Hello folks, hope you’re all well and welcome back. This is the full and pretty brutal experience of All Points North for me – Cap 8, andyc.

    As you will see, this did not go completely to plan, but resulted in an amazing adventure across the north of England. It has also given me one of my best positive and valuable experiences on a bike. I’ll take these learnings to the TCR in July. Links below, look after yourselves my friends, Andy.

    This ride – https://www.strava.com/activities/11504139750
    Insta – https://www.instagram.com/andyc_ultracycling?igsh=dTg4eWFzODZybWQ0&utm_source=qr
    The Planned Route – https://www.komoot.com/collection/2758673/-all-points-north-2024
    Dotwatcher coverage – https://dotwatcher.cc/race/all-points-north-2024

    0:00 Intro
    2:53 Registration
    5:42 Pre Race Brief
    6:26 Race Start
    9:11 CP1
    11:50 CP2
    21:17 Newlands Pass
    23:35 CP3
    26:47 Great Dun Fell Climb
    28:45 CP4
    33:47 CP5
    35:15 RAIN
    36:10 The Bivi
    42:13 The Floods
    45:31 The Scratch
    46:37 Back To Sheffield
    49:31 End

    I’ve set myself so many challenges over the years always pushing myself to try to find the limit I don’t think this is it I’m just breaking I keep moving where to begin this is the story of how All Points North 2024 when for me if you’re already subscribed thanks a lot for coming back and if you’re not already my name is Andy I’m ultra cyclist on the south coast of England and I make videos about Ultra cycling training kit and Adventures so subscribe for more videos like this if you don’t know All Points North already it’s a self-supported ultra bike race in the north of England it starts in Sheffield and you hit 10 checkpoints in some of the most beautiful landscape England has to offer as fast as possible and then get back to Sheffield in my route this time was almost 1,000 km long and about 45,000 ft of climbing something like that I completed the race last year no problems this time didn’t quite go how I hoped it would you’re going to see a man go from full of excitement hopes and dreams to being to basically broken by the end but don’t feel too sorry for me as of today it’s 6 days since I scratched and honestly it’s been one of the most positive experiences I’ve had on a bike probably mostly because of all of the comments messages I’ve had from you guys subscribers so supportive I don’t know what I’ve done to be so lucky to have such a nice bunch of people following this journey but at the start I was pretty depressed about the whole thing hour by hour day by day feeling pretty good now so hopefully it gives you good insight into ultra bike racing and how these things often pan out if you have any questions throughout put them in the comments all the while I can still keep up I reply to every comment so stick them in there let get comfy hope you enjoy the video and I’ll see you all soon [Music] [Music] on top of number [Music] [Music] two hello hello [Music] mine [Music] all right registered ready to go I’m registered bike’s checked it’s safe to ride so all systems go I going to go find myself a nice Pizza some Savory food might have a nap I bumped into a few people I know so far uh Alex from Germany Andy blades I’m sure there’ll be others there just a mixture of people some quite chatty some really not chatty Just In the Zone in that limbo time a few hours from the race start and no Hell Breaks Loose picked up some por pies some cupboard for Savory food too I’m good to go I’ve good memories of last year leaving Sheffield and every Junction you get to bikes fly from every direction people choosing different routes different ways out the city it’s really fun so I’m going to enjoy that the roots have to stay secret you can’t share your route can’t make it public because some lazy GE will just steal it and you need to find your own way so I’ll put my route up you can you can see it now it’s just just under 1,000 km and about 40,000 ft of climbing so quite a job in my hands but actually it’s pretty much the same num as this last year and last year went fine I struggled for the last 24 hours or so just dragged my butt across the line very slowly and I learned a lot after that so pacing it and fueling well I’m hoping I can keep the same Pace all the way through but let’s see everyone has a plan until you get punched in the nose and another sad news the pizza place is closed so we go down this hill for pork pies I’m not even going to eat yet I’ll go back out surely and get a nice Pizza well we give you a range to take the sleep in really really we just don’t want you riding continuously for like 48 hours without any sleep that’s I want to give a first nod the bikes because the bikes are amazing when I was a kid they really are thank give [Music] [Music] yeah yeah well done that’s so much fun it’s my favorite part of the whole race bikes going in every direction through Sheffield so funny I just watched about 10 bikes go straight and I turn left and this climb is about 3 miles long 10% so I’m not sure who made an error there look it could be me [Music] I’m pretty sure the Mast that I can see I think that’s checkpoint one pretty sure everyone’s gone straight to El Moore General on these things there’s a route that makes sense to everybody and El Moore is probably the first checkpoint anyway that was a great start quite energetic but not too bad at the moment I’m watching people go past me passing a few people but trying to keep a on the heart rate and Trust the heart rate let’s see what happens it’s really nice at the start to meet some people that watch the videos so if you’re watching this then nice to meet you all someone know already Dan Bannister Steve I met a few new people and a couple on the road afterwards I think one was called Ian Damian sorry I got your names wrong guys uh and Esther at the start so hope you all have a good race oh so far so [Music] [Applause] [Music] good how good is that Dynam light really happy with that fully getting into nighttime riding now nice sunlight for quite a few hours now and to be honest this time of year it’s not too bad it’s not good as July but before we know it this going will be up the obvious direct route to the next checkpoint it’s quite hilly I managed to find a diversion from here we are 33 mi in so I think at this point my alternate route kicks in and looking at the rookies almost all of them went the obvious route one person went the route I planned and shot ahead of everybody else so be interesting to see off the rest the 72 hour guys if anybody else did the same thing well let’s see [Music] it’s midnight well into the diversion now I haven’t seen anybody for a really long time times like now you wonder did you make a horrible mistake we’ll take a really good detour really hope it’s a l i saw one guy a while ago but made a couple of hours now since detouring and basically been on my own quite nice though not very rural or roads like this but who knows I’m kind of Flying Blind the tracking by this point is not very clear I don’t even watch it there not really much point so for all I know there’s a peton up the road somewhere or maybe I might be overt taking them I’ll find out soon I have no idea if you can see me at all that’s checkpoint two done cross a greet now heading on to the Lake District watch out for the Sheep whoa don’t you dare don’t you dare these guys are notorious for taking people out but okay it is 20 2 in the morning 33 miles feeling pretty good pacing it quite well quite a few people at this checkpoint so still got a few people around me pretty much to be expected I don’t expect anything to kind of flow apart for people till tomorrow really everyone will be about the same sort of pace but then it’s just who’s blowing the doors off hopefully not me right probably not going to be a whole lot to see for a few hours so I’m going to get my head down get through the night and I’ll see you lovely lot in the morning the sun is just starting to rise it’s not even 4:00 a.m. yet it’ll makes such a difference even just a small amount of sun gives you such a second wind it makes a huge difference to mood should be uh probably still another hour or two until the sun actually comes up but that really helps 100 miles in now 100 miles 4:00 a.m. so what’s 8 8 hours it’s not too bad but done a lot of elevation too and another climb woo good morning kind of not really there yet just having a bit of an internal battle to stay awake I definitely don’t feel like I can’t go on but this point riding all through the night 1 2 hours before Sunrise is notoriously the hardest part if you’ve done it before probably not what I mean if you haven’t then yeah get ready for that it’s definitely doable and I can carry on but there’s a negotiation happening and I think I’m teetering if I happen to see somewhere perfect might get half an hour I’ve been looking for somewhere for about the last hour chances are will carry on as soon as the sun comes up I’ll be fine but that’s probably still an hour or so away yet it’s now 4:23 so maybe even longer cross your fingers lost the battle I’m going to get my bivy out and I have half an hour a power nap he should sort me out I realized this I slept here once before in my car I did the Fred Whitten years ago I parked in this car park slept here and then rode the red wh small world that do nicely talk to in the car park a timer on my phone half an hour and then I’ll probably lose an hour but hopefully I’m more productive tomorrow today good night that was only half an hour but I think that will help now the hard part climbing out of this warm sleeping [Music] bag good morning on the road again laying there I did hear a couple of free hubs so short term it’s not really ideal but longer term I feel pretty good now lost about an hour but last year this was about the point the wheels really came off after riding all through the night pushing a bit as well there were a few of us in the Lake District stopped at a shop just wrecked and after that didn’t really recover that well myself and that banister I mentioned earlier both of us that that was the case for fingers crossed maybe this might make a difference I feel pretty good now so let’s go find some coffee [Music] to be honest with you it’s feeling pretty good and now not getting any power at my legs whatsoever completely zero in the legs so just stop for some coffee and some food fingers cross that helps but it won’t last forever rolling into the Lake District now so hopefully soon some energy back in my legs it’s gorgeous over beautiful some [Music] I seem to have my mojo back I think see how that goes I’m currently riding around Lake wibe which has to be one of the most amazing places in the world let alone England it’s one of the best things about riding these races you see more in 2 days than a lot of British people would see ever I’m getting some views now right into the mountains and it’s looking pretty Ang in there can’t see it from here of course I’ll show you but looks like a lot of rain fingers crossed it’s gone by the time I get there I think this route Choice was a bit out there I’m not convinced it’s the quickest on the way to kzig from Grasmere 138 Mi not necessarily quickest but man is it stunning no regrets I think you could take the a591 all the way through and possibly might might be faster I’m not sure sometimes you just got to trust the route you made spend quite a lot of time on it I’m not complaining oh now I’m riding the 591 and to be honest this a exactly flat either probably all right then lot busier though [Music] [Music] pretty sure we’re climbing Newlands past now almost the end of this section and uh quite a long climb so I think it’s his Newlands I just stopped by the road had a little wet wipe Shamy cream it’s really frustrating having to stop there things that you just have to do I’m seeing people now that maybe didn’t sleep and they’re probably about an hour ahead of me now so really hoping I don’t regret sleeping now [Music] look at this if you didn’t know any better you think you’re in New Zealand or somewhere I’ve ridden this past before but a long time ago it’s [Music] spectacular welcome to andyc ultra walking no shame in it I wouldn’t be riding any faster than this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was bamir checkpoint 3 of 10 done that in what it’s 154 miles for me 12 and a half 12,600 ft climbing and now climb back over new’s past again I saw signs for 25% that’s great over Newlands out of the Lake District across into uh the penines and then up the highest paved Road in England [Music] nightmare you all [Music] right oh man that’s new this pass both ways like checkpoint is a nightmare there’s no way to get to it other than this pass or honister pass and H pass is worse it’s beautiful though but God damn that hurt I’m glad that’s over this event doesn’t have ban roads but it has roads that they advise you um very nice that was one of them I rode it last year though and sketchy but it’s quite fast so I decided to go for it I think if you ride this event just do what you think is safe and now I need to try to find some water I can see great dunf and we’re not that far away maybe like 7 8 miles to the climb you probably can’t see it on this lens but up on that Hill there’s a little white Observatory I need water before I go out there I’m out that looks like fun doesn’t it at least this would be the last big climb I think there’s a lot of elevation left but this is the last of the really bad stuff let’s get it done [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel sick I years are the highest paved Road in England I think it’s a brutal climb I think it’s like 25% [Music] [Music] is going to get much fresher than this why not that’s good [Music] final little push now it’s an amazing view up here but after all that work just like cool once I get up there I’m sure I’ll be a lot happier this is a proper hard climb if you ridden hard not pass that sort of thing my opinion this is way harder way harder got to do it once I don’t know if I’ll come back [Music] [Music] we made it that was a 10 out of 10 climb absolutely brutal I’m enjoying the view now I’m up here but uh I’m looking forward to getting back down again I think this from the way I’ve stacked the elevation is the last of the really bad climbing maybe one or two stiff ones but generally lots of rolling terrain now I think I’m about a third of the way around the whole course and about half the elevation done so front loaded quite a lot of the elevation which is good so now just need to roll down this descent without destroy my brakes hopefully hitting any sheep and then on to get through the pen IRS really I want to be through the pen IRS before the weather takes a dodgy turn because a bit later on it’s supposed to be raining possibly thunderstorms I really hope it’s not but let’s see the penis is a really bad place to get stuck in that kind of weather so let’s get [Music] on oh that a pretty cold descent and I think I’m I cooked my rotors they look a little bit discolored now but oh well I’ve just headed into the north penines just climbing over into Alston which there’s some resupply options the climb is 5 mil long 5 miles at 5% so my legs are starting to really suffer now can’t get a whole lot of power out of them but I think it’s probably not having carbs in the bottle that seems to pretty help so got resupply [Music] SL I talk to you all while I’ve got a bit more energy I’m feeling slightly better now I’ve eating some food and had some caffeine slightly better I was just riding with a guy briefly as we pass each other in the same boat as me energy wise I’m better now don’t know how long for every incline is just killing me and he was in the same boat I think there’s there’s no way to hit these checkpoints without burying yourself so by this point yeah the North Pan Island’s out the way and great don’t fell my legs are toast I do know generally once I get a few hour sleep I’m much better the next day so that will happen I’m just going to go through to the Sleep checkpoint five Rock H parch and that was quite cold to be honest uh pretty sure now I think I’m still in the penines so I’m pretty sure we’re just descending out of the penines now into North umberland I think and then up to the scotch border and that’s going to be a big push not so much elevation this time I think by the time we get there I’ll be about halfway miles wise little bit more and about 2/3 elevation done so I’ll be ready for some sleep by then I can’t sleep until midnight the mandatory rest periods start at midnight tonight so if I sleep before that I’ve got to sleep after midnight anyway so let’s go to Scotland it’s getting pretty cold now I think it’s time to deploy the winter gloves wasn’t sure if I need these but pretty glad I got them now my hands are starting to get a bit weak from being too too cold so let’s put these bad boys on I might not be on for a little bit there’s be a whole lot to see I don’t think me getting wet and probably getting dark so I’ll pick up with you surely there’s quite a big gap in the footage at this point after I lay it up the previous night it quite quickly got pretty dark and mostly uneventful except for the huge amounts of rain if you count that I rode for several hours North aiming for a town called Rothbury I had an eye on that thinking there’s probably going to be places to sleep there on the way there the heavens opened I got absolutely soaked I think if I jumped in the lake I’d probably be drier so by the time I reached Rothbury I walked around for about an hour trying to find somewhere to sleep really didn’t have a lot of luck but eventually found somewhere behind a doctor’s surgery underneath a raised floor so just had to settle down climb into my sleeping bag wet and cold sleep for 4 hours and try to recover good morning bit wet over slept a little bit as well my I went off and it was just pouring like really hard so what always had to do but crack on going to get dressed I think what I’m going to do we’re given an emergency emergency foil blanket by the organizers I think I’m going to tear some strips off wrap my feet wrap my knees so at least they’ll be warm because it’s going to be raining all day not even halfway through the ride yet not a lot of elevation left but still I’m going to be riding all the way through sleeping again tonight and then riding to Sheffield tomorrow now so all in all it’s been a lot slower than I planned the prospect of riding all day all the way through to sleeping again 18 20 hours or whatever right now it’s not sounding very fun but let’s get wrapped up get moving Today’s Breakfast steak bag I’ve been carrying around my back pocket by my buck rack all day yesterday that should get me going right I’m ready to go can you guess where I slept last night I bought these gloves just in case it got really cold in the night so they should come in pretty handy nothing to it but to do it let’s go well this is pretty much going as expected absolutely soak through freezing cold not that far into the day either just going up the last climb on my Garin before I get to Union chamb bridge but I think I got a little way still I’m not really sure I feel like almost halfway the fact I’ve got this if if not worse all day is daunting to say the least I’ve never failed a challenge I set myself this one is looking like a pretty big ass right now but just keep turning the pedals [Music] [Music] oh hopefully you can see me it’s stting to read out this now my gloves and shoes are water loged my arms and legs numb uh bike is basically a one by now can’t really push very hard just past 300 mil and 25,000 ft climbing so almost an Everest of what I think it’s done this it really is the rain is not good really suffering the elevation I kind of expected I plan the route there’s so many climbs that were just 15 20 25% and up constantly it’s just ruin me and now the rain is killing me I’m not far from the Scottish border and honestly I’m really having doubts I think I’m going to head there get that control done start heading south and then not feeling good about this I’ve set myself so many challenges over the years always pushing myself to try to find the limit I don’t think this is it but this is hard those gravel races overseas in the hot sun looking more and more appealing this is a great event the north of England is beautiful if you get poor weather like this it’s just combined with a tough route I’m just breaking I keep moving oh God H down a big hole in [Music] [Music] first [Music] this road is not ridable I remember Ro like this last year near to the borders I think tractors just destroy them I got through several quite big puddles bigger than puddles but one I tried to walk across it was so deep that my Dera was underwater so that’s not really ideal got halfway across bushes pushed me right into the water I couldn’t get through there’s just no way the thing is I have no idea how long this road is or how bad it gets so if I walk through that water and get through somehow could go on and on so I’m going back I came off of the main road the road was getting a bit emotional on I’m to go back there and try and figure out where I am I did look on when I G in touchcreen isn’t working so I can’t see where I am or how far that road goes but I’m hoping there’s a sign out here maybe that will tell me what towns I’m there to and try and find a bypass [Music] well this is the end of the road it feels a bit weird never quit but I know you shouldn’t be afraid to fail but I don’t like to fail I can’t get my screen to work on my garment so I can’t find a bypass on top of that I’m a bit nervous about doing this all day and then who knows where at gone midnight I’ll be climbing into a bivy bag if I’m going to have like hypothermia or something ah cuz I feel pretty bad already I’ve just managed to get back out onto the the main road that I came in on I’m heading south now so that sucks but this goes to Newcastle and morpeth mor first so I’m going to head there and try and find a Costa or something and figure out what to do now what a nightmare we are back in Sunny Sheffield what a whirlwind the last couple of days have been it wasn’t a whole lot really to film to be honest after scratching deciding to scratch I headed south straight for morpeth the closest Big Town I could see from the Scottish borders at the point I decided to throw in the towel I was in a really remote part of the Scottish borders so that took about 2 hours to ride South to morpeth um and all I could do was sit eat a cook breakfast and think about what i’ done um book my train to Newcastle some accommodation in Newcastle and then a train the following day to get back to Sheffield slight issue when I went to get on the train in morpi to get to Newcastle they wouldn’t let me on don’t accept bikes I had to then ride from morpi to Newcastle which was another couple of hours so not ideal got drenched again on the way to Newcastle and straight to the hotel I’ll be h honest I’m not really reflected on it completely fully yet the fog hasn’t really lifted yet um but there’s some positives I’m realizing already from this um although I’m not pretty pleased with the result but I’m going to give it some more time reflect on it fully uh and go over the benefits and the drawbacks of throwing in the towel on an event like this what I can so at this point feeling pretty satisfied with what I did get through it was a really tough course great done fell was unbelievably difficult and that came a couple hundred miles in after some pretty Savage climbing already at least I managed to tick off a lot of the more beautiful areas in the first half right now I’m really close to where the Finish should have been for me so I’m going to roll over hand in my tracker and go clap some people in as they arrive so let’s go over to the finish and round this one off it’s not a bad view up here is it hi [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music]


    1. Mate, felt your pain and disappointment, don't nder estimate your skill in sharing your journey, as a blind tandem rider who holidayed in that part of England prior to moving to Aus, you made me feel I was in part along for the ride.. but no doubt the challenge provided knowledge for planning for future similar events. Massive congrats.

    2. Wow, this video was so "real", one could feel the initial excitement of the cycle, then as the time and miles ticked by the weather challenges produced the raw emrionsa that require digging so deep many don't or can't go there and most of us would have experienced – probably a lot earlier than where you did Andy in the race and no doubt most of us would have called a halt to it way before you did. I admire your strength, determination, and guts to do what you do, but most of all, your decision to put your health over the race itself as the best decision. You can go at the race again, and no doubt you will. Keep up what you are doing. As a beginner cyclist, your "realism" is very much appreciated

    3. Well done being so honest about your ride. Have a heart for us northerners that was a beautiful summers day for us! Sorry but i did laugh when i saw you adding tin foil. Keep going these are just bumps in the road.

    4. Hi Andy, gutted for you mate, a couple of points perhaps you might want to think about is such a big event for you. Why did you not stay overnight night and start the event fresh.was you looking complete the event or to beat last year time, this may of had effect in mind set. Training of your mind is just as important as to putting in those miles. So pick yourself up,put work in a go smash the trains Atlantic challenge.

    5. Chapeau to you Andy on having the strength to admit enough is enough and to ride the distance you did with all the climbing and the weather conditions is something to be proud of and you always learn more from these type of events.I am sure you will come back stronger and wiser.

    6. hey, whats that type of reflective vest called. I need one for a race but can‘t seem to find a slim one like that anywhere. thanks

    7. Chapeau, Andy. The weather is a powerful beast at times. Not sure why the event doesn't take place a little later, such as late June, or early July, although dry weather still isn't guaranteed. As for the Morpeth train issue, if it were me, I probably would have broken down at that point, or broken something! Good to see that your post-event reflections have led to a more positive look back at your achievements and wise decision. All the best to you.

    8. Great video Andy – your Sunday was like my Wednesday.
      I think for me I started to feel the cold from Emily Moor, took 5-6 minutes to get phone to work and take the photo as evidence.
      Once I came off after leaving Hebdon Bridge that was it, cold, wet, phone waterlogged and Wahoo give up the ghost. I can honestly say I never felt so cold, even teaching skiing in Canada in the -20's I felt warmer.
      Full admiration for those Rookies to pressed on in the dreadful conditions.

    9. You did well regardless of the outcome. Lessons learned, hopefully, are adequate and sufficient clothing brought, perhaps? Emergency blanket around knee and toes is not cutting it. This suggests lack of proper body coverings for the conditions. I think that lack of clothing contributed to the scratch.

      I rode 6 days and over 600 miles in non stop rain from Calais to hannover. Gotta eat even when you dont feel like it and gotta drink even when you dont feel like it, Took me 5 days to go to the bathroom such was the shock of the constant milage. From exeter, devon to eindhoven i rode and only then could "relieve" myself.

      You have the mindset and physical capabilities to do these distances, so a scratch does ot define you.

    10. Andy – I was there! Scratched at 900km and found this video so reflective of my experiences. To be able to record the experience is another level to my own but for so many dot watchers you have really captured what it is like to go for something really challenging and not to get there. Inspring and informative

    11. that sounds like a classic liver enzymes bonk. It happens when normal rest cycles are interrupted. Long events Perfection learn vehicle if you can access some testing after.

    12. What an epic ride and an incredible video – one of the best I’ve ever seen! Powerful. You’re a great personality, and your resilience is top shelf. To ride is to win! Keep on.

    13. I can't imagine how tough of a decision that was to make. I really appreciate you showing the setbacks it often seems to be something missing from social media these days. I'm sure you'll reflect more on this and take some important lessons from the experience to help you be better prepared for future events.

    14. Wow! Andy, that was bloody great! An emotional rollercoaster. What an adventure. You didn't really fail at all, you pushed it as far as you could, and in those conditions you knew yourself and your limits.
      Looking forward to how you approach and tackle TCR in July.

    15. oh man. looking to this just makes my 150k rides "easier" as i think , it can be much worst :P. Andy, what is your backup in case you Garmin crash? do you use your phone? Great character showing also the downparts and how to handle it with a great spirit!

    16. Thanks, as ever, Andy. Same route, same weather – what could you have done to complete the course? Wahoo instead of a Garmin obviously. Booking accommodation (if available) to get some proper rest, stay warm and dry off? Interested to hear your thoughts.

    17. Sometimes everything conspires against us. You made absolutely the right decision. You know. Proud of the K’s, assent you covered. Well done, strong as always Andy 👏🏾 👍🏾🚴💪🏽

    18. Chapeau Andy, top effort, Ultra is hard and as i like to say youcheer on some ho,e are not a robot, som,etimes for reasons we cant control your body just says no. I love the fact you went to cheer some folks home.

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