What are Irish people like? Are Irish people haters or is the comments section toxic everywhere? Join me as I’m reacting to your comments and answer some of your questions! We all have to deal with hate and negativity in the world, and we are no exception but then reading all the nice things Irish people have to say to us makes it all worth it!

    Moving to Ireland and living in Ireland can be challenging and these are just some of the things you might run into while in Ireland. We hope you all enjoy this one and we shall see you all next week.

    Have a nice day everyone and see you next week!
    Cheers! 🍺

    #ireland #irish #galway #dublin #cork #limerick





    E-mail: jakov.rakic@gmail.com

    [Music] good morning good evening and good afternoon YouTube Welcome Back to channel and welcome back to beautiful sunny colway city today we are answering your comments some of them good some of them bad some of them just genuine questions because comment section on internet can be a weird place trust me let me give you example you make a video about uh about some why why I love Ireland for example and then you get a comment why don’t you talk about some bad stuff you’re only pointing out the good ones then I make a video about downsides of Ireland and I get comments like go home you have no right speaking about our country you make something neutral like why Irish people love sports and then you get comments why don’t you talk about t in go in in goway in Dublin but you get the point comment section is never happy but let’s take a look we’ll start with the bad ones and then progress to do a lighter and cheer forwards Jason says and this one is a classic go home well first of all lorine is from gway born and raised here together with her whole family so I don’t actually know where would you like her to go and if you mean me I am going home 24th of July I leave every summer to spend my summers in CIA so you get your wish partially I guess because I will be back there’s the perfect answer reply actually you got from one of the subscribers you’re just under just unsubscribe nobody nobody is forcing you to watch our videos nobody should watch anything they don’t like so yeah whye the next one is a perfect example of why comments just don’t make sense sounds so this one was under our video where Loren was talking about the lack of bicycle Lanes in goldway fromus says uh the sidewalks are not for pedestrians they’re for tents hello I’m guessing he’s referring to the tents in Dublin yes just make makes no sense we were talking about bicycle L I mean come on cheer up a little bit kid says this fella is always passing Ireland and Irish people I I’m I’m not giving my opinions about life here I’m here last seven years now so I don’t see why I wouldn’t share the good and the bad about Ireland no country in this world or Europe or any other continent is perfect but just because we’re pointing out some some stuff that in our opinion is not perfect that doesn’t mean we don’t like living here we don’t like Irish people or that we are bashing anyone it’s just an observation if if you would I think most of the people realize that but yeah you always get one of those two most of these comments are just an example of the group of comments or the type of comments you you get if you if you get what I mean but yeah I don’t think I’m bashing irland or Irish people I love it here I wouldn’t be here for 7 years if I didn’t love it here get it [Music] I went down on Nashville a guitar in the back I was going to make it [Music] [Applause] B Uncle Fester says there’s no shame in being from gu there’s shame in remaining in goway what I think Goa is one of the best places to live in Ireland one of the most beautiful beautiful English language one of the best looking ones for sure I mean look at all of this around me it is a sunny day but it’s just bursting with life buers people people having PS people just enjoying theel I don’t know why you don’t like goway but yeah I don’t know what to say actually I just don’t understand I’m sure goway isn’t perfect either but yeah it’s a pretty pretty nice place to live if you ask me prepare for this one this is a perfect example of a type of uh comment we get under every single video we make doesn’t matter the topic you will always get something like this enough about bicycle Lanes or insert whatever you want we need houses and borders yes Ireland one one of the biggest problems in Ireland is the housing crisis we actually made a video about that I’m not making a video about borders because it’s just I don’t see the the need to get attacked somewhere not somewhere I mean under the comments but just can we just stick to the topic of the video I mean I I wouldn’t comment we need houses and borders if the topic of the video you’re commenting on is why Irish people love sports or I made a short the about why I think Irish pubs are the best in the world and then you get a comment like this under it like how do you connect a nice point with houses and borders I doesn’t make sense to me but yeah as I said comment section is a pretty unique place the mighty new says Ireland you mean Muslim isand Now comments like this actually get me a little bit angry because it’s people like this who wrote comment like this those are the people you should be afraid on the streets not the people wearing different clothes or having different religious beliefs no these are the people that are actually going to do some something bad to you in my humble opinion with of course exceptions but yeah generally speaking I think people like this are a much much bigger problem than anyone else now before we move on to some questions uh where’s Lorraine well lorine went to Belfast on some kind of not some kind of on a country Festival video from there will be on patreon that will be a patreon exclusive so if you want to see something like that and if you like our videos please consider our patreon we are will willing we want to be full-time YouTubers one day and the best way to help us to achieve that is to join our patreon you’ll get exclusive videos just like the one from the country Festival you get all of the videos before the rest of the world on YouTube you get to vote where we go next you get to see our bloopers you get to have a live stream with us every month stuff like that plus we have a group chat where we just chat with you people every single day so yeah consider our patreon the link is down below questions May marn asks will there be a wedding well Marilyn uh there’s nothing planned in our near future it doesn’t mean it will never happen I’m sure it will happen when I do not know so that is all I can say about that I’m sure you would love to see it some of you will probably get invited especially our patreons but yeah it’s not in any of our immediate plans let’s say bikes and babes asks this is a longer one uh so if you could do YouTube fulltime in your van what would your Channel’s team be well this deserves a little bit of explanation we did mention few times in our videos that we’ like like to try out when life it’s my I won’t say dream but wished by a van and convert it to a kind of a stealth camping trip vehicle I would love to travel Europe and regions and just live and sleep in a van for a while not fulltime I don’t want that but just a few 2 months per year and what would the theme of the channel be in that case more or less the same as now we would do vlogs from the destinations we are currently in but there would be more videos about cooking I love food I love cooking so the idea would be recreate the meals of the region we are currently staying in if you get but I mean I would try and cook a meal from the place where we are at or the region or a country something like that I think that would be interesting to people even though not many people watch my cooking videos on this channel but you never know I might might change your mind I think that answers that question but yeah tell me in the comment section would you watch something like that would you watch me trying to convert a van into some something livable and would you like to watch us traveling around and cooking every now and then comment section do your [Music] job there is a life I lead in this city hurry in the cut my tea I can take what I need to get by it doesn’t e Hank asks hi I wanted to ask whether you thought about interviewing locals about their views on living in Ireland mems Etc there is some YouTubers who do something like that in Du we did we actually still think about that a lot the problem with that is I am a I’m comfortable speaking to you like this to the camera but I have a problem reaching out talking to a stranger on the street some random PE people person like this and filming that I don’t know why there was an attempt we had an idea of making a video called asking Irish people to speak Irish language that was a complete disaster we approached two two yeah only two persons and I don’t know we were just so awkward it it was it was not watchable trust me me so yeah we should do that I am working on that I actually promised that I will make a video about bosers in uh goldway City and I was supposed to film that this weekend actually but lorine went to that Festival in Belfast so that’s why it got pushed out to next weekend but yeah next weekend I am going out on the streets of goway and I am going to try to talk to basers ask them everything about basking how do you get the spot on the street why do you do it can you live from it all of that kind of stuff so if that’s what you mean we will try do doing that but it’s just I don’t know I find it hard I don’t know tell me in the comment section would you would you find that easy or would you struggle with it just as I do I don’t know I just feel awkward so I guess that answers your questions next one says don’t you work in the hospital I’m not sure is that person asking about me or lorine so I will answer for both yes and no lorine works in the hospital for the last 8 years if I’m not not mistaken and I used to work in the hospital but I’m not there anymore last four almost 5 years now I I’ve been working in retail because I just I didn’t want to be in a hospital anymore but the laoren is still there she did uh few different jobs there but she’s currently working in a hospital Cen as a barista if that answers your questions I hope it does but yeah she works in the hospital I don’t then K asks are you illegal I will assume uh you mean am I in Ireland illegally not have I ever done anything illegal so let’s go one by one uh no I’m not here illegally I am Croatian for those of you who don’t know which is also part of EU so I didn’t actually need not even a passport or not not any kind of uh work permit or Visa or anything to come here it’s just part EU is EU you just come and you work some come and don’t work but yeah as I mentioned already I do work so yeah I’m not here illegally have I ever done something illegal I’m sure I did but who who didn’t right so yeah that’s my answer to that I just realized I missed some of the uh bad or funnier of whatever you want to call them once so we’re going to do that now some user something you know Anonymous says dopy hipster that was funny to me because I have a friend who’s always telling me I’m a hipster because the reason is I use Apple products and he he claims I’m a hipster because of that dopy I’m not actually sure what that word means to be completely honest with you so yeah I I guess I can be a dope history if you want me to I don’t mind this one is a perfect example of how how people are just I don’t know living in some other world I guess this was under a video where I talked how easy it is to travel from from Dublin to the rest of the Europe easy and cheap and just I don’t know practical and the comment we got said say yeah because your channel is really interesting and needs to be seen by as many people as post I don’t know what he means this post was just a stupid ad for Ryan a if I ever get a sponsored video from Ryan Air I want me making me making it from goway that’s first thing I want to tell tell you and the second is you don’t need to watch our videos I mentioned that several times already if you don’t like them you know you can actually I don’t know maybe people don’t know every video on YouTube at least in a browser I don’t know can you do it on a phone there’s those little three dots you can click that and then it literally says never recommend this channel again and you will never ever see me or the ginger lady or cola if you don’t wanted to again so yeah and no unfortunately our video was not an ed for ryion a if you know someone in raner you can reach out and tell them that I would gladly accept sponsorship like that but no we don’t have any we actually never had a sponsored video at all since the beginning of this channel I’m hoping to get one sooner or later but no just no what do you say we read some nice ones now huh mini flame says love how the subtitles are the same color as the flag now for those of you again who don’t know under our shorts videos we I put subtitles there under every single video not under on every single video and they are in the colors of Irish Flag I didn’t know the first one I made there’s all all over 180 of them now which is astonishing to me that I edited that much shorts but yeah I made them in the in the Irish colors and this is actually the first person who ever noticed or commented on that after 180 short videos so thank you for for noticing because yeah I think it’s a nice little touch there Jesse says I have Irish background in my family so it is nice to see videos like this to get experience of what my Irish heritage is about well thank you it’s always nice reading things like this uh the reason we make videos is for people to to come to know Ireland a little bit more so yeah why not people like you because probably I don’t know parents grandparents doesn’t matter I’m assuming you either never visited or you didn’t visit as much as you would love to so yeah I am glad you’re enjoying our videos and thank you for such a nice comment it is always nice to read stuff like this I actually I can’t read this name or username or whatever it is but the comment says met this lady at work she is even nicer in person all the best with this I will keep commenting thank you I will of course show this to Len I don’t think she saw it she doesn’t read comments at all because people are just nasty sometimes and then she gets upset but yeah thank you thank you for saying this I’ll just add that she actually is the same as you see her on the videos that is how quirky she is in real life so thank you for for confirmation I guess wow it really is such a nice day today the town is full completely full of people but any who you know what it would make it even nicer if you would press that subscribe button and the like button if you like this video we make one or two per week depending on how much time we have it’s usually one to be honest but sometimes it’s two so yeah click the Subscribe button check our patreon if you would like more content and more just different kind of stuff from us and we will see you in next one by we I mean yeah we we’ll be together in the next video too so yeah check our socials there’s a lot of stuff on uh Instagram too I put out one real or short whatever you want to call it per day on Instagram you can also see my photo attempts and yeah I’m going to go and soak up my throat in Guinness now in hle in the wall best baring goway and I will see you all next week [Music] it’s a Restless hungry feeling that don’t mean no good and everything I’m saying you can say it just as good you are right from your side


    1. A great video this week folks and thanks for all your wonderful comments and not so wonderful ones, it all makes for a highly entertaining video. ☺️ We hope you enjoyed watching our content just as much as we enjoyed filming it and don’t forget to like and subscribe so you don’t miss a thing. I guess I’m being bias here but our channel is the best one. See you all next week!!
      😄📹🍿🎬🎞️ 🫶

    2. I love your way of filming it’s great to always be seeing the backdrop of Galway City. It is just like being there.
      I also like how you say Ireland’s both good & bad things about living there.
      It seems local Irish tend too much to try to shut down the viewpoints of anybody living there if they happen to utter one drawback of living there. Everyplace has drawbacks. I look forward to your take on things and you should not have your free speech shoved under a rug.
      Great Channel you guys! 🙏🏻

    3. You and the Ginger Lady always put up great content! Dont worry about the haters! My wife and I are excited about our move to Ireland 😊 thanks to you guys! Hopefully, we will meet one day 😊

    4. There's under educated bigots /racists in every country , they spew out their hatred on any youtbe /social media platform where they see any content that they don't agree with , these small-minded prats don't realise that the Irish emigrated to the 4 corners of the world . Galway is a lovely city & county ,I always enjoy our visits to Galway ,wishing you both all the best 😊

    5. Isle of Tenerife,

      Corkky, you ARE home!
      Just like ninety-five percent of people here accept and appreciate that Tenerife is my home.
      I love it here, while I bash those parts that need improving.
      And often, slowly but surely, they get improved.
      Yeir videos are awesome, so refreshing!
      Please admit, if it's true, that most Galway people accept ye as locals, at home in Galway.
      Let's stop always giving the headlines to the contrary minority.

      Hey, when will ye do a review of the bar I've been barred from and reinstated to more than many: The Gaelic League, Clubhouse of the Gaels, on Dominic Street?

      Best wishes,

    6. Thanks for calling out those that posted negative comments. They are just ignorant and need attention. I really enjoy your and Lorraine's insight about living in Ireland/Galway!

    7. Me and my wife truly enjoy watching your videos😊 Keep it up, both of you. You motive us, and we learn alot from your videos. We look forward to moving to Ireland early 2025. Hopefully we'll get to see you around one day 🙂

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