Discover the must-have Swedish souvenirs to bring back from Stockholm! Perfect gifts for family and friends when traveling to Sweden for two weeks.

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    hi guys welcome back today I’m going to show you all the goodies I bought from Sweden for family and friends so let’s get started I bought quite a lot so let’s see what I got first thing I bought this large t-shirt from Theo for my brother and his girlfriend who you know just wear the same stuff you know just how I wear but Eli so yeah super cute from un and I love going to Uno because I live in Colorado and Colorado actually doesn’t have that store anymore we used to have one in Denver but they closed down I don’t know why like it was so popular so that was really sad so I really happy to find one in Sweden in Stockholm this was at a t Central I would say okay next one is for my dad I got in this really cool um clock it’s owl clock he has to build he loves building little things he did um he has a bunch of Fe that he’s not like a ship and I think I got him a ship before airplane and then he also has Lego sets like he build a 42,000 piece Lego of the destroyer from Star Wars so I think he would really enjoy this I got this at the Paradox Museum in t Central again it’s a popular shopping area and Paradox museum is I’ll have a clip right here but it’s where it’s like an illusion Museum right like one side of the room one personal spiriter in the other you might see your reflection that goes like forever or mirrors where you don’t know which way is out that’s what that is so I think you’ll really much enjoy this one it was my favorite I bought them of course coffee for me I already started drinking it this morning because I couldn’t wait I have no coffee at the house so I bought some coffee this is actually from gamastan and that’s a Oldtown um it’s super old it has like cobblestones on the bottom it’s very narrow streets and so we were at this place drinking coffee like for a second time with the family and so I bought this bag of coffee the price is I think this was $70 the coffee this was $15 so kind of like very American prices I would say okay next thing for my dad I also got a this stop home have but also my mom can wear it too they could share um so yeah stock home I got this also gas done super cute okay what else did I get okay so for my mom I got her some kitchen towels and these are like Swedish I felt like they were Swedish designs uh they were 225 crown so I think it’s like maybe $20 I’m not sure but yeah so these towels I got them actually at a museum I think it was Nordic life exhibit that I went to and I saw this at the Museum so had to grab her those they’re 100% linen so I hope she uses tea towels pretty nice then I got my dad a jersey I went to Iceland long time ago my brother and the one thing he asked for is a jersey Iceland Jersey so I thought I’d get him one from Sweden um and this one is number 10 I think Eli said it’s a good player so that’s good so yeah I got him a Swedish t-shirt and soccer is so huge there um it was playing on every TV and so it’s kind of cool it’s kind of like American sport okay next thing I got this cute magnet for my parents Stockholm super cute I got a couple magnets let me show you I got some funny ones I got this magnet for so I think this one I might give to my friend and then this one or maybe I have two for myself I think this one I’ll have my mom I don’t know I’ll let her pick which one she wants and then I have let me see there’s a couple more magnets we’ll get to it later for my brother I got a really cool shop glass so uh Sweden is known for viiking so there’s a biking Museum there a Boston Museum just biking like everywhere and so I got a really cool bking shot glass that looks kind of cool and this was 125 croner croner Swedish chromes okay this is my magnet for myself I’ve been collecting magnets for quite some time now so pretty nice you know what I’m so sad I didn’t get any keychains and it’s so sad because um I just didn’t see any good ones yeah and then for my roommates Jazz I got her some candy so love candy so I got her some of this Swedish snacks so candy I got her some of these they’re like chocolate waffles they’re probably melted inside no lie but they look fine I got her some gum this is like Swedish do they eat a lot of gum there like and I guess I asked the bride the groom and the bride and they say they switch out their gum every 30 minutes so they just keep chewing I always e them with gum even at their wedding day it was kind of funny so yeah so some gum um and then I got her these these were my favorite they’re sour candy Swedish candy candy people yeah SM original I really like these I should have got some more for myself but and another one I think I’m going to keep this one I didn’t try this one yet and then I got another funny magnet this one’s for my brother bo bo bo you’re Swedish I think he likes it he will like it and then I got my mom a t-shirt as well so this t-shirt God bless time which is Oldtown so very nice I like the color and I love the design really nice and then we’re coming towards the end and then I got these three bags so I got actually I think I have four bags I thought I got a black one so I got this bag I think I’m going to give one to Michaela my friend Michaela and then one for my mom this one you guys saw me walking it it’s really cute I’m thinking to put like yarn in there well this might be for my mom but I’ll let her pick and then there’s this one that’s um you know different you know I think I had another bag but I think I left it in Stockholm because I had a same one but black for Michaela cuz I think I was going to give one to Ally as well but I’ll have to look at my house and see if it’s there um anyway guys that’s all I got for everybody it was so much fun at the it was so much fun being in Sweden for 2 weeks and I’ll upload that Vlog very soon cuz we went to a Swedish wedding and then Ethiopian wedding and we explore the city which is really fun so stay tuned for the Vlog and I’ll see you guys next time


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