Well it’s that time of the year When channel 5 starts filming the next series of All Creachers Great and Small. so a small Fox that we all know said to me last year, that we are going to ride around some of the film locations today we started the journey Starting off from Cafe that all the crew and actors start they day from, yes the Route 59 cafe 🙂 What do you mean Foxy ? they don’t. Anyway put the kettle on get yourself a slice of cake and enjoy part one
    @thesilverfoxtravels6653 @thebingleywheeler @grayman999 @SOLOMOTOUK #classic350 #drift #royalenfield #yorkshire

    [Music] well here we are in the yorksh deals well not quite the yor deal but what and I’m in a traffic jam now we’ve been in this for about oh a mile or so we’re down to about 5 mph going up a hill I have three cars in front of it about 20 Push bloody bikes and uh the motor cars are not for overy can’t play really got enough room do you have now tail gone into the Cycles here CH is I’ve sort of gone in a single file now so go on a few old caries you know where here oh Jesus Christ [Music] H well we didn’t get bust them did [Music] we nice little village we’re going to ride around the locations filming locations of all which is great and small today and Foxy are and I’ve come a slightly different way today CU I’m a bit early and it’s lovely for the ride I’m about um maybe CH is up some miles away from the 59 C now day 56 [Music] all right [Laughter] well there Dam oh just a nice green Vang go past you all it right the day begins Foxy’s fuing about you take pictures of me now good job I’m not canra shy mine still got the dust on it from uh last uh Mega trip out is it going Nick hey is it going I didn’t it go yeah it is think we’ll have a bit of air in e there we go just walk going into the Dales now according toal sign there doesn’t get much better than this does it CH on a push Bank Co signs C right lovely bridge now is this one of the best Bridges you’ve ever been through on a motorbike 10′ 9 in high cicles have got great just about minus a scrape under that for give Bend his head a bit as we went through just uh met up with a Bley wheeler and his mate I didn’t quite get his name it wasn’t MCH I don’t think but I do know his face on his T100 I should have took photographs for too busy having a n what of view hat everything old monaster Hills might we missing a mountain here we are B now be turning right here down by B monaster I can never remember the actual name of it even it’s just all them w’t stick so we’re going to Apple Tree Wick we’ll be putting our indicators on any second now on the white van will be happy now un unless he’s coming this way think uh foxy wants a photograph of the bike near the bridge down the bot here oh I can smell I can’t see any garlic but I can smell it well garlic it’s finished floating now anyway so it’s itself well how in my garden anyway that ice cream van that we saw before it’s here went pass at the uh 59 look chance of the photograph really but yeah where we B last time par we yeah yeah me your show you on this J this was the route that I had planned get an idea of it so what we’re going to do that was if we’d have done the whole thing yeah and then we’ have come down that side but what we’re going to do is we’re going to go up as far as um where’s grassington on here now yeah I see the wrong one now enough to get me short Lookers out yeah so we’re going to do a bit of a tour round yeah but anyway that that that was going to be it but we’re we’re cutting that bit out basically it’s all right yeah so that’ll be it easy peasy yeah it should be all right well have to top up again oh wait oh oh oh oh this who couple of ducks there that’s a lovely walk going back this way now is Foxy following us no he’s still there look he’s doing a a video now that’s why uh videos are so much better than mine is a good narator I’m a good n don’t need need to be on the bike oy’s ice cream no just done me just done me breakfast there the car parking full I’ve lost him B another no another [Music] [Applause] off we go didly D CC 500 obviously doing a vlog that didn’t seem that steep compared to what the cyclist just seing car they don’t have it EAS didn’t look happy him in that V there he went all the way up there be surprised if damaged his van somewhere bit good riding by foxy there stopping well back it is a bank H day this weekend elderly lady there on the mountain B with a big smile on her face probably like laughing at the light game Bo’s going for it have we got it yeah we got them let’s put it into third there we go let whiz pass oh we managed it I get tired out watching them in the Bates well if you’re watching this I hope you’re enjoying it as good as me which as I am should say not as good as me I’m sorry the uh commentary commentary as this more or less wiggled away and I’m actually following uh foxy again today and he’s are uh done all the prep work for all the uh what we’re going to go around most to a places where all creatures great and small video I filmed and um I’m not looking forward to this next next series because they always come out in the winter oh we don’t want that there no we don’t want that to go this is a nice part I know nice Mrs Ang the light it through here she was just upset cuz was anywhere really we could have stop behind investig Del there God it’s niy that is it hope he’s got his earphones in his air plugs I should say oh that’s a good Volvo after all let him go let us go as well not that it matters much to me and Nick Volvo cyclists are all the same TOs [Music] 60 miles I’ve done today think be going left here oh Chestnut three there in busy in full bloom ready to make it cers oh we a Weck and uh Foxy’s the first one to leave the indicator on oh slow down there that’s have a lovely look at this Village it’s got two PBS Church two PS uh a fell riding a classic 350 with uh left hand indicators working prop but look at the view in front of you there now look look look at ledge there and the steps up to F Cottage oh what a smile hey there’s the new in wouldn’t be good the next one I just thinking what it’s called but it’s not called the new in it’s not called the old in the next one I should say that’s new it’s got defat there that’s Point them out to the grand kids remember that in case you need it for your grand Craven arms that’s what it’s called remember he’s just come back this is a a really nice bub gateway to the ALS that was good not a nice B this bloody thing here there a clip I can clip it back I must I forgot to do it whatever the two PPS she got PL in it oh nice the wobbly Lads oh L and wife I think oh look at the camp all the tents of the campsite now not here last time look at that if you’re going to come in D’s camping I reckon this is one of the best camp sites two belt in pubs that way and a couple this way oh turned it off and didn’t see when he did it we have to look it back wig ons are very getting popular now can stand up and let me see that perfect Archway of trees brunches P bike with a drop angle bars like this Chip’s got on here it’s all about getting there quick in it just like if you got sports bike we stopped here last time a look a look looks like we stopping here again this time really cool look not much to see oh there’s a big digger man there creepy Crawley going up your cheek [Music] one of those little roads you never get tired of this like got my f there here we are burnel the land of the yellow cones that over there River we should be turning right here oh tractor is it nice English [Music] no [Music]


    1. I’ll bet the rider on that KTM didn’t enjoy the views as much as we did.
      Oh, and I left the indicator on deliberately to let you know which side the best views were on… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Good morning James. Nice to see this part of Yorkshire. I remember the original All Creatures series but didn't know they are remaking it.
      Thanks for showing us these places. Perfect weather too.

    3. 19:05 I was posting the picture in chat for you anf your vid was in the background, I heard that and though Christ alive James has hit the turbo button!

    4. Smashing ride out, thanks Mr AR. Good to see you on safari under the bridge, that must have improved your step count. I've done over 3,000 steps today, so I need a bit of a lie down before teatime👍

    5. Some great views there. Mrs C and I visited a fair bit of that area to look at the All Creatures Great and Small sights. Never watched it myself so had to rely on what I was told was and wasn't from the programme 😀

    6. No doubt about it. It's right nice up there James !
      Thanks for taking us along. I look forward to seeing more typical Dales countryside and villages in the next part.
      Take care you two, greetings from a still very windy southern Spain.
      Garry & Ruby "Hi Mrs A !" 🐕

    7. Evening James. no one ever gets anywhere quickly on a pushbike haha 🤣🤣🤣 So many cyclists and cars on such small roads but a cracking ride none the less.

    8. Evening James, not better or worse, just different, and I enjoy watching the same ride from both your points of view, sounds like we have to wait a while for the BBC2 version though 😊 I was nice and relaxed enjoying the ride when that hooligan gave me a right fright!

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