On this episode of Page Of Crime we are going to talk about the Hardman Lee Duffy, from South Bank, Middlesbrough. From a bullied child to a force to be reckoned with.

    #LeeDuffy #PageOfCrime #Southbank

    on this episode of page of crime we will talk about the murder of the notorious Middlesboro Hardman Lee Duffy also known as The Duffer how does a chubby snotty-nosed kid with an arched over walk and big hair transform into a fearsome figure how does a child constantly bullied and picked on metamorphose into a figure of authority and fear can adversity shape a person’s life in ways unimaginable Welcome to The Story of Lee Duffy also known as The Duffer this is the story of Lee Duffy’s transformation a testament to the power of resilience and determination Lee Duffy also known as The Duffer was born in June 1965 in Southbank Middlesboro South Bank where Lee was raised was probably one of the toughest Estates in Middlesboro at the time Lee was the son of Brenda and Lori senior Brenda a hardworking woman and Lori a heavy drinker lived with their four children in a bungalow on Durham Road eston before Brenda and Lori got together in in the 1950s she already had three children after a few dates and nights together she would fall for Lori Brenda had given up her three children from a previous relationship as Lori Senor did not want to raise children that were not his own this would lead Brenda to give her kids up to their grandparents they would then have four children of their own Lorraine Lee Louise and Lori Lee was a chubby kid who walked around with a snotty nose he had an arched over walk style and big hair his physical appearance made him an easy target and from the age of 6 till about 12 Lee was severely bullied by boys from South Bank and gra toown in and out of school older boys would torment him and he would often run home tears streaming down his face however he found a guardian angel in Lor Lancaster a local girl who was 13 at the time but she would look out for Duffy and prevented him from getting attacked by the local South Bank gang who were her age Duffy’s father would have him up early someday to show him how to punch using a boxing bag as he was tired of him being a bullied child that just cried about it Lee Duffy’s father wanted him to fight back family life was far from idyllic Lee often preferred to wander around the estate late at night rather than go home due to the fact his father was abusive to his wife Lee’s mother Lee’s father after a few drinks at the pub would become abusive and strict discipline was Meed out for even minor transgressions Lee would often witness his uncle Brenda brother bashing in his father for hitting his sister imagine the thought process of a child that rushes home from school to avoid trouble to having to want to be outside as late as possible to avoid the madness at home his life began to take a turn when at the age of 12 he met Marty Turner a boxing trainer Marty was the founder of the old gra toown Boxing Club he would open up to Marty about the bullying and Lee started attending the gym he wanted to stop being a victim and learn how to protect himself despite passing his medical for boxing matches Lee never turned up for the arranged fights he did however form a close bond with another boy attending the gym Anthony Hull he would attend the gym for about a year during Duffy’s Reign he would see Marty and always stop to show him love and respect at the age of 13 Lee’s attitude began to change he was no longer the bullied school friends would start to notice Duffy becoming the bully he would push in the dinner line so it didn’t have to wait he would argue with other classmates if they questioned him about things he was doing that would be considered wrong these times it would only be verbal he wouldn’t be known for fighting yet by the age of 14 he began to fight and by 15 he was known for his fighting skills and a strong liking for trouble he was no longer the kid you could bully his mother tried to keep him out of trouble by sending him to stay with a family member but to no avail Lee tried very ious odd jobs but he had a different plan despite his young age he was determined to build his own Empire Lee Duffy once a bullied child had transformed into a figure of power and fear proving that adversity can indeed shape a person’s life in unimaginable ways this journey would put him in jail not too long after in the dim cold confines of the low Newton remand Center in 1982 for burglary Lee finds himself staring down the Bleak path that his life has taken so far here amidst the hardened criminals and the unyielding bars Lee encounters Steven seers from Newcastle a meeting that would pivot his life in ways he couldn’t have imagined fresh out of jail Lee’s fists seemed to solve problems faster than his words until he would be arrested again and have to serve 6 months at 16 years his towering height of 6′ 4 in and a lean cut physique made him a formidable figure one night standing in a queue outside a nightclub on Newport Road Lee’s temper flared when Milton spanswick known as spanny a former door man with a reputation cut the line he would walk past the entire queue and walk into the entrance without hesitation Lee challenged him or you get to the back of the queue spanny would then come back and approach Lee for calling him out before spanny could even think a brawl ensued Lee was throwing blows from every angle Banny didn’t know what was going on Lee’s encounters were not just about proving his strength they were about establishing respect a currency in the gritty streets of teeside his friendship with Steven seers another revered figure in the local underworld would solidify his status in Newcastle in the buildup to the Duffy Reign not all fights ended in Victory Duffy was just out to prove himself so if you were considered hard he wanted to fight names like Mark Johnson from grown and Paul Livingston and one of the Johnson Brothers around 17 a more sculpted and determined Lee confronted Paul Livingston a known hard man give me a year he said and I’m coming for you it was a promise of Return of not backing down Lee would have quite a reputation already he was built like an athlete staying in shape was a serious thing for Lee paor Livingston was known as someone not to play with a real Hardman so he gathered he would give Lee a reason to want to come back and got into a fight with Lee beating him up Lee would patch himself up and get back to business by 18 in 1983 Lee’s life wasn’t just about street fights it was also about the pulsating beats of the club scene he frequented places like the Havana one of his favorite spots where he wasn’t just a brawler but a part of The Nightlife fabric there were times you would hear lee on the mic standing by the DJ booth he would also been seen around the ducklings Ray and his son Kevin duckling they would first meet in a nightclub his encounters with the ducklings Ray and his son Kevin also known as ducko were influential the ducklings already had a fearsome reputation but Lee idolized these guys especially Kev also known as ducko he was considered the top man at the time respected figures in their own right they imparted underworld wisdom that Lee absorbed eagerly Lee had total respect for these guys they taught him a lot as he was climbing through the ranks of the underworld he would especially go to Pub in gra toown Lee’s visits to pubs in gra toown were more than social calls they were symbolic returns to confront the ghosts of his past where he once faced bullying here he didn’t just seek any fight he sought the toughest challenges proving to himself and to those who once doubted him that he was no longer that scared boy one thing about Lee he wasn’t one to just fight someone he knew didn’t stand a chance he wanted the biggest and the toughest Lee’s Journey from a trouble youth to a respected figure in the Underworld is a testament to the complex tapestry of human resilience and transformation each encounter each challenge didn’t just shape his reputation they forged his character in the fires of adversity from the cold unforgiving walls of low Newton Rand Center to the vibrant chaotic life of Club scenes and street fights by April of the same year 1983 his violent impulses surged again in a Middlesboro Hotel Duffy attacked and robbed a guest an act that landed him back Behind Bars by the end of the year sentenced to 30 months in prison but prison bars could only hold him temporarily Lee Duffy walked free in 1985 but his taste for trouble remained unquenched upon his return Duffy’s life became a series of courtroom appearances for charges ranging from fighting to robbery by this time people would be too afraid to come forward as a witness as Lee Duffy had a furious reputation and everyone knew it it was a bad idea to give Duffy a reason to look for you the streets whispered his name in both awe and Dread Duffy’s fighting star was brutal and efficient but the punch power would come when Lee was around 19 if you had a fight with Lee he was the type to get the fight over with quickly but very aggressively and violent each hit was delivered with devastating intention often leaving his opponents unconscious before they hit the ground drug dealers particularly feared encounters with him knowing a meeting with Duffy likely meant a violent demand for money drug dealers were getting taxed by The Duffer at this time it would be Lee Duffy that was the Talk of the Town around this time Duffy’s relationship with Kev duckling known as ducko soured though the reasons remained shrouded in mystery some speculated it was jealousy over Duffy’s Rising infamy a testament to his growing dominance in the criminal underworld but Lee was always cool with Ray duckling in 1985 Duffy clashed with Dale Henderson a middleweight ER involved in criminal activities unlike previous fights Duffy found Henderson a challenging opponent but ultimately subdued him cementing his reputation as an Unstoppable Force by June of 1986 as Duffy turned 21 his life of violence continued unabated arrested again for fighting the charges were dropped due to a lack of willing Witnesses and evidence later that year during a stint in durren prison Duffy befriended Manny bergo those two would go on to become good friends Duffy’s presence in pubs and clubs was electric and ominous the atmosphere palpably shifted the moment he entered often resulting in violence within minutes in 1987 an incident outside a Newcastle Club escalated when bouncers denied entry to the sers one of the bouncers would make the mistake of touching Duffy Duffy knocked out several bouncers that night for this reason he would receive a call from Viv Graham leading to a heated warning another feared figure Duff response was chillingly direct tell me where you are I’ll come to you now another incident occurred at the old Speedway Pub where Duffy invited a man named Mna outside for a chat only to brutally assault him M was left unconscious for over an hour an example of the fear Duffy instilled even bystanders hesitated to intervene knowing who is responsible in the end it would be Duffy himself that would go out and get him up and help him walk off as his name echoed through the streets and back alleys of Middlesboro pub and club Owners had to caution their bouncers about Lee if they didn’t know who he was already even his family’s please for him to slow down or to change his ways fell on deaf ears as Duffy continued his Relentless path people would actually have bets predicting the age Duffy would meet his demise in the dimly lit corners of South Bank a figure looms notorious and feared picture a local pub buzzing with the usual chatter and clinking of glasses suddenly the atmosphere thickens Peter Hull a man with a reputation almost as formidable as his adversary strides in in his hand a shotgun his eyes scan the room searching he announces that if Lee Duffy were present he wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger but Duffy known for his fearlessness was absent that night this incident is just a glimpse into the life of Lee Duffy a man whose name became synonymous with violence and Power on the streets of teeside born into a world where fists often did the talking Lee Duffy quickly Rose to infamy from his early days Duffy’s prowess in bare knuckle fights became the stuff of local Legend Challengers from neighboring areas would stake money eager to test their strength against him in a bare knuckle fight despite often stepping straight out of a night of partying substances csing through his veins Duffy never face defeat in these brutal contests by now he would be a well-known face in the Blues parties and the blue parties is where all the top guys gathered everyone knew Duffy wasn’t going to lose a fight and most people didn’t want to fight him even though Lee had some hard friends around he wouldn’t always move in groups like some he would move around alone all the enemies one could want and yet here comes Lee all alone ready for whatever he was involved in the world of drugs as his reputation grew so did his Ambitions Duffy ventured into the treacherous Waters of the drug trade supplying local dealers and not shying away from robbing them either his methods were ruthless his presence alone enough to sway the toughest of men it was in this underworld that Duffy crossed paths with Brian cocherell another hard man of considerable stature their relationship began with fists a scuffle in redar that rather than deepening their rivalry laid the foundation for an unlikely Alliance by the next day respect turned into partnership and together they dominated the scene taking whatever they wanted be it drugs money or cars yet Duffy’s life was not without Peril he survived three direct attempts on his life including shootings and a harrowing incident where he was DED in petrol his name evoked fear to such an extent that taxi drivers upon recognizing him would never dare ask for fair no one wanted to be on the wrong side of Duffy in any way he was hated on T side but loved On th side despite the animosity he faced in teeside Duffy found a contrasting reception in tinside here he was not just feared but also loved a testament to the complex figure he was his criminal activities however eventually led him to Durham prison Duffy spent many years in Durham prison sentenced in 1988 for a violent altercation in leads Duffy served 26 months of a 4-year sentence he would be sentenced for fighting a group of guys from leads in the Speak Easy his friend Vince arar would be arrested for this offense also but he would stay quiet and say nothing and the police would would end up letting him go in the leads fight incident Martin Clark and well known from the Leeds firm would be left in a bad way and have to be taken to hospital due to Duffy Duffy was already a well-known name before he was sent to jail down as a Fearless lad with Incredible knockout power inside he was as formidable as he was on the outside earning both the weariness of the guards and the respect Scrooge would also try to avoid Duffy because he was no one to take lightly there was a time where Duffy would walk into recck room ask the screw for a lighter and light up a joint and blow the smoke in his face Duffy was also locked up in the same jail as another notorious gangster syes but they would never really cross paths Duffy was also in at the same time as Viv Graham they clashed because they were the alpha male type it was almost like he wanted to prove who was the top dog in the Northeast Viv would get released from jail a little before Duffy was released Duren prison also became a place of transformation for Duffy it was here amid confinement that he bulked up building the muscle that would only enhance his intimidating presence survival continued to shape him to some he was a figure of Terror to others a symbol of strength a man who could be both hated and loved but never ignored during his prison time his girlfriend and a friend named Vince Ager made sure to visit they would also occasionally smuggle in items for Duffy Lee would spend time in a few jails Durham prison armley prison and atlington prison Lee would be released around May 1990 Lee Duffy became obsessed with tinside Hardman Viv Graham both men were Legends in their own rights feared and revered released in May 1990 Duffy’s fixation with Viv Graham reached its peak for the last 15 months of his life he was a frequent visitor to Newcastle attempting every trick in the book to draw Graham into a confrontation despite his efforts Graham a businessman and family man wisely kept his distance frustrating Duffy’s plans for a showdown the Rivalry turned into a one-sided Obsession Duffy couldn’t stand competition yet Graham was the one adversary he couldn’t pin down Duffy didn’t like to have any competition but Viv was the one person he couldn’t get a fight had been arranged between the pair but Graham did not show up Duffy despised Viv Graham in reality it’s doubtful they were ever going to have a fight Viv Graham was a businessman and family man and he had the sense to keep away but this didn’t change the fact that Viv was a very strong and frightening guy whereas Duffy was a party boy and a fighter who wanted to fight everyone that thought they were tough the last two years Lee and boothy would be extremely close Neil boo was similar to The Duffer in the sense of being tough and doing crazy things like robbery fighting taxing drug dealers he was considered a one-man Army the only difference is that everyone actually liked Neil but once these two teamed up they become Inseparable even though some would consider Lee a bully he hated to see others getting bullied and he never beat up any kids his thing was if you was hard or thought you was tough he wanted to fight if you sold drugs in his presence he would take what you had Duffy’s life wasn’t solely defined by his confrontations he had moments of unexpected compassion particularly despising bullies despite his own intimidating demeanor his softer side emerged when a local shop Bobby Cycles had bicycles stolen these were meant for underprivileged children upon hearing this Duffy demanded their return and within 24 hours the bicycles were back Neil Booth his closest friend at the time would get in a crazy situation Lee would have to get him out of Neil got into an altercation with a taxi driver over the fair where blows were exchanged the taxi driver would reverse up a slim road so Neil couldn’t open the doors the cab driver would radio in for more taxi drivers to come to his location as well as the police would smash the sunroof open and end up climbing to the top of a building and start throwing tiles down at the driver soon after the police would arrive but boothie would tell them to f off the police knew who Neil was because he was friends with Duffy and everyone knew them by this time the police would decide to go look for The Duffer so he could talk his friend Neil down surprisingly enough Lee would turn up with the police and tell Neil it’s time to come down they would exchange words for a bit then Neil would decide to come down as he handed Neil over to the the police Lee would say to one of the officers if anything happens to kneel by any of your guys I would hold you personally responsible during the petrol attack there was a woman that would also get petrol over her so after the attack Lee would apologize to the lady for getting caught in the middle of one of his problems Duffy lived in a violent and unpredictable life and in that shadow World there was no honor eventually the cycle of violence turned back on the South Bank born hard man in the cold winter of 19 90 on the 27th of December a chilling scene unfolded on princess Road outside Ramsey’s Blues a man approached the entrance innocuously asking the doorman if Duffy was around for a quick chat as Lee Duffy descended to meet him the seemingly benign situation escalated dramatically Duffy spotted the man’s firearm charged at him in a bid to avert danger but the as salent fired striking Duffy in the knee this brutal encounter led to the arrest of three men from North umland Raymond Palmer 38 Robert Charlton 29 and Anthony Cole 27 all charged with attempted murder despite the severe injury Duffy’s spirits and grit remained unbroken even on crutches he was known to settle disputes with his fists knocking adversaries out cold undeterred by his physical condition on the second occasion the New Year brought no resite for Duffy in January 1991 at a blues party a harrowing incident unfolded his friends Vince AAR and Neil Booth were with him until Booth stepped out momentarily during his absence a large man burst in wielding a shotgun Duffy grappled with the gunman in the struggle Duffy was shot in the foot bleeding and injured he managed to escape the scene and encountered Booth up the road where police officers soon arrived and facilitated his urgent transport to the hospital earlier that same evening the as salant had stormed into the house of Duffy’s girlfriend while she was 9 months pregnant brandishing the same shotgun they robbed the place and menacingly inquired about Duffy’s whereabouts the January 7th shooting led to the arrest of seven individuals sha Thomas Harrison 24 Leroy Vincent fiser 30 man and Clive Thomas 30 Kevin James o’keith 31 Peter Corner 22 John Leroy Thomas 35 and finally Paul James Bryan 30 Paul James Bryan a man f Ed as a psychopath by those who knew him Brian was not only implicated in this attack but was also Under Suspicion for the murder of two others police surveillance and phone tapping revealed his deep involvement in the drug trade painting a picture of a man deeply entrenched in criminal Enterprises the attempts on Duffy’s life did not cease the third attempt on Lee would happen at the commercial Public House this would be the local pub for Duffy another life-threatening situation unfolded in an act of shocking violence Dave tapen doused Duffy with Petrol in a desperate bid to avoid being set Ablaze this would make Lee run outside to strip off his clothes then fueled by adrenaline and rage charged back into the pub unleashing a Flurry of Blows that left tapin with a broken jaw and a battered face Duffy’s friend booy had to intervene to pull him away ironically despite being the victim Duffy found himself under police scrutiny when tapen accused him of initiating the violence Duffy was arrested and remanded although he was never convicted for the altercation despite facing repeated attempts on his life Duffy’s Spirit remained unbroken his will to fight undiminished the local Hardman Duffy had a rivalry with David Allison that had been brewing the tension between Duffy a local Hardman and Allison the one man who never flinched in his presence had been simmering for months their clashes were legendary beginning with a brutal altercation outside the magistrates on gra Road Duffy known for his and reputation left Allison battered and bruised that day despite this the confrontations continued escalating with each encounter their second fight Saw Allison gaining the upper hand if only for a moment before it was broken up the air between them crackled with hostility punctuated by heated verbal exchanges and even a gunshot from Duffy in a desperate attempt to intimidate Allison in Newcastle respect for a mutual friend was the only thing that prevented a brawl at a wedding Duffy would call on another friend to take him home before he did something and disrespected his friend’s wedding but the tension remained a ticking Time Bomb waiting to explode on a fateful night in August 25th 1991 at a blues party at the afro Caribbean Center on Martin Road became the stage for their final Act Duffy with his imposing presence dominated the atmosphere demanding space and respect but Allison was undeterred his disdain for Duffy as palpable as the tension in the air eventually him and David Allison would exchange words some say this was over drugs going missing Lee also didn’t like Allison because he was the only man in town that wasn’t intimidated by Duffy and never backed down the party’s strained atmosphere soon spilled over into the car park drawing a crowd eager to witness The Showdown under the harsh glow of Street lamps Duffy bare chested and formidable seemed to have the upper hand as he slammed Allison’s head against the ground the crowd watched some in horror others in morbid Fascination as Duffy appeared to be winning but in a twist of fate the fight took a lethal turn Allison handed a Knife by Lee King struck Duffy beneath the arm Duffy would realize he’d been stabbed and start to look for a way out but would collapse due to losing too much blood somebody driving by would notice Duffy and help him get into their car and take him to the hospital Duffy would be stabbed at 3:20 a.m. despite the Swift response of a passer by who rushed him to the hospital they would battle to stop the bleeding Duffy was pronounced dead at 3:55 a.m. on August 25th 1991 at the young age of 26 news of his death spread quickly one of the most feared men on tside had lost his life some thought the Killer’s identity would be the best kept secret with no Witnesses coming forward initially however the burden of guilt weighed heavily on Allison who confessed to his father before surrendering to the police he would be charged for the murder of Lee Duffy his trial date would be set for February 1993 as Allison faced his trial date in February 1993 the community grappled with the aftermath of Duffy’s death Duffy’s funeral would take place on September 3rd 1991 thousands had lined the streets for his funeral a somber hush fell over the crow they gathered on a crisp autumn morning their faces etched with a mixture of grief and apprehension the funeral of Duffy the enigmatic figure who had cast a long Shadow over the city for years was a spectacle in itself two lorries were needed to carry the floral tributes which included a boxing ring boxing gloves some used as words such as Dad The Duffer and number one mourners dressed in their finest attire whispered amongst themselves their voices hushed in resp ECT yet tinged with an undercurrent of unease the air was thick with the scent of lies and the weight of unspoken words Duffy a man known for his iron grip on the city’s underworld had exited the stage his death shrouded in Whispers And speculation left a void that many feared would be filled with chaos the funeral a public display of both mourning and power served as a strong reminder of the influence he had wielded as the her slowly made its way towards the grand Cathedral the somber toll of the church bells resonated through the air he would be carried into the church by his closest to the sounds of Bob Marley playing in the background the air at the cemetery crackled with a mixture of grief Fascination and a palpable sense of something bad happening some came to pay their respects leaving flowers and heartfelt messages scrolled on scraps of paper others driven by morbid curiosity sought a glimpse into the life and death of a man who had become an urban legend this was not merely the passing of a man it was the end of an era Duffy’s death cleaved the city in two on one side stood those who mourned him as a benefactor a man who despite his shadowy dealings had supported local businesses defended bar owners stopped others from being bullied people he respected and was loyal to they remembered him as a man of his word a loyal friend who had risen from bullying to become a Force to be reckoned with on the other side stood those who reviled him who saw him as the embodiment of corruption a man who had built his Empire on fear and violence for some Duffy’s demise was a cause for celebration a chance for the city to cleanse itself from the stain of his legacy Duffy’s absence sent ripples through the city’s Underworld the vultures long kept at Bay by Duffy’s formidable presence began to Circle it’s like the Lions have gone and the hyenas fighting over the scraps the younger more ambitious criminals saw Duffy’s death as an opportunity for advancement they were eager to seize control to carve out their own Empires from the ruins of his legacy there were numerous rumors going around when Duffy died about destroying his grave site even digging him up were they true no one knows but the police took it serious having his grave site protected for a week or two the news spread like wildfire through the city Duffy’s grave had been vandalized the once pristine Monument was now defaced marred by crude graffiti and splattered with black paint the ACT Brazen and disrespectful sent shock waves through the city was it the work of Rivals eager to assert their dominance and erase his memory or was it a twisted Act of Revenge a final blow struck by someone who had suffered under his Reign either way it was a direct challenge to the memory of Duffy a symbolic attack on the power he had once wielded police believed there would be no one who could replace him detective Chief Inspector Brian Leonard who led the investigation into Duffy’s death said at the time there won’t be another bloke like Duffy he was a one-off what drives a man to fear for his life what happens when the lines between self-defense and retribution become blurred in the eyes of the law in the chilly days of February 1993 these questions would take center stage at the tside Crown Court in Middlesboro as the trial of David Al unfolded David Allison stood accused of the murder of Lee Duffy a figure whose reputation in the community was marked by fear and intimidation the courtroom buzzed with anticipation and anxiety as Allison recounted the events leading to that fatal altercation he claimed he acted purely in self-defense fearing for his life particularly because Duffy was known to carry a gun as the trial progressed David Allison’s lawyer painted a vivid picture of Lee Duffy not just as a victim but as a notorious bully testimonies revealed Duffy’s Love for violence his habit of robbing drug dealers and his terrifying game of Russian roulette with a loaded revolver to Showcase his fearlessness this portrayal aimed to provide context to his aggressive behavior on the night he was killed the defense hinged on the argument that Allison’s actions were a direct response to an immediate threat they detailed how Duffy known for his violent streak had initiated the deadly fight after days of intense deliberations the atmosphere in the courtroom reached a boiling point as the jury returned with their verdict not guilty of murder not guilty of manslaughter when the verdict was read around noon cheers erupted from the public gallery and Allison could be seen smiling outside the court emotions continued to run High Allison’s relief was palpable as he smiled finally free from the weight of his charges yet the victim’s mother presented a contrasting picture of grief and unresolved tension it wasn’t it was cutting right before started there to to leave of the stab man stab seven times in the back and unbelievable she remarked it’s not a true verdict there is only one good thing that has come out of this leave would not have wanted him to go to jail because Lee was not a man who wanted anyone to go to jail later that year Viv Graham another prominent figure met a violent end shot and killed the landscape of the community had been marred by violence with many of its key figures either deceased or incarcerated charges against the others previously arrested for attempts on Duffy’s life were dropped only one individual Rich Neil faced consequences sentenced to 18 months for perverting the course of Justice the trial of David Allison and the death of Lee Duffy left an indelible mark on the community it raised critical questions about the nature of self-defense the impact of one’s past on their present and how Justice is served in the face of fear and retribution in the years that followed Le Duffy’s name continued to be whispered in hush tones a reminder of a time when the city lived under the shadow of his power the stories passed down through generations became embellished with each retelling blurring the lines between fact and fiction yet the shadow of Duffy lingered a reminder that even in death some men cast a long and enduring Shadow as we reflect on these events we extend our deepest condolences to the friends and family of Lee Paul Duffy forever impacted by the complexities of human actions and legal judgments until next time like comment and subscribe and also follow on Instagram at official page of crime also on Tik Tok at page of crime thank you and stay safe


    1. Did you forget to mention he was also known as Duffer 😅 or did someone bet you how many times can you say duffer in the first minute 😂🤣

    2. M8 why u took 20mins to say 2mins of bullshit..n are u using chatgpt, this guy was a nob,alot of ppl got bullied,its what happens, "amidst the harden criminal" blah blah

    3. There is always someone harder around the corner in the UK I've seen loads of hard guys in my life time they just ain't been noticed like, lee Duffy or Viv Graham, Lenny McLean, Roy Shaw, Brian cockrill, Paul Sykes, and many more,hard fuckers everywhere

    4. Hero worshipping violent bullys now are we? Half the stuff in this video isnt even right, some made me cring, especially the picture of lenny McLean with the name tag of brian cockerill underneath it.

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