Having freshly cycled from Bulgaria, we continued our cycle tour adventure up through Romania and west towards Hungary. What we found was interesting architecture, gypsy markets, Dracula landmarks and a rather picturesque Transylvania to peddle around! All accompanied by a rather mixed bag of weather and an array of varying accommodations!

    [Music] [Music] the only place in the world where you’ll find a Dracula supermarket we’ve had rain we’ve had Sun we’ve had snow powder all in Romania so far no one truly back in winter I think you’re taking this whole Romanian gypsy thing a bit too far he’s getting a lot of attention looking like a refugee smoothly just trying to get the best shots as quickly as possible now you are a vision so special are your hands with lots of pain this is the mysterious I am zooming out this is a slow zoom a little hard when it’s something last night we camped in an abandoned warehouse I think is somewhere industrial but there was a man walking out shouting at the door we made sure he was security your random person spent all night worrying about being caught because we very nearly did and then security man pops in through this door and tells us it’s all cool I don’t know if you can tell but Beck’s had a bit of a hard time adjusting back to cycling life he’s come to make contact with us where Romania what’s the verdict it’s our last day so what things do you like about Romania but it is nice to see people driving so much and using secondhand shop and they have crosses everywhere as well big crosses that’s that’s probably a highlight for me I don’t know if this is going to be the end of a video or not though


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