Noticed more cyclist are coming back and today Daniel lead us to a PR at 42kmph!


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    #CyclingMalaysia #MelvinTanCycling

    and we are off on our weekly Adventure letting all the race car go first and now we are safe I hope and what’s up you guys it’s a great Sunday morning and today we are going to hu and Paris and namah so like all cycling uh cyclist every weekend we tend to just do most of the same route most of the week because there AR just so much there are just so many routes available for us in slango region and unless you have the money to travel overseas or you have the visa to you know drive to Cameron or whatever you know Drive far far and cycle the whole day yeah but most people like me with family and children we tend to just do most of the same route every week so I do apologize if you do always see me covering the same route it is what it is like life of a parent life of a family oops burp [Music] today is a nice cold morning now though looking at it right now it is wow 23° c 23° c if you’re in K is freaking cold Man 1 2 3 4 5 six of us including Daniel Sharon Kenneth leash and my new single par friend Barry trust me Adrian supposed to join but Adrian did not join because no Visa again family it is what it is so let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] look like bar had some technical issues let’s see what happen What flat oh got Rob okay oh got a Rob going to Flap okay so after a quick fix of Berry’s tire there you go it’s working now he’s using a 24mm uh Victoria tire and using tube he’s not using tubeless yet but he has a few bikes like this is his tube bike Malia his his bike in Singapore tube laser but anyway so Lee had the cyplus pump the electric pump making it so much easier to pump up the tire we have reached UK hunu climb it’s going to be a climb so probably just go slow leash I’m feeling the gradient leash it’s only the start of our climb long way to go time to talk so in recent months of cycling now that I I’m at B so do mind my breathing but in recent months of cycling I do realize there’s an increase of cyclist on the road which means cyclist are back that’s good right cyclist are back from the hibernation of almost 1 and a half to 2 years since Co so I think that’s a good conversation to have that a lot of cyclists are back on the road but let me just recompose myself at this 7 5% gradient climb don’t slow down at my expense we all together after you waste your PR Le got8 relax you need to justify the 60,000 ring price tag go leash 6,000 is about how wonder why I was slowing down now this now was a 9% climb look at barrier can leash Sun tying while I’m suffering so we were chatting I mean I was chatting with a few bike retailers you know asking them about if you ever noticed that there are motorcyclist on the road so they say yes because you know why they told me that uh the number of bike service also increased but they are facing still one problem which is they say bike service increase but sales not going up on bikes accessories not too bad so this what they’re saying which is good I mean it’s a sign of at least people are going back on the road but I guess the challenge is most of the bike shops right they really depend on bike sales for their profit because that’s like a big ticket item for them cycling is being so neich yeah you know how many assesses can you sell to survive how many bike Services can you give to survive because bike service is only about few couple hundred r i mean overall healthy Bike Shop should be selling like close to between 8 to 15 full bikes complete bikes a week so even though there are lot of C on the road most of this are season cyclist coming back to ride that’s why I guess oh reaching to the top already finally only 6 km. but I don’t know why my leg feels so sore anyway so it bike Services increasing which shows also that visually I see a lot of cyclist on the road lately indicates that the market or cycling industry is slowly picking up again which is a good sign but the problem is if bicycle tradings does not pick up it’ll be hard for the industry I mean even with cyclist coming back Services going up accessory seals slightly picking up I guess a lot of bike shops will still struggle and the you know breaking even belly you got rentals going up you know stuff demanding higher salary is also picking up because basically everything’s going up standard of living is ever increasing so there are still some challenges now to be seen But at least Downs on the road and more and I’m one of them after completing H to climb and almost everyone overtaking me I’m not giving up I did my level best already I don’t know why my tie so S I survived downhill after a quick stop at Buu downhill time awesome VI man a nice about coming to H is this part as well when you come downhill there you get to see the mountains at the end there it’s a quite a nice type to see but as well as the slope here is pretty steep so I think Barry Barry said this last week he said that maybe the reason why so many cyclist are back cycling is because after one year of shopping they realize they gain a lot of weight I think I’m one of them example so because our cyclist gain rate they come back cycling maybe I guess definitely much cooling today today better very nice and cooling really enjoying this ride with this kind of weather if you can last the whole day uh it’s the best time to cycle but I do see the sky a bit cloudy today if you look at the sky now definitely a lot of clouds up there which is good so hopefully today is not a drastically hot day for all of us in the world every time I cycle here I just love this view seriously all this trees hugging us along the road it’s really such a nice view been pumping close to 300 wats nonstop for about 3 minutes I’m tired now man the climbs here all this Rolling Hill it’s a nightmare for me heart rate at surprisingly heart rate is at 1 123 only May because this cooling so you see I said L cyclist I see on the road on TT bikes this climb I won’t be surprised when I reach up to PR stop they’re definitely going to be quite a number of people there so let’s see ran right are you I would love to S slow you down there goes your PR bro see no friend and chew and catch up my ride you f i do no friend you R from home oh from home from home yourself h no today’s antire 14 part 14 oh okay if you all don’t know who’s Brian that’s because he always overtakes you and he don’t get chance to say hi no no now it’s uh it’s more of a chill Rider now already so right y doing here man it’s not about PR anymore bro it’s about people relationship oh there goes one get go way I see you I you I pressure bro have fun if youall didn’t know Brian is one of those bike baju riders it’s freaking fast oh those really really strong Riders it’s a racer boy he join race H don’t say join racer even Al I don’t join a okay now we are at Paris going up a 10km climb of about 5% 6% average not as steep but a long one it’s not 8:30 it’s only 8:30 now we at km 15 is already 23° C can so so Misty and nice there’s a sense of Tranquility when you hit climbs like this you’re alone and all you see is missed some cricket sounds peaceful hear uh sound of your gear here churning the pedals and the chains and the bike and the tar Road the T sticking into your tires that sound it’s quite nice [Applause] quite nice very peaceful Sharon hey only cycling I open my eyes many beautiful places no energy no energy in general hey why are we suffering on this climb long weekend I’m not suffering I’m sleepy I’m like on zombie mod now I really feel so sleepy on the bike ah dear Lord not the 8 8 9 km. to go okay not too bad huh serious yeah okay 7.6 km to go see right in front of me let me see four 5 6 7 seven cyclist in front of me see Cy are back cycling is back so if many of you have already stop cycling or considering to come back or have decided to totally quit come back lot of us are back on the road see how Misty it is here sure think I’ll just keep quiet and let you enjoy The View this place is called what to the left is vow tree rally wonder what’s that looks interesting so we stopped here at this beautiful Valley wow nice [Music] let’s keep quiet and enjoy the [Music] view I suspect the beautiful Valley because of the beautiful Landslide so yeah possibly possibly this part keep yeah the rare moments that I’m chees cycling with the group on a climb let’s see how long I can keep this up okay that’s all I’ve got I’ve decided to drop behind the group reality check another tree cam to go still with Daniel and bury in front of me but I noticed that when I’m using 300 watts uh being 99 kilos yes I am 99 kilos and Daniel being probably 75 and I’m using close to 300 WS to sustain to be with the same pie at te but Daniel is using 150 wats 280 Watts it’s a lot of difference man it’s a lot of difference okay few more okay I’m up I’m done try to upset a little bit Ah [Music] Muny oh s [Music] [Music] Barry went down I’m not going to chase it let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go B more more go we need to Daniel next time to bring a bow wo we did it it’s a nice chill out time at the top there now we’re going to go down to Nam for some nice and B let’s go like this is f well not as many people as I thought I would see but still some my [Music] camera it’s also known as the as we go towards we’ll try to stay 37 38 to 40 all the way oh so fast is Daniel P at 42 km hour ah 46 the train in front is going at 44 km per hour very fast High rate is at almost 100 let’s go Daniel is flying have to concentrate plus our wheels are pretty close 46 km hour this D Hill you think close to about 300 wats just to catch up 400 W 700 WS 40 km per hour this is a tiring trying to keep up the downhill it’s very tiring don’t know how long more I can keep up with this face oh Daniel pulling all the way still 42 km per hour flying now another four more cam to suffer almost at 42 km per hour when will Daniel get tired man I’m tired just following him my turn to pull see how long I can do it don’t think for long falling down I TI ear come a few climbs here we about 42 41 I’m done at leive me least h I only pull for 2 minutes after that I cannot I think you pull half of it oh dear lord strong Daniel most consistent Rider there ah this is the best nil in U for sure so we just did the Zone P this is the best in see are you the best mes so P that 45 km per hour I was shouting know Daniel we still at 7 km why you go 45 this kind of ride is the best matchy matchy white helmet black gases black Jersey white camera like beep Stand Out be different but at least it’s comfortable very very comfortable what it what what model is physic power Sprat Arrow looks like uh those Japanese wrap around kimono stuff fancy that was a good meal had a nasil Lama had a bali and now on the way back oh forgot to say thank you Barry for the nasil Lama and and Bali you’re welcome so nice so now we on the way backo it’s a shot I think about 7 8 km. left to go I think no drama here and definitely not going to P up because the traffic here is pretty bad though but it’s a nice R it’s only like what what time is it now 10:20 oh early early early honestly even though it’s like 10:30 in the morning now and my my bik computer say is 30° C I honestly my hands and my finger feels like it’s around 25° C it’s like a very nice cooling Cameron kind of weather now I love it and it’s Shader it’s really today I say the ride is very nice and cozy and santai it’s lot of those good days out that you do appreciate the fact that you’re out on the road cycling and best of all you’re cycling among friends good laugh good chitchat you know you bong each other you tease each other uh love it life is simpler now at the traffic coming to I wonder why traffic so bad oh we about 40 km hour I thought supposed to sunai B but currently we are also still backing with me and kind in front traffic seems pretty good not bad traffic yes I thought it would be it shot ride today W freaking shot ride only 52 km you expect the right to be so sharp we’re hoping 70 km okay we’ve been whing I’ve been hitting like 200 300 400 watts not the longest TR [Music] that was a shot right so let’s look at the right stats okay nothing impressive we only did 52 km I was surprised I thought it was going to be 70 but a short right today very short right he got P for got p tanong t Junction wow today we 42 km per hour average thanks to that Daniel Daniel got me a PR at 42 km per hour you’re welcome W the power of Daniel [Music] love well that’s all folks see you next week and if you see so many people on the on the bike I think it’s time for you to get back on your bike as well thank you you guys and God bless


    1. Mate, never apologise for your usual cycling route. Fact is, you still do cycle. You seem to have a supportive family behind your admirable choice of staying healthy – good on ya! Who knows, when your kids are ready, they just might join you or even surpass their old papa 😉. By the way, kudos to your usual cycling kakis – amazing peloton..

    2. "People like me with family n children tend to do the same route every week…." 😂
      Tell me about it, bro!

      Some more i'm Singaporean…. so we have only 2 routes for longer rides(100+km) which is the Round Island (RI)…. Clockwise or Anti-clockwise 😅

    3. Looking at your stava you have about a 2.5w/kg ftp. The next time you do that climb try to hold 2.5w/kg the whole way from the bottom of the climb all the way to the top instead of randomly surging and dropping power. 3w/kg should be your target this year.

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