We left the hectic bustle of Istanbul behind and enjoyed a couple of days travelling through rural Turkey & Bulgaria, staying in Çayırdere (near Kaynarca) far from the madding crowd, Burgas and Constanta (a Black Sea resort).

    The residents and local law enforcement rallied around to help us We’re up to four little mishaps now (after dropping the bike, breaking the top box lid and having to find another border crossing into North Macedonia), but still feeling very blessed 🙂

    I reckon we’ve covered about half the distance of our roughly planned route now, but we’re only a third through our available time so we should be able to take it a bit more leisurely from here on.

    Accommodation: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/936286879074141128 (Çayırdere), https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/18325856 (Burgas) and https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/667823100272917454 (Constanta)

    Music: Johnny Mason (https://open.spotify.com/artist/2vxW3cYAKbKE8zFbN5fQUD?si=tWUifozeTCyDc8Ua3t2XMw)

    welcome back to Ian Jill’s two-up motorcycle [Music] Adventures we left istan buul about half 9 in the morning and the traffic was still pretty heavy I’m starting to think it’s probably always heavy in Istanbul however it wasn’t long until we were out on the quiet open roads away from the busy bustle of Istanbul with virtually no traffic bimbling along without a care in the world completely unaware of the challenges that lay ahead of us later in the day while we were stopped for Turkish coffee and acquired taste I think this tractor trundled past trailing a long hose while this one was trailing he as we neared our accommodation for the night fet’s Treehouse I was quite wary of this road surface I’ve never seen this before all the tar seemed to have melted although we arrived a little earlier than expected fuit came out to G us and show us our accommodation it was like a little Museum but very spacious and very comfortable after we had checked in we went to the nearby town of kinara to buy an ice cream and have we wander around in the sunshine that bike’s not going anywhere soon the keys are locked in the top box and The Spar is back at Fett’s house 6 km away got problem in oh okay the whole village rallied around to help and eventually the local policeman gave us a lift back to the Treehouse to get the spare key with our new friends in Turkey who have just helped us to get reunited with our keys for our motorbike so we can return home eventually thank you so much guys thank you when we returned to kenara the policeman showed us some of the local Beauty spots and even helped us boot [Music] dinner this town has a rather enviable pace of life before we left the next morning fet introduced us to his rabbits dogs and H and let us taste some of the fruit in his Orchard these fet do you know the name Turkish name is Eric Eric yeah having said our goodbyes we were soon on our way to the Turkish border with Bulgaria as we approached the Border we could could believe the queue of Lor is waiting to cross from where we started counting there were 750 apparently there were no tools to pay because they let us leave this guy helped us find a post office in Bulgaria who confirmed we didn’t need a vignette for motorcycles oh nice nice yes very nice oh lovely perfect ooo after we check in we went for our usual wander around the city [Music] oh my goodness okay that is a and a half thank you very much oh my goodness the next day we had a lovely run up through Bulgaria to the border with Romania and then continued on to Constanta the accommodation here was also very good and after we checked in we headed down to the beach to cool off it’s absolutely gorgeous wish you were all here thank you for watching please subscribe if you’d like to follow the rest of our trip and give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video [Music]

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