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    Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Criterium du Dauphiné 2024 Stage 6.

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    get the most out of your time and power meter with the join cycling training app it has worked unbelievably well for me with true adaptive plans that allow me to do structured workouts and mix it up with group rides with my friends check it out through the link down below doofan yesterday Mass crash and then neutralization no stage result here’s what Remco had to say I think uh overall it’s okay uh crashed on the right side so uh crashed on my head as well as you can see the helmet uh saved me today but in terms of GC no changes except for Juan AO out of the race unfortunately uae’s big leader in this race perhaps big leader in the tour to France as well we have the first Mountaintop finish though Le deard with the warm-up climb of C graner beforehand 174k is not a particularly difficult stage especially compared to the ones we have on the weekend but a very very difficult 35 minute finish averaging about 9% break way went caught greguar under control from Quick Step but then pedon and Trek came to the front pedison so good in this sort of terrain pulling and Tre really had designs on this stage and in the Breakaway on The Descent of graner we saw first big sweeping Corners problems descending second time and it just you could feel a crash coming they were just missing the corner so much and then eventually hollyman and gel on AR samig went down and actually the pelaton you see pollet he crashed hard yesterday a lot of riders are sort of taking it gingerly down here not wanting to crash again but it was actually getting launched on the front we had mik Lander talking to P Pon was launching it land saying but P he says I don’t understand what you’re saying Mel and so he just keeps launching it down this descent I don’t know if it was Chone and his wheel they were proper splits Remco was on a gap to a group like RIT was right there he was on Lander’s wheel I think with jungles in front of him nen I think is the Israel Rider you see ramco here he’s chasing with Mato jensson and The Young Riders Jo and caros Rodriguez the inos rider so big big splits there was actually a massive group behind Breakaway gets back together on The Descent and they actually get taken down the Garden Path here they go straight and you see the fans pointing to the left you see the little yellow signage uh to the left with the Convoy or the lead motor goes straight so they lose a minute I mean they weren’t going to win anyway but it would be annoying uh to be led down a random Road in the subo region after being in the break for 4 hours so Bor hansra they got numbers but they hadn’t taken it up this stage got roin maybe second on GC in the green jersey and here we go the Moment of Truth we’ve seen the time trials where rco was the best GC Rider but now we have the uphill test on KO delad and inos take it up tling first K 4% he starts smashing it already it’s in a line rder is under pressure Jorgenson on on the wheel there RIT but Rus unfortunately like gagen Hart he crashed hard yesterday not the day for them and not the day for sep cus yet either who didn’t crash yesterday and he’s off the back early it’s still a group of like 50 or something and he’s getting dropped so Jenson B lemon was able to stay with him for a while but Jenson was going to have to do most of this all of this himself navigating multiple leaders on Bora multiple good Riders on anyos like the pl and Rodriguez I mean Bora got four at that moment and also quick steper got Lander how would they play him how confident were they in Remco we’re doing face analysis how does Rog look how does Remco look jav Aroma there hindley on the wheel of rage and some big guys are doing well Las Caro G greguar he was the best of the Breakaway but started to have a nose bed and we saw from inos it wasn’t all Sky Train the whole way the PLO attacks after Rodriguez lets his wheel go and Landa goes to his wheel and then hinley is going to his wheel so it’s a battle of the pawns at least so I thought it’s a battle of the second tier G guys on their own team but then Landa doesn’t go all the way to Theo either he couldn’t and Theo was very very very strong on this finish and maybe Henley couldn’t or Landa got told on the radio to wait but the pl goes and ideally Landa would go with him because then Bor Hans girl play it perfectly they got three guys that could jump the second one is vlasov no one responds he’s ahead of D PLO on GC he’s a better GC rather than the PLO perfect tactically for Bor H grower and now Lander has to chase uh inos and Bora up the road with riders who were not that far behind Remco and GC because they these both these guys did such good time trials and so something has to give an isolated Rider has to attack and that’s Julio Chone his team didn’t ride all day little Trek just to come fifth behind vov and the PLO he launches RIT on his wheel rco gapped and it was looking really bad for him at that moment vov was relaying now we see rogich I guess with rco dropped trying to get across to vlasov and actually but then he stops here and so they ride just behind for quite a while Derek G is the Israel premere Tech Rider that comes back to Rodriguez Chone Jenson rogl he goes around them he starts pulling these Grand Tour winners uh Grand Tour Mountain Stage winners caros Rodriguez and the tour to France the parenes winner rco going into sort of TT mode saving his GC with Mando rogich tries again to burst across to vlasov not trying to bring Jorgenson or Carlos Rodriguez with him and gee he’s only like 2 seconds behind he stops RIT stops but it was very very clear RIT was trying to get across to vlasov to use him as a satellite Rider or sort of reverse lead out and he does gets across 5 seconds later vov realizes it Jorgenson was out of the draft because of yeah Rish burst is too good and vlasov starts absolutely sending it and when Theo loses the wheel jensson can’t do anymore either an absolute tactical master class from Bor hansra and they had the best rider for it as well but vlasov was super strong and they played him perfectly he’s dragging R away from Remco for the GC lead and he’s securing the stage win in theory although Jone I mean he beat rit in a Sprint last year on a very very similar stage on valter and Cataluna not to be today this was vintage rogl into the drops 300 M to go uphill Sprint see you later in the green jersey frog lit takes his first road stage win for Borah hansra after his TT win in Pay Vasco and also the yellow Jersey in this race for now vlasov in third very very impressive jacone second G huge performance in fourth then jensson Deo Rodriguez eveno saved it actually came back well then ha and Henley here’s what Ro had to say after the stage and quite limited with the with a left shoulder actually yeah can reach in the pocket or nothing I just holding go day like this but uh yeah the legs uh were working so about legs I cannot complain yeah I mean definitely like I said finally I mean I wi a race uh was a while uh and the whole team H I mean yes the the guys show the commitment uh from from the very start from day one and then uh uh chasing then the second uh the second stage I mean didn’t worked out uh yesterday yes I mean we we hit quite hard all of us so yeah I mean today again they they showed a great performance so yes big thanks and uh we can enjoy it today in terms of GC a big shake up rogl moving into first now with a 19sec lead ahead of aole G three seconds behind jensson on the podium vlasov also not far away Rodriguez he won’t be happy with just six he and the PLO I think they’re going to try some more stuff this week I can’t wait to watch this weekend it’s going to be fantastic stages hope you enjoyed the video and I’ll see you with the recap tomorrow ciao


    1. yeah i agree, Bora's tactics were spot on for this day, catapulting roglic to a significant win for this year, also great to see the Canadian gee still able to keep in the mix after some big efforts, there were only 2 places to be able to cuase damage, with the last to the line of 9%, so whoever was able to which bora were would secure a win

    2. Sorry I have not been keeping up since the Vuelta last year. What’s happening with Sepp Kuss? Has he been ill? Injuries? Or was it just not his day?

    3. Everyone on comms was saying this was his first win of the season they're forgetting Basque TT where he even went the wrong way and won easily

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