Critérium du Dauphiné 2024 Stage 7 Race Finish.

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    so he’s looking good at the moment there’s RIT and I’m sure he’ll want another stage win that’s Caro though just using that immense strength of his that raw power rather than flicking the pedals around like the purer climbers the more accomplished noted climbers in this group lesana with that familiar Style Just dragging that gear round now the the slopes lessen ever so slightly towards the top not double digits anymore it’s about 8 or 7% towards the top you can just see immediately the pace of this group has quickened as the grading has dropped away 1700 M to go vlasov I would imagine will just continue with this Rhythm to try and stop any potential early attacks but who has got what it takes to even pose the remotest of threats to the Man in the Yellow Jersey will it comes from somebody unexpected at the back will Chone try something a little bit different what’s Jorgenson got in the tank and what do the Canadian Derek G got in store today as evole continues to ride only4 so is still a very measured performance by the Belgian scotson just losing the wheel they held on for quite a while now then when is the party going to start in this group because vlasov is continuing and again I’d love to hear whatever the issue was earlier on today because it could have been something pretty innocuous given we know that the the cameras weren’t rolling but it was reported that he was dropped he’s in fine form again here is Alexander vlasov on what a weapon and he’s going to be at the tour to France man he’s brilliant one of the most impressive rers here Romo now starts to get dropped leaving the only one moar R in this front group Lander also looking like he might be starting to struggle as the road continues to climb, 1400 met to go Lander cloring his way back into contention here Romo who came from the world of triathlon just working hard to make sure he doesn’t lose it Lander does lose the wheel approaching the final kilometer and it’s Alex vlasov for the second successive day putting his leader into a position where he’s escorted under the red kite with him this time though a slightly bigger group chorn is there Jorgenson G with the plus Rodriguez buo and lascano just off the back in the last couple of hundred meters Landa and brumo all of these Riders standing to again something in the GC Lander’s teammate aapol is at 1 minute 14 and he’s on his way slipping down the top five it’s RIT who is about to make sure the Dophin is very likely his still with one stage to go but he will be in a tremendous position whatever happens here I think in the final kilometer but is it going to be better for him can Those Behind get closer we’re about to find out because they’re cheered around their Corner they’re roared into the final thousand M it’s vlasov let’s see what happens now do you know what just looking at the faces of the other riders in this group rodik is looking calm Lander has gone Chone buo Rodriguez dplo uh G andano who’s got anything left you can just see the face of Deo out of the saddle here Rodriguez looks a little bit more focused maybe he’s got something there but I think the pace being set by by uh this man on the front here vof is meaning that nobody can actually even think about launching they only just about holding on to this pace here but I tell you what the one rather does look relatively calm wearing that mask perhaps is the man in the green jersey just behind who put up that real fight yesterday Julia Chone ATT once as has buo who’s about to go on the right hand side Santiago buo being followed by Oya laso here and want to turn up for the book set would be that’s that from vlasov it’s Wago at the front Spanish Champion Lano on his wheel RIT follows they briefly go to the tunnel when they emerge what will the score be it’s even who’s losing time and slipping down he’s off the podium as it stands and that will be the way it’s still buo here is Lano 500 me to go now CH corn is there yellow on fourth place is Jorgenson of course standing to be second overall but Derek G still in this group not great though behind because it looks as though the plus has now gone backwards I think it’s Rodriguez who’s dropped it’s Rodriguez part of me then Rodriguez who’s in a bit of trouble going to look down here no this is Rodriguez in this who’s gone back backwards apologies 400 me to go now laso and O laso may be with the biggest moment of his career in front of him but here comes Jorgenson and look at that from the American Mattel jensson coming around this is chorney there a real sort out as Derek G makes it up and we all know what he can do at the top of the hill as well it’s a tremendous finish this sensation in Samir and there’s RIT once again RIT on the left hand side in out hitting the front this time he has competition it’s jensson there 200 me to go Primo RIT again down in the drops Jorgenson trying to come around him RIT realizes he has to kick again it’s slightly downhill here RIT still going to the line RIT is there Jorgenson trying but I’m not sure he has it it is Primos RIT two out of two increasing his lead in the do nothing anybody could do about that to tell you what Jenson came close just ran out of Road managed to get back onto the wheel of the flying civilian who makes it backto back wins here extends his lead on the general classification but Jorgenson will be moving up as will Derek G but another imperious performance by Pros RIT


    1. Keep up be strong & love pushing pedals, supporters from home are always here to encourage you the best we can, cycling is the most exciting adventure of life above all, you can bet on it guys ❤🎉❤

    2. Yellow jerseyes are confusing from afar. How Visma yellow colors are continued to be allowed in races where there's GC yellow jerseys?

    3. Another disappointing showing from an INEOS team. Just weeks from the TDF and the teams winning record for 2024 looks sparse except for a Pidcock one day win, a Rodriguez win, a couple of National Champions, a stage here and there, a couple of TT wins and G at the Giro! Chapou to Egan his hard work means he is looking much, much better after his horrendous misfortune, I hope I am wrong but I do not see him threatening Pog, Jonas, Rog, even Remco or MVP?! INEOS have to find a serious successor to G for 2025.

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