Godel started the global charity project called #BeKindMarathonGT in Vilnius – the team organised a bicycle ride and gave away the flashlights to bicyclers passing by. This initiative was intended to draw attention to the accidents which happen due to neglect of using flashlights while riding in the dark.

    All Godel offices around the world are becoming the links in a chain of kindness. During 2024, one location passes the baton to another, immersing themselves in the whirlpool of good deeds.

    The team of each office choose the initiative, volunteering or a flash mob they would like to support. After the event is over, the location passes the baton to colleagues from another office, sharing their experience and inspiring them to new ideas. This is how kindness is spreading throughout the Godel offices from Tbilisi to Manchester.

    The Godel Vilnius team focused on the problem of bicyclers who don’t use flashlights during the night riding in Lithuania. Thereby, they run a high risk to get in an accident. In May the team organised a ride starting from Lukiškių aikštė. While riding the participants gave away the flashlights to bicyclers passing by.

    “More than 20 Godel Vilnius employees rented bicycles and gave away flashlights. We saw a big problem in Lithuania when most people don’t use flashlights and they aren’t seen in the evening. We chose this initiative because you can ride a bicycle all around the country, Vilnius is a friendly city for this kind of transport. And of course, in such a way we are saving CO2 as well. Our charity event means a lot to me personally because we are riding bicycles most of our free time and it’s vitally important to make riding as safe as possible.”, says Dmitrij Saveljev, Head of Operations at Godel Vilnius.

    The Godel Vilnius team passed the baton to the Godel office in Wroclaw, Poland.

    Community Marketeer Alina Mihun, the founder of #BeKindMarathonGT explains: “We just want to remind everyone that even a small act of kindness can become a part of something big and important – this idea makes people closer to each other. All BeKind marathoners give a part of themselves to this project and in return, feel that given part with warm memories. This was important yesterday, it’s important today, it will be important tomorrow and this will stay with us forever.”

    It’s not the first corporate social responsibility event at Godel Vilnius – the guys regularly volunteer at animal shelters, run charity marathons, and go hiking. Now the Godel Vilnius team is looking for new members. Follow the link to learn more: https://www.godeltech.com/careers/mastery-courses/

    [Music] so today was be challenge here in Gold technology liania colleagues rented bicycles and we were giving away bicycle headlights because we see like a big problem here in liania where most people people don’t use these headlights so they are’t seen in the evening why we’ve chosen bicycles such an activity because we see here in liania in vus you can ride the bicycle all around it it’s really friendly City for this kind of transport and of course we are saving CO2 as well personally this event means uh a lot to me because uh we are riding bicycles most of our free time and I think the sporting events here in our location is really important as well so we’re trying to gather our people around for various events such as sport activities as well [Music]

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