NOSTRADAMUS – A Timeless Soul | The Documentary (Episode 1) – PORTUGUESE SUBTITLES:

    The documentary “NOSTRADAMUS – a Timeless Soul” is the first episode of a documental series about Timeless Souls!

    This episode was filmed with Halu Gamashi in the South of France, homeland of Michel de Nostradamus.

    Life is made up of encounters and disencounters of choices and paths of times that blend into space and souls that intertwine on their journeys and the impact of each encounter echoes in the reverberations of time… Questions abound about one of the most popular and controversial characters of the Middle Ages. Nostradamus, baptized Michel de Nostredame was born in December 1503, in France in Saint-Rémy de Provence and in this same location, in 2023 his soul crossing time and space met the soul of Halu Gamashi. NOSTRADAMUS – A Timeless Soul I spent three days silent without… and Dienny waiting for until the day I could tell her: ‘Di, believe it I am having encounters with Michel Nostradamus.’ And I was also shocked to realize that, oh my God! my job is not to make people believe anything. If only a human being any human being could ever take on such a task! Because this task belongs to life and time and no human being is life or time these two characters are manifestations of the divine heart. Renaissance was a time of intellectual expansion and intense change in European consciousness. Navigation expanded the horizon with its arrival in the Americas and the intensification of trade relations with Asia. The beginning of the creation of nation states shook up the power of the Catholic Church and the revolution of the printing press, with Gutenberg’s inventions, broke the difficult access to the monopoly of information. The known world would be reborn in itself opening spaces for Anima Mundi to blow its inspiration into human hearts. In January 2022 I began a deeper dive into paranormal sensitivity a deeper dive into my journey. When I emerged from this dive and I brought back some dreams that I had during the night visions of certain places, feelings that I couldn’t identify. Along the days this connection was transformed into information building a communication network between my deep mind and the shallow mind. I was then informed by Balthazar – Hilarion de Monte Nebo, my spiritual guide – that I needed to go on a pilgrimage again and so I did. Hilarion de Monte Nebo, my spiritual guide always takes me on encounters with souls who have already completed their work here on Planet Earth so that I can listen to them so that I can feel them and also see the commitment the strong commitment that I seal every time I accept an invitation from spirituality to carry out a task. I was warned that there was a chance and that I had prepared myself and that this preparation opened up a window for me to get closer to Michel Nostradamus and that I should think what my free will would say about this encounter. I actually asked Balthazar for some time to think and I listened to my heart. I talked to Dienny, my mate that if I came to Salon-de-Provence the place where he had been when he was gathering his shares it would be easier for me to get in touch with his memory of this period. Spiritual encounters travel through many energetic corridors of time so it would also make it easier for Michel Nostradamus’ own soul to communicate with mine on these topics. His Akashas are all around here but a man like Nostradamus never makes it into the ‘official history’ precisely because his role was to warn souls of the distractions posed by ‘official histories’. How many people come back to Planet Earth because they want to continue their distractions?! They don’t understand that the purpose here is to prepare us to build our identity to build our personal archetype. Once this archetype has been built we move on to other dimensions. Inquisitions book burning… this is precisely one of the damages: people not seeing the strategies of values inversions to distract them and trap them in the need to stay here. Power has done this countless times in Alexandria, in China… They were able to wipe from memory from the history of human life the true and concrete history of the time we live here. In opposition to the innovation at that time the old world was struggling to survive and preserve the isolation fostered by the feudal system and the domain of the church. Converted from Judaism to Catholicism Nostradamus’ paternal grandfather, Cresquas was renamed Pierre Nostredame. It is likely that this conversion was aimed at protecting himself and his family from the intense persecution against the Jewish people by the Catholic Inquisition. The so-called new Christians lived under constant surveillance and risk of death because even after becoming converts many families continued to follow Jewish customs in secret. Heretic! A label always sets an end to anyone’s journey. Whenever we name a label we put an end to this living to this experience. I guess that everyone who came to work on Planet Earth on being called diseased a charlatan, a swindler looked at these experiences and thought: ‘I’m on the right track!’ I knew that on this journey that I have to make I will run into this kind of arrow on my way because that’s what people who judge us are: arrows. So I believe that when Nostradamus crossed these arrows he said: ‘I’m on the right track!’ When I incarnated I committed myself to the mission of preparing myself and through the initiations I have gone through I achieved this goal this preparation. If I achieved this goal my mind would meet other minds along the way who come together on Planet Earth to work in these periods when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are here too. These Four Horsemen are constructions of the still very shallow stage of the human mind. Very shallow-minded men believe that fostering hunger and slavery to other men brings them some advantage… …and the energy they release floats around on the platform and meets the energies of other groups of men who believe that war is the only language of power Shallow minds, because war is not the only language of power. In fact war is a dialog between hunger and the evil that caused hunger. This energy that inverts values causes part of the energies of nature to also invert their energy emission… … and then we come to pandemics and diseases. With the loss of its political and economic power the Roman Catholic Church was forced to expand its control mechanisms over the population. The most prominent and violent of which was the Inquisition the persecution against the so-called heretics among them Jews, healers, pagans shamans, non-Catholic Christians homosexuals and many others. It was intense and led to thousands of murders all in the name of what the Church claimed to be for the greater good. Added to this maelstrom of chaos were the outbreaks of the plague that still threatened health in France taking the lives of many. This was a raging sea of resistance and transformation in which Nostradamus emerged as a synthesis of the renewal of times marked at its core by plague and persecution. He thinks that his work is not yet being properly used on Planet Earth. He was not talking about Hitler or Mussolini at that time, rather he was telling us an energetic storyline that is present on this planet and that all people needed to be awake because this storyline returns since planet Earth is cyclical and along this energetic corridor this energetic storyline there is an energetic return which may materialize a Hitler. The function of a prediction the function of a prophecy is to call-up to summon humanity to another level of consciousness. The function of a prophecy of a prediction is to convey this message: ‘look around you see if what I’m seeing a little further along this same circumference makes sense since you are now able to see. Look at the circumference all round look at the world I’m talking on one step ahead.’ This is what a prophecy is: one step ahead just one step ahead of what can be seen inside the circumference all you have to do is look sideways. A prophecy is the result of the sum of the shares it is a reading licensed to a few by time. It is when time says: ‘you can go and see and listen.’ And whenever time does this its aim is to let those who it has licensed to go through to return the same way they came in an attempt to change tragedies that are imprinted and recorded in this time. A lot of people think that in divination we move forward but in fact we don’t. We move backwards and read what has been coined recorded in time because it has recurred several times because Planet Earth is cyclical. A prophet is anyone who can grasp all shares of what is happening around the world. He looks at that share he looks at the other share he sees the other share and then he completes the picture with the result of what he heard of what he saw and divine inspiration helps him in this perception, in this observation in this sensitivity to grasp all this information … So this would be the true role of a prophecy no one can guess the future. In order to guess the future you would have to travel at the same time to thousands of possibilities that this future can unfold and whoever did so would get lost along the way. You would have to travel through many energetic corridors. Would you be able to come back the same way? So when it comes to the word prediction it means there is a prediction that something will happen again because it has already happened before and it is recorded in the collective unconscious of this place planet Earth. He entered the night calmly immersed in his work and in deep concentration until he heard voices. What he saw in his meditation he compared to a past event he calculated the stars and when those events would happen again. He saw cycles echoes, resonances like the breathing of History. As a physician he identified the symptoms of past afflictions so as to prognosticate the future. He prescribed the recipe for achieving a state of peace and harmony. When he wrote the prophecies he trusted that humankind would hold its destiny into their own hands and would not tread the path to ruin. So this is what the so-called diviners do they are granted a license by time to go through and revisit the cyclic records. This is divination the future cannot be guessed. The past resurfaces again this is divination. The past in action once again. I’m an oraculist. I first started studying oracle more deeply when I was 18 but I’ve been studying it since I was 12. From the age of 18 and I’m now 60 so this makes 42 years of studying oracles and I know that when I’m reading an oracle to someone let’s say I’m seeing there that their soul is ready to repeat something they’ve already done and that it could bring something not so good. If they change if their soul grows they will experience a different future and only time will tell what that will be like but it won’t be a repetition of the past in the present. Unfortunately it wasn’t clear to humanity from his work that he was referring to something cyclical therefore his writings are timeless. There is a revelation in the writings of Nostradamus of the existence of an energy grouping that will cyclically bring this energy back to our planet as long as humanity does not evolve. Perception is a mirror of divination perception is when you don’t need to disturb time. Many times in order for us to see what is crystal clear we repeat what we have done when it comes to a person, so to speak when it comes to a larger macrocosm to planet Earth one can see that everything that is happening on planet Earth in this apocalypse can undoubtedly bring about a Hitler or several Hitleres… because he was not alone, right? There were many people standing there with him who were also a Hitler those things are made up of legions and not just a single person. The first memory I had was: I was on the astral plane with him and suddenly my memory went back to all the books I had read, to everything I had searched for And about the encounters I had with him it was often enough that I was researching a topic and there I would find him. I wasn’t looking for him I was looking for something else. I was astonished: ‘wow, Michel Nostradamus came this way too he also researched this he also pursued this path.’ It felt encouraging Despite it all never in my life had I imagined that our encounters would be even deeper even more personal I had never thought of this possibility. So that’s how our meetings usually happen the meeting takes place and I wake up in the morning telling Dienny a little dream: ‘Dienny, today I dreamt about someone like this but I couldn’t catch his name but I can already tell that we had an encounter.’ Then Dienny is already preparing her mind for what she’s going to hear. She already knows there’s something new coming. I keep quiet for a few days dealing with it talking to Balthazar looking for self-assurance searching for feelings that would confirm to me that what is vivid and clear in my memory really was an encounter. It was no different with Nostradamus. For quite some time now about 30 years Balthazar has been preparing me for this meeting. He suggested that I study more about Nostradamus read, search for… It was a shock for me when I delved into it. I was very impressed to realize how much the power of inversion is often sponsored by the planet’s own educational system. What was being said in Brazil about Nostradamus 30 years ago? A fortune-teller, a charlatan in a mocking joking way. When I recalled my encounter with this spirit that you know by the name of Nostradamus, the first thing that came to mind was exactly this whole trajectory of me reading about him and Balthazar encouraging me to read. Then I realized: I’m delving into my feelings to find out if this encounter I had is actually real. And the reality fluidly popped into my mind that I had been in contact with him for 30 years through books through the research I had done and a big hug was inevitable I was very… … I felt an indescribable emotion I saw myself opening my arms and he welcomed me. One cannot say what it feels like to hug a serving soul a timeless soul. Souls like those of Nostradamus can always be found among secrets and mysteries but perhaps the greatest of them will only now be revealed. Why was it only at the age of 47 that Michel de Nostredame published his first writings deciding to sign them as Nostradamus? Why did he begin a 12-year cycle in which all his creative efforts would be focused on his writings and on trying to translate his visions which were becoming more and more intense, constant and overwhelming? But before we can understand what was hidden in the heart of an old man who was reborn in himself to emerge anew we need to understand his journey as a young man building the foundation stone that would make the unimaginable possible. Michel’s childhood was spent in Saint-Remy de Provence one of the oldest cities in France in an environment surrounded by ancient cultures stories and legends. His family with its ancestry of Jewish doctors and scholars greatly influenced the young man who certainly experienced Jewish history and tradition from an early age including lessons in kabbalah and knowledge of plants and astrology despite his family’s conversion to Catholicism. His parents enrolled him in the best schools the first of which was in Avignon where he entered at the age of 14. During his studies the plague struck and the institution was temporarily closed. Social isolation was a common practice to prevent the spread of contagion. Michel then began a series of solitary journeys for at least eight years. His tracks are imprecise and the route unknown but he himself describes that he went on an initiatic journey throughout Europe to deepen his knowledge of the ‘simples’ – as the popular medicinal plants were called – and of people. He faced the plague on several occasions during his travels and applied his pharmaceutical knowledge and his studies in medicine. Upon his return he entered the most prestigious medical school in France, in Montpellier but was soon expelled for breaking one of the rules of the by-laws. The practice of apothecary and pharmacist was expressly forbidden considered slanderous to doctors but even so according to a few records he was able to return and continue his studies. He believed that man is a universe shaped in the image of the great universe each part of the body being in vibration and harmony with part of the sky. Illnesses would be a disharmony that should be understood by studying the relationship between the position of the stars and the affected parts of the human body thus applying treatments and medications that would act against this micro and macrocosmic disharmony. Michel is called on in several locations in France to help fight epidemics but shortly afterwards he was overwhelmed by the terrible death of his wife and children. Thus, the plague increased each day the sum of lives taken are analyzed today as numbers and statistics but they were wives, fathers mothers, sons and daughters. This dark page of history grew into strength rather than bitterness in Nostredame’s heart who continued to care for the sick with devotion acquiring over the years his excellent reputation as a physician. He claimed multiple times that his aim was to take care of the body and soul and to do so he used medicines made from various plants flowers and meals based on culinary recipes for instance, in order to ward off melancholy and sustain joy and happiness. He implemented notions of hygiene in his work such as the immediate removal of bodies carried away by the plague the cleaning of surfaces and the banning of practices such as bloodletting in opposition to the traditional approaches of the time. He lived under the constant watch of the Inquisition and was extremely cautious expressing his Christianity whenever possible since his work as an apothecary could be interpreted as witchcraft and his esoteric studies raised heretical concerns. But when he returned from one of his trips to Italy something had changed: how many were they who were hidden in one? And then we started our encounters and talks and where necessary we had a couple of other meetings so that my emotional state could settle down more calmly on this astral journey in this dimension and above all for my emotional state on Earth when i awoke so that my heart would calm down. And he started talking about himself he told me: ‘My greatest dream, Halu my longest quest is the day when the work the task planned for me by the Almighty God allows me to no longer be a lonely soul. Each one of us has a task on this nursery planet on other dimensions in the universe all of us. No person is useless. Creation wouldn’t deliver souls wouldn’t deliver spirit to make them useless. All that is born has its task registered at birth and I am part of a group of timeless souls who follow the movements of the universe who follow the events of the universe. At a given time we are called to embark in flesh and body on other dimensions. I was taken… …to a space that I soon identified as Earth. My eyes open and when my eyes open they open up recorded knowledge in me so that I can locate myself in time and space. I don’t see myself i just find myself opening my eyes and all around is light. I then realize I’m waking up until this luminous space takes me to the place of my next task and my eyes see time and space all at once and as I approach the body of that scholar physician my eyes open and make an instant scan of all the records he has ever lived through. From there I feel that I am receiving information about the living, the history the knowledge and the feelings of my next travel partner. And he looked, he saw me he felt me and my soul joined his soul. There is no voiding in this case neither did I void him nor did he void me but from that moment on he also knew how he would have to lead his material body because he was touched he was also embedded in a timeless soul. That’s how my sum – or soma, from the Greek – came about. Body means soma, my sum with the physician Michel Nostradamus. And as much as he, I was Michel Nostradamus. While we were together, before he passed away and handed over his body to Earth I stood back and waited for him and we went on together. His soul to continue the process of evolution and my soul to await another destination from higher layers of Light entrusting me with a new task.’ And I was listening to that man talking and then I understood his loneliness. And he said to me: ‘When I complete my task I will have reached the time when I can build my personal energy corridor to also build that which will become my companions that which will become my family.’ I was puzzled: so you’ve never had your own incarnation? Were you born did you cry? ‘If I did, I don’t remember. I don’t know how I can put this into words. What comes to my mind are the countless times I’ve merged with other souls to carry out a task.’ This information left me silent I feel it vividly in my memory now. I looked at him then concluded that timeless souls are those who evolve, who awaken within the light and make light their path their journey but do not make from light their only identity. The timeless souls who awaken in the center of the light become one in the whole somehow else with another storyline with a different path a different journey that doesn’t necessarily involve the fleshly shell. They develop within themselves other ways of constructing their own individual unconscious. His first publication was an almanac, in 1550. The small size of the almanac made it easier to read and the fact that it was written in French meant that his publications quickly became popular and for the first time he used the name Nostradamus a styled version of his surname which added a second meaning in Latin: ‘the things that belong to us we so give away.’ Thus, he began to share his research on occult knowledge astrological studies and the energetic cycles of planet Earth with the people. In addition to his annual publications he published two books in 1555. The first, a recipe book teaching everything from jam-making to medicine filled with important autobiographical details. And the second, his most famous book The Prophecies. This extensive work was written using his famous quatrains diverse sets in hermetic language filled with mythological references. The mixture of various languages such as French Greek, Latin and Provenzal was no mere play on words or randomness rather, it directly reflected the symbolic and imagistic form of his inner world and masterfully warded off the attention of the Inquisition. He himself quotes the Gospel of Matthew when commenting on the structure of his writing: ‘Do not give dogs what is holy, do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot and turn and tear you to pieces.’ The preface to his book is a letter to his son Caesar who was only two years old at the time advising him not to make excessive use of his mind while reading warning of the danger it poses by drying out the body and soul calling it a ‘weak sense’. Parallel to the symbolic and prophetic importance of his writings the literary quality of his work is absolutely unique. Nostradamus is considered one of the great poets of his time. Nostradamus is a timeless soul who opened his eyes into the light and the light saw something in him and entrusted him with a path a course a journey unlike most so that he could be enlightened by this same light as all of us. Thank you, Michel Nostradamus! It is now me who answers but I feel the strong and concrete interference of Michel Nostradamus. He arrived with the birds. I feel his presence enormously. I’ve had many encounters with him on the Astral Plane but now, without seeing him even though I’m not seeing him with my own eyes I feel his presence very strongly. This whole place where I am now was recommended by him and I’m waiting for his contact. ‘This place I called the ‘Ear of the World’ because whenever I came here I heard the wind telling me things circumstances energetic storylines the energetic history of this earth plane. Everything I’ve written has been of my own free will by divine inspiration and the result of my studies. People often associate what I’ve written with events that have happened. What many people haven’t realized yet is that these events are cyclical they have happened and will happen again… …and what I wrote is very close to happening again. In order to get off this karmic wheel a large number of people who are now incarnate need to make the quantum leap that raises consciousness. By raising consciousnesses the electromagnetic field heightens and so they may connect to other quality of energies that will allow them to think and reason more clearly, more neatly enabling them to see what I saw several times upon coming to Earth and what I see now. I’m a pilgrim learning from time. I put the letters down on paper influenced by Divine Inspiration. Before writing I pray to our Lord to stop my hand if what my vein draws brings no clarification to me or anyone else. I feel the divine inspiration and I put my letters down on paper. A prophet is only recognized as such after having trodden his path after having encountered other human arrows. Here is one of the Ears of the World many memories are recorded here. The second time I came to this place I was 15. It is among the sacred paths that I have mapped and together with Ascended Masters we have understood that the search for the Grail has brought Halu Gamashi to me… …and I will hand over the routes that I have traveled. There’s also the Eye of the World and the Mouth of the World and the Skin of the World. I’ve given these names to the places I’ve journeyed to because of how they made me feel because of where they entered my consciousness. Whenever you come here silence your soul, give yourself time. Find time to listen to the message the world has to offer for everyone who finds these sacred places that I have found. May you find peace the peace that inspires us to learn, read and feel the passage of time. This is the peace I share.’ Michel Nostradamus.


    1. Foi uma lástima o Nostradamus ter que abandonar a sua fé Judaica para se "converter" nesta religiao satánica chamada Igreja Católica,mais teve que sobreviver

    2. Assistir esse vídeo é um privilégio para a alma 💜🙏🏼 Obrigada Halu por nos proporcionar esse encontro com Nostradamus 🙌🏼

    3. Meu deus que lindo, Halu fico a pensar. Que responsabilidade você tem, você para mim é a confirmação de tudo.. ❤ te amo e sou grata por você em minha vida, nunca imaginei que um dia eu poderia me intercalar por tanto conhecimento..❤❤

    4. Emocionante este documentário. Vou voltar a ver para me impregnar deste seu relato. Impaciente para assistir à continuação! Gratidão a tds ! Gratidão Nostradamus 🙏✨✨✨

    5. Não vai acontecer nada, ninguém controla a evolução, o tempo a existência as mudanças nada é tudo fanatismo!

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