In this week’s Friday episode, Patrick and Stuart are making preparations for their first Bed & Breakfast guests at the chateau. Patrick is in the chateau cuisine making an easy and healthy homemade granola for the breakfast table. They also show a visit to a local antique store and they do some shopping at a nearby brocante.


    Carnival De Paris (Full Track), Composer: Michael Stephen Decker (PRS)
    Originally published by Lynne Publishing (track not PRO registered) (none)
    Purchased from NEO Sounds Ltd.

    Gentle Ballerina, by Steve Oxen
    From Fesliyan Studios

    Jazz in Paris, by Media Right Productions
    From YouTube Audio Library


    Join Patrick and Stuart on their journey to find a neglected, forgotten, or crumbling château or castle in France, and then continue to follow them as they work on its restoration, rénovation, decoration, and furnishing. Along the way, they will also create and share videos on their preparation for having gîtes for guests, and an event venue in their chateau (wedding, birthday, anniversary, organization or club meetings, retreats, etc.).

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    Château de Colombe
    22 Lieu-dit Colombe
    Saint-Baudel 18160

    #journeytothechateau #diy #renovation #chateau #château #france #chateaudecolombe #restoration #homerenovation #chateaulife #diyhome #homeimprovement #chateaurestoration #frenchrenovation #chateaurenovation #diychateau #renovation #doityourself #frenchlife #frenchlifestyle #makeover #17thcentury #recipe #granola #brocante

    [Music] hi there and welcome to a new episode of Journey to the Chateau here from our beautiful Chau in s we have uh it’s it’s episode we are here today in our Petit Salon uh and you can see uh no decoration on the walls yet this is a room that we are still very soon I think we’re going to start actually putting up the wallpaper which we had shown in previous episodes what we’re doing through yes I’m going have to fix the walls first cuz there’s um the old trunking came off where the cables were CU it was very unattractive so that’s all gone that means now I have to sand and plaster and sand and plaster and just when you thought you’d have done and then we’ll be able to put up the wallpaper and this is going to be the room we are going to use as the breakfast room for guest for the bed breakfast it’s really cozy uh it is a pretty salon and it’s um uh we it’s lovely because we we do get feedback from the family who owned the Chateau for over 100 years and um they oh it’s it’s fantastic and it’s said oh this is such a great use for this space and it is lovely and eventually when when we have the second bed and breakfast room ready we can actually have two tables in here it’s absolutely we can actually have four tables but we don’t have enough room right so uh we will have for the breakfast here for our guest we will have our own uh preserves that we’ve made the jams and jellies that we have made from uh here from the fruit from The Chateau and Patrick also had decided that he wanted to make uh our own version of granola yes have a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome from the Shau kitchen here at the Chateau de colum I’m not cooking today I’m actually making granola we have quite a few few bookings for the bed and breakfast Suite now first couple is arriving in a few days from Paris and we want to be prepared so here I go granola is delicious for people who like nuts do it doesn’t eat nuts so not so delicious for him but he’s not the standard in any case so it’s uh oats and oat style old style Oats not um quick oats or anything that are highly processed it’s really about nutrition um it’s all kinds of nuts I chop them up I don’t like nuts when they are like whole walnuts or your house they’re just way too too big too much effort to chew so I just chopped them up uh any nuts you like and dried fruit and you can use any dried fruit you like desire or or feel inclined to try out so it’s uh really quite good uh we’re using our local honey and I’m using unfiltered virgin sunflower oil that is organic or biological so uh without pesticides and stuff so it’s uh lovely good ingredients and uh it’s I hope it’s going to be delicious so let’s start and um thanks for joining me so this is 500 G of uh old style oats so these are whole oats these are not instant or anything these are really lovely and chewy um we’re having about uh 200 or 100 175 G of uh suenas in this case uh or golden oh these are I’m sorry these are golden raisins for good measure I’m putting in some pistachios cuz I love the color cuz they look so pretty um these are chopped nuts and a few other uh the dark raisins cuz it’s just nice to have more color normally I would put in some cranberries but I don’t have any right now so I’m not going to do this so then I have 150 g of local honey it’s wonderful here and I’m going to add another good 100 G of oil this is 104 we will live and we add this as well and the honey I put in a little bit of a water bath beforehand so it is more softer cuz you don’t want to actually buy honey that is liquid all the time cuz that means it is actually highly processed you want natural honey cuz it has all the goodness in it and um yeah we have a lot of beekeepers in this area and they uh we’re very very lucky that at the farmers markets we can just buy them I I do love it I’m going to put in so there it is it’s good half teaspoon and there might be someone out there who recognized this because this is from one of our viewers in Wisconsin was a wonderful gift pansy spices are fantastic uh but of course you you can get good spices um elsewhere as well well so it’s good at least one tablespoon of lovely cinnamon I do always a bit more because uh it just is such a lovely Rich taste and uh this is vanilla extract and I’m started to make my own but this is not it one tbspoon let’s do one at but let’s do two doesn’t hurt and it is actually quite delicious gives a lovely flavor so let’s get this out of here didn’t quite think that through did I and we’re going to take a wooden spoon or a silicone spoon usually both work really really well mix that all together pretty thoroughly so you get your spices everywhere and your oil and I use always a little bit less oil and then when I get to this point here we mixing and the mixture is a little dry and the oats can be slightly different then I’m just adding a little bit more but not much only after it is is really nicely mixed in I’m really excited about this um look at that jumped right out of that ball uh to have our first bad and breakfast guests coming for the actual season since now we’re really open so I have uh preheated the oven to 180° uh that’s about 300 in a convection oven it would be 350 or 200 in an normal oven now I don’t know what that would be in the English conversion for gas wtch level so I’m not even going to guess to put on a teeny tiny bit of oil more and this is really it’s it’s uh organic or biological non filtered or virgin sunflower oil which has no taste so you can make this with coconut oil uh some people like the taste others don’t I’m completely indifferent I like both but um there people who are I found who use uh olive oil olive oil can be quite strong and might not be the best solution for our taste but if anyone loves it in the morning with their yogurt uh and granola go right ahead okay on a baking sheet with [Applause] parchment and an even layer not doesn’t have to be a thin layer read that some people say oh it has to be very thin no it does not you spread that evenly so in this granola specifically we have walnuts French walnuts pistachios almonds hazelnuts and oh there’s something else in there that is so embarrassing isn’t it Macadamia it’s Macadamia okay here we go thank goodness safe by the Bell okay so I don’t know if the camera picks this up but I have these little pieces of pistachio in there these little green cuties and this now goes in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes look at that so nice Ginger vanilla and cinnamon Give A really lovely flavor to him and I’m going to show you when it comes out okay here we go just pulled it out of the oven uh in order to get nice pieces you need to let it cool down completely so couple of hours and then we can crunch it up put it in an airtight container that’s uh about two two weeks but you can also put it in freezer bags that will last you 3 to 4 months so really really nice easy to make and tasty and you know what’s in it okay here we go this is the basic recipe um you can exchange anything in this in a way besides the oats um more hazelnuts no walnuts no pistachios more pistachios uh apricots instead of raisins the sky is the limit um so you can also of course change the spices on this and now what you do is relatively simple I mean if I can do it you can do it right so breaking this up into chunks and then they go into an airtight container and the rest we freeze in ziplock lock bags so um you can portion them off like for a weekend or so so that you have this ready for as many or as few people as you need it to be and there have bigger chunks here and uh small stuff so this goes then beautifully with milk or your yogurts and there you have it and voila B [Music] so this was our dress rehearsal or is in German G uh we did it and we uh there will of course be orange juice in in the future for guests um but since we did this in the morning because we wanted to have the actual light that is in this room so we did this actually breakfast time it was lovely it was it was very so when we were done with everything we just s um we’re going to sit down here and we actually had the breakfast it was really nice it really nice so uh we can now confirm it is lovely to sit here uh we didn’t uh eat granola because it was just too much work to chew and we’re not breakfast people ourselves anyway so and so there will be orange juice which you have haven’t seen on the table because um we’re not breakfast people so we did not want uh it on the table but it should have been there because it will be there in the future however it was uh it was really nice I’m very pleased yes it turned out really really well and you you didn’t um complain so it was a good thing so uh another thing that we did this past weekend is we went to Bro hunting a little yes we did uh to a couple of places yes e [Music] h [Music] n e [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] d [Music] so there is a measure for a count and it’s usually um s looks at me and said you haven’t touched anything so if I don’t pick up anything yeah it’s bad right right at least you can look at everything and at least if if you’ve actually picked up something to actually think about anything of Interest it might be interesting and we have gone to broon where and I’ve told Patrick it’s like you didn’t even touch anything so so that’s that’s our measure of it so it’s very funny um and the Bon store is uh one where we have bought actually quite a few items that was the same store that we had bought headboard mhm yeah lots of things there so it’s uh and he’s um interesting uh guy he knows his so uh he’s very very knowledgeable and so it’s it’s always a hit or miss there right uh and and fun to it’s huge it is and they have expanded recently too they added they added a whole upstairs yes it was always there but it was was uh with I don’t know where that came from I don’t know I have a th problem I suppose now it was it um was just full with stuff and so they reorganized and now you have an upstairs with um it’s where they have a lot of the books and and a lot of smaller knickknack sort of things and bicycles by the way like a wall full of bicycles and there were there were paintings um I can only say that that I have not seen that bad I mean that much bad artwork in one place in a long time but in any case so we did buy something right when we were at the the Brant in Le which is a town that is quite near here and so we bought this lovely clock um it’s we’re going to get get it to work again it’s sometimes hit or miss it worked and I thought okay so these old clocks sometimes do you need to oil them I did and so now it gives me trouble I will make it work but this is from our friend christelle that was her grandmother’s clock and we’re really happy to have it it’s really adorable it’s beautiful so that was uh that was the the highlight of the day we we started looking at it we went to that b last year and it was no two years ago and it was a disaster we skipped it last year uh this year we went again and it’s skippable right yeah I have we learned our lesson I think so I think we’ve learned our lesson and it was uh we we just finally uh we we saw maybe half of it we just looked at each other and said why are we doing that and so so we could be home at the Chateau with the dogs uh everyone’s happy and that’s exactly what we did right so uh that’s it for this episode if you like please give us a thumbs up like And subscribe because subscribing it helps us tremendously so please subscribe and if you want to support the renovation of the Chateau you can join us on patreon yes and or I mean both buy us a coffee and we will see you on Wednesday absolutely happy weekend bye goodbye if you enjoyed this video please use the like feature to let us know also don’t forget to subscribe to our journey to the Chateau YouTube channel if you’d like to see more once You’ subscribed you can tap the notification Bell in order to ring it which will allow you to receive all notifications from our Channel thank you a [Applause] [Music]


    1. Patrick, that is a lovely granola recipe. The first run-through of your breakfast looked delicious. We are not big breakfast people either, but we can eat it for supper or brunch.
      I like granola with yogurt as a late night snack at times.
      Yeah, that brocante didn't appeal to me either. The clock is lovely. I know you will get it going again.
      Enjoy your weekend, guys. We finally have warm sunny weather.❤

    2. The breakfast looked wonderful!
      You know you belong in a place when you can determine that some things are “shippable” based on your own empirical observations! Bon weekend!

    3. Hi Patrick and Stuart, I'll have to come back and write down the granola recipe and you have to go back to that briconte,, you never know what might be there next time. Mark & Scott


    5. The granola recipe is easy to make and certainly it will be delicious for breakfast with plain greek yogurt.
      Thank you for sharing another recipe ( that can go in your cooking book)❤

    6. Good morning Patrick & Stuart, love the wall paper behind you, very dramatic and full of character. Many colours can be used to compliment each other. The breakfast setting looked so lovely, fresh and tasty. Granola is very nice, as you say Patrick, add what you enjoy eating, your example I am sure tastes great. Certain things we buy to enjoy, make a good mental list what you are looking for and stick with that. The donkeys are always so charming. Would have enjoyed a ride, take some homemade Granola with to much on, healthy and the best. It must be great to live in a community where the people support each other. You can buy baking, whatever you need and do not have the time to make it. Have a most enjoyable week till next we meet. Kind regards, Elize and many blessings.

    7. I love granola. Homemade of course and your recipe sounds and looks so yummy. I will make it in Summer. Yes, sometimes Brocantes can be hit and miss according to other YouTubers in France. Love the walkpaper and look forward to it going up in the Petit Salon ❤ thank you for your video loved it as usual

    8. Lieber Patrick, gibt es nur Filterkaffee oder habt Ihr auch eine Espressomaschine, um Espresso, Cappuccino und andere Kaffeespezialitäten anbieten zu können? Tolles Granola! Alles Liebe Johanna

    9. The music played over the brocante visit reminds me of my cousin's steam-driven fairground organ. It had a dancing boy puppet, wearing clogs, that appeared at the front while the orchestra conductor puppet would turn its head and frown at him. I loved that old organ and I loved the music. And there were so many treasures to look at and drool over at the Brocante. Particularly the afternoon tea at 16:20. But, yes, there always seems to be some less than interesting "treasures" at such places. As the English say "where there's muck there's brass". One treasure out of thousands of "muck" makes it worth while going.

    10. I decided it was time to lose some weight, so nine weeks ago I started the Fast 800 keto way of eating, and so your delicious looking granola which is one of my favourite breakfast items, is off limits for me at the moment sadly. However, I will be making a note of the recipe to try it out at a later date, as it all looked incredible. Your guests are very lucky, they will be breakfasting like kings! Happy weekend boys xxx

    11. Patrick your granola looked amazing 🤩 your table setting was beautiful everything looks great.I love going to a brocante with you guy's and lovely music once again Stuart take care and see you soon 💕🌼🤗

    12. Really enjoyed this video, Patrick & Stuart! The granola looks delicious. Sorry you didn't have success at the brocante. But regardless, even a bad day visiting a brocante in France sounds preferable to a day here in the US. And Patrick, I have to tell you how much I enjoy your sense of humor, your laughter & smile. It really is infectious happiness, and I very much appreciate it!

    13. I will definitely have to make my own granola! Thanks for the recipe!The breakfast room has so much natural light that comes in the windows, it will cheer anyone’s day to sit in there and enjoy such a scrumptious breakfast ❤

    14. Your granola looks so yummy! I agree about nut pieces vs whole nuts – it's so much nicer to get a balanced spoonful of goodness. I wish dairy and I were still friends, non-dairy yogurt is ok but not quite the same 🥲.

    15. At this rate you will need a gift shop area in the breakfast room so guests can buy or locals can come and buy foodstuffs and other things you make to take home 🙂 great recipe I will try that later 😉 thanks Patrick and Stuart 🙂 the shop had some lovely things the problem with outdoor versions is all the one off's and junk they have sometimes if you are looking for pairs you'd be lucky. Takes a lot of restraint which is admirable 🙂 well done you two 🙂

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