Danny is in Manchester today where he tries a completely dipped spicy chicken fillet burger!

    nothing guys how you doing back on the road again and today me and cman we are in Manchester and we’re going to go to the famous place that is Dean Fried Chicken now Dean right has gone absolutely crazy there’s a craze at the moment about dipping a chicken burger I’ve had one and when I went to this place in leads I thought they were going to dip the whole thing that’s what I’ve heard it’s all about and they didn’t just dip the fillet but this place if you ask them they will dip all right Paul how’s it going I got a picture of course you can M what you doing around there I’m going to Dean Fried Chicken yeah is it any good chicken is that going to be in the film yeah yeah yeah yeah enjoy man there you go mate is it good yeah all right well they’re going vital with this dipping chicken out this all let’s see what it is take care Paul see you later mate so yeah we have to Dean friy chicken he’s not trying it but it’s supposed to be very good that’s what I’ve heard they’re dipping the full Burger so let’s get dipping dippy dippy de dippy let’s go so it’s the thing in it chicken is only up and up I’ve got to say you know last year was sort of the you know the craze of Smash Burgers smash patties that kind of stuff and and Chicken Fried Chicken seems to be making a comeback now especially with this you know spicy dip Burgers to be honest I thought we were going to see a rise in in uh loaded fries and stuff like that especially loaded fries with chicken but it’s the the old new dip Burger now I don’t know how it come about I think I think someday we just you know getting the chicken out at fryer and passed it across bayy and dropped it in gravy and thought Oh that’ be all right if that were full of a spicy chili sauce and here we go the BF for the DI Burger you know it looks pretty good I can’t wait to taste it am am I looking forward to the amount of spice I’m going to be ingesting you know me I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to spice but I do appreciate the you know the spices hotness so you know just because I don’t like the things to be so spicy doesn’t mean that I’m just automatically going to go no because you know they what a time in my life but I did like spicy stuff but as I’ve got older I mean tolerance to spice has got a little bit less more susceptible to it so you know I think this might be it up here you can see can like see some kind of wings or some Dean’s Wings here we go right where come we backk up cameraman D’s Fried Chicken oh we’ll get a look we’ll go up here at uh prade Street de’s chicken it is de’s chicken so that’s what that regulate disabl that’s oh that’s just for there so that’s all right they can get there right Bosch there we go let’s go see what Deans is all about all right cameraman here we go we’re just not but now in front of that gate but I think we just oh can’t see many people going down there more bin bags down there the is it tip here we go so it’s going to be nice to see what’s what’s on the menu obviously I’ll be trying to dipped Burger but is it going to be like a munchbox type thing is it going to be separate things on the on the menu I’m sure we’ll have a good old Gandy Goosey Gandy right let’s go let’s go to Dan here we go how we doing man all right my goding in Tik Tok every time you like it m oh you coming to De today I am coming to De today yeah is it good welcome yeah I’m good have you been have you all been to Deans before oh this the best place here around here yeah is it yeah yeah yeah I’ve come to tried the dip Burger they good yeah they’re spicy cuz spicy is it very bigger oh yeah try it I’ll try it yeah good Lu guys cheers mate right let’s get across here hope hope you’ll get across first camera man you can lose your legs what’s all that there that weird face is it windy H go for it run watch him on bik oh you should have got him mate that have made a good [ __ ] camera that pal I’m going thank you thank you here we go here guys right here we are Deans fried chicken spice spice baby that’s what we’re having let’s go for it w oh here we go camera man look at this it’s busy in here is it SP baby for SP do in there m trying to take me table off that one you want love yeah for YouTube so I’ve got YouTube channel yeah so be on there have you had the spicy one no my daughter’s yeah he M you all right how are you very well thank you yourself can I get one of the spice spice B Burgers you want me or just Burger I have just a burger can I cuz you do it fully dip don’t you the whole thing dip the whole thing yeah with the bun let’s get Let’s Get Saucy and then I would like to try some uh of the barbecue wings and the P Perry wings please anything else uh can I get uh fries in a drink with one of them pleas yeah that’s it thank you what what drinks do I get M we got these uh I’ll get just a Pepsi Max please on there is that it yeah that’s it can I pay on C cash how much is it it’s 1567 15 I’ll have to ni TI Bank all right I’ll put order in then I’ll I’ll ni TI Bank all right mate lovely thank you take out I’m going to put a table and chair out there all right right cheers Paul right let’s go cameraman let’s go we got to get running to the bank here we’ll get some cash out in a bit there you go I’m going to be honest seen all the IE and I were thinking it there were going to be a little bit more on menu than what there was I think it’s all the Hypes about the spicy the spicy di Burger better go just there make sure somebody can get in and out is that all right cameraman all the hype is about the spicy dip Burger apparently it’s spicy so we’ll have to get that sorted out but there you go oh J test I’m wining well it’s a quiet bit of Manchester at the moment is it that it fills up along end of the night time there’s a few kids in there now ordering their burgers getting their spicy lips ready young lady in there she says she’s getting some of a spicy dip burger for the daughter so this is a thing I’ve seen it like I said I’ve had the dipping the actual chicken fillet but I’ve not had it where it’s dipping the bread enjoy your food thank you very much love you too what one of you got for yourself we’ve got the spice spice baby one and um chicken Burger meal and red salt ask for red salt red salt best part thank you very much love red salt is it chili salt is it what is it that Himalayan salt or whatever it is or is it they’ve just dropped a bit very salty with red dish what do you get from here then I get a very biger half a chicken with rice half a chicken with rice yeah have you had the [ __ ] you said you’ve had the spicy [ __ ] yeah spicy everything is spicy everything spicy spicy like p r is not all the chicken is spicy all the what all the chicken is spicy chicken you said chicken that’s all the chicken that’s what confused I’m thinking of all the chicken oh yeah man I’m looking forward to it you’re not boss man are you no I’m just thinking you you following me about thinking he’s trying to get me have some of that get it in last time you been you went to Turkey yeah turkey yeah yeah it were good yeah man yeah it were nice do you know what yeah the one that uh where I just went and got just Kebab me and and then like there were a few little bits inside the restaurant it were just packed out and it were just like full of turkey people going in and out in and out all the time and it like it would never empty people were queuing and as people were getting up more people were sitting down and that were like that for a good couple of hours that’s why yeah and it w were beautiful beautiful the meat is different yeah beautiful you doing all right what are you coming for tonight chicken burger spicy one but dipped oh is it is it hot oh told edit is done in here that one was what more spicy I had all the way but oh God I don’t like chicken oh no I love it I love it evening sir you all right have you come for a spicy burger oh YouTube you all right love how are you doing helpy so we come on [Music] all right P how you doing you up right are we disturbing no not at all what what you got there that looks good oh that looks nice where’s that from is it good no it’s I got exra if you try it you’re all right mate you’re all right I’ve got enough coming I’ve got one of these spicy have you had all from here before oh yeah the spicy actually decent is it spicy though I look like spicy food not too spicy sry not too spice it’s going to blow me head you want what did you say you can’t say that man I’ll give it a go I’ve got that and I’ve got some wings but yeah nice to meet you guys enjoy your meal nice to meet you Paul all right mate well oh legal biking School run oh hey thank you very much sir thank you cheers mate thank you right guys right first of all I going to wet the whistle because I’m a little bit patched what’s that something like gravy a a gravy yeah Petty wings so we’ve got a bit a lot of chips by some these chips I can smell it burning me nostril W that’s fizzier than Fizz right py py Wings there go me chippies Burger bag of chips put bag of chips there move all this that’s it that you can see that right let’s open these boxes up see oh oh look at them bad boys camera man beautiful barbecue chicken wings woo woo then we’ve got some P py Wings think they’re grilled with a bit of P py sauce on so they’re deep fried they’re grilled and then this is what we’ve come for wabam Wow woof the spice coming off that already smell spicy look spicy I’m going to let it sit in its own juice for the moment while I try try this lot so I’m going to leave that there Center Stage let’s try the chips first so we’ve just got normal fries where it looks oh nice bit of chips spice on them couple of tubs of a it’s like a a mint chili mint chili sauce those chips they like the standard chips you get you get from a chicken place nice bit of Chip spice on they’re very salty yeah they’re all right they’re all right they’re what you would expect let’s start off I’m going to start off with the p py then go barbecue then go spicy burger here we go start off with a spice so this lot is cost me 15 quid not so bad we’ve got decent size Wing there covered in a p py sauce it’s grilled nice Grill lines on there nice crispy skin then tossed in the sauce let’s get into it a bit a bit of BN off them so the petty petty flavoring is all right I’m just the chicken’s a bit oh look at that obviously it’s the bone and the knuckle it’s a bit dry you know I think without that SAU some might be a bit of a problem that spice of that and that’s just the that’s just the petty petty right let’s try the the barbecue ones so these look a little bit bigger obviously because the deep fried nice bit of barbecue sauce sticky these nice sticky wings again Cameran look at that you see the chicken it’s a little bit to the skin on the outside with the barbecue sauce delicious nice and moist but the actual chicken wing itself the chicken a little bit all right pal good M thank you it’s a little bit too dry for me little bit to day right spicy burger here we go so I’m not expecting the bun to hold up because we’ve got two big pieces of chicken in there right and obviously it’s been dipped so you know I I don’t expect it to hold up let’s get me fingers in here I can’t even get underneath it oh it’s warm woo it’s not even going to pick up oh right this is heavy this is heavy so the bread is soaked up all that spice you have got two big bits of chicken there there looks to be a bit of mayo lettuce I’m going to go for this bit here just so I can get me go round it let’s give it a go [Music] he spicy and it’s wet wow look at that told in here oh my God I think I might have been bit enough more than I could chill with this one oh my days that that is definitely [ __ ] than the other Burger b w you have to B me a minute guys sorry about this oh oh my days right wo so do you know what the chicken in there a’t too bad that’s cooked how it how it should be all right but look look at the size of them bad boys they are spicy as it’s burning me nose as chili leg on it the sauce is absolutely fire if you like spicy stuff guys this is the thing for you I think that’s probably the last spicy dib good I’m going to do right let’s go got let’s go through it so we started off with the petty pettry chicken wings as you can see from that bit of a wing in there I just think there is a a little bit of a cooked to be honest they’re a bit dry the sauce on them is very very spicy oh sorry mate sorry Paul got a nice spice to them the sauce has got a nice flavor but like I said the actual chicken itself wo sorry I’m drink told Ed is going to love this one have Steam and all sorts coming out my ears moist the actual chicken itself it’s just been overcooked a little bit it’s just a little bit dry moving on to the barbecue wings again these are a very very nice flavor sticky very nice on the skin the deep friedes and that sticky sauce sticky sauce tastes great but again the chicken on it again it’s a little bit dry a little bit overcooked then moved on to the spicy HP Burger now I did say that obviously I don’t disregard although I don’t like too much spice I did know what I was letting myself in for in this I knew it would a spicy Burger I can see from me look there you can see from like the chili flakes you can see from all that it’s all over the bun all right I knew it were going to be spicy I knew the bun was going to R up well I think that’s probably you know the the the chicken in there that’s that’s fine of the two nice big bits of chicken if you like spicy chicken burgers that is your one that is your one so got the fries normal fries got to drink with it cost me 15 quid all right you know value like I say that’s all right that’s all right I’m just I’m just I’m just let down by the chicken wings and with them being a little bit dry that’s what sort of edging it for me really so if you’ve been here to Deans let me know what you think if you’ve not been come down try it out be aware if you don’t like too much spice cuz that will blow your mouth off right but for me guys just because these were just overcooked you know I think value for M for what you’ve got apart from these I’m going to have to give it a five I’ll see you next time we have some of the chips and try and take this burning off my lips spicy BS that what you on there have you had one before mate I’ve only had two bites I’m nearly dead here we go L thanks that M cheers mate thank you thank you yeah yeah that’s you’re quing for some food what you having regular chicken sandwich meal chicken sandwich I’ve just gone for that spicy double dip oh it’s hot that lips are burning off no I’m not no you’re not no I’m not real good with spicy food I don’t mind like little bits you know what I mean bit chili on mibab on that but that’s a bit too spicy for me yeah yeah where she live [Laughter] cor what just found here what’s it called that’s what the other kid just the kids just come up with with box very yeah cheers guys thank Youk kill car car is


    1. You end up at some proper dives. This is a long way off Grandma's Breakfast in Bolton. Surely anyone decent would see that place and put foot down on t'old van.

    2. Come to Cleo's when in Manchester! It's so much better and they do donuts too as well as shakes. It's fab. You'll love it. Just a slightly interesting part of town but no worse than where you are here

    3. It should be cash only everywhere in this country all this gen z crap and paying by phone or card lots of people don't have these and shouldn't be made to, it's descusting 😮

    4. ill get the Pepsi max so i can counter the sugar foot of being a stud food reviewer. absolutely love this channel, eat where every one does

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