Whether created to power bustling metropolises through hydroelectricity, irrigate arid farmlands, or provide tranquil retreats for adventurers and nature lovers, these lakes are all artificially made. Join us, as we countdown the top 15 most fascinating manmade lakes.

    #lake #lakes #manmade

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    whether created to power bustling metropolises through hydroelectricity irrigate arid farmlands or provide tranquil Retreats for adventurers and nature lovers these Lakes are all artificially made so for today’s video I’m count down 15 of the most fascinating man-made Lakes starting with number 15 Lake Powell in the United States located in the southwestern part of the United States on the border between Utah and Arizona Lake Powell is one of the largest man-made lakes in North America with a length of over 100 86 M are almost 300 km and 1900 Mi are about 3,000 km of Shoreline the lake began to be formed in the early 1960s when the Glen Canyon Dam was built on the Colorado River as part of the Colorado River storage project completed in 1966 the Dam’s purpose was to control flooding provide water storage for the Arid Southwestern States and generate hydroelectric power the reservoir behind the dam Lake Powell was named after John Wesley Powell who was a Civil War veteran and explorer who led the first expedition down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon in 1869 the Lakes filling started in 1963 and took 17 years to reach its full capacity today being a crucial water source for the surrounding region and as part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area it’s a major visitor attraction it’s surrounded by Red Rock canyons and secretive Coes there’s something wonderful about the contrast between the deep blue water and the reddish orange cliffs it’s no surprise then that with this as a backdrop the waters have become popular for recreational activities from the countless boers who explore the series of hidden Bays inlets and beaches to every water sport you can think of and a huge fishing Community too looking to catch a variety of species such as striped bass largemouth bass and walleye number 14 The Blue Lagoon Iceland the Blue Lagoon which can be found on a peninsula in Southwestern Iceland is one of the country’s most famous destinations that’s known for its Blue Waters and unique geothermal properties but what’s most surprising about it is not that it was man-made but that it was formed completely by accident it’s only actually been there since 1970 when it began to develop next to a geothermal power plant and the plant used the area’s geothermal energy to produce electricity and hot water for nearby communities and it was the excess mineral Rich water from this process which was considered waste that began to pool in the lava fields to cre create this Lagoon the geothermal water rich in silica algae and minerals began to attract locals who noticed its beneficial effects on skin particularly those suffering from dryness there was skepticism at first and it’s not often you think about swimming in Wastewater from a power plant but after extensive testing to make sure it was safe the first public bathing facility was established in 1987 since then the Blue Lagoon has become a world-renowned Spa and Wellness destination with a whole range of facilities now on offer there’s even now a research and development center that’s dedicated to creating skinc care products from the Lagoon’s natural ingredients with an average water temperature in the bathing and swimming area ranging between 98 and 102° fah or about 37 to 39° C is perfectly comfortable all year round even with the notoriously unpredictable weather beyond the health benefits of the water it’s also an environment unlike anything you’ve experienced before with milky Blue Water set within the lava fields and Volcanic Steam being released from the vents all around you number 13 Lake pichola India the surprisingly old lake pichola is next to the city of udur in India and after being created in the year 1362 by tribesmen it was supposedly named after a nearby Village the history of the lake is deeply connected with the rise of udur City itself Maharana udai Singh II who founded what would become the capital city of the kingdom of mayir was so inspired by the beauty of the lake that he further expanded it once the city was established in 1559 the lake was enhanced with the construction of dams and canals and it became what it is today surrounded by several palaces temples gats and Royal residences the structure that stands out the most is the lake Palace which was built between 1743 and 1746 by Maharana yat Singh II this marble Palace now a luxury hotel appears to float on the lakes’s waters offering guests a unique experience in the surroundings there’s also the Yager also known as the lake Garden Palace which was built in the 17th century and served as a refuge for mugul Emperor sha Jahan during the Rebellion against his father the palace is decorated with sculptures intricate carvings and surrounded by Lush Gardens preserving the opulent lifestyle of the rut rulers with four Islands on the lake its formation has transformed The Fortunes in the region and by providing water for irrigation and drinking has become crucial to the development of a thriving Community around it number 12 Busco blat Bosnia and herzogovina found in the southwestern region of Bosnia and heroina Busco blato is one of the largest Reservoir in the Balkans covering an area of around 21 Square mil or about 55 Square km the lake was created in the 1970s as part of a hydroelectric project and following the construction of a dam on the Busco blato field the reservoir began to form and now feeds a hydro electric plant that provides a source of water supply for irrigation it’s fed by several Rivers including the satina river which flows into it from the neighboring Croatia and it discharges back into the satina river beyond the dam the landscape around it is stunning with Rolling Hills Limestone formations and diverse environments that support a wide range of animal and plant life the local communities around it have also thrived since its creation relying on its resources for agriculture and traditional farming has benefited from the plentiful Supply of water and the fertile lands around the lake being used to cultivate crops and the lake also provides a great source of fish which is further benefit to local community with recreational activities like boating fishing and swimming the surrounding Hills and Valleys that provide excellent opportunities for hiking and cycling and the nearby town of Leo that has a rich history dating back to the Roman era it becomes one of the most popular visitor destinations in the region number 11 kilder water UK kilder water which is in north umberland in the UK is the largest of the approximately 570 artificial lakes in the country completed in 1982 it’s surrounded by kilder Forest which is the largest man-made Woodland in England creating an amazing landscape that attracts numerous visitors for its natural beauty plans for ker water began in the mid 20th century when the growing demand for water in the northeast of England meant that an infrastructure upgrade was needed with a need to ensure reliable water supply for both domestic and Industrial use in the region construction of the dam began in 1975 and it took 7 years to complete being fed by the River North time and holding approximately 44 billion gallons or over 200 billion lers of water as well as securing the water provision to the surrounding region the area has also become a Haven for wildlife with the reservoir and Forest supporting a diverse range of species including red squirrels Ospreys and deer there’s an extensive network of trails around the lake which allow you to explore the countryside and as with many reservoirs water sports are a huge draw too what makes ker water unique though is its connection with art the ker art and architecture initiatives features a collection of outdoor installations and sculptures that are splattered around the reservoir and Forest designed to enhance the natural landscape and provide a thought-provoking experience for visitors the most famous Works include skyspace by James Turell and the wave chamber by Chris Drury there’s also an observatory overlooking the reservoir that takes advantage of some of the best dark skies in the UK above it which offers public stargazing events and educational programs number 10 Lake Argy Australia one of the largest man-made reservoirs in Australia is Lake Argy which is in the Kimberly region of Western Australia it was formed as part of the or river irrigation scheme which was a major agricultural development project that began in the 1950s the main aim of the scheme was to use the Waters of the or river to transform the Arid region into fertile Farmland with the first step being the construction of the or river diversion Dam which was completed in 1963 and created the nearby lake kuna the centerpiece of the project though was the large or river dam which was completed in 1971 and led to the formation of Lake Argy the reservoir named after the historic Argy Downs Homestead that was submerged by its formation can wildly change size depending on rainfall with a typical surface area of around 390 sare miles or over 1,000 square km but this can more than double at its maximum flood level as such an enormous body of water the lake soon began to support a large variety of Wildlife and it’s now home to over 70 species of freshwater fish including the baramundi which is highly prized by Anglers it also provides a habitat for a variety of birds making it a prime destination for bird watchers Keen to spot species like the Majestic Sea Eagle the brga and countless different waterfall the Lakes islands and Shores are the ideal habitats for Wales and you’ll want to be careful if you’re swimming in the water because the lake is home to a number of freshwater crocodiles too it’s so large though that the chance of encountering a Croc is pretty small and their presence hasn’t deterred water sports enthusiasts from using the water all year round Scenic cruises are popular too as they offer a way to experience the Lake’s Beauty providing closeup views of its sweeping Landscapes wildlife and the mountain ranges that form its backdrop number nine m kasas macius the Republic of macius is a stunning island nation in the Indian Ocean where the population has grown substantially since the 19th century with limited fresh water available it was decided that a series of reservoirs were needed to secure the water supply and the largest one that was built was the Maro vakas which is in the country’s Highlands it was constructed between 1885 and 1887 this Reservoir was initially designed to provide water to the central Plateau region but over the years it’s it’s been expanded and improved to meet the increasing demand for water particularly for the capital city Port Louis and its surrounding areas it spans an area of approximately 4 fths of a square mile or about 2.1 Square km and has a capacity of about 914 million cubic feet or 25.8 million cubic M it’s fed by several streams and rainfall benefiting from its location in the high rainfall area of the central plateau and it was formed by building an earth filled embankment Dam with its primary role as a water supply Reservoir it’s now taken on an important part in the Island’s cultural and social life having become a popular destination for family outings with picnic spots and walking trails that offer stunning views of the reservoir and its surroundings surrounded by Lush Greenery dense forests the area is also home to a range of plant and animal life including several species that can only be found there the forested area around the reservoir is full of species such as the native vakas trees and it’s from these that the reservoir gets its name in recent years the government has had to take steps to protect and preserve it and its catchment area including measures to control pollution and manage the way the land is being used in the surrounding area it’s a critical infrastructure for marius’s water supply but it’s also an important natural Landmark that highlights the Island’s commitment to balancing development with Environmental Conservation number eight kener Lake Malaysia kener Lake in Malaysia holds the record for being the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia covering an impressive area of about 100 square mil or 260 square km it was first formed in the mid 1980s when the construction of the sultan mamood hydroelectric Dam began the purpose of the dam was to generate hydroelectric power to support Malaysia’s growing energy needs and completed in 1985 the dam led to the flooding of the Kenya River Valley creating the lake the project submerged over 15,000 hectares of tropical rainforest transforming the hillscape into a vast store of water with over 340 small Islands which are all that remain of the hilltops that once covered the valley the lake is well known for its breathtaking scenery and ecosystem and the reservoirs crystal clear waters are surrounded by Lush rainforests making it a Haven for wildlife and plant species so it’s home to countless species of birds insects and mammals including rare and endangered species such as the Malayan tiger Asian elephant and various horn bills fishing is one of the most popular activities that’s done there attracting Anglers from around the world the lake is teaming with freshwater fish including species such as the giant snake head the hampala Barb and the Kayla making it a great place for sport fishing with so many islands and inlets there’s always the perfect private spot for fishing which is why it’s known as such a paradise for Anglers boating and kayaking too are the best ways to explore the Lake’s extensive waterways and discover its hidden coves and waterfalls as such a Haven for nature there are a number of resorts and Eco lodges in the surrounding area and the kener Elephant conservation Village and the kener butter fly Park are some of the more popular attractions showing the beauty of the local Wildlife moving on to number seven Lake Nasser Egypt the enormous Lake Nasser is one of the largest man-made lakes in the world and it’s located in southern Egypt and Northern Sudan it was created as part of the Awan High Dam project which was undertaken by the Egyptian government in the 1950s under President Gamal Abdel Nasser after whom the lake is named the dam was constructed to control the annual flooding of the Nile provide water for irrigation and generate hydroelectric power it was built between 1960 and 1970 the dam itself is an impressive feed of engineering at 364 ft or 111 M high and nearly 2 1/2 M or 4 km long the creation of Lake Naser behind the dam required the relocation of over a 100,000 people including Nubian communities that have lived in the region for centuries additionally countless archaeological sites including temples and monuments were at risk of being submerged and International effort led by UNESCO successfully relocated many of these historical Treasures to Higher Ground the most famous being the temples of Abu simbel and pH the waters then began to rise and now Lake Nasser covers an area of around 2,000 square mil or 5200 Square km and is 340 M or 550 km long from the dam to the Sudanese border its maximum depth reaches about 430 ft or 130 M and it holds a volume of around 32 cubic miles or over 130 cubic km of water this huge storage capacity has significantly contributed to Egypt’s agricultural productivity by providing a reliable source of irrigation and it’s transformed arid lands into fertile Fields as well as its role in water management and agriculture Lake Nasser is a major source of hydroelectric power the turbines here at the Awan High Dam generate substantial electricity supporting Egypt’s growing energy needs it’s also become an important place for tourism and Recreation too with its vast tranquil Waters and desert surroundings offering unique opportunities for adventure huge Nile perch live in the waters that attract Anglers from all over the world and there’s a growing ecotourism industry that takes full advantage of the Lake’s remote location and untouched natural beauty number six cin Lake Indonesia cin Lake which is on the island of bellaton in Indonesia is a stunning place with Deep Blue Waters and white Sandy Shores but it’s another man-made lake that was formed completely by accident that’s because the region has Rich deposits of Kalin which is a type of white clay that’s used in various Industries including Ceramics paper and cosmetics the island has as a result long been associated with mining activities particularly for tin and cin over the Decades of mineral extraction large pits were left behind which eventually filled in with rainwater and transformed into the lakes that are seen today cin is also known as China clay it’s known for its fine white quality which is the high Kalin content in the soil surrounding the mining pits that gives it its distinctive brilliant blue color the contrast between the blue water and the white Kalin Cliffs creates an almost ethereal quality despite the industrial Origins cin lake has become a surprising tourist attraction with visitors being drawn to its beauty which is like a Tropical Paradise the Lake’s calm turquoise Waters and white surroundings provide a perfect backdrop for leisure Pursuits while it is undeniably a fascinating place it’s all been by chance and cin Lake remains a reminder of the environmental impact of mining activities it doesn’t always work out like this where mining takes place and offers an alternative route where planning and other sites turn into destinations once valued materials have been removed number five Lake Bodi Hungary Lake Bodi in Hungary has become known for how the local community has come to rely on it in a completely different way to what you’ll see elsewhere the region has long relied on Industrial AC activities and the lake itself was created in 1961 to serve as a cooling Pond for a thermal power plant the warm water that was discharged into it from the plant kept the lake from freezing even during the cold Hungarian Winters and this led to the development of a unique ecosystem and allowed for yearr round fishing this gave new opportunities to the locals and the lake is now best known for its floating houses or fishing Huts which are built on wooden stilts above the water the structures are then connected by a network of wooden boardwalks and of created an idelic setting with direct access to the lake making it convenient for fishing and providing a close connection with the surrounding nature some fishermen remain but Lake bot has gained popularity among visitors wanting to see the sight of the colorful Huts set against the backdrop of the calm Waters sunrises and sunsets are particularly spectacular with the changing light casting beautiful Hues across the water and the houses even with such industrial Origins the lake has become a vital Haven for wildlife attracting Anglers from across the region and plenty of other animals that live in the landscape around the lake with it providing a source of water all through the year the use of the lake has begun to change though with the local community and authorities recognizing the potential of it as a tourist attraction infrastructure improvements such as better access roads and facilities for visitors have been developed to support the increasing visitor numbers and it’s truly a fascinating place to visit there’s plenty to do with fishing still being one of the main attractions and the boardwalk provides a unique way to walk across Ross the water allowing you to explore the area and appreciate the environment boating and kayaking too are also popular here offering yet another perspective of the floating houses and the surrounding landscape number four Lake plastia Greece Lake plasas also known as the tavropos reservoir is an incredible artificial Lake that’s hidden within the agrafa mountains in thessy Central Greece surrounded by a landscape it’s become popular destinations for both tourists and locals seeking tranquility and natural beauty the idea of the lake goes back to General Nicholas plasas who was a leading Greek military and political figure in the early 20th century he saw the potential benefits of damning up the tavropos river to create a reservoir that would serve multiple purposes such as irrigation flood control and hydroelectric power his vision would eventually become a reality with the construction of the dam beginning in 1955 he would then take a further 5 years before the lake was fully filled in 1960 and then name in his honor now covering an area of 9.3 s Mi or 24 s km the lake reaches a maximum depth of 200 ft or about 60 M it has fulfilled the original Vision providing power to the surrounding communities and far beyond and creating a much needed reliable source of water but what’s unusual about this lake is that with a surface altitude of over 2500 ft or 790 m above sea level it’s a lot higher than most reservoirs and means the landscape around it is like no surrounded by dense forests of fur Oak and Chestnut trees it’s created a habitat for diverse Wildlife including deer foxes and various bird species this pristine environment makes it an ideal location for Eco tourism and outdoor activities fishing is of course another popular activity here with the lake being home to several fish species including trout and carp the region is also dotted with charming Villages that offer a glimpse into traditional Greek culture and Hospitality the they are some of the most picturesque settlements where visitors can enjoy local Cuisine artisanal products and warm Hospitality number three lacus squa France lacus squa which is in Southeastern France is a stunning artificial Reservoir that’s become famous for its Waters and incredible surroundings this lake is the third largest in France and it’s now a central attraction within the verone region natural park the history of the lake dates back to the early 1970s when the need for water management and hydroelectric power generation led to the construction of the dam on the Verdon River completed in 1973 the dam submerged in Old Village which was rebuilt nearby and the resulting lake named after the nearby Plateau covers an area of 8 and2 square miles or about 22 Square km with a maximum depth of up to 305 ft or 93 m the dam that holds the lake in place has hydroelectric generators able to produce up to 142 million kilowatt hours of electricity but while it’s certainly lived up to its initial aims there was a surprising consequence of its creation that became one of its most famous features the waters here take on a striking blue green coloration which is a result of the refraction of light through the Lake’s clear mineral Rich Waters and it creates a stunning contrast with the surrounding Limestone Cliffs the lake is fed by the Veron river which flows from the nearby Gorge itself one of Europe’s most beautiful and dramatic River canyons and you’d almost think the Lakes have been there for as long as every other natural feature but it wasn’t its construction was controversial at the time with local communities worried about losing such a vast Valley but with the creation of the lake has come a number of other opportunities that have supercharged the tourism industry in the region the calm clean Waters provide a perfect environment for activities and there are plenty of ways to explore from paddle boats and electric boats that are available for rent to the Leisure boats canoes and kaks that are a Mainstay of lakes like it the area around it is also great for hiking and biking trails offering spectacular views of the lake and the surrounding mountains one of the most popular hikes is the trail to the Village of agen perched on a hill overlooking the lake with the village offering panoramic views and a glimpse into the traditional provincial way of life it’s also bordered by several Villages that further add to its charm which offer unique attractions local markets and traditional French cuisine with the villages providing a perfect base for exploring the lake and its surroundings number two chinda Lake China with crystal clear waters chinda Lake also known as Thousand Island Lake is a stunning artificial body of water that’s in the chunan county of xang Province in China and you’d almost think it’s a natural formation that’s been there for thousands of years it is though a relatively recent development having first formed following the construction of a dam on the Xenon River in 1959 it is a huge Reservoir that was built to support hydroelectric power flood control and irrigation and it requires the flooding of the surrounding valleys and mountains now it covers an area of 221 squ Mi or 573 km and reaches a maximum depth of 394 ft or 120 M the name Thousand Island Lake comes from the fact that there are 1,078 large islands and countless smaller ones scattered throughout all of which were once hilltops and mountains in the dry Valley these islands vary in size and shape and create a complex Labyrinth of waterways and land masses as stunning as it is from the surface however it’s the Hidden Treasures that are arguably the real appeal of this Lake such as a large region that was submerged to form it beneath the Lake’s surface lies the ancient cities of XI Chong and hich Chong both of which date back to the Han and Tong dynasties they’re both surprisingly well preserved underwater with xi- Chung in particular gaining International interest as a time capsule of ancient Chinese architecture and urban planning the creation of such a large water source has drastically changed the Ecology of the region to too the islands are covered with dense forests providing habitats for various Birds and the Waters of chinda Lake are teeming with fish tourism too is important as well with a range of activities for visitors including boat tours hiking cycling and water sports boat tours are really popular allowing tourists to navigate the intricate waterways and some of the islands have been developed into dedicated tourist attractions each with its own unique theme mayun Island for example is known for its panoramic views while long Shen Island features ancient temples and cultural relics number one Lake Kiba Zambia Zimbabwe holding the record for being the biggest man-made lake on the planet Lake Kiba is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe it was formed by the construction of the Kiba Dam on the zambesi river and it covers an area of 2100 square miles or 5,500 Square km reaching a maximum depth of 318 ft or 97 M and a length of 139 Mi or 223 km as with most reservoirs the history of Lake Kiba began in the mid 20th century when the need for Reliable hydroelectric power to support the growing economies of Zambia and Zimbabwe which were at the time known as the northern and southern Rhodesia became apparent the kba dam project began in 1955 and was completed by 1959 and it was one of the largest construction projects the continent had seen at the time it involved a relocation of around 50 7,000 people predominantly the Tonga tribe as well as significant Wildlife Conservation efforts but in the decades since it’s generally been seen as a worthwhile effort the Dam’s construction created a reservoir that submerged vast regions of land transforming the zambesi valley into Lake Kuba The Filling of the lake which took several years was a significant event marking one of the largest relocations of both human and animal populations ever undertaken operation Noah a wildlife rescue mission was launched to save thousands of animals from the rising Waters and this effort successfully relocated many animals to safer grounds today Lake kba remains a vital source of hydroelectric power providing electricity to both Zambia and Zimbabwe but it’s also become established as a hub of ecological and economic activity the lake supports a vibrant fishing industry with species such as tiger fish tilapia and Kenta which has helped local communities Thrive the lake and its surrounding areas are also home to countless species of birds mammals and reptiles and it’s probably best known for its supporting population of Nile crocodiles and hippos but the islands and Shores are visited by elephants Buffalo and various Antelope species too making it a great place to see those incredible animals tourism has then become a major industry around the lake with the lake stunning scenery and Wildlife attracting visitors from all over the world house boating is a unique and popular way to explore the lake allowing tourists to navigate the vast Waters while enjoying Comforts of Home fishing Safaris game viewings and photographic safaris are other popular activities the Lakes Islands such as the matusadona national park in Zimbabwe offer exceptional opportunities for wildlife viewing tourists do bring in much needed funds to the region but local authorities have prioritized protecting the balance between visitor needs and the ongoing ecological security of the lake and the surrounding areas development is therefore Limited in the hopes that this will remain a wildlife sanctuary as well as a provider of Fresh Water and Electric electricity for decades to come thanks for watching Everybody I’ll see you next time thank you to our channel members


    1. What beautiful lakes and surrounding areas. Very impressive! Thank you very much for one of the best international tours I've ever seen! 😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤😎😎😎

    2. Check the lady bower near Sheffield uk once a small village that was made into a Reservoir when it’s low in the summer you can see bits of the old church worth a look if you’ve not seen before 👍🏼

    3. Wow, stunningly and breathtakingly gorgeous, thank you so much for sharing! My bucket list grew after watching, added #14 Blue Lagoon in Iceland, I’ve heard many beneficial benefits from the lake too, hopefully it’ll help my severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis like it has others!

    4. Lol all the idots in the comments says the lakes are beautiful have no idea wtf problems itll cause when they dry up and will happen russias largest lake os almost dry and thats in a dry airied area same place most theses lakes are built so wtf you think will happen when the water drys up and humans are stupid to build dams im not environmentalist but if the areas dry it should stay that way and if your dumb enough to live there then thats your choice shouldnt destroy the world for humans benifit think our kind has done enough at this point

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