Germany is a place where the mafia feels at home – that hasn’t changed. But the police have become more vigilant. The security authorities’ attentions are now focused on the Calabrian mafia in particular, the ‘Ndrangheta.

    There’s been a noticeable increase in large-scale police operations against the clans from southern Italy in recent years. Although the mafia remains undefeated so far, these operations are an important step in the right direction. The film documents how the police have honed their tactics against a global criminal organization dominating the cocaine trade, from the first secret operation in Thuringia in 2002 (Operation “Fido”), through “Pollino” (2018) to the major offensive “Eureka” (2023).

    What do investigators in Germany, Italy and at Europol need for a successful battle against the mafia? This is where the judiciary comes into play; in Germany, membership in the mafia isn’t prosecutable without evidence of an actual crime.

    But the film also shows the mafia committee of inquiry in Thuringia, where politicians engage with the ‘Ndrangheta phenomenon for the first time – and fail to make any headway. This is because unlike the police, a parliamentary committee of inquiry can’t investigate beyond state borders. Nevertheless, the committee’s work is a crucial factor in also raising public awareness of the mafia problem. And this is important, as Germany is still very much a mafia nation. ‘Ndrangheta continues to thrive in a place where laws remain lax, controls are few and society is still relatively blind to the issue.

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    1. When legal systems are too liberal, it fails to punish even criminals. It only create problems for common people. In Germany your child will be abducted by authorities if you show even slight anger to your kid. But Mafias are working openly. What an ironic legal system.

    2. Its foreign mafia but its not allowed to talk about because of the general suspicion towards foreigners it may spread. The government tries to solve the problem in quiet and I worry what this development will bring. Usually an open dialogue between the government and the people is fundamental for democracy. I would prefer the state named the situation more clearly and the people were allowed to gain a natural suspicion. That is what creates social pressure that is needed to create changes within cultures that can still host organized crime.

    3. Germany's jails are some of the nicest in the world, from pool tables to workout centers, your own room, TV computers, and so on. You get the idea

    4. The first seal was made evident on March 13th, 2020, when a crown conquered the earth. The Latin word for crown is corona, and it did conquer the earth. The second seal is Conflict on Earth, which is exactly what happened immediately after corona. The third seal is Scarcity on Earth, and food prices just keep rising. The fourth seal includes WW3, famine, and disease (all things we can now see on the horizon).

      We are now living in the second seal, and this is why conflicts are popping all over the world. The beast (Vladimir Putin) was revealed with this seal. Who can make war with him?

      Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    5. I don't understand the Germans…. When I was a child at the German School of Guatemala, the Germans marginalised us for being Guatemalans, dark skin and medium class / lower – medium class. The discrimination was to such an extent that I opted NOT to migrate to Germany even though I could speak German fluently, knew the German culture and the German work ethic. Thus, I opted to migrate to New Zealand. Nowadays, Germans complain about the migrants that they chose to receive in their homeland???!!!! Nevertheless, Germans rejected me 30-40 yrs ago due to their discrimination and racism…. In New Zealand, I've never been on the benefit, I've always paid my taxes, and I've worked all the time. Now, Germans have to suck it up, they wanted that kind of migrants, so they shouldn't whine about it….. If there are any Germans reading this post, I challenge you, prove me wrong….

    6. I knew a guy whose dream was to open a club in Germany. He bought a club cheaply in the Innenstadt in Mannheim. Two days later, some guys knocked on his door and said he had to “pay the fee”. They were mafia that said they would “protect” his club. If he didn’t, “something bad” would happen to him and his wife. The first week he didn’t, they smashed his windows and trashed the club. When he told the police, they said they couldnt do anything unless he reported the man who threatened him, which of course, did nothing. His club was still targeted even after he reported the guy and he got death threats. He sold the club within a year without profit, but not without losing thousands of euro being extorted by the mafia

    7. Transnational; they help each other now.
      This is Trumps position in Trump Tower; Multinational Mafiya Center.
      Look at all the attorneys and other supporters he gets; Multinational, Multicultural.
      Money is color free so they'll work together for money, the universaal lubricant.

    8. The Catholic church supports the members of the mafia…it was a fetal attempt of the fallen Roman power to bfeath its last breath…WW1 and WW2 proven Roman rule was forever dead…the Catholic church uses the mafia to puppeteer…

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