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    British Riders Vs Spanish Riders Abroad | Cycling Weekly

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    1. However, when you're in the UK and it's 18°C most British riders are covered up like the Spanish riders. I was out in just bibbed shorts and a jersey at the weekend, lovely and warm with a nice warm breeze and I was passing lots of people with leg and arm warmers, several people even jackets on. As for the Spanish, they are just acclimatised to living in a warm country. When lived in a hot part of Australia for a few years and the temperature in the evening fell below 20°C in the evenings I'd start to feel cold.

    2. Hi Cycling Weekly. I have a small car, a trunk mount bicycle rack, and a carbon frame road bike. I was talking to a friend the other day. He says I should get a hitch bike rack, and to place the bike on the platform of the hitch rack instead. He also says hanging a carbon frame bike on a trunk mount bike rack potentially damage the top tube and the frame of the bike. I wonder if it is true? I have spent about $150CAD for my bicycle trunk mount rack. Should I invest another $600-$800CAD to get a hitch bicycle rack, and throw away my trunk mount rack?

    3. Un comentario absolutamente de imbeciles,para no ver a un ciclista equipado en nuestras carreteras pues váyanse todos a su asquerosa isla a pasar frío y comer pescado frito envuelto en papel.
      Bastante lacra estamos pasando los amantes de este deporte en España,con 29 muertos por atropello,para que una panda de bebedores de ginebra y legado de piratas vengan a reírse de cómo salimos a entrenar en nuestras carreteras.
      Más les valdría dado su numero de seguidores en hacer vídeos útiles sobre la circulación correcta por carretera para concienciar a todo aquel conductor sea del medio que sea.

    4. I spent some time in Italy in April, hot day about 23'c – i had on shorts etc…the italians: trousers ! (i wasnt cycling on that visit). Felt a total jerk as the reactions was soo embarassing.

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