A summary of daily news about Millwall Football Club.

    The Daily Millwall : Friday 7th June 2024

    Sky Sports blog that Luton Town may be attempting to sign Japhet Tanganga after his release by Tottenham Hotspur.

    Neil Harris discusses the off-season fitness plans of the players.

    Then we delve into the bizarre story of a neighbour of Millwalls Calmont Road training ground running to the News Shopper making claims of 7am to 3am week long disturbing factory noises as Millwall address drainage issues by installing a series of pipes.

    Then we mention the buildings at the old training ground that need to be removed by May 2025 as the planning permission to install them was temporary and just for 4 years.

    Finally we discuss Romain Esse and Aidomo Emakhu who featured for England U20s and Ireland U21s respectively.

    #EFL #Championship #Millwall #MillwallFans #Millwallnews

    News regularly sourced from

    hello and welcome to the daily meal for Friday the 7th of June 2024 in today’s me news we start off with this it’s put up this afternoon on Sky sports.com it’s their Transfer Center blog if you will and they say mil Luton keen on former Spurs Defender tanganga mil and Luton are both interested in his signing Jeet tangang got on a free transfer following his release by Tottenham mu have already had talks and I pushed him to sign him after having him on loan last season but they have yet to reach an agreement the center back wants to take his time to Contin his options as his time at Spurs comes to an end and he also has some interest from clubs in Syria tanganga as a Spurs Academy graduate was unable to break into the first team under a succession of manager ston Jose Mourinho who gave him his debut um so yeah this was put out by Sky and then immediately after another a couple of websites wrote the story up and and put it put it out um interestingly that it’s now Luton that being with linked with him so last week it was zip switch so that’s not happening either what’s like they’re not even in this so and there’s Sky aren’t telling us where this is coming from not that they would you not that they usually do but they’re not even saying like a source or someone or whatever you know they’re not saying anything um so but because they’re Sky Sports like you would imagine that they’re getting this from somewhere they’re not just making it up but uh and of course the way that this is now this is um this blog live blog as you were there’s no by line on it there’s no there’s no name attached to this there’s no buy Joe blogs so could just be some intern being told to to do come up with something he’s come up with this but uh yeah now loen apparently interesting so obviously Luton going to be in their Championship next season uh but then they throw in all Sira okay so Syria now could it be Como KO back up into Syria um May because they do have English Links at the club could it be Como now mention of Jose Mourinho there how about fenerbache he’s just become the manager of fenerbache in Turkey uh yeah how about you you go go to fibach and get the money there but uh yeah well another another day another tanganga story that is and him signing for m so until he signs for somebody uh it is shring as signing it is on and it isn’t on and until it’s confirmed until you open the box and you get the signing of the contract you don’t know if it’s uh you don’t know what it what we have no idea what it is until it happens uh as is the way now moving on to this from subth news.co.ke uh M players given fitness plan ahead of return to training ground NE Harris says he expects M Squad to return to cman Road in decent shape later this month for the start pre-season training all of the playing staff was sent away with Fitness and nutritional advice at the end of last season to help him stay in shape during the summer and the expectation from the manager is it willon enable his charges to get on with football preparations from day run uh rather than just slugging it out doing long running exercises Aris explained all the players are back on 26th of June it’s quite a long off period this season obviously the Euro’s taking place halfway through it uh the players have had a recuperation time as I call it where we asked them to take two or three weeks of uh staying off their feet while actually enjoying their holiday and family time if they want to get out walking or or get round and about on a bike then that that’s absolutely fine but we ask them not to go intense with what they do uh then they’re given an offseason program within that program it starts uh low level and it’s ramped up over to next four or five weeks the Lion’s Chief added or that means that the plan is now that when they come back in on 26th of June no we’re not expecting guys to turn up uh de conditioned having done nothing for an 8we period like they used to do 25 30 years ago instead it means that uh those players when they walk back in are conditioned to almost start training immediately and uh that that lead out period uh to the games then becomes not just about getting the players up speed Fitness wise and just running around fields or in straight lines it becomes football related drills immediately there’s a lot of sports science that goes into it there you go sports science Sports Science Now moving on to this which is very weird and very bizarre and I don’t know what the hell this is being printed for but here we go so this is from the News Shopper uh news shopper. co.uk and this is a weird one so get ready for this so M FC training ground neighbors kept awake by work noise that’s in quotes right right so you got there you see this here we got three pictures here should we uh enhance enhance enhance there you go you see that and it says underneath the noise is reportedly being produced by Machinery which is being used for a pitch installation at the site on cman road um not really not really so residents living near M football club should say training ground but it just says M football club M football club claim they are being kept awake until 3:00 a.m. by ongoing work at the training ground So currently this is currently happening this isn’t a thing that happened this is currently happening the noise is reportedly reportedly allegedly being produced by Machinery which is being used for a pitch installation at the site on cman road according to Residence Andy 46 and Stella Garfield 49 now why the do we need to know how old they are what’s that got to do with anything and why have they not mentioned that it is Andy Garfield uh the husband of Stella Garfield well I’m assuming it is cuz she’s got a husband called Andy uh the Machinery operates from 7:00 a.m. until the early morning hours of the morning most days of the week so most days of the week really really Stella Stella told the new Shopper we feel so angry uh we have kids and got a lot of houses on the street it’s very frustrating my son was saying how hot it was in his room and he could not sleep but he couldn’t open the window because of the noise it’s constant it stops bit and then it goes on again it’ll wake you up the pair claim that they have been in discussions with neighbors who also agreed that the noises interrupting their sleep and overall quality of life isn’t that oh okay but none of them will you didn’t speak to any of them you don’t have their names and ages Stella who has lived in her home with her husband for 10 years describe the noise noise are so intense that it often feel similar to being in a factory the work has been going on for more than a week and Andy and Stella say they expect it to continue for another fortnite really really really really it’s been going on for a week and it’s going to be going on for another two weeks it takes three weeks to install a pitch it takes three weeks and it takes Machinery loud noises that start at 700 a.m. and carry on all through the day until 3:00 a.m. the next day I don’t believe you I think that’s yet the couple said that neighbors had also expressed their frustrations to the football club insisting on a reduction of working hours but a worker on the site reportedly said they had no intentions to modify their current schedule Andy reported a noise to luciam council he claims via the official roots and also by cont acting a counselor but he is concerned that the standard 7 to 10 days to investigate is not quick enough as by the time it is looked into the work will more or less be done anyway hang on a minute Andy Andy Andy Andy you’ve just said that it’s been going on for a week and it’s expected to continue for another two weeks that’s 14 days the council takes 7 to 10 days to look into it so what the are you talking about that that will be 21 days what are you talking about you liar Stella added we have a very strong Community we’re trying to build a community where people love where they live but MW clearly don’t love where they live we’ve been discussing in our community WhatsApp and now the neighbors have spoken to the workers on site and we have too so basically what sounds like there’s just two of you you and one bunch of neighbors they basically said we we we’ve got a contractor to and by the time you go to the council it will be too late anyway AUM Council spokesperson said oh the council will investigate this matter if raised through our reporting channels a resident can report commercial noise complaints at l.gov uh noise and other disturbances uh from commercial premises A M football club declined to comment ladies and gentlemen you are watching this on a device an electronic device we live in the year of Our Lord 2024 we have nearly every one of us 99.9 9% of us have these devices among our persons called mobile phones which is a bit of a misnomer because although they are phones they are much much much more than that they are calculators they are cameras they are torches they are cameras and they are capable in this day and age of recording video and sound and sound from the microphone contained within so ladies and gentlemen where the is the video where are the videos you have a picture taken seemingly if I were to guess at about probably 4 or 5 p.m. um and for some reason you’ve decided to take a picture of yourself why the do we need to know what you look like what the is this story about why is this being published why am I reading this to you what the is going on in the state of Britain in the year 2024 what are we doing here ladies and gentlemen are you kidding me right so let’s have a look so this is dated 7th of June um yeah today let put up today uh if we go to the linkedin.com page of whorse contractors now they also put this on their Twitter page here it just says uh this was put up a week ago if you go on a Twitter it Sayes the actual date which is the 29th of May that was a conclusion that was a Wednesday so the 29th of May Wednesday they put this uh same thing up so this is what they’ve been doing in M football club uh training ground uh White contractors have completed drainage works at M football club training ground are dedicated in-house drainage team have expertly installed secondary drainage using our own gkb machines uh drain master to improve the laying Services ahead of the 2425 season uh follow our social media for updates on work at the training ground during the offseason or visit our website for more information about our drainage services so there you go and this is what they’ve been doing so they got these machines uh plant machines they’re called tractors and whatnot what they’ve been doing they’ve been digging trenches that if you look on the bottom left picture you can see each trench there’s loads of them and they’re about the size of a normal car tire that that’s what it looks like there um so they dig up the trenches they then put this blue pipe in which you can see better on the bottom right picture they put these blue pipes in in each of the trenches I don’t know if they’re individual if they’re connected in one uh long Loop they did have it on a roll on I think one of these green tractors they’ve been putting that in so that’s what they’ve been doing um and it’s all very well organized very well done they’ve doing been doing this for many years uh they basically would do a lot of the um football clubs across the south of England you can see here they’ve been doing QPR stuff they’ve been doing um who else did they do Char they done Char’s Valley Valley pitch and stuff uh so you can see they they’ve been doing stuff they do drainage they do uh Turf relaying and stuff like that Iration of the soil for the uh grass to grow better and stuff like that so that’s what they’ve been doing as you can see so they finished doing that on the 29th of May now the 27th was a bank holiday I would go to haard the guest that if we are to believe Stella if we are to believe Stella and say that the work was going on till 3:00 a.m. I would imagine that that was because I doubt it though because you’re not really allowed to work late uh after 700 p.m. but if let’s say that they were I would imagine that’s because they started at 7: a.m. and they were going to go until they finish because they they guessed they they will be finished around about 900 p.m. and and maybe they thought well it’s nearly done let’s keep going but I doubt that they were doing this till 3:00 a.m. um so what the hell is she talking about what is she talking about well uh let’s go to this this is their website White Horse contractors. co.uk this is um a video and you can see this is what they do so they dig these trenches and they suck the the soil it goes into the thing next to it and they collect it so it is very quick they you can see here the blue pipe it’s on a roll it gets laid in and then the other that other green thing fills in fills it in fills in the hole it’s all done very uh you can see they know what they’re doing they’re not around um so there you go that’s what they do there so this there is no way about what they’re doing the claims made in this article I don’t believe them I just simply don’t believe them and another reason why I don’t believe them because spent a fair old bit of time probably too much on Twitter on Facebook searching for terms like mwall noise calman Rogue noise and other stuff and there there isn’t a Dicky bird there’s nothing there is nothing nobody’s complaining about this that’s probably why she’s bringing up her WhatsApp group is if there’s noise why how is everyone not not mention anyone mention this on on Twitter how is anyone not mentioning this anywhere that they were saying that this has been going on for for a week from 700 a.m. till 3:00 a.m. really for a whole week or did it just happen that one day and you’ve been you you’ve just this is It’s is why I wonder why I wonder why this woman with red hair is going to a newspaper trying and get attention wow you would you believe it a woman with crazy red hair is looking for attention uh yeah now like I said what the hell is this what what is this um now so obviously here’s the thing maybe they went to the papers last week I think the new Shopper is weekly in it so this they finished this work on the 20 99th so a week on that would have been around about what the 5ifth the fourth or the third or the fourth so I’m guessing they probably tried to get in the papers last week they were too late or the paper didn’t really give a now here’s the thing this is interest they seem to have gone to the paper because like I said the state of Journalism these days a lot of journalists on Twitter they pick things up of Twitter and they just makes take stories from Twitter it’s literally thing happened on Twitter write about it put it in the paper put it on the paper’s website none of this is on Twitter none of this is on Facebook now here’s the thing this woman does have a Twitter account I’m not so don’t don’t bother her don’t don’t hassle her I don’t think she’s used it for a while but guess what she does on her Twitter account every now and then Argos online I’ve got a problem blah blah blah Sky my WiFi is down blah blah blah she literally moans at company multinational companies because the she gets minorly inconvenienced so if she has a history of doing that why isn’t this on the Twitter it’s not on her Twitter but she’s gone run into this newspaper to write this up so so I’ve seen all this and I thought okay let’s have a look so how bad was was this it doesn’t seem it seems to be like one pitched and doesn’t seem to be a lot going on um so let me like do you need plan of permission to do all that stuff and put all the pipes in we’ll see we can probably see so I went on the luci’s planning application thing had a look at M walls uh C Road gr training ground not on there you you don’t need plan of a mission for to install drainage uh situations on your own land and stuff really um but what I found was a plan an application from uh 4 years ago or F uh yeah no 3 years ago now about the buildings at the training ground and this is going to be a problem that’s coming up because another thing that was mentioned about on Twitter about this pipe being laid is that’s a bit strange that they’re they’re spending all that money I don’t know how much it costs really not Che cheap but they’re spending all that money on the old training ground when we got a new training ground that hasn’t even been built yet so I guess we’re not moving anytime soon which might be a problem because ladies and gentlemen this plan application you can see the sighting of a single story modular building for a temporary period of 4 years to accommodate a gymnasium and medical treatment room at mil football club training ground C Road br1 oh dear temporary period of 4 years well what’s the date 2021 2021 plus 4 Quick math that’s 2025 and indeed now this is what they put in this is from the application I don’t know why they put in the den dra uh the den car park I me maybe just a fcal but this is what they apparently the idea um so there you go there’s Morrison there and George S there I don’t know if you still want it that’s just for Artistic integrity I don’t know but this is what they got down there um you can see uh and this is the quote that they got given I don’t know if they bought it or they rented it so to rent it for 4 years it’s £ 1,395 per month to buy buy it outright is £700,000 uh an additional cost of £6,000 for delivery for the crane and for the flatbed uh to install it is £1,000 and then colle collection deinstall is even more although it’s literally just the crane and the flatbed that seemingly was there at the start but it’s gone up now in 6,500 um I don’t know if that’s because that was the price projected for four years in the future um I would assume that’s the case um so maybe that’s just in the year 2025 when you have to take this away because you’re going to be in your new training ground it will cost you £6,500 to move it now we don’t have a new training ground yet we have the land we have plan Mission we don’t have really anything there so what are they going to do now um cuz here we go this is the the letter um so I’m not going to go through all this so the application date 19th of April 2021 the date of this letter 27th May 2021 it’s not bad just over a month so it took them over a month to get get the permission like I said uh so Point number two the temporary structure hereby permitted shall be removed and the land restored on or before the 27th of May 2025 in a ordance with a scheme of work to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning Authority oh dear reason this type of building is not such as the local planning Authority is prepared to approve other than for a limited period in view of its appearance IE dog in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and the accordance with policy 15 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so what what are we doing what are we doing well here’s an idea um what what do we do we have to get extra plan and permission then but this was a temporary structure so we have to renew it but how how how long for um here’s the thing if we have to go and put in another new planet application for cman Road the training ground when we’ve got people doing this going to the going to the papers making up a stack of what do you think they’re going to object do you think that might cause a stink obviously we don’t really need that we’ve we got a decent we’ve just had a 999 year lease approved by elition Council so you would imagine that the relations are pretty decent but uh if we went to them and said oh we need a temporary structure permission for for four years and the four years comes up and we’re like oh yeah can we do it again so what the going on you know what I mean [Music] so yes all very strange all very strange you’re very weird um so there you go and we should find out I guess obviously it doesn’t last time it took about a month um what’s going to happen to the new training ground um in terms of uh if they do ask to renew this how long for 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year another thing they could do um I don’t know if this is possible is if they sort out the amenities at the new new site the new training ground West Kings down they put in like an a water pipes going in uh waste pipes going out and then they get this temporary structure moved moved and put into but then that’s against the plan of AD Mission there because that’s not what they got plan of admission for um so we’ll Wai and see what happens there um but uh yeah there you go fun and games like what this what is this what is this come on now moving on to this uh International lons mentioned this before about the call-ups uh Roma say getting a a late call up to be to replace one of the Aston Villa Lads uho had to withdraw this is from England foot.com it’s the uh official website of England football teams from the first team that lost to Iceland today to uh all the other teams uh paralal um blind football team stuff like that uh yeah uh Sweden one Sweden under 21s England under 20s two so one two it’s the match p uh Roman did play he came off the bench in the second half he’s not mentioned in the match report so England men’s Elite Squad got their trip to Croatia off to a winning start on Friday by beating Sweden 2-1 stadion SE svet in the first their two games this month Ben fuch’s team picked up a deserved Victory after a goal of piece from will alz Dane Scarlet proved enough it didn’t take England long to break the deadlock as Alves scored after 11 minutes to seal he’s returned to International action after a year out injured taking aim from just outside the area the Leer City man picked out on the top corner to crash his side ahead Sweden weren’t without their opportunities IA with kayen Casey for forced to clear off an effort off the line forc to clear off an effort forc to clear an effort off the line uh before both Tim pra and Jacob Andrea tried their luck with longrange efforts to lob Jed Ward from distance fortunately for England nether hit the target uh but England retained the majority of possession to keep the lead uh at the break before interim head coach fucha shuffled his pack with a number of substitutions early in the second half and the Young Lions doubled their lead just shy of the AR Mark when Captain Dane Scarlet uh scored from close range after shielding off a number of challenges in the Box Captain Scarlet Captain Scarlet Denise Gul pulled back a goal for the swedes with a minute remaining but England were able to hold on to their lead and to secure the victory and you can see here if we go to uh there there romaina number 20 came on for Fisher in the 65th minute so there you go um now moving on to this the other player in that tournament uh ad maku so Ireland under 21s hold firm to secure to SEC uh to score impressive Victory against Croatia in Zagreb friendly this is from uh the sun. the Irish Sun um the Irish Sun that’s a bit of oxymore and it rains all the time over there doesn’t it Ireland’s fast start saw them beat Croatia under 21 free tun Zagreb to begin the under 20 on summer training camp it was 3-0 to Ireland so that score is a bit misleading and I know that because the highlights I put them on my community tab you can see here go to the daily meal wall on YouTube um highlights of maku Island under 21 game today very good highlights very good quality if if if you can’t get on it’s on the computer it’s from a channel called calcio giovan giovan cciio giovan so there you go and IM maku scored he scored the third goal uh gaffa Jim Crawford selected the opponents in the warm weather venue in preparation for Ireland’s Euro 2025 qualifier away to Turkey on September the six in mind and he got what he bargained for as Island started brightly and then had to hold on lat as crotia came back in scoring conditions Ireland put the game to bed with two goals and 2 minutes in the opening half Andrew Moran set the ball rolling when he tapped home uh on 11 minutes after a singular Armstrong effort had been parried into his path and Armstrong then got on the score sheet himself on 13 minutes of a real Strikers finish at a near point from Sam Curtis’s Low cross from the far right and indeed it was umaku who put played the ball in with Sam Curtis to then cross the ball in so that is considered a shot creating action um and that was IMU was involved in that as well M Striker adaku then added a third on 53 minutes when he latched on BOS and L pass and finished after going around the goalkeeper Croatia did P goal back through eigor movich and then Matia Fran scored a penalty considered Matt by Matt Healey with 17 minutes to go but Ireland held firm to claim the win and will now face England under 20s in their final summer friendly the same venue next Tuesday yes next Tuesday we have uh possibly IMU versus Zess and I’ll let you know how we get on in that and on that note thank you for watching and goodbye

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