Aix en Provence located in 2 hours by car from Nice, it’s very sunny Provencal town famous for its heritage, architecture, markets, events and many more! If you travel to South of France it can be your base town, from where you can easily travel to Luberon, visit beautiful vineyards and many more places in Provence. Or you can just visit Aix en Provence as a day trip!
    You will have an amazing experience! Hope you will enjoy watching!

    [Music] you can see it he [Music] [Music] Vision hello everyone and welcome to X and provance we parked our car just next to this beautiful carer Mazar this is definitely the place to visit it’s just next to the Old Town the wonderful thing about ex and provance that most of the attractions are within 10 or 15 minute walk of each other and uh it’s here where you can easily find seon’s footsteps well it’s like a way marked by studs stumbled with a c so you can follow it and um visit the city as he experienced it [Music] we will come back to this uh Cartier tomorrow morning to visit a museum one of the finest in [Music] France now we walked out from this charming and quiet streets and we are at lur mirabo the place to visit in X it’s like a heart of X many things happening here it’s one of the busiest and uh liveliest uh place in the city once it was a street for a horse drone carriages big change we are waiting when our apartment will be ready so we just need to spend uh 1 hour or so somewhere and this kabo seemed to be a perfect place for a short walk and a fresh drink in one of the Side Cafe uh this street is also famous for its markets one of the best proval markets people say in X there are as many markets as day in a week and uh they are mostly in the morning now it’s the Saturday afternoon and we found just a few stands with the old records but it can be if Food Market fruit vegetable market a books Market uh antique uh and the flower market so many different markets and uh it fill the city with sound and the color wonderful so if you are heading to X check in Internet what time uh the markets are open and uh don’t miss it it’s middle of May and uh it’s hot already it’s about 25° you know X provance is a very sunny town so all these beautiful fountains along the streets are so much appreciated Exon provance called also the city of a thousand fountains so you will hear the sound of a streaming water almost from every corner you may say that it’s a bit crowdy I agree but um this is X and it’s full of life so we are waiting now when um owner will text us about the apartment we want to make it check in before we go to explore the old town if you don’t stay here overnight it’s totally okay because we’ve been here a few times just as a day trip or we stop by an egg um but this time I’m so happy that we stay overnight um so we take a time uh to explore it slowly yes spe speech spee cedal [Music] [Music] uh it’s a very little and uh very clean apartment in the old building of the old town and we had the key to access with access to a private uh roof Terrace which is beautiful wow [Music] [Music] wow wow [Music] [Music] foreign speech to now we will walk you through the Charming and colorful Old Town of X um I didn’t said that uh but you already maybe know that X is located 25 uh kilm from Mar and 2 hours by car from n there are many different boutiques in the old town it’s actually a great place for shopping but at the first uh thing that you should absolutely taste is the famous cison we found it straight away so happy because we uh were talking about the cison all the way to egg in the car so it’s a sweet thing uh made from a paste of almond melon and orange covered with glaze this one make sure that you try at least one in your trip to EGS of course there are a lot of different great culinary speciality but X named the capital of kis when you are in Boutique kamsa like this you want to try all these things BL you can have so much fun strolling sitting in the cafe window shopping if you step out from the streets with the restaurants you can have a calm moment to discore the architectural and uh cultural heritage of EG the Elegance of EX and provance can be seen everywhere [Music] he wow [Music] [Music] [Music] we are close now to my favorite place the city hall Square you can’t miss it I have an impression that all streets lead to this place and I think it’s one of the best experience in EGS just uh simply sit in the cafe look at the beautiful bell tower and here nearby fontain and at the entrance of the city hall we saw the announcement that tomorrow the city of X will welcome the Olympic Fire we didn’t know that and uh it is the big surprise so this is the big weekend for the town and um restaurants uh started to dress the tables for dinner but um we are on our way uh to visit the church first you see there fontains everywhere even in the restaurant very romantic so I have to say a few words about the cathedral uh that we are going to visit Cathedral s this unique Cathedral took 12 centuries to build and uh was under construction from the 5th Century to the 17th that’s why uh when you visit uh and even look at the facade you will notice how it Blends architectural styles from Roman to Renaissance and uh everything in between [Music] [Music] that’s for pleas for spee St see [Music] spee fore got fore ch [Music] oh [Music] all look like C for for huh [Music] foree fore spe spe speech speech fore not [Music] today is a big day like every [Music] day what a wonderful EXP experience to stay overnight in exom provance and this morning we are back to the to to kabu we thought we are here now so we will not miss the Olympic Fire and everybody is here now this is the kabo yesterday you remember we walked here before check in and uh now it’s completely different place we are happy to be here with everyone even the Olympic Fire will pass in n and we will definitely bring Matt to see it [Music] they [Music] [Applause] [Music] good follow me b [Music] [Applause] everybody went after into the old town and we are back to a quiet Mound District we are here to visit a mus Museum uh the Gran Museum it’s very close to kabu just opposite way uh than if you go to the old town I already said that this is one of the finest Museum of France and um it has collections of work from the 14th to the 20th century this part of the museum dedicated to seon’s work this is beautiful this is there is a all kind of Arts from many centuries there is no crowd or waiting line you will have a different exhibitions time to time we got two tickets the second ticket was to visit exhibition in the old Chael the collection of Modern Art mixed with a wonderful works of CLA Monet Bango Renoir Pico [Music] the last thing that we want to visit in our short trip is the park which is also very close to everything and um I think that in Parks sometimes of the big town you can see their real life [Music] [Music] for us it’s uh time to have some snack because after we have a meeting and um a long way back [Music] so thank you so much for watching I hope you had a good time and uh we’ll see you very very soon in our small village [Music]


    1. Aselya votre voix est tellement apaisante que c’est toujours un plaisir d’une nouvelle vidéo.
      En plus vous nous faites découvrir des endroits avec un œil très avisé .Cela change des vlogs bling bling sur la Côte d’Azur . Le petit Mat nous a un petit peu manqué avec son charme infini mais on comprend que vous ayiez besoin d’un week end en amoureux de temps en temps. J’habite dans le nord de la France et Aix est sur ma to do list .
      Merci pour ce joli aperçu de cette belle ville et continuez à nous enchanter avec vos visites.

    2. Despite huge numbers of tourists, no rubbish on the streets, no overflowing bins lining the street, no graffiti on the walls, no illegally parked cars. Well maintained private buildings. A city under control for the benefit of the people.
      What on earth has gone wrong with the UK. The condition of the environment and the respect people have for it is indicative of the mental mindset of the country. Couldn’t care. Don’t care.

    3. Thank u for bringing us on this beautiful getaway to Aix. You gave us a very good tour as if we ourselves were bodily there. Now from California we have a good idea of what this lovely town is like. The Weather looked great and all in all, your video was an excellent trip there! Thank you.

    4. Il me semble qu'on voie tes vidéos toujours quelques jours en retard, mais malgré ça, elles nous plaisent toujours ! J'y étais, une fois à Aix en décembre, mais il y a déjà des années. Je me souviens bien d'avoir acheté un bracelet à un des marchés au Cour Mirabeau gue j'ai toujours ! Ta vidéo évoque de si beaux souvenirs ! Merci comme toujours, Aselya ! Et Chris, toujours aimable !

    5. Nice video and all of you guys 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    6. Beautiful town. You did a wonderful job navigating us through the old church and the museums – nice and slow to be able to actual view the beauty of every corner. Au voir 🙂

    7. Thank you so much Aselya for another stunning tour of an incredible town. How wonderful you got to see the Olympic torch!
      Love from Mary in Southern California 💗

    8. Many thanks for this terrific tour, Aselya. I love this city of a thousand fountains, especially the one near the marketplace, as well as your cozy accommodation. Fine food, architecture, art and magnificent cathedral with its wonderful bells — vive la France❣

    9. You should do a video that gives us more of a peek into your personal life. Like what brought you and your husband to Thailand in the first place? Are you originally from France as well? Do you teach your son english as well? What does your husband do for a living? Do you guys plan to stay in Gorbio forever or will you eventually relocate again when Matt gets older?

      I'm so curious. Your life is so enviable and I'd love to accomplish the same for me one day.

    10. This is such a beautiful presentation of Aix. We have never been there, but wow! Thank-you for showing in detail the amazing architecture and art, cathedral, shops, city life day and night. We felt we were right there with you two Aselya. You are very gifted in how you present and the crisp quality of your work is admirable. Harald and Lyn West Coast, South Africa ❤

    11. we'll be in Provence this summer and this video made me just so excited! it was so cute to see you and your partner enjoying a new city, thank you for sharing!


      – 55g softened butter

      – 65g caster sugar

      – 1 lemon

      – 2g salt

      – 30g egg yolk

      – 125g flour

      Whip the butter and sugar together. Add the lemon zest and salt, then incorporate the egg yolks. Mix well and add the sifted flour. Chill for 1 hour.

      Roll out the sweet pastry to 3 mm in thickness and place in an 18 cm tart tin.

      Cut the pastry flush with the edge of the tin.

      Prick with a fork and chill for 30 minutes.

      Bake in the oven for 11 minutes.

      – 100g sugar

      – 50g eggs

      – 60g egg yolk

      – 60g lemon juice

      – 1 lemon

      – 120g butter

      Using a whisk, mix together the sugar, eggs and egg yolks.

      Add the lemon juice and zest.

      Place in a saucepan and cook over a low heat, stirring continuously with a spatula, until the mixture reaches 82°C.

      Pass through a strainer and pour over the cold butter, cut into cubes.

      Mix well.

      – 70g water

      – 200g caster sugar

      – 100g egg whites

      Heat the water and sugar in pan until it reaches 118°C.

      At the same time, when the mixture is at 115°C, whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks using an electric whisk.

      When the sugar reaches 118°C, pour the mixture steadily over the whisked egg whites, then beat on a fast speed until they cool completely.

      Place in a piping bag with a nozzle.

      Leave the pastry to cool and remove from the tin.

      Fill with the lemon cream and keep chilled, until the cream has set.

      Pipe over the Italian meringue and caramelise using a blow torch.

    13. The music you feature is always beautiful and perfectly chosen. Do you or a member of your family play a musical instrument?

    14. Oi, Aselya. Eu estou encantada com a forma como nos apresenta o seu dia,pois tenho buscado tranquilidade e harmonia ao meu coração. Grata por transmitir tanta simplicidade e paz.❤🎉

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