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    bitcoin, cryptocurrency, crypto, altcoin, blockchain, ethereum, bybit, mexc global, okx, bitget, defi, nft, hajsoholicy, moneymakesmoney, hashpro, staking, michal lewicz, michalskyvlog, keystone, keystone pro3, CryptoAdventure, Kryptowaluty, Inwestowanie, Airdropy, BezpieczeństwoKryptowalut, ZarabiajOnline, Blockchain, AlphaAirdropHunter, PoradyInwestycyjne, KryptoNowości

    [Music] yo so my name is Michael H the screen here something wrong but it doesn’t matter uh I would like to introduce myself first and tell you a little story about money so I’m building a brand which is called money makes money and I start my YouTube channel in 2019 in February I started investing in cryptocurrency at the end of 2016 in December so the first Bitcoin which I bought was under $1,000 but then when I get deeper I also want to create something and in Polish YouTube there was a lot of channels which been informing about the news about events on the market and so on but we had a defi summer in 2020 and there was no such of Channel which will show you how to actually provide liquidity how to use it defi how to do staking and so on that’s why I started by the way we’re going to talk about free money who likes free money raise your hands up it’s not going to be very optimistic unfortunately okay that’s me and money makes money so I’ve been creating a lot of tutorials and basically a videos where I show how to provide liquidity like uh Phil was showing you I was one of the first in Poland who was providing such of content and you probably some of you can remember Terra Luna I Was A og lunatic as well it didn’t end up well as you know but in Luna we had a lot of defi opportunities like a Delta farming where you basically join couple of protocols together and you cannot lose where at the end of the Luna collapse everybody lost something at least and I felt a little bit guilty because of that I know that everybody’s taking their own uh responsibility on their financial actions but you know even if uh I was showing to people how to do it they knew and they they they did it some of them they did it they’ve been using the defi products so I felt that little bit guilty and because I lost also a lot of money in it I decided to change money makes money into time effort and information makes money I wanted to show people that not only with your Capital you can gain profits so I became so-called airdrop hunter that term didn’t exist right then it starts to pick up after the huge air drops like for example arbitrum or Aptos that was couple of years later on terraluna we had a lot of test Nets and so on so you could show it in the nice way and I started doing it and sometimes I was publishing three videos a day a lot of test Nets and many people been telling me Michael why are you are doing it the test net doesn’t pay there is no real money well until AOS came and everybody get 3,000 bucks just for meeting nft and registering on the website [Laughter] happens anyway we have in air drops we have Cycles the same like we have Cycles on the market first of all maybe start what is an air drop air drop is basically free money to qualify to get this free money you should do some simple tasks like swaps or getting into some campaigns and so on that was before that was the beginning of the air jobs right now the air jobs are like a very strong marketing tool for the web tree projects any project which is not doing a air job it’s missing out and this is getting more and more difficult for the air drob Farmers here you can see the most popular air drops in the past as you can see Unis swap it was 12,000 bucks but this is a alltime high price when we got the a drop you got everybody got 400 tokens each point like two between $2 and $4 but after 2 years they reach alltime high and this air drop was worth at 12,000 bucks what you have to do to do one swap on un swap which was a decentralized exchange maybe the heat the fees on the ethereum network been pretty high because of the defi summer this time so the for the swap you have to pay like 90 bucks uh Fe but anyway it was really worth it that was one of the biggest air job ever because it gave away 6.4 billion dollar after two years 30,000 of the addresses still didn’t claim the air drop it was like 100 bucks laying on the table still there waiting to be claimed and only 1% of the total addresses didn’t sell any tokens 7% uh 7% still have some uni uni tokens but most of them they sold then we have the 1 in which was another decentralized exchange that was little bit smaller they actually have two seasons it was $6,000 per one season same qualification one swap you get 6,000 bucks after with ample for if you hold uh if you hold ample then you get uh almost equal amount one to one uh token f it was that’s the minimum uh amounts uh the 6,000 yeah all of the amounts are like minimum the Unis swap is the maximum amount so the minimum amount you could get $6,000 ample for minimum 1,000 but I know people me myself I got the air for 9,000 bucks just on one wallet then we had dydx that was a pretty huge a drop as well just one swap on the Perpetual deck and you get around 3,400 $4,000 osmosis and Juno that was one to one for staking atom on Cosmos Network then we had the optimism optimism is also have a different seasons so even this this year I got $6,000 in optimism in token op just for minting some nfts which I of course have to pay for it but it was still a big surprise for everybody $66,000 you just got it for free a arbitrum that was two years ago that was in the middle of uh bare market so it was huge injection to the market and people starts to Farm because they they knew that some of the networks which are just developing they going to probably do a air drob as well and AOS does the testet air drob for meaning free nft and registering on the website you get $3,000 no no money involved that was what I was tracking I think I was one of the first people in Poland who who showed that and many I think thousands of people got it because of me last year we had also Tia Tia it depends it was actually very organic air drop which you got for using different DBS and so on now most of the people are staking Tia because there are another air drops which are coming for the staking this token in here we have air drops this year and as you can see these ones most of them are counted in hundreds here we have in thousands so these are the air drops which are from this year and of course we have a lot basically the year 2024 it’s called the year of the air drops but as uh as in the markets we see Cycles the same Cycles we see in air drops and in any other any other Trend so we have Zeta chain that was also tested average people got around $100 I got around 4,000 I think Dimension also huge air drop now maybe it’s worth 1,000 because the most of the people start to sell even if they promise some air drops for the staking if you stake it it’s like money makes money money of course if you stake it then you get another air drop and so on and so on warm Hall it was a bridge multi-chain bridge also a huge air drop minimum amount was $400 out layer also but a little bit smaller Stark net I don’t know any if you got some St tokens it was a little bit difficult people been expecting uh large amounts but the qualification being pretty weird we going to comb to it Manta Network and so on the last three they are uh gaming gaming project gamy gam Swift a huge air drobe mavia also a game just play little bit game and you get a nice air drop pixel very very shitty game I would say if you like if you like nice graphics and you like to enjoy there is like I don’t know you could compare it maybe to Farmville if you remember the the games on Facebook yeah farm bill is 10 times better than pixel but but they paid very well and now they’re going to have probably uh next season so probably it’s worth to play It’s Worth to try me basically I am not a farmer but I am experiencing exploring the different networks that’s how I I get into these opportunities and this is what I’m showing on my channel here are some smaller smaller air jobs like below 100 it depends how much effort you put into into exploring such of networks and so on there is plenty of them there is really a lot now we start not onart as you can see these are the aops which I mentioned and Market capup are really high FTB it’s a fully diluted valuation also very high then you have a supply if the air drop is dropped usually they need to provide liquidity they are also giving uh part of the tokens to advisors for a marketing and so on from this 18% maybe 2% it’s an drop or 5% let’s say as you can see one hole 18% stet very little only 7% that means that 97 93% are waiting to be unlocked to be dropped on your heads even now binance released a official information that they not going to list such of tokens with high valuation with a low float because these numbers is called float when when you have a PGE in stock and generation event these are the the tokens we’ve been unlocked so it’s very little and we don’t know basically who is holding those tokens sometimes it is official that it’s written in the smart contract that these tokens are locked for the advisors for the uh VCS or marketing or the team and so on sometimes it is locked by a smart contract not always and not always this data is official that it’s provide it somewhere sometimes they are hiding it sometimes it’s for example these tokens can be locked in the multi wallet where you have to sign five transactions this this wallet is hold by the by the part of the team they are signing the transactions and deciding okay now we’re going to drop 20% of the tokens and we don’t know when it’s going to happen in here you can see how it works when the token when the token is dropped most most of the tokens are declaiming in price because there are people know that there is a huge declaim there’s a huge unlocks coming so they don’t want to hold it some people been staking Dimension but as you can see slowly over the time it’s it’s dropping that’s di menion here most of the tokens going down Mafia the the gaming the gaming project going down everything going down only because there is more tokens to be released on the market and here Cycles probably everybody knows this Wall Street cheit so every cycle have their emotions if you look at the candles you know what it means why green candle is basically a positive emotion on the market market is driven by two different emotions it’s foro fear of missing out when you have a eoric emotions and people are buying like R they don’t know why they are buying but they want to buy like Julian was saying the Bitcoin is going to be 60,000 probably next day well it wasn’t and that was pissed then we have F fear uncertainty and doubt so people are scared when there is a blood they don’t want to they don’t want to buy and like Warren Buffet is saying you should buy the buy buy this blood when everybody is scared then you should go for it and the same thing we have in the air drops at the beginning it was very easy to get it you make one swap you get 12,000 bucks bang it’s in your wallet you can do it whatever you want after you mean this free nft from upos you get 3,000 bucks didn’t cost you anything you just have to know where to be and what to do which I provide on my channel but now it’s getting more and more difficult we are more somewhere here now now air drops are used as a campaign marketing campaign so probably you seen on the Twitter if you are on Twitter or X you seen those kind of posts like cost 0 but you can earn 5,000 10,000 20,000 because you’re going to get the air on it it’s a big promise sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t you have to collect some points some XPS you have some different multipliers State this state that kyc a lot of different stuff it’s getting just more and more difficult because there is a huge interest people see that before it been so easy so they all want to we are all really you all want free money right and now suddenly C ban what is c i explain I don’t think that c is a correct term to call Farmers because most of us are farmers we do multi accounts we Farm on the weekends because on the weekends you have low fees so you can do a lot of swaps you you put empty transactions just to you know leave leave uh leave a sign of your of your wallet that I been there I did that and media will qualify for something but Civ it was taken out of the Civil attack when we had the decentralized auton D decentralized autonomous organizations where you have uh this government tokens and people can vote on the different proposals and change with basically how different protocols works and some people been taking advantage of it putting those tokens in the different accounts so they can manipulate how the protocols Works they create false identities and that was a threat to decentralization because some people which are holding a lot of tokens they could basically manipulate the whole protocol so people which are farming they Farmers c i don’t agree with it now we can see I don’t know if you are farming layer zero a of course that’s the place where they announced we did the snapshot and the transactions drop from 4,000 400,000 per day to 80,000 that means our job is done it’s finished we are not farming anymore so that’s the real utility it’s 80 81,000 because they decided that we’re going to ban C so farmers they been trying to put some forms that people report other people other farmers and so on and they did it but we have another one oh lovely one people hate this many people hate this set drop because well the qualification been little bit not fair for you the qualification was to hold 0.05 AUM on your wallet that’s was at this time it was like 13 bucks it was almost nothing but many people instead of holding this useless ethereum on their wallet they provide for example liquidity pools because that’s like a blood for the for the network you know you if you don’t have liquidity you cannot do swaps you cannot do anything holding a useless ethereum on your wallet does nothing for the ecosystem but they choose that way and also many people been holding nfts on their wallet that was also basically useless for them and it wasn’t fair so many people just dropped the token we got some small parts but many people was uh because they had a high expectations and they didn’t get it they get angry the US US the usability of the Network dropped down there was no no activity anymore then we had EG layer layer over farmed air drop they collected 15 billions 15 billions of ethereum locked in the protocol that means that a lot of whales weights of eum in and they made fun of these people many people get for example 10 tokens and they listen to the community because the community was angry so they said okay we’re going to give you additional 100 tokens but you cannot sell them you can to lock it in your wallet and you have to stake it you cannot sell it so basically some people got like up 110 tokens and up but they cannot do anything anything with it for the next year and now they open the vesting and for example VCS can sell their tokens and we are happy just to hold it still we have some free opportunities to farm the aops it’s not like you need a lot of capital like you need to lock lock your ethereum and so on for me basically if the if the capital is involved a lot of people which which large capital is going to farm it and we as a small small guys in this chain we’re not going to get it for example when Lena announced that they’re going to have a new campaign called Lena search where you have to provide liquidity and so on Justin son this guy from K he injected there $4 million the same Justin son got 4 Millions out of because you had there a big part of capital but this is not the end cuz we still have a lot of free money to be made on the market we have a lot of games we can play if you don’t like playing games you can always install the game pass it to your kid let can play a little bit maybe you can share the air with them maybe you can buy some C but what we need to do is to put our effort our time and have good information we cannot just do everything because it’s too much of them it’s too many campaigns what we have to do is to track how much money they have because if they have a lot of money then they can share it with us but we need to know which ones are more profitable which are less profitable so like in every in every cycle we have this peak moment and we have the glim the same happens with ajobs ajobs was one of the narratives that contributed significantly to the growing interest in the cryptocurrencies basically because of the air drops many people find out about currency many people find out about gaming in web tree and so on games in web tree they are not not so interesting like uh real games in web 2 like AA games but we have some cool games like for example star heroes or some other ones which are pretty good and it’s fun to play additionally to that you can make some money so it’s worth to try you just need to know where to look for it and this is not the end because every cycle has it’s beginning in the end but it usually goes in Cycles so even if now it’s more difficult to do it these people will lose their interest they will go away sooner or later now when we are reaching the top maybe they going to make some money till the end of the bull market we don’t know when it’s going to be finished but most of them they will just go away because they have huge expectations like I showed you for free meing nft you get 3,000 they have huge expectations they don’t get it okay probably crypto is a scum and it wasn’t worth it I just waste my time but the ones who is going to stay and keep farming they will get it sooner or later so all you need to do is just be patient and work your assle because it’s it’s not easy you need to do a lot of research you need to follow the correct amount correct accounts on YouTube on Twitter you can leave me a follow or subscribe my my channel I am trying my best but of course it’s not possible to catch everything it’s basically too many of them too much too much opportunities it makes markets too saturated but the ones which are patient they will get paid sooner or later that’s all for me if you have any [Applause] questions what you farming right now right now I am farming in the robot Farm it’s ZK thing and they supposed to have their token on ZK but they switch to base probably there is a lot of opportunities in the base ecosystem as well what about bar chain bar chain bar chain is going to probably drop their token to nft Holders which been spread between epcs which invested in the early stage it could be that the test net it’s not going to be work to do I have a one book for giveaway so bring your questions which nft which n for better train yeah that was one official okay you can find in the open SE yeah about the S drops they are coming on the top of the let’s take H or rather when the market is down you say now we are on the top when we growing and it’s not really worth maybe Farm previously and it is worth it it’s just more difficult it’s more difficult to find the right ones because right now it’s too many campaigns and too many options you need to choose the right one because you cannot do all of it the say like for example Luna was starting to develop you could know every protocol one by one after half year there was so many of them that you couldn’t know it so you just need to handun and hunt for the good one for the for the fat and juicy following this circle means when the market will go down you expecting will be easier to yeah it will be easier because most of the people will leave and now when we have a talk there is a lot of farmers and it’s a lot of opportunities a lot of different campaigns so it’s hard to choose the right one we just need to follow the money I like money yeah if you are if you want to check for example which projects have uh good funding you can use a dock which is called drop stop in there if you type in the name of the project it will show you what kind of funding there when it’s good time to start learning the how to farm the a drops or doing the test Ms the best time was yesterday the second time he’s not he’s not getting the book cuz I know he Tred yeah when you try I can new air let’s say Scrolls is a good idea to take let’s say 10,000 in ethereum make 10 transactions to to get um 100,000 in volume and then let’s say every week or every month do one or two transaction for I don’t know five yeah you need to keep it active but you know most of the people are taking the qualifications out of the arbitrum and optimism air job so they are counting that you need to have this and this much transaction this and this volume and so on but now they want to ban the C so they want to find the right way to you know give something but not to give to everybody how you doing this start you the best the best is to First Bridge from a nothing Bridge from etherium to the current L2 then do swaps provide some liquidity mean some nfts and then come back every few days every week but if you for example I open a ping swap let’s say let’s say you swap ,000 for usdc then swap for usdt die let’s say but don’t do it the same day no don’t do it the same day because nobody does it it might [Music] be because you why would you do three swaps per day and just leave the leave the tokens on the wallet like Nobody Does it it has to be some purpose so maybe you can swap for example from AUM to usdc then Bridge it to another Network and then do another Swap and then just leave it and come back after one week do one swap brid it to another Network and so what you use one single wallet you work a multiple wallet no just one I am not a farmer I do it organically and for me it’s not a gentle gentleman way to farm on 20 wallets and so on but you do you and I don’t care I rather provide information on my channel what do you do with this information into your stuff I am doing one wallet and I have of course main wallets but it’s not that I am farming uh farming HS that’s not the main purose just don’t hold all your okay you’re get thank you so much [Applause] [Music]


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