Jonas Vingegaard Is Battling A RACE AGAINST TIME

    After Jonas Vingegaard had suffered a crash that could be career-ending at worst, he’s been making much better progress than anyone expected. Basque country was the race where he crashed badly, but it’s slowly becoming clear that it wasn’t the last race we’ve seen him take on. Vingegaard is now also battling a race against time, full of nervousness and with the Tour de France quickly approaching, waiting for him to defend his yellow jersey from previous year. But, can Jonas Vingegaard recover in time for the showdown, and if he does start the Tour, how well prepared is he really going to be?

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    after yonis vagor had suffered a crash that could be career- ending at worst he’s been making much better progress than anyone expected Basque country was the race where he crashed badly but it’s slowly becoming clear that it wasn’t the last race we’ve seen him take on vagor is now also battling a Race Against Time full of nervousness and with the tour to France quickly approaching waiting for him to defend his yellow Jersey from the previous year but can yonis vagor recover in time for The Showdown and if he does start the tour how well prepared is he really going to be see it’s obvious that the injuries vagor has endured in the devastating crash would have put out pretty much anyone for a very long time after all he’s had a punctured lung fractured his ribs and his collarbone but from what we’re seeing and hearing from his coaches right now he’s not just anyone this Dane is recovering at the speed of light and even his coach is praising him for his ability to improve his Fitness at such a rapid Pace but is the pace fast enough his coach stated what impresses me the most is especially after injury or being sick how fast these top athletes can improve when yonners follows the training and does all the right things I’ve never seen anything like it I think it’s part of genetics but it’s also trusting in what you’re doing I think it was 2 years ago in one of the altitude camps before doof one of the teammates said ah it’s not fair this guy trains for a week and he’s improving so fast that is something that I’ve never seen with any other athlete yet that he is so able to improve prove so quickly out of that one thing is for certain vagor has to go all out on his superpower if he wishes to win his third tour in a row without quick progress yes he could appear at the start line but with odds heavily against him he’s currently in a serious Race Against Time and we’re not talking about the time trials and it’s been like that for the past two months but despite his injuries he’s been able to train well in mayorca and is currently at high altitude Inus at the time of making this video though it’s still uncertain if he will be ready for the tour his coach isn’t just a lucid dreamer but also acknowledges the challenges yonas has faced and is still facing now he also said I also do realize that he’s dealing now with a situation which is different than just an illness that it will take energy it’s not like ah I don’t feel pain that nothing’s happening in the body his body is still healing that takes energy and it also takes energy away from the training adaptation process we give our all we try to make every day a winning plan but we don’t have a lot of time so every day counts however it’s not just his training there’s one more big factor we have to take into account and it’s called today Pacha see vagor is most likely back at a level where rare Riders could hold his wheel in the mountains but paga just isn’t one of those he’s been on everyone’s radar from from the start of this season and even more so after his dominant jro ditalia Victory with a gap that was nearing 10 minutes yet still vagor is the rider who proved the stronger out of the two in the past two tours he cracked pachar in the mountains both in 2022 and in 2023 and had it not been for the crash many think he’d cook him this year too see while paga impressed everyone this season with his insane form vagor did the same in his own races he dominated o grand Camino in February winning three out of four stages and taking the overall Victory as well as the points and mountains classifications he also outperformed his rivals in terreno adriatico he just wasn’t talked about as much because those might not be the cycling world’s favorite races and just like that the two seemed set for a huge showdown at the tour but everything became uncertain when vagor and fellow tour contenders primo rogl and Remco evole crashed during a high-speed descent everyone was terrified by what they’ve seen happen with vinger Gore and his team staff said the crash itself was a very emotional day for everybody in the team and especially for yonas and the family then you go step by step you’re waiting for him first to be released from the hospital and then once you know that will happen in the next few days you start planning already a little bit one thing was certain instantly though any hopes of him quickly returning to normal life were nothing more than an optimistic dream see seasoned with a little bit of delusion his injuries were literally so bad he couldn’t even take a plane back home because it was simply too risky he was forced to stay in Spain for a bit where he was working on his shoulder strength and flexibility him and his coach worked closely together and sometimes had to split his three-hour workout ride into two separate 1 and a half hour rides just to boost adaptation the coach tried to make his training as effective as possible to get the most out of it while physical fitness is important he also needs to re build his confidence after the crash he went to maor to practice uphill training and high-speed descending this was a step towards getting back to his usual self his coach also said when he can join the full tour to France team after they return from the doof he’ll start training and descending in a group again and since the crash happened during uh descent it’s obvious vagor is fighting some anxiety when doing it now it happens to everyone he just needs to take it one step at a time and gain back the confidence it’s something that comes with doing it visma would of course love to be able to say their Superstar would be at a 100% for the tour but they just can’t say that they don’t know how things will play out yet they are however doing everything they can to maximize the chances of being ready for the tour whether this will work remains to be seen though when his coach was asked about it a little bit ago he said he’s in tenus now he is there for a few days now taking easy rides to get used to the altitude then it’s just train eat sleep and spend time with the family that’s probably the best possible thing we can do at the moment and then monitor every day if it’s going to be good enough to even start the tour essentially they’re waiting for one of the two answers from yonners with the first one being something along the lines of this is doable let’s go and the second one being I doubt we can do this then according to that they’ll adjust the plan for now they’re doing their best day by day jonnas is putting in the hours watches his nutrition and does the things they normally would do on an altitude Camp they just have to see how the body will react to it and mind you he hasn’t raced since early April with the tour being nearly 3 months after that even his coach wasn’t willing to bet on anything regarding the situation and couldn’t even say when their final decision will be announced it always comes back to one thing it all depends on what vagor says based on his feeling because of everything that’s been happening vizal Lisa bike has seen a big 180 since last season they were almost Flawless last year making history by winning all three grand Tours in one season this year the team has faced setbacks with key Riders getting sick or crashing and they are working hard to get back on track despite these challenges their goals remain high and ever optimistic and and yonas will only race the tour if he’s truly ready to fight for the yellow Jersey in his trainers words without forcing he needs to be 100% when yonners goes to the tour he should go to win it and if there are any doubts jonnas will also feel it that’s also a quality of his he can also feel that something is doable or not if he’s improving fast and he shows that he has good numbers in training and has a really good feeling then we also will know if that happens in the next month then we’ll see a good yers the tour and if everything works out perfectly we could still be in for the clash of the cyclings big four this summer and some would even dare say that after a majorly one-sided jro something like that would be a fresh breath of air so what do you think will yonas vagor recover in time for the tour to France let us know in the comments down below


    1. Remember Pog's crash with wrist injury, not bone fractures and collapsed lung, at LBL, then he suffered greatly at the Tour "I am dead" due to insufficient training preparation/fitness. Is Vinegaard an alien? Is he not human? Is his body better than younger Pog?

    2. Jonas is the best 3 week rider. He showed it in 2021,22 and 23… All the heavy hitters has been down… So Pogi will win the tour

    3. He either won't start or if he does he won't win. I hope he starts and gets hammered. His disloyalty in last years tour of Spain put me right off him.

    4. I have never seen this Windegoo rider before? I know of a Vingegaard (Vineguard) to help you pronounce his name correctly. Drives me crazy every time I hear it.

    5. I mean, if we are playing "not the 100%" game xD. First TDF visma as a whole outplayed pogi with the help of rog, second TDF Pogi wasnt 100%.

    6. Remco after a broken collarbone did well or the couple of days of the Dauphine and did great at the TT. But at the mountains he suffered. Vingegaard had a worst injury. It is doubtful that he can perform well in TdF.

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