Switzerland in Switzerland you know G just love to go there to stud the old glaciers but uh we got none of that here oh yeah this is 100% different everything has kind of their own thing that interests people they come here to see that you guys come to Switzerland to see that so yeah seem like everywhere has such amazing things let’s keep keep our eyes open for petrified wood we get right close to the edge and just walk along it you see the alien Tower over there that’s the alien Tower yeah here we go keep your eye on it maybe it’ll blast off while we’re watching I don’t think so yeah so we always call that the alien Tower cuz I kind of think that’s what it looks like but actually there are some little uh Apartments essentially RVs that hang over the edge and water tank there that’s part of this old army base uh this facility up here tested ejection systems so after World War II Korean War era occasionally even they use a couple like monkeys as right and they swear that they were unharmed but they actually flung The Monkeys you know out of the protction system that’s why they call the trail here flying monkey oh here we go Mak they call Flying Monkey Mesa sometimes because they used to send the monkeys flying to get m i w get lost up here yeah these forests here it’s pretty easy to get turned around but I remember there’s there’s only been a couple times I’ve ever been lost in my life I was keeping my eye on the Ridge and then suddenly I like turned and there was a second Ridge that I hadn’t realized came it looked the same and it was like almost 90° off and so I’m like thinking this is north and all of a sudden I catch this one I’m like okay there’s North and I got around it and I’m like holy CED the wrong way yeah so in Switzerland is pretty easy when you get lost you just go downhill you follow the water and you you you end up in the city you know that last view was pretty cool but this view I like even more just got to be careful not to fall off the edge I try I do my best well some of the cool job just kind of what some of these layers are the lower ones we talked about big river systems so we’re standing on an old river system all these flat plateaus are big river systems right so you have these Rivers coming through here and then things dried up these are Triassic to Jurassic Rivers really right very beginning of the dinosaur age okay huge river systems they’re not there’s a little bit debate of how far they’re coming but some people speculate they’re coming all the way from the Eastern United States from Appalachian really yeah so this sunset’s starting to get pretty incredible it is amazing so how’s your trip been so far amazing it’s yeah it’s sad it’s ending tonight I will come back that’s for sure especially here at cion kind of area I’m I’m kind of pulled to white bison resort was amazing it’s a place to go pretty great location so they called me up and said you want to come down here and do YouTube videos with us and figured I don’t know I talk to my buddy and uh and he said why and in this moment it hit me and I said uh why not I kind of realized when you have an opportunity you got to do do it now there’s there’s maybe no second chance you don’t know doesn’t matter what it is do it now don’t wait you never know if you make it after a few fun days it’s time to move on from our adventure and get back to real life thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one bye everyone thanks for having me I hope I see you guys soon bye-bye


    1. Great video. Toby was great. When he said he was from Winnipeg, it brought back some great memories. I lived in Alonsa for awhile, and went to Winnipeg often to visit my grandparents. My grandparents (the Cardno's and Seale's) all lived in Winnipeg. And we are going to Switzerland in the fall, and have been trying to learn a little Swiss German language. I love watching your videos. We stayed at the White Bison Resort in April for my 70th birthday. The Kiva was amazing. I had never seen White Bison before. That was cool!

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