Ever wanted to know the essential bike handling skills and tips that a pro cyclist suggests? Today, we have Tour de France legend Pat Jonker to tell us exactly that! 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️ In this episode, I tackle a basic obstacle course to improve my bike handling skills and learn how mastering slow-speed maneuvers can improve high-speed handling and performance. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, these fundamental skills can prevent falls and boost your confidence on the road. From avoiding common cycling hazards to challenging exercises for all ages, this video has everything you need to become a pro cyclist.

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    [Music] hey everybody welcome back to Road cycling with Pat hi saraphina thanks for having me on a show look what you’re wearing and look what I’m wearing you’re like typically like Australian I think and I’m a tough kiwi yeah that’s right kiwi Australian um if anything’s under 20° we you wear warm clothing it’s too cold yeah maybe on queenslander down deep down I am getting a little bit more of a wuss now but yeah I might have little Goosebumps right now so but yeah look at you you’re all rugged up you’re Mrs whm Hof so what have you got for us today when I started riding my road bike for the first time which was a big deal going from a BMX bike to a bike with drop bars we started off simple skills basic skills and that can be done with a really easy obstacle course which we see at the back of us so your basic 101 obstacle course I guess the interesting thing is um when you do a a l a lot of maneuvering with the bike at slow speed which we’re doing today it actually translates in helping you handle the bike at high speed because it’s more difficult to keep your bike in balance at very low speed and than it is at a at a higher speed so I think um a lot of people could do with a little bit of skills training I um you know still see a lot of people here in adelade that you know falling off the bike because they didn’t maneuver around a pothole or uh a rock or they didn’t see it just doing some basic skills stuff like we’re going to do today here at Vic Park is something that can help everyone so I hope they everyone benefits a bit yeah I like that because sometimes when like going up hill I’ve got to you know it’s really Steep and you’re going slow or you’re coming up to a corner and some lights or you know in the bike PS you and and sometimes you you don’t realize that you can actually go quite slow cuz usually I’ll be like a and I’m cliping it’s like okay I’ll just walk but I’ve learned I don’t have to do that learn to go slow and not fall off and then you can go fast so learn the basics go slow don’t fall off learn about twists and turns and and get that going no matter how old you are whether you’re a kid or you’re some 60 70 80 year old you’re never too old to learn basic skills so you’re going to show us and then I’m going to have a go is that right that’s right okay all right let’s do it good luck where’s it where’s the hospital I’m scared [Music] I might have made it too high for myself [Music] it’s a bit tighter than I thought [Music] oh my goodness I you expect me to do that yeah it’s a bit tighter than I thought normally for a beginner session there’s a little bit more room like a bike length but uh try I’m going to try it but my eyesight’s not that good anymore so you just you just want to like you know you want to see me fall over I think I just I reckon got to get rid of this one this one was um just not possible to do that and and the idea is yeah to to go around I think it really should be a bike length really which I haven’t done but you just want to around to the right to the right to the right go around all of them yeah yeah you can follow me so one [Music] two this is hard ones here yeah [Music] yeah y you did it but you touched the ground you got to remember when you touch the ground [Music] is oh I can’t go right oh my God I can’t go right yeah everyone has a favorite left right right funny [Music] yeah I think you’re doing this on you’ve got an evil gleam in your eye I got stuck a bit it a little bit too difficult for me that one for even for you so yeah yeah so um normally a bike length in between the cones and you can make whatever pattern you like there’s no wrong pattern uh it’s more about twisting and turning at very slow speed which is more difficult than you than at a faster speed if you’re a beginner you don’t need to click in the idea is to go around everyone without touching it and and I think people stop pedaling you got to keep p lit difficult it’s a bit harder than I thought it’s quite hard but that’s what it’s supposed to it’s supposed to be a challenge am I I don’t even know what I’m doing yet oh see how hard it is I think it’s something you need to practice more and more yeah yeah didn’t fall though that’s the main thing so I think the basic most basic things can be very difficult so I think you need to come here and probably twice a day that was really hard I can’t believe like you would I mean I’ve been riding for years and I ride everywhere but when it comes to simple stuff like this like I am actually not that good yeah yeah like so this is basic 101 here Rick Park coming your viewers are welcome to come along one day look uh it’s all about doing the simple stuff correctly first and to be honest no one really teaches here in Australia and this is what they do in Europe and uh when I was a kid I lived there for a few years in Holland and obviously it’s the capital of the bicycle is Holland Amsterdam and this is what we did every Saturday morning so when I was 12 years old every Saturday morning there’ll be all sorts of little obstacle courses so before you get out there riding your bike on a gravel mountain bike Road um you kind of need to start at the beginning and this is the beginning it’s really hard but it’s good because yeah like there’s so many especially when you’re Road riding there’s obstacles everywhere there’s potholes there’s sticks there’s cars there’s Corners there’s slippery things if it’s raining so it makes complete sense to do this and I didn’t realize I didn’t realize how bad I was going to you be all right it’s still 6 hours of daylight left little try keep trying never give up let’s do it again let’s [Music] go oh my goodness how do I yeah so that one could have given you a bit more room and I’m on the brake so is that right like I’m using the brake like this SL I just got my half the brake on I mean you should be doing it without touching the brakes without touching the brakes yep yeah cuz you’ve been riding a few years yeah yep I’m scared that my my um this is going to hit the feel yeah it feels like my foot’s going toing it’s easier on your bike I think it to begin with it’s fine to do it unclipped unclipped I had this one unclipped and okay so for people when they want to try this at home you get cones or you can even get rocks or stone or wood or something and space it out a a bike width yeah like length and then just space it out and then practice going around yeah that’s um that’s I feel kind of exhausted from doing that cuz it’s taking concentration like you’re like this is really cool yeah it’s good fun and lots of things this is a basic we have more difficult obstacle courses which we’ll do later in the year yeah awesome okay all right everybody keep watching Road cycling with Pat we’re going to turn you guys into Pros I reckon by the end of all of this absolutely for sure Olympics are not far away there we go all right see you in the next segment [Music] [Music] W hey


    1. Thanks guys! There's a car park up the street from my house that uses those white ceramic dots to mark the spaces. A few years back I took a new mountain bike up there to do a version of this and learned a lot about handling that machine. (I'm probably due for a refresher on my gravel bike!)

    2. As you pointed out you have to be careful your shoe doesn't hit your front wheel while turning at slow speeds. I guess it's because of the short compact design of modern bikes. I'm always thinking about it on fast hill descents but luckily it will never happen at speed.

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