Take a look at the last kilometer of Stage 7 – Albertville / Samoëns 1600!

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    there’s loads of Belgian fans up here we met loads of them last night and this morning many of them doing a charity ride and they decided to stay for another day and cheer on Remco aveno to the top of this mountain unfortunately they’re going to have to cheer him forward to help him limit his loss now we’re at saman 1600 vof almost a little cheeky Smile as he grimaces through the pain look at the eyes of Jorgenson Derek G stuck to the back wheel of Jorgenson like a piece of velcro behind rogl ready to strike brago looks ready to try and win the stage chicone knows today he’s got to try and S something a little bit different here goes the move of Bago it was almost from that helicopter shot a transmitted wait for me to go last starts to move as well Jorgenson under the tunnel gets into the wheels as well 530 M of racing to go to decide today’s stage Lenole zips up the Jersey 118 he is back they come out now and there’s brago on the front Las caros waiting to give mistar a stage win in the do but he’s got some Punchy Riders just behind him Derek G is hanging on for dear life here he needs to stay on the wheel of Jorgenson and Rit all the way to the finish line and Rodriguez is on the back it’s been an amazing day 4,269 M of climbing in 155 km that has caused a real brutal finish as Lano jumps and looks don’t look now because jorgens is coming for you and now Mato Jorgenson is onto the wheel of lasaro and he can’t go forward RIT is ready to strike so is chicone RIT goes left hand side big acceleration and there’s going to be Flatout Sprint between these Riders Kos RIT with 200 M to go getting ready for back-to- back stage wins Jorgenson trying to get on terms trying to claw his way back to the win RIT still fires Primos RIT Mato Jorgenson but it’s going to be backto back wins for RIT


    1. Roglic doing the Classic Roglic. If he only could not crash, he could be the only One to compete with Pogacar, but the young One Is still favorite.

    2. Not impressive at all from Roglic. He couldn't blow apart such a big group, he struggled in the sprint, Jorgenson was close. Nope, Pog will destroy him, no question. Pog WILL do the double!

    3. Une fois de plus, mais est-ce surprenant, Evépoel déçoit et ne confirme pas les prévisions des fameux experts qui en faisait le fossoyeur des légendes du cyclisme grâce à ses watts! Dès que la pente s’élève et qu’il faut soit réfléchir soit se sortir les tripes, il disparaît.
      Mais bon cette année est vraiment une saison en trompe l’œil.
      Entre les hyper favoris qui s’évitent choisissent leurs courses et passent par dessus la jambe celles qui les intéressent pas , qui malheureusement chutent et compromettent leurs chances d’un retour au maximum de leur force et forme, il est difficile de s’intéresser à cette saison. C’est la premier année que le TDF risque de ne pas m’intéresser. Si c’est pour voir Pogie réaliser le même « exploit » qu’au Giro à savoir triompher sans gloire en vainquant sans péril ni adversaires, c’est fort peu alléchant.

    4. All the shit hole hype around Remco gets beaten by every decent mountain climber in thier day. Too fat to climb. Belgian fans have high hope. Tadej will eat him for breakfast come tdf 2024

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