Claim the Yellow Jersey in the official game of the 2024 Tour de France. Outperform your opponents, push yourself to the limit and show what you can do in the brand new multiplayer mode: Criterium.

    hey n cathlon gamer and welcome to tour to France 2024 this is a brand new release from cyanide studio and naon let’s go ahead and get into the game this year my let’s play series is going to be in the Pro leader format where I’m taking an individual Rider and bringing them up through the ranks the objective simple become the best Rider possible dominate the individual Pro cycling ranking to progress you must achieve your career objectives each objective achieved earns you money whatever your initial specialization you must race as a bador and you cannot act as a leader until you have progressed and proved yourself good luck this year I’m going to go ahead and play with a real life Squad and I’ll also play on professional difficulty Falls with withdrawals meaning there can be injuries there can be illnesses Riders can withdraw from races including myself for those of you who come over from Pro cycling manager to see this tdf content that game has all the way down to that Continental level and especially with modded databases you have lots and lots and lots of teams where here you’re limited to the World Tour teams and that second tier Continental Pro as they refer to it here so for that the team we’re going to go ahead and ride for is one of the lowest teams we could possibly get on and that is Novo Nordisk out of the US for writer selection it’s a little bit limited on what your style that you can pick uh you can be a mountain Rider you can be a sprinter puncher versatile which I mean I suppose means like Classics that’s your choices now to ascend to the top of the rankings now that tends to be your T to front winner your grand tour winners and so we’re going to go ahead and go with mountain I really love the progression system within this game of you get your progression by doing the things to improve flat rating run a flat stage to improve Sprints take part in intermediate Sprint competitions those are the kind of things that are going to develop you climbing ratings are going to come from attacking King of the mountains or winning stages now as a small Continental pro team we don’t have access to a whole lot of uh races so that will impact things but we’re going to head into our very first race of our career hi guys welcome to the briefing for this first stage the main thing to grasp today is that the route is flat and it Harbors no particular difficulties a Sprint finish is more than likely we don’t have what it takes to be in the final Sprint if we want to make a showing we’ll have to be in the early breakaway have a good stage NOA n dis might be an American team but it’s very diverse in its com composition as none of my teammates in this initial race are Americans no problem but we’re going to go out with the intent of getting into a breakaway uh initial valuation is a 63.8 rating definitely well below uh the level of better writers hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the start of these three days of provance the opening race of the cycling season this first stage towards NE should be relatively easy on the pelaton the Rays should only come alive in the Final Phase when the sprinters teams go to work to set up a mass Sprint finish so as I’m going to head out into this first stage I immediately want to get into a breakaway that is on your easiest in this first impossible I hope you get reinforcements to make rapid development in my you’re not going to be able to attack for much longer at the moment we’re only 2 seconds ahead but I’m with a small group of three Riders off the front we’ve got a fourth Rider uh who is trying to join us and from the looks of it we’re all looking at a bunch of Continental Pro guys uh bunch of unknowns out here trying to establish a breakaway for the moment we’ve pulled it out to 25 seconds we’ll see if the the pelaton settles down and allows us to get away might have to also uh put some contribution in here and the fourth Rider has been caught the three of us have pulled out a minute 30 Advantage so we’re slowly getting far enough away but we’ve had to push really hard for a really long time and finally it appears that the pelon’s backing off and allowing us to be the Breakaway for the day as the Gap has opened at 2 and 1 half minutes and we’re right much much easier than before so looking ahead we’ve got a category 3 couple points available in the king of the mountains classification anything and everything I can take whether it’s Sprints whether it’s king of the mountains all of them will help develop the rer quickly I don’t care what the result is at the end of the stage as we are horribly uncompetitive for an actual Sprint but here there’s only three Riders and just by being in the Breakaway I’m helping the development phase of my rider and so as we come up on the top of this climb he’s a teammate ambition for the overall standing got a shot got a shot against these two is they might not be climbers but my rating is got to be one of the lowest out there right it’s day one so as we come in with that base rating but with points in Mountain I should be able to climb a little little bit better than non-climbers but I have no idea whether these two are or not uh I need to turn these all off I didn’t do the tutorial cuz I’ve played the game before but it has been well that was not nice that was not nice that could have been a crash I was set to follow so was attached to the wheel but that message detached us from his wheel at a very inopportune time so we’re at uh 1.5k on this climb right now pelon’s no threat right now it’s down to the three of us and there’s two point and one point available uh but ultimately we want to win you seem to be the best in the group you should be able to move to the front I’ll go ahead and take this front position looks like this guy on my heels already pushing or he’s just pushing to keep up I think I want to push out of this corner there we go Jackson got a little bit of an early go I’m not going full gas here uh we’ve got to have enough Red Bar to get all the way to the Finish Line on this and we’re not going to make it I’m going to get third he launched the mountain Sprint I might be a stronger climber but I don’t have stamina and it showed there uh I was not going full gas and we still ran out of energy well before the finish on that one I was trying I have to keep an eye on that one right 349 but we’ll need to be better to collect points on the next one as we return for our next uh King of the mountain this time just one point available so only the first place guy across the line is going to collect points and I haven’t collected any points in this yet and in theory I could and should be better but the later we go the better because I lack the the Sprint the punch capability that they have and this is just not very steep so it’s really not going to take much out of them I’m trying to follow for now and come over a little bit late on this one guy on my left Jackson is squeezed let’s try to come through now 500 we’ll go full gas and see if that gives us a chance against these guys but it really doesn’t I have Mountain rating but I just have no Sprint so again uh we’re beaten pretty easily and you can see that red bar is right down to spent so these two are going to be difficult to beat at least in the early phase of this stage the next climb is definitely steeper could be a more favorable condition for me one thing though is we have collected our first development Point essentially uh our first Milestone so 50 km in a breakaway we’ve surpassed that point uh in between those last two km sections so that is going to give me a boost at least somewhere uh in my ratings intermediate Sprint coming up in 1.5k and I’m at the back of the group already as it is is I’m going to try to see if I can come over the top and at least start from the front of this group and I have managed to do that there’s a slight Hill here they’re already starting their push uh if I can get in the wind for a moment can I come through can I come through not quite here’s the winner of the throw still third I just have the pace yet so today is really just collecting those Breakaway kilometers as I I seem incapable of beating these two but like I said the next climb is the best profile of the day that we’re facing steeper longer gives me the slightest chance that it could be enough to uh fin these guys off uh and with my feeds still able really need to be doing two points will be awarded to the top and then try to hold these guys off so let’s see what Happ happens if we attack early will I be able to get off the front of these guys so what I’m going to do now is I’m hoping that I have forced these two to go deep and by going deep possibly as a better climber and using my gel right now uh on the climb I’m hoping that I can still get separation though they look fine they really look fine don’t they but we’ve added that that red bar and what I’d like to do is increase the intensity here and see if I can’t just outpace them up up the climb is the last hope we have because in a Sprint head to-head there’s just no competing with these two not today anyway tomorrow or in a month might be a different story 900 M let’s see for now they are not [Applause] attacking for now they are not attacking not coming through but here they are trying the p is riding hard and for the first time we have managed to beat one of them but one of them not both of them so it did work to an extent but I only managed to beat one of them uh from here we better make sure we are staying with these guys use that gel and recover uh as we are coming up on the feed zone so we get two new feeds you start the stage with two feeds and then you get two B bag is coming up for the men in front or Bonk bag is they’re calling it here us zette as I more commonly hear it referred to as we’ve used up both of those we’re in recovery mode trying to get a little bit of energy back we’re at at 4minute Gap over the pelaton right by the way right now so not bad that we have opened up a decent Gap over them 72 km left here in the stage I’m going to take as much recovery as I can before we uh go through and receive our new gels that’ll be this Banner just ahead and there you go so two for the start of the stage two at a relative midpoint of the stage and that’s what you get so using them in in a precise way a strategic way uh can go a long ways to help you out we’re at almost full strength here with 70k to go and I think we could absolutely push to try to keep the pelaton from uh catching us it’s not like it’s a deep field there’s there’s not many strong Riders here but a formative Advantage is not very big 100 km in a breakaway second milestone achieved still near full strength down to 50 km but the gap’s also down to 2 minutes we are pushing way harder now 80 to 90 effort yeah definitely starting to push harder and I don’t mind like I said I I don’t think we’re a contender for anything I’m not a contender head-to-head with these two and I’m not a contender against that field but if the three of us could stay away third place is looking a hell of a lot better than 150th we’re down to just a 600 meter advantage in 51 seconds paton’s coming even at that 80 90% effort we have not managed to hold them off they have worked hard to chase us down but we do have this Sprint Point coming and Jackson’s already going it’s a little early to be going full gas now I’m going to start to put the pedal to the metal and see what we can do can we get second can we get second M throw coming seconds on the just got him hey that’s our second head-to-head victory of the day but still nothing but look how close look how close that field is behind us now just 30 seconds behind also just 26 km left to go we have not set up so we’ll continue to put the work in I think now is probably a good time to use our gels and get that recovery in little bit of a hill this seems to be my territory to kind of Le the group and push on we’re back out to a one minute Advantage so it has extended a little bit after they settled down after that intermediate Sprint the Breakaway is 20 km from the curtain to this stage given their lead there’s very little hope of seeing one of them raise his arms today very little hope but not no hope 43 seconds ahead 19 km now to go and this little cat Fork could be just a little little opportunity to pull it out to about a minute and a half and then you’re kind of descending towards the finish so there is a slight chance 3.7k uh I’m going to sit on their wheel for the moment I’m going to wait till about 2 km and then start to roll through and then try to attack especially with the pelaton coming all I can hope for is that they’re a bit fatigued okay we’re going to come off the wheel now start to come through you have 30 seconds left they already attacking they seem to already be attacking no oh Jackson up lead for the head of the race Jackson sits up actually so does f we are ahead 30 seconds on the P only 15 km left for the lead Rider we’re holding a 30second gap they have sat up they’ve given up on it and there is another milestone for us going over the top first now it’s full gas territory here uh as we still Ascend for a little bit longer and then we’ll be descending soon we do not have much energy though it’s going to be really really hard to hold this Paton off okay you’re not going to be able don’t mind if we lose time so we’re going to RIS blow give it our all and we should be cresting here in a moment profile is not looking quite like what I thought it would I thought we would have started descending a little earlier so we got to start backing off or that happens and we blow up slows our Pace we’re now just 25 seconds ahead starting to descend but it’s only 4% so it’s not much of a gradient to be tuck but the tuck is going to give us a little bit of energy it’s our only chance here really and nope there’s the P the Riders are all back together everything will be played out in the final kilometers final 4K coard is well positioned and we’re trying to follow him but we’ve kind of been beaten off the wheel moving into place for the M last nope that’s doesn’t matter that’s all I have because of energy big push big battle for position and I go backwards Big Time Cocker did for that matter as well but now pushing out a little bit here 1.8k I do not have much energy I might actually run out before the finish line but caution to the wind we go for it as best we can it goes everybody else for Sprint here comes my energy energy is fading before the line I can’t even Sprint I’m going to run out before the line there you go I blow up before the line dear takes the win ahead of venburg but we have finished our very first race three Milestones hit along the way we also finish our first plat race so that’s actually going to be four Milestones hit in this one it’s going to get us a few attribute points stage two more undulation it’s definitely more rolling than the last one and it finishes on a category 2 climb it’s not a serious climb but it’s definitely more serious than what we’ve seen so far uh but my intent is to be in the Breakaway once again today to get there though I’ve got to catch these four guys ahead of me and the five of us have to get away from the pelaton which is just seconds behind me I can’t look all the way behind me but they’re just 11 seconds behind so it’s a relatively small Gap at this point uh from me to everyone behind and yeah my push is not going to be an easy one to get there as they seem like they don’t want to let me get there uh because right now there is absolutely no chase in the padon so they might actually let me get away this time and they might not the p is riding pushing over the top nope they are intent on chasing me down I’ve already been caught even though I’m still going full gas that’s how weak I am gosh looks like this is not going to be a breakaway day but I suppose we’re going to get a chance to test our metal against uh against everybody else in a head-to-head climb as we’re coming up on the latest uh intermediate Sprint point the Breakaway is that four Riders still but they are now just 15 seconds ahead of us so what we’re coming up on here is uh intermediate Sprint Point kind of interested in the points will not change anym today the leader is ahead by enough points but what we have here is the last few Riders away Road the overall standing and I’m wondering if now is actually the time where you if you want to do something you want to attack now especially if the Field’s just sitting up and letting them go and there’s only a few Riders away let’s see if they actually let me go this time uh because it’s a double climb and if you can get a good enough advantage on the first climb and then recover a little bit on The Descent leading up to the second climb I don’t see why you can’t you’re on your way to the top spot of the white jersey standings it’s great keep going kid Pon itself is 49 seconds down I have now caught the front Rider which is gate and we’re going to go right past him I don’t know if he’s going to stay with me or not Gates been dropped difficult to increase half minute or so ahead the thing that I absolutely love about tour to France as a game title as opposed to Pro cycling manager is the firsthand cycl you are in control of the ride oh we’re cresting right here and we he got his teammates riding full out you’re going to have to up the pace at the front now it’s going to hurt my position a little bit all right so we’re back in the group just 143 as there are Riders quite a few riders that have been dropped and we’re just going to follow keep a nice good position here at the front and hope that we at least get some recovery this is kind of a second flatter section uh we’re about to go into the steeper portion I think here momentarily as we come out of this town the leader was in danger who I’m following well he’s not putting in much of an effort and he’s lost a lot of position here got a few more kilometers off the front by the way so it’s not been a nothing day though we have not hit any more milestones at this point 8K to go The janess Descent is on little km of climbing before we know the name of the win now it’s deep here initially what I need with the lack of energy that I have is this first portion to be a little easier and then cruise through the flat portion to still have something left for the end but I have a feeling that we’re going to start an early attack well this is the opposite of what I needed High Tempo lots of push wow gregar is in the field Kowski the winner at the summit of thees will score five points in the mountains classification quite a few strong Riders trying to get out watch out I’m with the sprinters attack at the head of the Pelon isn’t the moment stare at each other he should have plenty of energy left nine at the front lenko he’s the new leader of the overall youth standing blown up again come backwards real fast vburg has taken the win I had a par pent there my teammate has taken third though and Lano fourth nice good for them greguar only 10th really surprising after two stages there’s one thing that is going for me and that is I lead the combat AC ity classification with most kilometers off the front of the field I did pick up a few today and I already had it anyway that is a real opportunity because if I can get in the Breakaway for the third stage it’s going to be hard to overtake me with a bit of an advantage unless it’s one of these guys who’s just behind me and they’re able to leave me behind but if anyone outside of this group of six Riders just behind me if I join the break and none of them are there it’s going to be in the bag stage three this time I’m going to get left behind to it’s not easy from the outset the road Rises almost nonstop for the first 50 km immediately we start climbing and look who’s here we’re already at the first this stage is shorter than the other stages my K Advantage is good point to be scored at the top at 38 seconds ahead it’s looking good for us six Riders we’ve already dropped Theus uh couple other Riders also chasing so we’re looking at 11 Riders off the front right now 49 seconds ahead who is the threat to the Jersey to the combativity Jersey be nice if I had the red numbers like you would normally have but okay just glad it’s part of this Nikes regains contact we’re getting a little bits of SE separation here in the group it’s a big cat 3 I would love love to be able to get some points on this one 1K from the top [Music] now we’re not going to beat these guys unless we can come back at them uh we’re still only one minute ahead of the pelaton as well so the pelon’s pushing on pretty hard [Applause] let give it a little bit of a go here or so just to kind of close the gap here’s the position over the last climb more we’ll see if it holds but for now we’ve bridged the Gap to the second group he okay we just picked up another Milestone of some kind as we come up on uh to Sprint Point 20 points available winning an intermediate Sprint has value I doubt we can but if others don’t go for it getting that is going to be hugely beneficial so might as well try little bit of a downhill guys are already starting to push for it tracknick squeezes me a little bit and eliminates me from contention here the winner of the intermediate my way new leader for the green jersey I am low on energy what the heck push has been dropped and he is well behind I think fact he’s already been caught by the uh otherwise hit the wall so I think that all but wraps up the the P is starting to ride behind you it looks like he doesn’t want get another Rider at the head of I think I’m going to stay away much longer Bridge Gap three Riders just got dropped and Maurice D ah D sits up climb at my Tempo which is not a great one p with me our group has totally disin you got Pon Mark Pon plus one left at the front third out on the road most of the guys have been caught mini Riders have been dropped definitely shows that I’m a better climber than other things we’re almost done with the steepest sector pellon’s a minute and a half down I’m not out of this thing yet but I’m very very low I got to make sure that I do not crash out see a screen’s kind of blackening on me warning me that I’m about to uh blow up Berwick has dropped Seb B uh Mark Pon so Seb Berwick off the front now I’m third on the road still three Riders behind pelaton 2 minutes [Applause] down I just got 25k solo Breakaway it’s counting it’s counting okay well that’s new we’re into recovery mode though as we descend it’s not a long descend but we are going to maximize what it gives me you must constantly try single pedal stroke until I have to to consum en and I’ve been caught by too and tratnik try to follow them for a moment but I think they’re trying to drop me right away as there was pretty healthy acceleration there there goes to PLO but tratnik following tratnik is helping at the moment but we’re losing time fast and there’s pigoli looks like Deo is now waiting for us or he’s blowing up which is going to bring our group together a little bit this is going to give me a tiny chance to stay away from the pelaton a little bit longer worth half a minute ahead of them they dropped tratnik I didn’t mean to drop tratnik but he’s back together back to following goes over the top first I’m almost to the top now survived all this time Berwick goes first Pon second Deo is now in that third position I’ll take the last Point okay to the pelaton we are still 30 seconds ahead too is sat up waiting for the other two I need to make contact with them I only hope is by being in a group and we’re nearly there and just 20 seconds ahead of the peladon so it’s not like we have a significant Advantage here o oh that was close almost crashed almost crashed that’s going to make it real real hard now the Gap isn’t changing much I’ve made contact with the group okay and we have some recovery there’s still more descent to recover some more and we have a feed Zone coming up we hit the feed zone I’m still recovering we’ve caught more Riders there’s now six of us we are group number one so uh all six that survived stay away oh we’re caught by the pelaton already though but that that was okay we were away for a lot of kilometers and we are going to claim the combativity award not worried about this Sprint point no way I’m going to beat the sprinters to it set myself up for the final climb of the day just 90 left in the pelaton all right it is the base of the climb I’m going to take a decent position here near the front four Riders have attacked as we approach 16 12 km 6% average gradient for by Mountain rating this is going last time is classified as first category the stage winner will score 10 points in the Pod Jersey classification I use my gel now here at the base of the climb get some recovery in to hold on as long as I can 13.9k here’s what I need to do but the Breakaway looks to be increasing the pace at the front of the Ring I need to set a Tempo that I can climb to we got a long ways to go yet this is going to drift me back it’s going to see me exit the group but I do not have a choice right now and at least getting some protection by being within the group but it’s it’s all we can do to get there I just do not have the stamina or really the mountain rating to uh contend watch out you can see that I might have gone out early but setting a steady tempo is allowing me to continue at a steady rate and I’ve overtaken quite a few Riders already who didn’t do the same thing and from theit for the lead Rider only 5 km left for the lead Riders 5K to go and final 50 Riders In Contention and here goes my teammates Planet Rulo both going out the back we still have at least one teammate left in the main group as it thins out further and further there an attack stay alert baril [Music] attacking watch out my te has been dropped km leftly it’s down to 31 Riders on his own Victory will perhaps be decided in the Sprint a teammate has just been dropped Brooks has been Dro count on him any Conrad champen Mal lot of good climbers the red pennant for the men at the front it will be decided in Sprint 10 Riders left at the [Applause] front and Rell take the win that of per pente and Le the standing final 400 m of our first race the biggest thing here it’s not about overtaking these two and getting above set 70th as we’re going to finish 69th the biggest thing here is going to be about the development points how much progress have we made on that 63.8 rating loano in 24th was the highest ranked teammate in the GC I ended up actually last at 65th 10 and a half minutes down but no worries about that I did score five points in the king of the mountains over the course of this race but that was nowhere actually that was kind of near 11 points was enough to win that Jersey Wow points classification I picked up 40 points overall good enough for Ninth Place young rider ralo was the highest at 11th I was 16th team classification 12th as a team behind sudall Quick Step winning that one combativity with 183 km off the front of the field was enough to win that Jersey that comes with points 12 points in all in the individual Pro cycling rankings it’s not a significant amount even though it is 12th uh 10th overall right now those 12 points it’s a start so most of anyone on the team H but all of that leads towards this progression and what is it a lot a lot of pluses uh for flat finish flat stage okay we gain one point Sprint we got three for attacking and breaking away at the front of the field we’ve done it on two stages okay so any breakaways for at least 10K off the front acceleration three points Hill two points Mountain we gain one point other things are catching up to it now that’s okay prologue plus two points stamina plus three points resistance plus five that’s huge plus five fact it’s not even red as an attribute anymore it’s white no Cobblestone points agility remains at an A+ and our recovery goes plus two as well which is now a c for the grade 64.9 from a 63.8 so we gain a full attribute point to our overall rating in our very first race important start but we’ve got a long ways to go yet to be competitive especially as a climber and the whole thing here is we get ahead start as a climber with points yet what it takes to develop each and every one of these attributes is to do the thing to climb to Sprint to go over cobbles you have to do the thing successfully and most of them come primarily out of breakaway scenarios at least the early points later on it comes from being good at it and beating others head-to-head and winning stages lower level at first and eventually the high level stuff mountain is kind of the hardest one to develop because if you don’t have it it’s hard to do it well so it’s going to take us a lot a lot of work to to get through this but I think this is a fantastic first race because this already the extra acceleration the extra Hill points like all of it plus three on Sprint right we were atrocious in that last one now flat ratings that’s that one hurts and only getting a plus one does not put us in a good position right now having a 56 flat is a little difficult to overcome but we’ll get there much more stamina much more resistance the that combination those two those points they’re going to help carry us quite a ways make us more competitive in a breakaway that’s going to do it for this first episode though please take a moment drop below click that like button leave a comment it really really helps the algorithm on YouTube is rather cruel especially to smaller channels but I I could really use your help with that algorithm that’s going to do it for this one though thanks for being here have a good one be safe out there bye for now


    1. Nice to see you back in this game. Although it is a good feature to be able to join a real team, it is hard to expect a new rider to participate in every race on the team's schedule, so, in my opinion, this game is still incredibly incomplete.

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