Check out our previous episode on the Haunted Monte Cristo Homestead here:

    This week on Believing the Bizarre we have three incredibly alien encounters that took place in France.

    Our first story takes place in the summer of 1944, when 13-year-old Madeleine Arnoux was on a bicycle ride to pick up food from a nearby farm. 
    During a brief rest in a meadow, she stumbled upon a strange, metallic craft and tiny humanoid creatures dressed in brown one-piece suits.

    Frozen in fear, Madeleine eventually fled the scene, keeping her encounter a secret for nearly 30 years before finally sharing her story with the world.

    Fast forward to 1954, when railway worker Marius Dewilde experienced a chilling encounter near his home in Nord, France. One night, his dog’s incessant barking led him to discover a strange object and two small humanoid figures near the railroad tracks.

    Paralyzed by a beam of light from the object, Marius helplessly watched as the beings boarded their craft and ascended into the night sky. In the aftermath of the incident, investigators discovered physical evidence supporting Marius’s account, solidifying his place in UFO history.

    Our final story takes us to the picturesque region of Valensole, France, where farmer Maurice Masse had a close encounter of the third kind in July 1965. While taking a cigarette break, Masse noticed an oval-shaped object landing in a nearby lavender field, accompanied by two humanoid figures.

    When one of the figures raised a cylindrical device, Masse was struck by a beam that left him paralyzed on the ground. As the figures boarded their craft and flew away, they left behind physical evidence that would later support Masse’s incredible story.

    These three extraordinary French alien encounters serve as a testament to the enduring mystery and allure of UFOs in France and beyond.

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    have you ever witnessed something unexpected while walking through the woods are we being visited by creatures from another galaxy what would you do if an entity completely paralyzed your body have you ever witnessed something unexpected while walking through the woods are we being visited by creatures from another galaxy what would you do if an entity completely paralyzed your body today we test the believability of the mateline our new Mary wild and Maurice Moss alien [Music] encounters welcome to believing the bizaar where we dive into the unknown and the unusual and tell you whether or not we find it believable that is right we got aliens today that’s the through line the second through line is they’re all taking place in France they’re French aliens no the people are French oh okay they might be French you know what I’m sorry they might be French aliens are they aliens then yes instead of abducting your cow they’re they’re not abducting the cows they’re abducting the cheese I love a good Bri so yeah three stories they’re a little bit on the shorter end so it felt good to pair them up all take place in France so that’s how I sleep at night knowing that there’s some connection to these stories sure for random connections for a complete episode reminder for all y’all out there well first of all you know what first of all if you caught us May 3rd for believing the boozar we appreciate you we thank you I’ve just sobered up we got through it Charlie is now finally sober if you haven’t seen it and you want to go back and and enjoy it you can do so on YouTube we have the whole thing up on YouTube it’s all up there now you can’t win the giveaway those are already done don’t message me and be like hey around the 2our and 12 minute Mark I said this it’s too late it’s too late but you can go back and watch it um I’m excited that we got some alien stories sources include strange strange strange Mary Evans picture book list verse and Link Springer strange strange strange sounds like a place you shouldn’t go after dark while listening to sing sing sing yes so this first story involves mateline are new and if you’re wondering how that’s spelled it’s a r n o u x it wasn’t but now I know an so this takes place in 1944 in uh tonu 1944 during the war yeah I I I mentioned that in here oh okay sorry I didn’t me to your no no no no no no I’m I’m I knew that you would call that out okay me reading it the first time I’m like la la that’s interesting I wonder what France was like in 19 it was real bad yeah so during the summer of 44 in rural France 13-year-old mateline was going about her business on a hot afternoon going to pick up some food at a nearby Farm avoiding Germans yeah this is around World War II and some sources consider that where meline was going in this Farm it was Black Market food that she was picking up yeah that makes sense that makes a lot of sense cuz everything was rationed yes which sucks and distributed to the Germans they got it first oh yeah what leftovers do you think it was like the ends the Crusty Parts the rat it’s like the stems of the broccoli G yeah you don’t want that although I actually quite enjoy the stems do you you open a frozen bag and it’s all stems I’m like I want my money no I don’t I don’t I don’t cook frozen broccoli I make I get it fresh and I cut it you’ve never bought a frozen bag of broccoli not in many many years okay so anyway in the sweltering heat meline was riding her bicycle pedaling harder and harder to get there quickly so she can make this trip over quickly cuz the sun was beaten down however she hit a point where she felt a bit exhausted likely due to the Heat and noticed that there was a nearby Meadow that bordered the woods on her biking path so she decided what harm would it be to take a small break cool down in the shade from the trees and pick a few berries cuz there were supposedly some berries over there black market Underground dark web berries but the berries weren’t as readily available as she hoped but seeking them out she began making her way down a trail that led off into these trees and at this point the Curiosity got the best of her she kept walking and walking forgetting about the berries and the farm and found herself more entranced following this path and the trail veered off and disappeared around a Bend through the trees as she reached the curve it was at this point that she noticed something incred ibly strange mateline claimed that sitting just a few hundred met away was something that she’d never seen before it was something gray round and metallic something around the size of a standard car she described the outer layer of this craft as appearing very smooth but it had no visible openings doors or Windows as she was studying the spacecraft in awe something moved and caught her eye she realized that she was not alone in the woods surrounding this craft were tiny humanoid creatures she claimed that they were only about 1 M or so tall and they were dressed in brown one piece suits here’s a quote from meline they did not make any gesture in my direction and as to me I was frozen on the spot how much time did this Mutual observation last I cannot say but I remember the oppressive atmosphere still worsened by the thundery weather and of my impression to be unable to move suddenly I managed to react and wanted to pick up my bicycle again which lay within just a few meters the time to bend down and by looking up at the strange appearance again there was nothing more only at this place the trees were agitated by a violent wind I did not think of looking up in the air where I would have undoubtedly still seen the machine which flew away go ahead so she’s walking through the woods yeah she sees this metallic craft yeah and it’s strange there’s no doors there no windows but then she notices I don’t know if she’s looking up or just the distance she sees these one meter tall creatures in brown suits and she’s like frozen whether it’s fear or something else Frozen feels unable to move the weather all of a sudden gets really intense and thundery as she says and she goes finally is like released from the spell goes to get her bicycle looks up and they’re gone but also aware she didn’t want to look up up cuz she thought the ship would be up there well she said undoubtedly the machine which flew away so she’s maybe she like caught it out of the corner of her eye I don’t know like yeah kind of like a note when there’s that scene um when the light when uh the almost one of the first times spoil alert I guess when the farm like he’s at the end of the farm and he sees them like practicing and the lights get really bright yeah and then they dim and he looks and he just sees it like kind of float off I don’t know man this story she s she’s she’s talking about going through the woods and like there’s this tunnel there’s no tunnel there’s no tunnel it’s a trail okay there’s no tunnel felt like it like tunneled out to me no whatever you’re trying to change this into there’s no tunnel just saying nope just a trail and a flying saucer Charlie sounds a little bit like fairies to me small little guys in suits I don’t know I’m just saying so uh understandably she’s freaked out and terrified and and she says the B and rode her bicycle home as quickly as she could yeah apparently also deciding to leave the black market milk and cheese behind to she didn’t bring the food back no she never even made it there she stopped for the berries on the way so she went home man is it makes me think of this like Rebel cow and a trench coat and he like opens up his coat and he got one of those like Dean cart watches it’s like milk cartons give me that 2% uh so she’s pedaling yeah fast trying to get away from the spacecraft and those creatur at the time she feared that no one would believe her her friends wouldn’t believe her her parents wouldn’t believe her so she’s thinking what’s the point of telling anyone at all just so they can make fun of her or you know there’s just nothing good that come from it plus there’s all this other things happening too yeah like whole War when war is happening you want to be like but aliens she also wasn’t like super aware of aliens at this point either it’s not like now right right right so she ended up keeping this encounter to herself for many years trying her best to repress and forget that it ever happened and again she’s 13 this is the 40s there’s no X Files there’s no Invader Zim like she has nothing to draw it to you know we have so much media and stories and the internet and YouTube and Tik Tok where we can be like oh those are the signs of an alien like no it’s F but you know she didn’t have that she she had nothing she had farms and baguettes so what was she thinking then it was something strange just something strange just something strange Supernatural it was something unusual and I don’t want to bring it up because it freaks me out and no one’s probably going to believe me anyways okay for now but eventually as she grew older and wiser she learned more about UFO phenomena and realized that a lot of those stories and descriptions matched her own experience to a te so here’s another quote from mateline quote a long time I thought of this strange encounter and then I forgot it it was necessary that one starts to speak of the quote flying saucers for me to make a link and that I think that I had undoubtedly seen one of these mysterious UFOs and so many years the image is still very clear in my memory and I know I had not dreamed and that what I saw in wood that day was not nothing quote known it could not have been a vehicle of that time moreover they were rather rare so that I undoubtedly identified the place of the encounter was deserted the way leads into the wood the closest Farms were at one kilometer we were in 1944 the men of the resistance were numerous in the area but it could not have been any of them neither German soldiers and undoubtedly one or the others would have called me it is thus necessary to think that I witnessed one of the first visits of UFOs unquote yeah this was before Roswell isn’t it the same year does that happened 1944 yeah I thought it happened after the nuke that yeah I no it’s maybe it was 47 yeah cuz I thought it was the big deal about Roswell is because they had started to come yeah because we had used the nuke yeah because this is a year before if you didn’t know spoiler yeah Ros it was 47 okay so so this is before Roswell she’s like uh dib’s first one yeah first comment you know although I wonder if like it’s so let’s pretend right now they are aliens and not what I think they are do you think they’re observing the War essentially like I’m glad you brought up Roswell cuz that is a good narrative that I don’t think I would have just thought of on my own yeah maybe they’re like this this shit’s crazy yeah this this is popping off this is crazy this is insane but I wonder if it’s because they are observing this war they knew something was going to happen or they even had more Intel I don’t know or less it might have been like there’s a disturbance happening on this planet let’s check it out yeah this dude’s mustache is way too small I love watching uh war movies so maybe they just like watching they’re just like you they’re like have you seen Dunkirk I’ve seen the real that’s not what what uh uh Sav private riting that’s a World War II isn’t it so is Dunkirk is it Dunkirk I haven’t seen either I’ve seen sorry I’ve seen Saving Private writing there’s the the Normandy scene is insane yes it is it’s like the first scene in that movie yeah okay that’s how it starts it’s been a long time that’s how it starts it’s why it’s so but yeah it’s imagine but back to my point I wonder if they’re observing because of this disturbance I think it’s a good theory I mean but it’s also well I don’t know like 40s through the 70s aliens are just popping off man it’s like like you know it’s you know what it is it’s like when a highway reroutes you know there’s a detour it’s like instead of taking the highway straight we’re fixing this road and you got to you got to take Exit 12 that’s your detour so you’re going to go through these side streets that you’ve never gone through before to get back on the highway and but it’s only going to be for a couple months and for them it’s like okay here’s the alien highway oh no Galactic construction so for 30 years you’re going to have to go past Earth and they’re like well we might as well check it out okay it’s the world’s smallest mustache I thought that’s what you were going with that that make I I don’t think that there’s been [ __ ] since the 70s I’m just saying 40s through the 70s is like nonstop I mean it could if you if you don’t believe in aliens and you think it’s government technology MH that also fits then cuz that’s a a time of a lot of Rapid production there but I mean I’m not saying there hasn’t been alien things since but also it’s like well you know then they’re like well remember that one place we went in the 40s check that place out again let’s also talk about the size of these things one meter one meter that she saw from all 100 meters away yeah she forgot that she mentioned she brought her binoculars Berry hunting yeah that’s pretty far that’s uh I think it’s like three football fields away that’s really far yeah so so maybe they weren’t one meter maybe they were smaller there’s no way they’re small or they were bigger they had to be bigger they must have been bigger yeah that’s actually like that’s the most skepticism this story gets from current day ethologists is they’re like that was a really long distance that she’s making this claim yeah unless like in her defense maybe maybe she was wrong about that like that could have been a a terrible estimate and we joke and and honestly also believe that some of the estimates that people make in these stories we talk about her like how did you just whip that out but we are also people that can’t just eye things like that maybe mine’s not either yeah she’s 13 she doesn’t know she’s probably on her phone she didn’t even see that it’s just a piece of wood just looking back over the note a few hundred that’s so far that’s crazy man she she had been mistaken and and that’s meters are big meters are I know it’s a dumb thing to say that way but meters meters meters big meters are big like I don’t think I’m even two meters tall we’re not we’re not I think I think that used to be like six two or something to be a couple meters tall okay so back back to the story so she’s like it wasn’t German soldiers I I’ve now seen other examples of UFO phenomenon yeah I believe that’s what I saw so she’s like I got to do something about this I got to tell someone so almost 30 years after her berry picking UFO experience she wrote a letter to ethologist named Fernand lagard her experience that she detailed in the letter ended up being published in the French euphology magazine lumier Don lanui which something in the night while she received some feedback mail no one ever visited mateline or went to her property to investigate probably because it’s almost 30 years old in my opinion it’s not like it lives there it was it was like are you going to look for markings on the ground from 30 years ago but here’s another quote from meline quote whereas I received a lot of mail after the publication of the article in question many wrote to me to interrogate me and asked me to report the facts I was even told that a young man of tulan Sir aru studying with the UCLA University of Los Angeles a few years later had read my article in an American magazine in the very library of this prestigious University but it seems that my modest person did not interest the investigators for never nobody came to to my home whether some journalists came on the spot that is quite possible but they never met with me I went back to the place myself 10 years ago everything was changed and if I did not have the memory of this true photographic impression of the scene from July of 1944 I could not have recognized anything unquote so even the vegetation the the trail the woods kind of it’s a McDonald’s now it’s interesting though I just I mean just how time changes things and she’s like it’s all different I do would it really matter anyway though well there’d be the Nostalgia aspect of it like if you had a traumatic event somewhere and you went back and it look the same it probably would hit you harder than if it looks completely different like you know how in like Grand Theft Auto 5 they completely changed Grove Street which is the dumbest thing they could have done you tell me like if you can go back to original location different game in a future game keep it the same that’s Metal Gear Solid 4 did that really well with Shadow Moses I’ll just leave it that so she was kind of bummed no one went and talked to her she wanted that clout yeah she did you get vibes of that in this like no one came to talk to me I reached out I was the first UFO experience here yeah it’s you know you can see it you can see it she wants it and apparently in 1996 she reached out to a different ethologist Michelle figu and claimed that there actually was another possible UFO sighting in 1942 in tulon sir aru oh and here’s what she wrote to Michelle quote I might had something all the same to bring back facts that came back to my memory after the publication of the article which perhaps does not have any relationship with the occurrence but which are rather odd a few years before I.E the first years of the war perhaps in 1942 almost every evening during the summer I think and during several days in a row the district where I lived with my parents the suburb was in agitation indeed we managed to observe a whitish glean slightly Shining moon in the sky roughly at a point located in the Northwest this gleam was motionless sometimes seemed to die out a little and then was revived needless to tell you that each evening there was a gathering of all of the district and everyone went out with their comments and guesses admittedly compromising only tethered balloons A zeppelin a blimp I know that courageous young men went in that day to check the surroundings and never saw anything now I’m about sure that in straight line the place where we could see this luminous and fixed object was located in the vertical of the place where I saw just a few years later my UFO was there a connection between these occurrences did they observe us already from above before landing unquote so they’re seeing this like moonlike object silver disc in the sky and she claims that vertically like if you go and drop straight down 90° that was almost right about where she had her experience two years later but but why why though that’s the weirdest part like why never get the why but this random spot in the middle of France where wouldn’t be random you know what I mean like any location you pick is you know what I mean it’s like it it feels random but anywhere unless it’s like New York Paris La well Paris it’s right there yeah but I mean there maybe they don’t want to be observed so they’re going somewhere rural makes sense any I’m just I’m I’m just saying anywhere would feel a little random unless it was like I guess so like um when we did the Battle of um Frankfurt m that felt random everything Kelly Hopkinsville you know uh Point Pleasant all these places are random unless you go into like LEL lines that’s maybe this is on a line maybe I don’t know I think that magazine was illumination of the night sure that sounds good I think so it’s a good name we should make that American version the nightly illumination there we go let’s just call it the Illuminati what do you think I’m into it yeah over the years meline had discounted those who wondered whether maybe she just saw German sold or perhaps members of the French Resistance or even that she imagined the whole thing and she’s just crazy but she always states that if it was soldiers whether it’s resistance or German they very well would have approached her even though they were like hundred met away yeah he’s like is that something over there he’s like I can’t sell yeah just probably have black market berries I feel like if it was like Germans they just would have shot her Maybe not maybe not I don’t know so that’s mine’s story let’s move on to our second French Alien [Music] Encounter all right this story is about Marius the Wild and it takes place in 1954 yes it is chronological and yes this also is in France yes I can’t think of anything significant that happened in 1954 maybe I’m just being silly so it was a cool September evening in 1954 when Mar St wild a dedicated Railway worker was settling in for the night in his home near a railway station in Nord France okay I have trouble with Railway real world I notice I Railway yeah it’s R it’s very silly that’s silly so while preparing for sleep he had no idea how remarkable this evening would be right around 10:30 p.m. marius’s faithful dog began to bark hysterically and this was very unusual of his pup drop the dog’s name I don’t have the dog this was very unusual of his pup according to Marius at first he tried to ignore all the commotion but as The Barking persisted he knew that something was going on so he groggy got out of bed grabbed his flashlight and ventured outside to see what was going on suck what’s going on dude the world of flashlights is insane we are so lucky with our f phones oh yeah we always have a flashlight my my uh my my father-in-law Jim carried a flashlight for I think he still has a flashlight that he has in the car but he he was very adamant that we should get flashlights in our house I did not get flashlights in my house no I uh when I go up to bed for my with my son I tell him to get his flashlight out cuz it’s dark in the hallway yeah so I get my phone out he just puts his hand out like it’s a flashlight so dog’s barking gets his flashlight trying to figure out what is going on thinking it’s probably is a stray cat or some other animal running around so as he approached the tracks cuz he’s right by the railway tracks um just about 6 or seven met away significantly closer the mine story Marius spotted a Strang looking object near these tracks not only did he see something but he heard something too footsteps behind him so he swung around swung his flashlight around and he came face to face with two small humanoid figures each standing about 1 M tall their heads when illuminated by marius’s flashlight reflected the light as if they were wearing mirror helmets before Marius could react a beam of light shot out of the object on the tracks and just absolutely paralyzed him so he’s Frozen he’s Frozen in place unable to move at all if I remember correctly this is dating a little bit here that’s kind of like what happened in pasula right yeah cuz Charlie and mhm the other guy yeah Frozen and they got carried now in this case that’s not what happened his flashlight he noticed that he was holding flickered and completely went out like the battery just completely got drained so he’s helpless and he watched as this door open on the object by the tracks and these mysterious beings boarded the craft as it ascended into the sky the object changed colors leaving Mar’s uck despite this very horrifying situation as it was Rising flying away a few moments later later his body was released when he finally regained his Mobility Marius rushed to tell his wife and the neighbor in that order about this incredible encounter but neither of them had seen or heard a thing desperate for someone to believe him Marius contacted the local police to his surprise which is fair to have a surprise reaction the officers arrived at the scene when I got my car broken into they’re like what do you want me to do about I should have said there’s an alien in our parking lot and they came they came and said wow this is incredible this is interesting what was the point well they found Marius well he was just going to talk through what happened yeah cuz he feels a little violated he was frozen and he saw these beings he’s one meter tall I’ve never T I’ve never called the police to talk through anything you’ve never called the police to talk through anything what does that mean like to talk through a situation like like a good friend or a counselor I had to call the police one time with Ethan when I was walking Annie and it was very weird cuz it had nothing to do with me but I’m a big night walker and my friend Ethan was walking this like 2019 yeah and we were walking with my dog at the time and we just heard a woman shouting things falling over so we called 911 it was weird cuz it’s like it wasn’t had nothing to do with us he was like yeah what are you guys doing I like we’re just walking what do you mean he was like where are you at and it was like the corner of this and this and let me tell you in like less than 90 seconds two cop cars came like jump in the bushes and just like peek no we we stayed on well we stayed out on the sidewalk waiting to see if the police officers wanted to talk with us but they were very focused on the house one went around the back one went in the front so we were like okay two cops came neither of them stopped to talk to us I was like okay let’s just quietly walk into the night do domestic violence is a very dangerous situation oh it’s I mean it’s scary and it’s like and I feel bad if it was like I was wrong but I’d rather be wrong than than than something worse happened yeah very least they broke something very heavy in the house so anyways cops come cuz they want to check in on the situation he no one’s believing him either he needs that validation he got frozen his flashlights dead yeah someone needs to pay so the cops come and one interesting detail is obviously they’re like well show us where it happened what went down Marius could not approach the exact spot where it happened every time he got near it it was just this intense nausea really but it was like clear clear cut like he moved it was fine got closer to it nauseous so he literally couldn’t I mean he probably could give him a garbage can or something but he he resisted the urge because of his body to go back to that exact location I wonder if it’s like a radiation field or something I mean it something entered his body yeah and it froze him or it affected his body so that would make sense I have a very real but maybe stupid question how do they have batteries then for the flashlight or like how how do they charge in the okay I did not know yeah I don’t know if it was like Energizer Bunny but there was something it was a crank he cranked it for hours before bed you crank it just in might have to use the bathroom yeah that’s why he was so mad that they died yeah he’s got huge biceps though so he can’t approach the spot his flashlights dead his telephone was no longer working so because of those little details these police officers were like I actually believe this guy I don’t think this is a hoax so as Dawn broke investigators began swarming the area and a passing train came to a screeching halt on the tracks which made a really loud noise but it was approaching the site of the encounter and there was something that stopped the train so upon closer inspection a 6m depression was discovered on the exact spot where the object had landed and small rocks beneath the train tracks were found to be carbonized and the sleepers between the steel lines were symmetric marks so there was actual physical evidence both in the rocks and the tracks in the surrounding dirt area that something landed wow what’s a sleeper is that like a person that’s some detail of a train track if anyone out there has ever laid train tracks that aren’t Tonka you probably have you know sleeper is I’ll be honest I actually Wikipedia sleeper afterwards and once it started saying it was part of it I’m like that’s fine that’s all I need to know part tra track some stuff I try to understand some stuff I’m fine knowing that’s fine yeah and that that stays in the knowing category so the incident quickly gained notoriety thanks to the local magazine radar within days of the initial experience he found himself surrounded by government investigators the Press onlookers everybody that mateline wanted how however you it’s all within her reach but she never got it well you know six meters is a little bit different yes it is than several hundred however the first story didn’t end there in the days that followed marus suffered respiratory problems and tragically his dog the one that was barking hysterically died just 3 days after the encounter no and then nearby Farms reported mysterious deaths of three cows claiming that their blood was inexplicably drained yo that’s bad black market product yeah but somehow someway that is the end of marius’s story what that’s the end that’s where we stop his story that’s where we stop his story surprisingly similar to mine’s story oh yeah France 1 meter Frozen you know that’s a detail that was like it was not clearcut in mine’s cuz she is frozen but the impression isn’t that they force her to be frozen it comes across that she was frozen in fear but it’s never explicitly stated could have just been it could have been the same thing through line and she didn’t have a flashlight it’s true but if she did I feel like well been dead I don’t know cuz it’s pretty far it’s pretty long distance the range on that thing huh yeah I don’t I don’t know how long they’re battery draining like my camera over here man that’s crazy yeah this story is freaky it sucks that like it has like that blackeyed kid effect afterwards it’s like he had respiratory problems it makes you feel like like I think when you’re talking about did you say radiation yes yeah it really seems like and they didn’t give him that metal plate either you know like the dentist like this is he’s like bite down on this this is it seems like there really was an A Lasting effect cuzz sometimes when you hear about and this is an abduction story but sometimes when you hear about abduction stories it’s like they use jelly or there’s like a gas but it almost makes it seem like when it’s done it’s kind of like you’re good like the guy whose name you can’t remember from past goul I know he like poured bleach on himself but it seems like outside of traumatic memories and dreams physically and they might have little marks like you know like on their neck or their legs or something they might have a mark but it didn’t seem to have this type of like lasting radiation like the dog maybe the radiation killed the dog but since the Marius was bigger it only gave him respiratory problems I don’t know if radiation can do that but I don’t know yeah well I’m using radiation as a very loose term because clearly it’s not like the same thing that would happen if you go to the dentist or get an x-ray I just mean like some whatever Force they used on him to freeze him yeah and maybe that was like Last Resort for them to like it’s like when you stun something I don’t want to kill him but we got to stop him this is a two it’s a coupe we only got two seats he can’t come with us all right so let’s get into our third and final French Alien Encounter of the evening or the morning or the mid afternoon time it is whenever you’re listening to this whatever year it is it could be it could be 2028 favorite number 28 not the 2028 2028 I do want to think about that so this is a little bit of a shorter encounter so I’m going to read this um from list of verse and this is Maurice Moss’s encounter quote in July of 1965 a very weird series of events went down in the region of valeno France it all started in the small village and on July 1st 1965 a farmer by the name of Maurice Moss was taking a cigarette break for starting his morning chores as he puffed out wisps of smoke in the air some something caught his attention through the haze of cigarette smoke and he could see some sort of strange object descend from the sky to land in a field of lavender flowers not too far away we don’t know how many meters we just give or take at this point he did not take it to be a UFO thinking it instead maybe to be a helicopter but when he extinguished his smoke and took a look out across the field his eyes met with an oval-shaped object perched up on four leg likee apparatuses stranger still was that there appeared to be two humanoid figures standing in front of it the Figures were described as standing approximately 4T high and dressed in tight gray green clothes seemingly not human their heads were oversized and bald holding within them large almond-shaped eyes and small pointed chins and they seem to be making some sort of low grumbling noise as the farmer stood there mouth AAP in awe one of these curious figures allegedly turned to him and raised into the air a device of some kind which looked cylindrical and pencil-like in nature before Moss could even really register what was going on he says that the device projected some sort of beam that caused him to lose all control of his Limbs and go crumpling to the ground in a heap he would would claim that as he lay there in a days the figures boarded their craft then flew off at great speed at a later time it was discovered that the ground had a deep indentation in it and hardened area like concrete it would also be found that Moss was honest very sincere and was considered to be telling the truth unquote 4 feet tall is about 1 meter it’s a little higher than it you know that’s a good call some people already you got to remind them we’re talking feet meters it’s right around the same you know they could be just one tall he drank his his uh space milk got a good rest although I wonder if if the freezing is similar to this pent penel object like I wonder if there’s also a connection there I don’t know this is also I mean this is 20 years in advance this is 20 years after matalin’s and 10 years or so after Maurice’s or sorry after marius’s I don’t know it’s it’s interesting because not like yes they’re alien stories yes they take place in France like those that that’s a clear through line and I said at the top and it’s obvious but also silvercraft y tiny entities anywhere between three and 5T 3 and four feet yeah and all of the three people are physically affected some way or another it’s either Frozen Frozen or like crumpled to a heat but that’s just maybe how his body took it yeah exactly me just a different kind of effect it’s interesting too cuz like in throughout these three stories we went from meline who’s like this is strange I don’t know what this is but it seems Supernatural whatever that means to Maurice’s in 1965 where he’s like aware of what UFOs are and he’s like I don’t think it’s UFO it’s probably a helicopter without any propeller and then it lands cuz his smoke is just so thick right he’s really blown he’s doing some Gandalf just he’s just puffing clouds and uh yeah so those are our Three French alien encounters not UFO encounters technically yes technically they are UFO encounters but we’re going a step further we’re calling them alien encounters let’s talk about it in the discussion all right before we get to the discussion we would like to stop the episode and thank our newest patrons who as of the recording of this podcast include Caitlyn as pickle Lauren Jessica and Miranda thank you so much for joining our patreon there’s so much bonus content we love everything that we put out we will explain a little bit more shortly but one thing that I would like to highlight it’s actually coming up this month we got to we got to drop our prompt hopefully by the time this comes out we did it’s called voicemail clip I was so scared you’re going to take mine no voicemail clip so we got a we got a phone number we were not going to answer it we got a we got a phone number I don’t answer my phone number I’m not going to answer this phone number it doesn’t ring I have the app on my phone it doesn’t ring yeah so but we give you a prompt so it’s like what’s your favorite horror movie or like what’s your favorite btb episode or something like that you call you leave your voicemail on this segment we listen to your voicemail respond to it talk about it it’s a lot of fun it’s another fun way to engage with listeners in in a specific way of like you know question answer type of thing it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot of fun it’s really cool it’s C cool to hear different voices what would you like to highlight well something I want to highlight I just want to point out that in the whole time we’ve been doing the patreon highlights we’ve only come across each other’s highlight a couple times Oh you mean we’re like when I say my highlight is the one you had prepared yeah that and you got to quickly think of something else that almost never but we offer so much it’s so hard to narrow it down on that’s my point we do have so much like that never happens but something I want to highlight it’s also coming out this month is the mini encounter episodes mine it’s going to be my m so I’m really excited about it we we created like 15 pieces of bonus content before we finally list into you guys we were like what do you guys want to hear and you’re like mini episodes like okay want what do you really want to hear you want director’s cut and do you want this and they’re like no we want mini mini encounter episodes so we were like okay okay we’ll do it all right we figured it out and they’re actually really cool they’re fun sometimes they’re themed we’ve done doppelgangers black black kids alien abductions sometimes they’re not themed but they’re just pure encounter based just extra encounters always fun so such a good time you know what else is fun patreon so a good time there’s a couple different tiers it helps helps support us a lot it means a lot to us but we also are very proud of and love the extra content we put out there so if you’re able to join awesome if not we just appreciate that you’re listening to this but again thank you everybody who has joined recently and always and let’s get back to the main episode so I think our believability scill uh that’s what we do on this podcast we talk about an episode and we go believable viable skeptical unbelievable yeah sometimes it’s obvious like we just did a True Crime Story recently and it’s like technically of it happened and sometimes we’ll do things like fairies and it’s like okay of course it’s unbeliev I’m just saying that to ruffle your feathers yes yeah they’re rough it’s always a little difficult when we do multiple yes so I’m going to do this like a weighted scale like it’s 33% across the board okay gotcha so even if you truly believe one is 100% true we’re going to do this waiting cuz we don’t post anymore it’s just for us fun to say we used to post it and those posts get like four likes it’s the same engagement so that’s okay yeah so you just you gotta listen to know all you know we do is we post it on Spotify now actually shout out producer Ben he shouted that out that’s good yeah so if you want to if you want to explicitly vote on what you find these episodes believable viable skeptical unbelievable go to Spotify this specific episode within 7 Days of it dropping we know you’re on Spotify we know you’re on Spotify you can vote just like you can leave a comment you can vote um so let’s go one by one by one okay so mateline 500 miles away she’s got great vision she loves carrots and she can black market carrot it’s vitamin A it’s good for your eyes isn’t it it’s a myth it was that was actually developed during World War II uh because it was said the British Pilots would eat carrots to have better night vision I thought it was because you get vitamin A from carrots and vitamin A is supposedly good for your ey good for you it’s it’s a straight up myth so broccoli doesn’t wait spinach doesn’t make me like super strong uh you can try it but I don’t think it will help not putting that my smoothies anymore so for me least believable I don’t know where I’m landing yet but the least believable just because of the distance I was going to say it comes from the distance right and the clout she’s trying she wants she wants it too bad she I know she which I learned from my years of dating in high school if you want it too bad it doesn’t happen you can come talk to me guys please they’re like she’s like they may have even came and checked out the area but no one knocked on my door and but you know what also H her head in French as a human being I get it I don’t particularly love extra attention but to a certain degree everybody wants some type of you know they they people like feeling good and when you’re noticed you know what I mean so I understand that aspect of it it’s just like it happened even the experience itself is kind of like could have just been German soldiers could have been yeah or the resistance or something and then she waits like 20 years and then once she starts seeing people getting notoriety from saying these stories then she says it yeah and then she doesn’t get the she she gets a publication which is cool she can put that on a resume oh yeah but then no one comes and she’s like oh by the way two years before that all this other stuff was happening and but then didn’t no one like cross checked it that I saw there was no one else like reaching out to the towns folk and be like did you see a silver moon thing out there that you thought might have been a a blimp or a zeppelin or a balloon but that’s the thing that like that’s not the biggest highlight of 1944 despite it you know being aliens there’s other stuff going on here is what I will give the most credit to though is that her story remarkably lines up with the other two that’s that’s true we have the same type if you can point out a meter from 100 meters away that’s fair that’s fair but let’s pretend that part is accurate okay sure let’s go on that limb the craft is similar the beings are similar and the reaction her body has to it is similar also maybe just like like if someone’s like how close for you to this you know 100 couple hundred meters you know it’s just like you just threw it out there that could like one detail that she got wrong could be the entire reason why we go under viable that’s a big that’s a big yes I’m terrible with distance I know you are too not that bad I don’t know dude you had to look up what how many meters you know what I mean like it’s I’m just saying like if that detail is off and maybe it was like 100 ft you know what I mean like what if it like in transcribing of the story to like what all it takes is one person transcribing the story to turn it to meters instead of feet now that she would say feet she would have said she wouldn’t have but it could have been trans I’m just saying translated then translated back yeah I I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt because her story does mix with the other ones but it’s just like it’s so far but that is a criticism it’s not us other ethologists do criticize the story because they’re like that is far away I’m going to throw this throw this out there she’s a little girl in France in the Woods by herself maybe she ate some berries she shouldn’t have been eating I think it’s more likely these are this is a fay trap and these are Fay than aliens I do I put that out there I go unbelievable on that come on now come on I’m going to go skeptical in general I think this is my least believable story too I I think I will’ll join you in skeptical I’m not going to go unbelievable will you who you and who I said I will join you I you said we we will all Me and Everyone listening will join you in skeptical my head uh yeah it’s I’m going give her the like it’s not unbelievable cuz it does line up with other things but we’ll go we’ll go um skeptical so our Second Story dog barking go out on the tracks yeah sees like flashlight sees this thing flashlight strained phone won’t work is frozen it R this UFO Rises up lights are flickering once it flies away he loses he gets controll again yeah cops come he’s ill when he approaches the area nausea couple days later dog dies he has respiratory problems and they find an indentation exactly where it landed on the tracks car um carbonated is that carbonated Stone you not carbonated what is the where is my room um carbon like it’s not like it’s not like bubbly carbonized sponsored by bubbly um that that was very compelling yes that was very compelling even the police officers were like wow than you SE alien bro I’m go believable I mean it’s before the during and the after it’s like and it just like nothing if you already kind of believe in aliens there’s nothing in the story that blows your mind and not in know like a like the the story is mind-blowing I’m just saying if you lay out the facts and you already buy into aliens it’s kind of like nothing is like an outlier like like they took him on a ride to Saturn game of rock and I remember that call back um so they just like popped up behind him like he was looking at the spaceship and they popped up behind him is that right they were already behind him okay he was looking cuz the dog was barking so he was searching for a noise and he was walking out there and then he heard footsteps and then he turned and he faced them that’s my worst night that’s so scary footsteps just you turn around and someone’s behind you not even an alien someone he’s saying they wore helmets that were like reflective mirrors so it’s like the light bounced back off mhm it’s a very creepy unsettling like I I don’t want to over I don’t want to understate that it’s like yeah it’s an alien story it’s cool I feel bad for the dog as well yeah but it is very creepy it’s a very I think it’s the scariest story also it’s like I don’t know if you’ve ever woken up and you slept on your arm and it’s like dead yeah and you know it’ll come back and it get tingly and it hurts but then you know it’s like you know it’ll come back eventually yeah maybe not the first time it ever happened to you but I wonder if at any moment while he’s Frozen he’s like what if this is it what if I will never unfreeze I’m sure that would go through my head you know like just how like they had to feel like claustrophobic in a way even though he’s being out but I go believable I go believable as well and then our final story it’s it’s much shorter but we got Maurice Moss smoking a cigarette you on his farm his farm you can do what he wants oh yeah also it’s the 60s everyone smok babies are you know taking a hit he he’s farming wheat we don’t know we don’t know okay under a black market jeeez no this is after that it’s very guda so he’s smoking and he sees something land um in a field of lavender flowers yeah and doesn’t think it’s a UFO at first but then he sees it and it like pulls out like a pencil like thing yeah and he like crumples to the ground yeah and while laying on the ground he sees it yeah he thing it looks like he’s like is that cloudgate from Chicago yeah this is is the type of encounter that’s like a moment like when we tell listeners during listener submissions it’s like yes like when we get like a long three-page response it’s like oh this is a full episode here but that’s not to Discount listener submission stories that are a paragraph or two because it’s like Paranormal not every paranormal story is a horror movie sometimes it’s a creepy moment that you can’t explain and that kind of is this like it it’s it’s act I mean it’s it’s insane like it like it is the story he will tell for the rest of his life if it happened to me it would forever be the craziest story that would happened to me but in this episode it’s the smallest you know you imagine though just like that moment you’re like you’re seeing something so confused and then you’re Zapped by something and then you go the down down to the ground you imagine that imagine the feeling your body it’s like your legs just give out good thing there weren’t like a big rock there big lavender Rock bubbly that’ be very scary though yeah the whole thing is scary cuz you don’t know what you’re seeing it’s you also don’t know their intentions either fear of the unknown at least they left yes they didn’t take them got my goddamn Farm that’s what he said on the ground to the dirt yeah what do you go with this one it’s a good sound Bible I’m GNA go believable again it’s just a moment what else could it be it’s either it’s like our good friend Jim Harold says either he’s lying yeah or it happened yes there’s nothing he can mistake this for True unless it’s like CIA Mi I think I don’t think he’s lying so I’m still going viable that’s fair I I probably would tooo but I’m not I’m gonna go Belial so thank you so much that is our episode on mateline AR new Marius de wild and Maurice Moss oh you’re right that is a a tongue twister it’s going to be a big old graphic it’s going to be like one of those where people take Instagram make like four blocks one piece of graphic like when you look at it like that I’m going to get a mural painted you just go like like the French UFO encounters or something like that uh because I I if you really want to know cuz if anyone searches those names oh I want this episode to pop up makes sense the French UFOs close we might do more French UFOs I you know it’s crazy that was like these were all pulled from different sources so it’s amazing like it wasn’t like I found an article that’s like I thought you that you would have one cenim like one c one meter tall UF like aliens in France like I did not find that article like these just happened that’s interesting to like the th came as I started pulling him if it’s true that’s all fake the uh the M the first thing I had was the Mad line story and I’m like this just quite isn’t enough Charles so uh who is Charles that’s the second time I’ve done that so we appreciate you guys for listening hope you enjoy this one it’s always fun to talk about aliens always a good time it’s always understated how creepy it is though because we we both get really into it and it’s a lot of fun but God damn it’s scary that Second Story especially got me and I feel bad for the dog me too but we appreciate you if you are enjoying the podcast if you’re listening on Apple you can leave a five-star review uh leave a comment anything you’re thinking about the show and if you’re listening on Spotify not only can you leave a review but you can comment specifically on each episode and last episode which was the haunted Monte Christo sandwich Homestead oh yeah you added a sandwich in there I did I appreciate every single one of you that say Cy me too there’s a lot of y’all and I appreciate each and every one of you here’s a couple of other comments we got uh wolf Co said May me want to eat a Monte kristo sandwich that’s fair Anthony said I really like this episode totally unbelievable but I really enjoyed it just one note please try and keep your friendship out of the episode haha JK that’s a great call back to one of our one star three star one star it’s aort that’s a one star yeah we’ve been told to keep our friendship at a fun story yeah we suck and finally Emma said I’m from Idaho and hearing you guys say prairie dogs are from AFC am made my soul leave my body I said they were from America First listen I do not want Charlie I’m not taking Charlie down with me on that I will take complete ownership to be fair question it though to be fair and I was still wrong but I was thinking of mircat yes you in my head I was saying prairie dog but in my head I was picturing a mircat this my wife’s favorite animal I think the mircat was the thing I was thinking about in The Cleveland Museum they’re very similar animal the zoo oh my god well they probably something in the museum from Timone right he’s he’s aan in the museum I don’t know which M the Children’s Museum but seriously we appreciate you also you know what if you don’t want to leave your review if you’ve already left a review share with a friend you know if you have if you’re in a paranormal Circle if you’re having a night alone and or not alone with someone else and you’re playing games or want to whip out the Ouija board or or you’re watching horror movies you know if you just like hey if you’re into paranor podcast check out believe in bizar Word of Mouth goes a long way and there’s no way for us to track it but we appreciate you for doing that and it means a lot and also I think friends trust friends that suggest things that’s true I I trust Tyler with many things yeah when I tell him to listen to sports podcast I know he listens to every single one oo I try and if you’re all cut up on all our episodes this is like the last one you’re like oh God what do I do now I got good news what’s the good news there’s a whole patreon we’ve been building up for years now at this point hell yeah we put I think you said before s to eight pieces of content out a month seven to 10 give us some credit here we put a lot out we put a lot out on patreon Charlie the only time Charlie leaves his editing desk is to come here and record a new episode uh sometimes it feels like that but yeah that’s cuz I locked the door see you soon Charlie but yeah we’ve got a lot going on patreon if you want to join us there that would be awesome if you don’t you just want to listen to the regular feed we’d love to have you there as well absolutely so thank you guys thank you for listening to the podcast that exclusively buys our berries on the black Market M as always I’m Tyler I’m Charlie and catch us next week on believing the bizarre podcast as bizarre As You Are [Music]

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