Bikepacking from Stavanger to Bergen in Norway.
    Solo female bike travels!

    Bike : Cannondale Topstone Carbon
    Tent : Alpkit Soloist
    Bags: Ortlieb Waterproof

    Full route:

    well that sure was an experience packing up my biking kit outside an airport and I was feeling a bit stressed about it but it went fine I mean I’ve done it and I was so worried about my bike but once we get pedaling I’ll be feeling a lot more settled but wow I’m in [Music] Norway greetings having a spot of breakfast we got some Brios some local cheese and um like little cinnamon pastry things i’ got coffee half packed up my kit so actually it’s gone quite well so far continue that start stashing everything away and then I’m over riding over to lies botton that’s not going to be how you say I’m going to totally embarrass myself once again um yeah so it’s going to be a lot of climbing um about 5,000 ft of climbing today um basically the whole route is like a steady in Incline um I’m going to have to go back through the tunnel again so just relaxed here roll out day two [Music] I’ve just had a really nice evening so I was absolutely soaked when I arrived and uh yeah pitching up in the rain as quick as I could and it was cold um so yeah got myself in the shower got myself warmed up sorted out went to go and make some food and um I met a girl and we just chatting she said her name’s ANUK she’s from the Netherlands she’s um doing a little solo tour in her car and she said look I’ve cooked too much would you like some um so yeah we had dinner together and it was just really nice also met a couple from Germany who are cycling up to noap which is like a bucket list trip for me um I’ve been looking at it for ages and it kind of fueled my wanting to come here um so all good and I’m now back off to my tent it’s absolutely pouring so I should be walking a little faster but look at this C with a few feeling quite lucky again cuz although it absolutely poured yesterday and half of the rid in pouring rain um it was a beautiful place um and then this morning the sun came out and it just helped cuz as I was packing up I was just drying all my kit um lots of black cloud like gray clouds coming over so constantly like ah get the get the dry kit away quickly um but yeah I’m all packed up and yeah looking forward to the day hello everybody isn’t it fascinating that the sun here doesn’t set until half1 so yeah I flew with my bike today and something new for me flying with my bike and camping kit and unpacking my bike and putting it all together at the airport so I was worried about it it um but it was fine I did it um and then I so once it got pedaling I knew I needed to get food um and then I need to get fuel for my stove um so I had to try three places for the stove fuel I thought I was going to have to go without or just carry on to the next place but I found it um and the ride was absolutely stunning it absolutely blew my mind so I’ve ridden 35 mil um 2,500 ft of climbing but really lovely gradual climb um I went through a tunnel um that was 4 km long um and yeah so I’ve just pitched up enjoying some pasta I’ve got my hat on just cuz you get cold after you’ve been riding and I don’t want to get cold um but yeah I’ve brought a lck kit for this ride cuz I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and I’ve heard that when you get high up there is still snow and a lady from Belgium lovely lady that I was speaking to told me that um there was a lake completely frozen over when they were driving um through with their camper van so yeah excited to see what’s in store but yeah really happy with the pitch it feels safe here it feels calm it’s quiet um just having some dinner and then I’ll be getting some Kip yeah beautiful place just come for a little well just to finish my hot drink down by the the water is day two and a bigger ride in store 60 Mi with 50 Mi of climbing to then descend it all in the final 10 miles a total elevation of 5,000 ft and the ride would take me over to Le Boton the forecast was dry but as I found in Norway on my trip the forecast is very localized in changes and of course when climbing High it gets much colder so someone on my Tik Tok said I’ve been thinking about all that rock above you when I was coming the other way and now that’s all I can think about these tunnels were amazing and I don’t think I passed another car every time I was in one so yeah it was quite the experience down there but equally always felt nice to be back out in the open air the current state of affairs right I needed my Colder Weather kit which is stupidly packed at the bottom of my bag so now I’ve had to get everything out leg formers on gabber on got a she out in case I need that but I mean I’m at 1,000 ft now and I’m going up to 3,000 so it’s needed had to be done right back on with warmer cycling kit on I felt much more comfortable if you’re cycling in Norway then I recommend decent layers arm and leg warmers base layers that kind of [Music] thing when I purchased this I thought it was a lemonade it turns out it was actually a non-alcoholic beer very refreshing all the same Mega landscape you know I was looking up and seeing patches of snow but they’re getting more more frequent a long slck though [Music] [Applause] imagine living up here I’d love to know more about people that live here and what they do fascinating isn’t it amazing coming to different cultures and countries I feel very privileged [Music] first cyclist I’ve seen he just gave me a big salute oh that’s really made me smile [Music] [Music] okay should now have some Des ending raining not a terrible spot for lunch oh I do you love a deserted ski town oh yes rain it’s not the first Mountain that I’ve climbed in tough conditions mighton be the last still going absolutely soaking the scenery have been stunning ever since I arrived in Norway but it really did feel special riding and seeing snow on the side of the roads it just felt just Next Level yeah it was truly amazing up here tough with 40 to 50 mi in the legs of climbing now but yeah the views really helped with that slay I’m getting up this [Music] [Music] we just under 3,000 ft and the lakes are frozen [Music] [Music] it always amazes me that you can start a ride in Jersey in Shores and then you climb and continue climbing and the snow drifts at the side of the road and frozen lakes it just shows the extreme difference in conditions and yeah Norway is an amazing place the signature Lucy thumbs up for the top of the climb there finally the descending started to roll in but I was at a every turn and just couldn’t quite believ the scenes that I was seeing so for me a very good day on the bike well I’m back on my bike day three flunky gu another climb straight off the furry and going upwards well only two cars got off the furry ahead of me and then just myself on a bike so looks like I got the climb to myself perfect day three I took the furry from Le Boton to sand where I rode across the island to the campsite I was going to be staying at 3,600 ft of climbing but absolutely beautiful roads again climbing to the sound of crashing water Birds the smell of the Woodland Feast for the senses [Music] there’s no denying it this is a slug oh goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] an absolutely amazing descent I didn’t feelm much of it cuz it was absolutely rapid and I was just enjoying it and getting in the flow so yeah one for not for the video this time there’s one thing I’ve learned in Norway it is about forecast so it was forecast like thunderstorm crazy rain and there blue sky and the other day when it was forecast to be dry all day it poured all day although I won’t be surprised if there is something coming in cuz across the water it does look a bit dark um which is why I’ve got my kit packed up now absolutely beautiful but yeah what a place no storm yet so I’m getting the ferry now over to omo um and there’s not many fairies off there again so I’ve got the choice of 1120 or half 1 so I’m going for the 11:20 as my partner R said 1 the 131 can be my backup plan um so yeah not there to cycling today um still lots of climbing um but yeah a bit of a steady day I could do with it really I wake up really tired and really needed two coffees to get me going um yes I’ll just be riding over to my camping Point um and let’s hope this nice weather continues glorious back to it this time in Jersey and short this was to be a day of Ferry hopping four fairies and five bike sections in a day the ferry to omo ride across omo then a ferry to Judah BG change and another ferry to Hell ride on to the next connection at Nim and then the last Ferry of the day over to Ned standand or Ned strand finishing in a campsite um for the day got some serious bik packing Jenga going on which I don’t love but needs must it’s too hot has to be the trip with the most variable conditions so we’ve had snow we’ve had rain we’ve had Sun we’ve had wind everything and yeah that might tell you a little bit about what to expect if you come to Norway I think there’s basically two roads on onay um and we’re going to be going soon left to eend apologies for the pronunciation Norwegian friends please correct me um yeah and that’s where I’ll be getting the fairy from can’t see on camera but wow you can just see islands and PS amazing B number two this is the section riding from heloy to Nim and I really enjoyed it because you rode over these amazing Bridges and causeways and also the route was more rolling rather than some of the climbs I’ve been experiencing and just really nice scenery and it was relaxed and quiet so yeah another enjoyable part of the ride I’m [Music] and then I had some time to wait for the ferry overlooking the water and seeing a storm rolling in um but yeah another lovely relaxed quiet [Music] spot then this FY had super comfortable seating after the rain came soon all weather’s in a day think C even a bit of sunburn what a day finally a tailwind and a bit of time just to push on to the final stop of the day where I would be camping for the night say hello from the beach um I arrived to this campsite and it seems to be completely empty um I was owning and aring about where to eat even pitched my tent and I’m pitched somewhere I’m pretty sure it’s not a usual tent pitch but everywhere else it’s a bit close to some of the the static lodges that are here and it seems to be more lodges than pictures so totally empty so just cooking a spot of tea pasta which is a camping classic and um rookie era my power bank’s dead and I’ve gone to charge it and I only have the Euro plug not the USB plug um and I’ve looked all in the facilities here I can’t see anything suitable so yeah I’m going to need reception to open tomorrow if it opens who knows um yeah so take it from there it’s been a storm brewing in the distance but we seem to have missed it but yeah pretty good day with the place just just about to myself it was lovely to stroll along the water here and just enjoyed being in a beautiful spot with no one [Applause] around day five back on the raid Jersey and shorts continuing my journey North [Music] well that was a nice little lunch stop I’m on the Euro one route now um I think it’s the North Coast route um and as much as yourell is great I often find the roots are Qui although they’re really safe and they’re often traffic free and it takes you off the road um they just just feel a bit functional like it’s kind of like commuter type routs and um so I’m actually quite glad of the easy miles just a tick over today cuz I’m a little bit tired after a few days of lots of climbing um but when it comes to tours they’re often not roots that I would necessarily choose I found this when I did my Europe European tour before um yeah just something to consider um so yeah miles ticking over now had some food and I’ll ride a bit better now I’ve I’ve um satisfied my Hunger um yeah I always think with these trips as well you know the cycling is one bit but actually the looking after yourself is something that can be quite challenging sometimes you know it’s it’s covering your basic needs but you know Finding place to Camp food water you know the navigation all of those sort of things and when you’re SOL L you’ve got to think about all those things for yourself um yeah so there’s lots to consider but I seem to thrive on it that just riding from A to B um and looking after myself in between and seeing some wonderful scenery so yeah that’s what it’s all about for me [Music] [Music] struggling pardon me when you’re struggling to find somewhere to camp and I’ve been down so many little nooks and grannies and then I take could turned down a track and there’s nothing at the end of the track and there’s this just packing up some kit and the midges have finally caught up with me I seem to have avoided them on all my Scotland trips and here so far um but yeah stand still for too long and oh you’ve got them all over you um yeah had a really good night’s sleep which I was really pleased about it’s funny with World camping if you find the right spot and it’s a lot about trusting your G um you just know it’s right so I was scouting out spots for what I felt like ages and it can be like that sometimes um and when I came across this one I just knew it was right and I just felt comfortable um yeah nice little breakfast stop bikes her so this is a funny coincidence I was in the supermarket and I met Andre who is from the Netherlands and cycling to nordcap we got chatting and he said he met a French couple also cycling to nordcap I said hey me too a few days ago and he said I have that number I’ll message them it turned out the Jen and TBO were camping just 300 M away from us so we went down and met them and chatted I joked about how very French the breakfast was meat cheese bread coffee avocado and I realized I really need to up my breakfast game but how amazing to meet other cycling Travelers on the road and we had such a nice chat how nice it is meeting fellow bike Travelers on the raid so I met a French couple at Lebon a while back and then they were just down the road and uh cuz I met another cyclist in the Joker grocery store um and he told me he was following a couple who were on their way to NOC cap I said I met a couple who were were on the way to norap and he said they’re just down the road so I just went and uh met up with them on and we sat and had a chat together and it was great so yeah windy day today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Bight path like this a site never to be seen in the UK head wind SL after meeting and chatting with new friends I really did feel an amazing Spirits it was a windy headwind kind of day but the roads were [Music] flowing it’s a head down and pedal kind of day today I’m on a descent and it’s still hard work strong Northerly wind but pedal by pedal moving forwards and it’s not all cycling sometimes it’s nice to enjoy a little glass of wine at the end of the day cheers Dusty roll out with compl so I made more friends at the campsite when ger couple arrived they were also cycling to nordcap and had recently cycled across New Zealand it was great sharing stories of bike travels together and so nice to meet like-minded people from other countries great to meet you Karina and matsie so I’m off the final furry of the trip just said goodbye to my cycling friends that I’ve met along the way had nice little chat on the ferry and on the bike path now last leg to Bergen it’s been a SLO for the final stretch still a couple of climes to go but rolling grumling to the Finish now so as is often the case my video edings are never great but I arrived into Bergen and what an adventure one week 260 Mish around 21 ft feet of climbing and many stories along the way so now just to find a the bike box my flight and get myself home so guys second Bike Shop um and I found the bike box thank you track are the cing community great and the guy said yeah just store it home night for free so great stuff so I’ve been worrying about that the first shop I went to they used all the boxes so they didn’t have any free but yeah this is a nice shop they got some seriously nice bikes um yeah so let’s go [Music]


    1. Sound went off at 3:35 after you said "Ahh, get the dry kit away quickly".

      I'm still watching so don't know if it comes back on yet 🤞

      Edit; I'm not sure if that five minutes of footage is meant to be silent as it's mostly cycling along footage but it comes back on at 8:07 👍

    2. Lots of those hills where you think the top is just round every corner only for it to weave on into the distance. Did you set the date in advance or watch the forecast and go at short notice ?

    3. Lovely footage! Myself and a couple of friends started out from Bergen and rode north across the islands and penisulas towards Sognefjord, back in 1993. I particularly remember on the second day out of Bergen, we'd stopped at a small store and some kids, maybe 10-12 years old, all wearing full rain clothes, were admiring our bikes. So i asked, mostly as a bit of just making conversation, "Does it always rain here?" And the one kid replied, in this dead pan resigned voice, "No, only 90% of the time."

      There's not much one can add after that.

    4. Most of the cabins/log buildings, you see in upland areas of Norway are holiday homes/summer houses, infrequently occupied, in fact the porches and other suitable areas around those buildings can be used to sleep in, if you have the balls.

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