Man Utd are increasingly confident a transfer for Benfica’s Joao Neves can be done and Luke Shaw blames Ten Hag’s medical team for his injury. Mark Goldbridge has the latest Man Utd Transfer News on The United Stand. Subscribe to The United Stand

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    every good morning and welcome to the United stands I’m Mark goldbridge and this is your latest Manchester United news as we talk Xiao Nez it’s getting exciting I don’t think we’ll do this deal but I have to say in relation to Y Lenny yoro and Xiao Nez there’s definitely stuff going on can man united pull these deals off some people think they can some people think that there’s some sort of structure with Benfica that the super model sorry super agent George Mendes can help us with we’ll be talking about that we’ve Al got an expose from Luke Shaw basically blaming ten Hog’s medical team uh man United’s medical team on why he is injured he’s pulled no punches in this interview that’s out this morning we’ll talk and react to that as well uh also going to be talking about uh a few other bits of transfer news and of course what’s going on with the managerial situation at Manchester United because we may have had a weekend and I hope you’ve enjoyed it I’ve certainly have but um we’re about to hit what could be um a big week for Manchester United again um uh is your nose blocked no uh fantastic cover from last night uh from TL and Kev um I was uh in Nottingham last night for a charity game in the day but more importantly a school reunion last night um at the Rood Fest in rington down at the White Horse Pub shout out what a great night it was and I did a lot of talking loud so I’ve got a bit of a bit of a sore throat this morning but nice to get away oh also want to talk about this guy as well um yeah some of the the some of the some of the criticism I seen about Kobe Mayu on Friday night was absolutely ridiculous and um I think that um I saw a lot of the social media reaction yesterday uh obviously we know as Manchester United fans it’s our responsibility to protect our young players um look if he’s 27 and he’s play or he’s 28 or he’s 25 and he’s had a bad game for England fine he’s 19 he’s 19 he’s he’s not even he only broke into the first team at Christmas um you know there’s been a demand to put him in the England team um he’s barely played for England and the Press turned on him on Friday night and I I was like hold on a minute Phil foden was Declan rice was Kyle Walker was like there’s three or four players that are established England players in their 20s who were on Friday oh let’s go in on Kobe man it’s like I I saw the papers on Saturday morning and and and sacka was the picture for England being on four or five newspapers he came on as a sub make it make sense I’m I’m not going to say what some of you are going to say because I can’t be bothered with that but like you know we’re not going to make it about that but they make it about that because they target certain players and I I I just I I was what I did a watch along and Mayu is not at fault for that goal he’s just not at fault like ramale shouldn’t get done on his front post JN Stone shouldn’t let him get the shot off and KL Walker’s not even at right back we in this country and I know we get a lot of people watching outside of the UK are terrible at this we are terrible at overhyping somebody and then chopping their legs off and that to me was break neck speed to do that to Mayu on Friday disgusting but it won’t happen with man united fans because we appreciate what we’ve got and we know he’s only young so um but it it has to be said I mean some of them were giving him a four out of 10 and stuff like absolute bollocks anyway um welcome to members Club CJ you’re a legend let’s get into the news Sunday morning always exciting as a as a youngster we’d get them Sunday papers and you’d read all about these transfers and it was different sort of news so there’s a lot to get into this morning um let’s start off with Xiao Nez obviously I was keeping an eye on the show uh last night I listen to what tol had to say um on the show and look looking around um it really is interesting around Xiao NZ and Lenny yoro now there’s a story coming out from France that Real Madrid want yoro and he wants to go there but Real Madrid do not want to pay more than 30 million quid for him so it’s opening up this scenario where man united want him and as we’ve said before there are five strands of a transfer do we really want him is it his agent using us is it his Club using us is it genuine that we want want him there’s so many different reasons why we might be in for yo but I think xia Neves is the one that’s really interesting me at the moment because it feels more like I know we probably do want yoro but we probably also want venisha junior it’s not going to happen but I think with with um with xia nebz there just seems to be something um significant going on there now whether I don’t think we can pull this deal off but let me just sort of summarize there is a lot of Portuguese reports which I wouldn’t necessarily take a notice of per se but we’re now getting us a lot of reports around the UK press about Xiao Nas and Manchester United’s interest in him so much so that apparently that there’s talk of second bids now I don’t believe we put a bid in at all really I think what has happened here is that this is a player that we’ve scouted extensively and if you’ve watched J Nevers or you haven’t watched J Nevers what I would say is I’m got I was out last night I’m not tired but my nose is running I don’t know whether it’s bloody hay fever again or what it’s getting on my tits but um I think that when it comes to um xia Nez what needs to be said is that we we we spoke about an article probably about February time saying that inos wanted to build a relationship with George Mendes um because he is almost The Godfather of the football agent World um obviously M Rola passed away and I think George Mendes has always been up there with Rola as the two you know most known super agents in World football um there was a piece in February where man united were H having conversations with Mendes you know to build that relationship because my understanding of George Mendes is that obviously used to be Ronaldo’s agent I think he was David de ge’s agent but more now he he he wanders into deals and gets them over the line he’s like a super agent and his name has been mentioned around je Nez so I’m I’m starting look I don’t think we can get xia Nez because Benfica want the release Clause of 100 million euro or 120 million euro and we haven’t got that money but that should be the end of the matter but what we’re getting is constant conversation about man united and xia Nez and restructuring the deal and add-ons and this you know this will total up to that and I think that it’s encouraging and I hope there’s something in it because I have spoken about xia neas a few times and I don’t have a Benfica season ticket and I don’t watch lots of them but what I have seen of him and I remember talking about him in in January when we we were doing a show and he was mentioned is that I I just genuinely think he goes to Man City and becomes the next rodri I think he’s that good and look he’s young but that’s not that’s not a barrier he’s he’s probably I don’t know whether he starts with Portugal in the Euros but if he does he’s going to have half the world after him I I think he’s a really really interesting profile of player in exactly the position that Manchester United needed we need somebody that we can Kobe Mayu can’t be the six he’s got to be the eight so J Nez Kobe Mayu and Bruno Fernandez the Midfield 3 would be exceptional in my mind to build a project around around um so look I I I bring it into the show at the start of the show this morning because I think it’s really interesting um I don’t think we can do it because I don’t think the financials make sense but I have to say God I knew I had something stuck in my throat oh God what is wrong with me this morning nose is running like a tap oh God I hate ay fever it’s not the fact that I’ve only had six hours sleep and I was drinking all day yesterday um yeah I I think that um there’s just something about this X and I where would you put him on the hotter Meer Mark there’s something about xia Nez that’s just really um it’s just it’s one to watch one to watch because we’ll talk about the manager situation in a minute and I know a lot of people are very frustrated about what’s going on with the manager situation and I don’t really want to talk about it but we have to because there’s a new week starting tomorrow but I as much as I’m frustrated with what inos are doing and absolutely what I said on Friday night still stands and it’s not going to change and I think everybody agrees with me on this one it’s weak ownership like whether they think they know what they’re doing or not you’ve lost like you have lost inos to gy you’ve lost like you you can think you’ve not lost but you have like even people who want ten hog out the media ex players everybody is looking at inos and going this is not the way to run a football club you should not have let this drift two weeks after the FA Cup Final halfway into June nobody knows who the manager is they they’ve got it wrong now they’ll sit there in their room in their bunker going no we don’t care we we’re going to make the right decision and that is fine but the court of public opinion always wins and they’ve been too slow they’ve been way too slow on this they’ve you know too many cooks spoiled the broth is a saying where too many people are involved in a big decision and they’ve overanalyzed this they’ve made a right mess of it and they could make it worse they could follow the Southgate route they could bring pettino in whatever but what I’ve always said is as much as they’ve made a big mistake if they announced ten hog staying tomorrow and then you buy Xiao Nez next week we’re forgetting the last three weeks they can turn it around and and I think that’s really important because as much as you might be annoyed and frustrated by inos at the moment I still believe there will be moments of wow this is amazing this is really good and maybe maybe maybe xia nees will be that because that’s the sort of out of the box we can’t do that deal that I’m saying we can’t do so if they pull out AIA Nez then I would be immensely happy and immensely impressed because I don’t know how we do that deal because we haven’t got1 million pound spend on one player so what one to watch but what a player if you haven’t seen anything about xia Nez I mean basically he sort of like I don’t I don’t want to label him but I I I just think there’s rodri there I think there’s Gerard there you know I’m I’m throwing names out because I think he can basically play six eight and probably 10 if you wanted to but I see him as a conductor and I think that if man united can get that deal done would be fantastic but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see on it um good morning Mark great work all the time appreciate the channel and everyone attached to it Patrick thank you uh Scott Treacher says 50 million plus Greenwood uh I don’t think Greenwood will go to Benfica although there’s talk of Turkish interest in in um Greenwood now I think you’ll go Italy or or Spain ownership worries me after how they treat staff says Nick James does ten hog return to Carrington tomorrow says Sanel I don’t I think it’ll be too early to return to Carrington but I don’t know on that I seriously don’t think we should go for Nez says Lee Cape Town look at all the other big names they’ve sold that have not pulled up trees to be honest but I think this lad’s really special mate when you when you listen to Bernardo Silva Bruno Fernandez um I think there’s something really special about him and also I think when you’re a Winger or a striker yeah it can go good it can go bad but look at Jude Bellingham at 16 playing for Birmingham I think when you look at Kobe mayy for Man United I think when you’re a young lad playing in a Midfield as a teammate check fabrigas CES fabrigas as well I I I think it’s harder to Bluff when you play in the Midfield you know it’s like if you’re playing well in the Midfield as a teenager for a big Club you’re probably a very good player whereas as a Winger or as a striker it can be it doesn’t work out but I think in the Midfield it’s it’s harder to you know Bluff it really because it’s hard work in the Midfield um I would go for vaer from fyord for the DM position his stats are a lot better than Nez or enderson says Bogden welcome to members Club Sam hang says buy me and I’ll carry this club hang he Chan uh sjim Radcliff literally playing Monopoly bought a stake in United clears the uh dollars to invest now they want to sell nce to be able to do something says big Zed there we go thank you very much uh for that right I want to talk about this next um I like these sort of conversations um uh Luke Shaw has come out and basically slammed well I’ve read the article I like Luke Shaw um I think some people might read it a little bit differently but basically Luke Shaw has um expressed a dissatisfaction at um why he’s struggling to be fit for England and missed the second half of the season because Manchester United rushed him back in uh January so ten Hog’s name gets mentioned and to be honest with you I think it’s a bloody joke but this is what Luke Shaw had to say um I felt something against Aston Villa and came off at half time this was in January maybe early February um might have been early February actually I remember the game he came off at half time and I I remember saying at the time he won’t play for a few weeks now and then he ended up playing the very next week but he says I felt something against Viller and I came off at half time I didn’t train the whole week and when the scan came back there wasn’t much to uh too much on the scan I trained the G the day before we played Luton and if the manager asks me to play I’m never going to say no but I shouldn’t have played it’s kind of everyone’s fault partly my fault partly the medical medical staff I think everyone would admit that so it’s an interesting um article in the sense that it could go lots of different ways I think some people will use it as a stick to beat ten hog some people will use it as a stick to beat Luke Shaw and some people will use it as a stick to to beat the medical staff um Luke Shaw is injury-prone as somebody that really likes him Luke Shaw is injury-prone and if he hadn’t played against Luton and had two weeks off and come back he probably would have got injured very very quickly afterwards um I’m worried about Luke sha in the Euros um apparently won’t even be fit for the first game and then we’re going to play every three or four days um I really am scared that Luke Shaw is going to get injured again because I just don’t I think he’s become Cavani um fantastic player but you know at some point any moment you’re going to get news that he’s out for a month so I think that’s what Luke Shaw is now so I understand his frustration but honestly I would say to him yeah all right maybe you shouldn’t have played against Luton but you’d have got injured a couple of weeks later anyway and that would have been two weeks later from where you are now and maybe you wouldn’t you would have missed the Euros completely it’s not like well I’m trying to say is yes I get his frustration but it’s not like he wouldn’t have got injured again and again anyway like he’s an injury prone player now you can’t say oh I might miss the Euros because of that they played me against Luton um you’re injury-prone unfortunately um I think if you want to blame anybody on this it’s the medical team that’s what they’re paid to do as a manager and I’ve coached as well as played if I’ve got a player that’s really good I want to play them and what high level managers do is they speak to their medical team we the best one I ever saw was um Amazon Spurs series with Mourinho that I think it was episode three or four where he’s talking to the medical staff it’s the biggest Insight you’ll ever get because he’s Mourinho one of the greatest managers in the world this is what a manager does he’s talking to his medical team and saying cuz loads of people are injured how long can you get is there anything you can you know how you know and I think the medical guy says four weeks and Mourinho says three and he goes it’s going to be four you know managers want the best team on the pitch because if they lose games they lose their job so all these pratts out there who go oh manager it’s the manager’s fault that these players are getting injured manager’s job is to win games of football or manager lose his job medical team is there to tell him they’re not playing managers do not overrule Medical Teams without everybody finding out about it because players will go mad medical team will go mad and also at Manchester United I’ve called Ten hog a laptop manager he like literally when a player comes back even if they’re playing well 60th minute off you come so we know we’ve got a manager and a coaching Network around him with vag and McLaren who do follow what the medical team tell them and the evidence is there so I think when Luke Shaw is saying this it’s not on ten hog it’s not on Luke Shaw it’s on the medical team because we already know we’ve got players and managers and coaches who follow the medical team because we see it all the time I’ve seen it with martinez come back off after 60 minutes we’ve seen it with Erikson off after 60 minutes because you’re coming back from an injury so Luke Shaw’s frustration on this one is’s interesting but ultimately the medical team would have said he’s all right to play and obviously he wasn’t and he got injured and and it’s as simple as that and I think it’s a catalog of mistakes this season that we’ve seen time and time again Martinez end of last season should have been back for the start of the Season we’ve just had has to have the same operation again we’ve seen it time and time and time again and they need to revolutionize that department it’s it’s as simple as that um so look um I think it’s quite interesting uh what Luke Shaw has said but you know and also it’s interesting that he said um if a manager asks me to play I’m never not going to play well that’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard from a footballer say it’s admirable but it’s bloody stupid that’s what that’s what that’s what destroyed martial’s career under oy you shouldn’t be playing if you’re injured Luke it’s as simple as that because this is what happens you know you’ve got and there are there are players who go the other way I mean I’ve spoken to some players who say go God his injury was in his head not like they’ve got brain damage but like you know there’s nothing wrong with them they just go oh I’ve got a bit of a tight hamstring or anything like that so there are players who play up to it and then there’s players like Bruno want to play all the time um how will anyone sign for us when they don’t know who the manager says Aaron well we do need to get this moving very very quickly um a lot to talk about on the show this morning um and I want to talk about um a few other bits on the transfers as well but of course um the manager situation is very much up and running um we had no update last week um and I’m going to sit firmly in the situation that I would advise all of you to sit in that we can’t say next week we will know I hope we do I really hope we know tomorrow um and my inclination is to think that we should do but my inclination last Sunday was that we would we would know last week so all I know is that nobody knows anything all I know is that the decision process is ongoing and as much as I find it absolutely incredible that this could go on for another 3 weeks there’s actually no Clarity from the club or anybody near anyos to say that this will be solved soon there was this weird thing where some media Outlets said that we were going to know on Friday and as I said to you on Friday morning I was told by two very interesting people that and it can break any second it could break now it won’t break today but it could but there’s no man united inos no Source has ever said yes it’s going to break on Friday you know by by midday on Friday you’re going to know no nobody is saying that at all there’s no reason to think it will break tomorrow there isn’t I hope it does but there isn’t as for where we stand at the moment I think ten hog is still on holiday might have come back by now I don’t know um I think uh pettino Remains the favorite with The Bookies which is scary I know and Southgate still in certain circles is being spoken about as a guy that inos really really like um I was reading something last night actually um from one of the news outlets and they were basically saying that even if ten hog survives this year Manchester United see Gareth Southgate as the true custodian of their future of inos at Manchester United and admire what he’s done with England and I just think you know it’s not about Southgate really it isn’t if there is any substance to the fact that inos want to bring G Southgate in to manage Manchester United then they are a bunch of clowns and they belong in a circus because they just don’t understand what so Jim Radcliff is not a lifelong man united fan if you think Southgate is a solution for Manchester United he’s got to be the only man united fan in living memory who thinks that GTH southgate’s a man united guy I mean what was he doing as a lifelong man united fan walking around with earplugs in and a blindfold on he just he just doesn’t have a bloody clue does he and I hate to say that but he doesn’t have a clue if you think southgate’s the right guy for Man United I mean I just it makes me want to project vomit onto my laptop just thinking of that Pratt walking out of the tunnel at Old Trafford and walking up and standing in the home Dugout I mean I just I just I’ve said this so many times but what is it that’s appealing about Southgate is it is bang average playing career is it is political um interviews you know he’s he’s very bland is it the fact that he got middlesbor relegated um is it the fact that he’s bottled three major trophies for England with some of the best players we’ve ever had I mean is is ctil ly football um is it his ability to be you know one n down to Iceland at home in the 12th minute and not and have one shot on target I mean it’s just tactically inept I I is it the waste coat says C so no look I I I I’d rather have pettino than Southgate but I don’t want pettino but the Southgate thing I just find I don’t even blame Southgate really well how can you it’s not his fault I just think inos are clueless absolutely I mean who’s Dan Ashworth if he’s I mean it’s terrifying that our new director of football loves Gareth Southgate it’s absolutely ter terrifying that s David bford whose specialism is cycling loves G Southgate like I don’t for one minute think Omar bar or Blanc rate Southgate and they’re the guys you want to be listening to um really hoverboard says what’s wrong with your throat uh I was out very late last night at a sort of Festival so had to talk very loud and yeah and now hey fever is hitting which is annoying uh I don’t know what to do about that um good morning Mark uh thank you very much for that it’s not me tuned in the media that show had the pins removed from his leg earlier this season he has not been managed well returning from this says uh Chris and Michael Kendrick thanks for the Super Chat that Tommy says United um laser says Eric ten hog is staying they won’t announce anything anything mate this this is a good point I’m glad you’ve made it because you’re wrong um Manchester United there is a laser thinks and he’s not the only person that there’ll be no announcement from inos at all because they’re going to keep ten hog and they don’t need to make an announcement um you’re wrong because inos have made a big deal about a strategic review and they have to conclude the review so they have to make some sort of announcement they are the ones that have put it out there that they’re having a review they are the ones that have allowed it to be out there that they’ve spoken to representatives of other managers they they can’t just let this drift there will be some sort of announcement um might not be an official announcement unless they sack him but they will be like a Romano or an onstein drop if we keep ten hog saying that ten hog is going to stay um it will be reported Rob says it doesn’t need to be reported no it doesn’t Rob but it does and people say what you talk talking about no it they don’t have to put anything out there but they will because they Ain bloody you’re local Dairy this is Manchester United Football Club and everybody knows there’s been a strategic review and everyone knows we’ve spoken to representatives of the other managers so at Point at some point they’ve got to put out there that the review is done because otherwise what we going to do for the next six months be like are they going to sack him like there has to be some sort of um yeah statement not statement you know what I mean there has to be um Eric tenar have done that from laser thanks for the content Mark says Dean how will anyone sign for his when they don’t we’ve done that from Aaron as well you know what’s dist disturbing says danne is that Ashworth hasn’t had a manager that is not someone other than English is D look I um I acknowledge that Dan Ashworth is a good reputation as a director of football but I’ve said it before this is Manchester United you prove yourself at man United you don’t come in with respect and Trust we’re Manchester United we’re not Brighton we’re not England and we’re not Newcastle we’re Manchester United you come in don’t come in with your reputation of who you are you work hard and you get you earn trust and respect I think there big question marks about Dan Ashworth I really do there is you know I’m not doing a show on Dan Ashworth here but there is question marks some of the some of the signings that apparent he made didn’t even make so his relationship with Gareth Southgate is a massive concern that is not good judgment you’re one of the few people in England who actually think South Gate’s decent so there are question marks about Ashworth and he’s got a lot he’s got a lot to prove but there’s a you know so of inos so is Jason Wilcox so is barard so um thank you very much for that good point uh my hay fever seems to be really bad after it rains says Jay destroy Scout uh Mark destroy Southgate with his winning stats says tinted thank you very much um I appreciate that um few other bits of transfer news I wanted to go for you as well this Sunday morning um outgoings wise I mean look it’s the 10th of June tomorrow um and that in itself is um rather concerning as we approach the middle of June um I think the transfer window officially does open very very soon um I think Mason Greenwood is a deal that we can move on I mean Jaden Sancho worries me a lot Dortmund are the only Club interested and they want a loan deal uh obviously T last night was talking about amrabat no decision’s been made on him yet um I think that there are there are so many things uh ongoing at the moment um branth weight not being called up to the England squad means that there’s a decision that could be made there but apparently he’s going to go on holiday now so I you know there’s just there’s just so much uncertainty around United at the moment and it’s hard to grasp what will bring a bit of clarity certainly a decision around who our manager is going to be will be a big kickart to that but even then do you think that naturally leads towards signings because branth weight’s the best part of 60 million Alis is the best part of 60 million sha Nez is the best part of 70 million um we probably don’t even have 60 million at the moment without selling players so I think that as much as people probably don’t want to hear it the manager situation probably doesn’t suddenly Kickstart loads of signings because I don’t think we’ve got the money there to go and do two or three significant signings it’s interesting it’s always interesting of course but I am sort of as I said to you on Friday night like by the this time for most of the last 10 years we’ve done something whether it’s advancing a deal that ultimately ends up getting done Harry McGuire getting deals done like Delo Lindelof Fred Dan James all done by mid June Eric Bay I think was another one as well um we’ve also done deals in July that we were intensely linked to now in June that get done a few weeks later at the moment nobody is Advanced with man united not even like it’ll get officially done in three weeks time because we’re doing the personal terms now it I don’t know and I I don’t want to say what some of you say which is this is being done on purpose they’re they’re they’re dragging the manager thing out so that the summer becomes smaller and the smaller the summer comes the less we have to pay I mean there are people out there saying they’ll keep ten hog they won’t do any business we’ll have a season then they’ll sack him and then they’ll bring Southgate in and there are conspiracies like that where inos know they can’t spend any money this summer but next summer they can so let’s burn another summer um and burn another season and then next summer will’ll be in a better position financially I mean I I don’t want to believe stuff like that I think it’s it’s far-fetched but they are Contracting this summer like with every day that passes the window becomes smaller and in that summer transfer window where we are at the moment as smaller as it gets you’ve still got to decide on the manager you’ve still got over 10 players that need to be sold or removed and you’ve still got five or six or seven players that need to be brought in that’s a lot you know you’re talking 17 18 deals and a manager all in the space of half of June July and half of August before a season starts and a allour so there’s so much that needs to be done and um at the moment there isn’t a lot being done and and I know I know that you know that like we know we’ve played the game we know nothing’s getting done because United is a save and that’s why last week people were talking about we’ll know by Friday and they’re doing all the eyes and everything like that because they know that stuff leaks out from United so if you pretend you know something it looks like you know something but nothing is leaking out of United at the moment and people want to say say oh yeah this is because inos have changed everything inos have stopped the leaks mate you’ve got to understand what the leaks were in the first place to if you think inos have suddenly stopped all the leaks the leaks out of man united were multiple all over the place there’s no way inos have plugged those leaks they haven’t they might have plugged some of them and they may well plug some of them may well plug all of them but they haven’t plugged them the reason there’s no news coming out at the moment and some people don’t want to admit it the reason no news is coming out of United around transfers or sales or the manager is because there is no news like we’re not secretly about to announce Michael elisi um because we’ve been working on it silently for two weeks apparently we just signment that Jing um we’re not we’re not doing it um and also when it comes to trans I mean forget the manager situation when it comes to transfers it’s actually everybody’s interest that it leaks out because it generates momentum um it it can lead to bidding wars and all sorts so you can’t keep you know a Crystal Palace going to be happy to keep man United’s discussions with Michael Elis quiet no we know Chelsea are probably going to win that race because they’re actually in the race um he might be waiting for Man United that might be why they haven’t got the done deal yet but I I I think he probably will go to Chelsea but yeah there’s no news coming out of United at the moment because there is no news we’re not deep into negotiations with anybody um there are talks going on around Mason Greenwood because he wants to resolve his future but beyond that I mean what’s Donny van debate doing with his career what’s Christian Erikson doing playing at the Euros like there are players that just need to go that aren’t even doing anything either um Nick James says players will value will come from euros and the Copa America says Nick what worries me is that teams will see a need uh to sell as a fire sale and try and get players on the cheap which affects budget says Andy I I I I agree and I disagree Andy I think that everybody knows that Chelsea need to sell they do everybody knows that Chelsea needs to sell and the funny thing about Chelsea is they’re going to get predominantly all of their money from Premier League clubs where if them Premier League club has went well that’s a rival um let’s make that let’s make out let’s make their life difficult and yet um Villa want Gallagher that left back that Newcastle have had on loan they’re going to pay for Premier League clubs want Chala so yes you could have a scenario where people look at you and go it’s a fire sale let’s let’s make it difficult for them but if you’ve got good players to sell they won’t do that you know no one’s looking at Chelsea and going oh they need to sell Let’s uh no because more than one Club wants Conor Gallagher so it’s not our problem is yes we need to sell but so did Chelsea but Chelsea have got lots of buyers our problem is our players are that we’re trying to sell so then then you’re in trouble if I if Donny vaner bake was Connor Gallagher we would have three or four premier league clubs that want him but Donnie Vander bake has been on loan to two or three clubs and failed and he’s failed at man united so there’s no big q and actually people will go we’re not going to give you any money for him so that that is uh that’s the problem that we face is that um we’ve just got players on big wages that nobody else wants because we’ve made massive mistakes uh do you think casmiro is going to go um and Jim says we ain’t selling that many because the crap players will stay that that is the problem uh Nick says I don’t think much will happen till 1 of July well I hope that um hope something happens with the manager uh Michael says do you think things are actually gaining steam with Nez um I do I do mate I I do I genuinely do I think there’s there’s too much I don’t think we can do this deal because I think he’s too expensive and he’s too high-profile and I think he’s got the potential to be one of the best players in Europe in the next few years I don’t think we can do those sort of deals and some would say we shouldn’t be doing those sort of deals anyway but there is definitely something going on with United there and I hope it’s not wasted something because it’s a bit like going for Frankie D young two years ago what a great player but you always felt that it wasn’t going to happen um but but but we have got a different ownership now so you sort of go well maybe they are maybe there is a chance but I I agree with Matthew I think City will probably go and get him like that um Lee says uh Dan Ashworth is a pratt he wanted Southgate his Newcastle as well is this the British core thing that inosa R about I don’t understand the British core thing at all I’ve said this before um I don’t get it uh Shay says just in from fabito 10 AR act in shocked no it isn’t and stick says hi Mark do you think we can get 50 to 70 million with the sales of Hannibal for 10 15 for pist 10 15 and Greenwood 30 to 40 um I don’t know who’s going to give us 10 Millions for Hannibal I don’t know who’s going to give us 15 for pist um yeah I I I I think I think we’re going to struggle to sell players I really really do I think the the only players that have any value that I can see are Mason Greenwood um there will be some value to casemiro but with two years in his contract and we paid 60 for him that’s not going to help us with ffp anyway um Harry MaGuire has a value about 25 million quid Victor Lindelof probably has a value around 15 to 20 million uh Scott momy is around 25 million um and that’s it I can’t I can’t W masaka probably another 20 25 million they’re the only players that I look at and go there’s some value there Waka Maguire Lindelof momy Greenwood um I don’t know I don’t know Jaden Sancho I don’t I don’t think anyone’s going to give us any money because of his wages um unless you can sell a I don’t know a unless you can sell someone like a rashford or a Bruno which most of us would say we don’t want to see that happen or if you do want to see it happen who’s going to no one wants rashford and in the case of Bruno again I don’t really think there’s a club out there that’s going to come forward and give him apart from Saudi Arabia which he won’t want to do so I think we’re going to struggle I think we’re going to really struggle to sell players Reagan says what about Erikson for 5 million but the problem with that is where’s he going to go turkey they probably can afford 5 million but they can’t afford 140 Grand a week which is what he’s on with a year left on his contract um Erikson should go and and probably will go and he’s the sort of player that might want to take a pay cut to play but on the other hand he could be like a lot of players we’ve had over the last 10 years who just go you gave me a contract you gave me stupid wages I’m not going to go anywhere so there we go um Na says I think it’s going to be Southgate I bloody hope not mate I bloody hope not um uh there’s a story here from give me sport saying that representatives of and Nar for Everton have reached out to United to see what their thoughts are I mean I’ve heard about him and um I’ve heard about um him him being linked to man united for quite a long time in Arsenal but I just again Everton are going to want a lot of money for a player that I just think is a massive massive massive risk um yeah big one I’m just I’m just reading here again what what somebody’s just saying it’s is it not so obvious that Southgate does well in the Euros ten hog has a bad start to the season gets the sack and then southgate’s in for Christmas I mean I don’t want ten hog to get the sack I don’t want ten hog to get the sack slow sports news but I don’t want that in my head either I don’t want us to to keep ten hog and be thinking Southgate could come in after any bad result I don’t want that I want a commitment to ten hog I want a two or threeyear contract I don’t want let’s see what happens with ten hog and then every time there’s a bad result you think in Southgate I’d rather we give a three-year deal to pettino to be honest or deserie or tul or any other manager I don’t want but would rather take over Southgate I don’t want the Southgate scenario ever at Man United and I don’t like the idea of ten hog staying and then Southgate being there in the background I I would rather we sacked ten hog and give pettino three years I I don’t want G the Southgate anywhere near this club it’s got nothing to do with Eric ten hog I don’t want G Southgate anywhere near man united anywhere near and look taking off my ten hog bias for a moment cuz I can do that I want ten hog to stay you know that all right let’s leave that at the door let’s walk inside if ten hog isn’t here who should be the manager well I don’t like any of the candidates but what kind of Pratt Consortium sits there and goes tuul deserie Pino I want Southgate southgate’s the guy tle pettino deserie southgate’s the guy I mean what sort of of circus is that you you should go to prison for saying that if you’re on a if you’re on a committee and you’re talking about the next Man United manager and you’re going Postino is available T’s available derer is available um and also GTH Southgate I think is a good option get out you’re fired instantly in fact you can’t s you can’t sack me you’ve got to give him my notice no I haven’t check your contract it’s there in Clause a if you ever mention Southgate as a man united manager instantly sack you don’t pass go you don’t get 200 you go straight to prison piss off you’re out I mean it’s incredible it’s absolutely incredible but there are a lot of people out there who say we’re not going to get Southgate we’re not going to get Southgate and I hope they’re right but where they’re wrong is we’ definitely recommended Southgate and he’s definitely admired and we’ve definitely had some uh minor or major or whatever discussions you want to talk about like we have with other managers as well but yeah I I don’t I don’t understand how you can be talking about derer patino tul and then go Southgate I mean this guy doesn’t get a job at Leicester and they’ve got no manager like he’s he’s absolutely um how he gets linked with the man united job is is crazy to me um you have to consider it’ll be easy to work with I couldn’t give a mate I couldn’t give a you know my Dyson Hoover is easy to Hoover with but he ain’t going to become Man United manager you know he’s got a great sucking action but it can’t be Man United manager Chelsea don’t have to sell by the 30th of June it’s not the Chelsea stand Francis don’t give a about Chelsea it’s the United stand was using the example of Chelsea do need to sell players this summer hence they find it easy because they’ve got players that people actually want to buy that was the end of the Chelsea conversation we don’t want to talk about Chelsea hi Mark a bit off topic but could you discre decrease the volume of your Ender video clip sounds like a j gunshot every time one of your videos Ends don’t know what you’re talking about MOA um and and not only in the sense that I can’t be asked to help you out MOA but I don’t know I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about so I can’t help you um so much anti-english hate in the chat says Winston um I don’t think he’s any anti-english hate at all I’m actually English it’s about um we’re talking about um the next manager of Manchester United yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about English hate um Reed Juventus would trade uh Kaza for Greenwood I I I I don’t agree uh dob dop I don’t agree with the swap deals I think they’re very very difficult deals to do um I like this one Jamie says your Dyson’s got a great sucking action but it doesn’t mean it’s going to appear in fake taxi great one that’s the answer to na says Southgate would be easy to work with exactly what’s that got to do with managing man united um Nicholas says your Dyson Hoover would be better than Southgate as a manager um and Southgate rashford and Roy Keane unless we want these players out then yeah he has man hates man united after Roy Keane incident says Freddy great show this morning says just Keen yeah I’m G to end it there because I’m on later and um I’m also recording a Euros podcast that’s going out tomorrow and I might do a little bit more if anyone’s been watching my um career modes for the Euros I might do another countri I’ve done England I’ve done Scotland I’m thinking I might do Denmark today or maybe Portugal actually so I might do that this afternoon um I’m sorry I’ve I’ve been wearing this in support for Kobe um and um I’ve not been wearing it for that reason actually it’s just a new design that we’ve got out um but um yeah absolute nonsense that that the Press were going after him um what happened to the F1 watch along says Mr Andrew well one went there better things to do with your time so there we go uh I might do Portugal this afternoon about 2:00 on my channel to keep an eye on Twitter and stuff but um I might do that this afternoon if you want to get one of these t-shirts by the way we’ve also got this is my favorite I just didn’t have time to put it on look at this color lovely there we go brand new out links in the video somewhere or just go united stand Shopify we do ship those worldwide um thanks everyone for watching absolute Legends uh will it be a big week ahead I don’t know I’m not going to do eyes ears Knees and Toes or anything like that or Tik toks or anything like that but it could be this week but what I will say is we’ve got a great community and we will cover whatever is going to happen um 8:00 show tonight is back Sunday night show and if anything happens in between of course we will go live thank you everybody great to be back um have a great day evening or whatever you’re doing and I’ll speak to you all in a bit take care what’s this bloody bang at the end of the video he’s talking about Bloody


    1. Ineos being slow to make up their mind, leaving the manager on tenterhooks, putting an emphasis on british players, not getting rid of deadwood. Whats changed?

    2. With the players we need to remove, we need to look at including them as part of offers. Everton want Β£80m for Bramthwaite. Ok maguire and 50m

    3. My theory is Sir Rat Jim is waiting to see how far Southgate gets in EURO’S to lessen the blow of firing Ten Hag. If Southgate blows the EURO, Sir Jim has no choice but Ten Hag. If Southgate does well, it will look like Sir Rat made the right decision.

    4. Finally the truth about our summer transfer. Selling players is going to be difficult because the players are rubbish. Because selling players is going to be difficult, buying players will be difficult

      To all those who only want to give ETH one more season need to understand this transfer period is not going to help him keep his job. ETH needs another 5 years

    5. I would just like to point out that Casemiro said the exact same thing a few months ago. His knee didn't feel right, the medical team cleared him, he got a 2nd opinion from a doctor who found the issue and said he was at major risk for serious injury if he played. I can't blame the medical team for every injury of course, but this is a pattern now. This is not "best in class"

    6. Neves and Yoro are genuine generational talents. Would be some coup if we pulled them off. Exactly the type of targets we should be going for.

    7. Let's face it, we are never going to be dominant with Ten Hag in charge. There is no any obvious progress under him, his signings are majorly woeful partly because he mostly tries to bring in his former players and he often gets his lineups and substitutions wrong due to favoritism. But the replacements that are being considered are not in any way better than him

    8. Can we all ask Ratcliffe to stop mugging off Ten Hag? He deserves another season & all this waiting is disrupting our transfer plans. Knock it off Jimmy 🀨

    9. Shaw was saying that if the manager asked him to play, he did then finished by saying he should’ve never played….he’s right it’s on everybody but at the same time since his leg injury he’s been very much injury prone.

    10. I don’t think they’re hiring Poch. They would have done so already. He just left Chelsea where he had no control over signings, so MU apparently wants to do the same, so he won’t take the job. They will keep ETH and fire him as soon as MU struggle during the season, so they can go to GSG, especially if GSG remains coy on his future after the Euros.

    11. The ignorance hatters should leave Kobi Mainoo alone, why pointing fingers on him for England failer and leave the so called big players in the team that's hypocritcy,please leave that little boy alone.

    12. What's the part you guys haven't realized yet, that we don't need to sell him. If you guys or any other club wants Joao, you have to pay the value of the clause (120M€), just like what happened with Enzo. As simple as that, improve bidings is a waste of time. And a very important point is that I highly doubt that Joao wants to go to a club like the current United. He's so good that he'll have the luxury of choosing where he wants to go (probably Man City)

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