Watch the training session from the German national team in 2024 to prepare for the UEFA EURO 2024.

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    so a hello and a very warm welcome to everyone joining us here on YouTube for this live training session the German national team s days away from that tournament opener against Scotland in gupe and Germany all over the country fans getting ready getting excited we hope you guys are excited as well feel free to get involved in the chat a hello to those of you joining us already Su MC cabes Elton Wan Isabel elier a warm welcome to all of you and thank you for getting involved here today still waiting for the majority of the team to come out the goalkeepers are already out on the pitch and warming up you can see them just jogging off to the left of your screen and back again just seven days to go until that tournament kickoff game against Scotland let us know how you think that will go feel free to put your predictions in the chats what games are you looking forward to of course Switzerland and Hungary the other two opponents in group a relatively easy games on paper but as we all know not quite as straightforward but Germany will be be in front of a home crowd hakus hello in the chats welcome thank you for joining us of course the final Squad selected and ready by Julian nagos man as the team come out for the open training session as all the teams at the Euros will be doing today and tomorrow Germany Spain Switzerland and Croatia with open training sessions today Germany the first to get the ball rolling we already have our first prediction for next Monday in the chat nicken saying Germany will secure a three nothing victory over Scotland so confidence shining through in the chat and why not Germany with some good performances in the buildup a 2-1 win over Greece just a few days ago as well to come from behind there Greece putting up a really good performance of course you never know how much you can take from those friendlies especially the final friendly just before a tournament a lot of players will be hoping they don’t get injured perhaps not putting quite 100% into the performance either but great character shown by julan nagles man’s side to turn things around at one nothing down and Pascal go coming off the bench to score an absolute cracker in the D tying stages to start celebrations early will Germany be celebrating come the end of the tournament let us know what you think some shouts for Tony Cross possibly winning the Balon in the chat ligma with a 71 prediction against Scotland so very confident more confident than Knicks three nothing a prediction just moments ago Nick even giving us goal scorers Kai scores two and viets AA well why not Florian viets could be a big tournament for him after an incredible season with Bayern Olia can he shine on the international stage as well Manuel Neer fans in in the chat as well yashi with a two nothing prediction in favor of Germany next Monday abong Gil fwen hello welcome to the chat and welcome to the live stream Fearless thinks that Germany will Top the group just another reminder of that group a Germany Scotland Switzerland and Hungary mustn’t forget Scotland coming into this after a really good qualifying campaign kicked it off with five straight wins one of those a two nothing win at home against Spain of all opponents so Scotland have shown in the buildup to this tournament that they can put together a good performance against one of the big boys Germany definitely in that hat as well especially on home soil have to be counted as one of the contenders to take the title yashi testan has to be number one goalkeeper well I think the entire country of Germany is probably relatively split over who exactly should be julan nles man’s number one ligma with the question who is the assistant coach of De mansha that is Sandro Vagner former player himself a tall man with short black hair and a mustache on screen now there julan nagos man’s assistant coach does have experience at a club level in terms of coaching as well this probably his biggest job since retiring as a player and becoming a coach could have a big part to play it is an exciting young team likes of Benjamin Gluk matz but garit Andreas kenberg Michelle fs and Nicholas di making up the coaching team behind Julian nagos man can see them setting things up pretty sure we won’t get too much uh information in terms of tactics team lineup or anything like that from today’s training it’s more for the fans a chance for fans 4,000 of which should be in attendance here in Bayern the ADI Dasa sport plots and uh chance for them to see some of their heroes in action jemba with a 3-2 prediction Tariq says three nothing Andy with a 2-2 prediction so not too confident there match is on the 14th of June that is right apologies think I said seven days to go and mentioned next Monday that is absolutely right thank you for the correction there everyone in the chat 14th of June is when it gets underway Germany against Scotland Nick n is that Sandro Vagner yes it is Susan basnet who will be number nine for Germany well we saw Kai havitz in that game against Scotland leading the line let’s go through that lineup against Greece excuse me on Friday Friday in that 2-1 win havs leading the line had vietz and musala to his left and right with ilai gundan with the captain’s armband just in behind in that sort of number 10 role andr and K were the two holding midfielders and then a back four of middle tar rudiger and kimh middle at left back kimh on the right Manuel Noya in goal you would think that will probably be the starting lineup against against Scotland on the 14th as well Modesto predicting a 3-1 win for Germany H’s master class and gundan penal B bringing out his best German wishing the Germany team all the best some Tony Co fans in the chat as well so the majority leaning towards a comfortable win for Germany I’d have to agree with the majority of you I think Germany will probably take care of Scotland relatively easily as some of the uh players now arriving on bicycles Thomas Miller at the back of that group of four players Thomas Miller another player how big of a role will he have to play so just a another reminder of the final Squad available to Julian nagos man with three goalkeepers Manuel Noya who will most likely start as the number one Mark Andre Tess Stan a lot of German fans believing he should be number one will be the backup keeper the Barcelona man with 40 caps to his name already compared to 119 for Manuel neya game against Scotland will be his 120th in between the sticks for de man shaft and then the third goalkeeper the hoffenheim shot stopper Oliver but Balman yet to make an international appearance chances are he probably won’t at the Euros unless things go terribly wrong in terms of injuries or something of the sorts for Manuel Neuer Mark Andre T Stan fingers cross that won’t happen although Oliver Balman not a bad backup and the Defenders vald Anton Benjamin henr yosua kimh Robin Co maximilan mlad David R Antonio rudiger Niko schlotterbeck and Jonathan T the midfielders for Germany Robert andr Chris fur a youngster from stutgart given a chance to possibly impress at the Euros on the big stage as well great great call up for him just four caps to his name so far Pascal GR came off the bench to score the winner against Greece on Friday ilai gundan Tony Coos Jamal musala the Bayern Munich youngster Alexander pavlovich making the final Squad as well might we see him in action during the group stage then Leroy San and Florian vietz making up the rest of the Midfield then the uh attacking part of the team Maxim Ian Bayer from hoffenheim Bia dortmund’s Nicholas Phil Krug Kai habits Thomas Miller and stutgart Dennis unav to tudu Welcome to the chat hope you’re enjoying your first Euro experience nice to see you are behind Team Germany as well Sandy pan don’t underestimate the Germans everyone and every team has got a lesson whenever they have underestimated the Germans couldn’t agree more Germany more often than not show up on the big International stage especially in front of a home crowd as well they’ll certainly have the support there and they always put together put together excuse me a fantastic tournament in in Germany Yaya Masala is Germany’s great future yeah would have to agree there as well Tariq kl’s adami Brandt should have been selected yeah the uh BVB Trio not part of the final Squad as far as baruso dment and their fans are concerned only two players representing the club here for Germany Nicholas F in attack and Niko schlotterbeck the only two Bia Dortmund players to make the final Squad isma balok Germany will win the Euros lot of confidence in the chat great to see Susi Baka does gundan deserve to be the captain of the team well it’s a great question definitely a few individuals in that side that could do just as good a job probably next candidate after gundan probably uh Manuel Neuer for me has been Germany Captain before but I think gundan and his experience both at Club level and international level I don’t think it’s a bad choice at all Robert Steel from Brisbane Australia welcome to the chat welcome to the live stream thank you for joining us Alberts also must be a Dortmund fan perplexed at why adami brand and Hummel are not in the squad are there any other players you guys feel have unfairly missed out to get involved in the chat still waiting for this live Open Session to really get going just getting some of the pleasantries out of the way everyone in attendance including the legend that is Ry fell Susi Baka are you German uh I am not however I uh do speak the language and would say that German the German language Germany and countryes surrounding have always been a big part of my life and therefore I’ve always been involved with the dfb especially over the last 5 to 10 years it’s been an absolute pleasure anupa Bayern and Germany all the way Bayern Munich fans in the chat as well Samy fug should start instead of Kai havitz well I think that is the big question who will start up front two very different players Kai havitz of course does give you that versatility in attack um perhaps a little more technical when it comes to comparing the two front men very different Strikers Phil cook very much an old school number nine great holdup play can be devastating in the air but is very limited in terms of where you can play him it’s pretty much straight up front and down the middle whereas Kai havitz as part of a front three can possibly uh add a little more confusion in terms of what the opposition defense might have to deal with you can have your front three sort of switching rolls position throughout the game all depends on how julan nagos man wants to take on his opponents and depends who the opponents are as well I wouldn’t be surprised to see fug possibly even start in the game against Scotland as the uh players now make their way out onto the pitchai Gunda leading de Mana out Champions League winner Antonio Ruda back of the line there Alexander gai I want to see more of musala this tournament What A Difference Maker well as far as young players go I think musala has to be one of the most exciting players not just for Germany but at the tournament as a whole I think there’s a lot of a lot of football fans not necessarily just Germany fans really looking forward to seeing what he can bring to the tournament what kind of a tournament he can have a big big future ahead of him I think that goes without saying regardless of how the tournament goes for Germany I think musala is going to accomplish big things in the game but would be great to see him uh sort of hit the ground running and see Germany hit the ground running I think players like musala could dictate how Germany do should be uh very very interesting Michael zuie habit has to start he gives options and dynamism to the attack couldn’t agree more I think we just went over that as well personally I think I would go for Kai HTS first I think fil cook is a is a great option to bring on uh if you find yourself one nothing down with 20 minutes left and you might have to rely on on dead ball situations maybe you’ve got the sort of situations where where things aren’t quite happening in open play those days do happen or Lady Luck just isn’t shining down on you and uh you have to sort of uh play dirty as they say I don’t mean that in terms of get physical with the opponent but perhaps do the uh the less attractive things in football like take advantage of Corners dead bll situations free kicks and a Nicholas fil is exactly what the doctor ordered can come in you know throw a few elbows get stuck in and then he gives you that that prowess in the air and uh and Hold Up play as well which you know can then help bring in the wide players try and stretch defenses a little um but I would I would go with with Kai HTS first as well I think having scored that equalizer against Greece on Friday I think he might have just cemented his place in the starting lineup there with that goal BC thinks Scotland will Nick a one all draw in the opener well it is the it is the first game I mean of course you’d like Germany to get off to a a really really good start um I think more often than not a good start early momentum can can only help you in the long run but if we look back at the World Cup I mean Argentina lost their first game against Saudi Arabia went on to win the tournament so it’s it’s not the be all or Endor but yes you do think you do think that uh a win early on would set them up nicely a one all draw probably not the end of the world for Germany either although I do think that the games against Hungary and Switzerland won’t be quite as straightforward Switzerland especially if you look at the squad they’ve got and how they perform at tournaments or have performed at tournaments in in recent years definitely a team on the up they do have some big players in there as well Fabian Sher and Manuel aangi at the back two premier league veterans now aangi formerly with Bia dortman as well so that was all about the Bundesliga I think they’ve got some really exciting players Granite Jacka of course what a season he had with uh Leverkusen having joined them from Arsenal anop Pam W commentary and commentator oh thank you very much very kind thank you for joining us see we got people tuning in from all around the world mood nowal from Malaysia warm welcome Tom M from Nova Scotia and Canada a warm welcome to you too Tom thanks for joining us Yan Ming 55 Tony Co is a pivotal player for the team I don’t think anyone will disagree with you there what a player he has been and still is could have a uh a big big part to play for Germany in that Central Midfield has had a very long season though something that you also have to take into account with some of these players he’s not the youngest anymore not that uh he’s looked like he’s been running out of fuel in recent games put in another crack performance against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League final has been given a little bit of extra time off as well joining up with the squad a little later than uh than most deservedly so picking up yet another Champions League title I mean what a long list of accolades that that man has put together could add a European championship title to it as well really interested to see what ton Coro brings to the table for Germany won’t be lacking in confidence that’s for sure see the players just limbering up Nicholas F schlotterbeck yosua kimh all on screen Brown C wimy who is the best German player it’s a great question I think Tony Co has to be in there with a shout especially with what he’s accomplished this season but for me personally I’m really excited to see musala and vietz I think they could be instrumental if they have a good tournament I think Germany will Susy Baka who is the next great German Striker it’s a difficult one isn’t it because as we’ve just mentioned before the uh the two main Strikers you think will be Kai havitz and Nicholas fil cook it’s also a great comparison there as well because fil cook very much the old school Striker sort of Striker that that is dying out or the way he plays anyway I don’t think we’re going to see too many like him coming through I think the future is sort of having uh these um versatile attacking players I think the uh the name Striker is something that that will become a thing of the past in the not so distant future as well I think it’s you have to be able to play sort of anywhere across a front three or even a front four including a number sort of a number 10 role um and I think Kai HT um really uh shows what a modern forward is in terms he can play on the left wing right wing up front in the middle or in a number 10 role whereas Nicholas filou is uh Strikers of the past or soon to be um so it’s a difficult one I think Kai harit is probably the the best option I think Dennis unav is an an exciting player to bring Off the Bench doesn’t have a lot of experience at International level but could uh in a tournament format could be an amazing player to bring on if you need a goal um and almost sort of sits in between what Kai havitz and Nicholas fulu got sort of a nice sort of balance between the two so definitely have options in attack does Julian nagos man Robert Steel personally Müller is the best well he’s one of the best to ever do it especially at International tournaments perhaps not in the Euros but does still have this one might be his last but take nothing away from what he has given this Germany team throughout his career one of the best to ever do it Sandy P old is gold Phil clug is that gold well Sandy off obviously favoring Nicholas Fook safik welcome from Indonesia great to have you here sang sangan excuse me wants to recall Hummel well I think a lot of people surprised that Hummel wasn’t in the squad if we look at the available Defenders Jonathan T Niko schlotterbeck Antonio rudiger I think rudiger and T no surprises there they had to be in the side rudiger Champions League winner Jonathan tar part of that Leverkusen defense that absolutely bossed the Bundesliga this season and I think those two as partners in crime in central defense great backbone for Germany to work with yosu kimh and maximilan ml the two sort of wing backs fullbacks depending on the formation I think back four is looking pretty strong especially with Manuel neya in goal a lot of you think Mark Andre tan should be the number one but I think if Manuel neya is fit it’s going always going to be difficult for and tan to uh Mark Andre tan excuse me to get past him and make that number one spot his own Trey days from the United States pulling for deuts Lance love from Guana coming in from Toro brezi great to have you here as well Abdula Viet and musala the future of Germany couldn’t agree more there gaming Inc almost too slow well I think that’s part of the thinking there as well I mean uh you’d hate to be julan nagos and have to make those decisions but they are decisions that need to be made ABD Bay guda yeah Brian gruda not making the final Squad both he and uh Rocko RS were called up to train as part of the provisional Squad before the final Squad was announced um I think most people expected the two players guda and W who were called up from the under 21s to probably not be part of the final Squad more of a an experience gaining thing for the two youngsters you P DOA pointing out Manuel neuer’s skills on the ball well he definitely uh definitely changed the role of a goalkeeper didn’t Emanuel neya some question marks over some of his performance of late although me personally I’m I’m still a massive Manuel Neer fan and just uh what he brought to the goalkeeping department the way he changed football almost um similar to the way if you look at from a managerial aspect the way Pep Guardiola changed football all of a sudden everyone wanted to play the Ticky taka play out from the back Manuel neya as a goalkeeper one of the first really to uh be as good as he was and still is on the ball changed the way Bayern played football um really comfortable on the ball I mean how many times have you seen Manuel Noya drop a shoulder lose the oncoming player made it look so easy and uh distribute the ball beautifully as well uh and now it’s almost uh a must for any goalkeeper to be able to have that ability have those skills um you rarely will see a goalkeeper become a number one be it at Club level or International level unless they are good on the ball as well and Manuel Neer was uh for me one of the first to do it so uh we’ll always have a place in my heart Manuel Neer and then take nothing away from his his goalkeeping abilities as well I mean as far as saves shot stopping reactions one of the best in the business and then he’s his decision making as well very rarely goes to ground early and uh yeah just a pleasure to watch always has been and will be for as long as he plays let’s have another we’ve got fans coming in from Morocco welcome scary Muji and who else have we [Music] got love from Bangladesh as well great to see everyone coming in from all over the place good morning afternoon or evening whatever it might be wherever you may be the goalkeeper adami should have been called a lot of people calling for adami disappointed he wasn’t part of the team can understand it but then the players that julan nagos man has gone for especially in sort of wide Midfield positions the likes of miala San vietz Chris fur I think they defensively perhaps bring a little bit more to the table and can also take on different roles mosala can also play a little more Central if he needs to the same can be said for for floran vietz whereas ADI don’t want to call him a onetick Pony by any means however apart from playing out wide I’m not sure he he’s better than any of the others selected should he have to play in a more Central position let’s say a Germany down to 10 men unable to to Really stretch defenses maybe have to play a little bit more compact I think that then forces you to to to make a substitution and lose one of your substitutions early into a game if you do have to uh readjust your formation admi perhaps not the best option to play a more Central compact role meaning you then have to waste one of your substitutions in order to to allow that to happen bring on a player who can do that um so I think that part of the decision making behind leaving adami out however was a big part of B bvb’s push for a Champions League final although domestically in the Bundesliga I think a lot of people would would argue that BVB not necessarily at their best and that is perhaps why some of the bvp players haven’t made the final international team or squad for Nagal man like a Julian brt for example or an ad Yi um so that perhaps part of the thinking but of course ADI I think it goes without saying very very talented player creative wolf joining us from Nepal great to have you here CAD Drake against PSG admi played so well that I think he would be a good left back that’s an interesting shout he’s definitely got the pace um just not sure if he has the defensive prowess don’t see him putting too many tackles or getting back too much but who knows who knows Astro Aspire supporting Germany from Bangladesh Alexander Bon Julian Brandt over Miller that’s a big shout there not sure how you can uh keep Thomas Miller out of a a tournament Squad but Julian BR I was I was relatively surprised not to see him in the final Squad either but um I think the signs were there relatively early in the buildup to this tournament that Julian brand would perhaps not be playing a part basanta watching from Nepal as well who do you think maximilan Simon in who do you think is the most favorable to win the Euros well that’s a tough one I think France is always up there for me uh simply based on their squad the players they have available the uh the uh the ability of players that they can bring on in every position they have a world class player starting and backup in every every position apart from maybe the goalkeeping department but other than that I think um the options they have available to them are are just scary U so France definitely always up there for me um I think England are in with a shout although I do worry about their defense and uh and goalkeeping Department I think that’s their only weakness uh but Midfield and attack also extremely scary one of of the best Midfield in attack they’ve had in in a long time um I think Spain is always a contender and I’d have to say my Dark Horse was probably Portugal cuz I think on paper as well they have a fantastic team and they always seem to show up for the Euros with or without Ronaldo um so those would be my my main contenders and then up there with them is Germany as well of course because I think playing in front of a home crowd playing on home soil not having to travel um the ease of having friends and family there to support you as well I think these are things that aren’t often talked about but can make such a such a difference and uh so I think Germany’s in in with a really good shout as well and I think in the buildup they’ve had some really good performances uh not their best against Greece but like we said at the beginning I think the the final friendly before a tournament you never know how much you can take from a performance there I thought they showed great resilience and character to turn it around and win it in the end um but I’m not surprised that they weren’t necessarily firing on all cylinders either because you’ve got players that are desperate not to get injured just before the tournament kicks off um you’re still sort of fine-tuning things from a management perspective as well uh still perhaps trying a few last things out and I think at that point you already know you’re going to be at the tournament um so not getting injured uh perhaps a a little more important than the result um so that would be it’s a long-winded answer I hope I haven’t rambled on too much there although it is my job to ramble here today and uh try and make this live stream a little bit more enjoyable for you guys but that would be my answer there uh big fan of Germany love from North Borno sayam Germany is the greatest football nation of all time well I don’t think you can argue with uh what they’ve accomplished at International level the goalkeeper Netherlands is quite good that’s a good shout that’s a really good shout another Dark Horse for me the Netherlands great Squad really young and exciting players uh and not too many people taking notice of them um yeah they could definitely do some damage Nick n Belgium yeah Belgium I think past performances for me are the only reason why I don’t put Belgium in that same bracket as uh as Germany Portugal France England such a great Squad and have had such a great squad for for a number of years now but they just always seem to fall short this Belgium Squad almost reminds me of the uh the England squad um not too long ago that had Frank Lampard Steven Gerard you know everyone talking about on paper how this England team the best they’ve ever had should be winning tournament after tourn tournament but it just never really happened out on the pitch um and that seems I get the same vibes from from Belgium but uh on paper yeah I mean they should be giving anyone a run for their money really uh be interesting to see I think Jeremy dku one of uh the more exciting players really uh looking forward to see what he can do brown C wimby Portugal can win the euro definitely definitely they always get themselves into the into the final stages don’t they sort of quarterfinals possibly semi-finals maybe even finals have to wait and see who will finish top scorer in the Euros Coco um that’s a great question I think mbappe always has to be in the conversation Harry Kane possibly if england do well then you know Harry if england do well you know Harry Harry Kane’s finding the back of the net um always does always will even though perhaps a disappointing season for Bayern Munich he still finished top goal scorer and what a goal scoring run he was on as well suy Baka which country are you from not too far away from Germany I’ll put it that way who will be the best performer for the Portugal Squad well we are here to talk about Germany but uh I will say always been a big Bernardo Silva fan and I think if he plays well then uh Portugal will do well Scooby Drew will unav be given a chance to start I think it depends how Germany do in their opening two games I think if they get back-to- back wins we’ll see unav probably start the third game I think other than that it’ll be between Kai havitz and Nicholas Fook for the first two games Kai havitz scores in the first he’ll probably keep his place for the second game as well if Germany make it two from two then they can go into that third game a little more relaxed and perhaps not only will players be given a chance so that they can get some game time under their belt but I think some of the main go-to players can then be given a bit of a rest and uh rotation of course so important at these tournaments and when done right could be uh the reason you make it all the way to the final Alexander Baron hit the nail on the head there LAN thoughts on Austria’s Kristoff bartner exciting player usto with an exciting team at the moment although they have had one or two key injuries Austria of course Germany’s neighbors more often than not second best to Germany although could be a good time for Austria they do have a good manager good squad majority of their players do play their trade in Germany I think that’s the difference and the reason why Austria have sort of impr improved in recent years it’s because before the majority of the players used to play domestically in the Austrian Bundesliga but having uh the youngsters realize probably about 10 12 years ago that perhaps heading over to Germany to try and learn from the players there uh really has improved their game and I think that reflects in the way Austria are doing at International level now as well so uh it’ be exciting to see see how they do wos Fritos taking notes for team Spain watching this trip training good to see that Spain has scouts everywhere even in the YouTube chat Channel dear GG tuning in from Chicago Illinois welcome to the Stream Nan do you think maximilan Bayer can be a prolific Striker for Germany in the future in the future possibly I think he’s uh a really exciting player does just have the one cap at International level so still have to wait and see just what uh what he can bring how his uh how his career unfolds and develops but I think the early signs are are there it’s why Julian nusman has picked him as one of his five attackers for the tournament but uh personally big big fan of maximilan Bayer I think he has a very bright future both at Club level and for the international team I’ll fisu can’t wait to see vietz and musala the attacking Duo totally agree I think uh those two players incredibly exciting and as already mentioned if they have a good tournament I think Germany will be great to see also how uh the balance of uh Youth and and the veterans in the squad how that balance unfolds as well the likes of Tony of course pulling the strings in Midfield and then the freshness of musala and vietz ahead of him how will they link up how will that balance work I think a lot of question marks but a lot of exciting ones if you ask me and if uh things click well Germany could be in for a great great tournament Scooby Drew are you surprised that someone like goreta was left out uh normally I would say yes but based on the season goreta had with Bayern Munich I can’t say I’m that surpris to be fair um I think uh Robert andr from Leverkusen had an absolutely cracking season and uh him getting the nod ahead of someone like goreta um I think is the right decision in the end and thoroughly deserved so uh very similar players as well both very physical big uh midfielders uh although andri I think just has a little bit more in terms of distribution also getting forward into goal scoring positions he’s shown that with lusen this season it’s a real can be a real box-to-box midfielder and uh just gives you a little bit more versatility goreta for me is uh just a little uh without being in any way disrespectful but doesn’t have too many other sides to his game what he does he does extremely well I think no one can take that away from him but I think Andre just brings a a bit more versatility to the table and uh I think that’s why he’s uh that and his performance or performances all season for Leverkusen the reason that he got the the the nod ahead of someone like goreta Susy backa admin did your country qualify for the Euros yes they both did to add confusion Elton nuan where do you think Germany will likely finish in the Euro I think I expect them to be in the final four I think it’s hard past that point to to know who’s going to win it um I think once you make it to the semifinals anything’s possible anything can happen regardless of what team you are um but I’d be surprised to not see Germany in the final four um simply based on the way they’ve been playing and then they have that Home Advantage I think that always plays a big part it can it can be the Achilles heel as well I mean we’ve seen time and time again how countries at home struggle but I think uh the support in Germany is a little more supportive if you like than it might be in other countries I think it’s yes that can be critical but it’s not the same kind of criticism as let’s say an England or a France I think um should Germany perhaps not perform to the standard that people expect in game one I don’t think the entire country is going to come down on them as as other countries might with their teams uh and I think that’s why the Home Advantage is even more of an advantage for a team like Germany than it would be for a France for a uh an England and so on Deus how about humos are you’re surprised to not see him in the team a little a little um especially with the the season he had although Bia Dortmund maybe didn’t have one of their best seasons I think Matt homo’s probably had one of his best at bosio Dortmund if that makes any sense um I think he was one of the main reasons they made it to the Champions League final um but then when you look at how they finished in the league his lack of fitness and the fact that he’s aging meant that he couldn’t be as influential throughout an entire campaign um but this the Euros of course is a tournament format and someone like humos even to just have his experience around uh might have been uh a really big Advantage but I don’t think the players that were selected are necessarily any worse than Matt hmel so uh I think julan nagos man has had a really tough job this season in uh selecting the Germany team but I think he’s done a good job I think there’s a really nice balance and uh couple of uh difference makers in the team as well so um yeah we’ll have to wait and see Lois Hughes which country will be the biggest surprise that’s a great question um I think hung Hungary have got some exciting players I think they’re a team not too many people are talking about um um they are of course in Germany’s group so let’s hope they’re not too big of a surprise um but seeing them perhaps finish second behind Germany I mean that could be a surprise to some people especially with Switzerland in the group as well um Switzerland another great shout for a team that could surprise quite a few people um I think Austria could perhaps surprise a few people they’ve been playing some great football in the buildup to the Euros um yeah we’ll have to wait and see plenty of candidates Dennis shaal sad to see gabri with so many injuries this year when he’s in top form he can be lethal definitely can be Pace power has everything doesn’t he technically extremely gifted and one of those players as well that when he finds some Rhythm he really seems to carry it over weeks or even months um but injuries plaguing his career here and there which is really disappointing for him I’m sure um but a very similar player to Leroy San if you ask me San another player really pacy powerful has a lethal strike on him as well um but also a real momentum sort of player and when he finds it can be very very difficult to defend um so I think having both of them in the squad would have perhaps been a little risky um and the fact that gabri unavailable due to injuries um perhaps working in nagos man’s favor and uh not forced to choose between the two and instead can bring in a floran Viet or even a Chris fur a player that not too many people are talking about and a great season with stut gut and uh nagos man therefore doesn’t have to choose between Abri and San who for me are very very similar players and would have been a very difficult decision to make players uh getting a water break here has my country ever won a Euro no it has not Deus do you expect Germany to start with a win with many goals against Scotland so difficult to say in an opening game I think the first half hour will be extremely telling I think if Germany score early we could have a goal Fest um I think if it’s nil nil at halftime and it’s it’s going to remain close in the second half as well because that will give Scotland Something to Believe In the advantage that a team like Scotland has is they can go into the game with no one expecting them to do much they can just go in there sort of Carefree when I say Carefree obviously they’re going to go in there well organized they’re going to they’re going to try and get a result but if they do get beat let’s say 2- n 3- n it’s not like their tournament is then over and shoulders will drop heads will drop and then they’re going to have difficulties going into the second game I think for them it’s a free hit on Match day one and if they can get something from that all the better they can use that to then you know move on to the next games with real confidence uh even a draw for them I think would be an amazing result um whereas for Germany I think it’s the pressure is all on them uh if they can deal with that pressure early then it sort of makes dealing with pressure the norm for the tournament if you know what I mean and uh they can really take advantage of that but I think the first 30 minutes will be tough cuz Scotland as I said will just go in there trying their luck nothing to lose and won’t necessarily take the gain to Germany I think that would be a bit too Reckless however you never know on the counter maybe a penalty a goal in from a set piece header in off a corner and all of a sudden nerves creep in the crowd will be a little silenced and the Scotland fans that will be there will be there in full voice I can guarantee that so should be a cracking opener Yassin would you play musala San on the wings with viets in the middle we keep gundo at the 10 meaning San is left out personally I would yeah I think I would keep gundo in the middle I’d have uh viets and mosala on either wing and then either havs or Fook up front um I think San can be just such an effective substitute you know um if you do need that goal then to be able to bring on a LeRoy Sana with his Pace on either Wing um could be absolutely devastating I think he’s a great player to bring Off the Bench uh is HE capable of Starting Games and Performing absolutely absolutely but for me just based on the seasons they’ve had mosala and Viet deserve to start on either Wing ahead of him Lan NASA welcome to the chat nice to have you back questions about Scotland is Robertson the only player on the same level as Germany well they do have they do have one or two decent players they’ve got Andy Robertson of course Liverpool player they’ve got Kieran TIY highly rated in the Premier League formerly at Arsenal still part of Arsenal I believe was on Loan in La Liga for a season um then Midfield you’ve got the likes of Scott Momin not everyone’s cup of tea but probably one of the better performers in an under performing Manchester United Team John mcin at Aston Villa what a season he’s had got young Billy Gilmore applies his trade with uh with Brighton another really exciting young player um then in attack probably Shay Adams their go-to Striker up front so they do have players that can uh that can affect games that are experienced at an elite level if uh we take you know playing in the Premier League I mean you have to consider that playing at an elite level so I think uh not to be underestimated the Scotland team under Steve Clark as well he’s been their coach for a long time so they’ve they’ve uh PL spent plenty of time with each other it’s a team that’s gotten to know each other extremely well um so a lot of bonds created within the side so not not to be underestimated if you ask me K Drake Lewis Ferguson yeah he’s a big Miss Young Ferguson really exciting young striker won’t be won’t be part of it though it’s uh big upset for Scotland Lani Pascal gr is what Germany needed yeah big Pascal gross fan myself I’ve always enjoyed watching him at Brighton and uh I think early in his Premier League career I think his his move over to England probably hindered some of his chances with the German national team but then based on his performances for Brighton he’s almost uh given nagos man no choice but to bring him along and then also come come comes off the bench to score the winner against Greece on Friday so I think he’s one of the uh First Choice substitutes could perhaps even break into the starting lineup on Match day two definitely match day three depending on how things go nanan is Germany’s Midfield the best in the tournament well I think when you’ve got Tony Co in your Midfield you’re definitely in the conversation is it the best in the tournament that’s a tough one that really is a tough one I think England have got a a really really good Midfield um I think France have a cracking Midfield as well and Portugal’s Midfield something that or is something that I think needs to be taken note of as well not too many people talking about Portugal but for me I think they really could do big things at this tournament Scooby Drew can you give some insight on the drills and games the players are going through here I can do my best as said I don’t think there’s too much Behind These drills um we saw some some limbering up some warming up a few shooting drills and uh now just small-sided games um seems here they’ve got some some neutral players I think the three players in pink acting as neutrals and you’ve got the the team without bibs and the team with white bibs um and what this does is it creates numerical advantages or disadvantages for either the team without bibs or the uh the team with white bibs um so in terms of Defending when you’re when you’re at a disadvantage numerically it forces you to to sort of uh move as a unit defend as a unit keep things compact uh try and push your opponents into wide positions and sort of close out those passing Lanes through Central areas if you like um and then when you have the numerical advantage using those three pink neutral players how can you use that to your advantage how can you create spaces how can you stretch defenses how can you find those gaps in the middle so how can you sort of break up the the compact shape of a defense and find those little pockets of space um and use them to your advantage so I hope that’s somewhat of an Insight uh I myself and not a coach um but have watched quite a few training sessions in my time and uh these small-sided games with neutral players usually uh focused on one of those two things either defending as a unit uh at a numerical disadvantage and keeping your shape forcing the opponents into wide areas which then in a real game scenario would allow you to would allow players to get back behind the ball allow you to set up your shape again and so on or if you’re in possession of the ball how do you create those pockets of space to really sort of hurt your opponent uh and do so quickly right before players can get back into position so that I think the uh the thought process behind this training session right here not to mention it doesn’t give away too much tactically right as we’ve already seen we’ve got Spain Scouts in the chat uh and I’m sure there’ll be a few Scouts although they say uh it isn’t done I’m sure it is as we all know that there will be there they will have their uh their people watching these training sessions without a doubt SOS from Singapore Roy hwan nice to have you here as well Z J do you think tan will have a chance to start a game well it’s it’s an interesting one isn’t it because I think if Na’s fit he starts I think uh that’s already been proven in the buildup to these euros and the friendlies that we’ve had um but then the goalkeeping position isn’t the same as others where you you you necessarily want to rotate and give players rest um I think rotation for a goalkeeper can almost be detrimental it can work in the opposite direction right you want your goalkeeper to be m match fit match ready and uh if the first two games go well it’s not like Manuel Neuer is going to going to really be extremely tired right you’re not using as much energy or covering as much ground as a goalkeeper and then do you want to rotate your goalkeepers you know break up that momentum uh I’m not so sure you do uh then again if Germany do win their first two games comfortably um do you give T Stan a chance to impressed but then how does that help you in the long run if Manuel no is going to come back into it after the group stage anyway for the fourth game um is there any real benefit to to Bringing T Stan in then let’s say t Stan has an absolute Blinder of a game although perhaps not important at that stage then he has a worldy in between the sticks and then all of a sudden you’ve got half the country coming down on you as a manager uh uh bringing in the discussion of should ter Sten start should he be ahead of Manuel neya then you have that discussion then no makes a mistake in game four and that just adds to the to the criticism I’m not sure you really want to bring that in so I’m for me unless ne’s injured I don’t see a way for Tan to get into the team or start a game might be completely wrong that’s just the way I look at it and uh I think you always have to see the big picture as a manager and I’m not sure what benefit it would bring um cuz as said I don’t think goalkeepers need to necessarily rotate or be given a rest because they simply don’t need a rest as much as Outfield players do Travis Malcolm tuning in from Jamaica welcome to the chat and the live stream great to have you here Lan NASA do you know how to speak Arabic I’m afraid I don’t Salam alayum is pretty much as far as it goes as well as malum Salam well that’s about it Graham Coldwell afternoon guys from Scotland we have a Scotland fan in the chat as well looking forward to the opening game of the tournament don’t think we’re strong enough to get anything hope to be competitive and take that into to the other two games so a realistic approach from Graham welcome to the live stream and the chat great to have you here Graham and thanks for the input as well Jorge from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil great to have you here as well Icarus from Indonesia people from all around the world tuning in the man shaft with fans from all around the world as well great to see and great to have you all here suy back what was your country’s best ever finish in the [Music] Euros uh not too high shall we say Chris from EU who do you think will finish second if Germany places first uh probably France MW how does the date 1966 make you feel well I wasn’t around then so I don’t feel too much but not too great MW good day all the way from Toronto ARX builds great to have you here as well Elton asking where are they training at they are in Bayern at the moment at the adid Dasa sport plots in Herzog and a to be precise will be their home for the group stage at least but most likely throughout the entire competition as well great setup here working together with Adidas for this uh Training Center Thomas Müller scoring a cheeky little goal there to wrap up a small-sided game to make make life easy for you Susy Baka my two teams are England and Austria although I will be keeping an eye on how Germany do as well deas what went wrong with flick in your opinion well I think he had very big shoes to fil which is why I think it’s exciting times for Julian nagos man because anyone who was coming in to the manager’s role after Yogi love for me was always going to struggle um after what he achieved and accomplished as a manager I think you were always going to struggle to even match what he did and so uh all his uh all his shortcomings were then there almost sort of made bigger than they were I think life was going to be difficult for him no matter what um it was a transitional period for Germany as well which made his life even more difficult but now with that sort of under the carpet and a thing of the past nagos man can come in and not uh with not as big shoes to fill if anything a little easier to do better than perhaps flick did I think he’s already doing that in the in the friendlies that we’ve seen him in charge of and uh I think the expectations are a little less as well so uh I think the job as a whole is easier for nagos man and uh as a result I think he’ll just do a better job Susy backa spot on th duing do you think Germany is stronger than Argentina that’s a tough one um you’d have to say on paper no Argentina are world champions Germany are former world champions but it’s been a while since they’ve been at the top of their game this could be the year they get gets closer to that again um I think Argentina have an incredible team they obviously have lonel Messi as well so um it is uh lonel Messi at the end of his career but it’s still Leonel Messi um I think it would be a cracking game no matter what geonet fan in the chat as well Jay coming in with the question do you think Tony K can bring what do you think Tony K can bring to this Germany team he is in his prime can he make the difference or can he make a difference well I think he certainly can make a difference I think he’s been showing that throughout his career that he’s a Difference Maker as far as far as Central midfielders go possibly one of the best I’ve ever seen um is he in his prime I’m not so sure about that I think he’s coming towards the end of his career but like Luca Modric a fine wine seems to get better with age so I think he can definitely be pivotal for Germany and will be pivotal for Germany uh as mentioned early into the stream I think for me moala vietz and K are the three sort of difference makers and if those three can have a good tournament then Germany are definitely in with a shout looks like the training session is just winding down now bit of extra stretching for Leroy San Manuel Noya on screen now as well and uh looks like there are boxes of shirts for the players to sign and hand out to the 4,000 fans in attendance for this live training [Music] session Lin up Pell hoping Germany get back to their best supporting from Nepal quite a few from Nepal in the chat great to have you all here Samuel mwenda what do you think of Jonathan T and the Bayern rumors is tar Bayern quality as a German Champion I think that’s automatically makes him Bion quality um probably one of the best Central defenders in the league this season which is why he’ll definitely be starting almost every game I’m sure for Germany in central defense alongside Antonio rudiger um will he make the move to Bayern well I don’t think he’ll be thinking about that just yet and uh personally I think he’ll probably end up staying at Leverkusen I mean the way they’ve been playing the manager they have in shabi Alonzo everything moving in the right direction for them they’ve got Champions League football to look forward to next season as well if I was him I’d stay put um but you never know in football do you and Bayern Munich is always an attractive destination if you’re going to play your football in Germany so we’ll have to wait and see Harry who is your Underdog of the tournament I think uh don’t know if Portugal can be classified as an underdog um but I think they’re probably my Dark Horse and the team that no one seems to be talking about but possibly should be [Music] we’ll try and get through a few more questions before we end things here where is pavlovich pavlovich is in the squad have no fear has been out training today as well kicker is Andre critz suitable Midfield what could gundan bring I think gundan will be starting with a doubt carrying the captain’s armband as well julan nagos man making it very clear that he is or he believes that hilai gundan is the man to lead Germany to a title with K there as well andrein vietz incredible seasons for them all starters if you ask me geonet wondering how far Austria will get I think if they can get it out out of the group they’re in with a shout to uh cause a bit of an upset but it is a tough group with France lilan NASA where is br julan br not making the Germany squad [Music] [Music] floran vatz some shooting practice is known to stay after training practice on his shooting number of players who seem to make it to the top of the game do enjoy doing that both he and Henry having a few cracks at goal don’t know if all of you watched the game against Greece on Friday Henry rattling an absolute Thunderbolt off the crossbar in that game nearly scoring what would have been the goal of the game as well Roy hwan unav or fer I think fug has to start it ahead of un although un’s had an incredible season um pretty sure Fook will be getting the nod ahead of him lead kicker who’s your choice for Striker I think you have to go with Kai havs after the season here had with Arsenal uh if not him then F cook shatti asking where is kimes Kish is here with the team has been out there training as well Odon gold how do you grade this Germany defense compared to the Past hard to say cuz we haven’t seen too much of it in in action um I think it’s uh think it’s an exciting back four if that is what nagles goes for I think yonathan tan Ruda have showed domestically that they’re up there with some of the best in club football at the moment especially on form uh yosua kimh at right back which is where he played against Greece well I mean always uh he’s a he’s a proven player on the biggest stage be at Club level or International and then I think maximan ml has shown with the chances he’s been given by julan nagos man that he’s not afraid to impress and has been uh really really exciting addition to the Germany’s defense and then you’ve got Manuel Noya in Go I mean if you are a Defender you’re probably not going to be more confident than those four knowing that Manuel Noya is behind you more shooting practice for de man shaft here usually suggests the session is slowly but surely coming to a close now Thomas Müller watching on that kicker is habit a proper Center Striker Center forward like philk unav and Bayer no I think uh he’s not but we did talk about at the beginning of the stream perhaps you weren’t here for that uh lead kicker um H’s very much a modern attacking player and the future of football in terms of being able to play Anywhere across a front three or four including the number 10 R um and I think it’s that versatility that probably just puts him ahead of the others and then of course you can always then go back to Bringing on a fug and unav aaya if you need that out andout striker in a game not to mention you can then also bring them on in addition to havs if you want to go with a front two maybe and then that allows someone like a Fook to play Just slightly ahead havs sort of working in and around the shadows of a classic number n feeding off scraps Phil koua holding up play hav you know in and around him just gives you so many options baked bean Germany G smashed on Friday obviously a Scotland fan in the chat as well well you never know Sandy pan Manu noer is not the Emmanuel Neer of 2017 well no perhaps not but it is still Manuel noer and I’m sure uh most countries would more than happily have him in goal if they could lulua Ronaldo or Messi well it is the question everyone seems to ask um it’s a hard one for me cuz they’re so different um my answer is always I’m simply happy to have been alive during a time where Ronaldo and Messi were out there playing football and I think you can’t have one without the other think they brought the best out of each other um so it’s almost a two for one kind of package for me [Music] Tash up who should be Germany’s penalty takers that’s a good shot especially at these tournaments sometimes penalties make the difference um I think vilog habitz kimh [Music] gundan and Andre would be my five [Music] Rodney W wire will you trust kimes as a right back in big games well did start in that position early on in his career has developed into more of sort of a a holding or defensive midfielder um I think he has plenty of experience in that position and can more than do a job there um so yeah I’d say I would trust him at right back [Music] aren’t too many players I can think of that terms of experience ability and uh having the right mindset would probably be ahead of him maybe you’ve got some suggestions feel free to put them in the chat Nan is this the final International Tournament for Noya and Miller Miller probably more than Noya I think goalkeepers just see to go on forever um for Miller I think this might be his last tournament yep so it’ll be interesting to see if he can finally get on the score sheet at of European championships as well before he bids farewell to International Football okai gundan Germany’s captain in and amongst the fans signing some shirts and scarves so just another reminder Germany in action on the 14th of June 4 days from now 9:00 kickoff it’s an evening kickoff Central European Time Of course well Hungary and Switzerland will go head-to-head the following day to wrap up match day one in gupe Germany’s second game then on the 19th of June against Hungary a 6:00 early evening kickoff there Central European Time as well of course in Germany’s third and final game in group a against Switzerland 9:00 kickoff on the 23rd of June there fingers crossed two wins from two before they get to that Switzerland game because I think it could be a tough test against Switzerland very underrated side hopefully it won’t all come down to that final group game musala making a lot of young fans very happy there to many of them the future of German Football i’ have to agree what an exciting player he is can’t wait to see what he does at Bayern next season will he be at by next season there are a few rumors that some other big clubs are taking a very close close look miala the likes of Manchester City in the conversation as [Music] well pretty sure Bayern Munich will be doing their best to hold on to one of the most exciting young talents coming out of German Football these days [Music] Andre or Pascal gr to start besides Tony Cross I think you have to go with Andre simply because of the Season he’s had with Leverkusen um although Pascal gr big big fan as well um he’s uh he’s certainly given Julian nagos man something to think about with his performances Off the Bench in recent games in the buildup Thomas Miller and Sandro Vagner in conversation there while Nicholas filuk lines up a shot from distance here federo joining us from Chile warm welcome [Music] lead kicker who’s a better goalkeeper Balman or Nubble I think Balman just edges it for me I think nagos man getting it right and making him the uh third choice keeper backup to Mark Andre tan and Manuel Neer whether or not he’ll get a kick at the Euros I doubt it I think he deserves his place in the side after his performances this season for hoffenheim [Music] Benjamin Gluk with julan [Music] nagos sounds like the majority of the players are now with the fans signing shirts and everything in between alanes Fu best free kick taker question mark I think it’s hard to get pass Tony Cross and they do have a few players who can take a good free kick but Andre actually really good from dead ball situations as well musala knows how to hit them but I think Tony Co just so good at those dead ball situations especially if it’s just sort of left of center and he can try and curl one up and over the wall into the near corner I mean that’s his bread and [Music] [Music] itus do you think K will take all of the free kicks corners and penalties Corners pretty sure he probably will has uh been taking most of them during the friendlies building up to the tournament uh fre kicks I think if they’re in within shooting range will’ll be one of the first choice takers there as well as for penalties I’m not so sure a few takers gundan it’s good for a penalty very rarely misses them Phil K can step up and smash them as well Kai havit is a good penalty taker so plenty of options there yosua kimh not too bad from the spot either tell you what kimh uh got a decent free kick on him as well although kimh probably if you’re going to go for power perhaps a better better option but if it’s for placement finesse combined with power I think you got you can’t get past Tony Co and so I think that will wrap things up here as well so once again a really big thank you from everyone or for everyone joining us in the chat thanks for tuning in thanks for being a part of this live training session and we hope you’ll be a part of the support for d man shaft when the tournament gets underway in 4 days time Germany against Scotland to kick off the 2024 Euros here in Germany a big thank you for me and hopefully see you all again soon as always stay safe and take care


    1. I’m a Ghanaian but I Love Germany and anything German,Wishing You All Best …..🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭 Ghanaian

    2. This team has the best players from the best clubs in every position. If german coach can use the right players, the euro will surely be champions. I have a lot of hopes and dreams for Germany in this years euros. I hope this team fullfills those hopes & dreams.
      Go ahed Germany.

    3. Happy to see Rudi Voeller on the touchline, and closely involved with die Mannshaft, with Nagelsmann and his staff! I think that Germany has, in a subtle way, started a shift back to the 'traditional' Germany game of work rate, organization, quick pressing and direct forward play, especially since his interim charge for the friendly Germany-France last year. The 'short-passing slow buildup' game has allowed the opposing teams to pack their penalty area, and made Germany susceptible to quick threatening counter-attacks. Go Germany, Go!

    4. Germany 2 Scotland 1. We will struggle to score as usual. Scots will play deep and counter likely. If Krug gets time he should be able to muscle a goal. This is a good game for him to start but will never happen with NAGS. ALSO please start Fuhrich or Sane with Wirtz and Musaila…Gundogan sit till 2nd half

    5. Players must be brave , and run as much as possible , football is a sport which depend on run , I hope the the player Gondogan will not be in the line_up , he passes the pall backwards causing the attack being slow , I do not him to play

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