3:25 Movie Starts

    Haven’t seen this flick in years! Did it hold up? Lets find out!

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    [Music] [Music] what’s up everybody my name is mixer and I’m Stacy and today we’re watching uh we’re continuing stace’s desire to do a Helen Hunt uh movie stretch a good Helen Hunt movie oh so this is was good twister was good I’m just kidding she doesn’t seem to she calls Helen Hunt a donkey I believe her the words you chose right correct okay uh we’re also joined today with her friend Gabby best friend Gabby hello how many times have you seen this movie oh my God probably like I don’t know like definitely a couple of times my mom’s a fan of these you know romcoms your mom thinks Mel Gibson’s a hottie yeah I think yeah back in the day she definitely did he looks a little old on now he’s older but so I don’t think she feels that way towards him now a lot of teeth well tell us about this movie stays sure so it it came out in 2000 came out on December 15 2000 so very very end it is a romantic fantasy comedy movie yeah because he can hear thoughts but he also had Daydreams too sometimes right or is that okay whatever uh it is directed by Nancy Meyers it stars Mel Gibson Helen Hunt Marissa to Lauren Holly and Alan Alda I love Alan Alda the music is done by Alan Sylvester and Gabby why is that important Gabby wow we got a Gabby in the movie why is Alan Sylvester important he does the music important he did Back to the Future really yeah you he has a very specific uh tone of music yeah he also did the Predator music um it’s 127 minutes long it the budget for it was $70 million why what about Helen Hunt and Mel Gibson’s contract just m Gibson guess how much they gross at the box office $60 1 million I’m gonna 120 million all right Gabby give me your real one oh okay uh 165 37 million we even guessed half of it suck seriously 182 million alone in the North America box office so I was right I was I thought you asked North America only no it’s just box office total yeah right okay yep and that’s all I know about the film all righty you want to get started I actually like this movie so I think I’ve seen it once and I remember laughing a lot yeah it’s very spot on because he wouldn’t allow it to not no he would not know he wouldn’t allow himself to look like an idiot completely and I think that they do well together and they have good chemistry yeah okay you ready to get started yeah all right if you are all new to this channel what we do here is encourage you to pull the movie up watch it alongside us we hope to add to your viewing experience with a little extra laughter probably some cringe and hopefully inspire you to leave a comment down below let us know what you think of what women want or Mel Gibson or stace’s favorite actress Helen Hunt CR or Marissa T I actually think Marissa T is hot she’s hot yeah she’s a she’s she ain’t bad huh all right we’re going to be uh pressing play in three two one press [Applause] play uh oh okay there it went sorry ours didn’t start right away you should see the Paramount logo circling onto the screen alcohol use so who has the best logo intro I always like we should do that TI your list we should do like MGM the lion and some of the horror ones are really cool yeah it’s true we should totally do a tier list that’d be one of those weird videos that nobody’s done before on YouTube movie studio intros I know we should just watch a YouTube video of all of them compiled and then Jud afterwards yeah I want to get a physical one that we can with magnets maybe you have to make one so there’s women vocalizing right now so is Mel Gibson a hottie Gabby he is in this movie he’s like fit but hair but you didn’t like him in Braveheart right no I did oh yeah there was somebody stay said I think it was her herself wow the song Something’s Got to Give starts this movie w we were gonna watch that one we’re in Las Vegas takes place in New York I thought the leader of the pack some Alpha you ever heard of a sigma male oh that’s probably what I am I don’t like the alpha what’s the sigma that’s a different conversation okie dokie this is what women do we just sit around and watch other people I watch Gabby put makeup on today at the Pediatric Dent or the doctor it’s her that’s in love with him right the secretary Gabby no no people don’t actually like him they think they he thinks they like him and they loath him actually the least politically correct man oh yeah her what is she not awesome I don’t like her [Music] voice oh what about Nick’s mother oh interesting he’s a he’s a a daddy or a Mommy’s boy well this is why he’s a chauvinist or whatever right what would you [Music] expect oh so he got a superpower from it oh my gosh God so he had it made girls be drama you know damn his mom was hot she’s trying nice work [Music] outfit oh so he surrounded by the bookie oh gosh [Music] dang that’s an awesome birthday party he had a throne dude they’re treating him like a king I mean yeah it’s nice but he’s going to have an inflated ego yeah look at that he surrounded by woman he turned into Mel Gibson so this is probably just a true story about Mel Gibson then did it say based on a true story looked like in Australia for him yeah it was just the Australian version they messed it up in the dub oh my God you see like he looks young here he is Young he’s like [Music] B uh oh he’s a smoker no onion Bagel disgusting and then leaves without him what why do you know that oh well yeah she was a dancer no she got to bend over in front of him what did he say we’ll give her a call if if he should ever date someone who wears an underwear like [Music] hers but I just smacked you in the butt yeah babe he calls you babe because of the pig you ever seen that movie oh my God he’s calling her because she’s big exactly yeah her name’s Flo she in a Progressive commercial is she is that the pinea lady I was joking oh I got to spill it all over her shirt wouldn’t idot what you don’t you think he did she did that intentionally like [ __ ] this is cashmere she did that my boobs you’re touch gross just disgusting yeah that was kind of creepy on her part no she bumped into him on purpose took it and like WIP yes she did don’t make me rewind it now there she is Italian h no wonder I wanted an Italian yeah she’s in love with me she has a crush on him she reminds me of my Aunt Mary me too did she look like that when she was younger yeah she acts like that too oh I’m trying so hard not to be interested it’s not working wearen all black it’s a great first date idea got him don’t oh no look at her see she’s just interested in him she is yes how do you know oh come on she’s like basically fawning over him but she said no she wanted him to stop asking her out he didn’t even get a coffee did he leave her a tip or is that later [Music] Miller Oliver Miller oh that’s another movie we have to watch what is it McGuire Jerry McGuire Jerry McGuire there you go how about Tom Cruz does he do it for you Gabby yeah yeah he’s a good actor is he a hottie he had a prime at a moment yeah Top Gun or what was his prime I don’t know but now this guy he look good yeah have you seen the new Top Gun yes he got a k he does look good oh so he still got it though he’s old though he’s like 60 something I think but he tries to look like he’s whatever it works you know he has the money to do it why not he can still run he can hold his breath for really long oh he’s going on a bro date now he can wow he didn’t care about spilling coffee on her yeah see look oh okay oh how wonderful the cigarettes why is he smoking surely they’re going to that’s going to be a part of stuff he’s going to read them say how disgusted they are by his smoking sire it’s all women [Music] I want to be a creative director wait so he has two secretaries I guess black and white what the hell lot of smoking in the movie [Music] yeah J can I get a c of got I need I haven’t seen this guy in a long time what do you think of his office de it’s very Brown I hate these type of Stuffy offices I mean you seen mine went for complete opposite of this horses in the background you like his glasses I do really they’re so goofy looking s people can rock them I don’t think I can pull it off can you what those type of glasses I don’t have glasses I don’t know what I can pull off you have to get a blue light glasses you’re a gamer no eonia [Music] wow he likes her everybody we’re going to go down not quite what do you [Music] about I never met the woman I hear she’s a real man a mirror behind the cabinet I [Music] he it’s very funny I justed oh here we go bite your tongue so I guess he’s not getting a promotion oh this is sexism he’s promoting he hired somebody new instead of promoting [Music] him oh no oh no oh [ __ ] he’s pissed this is the truth though this is how the world is because she’s she’s got what women want dang at least you said it out loud he [Music] tight oh [Music] man oh even more frustrating why are they there right [Music] oh The X oh all black I just watched a video about a men giving men suggestions on their fashion and it said all black suits are terrible so it’s funny seeing him in this today I just watched it this morning that’s just one like advice out of many yeah I know right right it’s just what I thought of I see him wearing oh meeting the all new husband how often have you had to go through this meeting an meeting an ex’s new person probably just one once you’ve had to meet an ex’s new girlfriend or whatever yeah uh oh what happened to her why does she get stuff spilled on her dress take your old man uh oh don’t tell your okay great she’s 13 oh okay 15 dang mom given the direction so she’s close with her mom and she oh he called her pumpkin dad’s jealous now he’s going to call her raspberry oh that shirt dang no hug no yeah uh oh he’s too much of a Playboy for her to care well he’s probably neglected it majorly cuz men are all scum and movies depends on the TV plot I mean the movie [Music] plot I don’t know how old he is though in this like his character I’m trying to figure that out is it [Music] Helen it is oh she’s wearing white oh black and white yeah oh they do that in a lot of movies wow oh [Music] hello I’m hi I’m Marsh oh [Music] Darcy hey I’m mad at you I want to punch you in the face the corporate life seems so difficult it just seems just it’s like you’re always presenting 500 jealous H hunt looks good in this [Music] movie she doesn’t look like a donkey no she loves her bangs [Music] huh wow they’ve already got Rapport dang she’s got all the right words she’s a strong female character uh oh he jerked off onto his chest it’s like bun of high schoolers that’s how men are right my God but like you’re a grown ass man all but there’s some woman in that’s a catchy phrase oh you need Lon 40 bil uh oh they’re in pink boxes what do you think it is oh my God I would want one of course you would not a bra a Wonder Bra to put in there oh uh oh what is he gonna pick nice do you remember this movie no you don’t not really I don’t even remember how he gets to know their thoughts you remember how he gets yes mhm I saying like saw this in oh it’s basketball now I’m paying attention I was just having wine alone and smoking of course he’s [Music] smoking tuck the pelvis oh he found yoga [Music] you like his Sean con impression I wonder if this was like the beginning of let’s make more movies of woman empowerment there’s a ton of them and they pretend like there’s none in 2000 [Music] okay too much estrogen on [Music] TV some Frank oh is he getting a gay desire say what the hell is Frank that’s the name ofra that’s the name of his butt pluck oh oh I was way off but [Laughter] plug you like Frank Sinatra I don’t know many of his songs but they’re always viby yeah he’s got moves it’s kind of feminine too though dancing then again his mom was in show business so he knows all this he’s just reciting Her Moves oh my gosh not bad uhuh oh he’s going to come up with a product right now I’m saying like it’s a nice [Music] place is that a what is that a mic wow he’s some sort of award oh it’s a code hanger I haven’t seen one of those in so long yeah he has a real nice place yeah he’s organized he’s neat oh he did the bond hat [Music] toss uh [Music] [Music] okay is he spot onahan [Music] yeah he’s that’s one way to navigate that head [Music] space couldn’t even look at them for long his daughters he threw it away oh is this how he’s getting in touch with his feminine side he put this album on yeah he’s getting drunk drinking wine that’s is that feminine I mean I’ve always some guys would say that yeah I love wine don’t get me wrong but I always think of it more for women’s drinking but I’ll drink a lot of wine you know what I like about wine I think the most is it I feel like you have to past yourself it’s not something you can chug you can’t take a shot of it you take a shot of it you’re like kind of forc to just sip it and you can maintain your drunk level you get like a slow drunk yeah but it’s nice mhm and in the back of your mind you know it’s healthier than most other alcohol but sometimes much you get the big headache in the morning I know I do it’s the only oh there’s his headache fuel you know I’ve never tested that they say just start drinking again in the morning to help you if you’re hung over like I can’t do that I I’ve never even tried it I’m going to freaking barf or just have a bigger headache see is this feminine painting your nails let’s see is he painting your toenails as a man yeah I think that’s feminine do you think you don’t like is he being like right now or he’s just trying to he’s going through it I guess to see he might give him an idea I can that Sound Logic okay okay I’ve never done waxing [Music] he’s got the POR [Music] strips it’s [Music] coming face has never done this to you no what was that stuff called NAD f is I feel like he’s in his 40s in this movie [Music] probably do you think you just this is all ad lib no May yes I think he’s worked long enough to BU to know like I can do this we can just keep it rolling and then you add what you like what you don’t like oh panty hose seem the worst how do you not break him all the time do you think this is natural though his body type or he took like you know like a steroid shot or something no there’s the whole thing behind uh that you pretty much dehydrate yourself to get your muscles to bit that promounts for these movies oh yeah oh really you can watch a whole video about how they get them defined like that obviously they work out a lot but a lot of it is just being dehydrated that’s why they always you know the term water weight oh my gosh oh that guy I haven’t seen him in a while what was he in Scream he in Scream it scream yeah oh God this is how you meet the dad and his his nails are the new Chainsaw Massacre one like the new oh was he [Music] I hope that doesn’t happen to me oh wow kissing right in front of dad that’s the major disrespect and he doesn’t have an angle here ex yeah dude should you ever make it like I don’t like she wasn’t a popular actress was she no l what do you mean listen think Nick no he’s Nick no the boyfriend’s name is Nick no his he’s Nick I don’t know yeah Carson and that’s it Cameron carmichel he didn’t even look at it how can you not look at the pores right oh no the anal beads wait what are those oh bath beads bathtub beads yeah are those still a thing I haven’t seen those in me neither now it’s all about bombs yeah yeah I like a good bath bomb wa you guys have a tub no but I’ve had like whenever we stayed in a nice hotel room or something they had one yeah I’ve had one before I’ve only had like two in my life probably oh God he’s going to do the pregnancy test those damn bath feeds are so dangerous in the bathroom oh Lord this is action this is he had to have an action scene he said okay no way okay no way he didn’t fully die he just got his leg in it oh he this is how he gets the power oh get out of here that’s what the movie came up with what do you think of it I talk to St about this all the time with movies like oh I can just make up some [ __ ] in my books that’s just the way it is fantasy things are never explained at least he had his towel on huh are you sure oh hung over or something just got a headache probably reach for the [Music] wine have you ever wed up like that somewhere crazy like the floor of a I never have you never I don’t think so come on your 20s early 20s I don’t remember what time teenager blacked out brown out oh he has to be there at 9:30 oh my gosh [Music] sure would you want that power so what no other not forever or just men know what men were thinking hell no least that was tame start to it [Laughter] yes shaft [Music] what that would be crazy [Music] that’d be weird he knows he doesn’t hear the old man’s [Music] [Laughter] thoughts oh God that’s Gabby no oh he can hear female animals oh no there’s a nightmare oh God how convenient oh god oh oh my gosh well that was sad this went dark real quick this is PG-13 I don’t know probably can’t be that crazy oh nice do you have those sort of interactions with dudes hell yeah that you think are Schmucks and you just smile to their face I mean wait you do that to me kind of do that like at work no I guess I’m just kind of thinking sometimes when your professional job not that you think schmuck but it’s just got to keep it short and simple got him more L let’s see what she really thinks when you’re at bars and [Music] everything oh my go dang Savage my gosh uhoh these older ladies are going to be real [Music] bad jeez oh God what are they going to be thinking wait for their thoughts to start ringing in oh this would be funny if they have none or like they’re always honest with him unless the implications that they have no thoughts between [Music] funny almost look like Seth Green for a second none [Music] liar oh Israel your hair looks really good [Music] what yo [ __ ] on girls man [Music] you think you’d have a panic attack I probably would I definitely would have to tell somebody yeah right like dude I can hear people’s thoughts [Music] oh my God you look great I don’t deserve a wife like that wow she looks amazing my wife just came out in a beautiful dress teer dress mhm thanks you need as a superpower so he just got his powers my wife stepped away stepp by falling in the bathtub with the hair dryer yeah yeah I forgot that that’s what happened it’s fantasy right yep [Music] [Laughter] he can also hear female animals M I need to poop right that’s what he said oh this girl again oh suicidal person oh well at least she’s thinking about the logistics she’s kind of funny oh exactly [Music] wow this movie is pretty meta huh she’s [Music] cute oh oh [ __ ] I mean yeah that’s what you were going for she was right well I guess she was right well he’s having a moment [Music] oh wow little [Music] Humanity feels like the first day of school surprised he didn’t bring a item did [Music] he looking at yours what is that thing that’s what he came up with mostly hair [Music] dryers he paint his toenails or his fingers you know to befly Hon bathing so you think you think you would want this power if you could hear men’s thoughts oh God oh my gosh that’ be me I don’t think I would want the power now temporarily I take it every time I need to what a genius idea why did she just say it oh she’s gonna get mad oh oh wow this is very well done [Music] yeah that would be funny that would be a good commercial [Music] all the men are laughing yet the Yet the woman is the one that actually goes through with that she won’t even speak [Music] up oh my nice question at work I mean you’ve been married 10 12 years wow that’s so messed up you can’t just say that you’re not interested that’s disingenuous she’s got snake boots on or alligator dang it okay time to stop paying attention no actually Sue Cranson did oh you know her name that’s what he just said do you remember her daughter’s boyfriend’s name Carl Michael no oh no there he is Jesus Christ he’s going to get kicked onto the stream set did you see the [Laughter] Zoom nice kick get out of there yeah leave [Music] weirdo she’s was oh disgusting wow intuition see look how dads how smart they are yeah if only they could read their daughter’s mind [Music] I don’t know how you don’t already know to leave yeah the [ __ ] dumb 18-year-old you wouldn’t want 18-year-old dating your 15-year-old daughter nope nope wait till like you guys didn’t do that just wait till she said I didn’t just wait till she’s 17 oh I mean probably had crushes but that’s innocent you know you’re you’re [Music] young oh putting on mascara what is the worst part about the woman upkeep is it lipstick is it they say waxing right is that what he’s doing is waxing the worst for both of you oh God yeah I don’t do waxing anymore nope what about the mascara no it’s not bad what about the robes eyeliner sometimes you stab yourself plucking your eyebrows are nails a a no it’s not a pain are nads did you guys ever use nads is it n you mean n oh n is that what it’s called I don’t know what nads are I think it was the same just different company n maybe they maybe they aim that one at boys he just did one patch of hair I had this weird smell to it though he just did one patch of hair y those uh things though oh he’s trying to reverse it get out of here the Epic scene it’s the fantasy wow dang and it’s plugged in does it thunder every night do it why did he have to go through the process of everything else why would it even be working if it was already fried in the tub wouldn’t he be dead the second time happening yeah how’s he not then it worked like the the lightning actually hit him and he didn’t die what is it what is it going to change maybe this is what happened to Bruce Jenner wow he waxed and then put the panty hose [Music] on man that apartment where are they Vegas I think he’s it’s New York please will it work through a phone though that wouldn’t work on a phone he already knows that because he was walking by them and hearing them so is this NYC or is this Chicago or did he make all the women disappear look the black on black he likes that black on black look yeah that button up all the way there’s not a single woman on that block what does that thing say the it’s all construction definitely New York the Jack hamerson so silly he wouldn’t be able to think a flower store oh only men just a Lobby there we go perfume section so he’s at which [Music] store he wanted it gone that quickly maybe it’s only when they’re not talking because it’s really hard to have thoughts when you’re talking [Music] right oh I guess it would have been like when the group of women ran by they’re thinking what they’re saying oh my [Music] god oh man and you’re in a mall hey he went there on purpose was the last time you went to a mall gu AB uh probably months ago sometimes you like to just window shop to walk oh you do it’s nice yeah no we don’t really it’s nice oh it’s B [Music] Midler oh [Laughter] [Music] damn okay so she gives him the idea like dude like don’t think doesn’t work for [Music] me easy to prove it right yeah May [Music] menopause that’s creepy yeah oh it is on the screen those big ass computers I don’t miss those [Music] 6,998 o that’s weird he’s really good at reading social cues if you you [Music] hear uh oh four years she didn’t even try that’s a book waiting to happen huh scary I electrocut myself [Music] I’ll smoke too everybody smokes glad this isn’t look that that’s rolled that’d be funny if he knew it like she’s like oh this is a good cush oh see he knows W I just picked that up yeah me too I’ve never seen that before that is a joint yeah he smelled it oh yeah that’s how [Laughter] talk hit her quick I don’t know how he didn’t think that from the beginning exactly he had a woman tell him that she’s in marketing cuz he went to the most stressful place the park or the mall D work surrounded by women yeah imagine dating someone oh God that would be nightmare no you would know the person would hate you they could never looks like right where on the left I be too much look at all these women now it’s only women maybe he’ll change his all black wardrobe who’s dou maybe they maybe one of the women said they wanted to see a douchy spin here we go he went to the only one worth going to [Music] uhoh she lies to herself in her brain yeah [Laughter] [Music] it’s really strange huh think about him in Braveheart and then he’s doing this role you think this is a different role than Brave like weird he’s a different person W liar the giggle wow he actually confronted her about [Music] it are they going to get together [Laughter] give her something better to do look at them [Music] fawning is that a VHS dang you made her whole day [Music] really God maybe don’t dress like that hey maybe she’s Amish hey nobody likes that look right there’s no one out there looking for that look that stuffy Library wow look at heret off and red stace’s favorite actress no wonder you came back for this scene is she only do women’s stuff and he only does Men’s stuff or what no they just uh her board meeting she they hired her instead of promoting him and her point was that there’s $40 billion of money being spent by women and so she want them to come up with women’s products so she’s coming up with new products for the company uh oh peace oh he can do that she’s not thinkings her thoughts well sometimes you just don’t have thoughts though you know in reality too what the hell is that a vase dang all the men laer what are these for they’re just congratulating her Nike is that a dress or a shirt and a pencil skirt isn’t it who did you who it’s okay if I know what you [Music] know oh and he’s going to undercut her yeah now he’s using it correctly make her look dummy with shoes with Chinese sweat shop shoes which are mostly women and girls yeah right yeah and and feet and [Music] wallets oh oh yeah what if it goes away Alan you know him Alan Al it’s terrible he’s gonna suggest black and white he’s gonna take everything yo what a dick what does that even mean say it should be in black and white yeah oh there we go we’re the same person you like when that feeling happens with another human it never does what you and I do that like when I don’t know if it’s because we always both want Ramen and hot pot then that’s not fair well then that’s a good feeling W he yawned yeah it was your fix though girl oh some [Laughter] cigars but that is very interesting right yes that they wouldn’t invite her for anything else and you know that mostly men are into cigars well see there’s a good point though right what like where a woman be like oh I don’t get invited but if two men are smoking cigars you wouldn’t want to be there anyway it’s a what you don’t say anything like I don’t know get a glass of wine yeah yeah because then that would be like you’re coming on to them you don’t ask a woman to go have wine cigars are gross well I didn’t I’m not disagreeing but my point is there needs to be a if the men are hanging out and it’s something you don’t want to do then I mean what are you g to do well they have to find a thing that both men and women can do she now I [Music] do yep oh m gonna pick it Shady was it fun picking your guys’s prom dresses did what did you guys pick prom dresses yeah mm stay I didn’t get to pick one I wore one to a wedding I was supposed to wear it of the prom and I loved that dress and I looked awesome in it but is it the one you’re wearing now no what color was your prom dress black oh nice mine was like a gold yellow it was nice maybe they’re worried about their prom [Music] figure oh he’s a pig I love him [Music] she voices someone right like a cartoon character yeah probably isn’t it the last of us like the video game [Music] no or he was she was in The Last of Us yeah good get her now he’s getting along with his daughter yeah the power is really coming in handy yeah the apartment’s all nice and everything uh you take what can you order us take out well that was fast they didn’t even go anywhere they’re not taking it slow all night because he could predict [Music] everything hey Bo Stace pulled these same moves on me yeah it was slithering she was slithering just [Music] slythering this how you guys think e why would you say that wait he reminds me of what my sister oh my God what why would [Music] how yeah that’s all you got to say I can wait oh my gosh wow this probably was fun to record [Music] oh oh god well how is the light G to help oh God okay can you stop thinking oh that’s why he’s not not get it that would take you out of it I was dumb oh that’s not going to happen she was just complaining about want to get laid though why didn’t he just bring her to well you don’t want to just get laid that’s what she said I haven’t had it in six months and then [Laughter] [Music] he always has to be naked just regrouping if you want to if you walk in on someone they’re sitting on the toilet I don’t know wouldn’t you walk back out oh want to bet oh are those bottles fully dressed yeah it’s always amazing when you’re fully dressed [Music] she’s GNA write about in a love novel oh no what the heck oy right whatever not Clarity wow now he feels successful he had to really try though toilet a bit he just had to take that poop it was Block in the erection yo I need to do some yoga soon all this walking mhm yeah we need some stretching yo he wears black to yoga he wears why has nobody mentioned to Black yet in their head [Music] they have no thoughts there that’s cool no he’s that’s what that was implying you think so [Music] yeah oh my God I wonder what they’re thinking all the time I know I don’t know I’d want to know they’re definitely judging why is everyone wearing what else would you do all day there you go to the nail salon just wear pastel real quick black oh don’t you miss when people are reading newspapers now everybody just reads their [Music] phones he GNA get more ideas from her living life I got a fart that would be funny should re edit the movie with that that’s me I didn’t get much from that one she got a promotion Suki L Len oh that’s beautiful stolen how wouldn’t you this is when you I would be like you’re stealing my [ __ ] yeah dude wow keep on living [Music] it wow ignored okay exactly he’s not even doing let me like change it up a it he changed the quote on there no I notic that was slightly different just hers was in smaller font oh you’re the funniest guy in the world what is he eating ice cream salad chicken [Music] salad other people just walk [Music] away oh it’s a salad huh is that that good of a quote Oh with your mouth open don’t get so close to my face [Music] what he’s in Israel yeah but how do they have a conversation fixing all their problems can I make you a sandwich oh [Music] [Music] [Music] if if you could hear a Dr drawing of a woman she’s running out a on pavement yeah that’s for [Music] sure that laugh just no games I would hate that sprain ankle the road a bottle of [Music] water mean no games just just wrong he’s it’s just gonna creep him out why are you looking at [Music] you’re ruining it I’m staring at [Music] you yeah I wonder what his thoughts would have actually been you’re in marketing yeah cuz he was in this fi this whole life no games just sport no games Just Sports no please I’ll hear it either way you kind of are wow wow she’s a lot oh wow yeah you’re right spot on he likes her you gonna cry Gabby he likes [Music] her oh wow already right she’s speaking to you Gabby no don’t fall for a guy at work things happen [Music] he’s thrusted at [Music] her she’s being so obvious like yo calm down girl damn that’s how it works you know oh yeah you just everybody starts looking at your package yeah I hate that I’ve seen it happen at the gym people look at your package yeah like when I lean backwards or lay on the bench for bench pressing oh yeah I look at your package when you’re that oh come on even when people take videos of themselves doing it I’m like but it’s like right there you know and and usually like they thrust in their arch their backs are Arch so it looks like extra it looks extra yeah you should sell weights it’s like when women do the you could say it makes you look extra oh make what when they do the the duck pose like they stick their butt out in their boobs that’s what you’re looking at you’re not looking damn duck face pose oh not bang they got Sinatra all up in this movie they guess they have a lot in common more than they think no he was a jerk before that yeah she’s making him not a jerk yeah that’s the whole point oh they Willen because he’s thinking about what women are thinking more yeah Oh I thought he was just imagining the song [Music] what this whole time the movies the music he likes you’re treating this office like it’s your [ __ ] house [ __ ] get your [ __ ] feet off the [ __ ] table in her office too wow that’s what she would think very women yeah for real no everything’s good [Music] gosh [ __ ] you did really completely stop sleeping you’re taking my ideas [Music] [Music] get away you gross top P what does that mean control top panty hose it covers your rolls yeah control top yeah like if you have muffin top so they’d work for me so yeah it goes makes you wow you said yeah well damn stay see it’s not fair they don’t make these stuff for men they make shirts for men yeah that take the muffin top away yeah it’s like these shirts mhm how do you get them on it’s like compression you just put the shirt on and it gives you fing what if you’re only fat in the muffin top area but not the not here how would it be tight get that shirt over your head it’s like a little belt then like like uh those things but in guy for I’ve seen it on Amazon yeah you’re looking for men’s type Got You Under My Skin and in my brain sax Fifth Avenue that’s a cheap place isn’t it no is it expensive yes it’s considered a top of the line or yeah oh oh that’s horrible no well he wants her to be you know covered up wow oh it’s so cute n color oh I love it oh it’s cute a that’s so cute her boobs are covered up yeah oh no Christina agilera 2000 right God terrible that’s what Stace would wear right no that First dress there’s Stace the black one was the best one yeah this is disgusting this is 90s what the spaghetti strap everything sequin a stud leather no absolutely not very 90s it’s too summery no W is he dancing to Christin wow he looked up the skirt oh Lord I guess that’s what the movie title is right this would be hard for as a dad yeah he’d be bored that’s pretty yeah that’s nice wait that wasn’t the same dress she didn’t like it ew what the hell that’s disgusting CU covering her yeah it’s ugly no hey they’re having a good time it’s nice least she looks like his daughter a little [Music] pale well her eyes why would you wear that to prom wow those moves oh my God he looked better when he was doing the franch the nacho one there’s that many dresses you look too old she looks too old for prom look at that too old not flare enough how you GNA dress dance the black one was the best one yeah well oh whoa I don’t you excited for these topics no and I don’t want them to play me like they’re pretending like they don’t know what I’m talking about sex sex oh there we go we breached it there we go that’s fair hang out with them [Music] oh come on hear it from his perspective what’s wrong with the mom why you talking about that stuff when they’re 11 jeez 13 maybe [ __ ] 11 what are you in sixth grade promised told you his name is Nick no he’s Nick his boyfriend is camera damn got him it’s like you Chris what calling out people Oh I thought you said I never had a real relationship talking smack what’s wrong with talking smack she even eat f just ordered lemonade you useless what did she say they’re all listening what the first one say oh it’s Martha young Martha rice can he read their thoughts while they’re filming stuff well I didn’t do it with the phone does he start crying what because she was too fat well why were you she lost all the weight wow [Laughter] nice phone oh he can’t think of of the phone oh well that’s the first time they revealed it that was a robot that was talking on the phone why would you call then wonder how he’s able to do it through the phone just thinking about the person he can’t always tell when they’re thinking versus talking on a phone he can in person but not over the phone oh my God I was just sitting here masturbating thinking about that donkey wow look it’s the friend set you guys see it that was the friend set totally look like it what’s the what friend set what the show Friends what about it that was the set that was Street the same street it’s [Music] identical that’s cool I didn’t see it though it’s like stock footage look how you dressed to a outing he picked up she picked up the prom dress that the daughter didn’t [Music] want yeah my relationship with Bill Paxton was awful I kept chasing these damn storms he was getting remarried and I wouldn’t sign the papers he’s weird sometimes always like growling almost well you’re taking a drink is that a martini oh my God it was Bill Paxton right oh yeah the stormchasers she’s always after her [Music] co-workers wow this is about twister wow y where’s that conspiracy four years later yeah is there a conspiracy that she’s the same character so because she learned how to Market her storm machine she got into Marketing in general she looks way more attractive in this movie than she does that’s what I said too because she’s not covered in rain and mud the thing like she’s even older in this movie too just four years they actually look like the same like a not a bad couple even though he’s older you think Bill Paxton and her look like a bad couple yeah [Music] [Music] wow oh [ __ ] Bloom is off the rose she had a good [ __ ] before this conversation escrow she she is Gabby she closed on her first place what do you mean well she just closed on her first [Music] place he wants to see where her pee comes out [Music] [Music] there he goes oh he had her kiss him y did she just ruin everything [Music] do you guys ever thank people with kisses oh now he went for it dang he’s licking her gums a freaking Restaurant They’re going to be seen he’s in love you think so he’s in love that’s what becoming more you think that’s what a man looks like in love start crying watching TV he’s like I’m try to understand like like he more than just being a jerk and I understand women but being a jerk gets you the most women the bug oh I’m trying to see if I see wow got [Music] him they get along they able to relate to each other they had one date Gabby what do you mean oh God no they work together they have like the same work they didn’t [ __ ] yet surprise what wow he feels like a little kid again yep she’s the one I tasted your gums [Music] well I’m gonna go go go take a bath and masturbate yeah I’m G to feel your sport coat here for a second oh wow oh he said good night got her I think he’s really y well it’s also he’s getting an awkward boner is she’s going to notice it in a second yeah he didn’t sh shave his pubes at night no I think he’s he’s starting to be realize like damn I’m trying to tr get fired and if I sleep with her you think that’s what he’s thinking thought you said he was in love with her why would he still be thinking about taking her job because in the end he has been doing her dirty so he wants the girl and the job that’s what you think he’s thinking what is he doing look he’s what the hell am I doing well he doesn’t know and you think you know he’s St really care I think he wants something more [Music] meaningful Marica to watch that [Music] no yep wow and you hurt her yep wow six days it’s been oh wow she’s obsessive now wow she Ser so she didn’t see them she didn’t see him with her I know right the best sex of her life no I’ll prove it again right here on the street don’t why he likes Helen Hunt that much more no how gay she said how gay from your I don’t know I’d rather be with her than Helen Hunt wow yikes look wow look at that Flare n now he looks like Lance Bass you think you think Lance had moments like that with women dude he made a movie how many women do you think threw themselves at him trying to make him straight oh God oh my God Millions dude he was worldwide with ins sync oh he looks different than I thought came from Israel [Music] M because it’s your freaking IDE exactly she’s also the [Music] w wow she’s pregnant her name was Aaron right good job you remember listen you didn’t know the boyfriend’s name Nick [Music] wow wow all women at Nike [Music] [ __ ] it never crosses my mind oh is that his voice he narrated it it should have been her [Music] [Music] yeah dang captured the essence [Music] dang that marketing home run yeah [Music] do you miss writing people letters no now we just WR write half-written texts she drunk just got do it in person oh she’s bringing the drink dang she’s got moves too yeah see look they’re alike he he they love FR Frank fatra they’re both in this type of work never dances for me can you believe that that was for Gabby she dances for you and not me when did she dance today in the store which at the the little shootout the Corral she was dancing to that western song see I remember yeah uh oh the linen closet oh they’re going to hook up in the top closet oh my God she’s like it’s just my home come up did they bring the drink [Music] yeah what is it oh yeah that’s where I lost my virginity oh it’s her new place it’s big oh wow he didn’t even time they’re gonna make love premarital sex they’re having the premarital sexual intercourse right now Gabby she she had the she’s like please please oh nice silhouette dramatic theme some nice framing do you think both of them Miss This Moment no Gibson and Helen Hunt God can you imagine you had to kiss somebody in acting that you hated or didn’t want to how often do you think that happens it happened in uh Gone in 60 Seconds Clark Gable had really bad breath I don’t want to turn the lights on I want to pretend you’re Marissa to you think that’s how he really felt no sure he was psyched he got to make out with two different women her heels are so nice her outfit’s good yeah okay stop talking about being naked oh the bordis oh so she’s what’s bord is that a closet oh yeah serly like she’s not be able to [ __ ] afford this not the only marketing well she maybe she made Bank of the last job she’s had a severance how oh opening the window fancy all that Wayne scotting sorry good for them damn smooth was she was she hoping he was going to say that I would been like wow he really is freaking uh she has no thoughts is love what’s going to make his ability go away oh snake she’s a snake he’s a snake oh he is why sneaking in there wow I thought they were going to have like they so a man can’t even fall in love there’s no bed how are they going to they’re just supposed to do on the wood floors yeah sounds terrible that’s how you know that he’s really changed cuz it’s not all about like sex to him and he’s willing to do it on wood floors or not willing I think he would do it but but she wouldn’t but he said no let us know in the comments below if you would have sex on a wood floor oh [ __ ] they didn’t say how much the contract was worth did they it raining or snowing raining oh God he probably does but nuts dang oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh why would she just take that oh my God you ruined it wow she turn she because it was him good guy okay yeah oh get it Allan what nice too that she accepted it because it was for him so they were both being selfless little less donkey uh oh ain’s gonna off [Music] herself who’s going to carry the books from one place to the other [Music] why is it so important to carry files someone’s got to car the F you carry files at the lawyer office yeah I did so you were the you guys were the file girls yeah we were man that job was boring so boring oh is this the love interest it’s Aaron what if that was the curveball of the movie we see we shall see that would be such a twist all that buildup from Marissa to Helen Hunt it’s just air in the file [Music] girl what wow she knew she doesn’t have any thoughts though yeah wonder if her thoughts are in different language they should show that like is this technically supposed to be an NYC then like they’re in Chinatown that’s where she lives [Music] whoa oh the can they hear the wow the Asian Sage knew he sent her down there to lose his power when lightning strikes three times I guess only two right because the bathtub wasn’t really lightning striking did he have his memories up did he just get men and blacked oh wow the cat opened the door for him I wish my cat would do that of course Aaron’s a cat girl here she comes now no she didn’t do it you don’t think she did it she better not have all right W she dresses like her place y [Music] cats nice place big yeah it’s not bad actually uhoh empty prescription bottle hey she makes her bed [Music] a water bed I haven’t seen that in a while 2000 get your shoes off my bed nobody move the files some pad time for the movie yeah this is padding the Side Story he’s on a side quest it’s only because he needed to walk down he can’t hear it anymore no one’s ever talked to her before Oh God he’s not going to be able to stop her suicide now [Music] it was such a benefit though can you get out of my AP give her a better job what did she want to be she wanted to be a uh writer yeah copyrighter not your business it really isn’t how do you [ __ ] know creepy I read your note she’s cute too she ain’t bad she put looks like Ally mcbi put some stuff on your face and wear some nice clothes we good I’m saying she’s involved with her career she’s gone from like this girl to then playing the bad girl to doing the best playing the best friend was she the bad girl in I think she has a playing like a loser turns into a bad girl on Jawbreaker she was in other movies 27 Dresses 13 Going on [Music] 30 I ignored you [Music] wow somebody get in their break yeah when’s my moment dang it Darcy she already left town she moved on with somebody else she she committed suicide dang I had that answering machine you had that same model yep oh she’s in the tub she’s depressed man there’s a man in there with her oh she got her now she’s not getting out oh on his cell should call it right now triple five don’t go nowhere 5551 1226 it’s always the movie 555 really dramatic theme the lull of the movie where everybody is separated until they hit the bar yep down at patties always the Smokey street is that just so the scene looks more interesting wow why you calling your ex oh baby mama drama [Music] duh life is hectic huh why is he going there uh yeah because the girl called the mom and she was crying did she lose her virginity uh oh do you think she did now are the prom still going they have rooms upstairs know like legit just ask a random chick and she knew yeah she’s not even a senior and then W you walked in yeah right look at this cute kitty cat [Laughter] let me just see the toilet bow I took a crap uhoh uh oh J she has mad mad [Music] diarrhea make love lick his [ __ ] oh that is expensive back then it’s like a grand oh my gosh [Music] oh [ __ ] dang got her got wow dude no wonder he was in was it scream yeah what if she actually was diarrhe that’s a strange sentence no games Just Sports say it you’re beautiful yeah there’s not much hair there to do stuff with is there why don’t you call him dad not Nick the old tuck them in after being left at the prom night they all walk them in is that a Walkman yeah 2000 she got double lamps though she’s spoiled what a place yo he’s fancy Helen should just move in here she’s never seen it oh she will she’s probably G to knock on the door right now man that FR enormous that’s just one side of the fridge holy [ __ ] what’s in there a full half of a cow like you eat at home like a meat locker you think he makes his own food is that a projector screen bro didn’t they make a what men want did they what was it called what oh yeah they did what women want but it wasn’t related really was it a movie yeah like a made for TV movie oh God like a Hallmark movie what was it called though what women want no yeah really yep why was she be why is she being weird about this why wouldn’t you talk to him again after that and I still look like this fully make up her hair’s done after dunking her head in the water in the tub yeah same thing in twister I think that’s her twister outfit isn’t ity wow you get a new one oh yeah [Music] W now you’re just trying to get in my pants by smooth talking me just have to drop a hair dryer in the tub you think this made anybody try it no no they’ be dead mhm [Music] no I’m not time she did in her marriage to Bill Paxton this is the one you said ends abruptly right Gabby yeah this is where it ends right it’s just like it ends it’s just like like okay you’re daa and I guess you kind of make your yeah own end to it I was like why did it just end like that like they not have enough money made me a woman [Music] wow he’s being honest at least [Music] you need to rescue me oh God aab are you going to cry that’s how I feel about stays that I rescued you you rescued me yeah is that how men feel they want to be rescued yeah 2024 men then you got me fired yeah you fired then you’re fired you fired got him it’s like uh now you lost your nice place I’ll go pack just G to tap this door here for a second like [Music] bye bam boy why she’s doing the hell in Hunt I was going to say like got what I wanted now I don’t want you no more yeah this is exactly like twister just kidding you want to chase some [Music] storms I’m still gonna fire you she couldn’t even just back down a bit I demote you to clerk no they need a new file carrier you can do the file carrying does that mean the other chick lost her her chance at being a copyrighted now wow she used whon what a weird ass angle where is she at he’s about to throw her over the banister for firing whoops oh did the credits roll like legit I don’t know I was was expecting more what you wanted to see them do butt stuff or what I don’t know like now goes back to the office and we get to see what this Aaron girl happens his skin is so leathery you have to watch that in what women wanted that’s it that’s great credit really that’s could have been worse you wanted all the sub stories to be we’ve seen some bad endings for Bruce Lee movies some of the Asian movies we watch they just straight end out of nowhere completely nowhere well what did you guys think years later like what happens like it’s fabulous F you think it’s a fabulous movie it’s a fabulous movie where do you rate it in the hierarchy of romcom it’s great I don’t know not really the fantasy aspect of it makes it a little donkey is it top 10 romcom no no defin really no top 20 Golden Globe nominee for what for Helen Hunt and Mel Gibson maybe they had like good chemistry right why isn’t in top 10 romcom what 10 romcoms are better maybe like oh God I don’t have time for that I got to go to Hot Pot okay name name two that are better than it of for har met Al and Love Actually huh the one we watched yeah wow no that’s the holiday that’s the one you don’t like okay I like I don’t know they’re so many I love romcoms guys love them so name two that are better than this one Ever After the one she just watched I’ve seen that no the one she just watched Ever After no it’s with drewberry Oh I thought it was the Korean one no and trying to think of a ’90s I can’t think of one well uh never been gab Gabby single out there if you guys want to leave some comments down below of your favorite romcoms yeah one that I haven’t watched like I’ve watched all of them though one you haven’t watched yeah well twister W well Twister’s a thriller not a romcom yeah just joking all right we’re going to close this one out thank you all for listening thanks for joining us Gabby I hope you had a good time yeah I’m gonna miss you all such a good time we’ll do it again little Mel Gibson continuation anything you want to say in closing stays keep watching romcoms give us some recommendations like comment subscribe we’ll be here see you guys next time bye

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