I have been riding E-bikes for the last 6 years and decided that it was time to share some things you might not know about electric bikes…

    Since EMTB become a thing it has been super controversial which often happens when a new thing comes along but slowly over time the “E BIKE HATERS” have disappeared as these incredible bikes have been accepted.

    I hope that you enjoy the video! 🙂

    Welcome to my YouTube channel giving you an insight into my life as a Professional mountain bike rider. I upload videos 3 times per week covering all disciplines of riding and topics including Full speed downhill, Huge free ride and dirt jump tricks, XC rides, EMTB adventure riding, trail build series and general bike vlog’s, challenges How to video’s and MTB games.

    Whether you are a beginner MTB rider or Advanced there is something for everyone on my channel so sit back and enjoy!

    Haibike: https://www.haibike.com
    SteadyRack: https://uk.steadyrack.com
    GTECHNIQ: https://www.gtechniq.co.uk/bike/
    Halo Wheels :https://www.halowheels.com
    Gusset Components: https://www.gussetcomponents.com
    TSG: https://www.ridetsg.com
    GoPro: https://gopro.com/en/gb/

    #mtb #bikes #biking #crash #emtb

    oh oh my God that bit was Tiny oh I’ve been riding ebikes for quite a few years now which is why today I’m going to be sharing with you things that nobody tells you about ebikes and if you don’t already ride one this video might make you realize what you’re missing out on since ebikes were introduced to the mountain bike World they have been somewhat controversial but I’ve been lucky enough to spend a lot of time on ebikes which is why today I want to explain the benefits to you so let’s take a look first of all then believe it or not ebikes are actually better for jumping now that might sound weird because you would think heavier bike in the air it doesn’t really add up but I’ll explain why it does the extra weight of the bike makes the bike more stable and stability is key when you’re jumping because what it does is it stops you wobbling or twisting or being off balance out the ramp now that can help gain confidence because you’ll find that consistently you’re jumping better also with the extra weight it can help you when you’re going up a ramp if the takeoff is not perfect the weight of the ebike will help almost feels like it flattens that out and makes the takeoff perfect finally the biggest factor that affects you when jumping is the wind and because these are extra heavy that doesn’t really come into it you can hit jumps in quite strong winds which on a normal bike you would not really stand a chance of landing and with this it doesn’t doesn’t move it stays solid and you don’t crash number two then ebikes offer more Adventure you can not only be out for longer and get to explore more but you can reach places which on a normal bike would almost be impossible without getting off and carrying the bike over the years we’ve been on some awesome adventures completing some amazing epic rides on the ebikes which on a normal bike we probably wouldn’t have attempted and that’s also helped us to take in a quite unique experience and probably access places and areas which most people on bikes haven’t been number three is that they are very beginner friendly now Cara has had firsthand experience of her progression on an ebike so she’s the perfect person to explain this one for me I began my mountain bike Journey on an ebike and I think if I had have started on a regular bike my progression rate would have been a lot slower and I think the reasons for this is that when you are at a bike Park you can get so many more runs in because it gets you to the top a lot quicker so in a day instead of doing a run five times you can perhaps do it 10 times it’s also really good to jump it’s nice and stable in the air and also going down hill as well it’s really planted and it’s just the perfect tool if you’re a beginner Rider to get you into mountain biking number four and this is something that actually blows my mind and that is how versatile ebikes have become something like this the High bike like is a lightweight ebike and the saying one size fits all has never been more true because this bike can do trail rides it can do downhill it’s good uphill because it has the motor you can do tricks you can ride dirt jumps I can do flips and 360s I was doing freestyle contests on the same bike that I would do epic Ridge rides on which is actually crazy because with these bikes these days you actually only really need to have one [Music] oh [Music] number five ebikes actually still amazing for Fitness your initial thoughts would be you’ve got an assist so you’re not working as hard obviously the bike has different Power modes so you can select how much you want the bike to give you back depending what your objectives on that particular ride are but I find for myself when I’m out cycling I still get my heart rate up but with a normal bike it would go high and then it would come back down then it would go high and come back down I get it to like a consistent rate and I can just keep cycling and cover so much distance while still feeling tired and like I’ve had a workout by the end of the ride number six and this is that ebikes are for everyone when I first started mountain biking I obviously was nowhere near as bike fit as Tom was so the ebike allowed me to be able to keep up with him and it also means that people from all walks of life whether you’re elderly young you might even have a health condition but ebikes have allowed everyone to join in so ebikes are for everyone number seven ebikes are in fact faster than regular bikes I don’t come from a racing background but one of the first things I noticed when I got on an ebike was the grip that it offers in the corner or low grip conditions and this is down to firstly you can run wider and heavier tires which would create more drag because the motor compensates for this but also the bike loads the suspension of the tires up differently which helps to create grip also when I was at the Vantage Jam last year at Bike Park Wales I was talking to a very successful downhill racer sponsored by Red Bull who was telling me that when they test their bikes for the Race season quite often they will put lead in the bottom of the frame and this creates something called traction which basically on the bumps helps pull the bike into the ground stops it getting light stops IT bouncing and bucking and helps to create grip so World Cup teams are doing this an ebike I mean it already has that traction or lead in the frame with the motor and Battery therefore making it faster number eight ebikes present new challenges and new ways of riding for example you can unlock crazy hill climbs they’re really good fun for doing trials on they almost cross over a little bit as a Motorcycle Trails bike because when you do a pedal kick you get a burst of power so what it does is if you’re someone like me who’s been riding for quite a lot of years it unlocks new skills and new challenges and new ways of you have to learn new ways to ride a bike which is exciting because it keeps MTB fresh and that is all thanks to the ebikes number nine and this one is that you can carry more things obviously there’s some people that like to pack more into their backpacks than others but if you’re going on a big adventure ride you need to take spares with you p lunches and things like that so your bag will be a lot heavier and obviously with the power of the ebike you don’t necessarily have to Pedal that weight yourself the ebike does it for you I’ve also seen people with their kids on the front of their bikes even Towing trailers with their kids and maybe even animals in the back as well and obviously with the ebike that helps take the load off your legs and means that everyone can join in last but not least number 10 and that is the that ebikes are not cheating no one is in a race when you’re over the local Woods out playing and having fun if you was to put an analog bike against an ebike yes the ebike has an advantage I don’t think you should knock it until you’ve tried it and if you do enjoy riding an analog bike for Fitness reasons I actually think that there’s still a place within your riding for ebikes to fit in at the end of the day we’re all out there just to have fun so as long as it has two wheels it doesn’t matter there we go then they are the things that people don’t tell you about when you buy an ebike I hope you guys have learned something from this video and I hope you’ve enjoyed it if you have please give us a thumbs up leave your comments down below and I will see you in the next video ad I iin even got a really bad habit If It Moves got to grab it fuse like a magnet L won’t have it till I’m doomed in a casket I ain’t playing got a weird mind if you work eight hours I’mma work nine if the shoot tastees sour you should taste mine I’mma stay in power for long time get up now I ain’t a quit


    1. Couldn’t agree more. My e-bike allows me to learn more as I can get runs in. It’s allows me to spend more time outdoors seeing lovely paces. I can ride out with my younger fitter friends without holding them back now. In fact I have a tow rope and often help them up big hills.

    2. E-bikes are ok I guess but to quote Jay Leno, I like other things… like steak and women 😉

      I came up with another piece of hate for ebikers but it’s a bit spicy for the YouTube comment section; something about using a motorized device on your girlfriend too. It’ll get her there faster than you would otherwise 😂 🤷🏻‍♂️ For the comment police I’m just having fun so don’t get your panties in a bunch 👍🏻

    3. Thanks for the video explaining e-bikes. 👍🏾. I currently have an analog bike and I’m looking to invest in an e-bike at some point. 👍🏾😎

    4. i think ebikes are great, and perhaps everyone should try one, but its hard for me to say a beginner should start on an eeb. There is something pure about a mech bike.

    5. Great points Tom. Even though I am analog I have seen how much of an advantage e bikes have. Especially for people who have old injuries and the e bike just takes some of the pressure off so they can still ride.

    6. Would love an Ebike in my 50s…the issue I have with them…I still have to lug them up the stairs….LOL

      Im starting a new pod cast and would love to have you on as a guest.

    7. They're everywhere in the UK and Europe.. people of all ages and abilities riding them with a smile on their face, enjoying life.. it's only "The land of the not so free, Merica" that have issues with them. Usually sad delusional internet keyboard warriors who've never tried one calling those that have names 😂😂

    8. I had a turbo levo but we didn't use it that much and sold it because depreciation is even worse than a analog bike, I liked most of it but anything over 40lbs is pretty prohibiting for my style of riding and honestly the noise was driving me crazy. Sub 35 pounds and silent I'll write you a check instantly 😊

    9. Got a hardtail levo in 2017 it sure up my riding skill first dropper and with more laps became a better rider .not like got lot time left to enjoy the sport hoping a new full sus levo keep me rockin the trail …..some great footage there editing top notch Tom and Kara.

    10. Last long advdnture ride i did, i was 1 of 2 analogue bikes, everyone else was rocking an EB. Most of them were shocked I managed to keep up but none of them ended up with hospital grade heat fatigue.

    11. I ride HAIBIKEs Ebike and i love them… because i have really busy life… i can just ride more thru 2 hours every other day.. for me its lifechanger. //EDIT Haibike have really really lovely ebikes from my personal experience 🙂

    12. My e-bike has literally halved my fuel bill. I can cycle 20miles to work so comfortably now that I’ll only use the car in really bad weather

    13. To me the best part is that ebike enabled my dad (late 60s) to have fun with me and my son. I think he actually enjoys seeing me struggle to keep up with him again. Like it reminds him the old days when he was young and strong and I were little and weak just like me and my son now.

    14. I went from complete noob who rode bike for the last time when I was 10yo (now in 30s), to riding double black trails in my area in about a year, thanks to ebikes. Riding 1-3x a week doing 1000m ascends, cant even imagine doing this on analogue bike. Also, a lot of enduro riders in my area doing car lifts up the hill so I definetely get more training on ebike 😂

    15. agree with all the points Tom. in a year, my nduro 7 has got through 3 chains, 2 cassettes, 4 tyres, 4 brake pads sets. they are not cheap to maintain but so much more than the sum of their parts overall.. just waiting fir the inevitable motor problems 😂

    16. I have just bought 2x ebikes : Trek Rails – one for me and the other for my son. We absolutely love them – they are better in all respects of riding.

      The downside is the weight when moving the bikes around – e.g. loading them into the car is often an annoying struggle

    17. Agree 1 through 9, but cheaters they are =)
      And 90% of ebikers don't get nearly as many fitness out of ebiking. Tried riding one for half a season last year , ended up being my worst season fitnesswise compared to the previous years. Yes you can do a fullblown training on one, but probably won't. It neither makes you work hard, nor does it incentivise you to. So if you are trying to go for fitness, it is probably best riding a regular bike. If you are going purely for fun, that is a whole different story

    18. Took an Enduro bike to France last year, didn’t even ride it. Too hot. Wished I’d taken the Ebike instead. Wasn’t sure about the security but about 90% of bikes people were riding were Ebikes so it wasn’t like it would have stood out.

    19. I think when it boils down to it, it is a bike with a motor, and people buy them as they want assisting with their riding. Nothing wrong with it.

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