The time has come, after over 5 months of training together we flew to Italy to race Ironman 70.3 Venice Jesolo. This was Lewis and Boothy’s first triathlon and my third.

    If you take away anything from this video It should be to do challenging events with your mates, push each other and celebrate together.

    I’m currently serving in the Royal Air Force based out In Cyprus which is an Ideal location for training and creating content, my goal Is to take a career break traveling around Europe In a van whilst trying to make all of this a full time job and just follow what I’m passionate about.

    0:00 – Intro
    0:20 – Some Context
    1:04 – Meet Boothy
    1:22 – Meet Lewis
    1:43 – Meet Jack
    1:52 – Monday
    2:13 -Tuesday
    2:49 – Cyprus to Italy
    3:28 – Feelings About The Race
    4:20 – Problems
    4:35 – Wednesday Swim
    5:35 – Thursday
    6:04 – Building The Bikes
    6:40 – Friday Check In
    7:00 – Saturday 24 Hours Till Race
    8:07 – Bike Check In
    8:30 – Final Preparations
    8:49 – Sunday Race Day
    10:30 – Would You Do It Again?
    10:42 – What’s Next

    Cheers Dits Podcast


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    [Music] everybody come on let’s [Applause] go meet Lewis Jack and boothy three lads who work in the military living together in Cyprus I name okay start again hello my name is Louis my name’s booie my name’s Jack I’m 24 I’m 27 years old I’m 24 I’m doing Iron Man 70.3 Venice what’s the longest endurance event you’ve done before literally 1 year before I’ve done a half marathon how you feeling smashing it mate no we’re with the Walkers B stopped for a piss and now we can’t run a half marathon just for a laugh it turns out it’s not that funny it took me 2 hours 11 minutes Me 2 hours and 14 minutes I’ve done two IM man 70.3 one which went terribly in 6 hours 59 minutes and the second one which went a lot better in Croatia 4 hours 59 minutes boothie has never done a triathlon doesn’t know how to swim and has done one half marathon in a time of 2 hours 20 minutes not your typical longc course triathlete so my swimming experience goes as far as dolphins in school there was three groups there was piranhas dolphins and sharks on the odd time I’d be promoted to the Sharks but most of the time I’d swim with Dolphin then there’s Lewis he is the man behind the camera and drone for Jack he also has no experience in Triathlon but at least has the ability to swim you most worried about on this 743 Venice not completing it you think he’ll beat booy yeah easy yeah can’t [ __ ] swim it’s nerve-racking really is it never even done a race before and best till last Jack he uses autism and spends most of his days alone training or making videos always watching hello guys welcome back to another bike Box challenge so it begin everything’s becoming a little bit too real now packed and ready to go main thing CR ging is is packed 50 for sensitive skin B’s not even here probably just throw it in and break it we got to try and help him good morning today we’re going to Italy to do Iron Man 70.3 Venice probably 5:30 very early Louis is here hello good morning my friend quick interview please this the daily profet oh who’s your name who’s your name all right my name Louis what are we doing going to airport go to V you got your passport I my bad you got yours I got my passport don’t you worry we’ll see you at the airport is booie awake my bike box is 37 kg acts naturally you’re not to edit right Pro editor show was your mind go there’s nothing on there [ __ ] leave it alone let me just edit this man [ __ ] put my headphones [Music] on what did you spend on that map got the wagons just about got the bike boxes in as you can see in the back absolutely crammed go to the apartment try and check in try and get the bike built today do a swim they’re picking up the girlfriends I don’t have one so you know focus on the race and just like that we have arrived in jezo the bik boxes here Los his bite boxes there waves of excitement feeling nervous feeling excited feeling ready feeling like doubtful that’s pretty standard the races I’ve done before kind of I didn’t trained properly I was brand new I’ve had a six-month training block going into this one so technically I should be a lot better A lot fitter she is’s obviously a bit of pressure I got more followers now not that means anything really cuz you know no one actually gives a [ __ ] I I generally have full confidence in myself I I know what I’m capable of I always seem to race well whatever happens I will learn I’ll enjoy it I’ll enjoy the experience action where are we Louis someone’s excited to going for some food some f started building the bikes few little problems Nicks and niggles but it happens that this is nice it yeah they look cool but Jesus Christ it’s been an absolute NOS that one’s good that one is been a b so got all the bikes to build up and that bit stressed bit tired just C be asked to be honest it’s Wednesday morning and we’re going for a swim it’s 7:00 bit cold I was really cold in my room you know freezing every 20 minutes how do you feel about going to Venice so yeah it’s really nice but you know we’re going to go for a swim this morning in the pool as you can see it’s not much of a pool loads of iron men and women over here let’s go for the swim 2,000 M just waiting for booy shock what you doing what are you doing oh crabs look at the crabs craby CRA first are they dead are you dead you think of the uh the twim and the Sea um you can’t see anything you’re you’re swimming deaf and blind you got to pick something to look at and don’t try and go off court and uh that was William boof with the swim update like booy said it was pretty hard to see me some breakfast build get some get shower let’s get coffee on way back now firstday bike is being built we’re about ready to go still got some stuff to put on uh that I got sent out from Easy disc is like a chaining guard front der rail guard all you know little bits of uh speed guns yeah we’re going to go on a ride now 1 hour with Kieran and the red rocket w first ride done new tires on new shoes on feeling good it is now Thursday 3:00 I haven’t actually done much videoing or filming or anything because there’s been a lot of other things that I’ve been needing to do and trying to get sorted out um as usual bit of an admin burden out for pizza last night and then today I’ve been trying to sort out easy disc wheel I got sent an easy disc wheel me not thinking that far ahead I didn’t realize that you need to take off the cassette and the disc brakes and all that other stff I found having the Hanzo is quite stressful to be honest and you have to plan ahead a lot more which is obviously a lesson to learn for the next [Music] races Friday we picked up our bags it was kind of that’s when like everything kind of hit for Sunday cuz I had everything then started to feel a little bit real yeah but it completely changed Dynamic of how I felt where it was kind of getting excitement and not nerves but yeah I was ready for the race in it’s now Saturday less than 24 hours till the race we are getting our transition bags ready we just playing around with my shoes as well seeing how I can fit them on the bike so that I don’t have to basically running my cleats and mess about doing that apparently it saves a bit of time might end up making me fall off my bike so we’ll see kind of an experimenting race trying out new things obviously new equipment new kit but that’s how it’s looking just tape it to the frame and when I set off I’ve just been practicing then but for the tape comes off if not I’ll obviously have to get it off myself but it was a lot harder than I expected these are the transition bags so you get a blue one your bite kit my race number my race belt socks you want to fold in half it makes them a lot lot quicker to put on you just put it on your heel and then pull the second part up and then my helmet will go in there got The Cask Min mistl minstril I don’t know run bag which is going to have a our shoes hus yellow ones with the zone three quick tie laes it just makes it a lot easier to after tie laes and my glasses in case I want them for the run and my nutrition for the run which is sodium salt tablets and then 120 g of gels that’s right before the race done feeling strong feet hurt a bit but yeah all ready to go in the spaceship helmet fight check in [Music] today how we doing son hey you ja really the race start these are the pens uh yeah we what the [ __ ] was [Music] that welcome back to another podcast today we’re in Venice um for Iron Man 70.3 Jesso the buildup Before the Race emotions were through the roof feeling was ecstatic enthusiastic I was ecstatic I was so excited all the all the dedication all the discipline has all been leading to this [Music] moment I came out of the swim in sub 30 minutes which was amazing for me so yeah the bike for me felt really good throughout I felt really stronger in the bike and I was ready to go onto the Run bike was tough just a slug really a lot of drafting going on we came off the bike in 2 hours and I think 18 minutes going into transition I was at about 180 heart rate excited nervous feeling a bit of cramp coming along in my hamstring so I was like please let this stay off don’t let that R my race as soon as I started the run I quickly cramped I thought that was my race finished but thankfully the cramp went away coming off the bike I felt really good so I did really enjoy the run more than I thought I would have obviously it’s a half marathon so it is quite far but I managed to have a smile the whole time around the course managed to power through onto the run and just held a good pace which averaged at 4 minutes 19 per km which meant I got overline my third IM man 70.3 in a time of 4 hours and 28 minutes I I just I started sprinting yeah so that was premeditated we all had a plan for what we were going to do at the Finishing Line and uh I’ve got to work on my twerk but that was that was my celebration would you do another Iron Man 70.3 yes I would I’m going to do two more then I’m going to do a full 100% it’s a the perfect distance for a challenging Triathlon so what’s next next I doing challenge raw which is a full distance Triathlon 3.8 km swim into 180 km and a marathon I am nervous yes definitely I’m excited I’m documenting every single minute and every part of the journey I’m posting it on this YouTube channel from racing to my normal life just everything and yeah this time next year hopefully I’ll be going fulltime with all this and really going for the dream I believe it will come true and yeah anything is really possible I do believe that thank you for watching subscribe if you want to see this journey


    1. Class video! Was Venice sold out as planning on buying entry ticket in October 2024 for next year. Hopefully there’ll still be some left!

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