Cycling across Australia through the Nullarbor with @ChrisHallRides

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    I’m quite excited are you yeah had a great breakfast it is amazing you go to a place like this yeah and when when you when you we rolled around the corner past a giant dog we saw loads of bike stacked up outside and instantly we were like that’s a good place to go and we weren’t let down exceptional breakfast mate we’re fueled up we need to go and get sun cream and then we need to go and ride 200 and something case today we’re aiming for just over 200ks we’ve got a couple of options where we can stay so that we can adjust the route accordingly all in all we just want to cover some ground today make sure all the equipment is working properly work out any kinks with our setups and strap in for a month of proper rides 10K done already how am I going to do my face my friend don’t get it on your forehead cuz then it sweats and it goes in your eyes you got small eyes yeah yes thank you 2 hours in we’re still on a cycle path uh we literally haven’t touched the road this is amazing looking at the elevation profile bit of a climb coming up is it too early for the yellow archers mate the golden arches them secure this a bit better cuz it keeps on slipping these are better than bungees way better whoever said that in the comments I mean obviously we haven’t booked commodation until checking out tomorrow as well now I mean starters you mean to go on right things are good so far so that climb it was pretty long uh on a main road now we’re off that K’s taking us on much much quieter bit which has been quite nice for the last few minutes um I’m hoping further we get away from the city the quieter it will get so we looking good zero koalas zero kangaroos we start we disappointing yeah yeah yeah I think we we’ve worked out for us I think it’s about 200 in made a new friend my pouch here full of food bit of a shout out to uh enov they’re one of our new sponsors so they’ve given us all of this to get us through the trip # Ed your best friend yeah we’re staying in a pup tonight he was like oh I don’t know I we’ve only got twin singles and family women so I was like bait C you got Arrow bars in your bik whenever you’re on them I’m on your wheel that’s the rules mate [Music] [Music] I’ve gone I’ve gotone double sandwich to start with to start with yeah I mean further on in the trip it’s going to get to Triple but they got vanilla CES here they don’t have that home do they Big Vanilla Coke they are massive small child size it’s like American size got my coffee got my egg sandwich is all right so light veggie thing they had in the shop so first little gas station break of the whole trip and foreseeing many of these luckily stops are quite regular at the moment cuz we’re still not that far from Perth it’s going to get less and less the further out we go and then we will have to actually start loading on the bikes with food and stuff making sure we’ve got enough to keep us going for a long stint at some point it’s 150k at a time but it’s all good that should be manageable and uh we just made the most of it at the moment gouret mate mate I bought the low intensity one it’s iced coffee there’s a Triple Espresso one but I was Ed by caramel it’s freezing I know Australia is well cold let’s go getting the sun mate next upop your mate this is what happens when Chris is in charge of the speaker snake so the main thing I’m contending with today is not so much the distance but because we only stayed One Night in Perth feel really jet lagged still right now my eyes just want to close and I want to have a nap but I know if we see through today get to our finishing location and then we’ll be tired enough to have a proper night’s sleep whereas last night we were still wide awake at 2: a.m. and there was nothing we could do about it this obviously will get better for the trip but for now a little bit of tiredness to contend with terrifying well it definitely looks like Australia now we haven’t seen a car for quite a while which is a nice thing although on a road like this narrow you can’t really ride next to each other so we’ve only been riding two of breast when there’s been enough of a runoff on the left hand side then we just kind of ride in the grally bit which is okay cuz of tires I think I might have caught a cold or something on the plane cuz I’m not feeling great but legs are feeling fresh just got to keep going no koalas still no kangaroos unless they’re in the trees watch out I don’t want to die thanks [Music] mate my mustache look good mate it is the best thing you’ve done in the last few years best thing you’ve done since 107 so we’ve now just gone through a town called York we were going to pick up some supplies but we’re pretty much still full um might have to throw away a few things to make space for the rides coming up because don’t know if I have enough space for food maybe I’ll sacrifice my walking around shoes cuz I can kind of just wear these blue ones problem me is the camera equipment just takes up so much space my front bag here is just for the cables on another note look at this crazy I just have a quick stop and a stretch cuz it was actually Matt Falconer that warned me from TCR Fame that uh if you rides are really really flat which this pretty much is you need to keep getting out of the saddle and stretching cuz you just sat riding along for so so long you end up really stiff my back hurts so that’s what we’re doing little uh micro breakes man how you feeling it’s lovely isn’t it yeah it’s not I don’t think this is what either of us expected no I was expecting desert straight away like that but it’s very green yeah I was kind of this more that less of that no it’s beautiful absolutely beautiful and uh quite a quiet Road actually this little lane on the side is a godsend you can just sit in that maybe not if you had road tires though it’s 20 to3 we’ve got what 50k 50k if that yeah going well good yeah found a a new place for my Buffy as well um seems to work so really closing in on our destination now about 20ks to go and it’s pretty much all downhill couple of rollers only we’re both feeling really tired as I said earlier not tooo much down to the riding itself but definitely the jet lag probably have a small nap get as much food in as possible and then uh and then start my edit and then hopefully get a full night’s sleep last little effort into a headwind m you said this was flat we’re doing the hilly Day first not flat this is still flat first ride done 200ks million billion meters of climbing million billion flies trying to attack us oh mate the horse flies as soon as you stop riding they just get you don’t they to get some mag Pi there was mag pies that’s one of the Pricks that tried to attack us what that actual one his cousin look at his leg wait Steven yeah you he walking tell you something funny I was up at ha the are years ago and this kiwi Sheil or Mary Sheil she was gets off the bus and she’s going to work with us eh because when you get out in the high in the Rivera it’s dead flat it’s 300K by 300K without even a bloody Ripple of sand on it it’s just dead flat it’s a good sheep country though right I said where’s all the [ __ ] mountains what do you think of this place for staying in very it’s actually to be honest food is fantastic and the couple Who Run It are really nicest people ever it’s so nice the guy did when I asked for the Wi-Fi code he did turn around and say to me you’re not going to use it to watch loads of porn I was like no no no no we’re going to video some stuff and didn’t say what so I think I’ve managed to cut down about 10 to 15K and about 200 M of climbing tomorrow sweet we’re going go to a town I can’t pronounce the name off again but it has an airport grocery store has got four 2 out of five stars on Google reviews M they going to have those things that you really want the biscuits tin tabs oh my we’re going to get some tin tabs good morning and welcome to today’s video oh man feels like we’ve been it before let’s stand in the sun really cold in the shade welcome to day two riding across Australia we’re having a lovely gas station breakfast what have we got lip balm you going to eat that yep some sweeties a muffin coffee and something else that looked exciting lipstick yeah mate wa good some [Music] so today’s ride mainly flat we’ve got about 700 M of climbing which is about half of yesterday distance is about 230 K there’s a couple of significant stops along the way if we need to refuel so it’s not too high risk uh wind not really that windy today either it’s a little bit Gusty let’s see we’ve got a fairly significant direction change after this road hopefully it’ll be in our favor we’ll see I’ve got my lip balm on so I’m happy yeah yeah man my lips are getting a bit dry did you a kiss no I think today I’ll be all right like similar amount of time to yesterday just on the basis a lot less climbing hopefully the wind is on our side pray to the wind Gods might see a dead kangaroo again lots of sleeping ones sad sad days bit grally again we got the right bikes for it [Music] [Music] mate stop [Music] you know what I’m happy about go on this 30k of gravel that was a lot of gravel man I mean it was lovely because we didn’t see anything for the whole first hour and a half of the ride but hard flip headwind and that being vegetarian is hard sometimes mate I got cheese sandwich right we’ve uh stopped this gas station got some food down us bought some peanuts um salted ones so we can sort of keep those electrolytes up got some Gatorade as well cuz water sucks and now we’re on the same road for the whole rest of the ride which is 166k I hope the headwind gets better cuz it’s just horrible at the moment no more gravel that is a good thing learning from time TR I’ve got half a chocolate B learning from time TRS the momentum of cars will carry us on with some BS like that what the one car every 10 minutes two okay two cars fly on your face probably a good for yeah almost [Music] there so Chris is happy he’s got his Arrow bars we’re into a stonking headwind probably for the rest of today unfortunately luckily it is much flatter than yesterday so we’re still tiing along at about 26 K an hour take it in turns few cars on this road but we’ve got our little mirrors out so we can see behind us a proper night sleep last night has done wonders feeling a million times better should only be a couple more days and we’ll be fully recovered from the jet lag so looking good now we got 150k to go that’s quite big that SN 20K next stop we doing about 26k now it’s gone up and up and up now I mean on the drags it’s a tiny bit slower but it’s all good that one was [ __ ] close oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think the woman Inside thought they were for both of us then you went in and she was probably like what what are you doing I might eat the other one if we eat both of them we probably only have to have peee stops I know if that’s how it works but I’m willing to try so we’ve just eaten two foot long Subways each uh we’re chug along this road quite happily now I think the wind conditions have improved been doing about 30ks an hour slightly slower when it’s uphill slightly slower when it’s downhill and we’re talking minus 1% or 1% so it’s amazing how much difference that actually makes when you’re un loaded bikes I guess when you’ve got a bit of road at minus 1% you really do shift we’re doing like 40ks an hour without trying anyway things are looking good 78 K to go just get off for a stretch and then the Flies get you don’t they and they [ __ ] you can’t even stop for long one or the other it C you bastard M it’s working so Chris out on the front for about 50ks this morning cuz I had a hurty leg and now I’m returning the favor I’ve been on the front for about 50ks cuz his knee hurts my leg’s better and he’s been listening to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus on repeat and singing along as well P we’re going to have one more refuel coming up in about 2k then push on to the end 48 K to go for two done about 170 180 so if we ride at 48 K an hour for the whole rest of today we’ll be back soon at least it’s not hot significantly easier than the American thing so far just because of the heat but it’s going to get hotter over the next few weeks anyway mate spins the other way [Music] [Music] hey I got you a gift vanilla Coca-Cola I know how you’ve been like complaining about about I got Arrow bars Arrow bar it’s not vegan mate got f in it do we want to explain to people what our boys are our boys our boys have been with us from the start it’s a flock of [ __ ] that flies along with us quite regularly the chair belong it a right rockers today those guys I can’t believe they’re flly all this way they’re doing well aren they I mean they’ve done like 500k basically so tomorrow which is our third day we have got 187 km Runing to a place with a great name called kardi not to be confused with another place just up the road called cordi vanill vanilla for breakfast so today’s situation 187k but there’s no stops Multi Grain curried egg and lettuce uh day three 187k one road our destination is Calgary or calori Kari Kari one of those but there is a catch and the catch is that there is there is no stops on the way here apparently about 6 months ago there was a petrol station open and now cuz we’re going through a national park there’s nothing so we’re carrying a little bit more stuff uh more liquids couple of sandwiches and hopefully that will be enough but judging by yesterday’s distance and the speed we were riding we should be okay bit of a headwind again of course can you help me with my sticky your what my sticky bottle make these straps they were one of the best things I bought for KGAN it’s kind of of arrow man like a tri get sound the fun [Music] [Music] [Music] so we’ve been on the road for about 40ks now conditions are similar to yesterday we got bit of a headwind but it’s not too much to slowest down we’re averaging 25 K an hour on the flat a little bit more when it goes downhill it’s nice the road has really got quieter as well so while there is still a lorry every now and then they’re becoming less and less frequent everyone seems pretty friendly at the gas stations and stuff so yeah feeling positive it’s significantly short today compared to yesterday which is nice as I said there’s also no proper stops for lunch so we’re not going to be sitting around we’re probably going to get attacked by flies and uh end up finishing the day a lot quicker because of that less stoppage time got a bit of a twinge in my knee but uh they sort of come and go this I can’t really set on my saddle properly without my jacket stabbing me in the ass so need to rejig my equipment a bit going to have a quick stop in a minute stretch you know what this reminds me off go on geid from Star Wars all right first little stop shake out the legs we do need to like become a bit better at stopping CU we get into a rhythm and yeah exactly and then and then you’re not eating properly as well some of my food’s tucked away quite far legs still feeling good we’re about 60k down on one of the climbs currently when we hit about the halfway point today it’s going to be downhill for a long time as well so there we can hit 35k an hour plus really cover some distance obviously this is a sponsor thing but no word of a lie tail fin look how much stuff you can fit on top got two bottles of drink just strapped them on cuz you got this carbon Mount you can put as much weight as you want oh jeez oh [Music] [ __ ] little by little piece by piece I take back what’s been sto got our bike laying back mate how much how bad is it when it disappears is really annoying you just get a bit nervous cuz you have to be really switched out about what’s going on behind you this is but then when you’re in this stress free stress free like we can actually ride next to each other inefficient though mate it is inefficient to be fair we’re in the sh almost there yeah 6, 100 people live here apparently just 120k to go straight on here mate straight on oh thanks cheers how weird is the L look at it look at it on the bumps you glad you’re getting rid of that bag Gordon Ramsey eat your heart out it’s got a bit of added salt I got a roast egg sandwich mate with added salt sweaty salt oh great so we’ve now got less than 100 Cas to go significantly actually I think it’s about 90 K to go we have consumed whole bag of sweets bag of peanuts 1 750 mil bottle of water tiny bit of isotonic as well I got a feeling that as we go on because it gets significantly warmer after midday uh we’ll be drinking a bit more but for now seems fine we’re still uh we’re still pissing clear so whenever people stop over here in their cars they leave the engine running and sit in it is that like heating or air conditioning thing air conditioning yeah but it’s cold how do you want air conditioning now I don’t want to speak too soon but I think the wind is changing slowly but it’s not a block redwind anymore we’ve definitely got a few gusts in our Direction about 50/50 so far um let’s see what happens it’s insane how long we’ve been riding for and the landscape literally hasn’t changed you might have noticed in the B- roll I guess we better get used to it cuz the nullo is going to be empty should be pretty stunning though the distance you’ll be able to see unlike anywhere else in the world I guess we just got to get there now uh 60k to go might stop for a little stretch suit flat snake this one’s not poisonous there’s loads of these snakes look that one over there actually does look like snake where’s our boys today I thought they weren’t with us cuz there wasn’t any trees but now there’s trees and I mean not here they’ve really let the side down haven’t they what if we get attacked by a magpie what if we get attacked by a flies you sounded really nervous about that then oh you get the trick on no flowers are come near me people are asking about your fork [ __ ] off flers how do it work like that actually I know how it works it’s got like a leaf spring so it’s called a l Fork which is these here I think means Leaf in Norwegian these here carbon fins pivot point there when you push down little bit of squid car lock at out but the advantage of that is it’s a hell of a lot lighter yeah than other suspension forks 40 H one of new apricot and the one you said was really nice yeah the EP one’s really nice someone did ask if the speaker was any good when it’s on it’s good it’s been fantastic I it hasn’t been fantastic it’s like for £ 35 it’s been brilliant but it keeps pausing on its own [Music] yes right a tough one that was even harder than yesterday lack of stocks was the thing that made that was the wind did not get better you can get a cocacola now mate yeah let’s do it yeah Pizza I think so there must be a place here at this Pizza yeah we need well let’s just anything one for you that’s no sugar oh okay want extra sugar I think I want they did the double sugar on that I’m a mess man I’m a mess why isn’t this man getting attacked by flies mate must be Australia B so border the village Hotel one which is our day eight this has a giant kangaroo outside which is cool secondly 7 for a room with one double bed yeah or it’s £70 with a room with one double bed and three single beds we can have two beds each they’re is it two more days and we hit the null ball yeah about that people were asking for the route but it’s only one road you just had to keep going forward didn’t you you can’t turn off it you’d be fine just straight on just straight on straight on [Music] [Music] going to get them they do a small version which I think I will get it’s not sunny today feels like time good morning and welcome to day 4 running across Australia today’s a little bit of a shorter day we’re absolutely smashed from yesterday 165 K and we’re changing direction we’re going south so we should on paper have a Tailwind I don’t want to speak too soon but it’s what the app says it’s looking positive looking at the flag if that’s South it’s looking positive how much of a hole will be in last night people don’t realize it from the vog how bugged we were today my legs hurt like as if they were bruised it was mad couldn’t speak tail [Music] I can’t tell you how much nicer the Tailwind is today not only is it obviously much easier in terms of how much power you have to put out but on your arms back and core you don’t need to be in like an aot TK the whole time yesterday we got back to the hotel room and no joke I needed to stretch my arms and I couldn’t hold things up properly that’s how windy it was it’s kind of cross tail at the moment we’re on a massive curve and then it should be Tailwind pretty much the whole way there nice break 160k to go straight on here mate thanks dude it’s a good start today my friend yeah we seen our boys we seen our boys mate they’re back they’re back they’re back they’ve had their chill day we also s some magp but they scared off pretty quickly by our our boys sort about did they it’s lost traffic behind 20K of straight road is behind us we’re here again you know this bit the we stopped here yesterday and the day before 30 km in an hour it’s not bad is it no like back like bang on 30k we’ve got loads of descent coming up descent sweet honey and sea salt nuts yeah I got some of those as well went for the sweet chili and basil not sponsored it’s just salt just want salt party in my mouth man love me in the elevator let’s be natural [Music] kiss me where I see we were looking for kute highlights yeah metal spider toilet fly fly metal spider toilet we what does that mean [ __ ] a bidle that’s where we’re stopping as stopp in there uh well you got it cuz there nothing else going across the you got the the CR Australian bite that’s a sore thing for the whale watching I I don’t think you see any whales now cuz I think they’re all up the east western coast this is the Woodland there’s your cocko Bly [ __ ] Bly is good that was a good good name as well and that was a good one too the the actual official n is this is this part there was that guy and he was like he saw someone pushing a wheelbarrow across the nullo I know a few months back we’ll be all right won’t we Sammy finally we seen some wildlife [Music] 2 3 1 2 3 bit of a rejig I’ll put this on the side so it doesn’t um hit my back so we’ve had a little stop for the Drone and lunch we’re still massively On Target to be back about 400 p.m. which is so much earlier than every other day wind has been awesome we’re sitting at 30k an hour Without Really Trying it is getting a little bit hotter uh there isn’t anywhere to get water either so we’re sort of conserving it slightly we should have enough much easier than yesterday we really needed this so I’m going to drink my foam roller that’s what I made I made a foam roller out of water in a Coke bowt pretty thirsty and we’ve still got 30k to go so let going nice nice big stint on the front for me enjoyed that singing along to was it lead Zeppelin or gret van Fleet gret van Z yeah yeah I think we’ve lost it snake so last roll into town now it’s definitely looking uh bit less overgrown bit more deserty um I guess we’re guess we’re closing in on the nullor now although like the guys are saying there is a huge area of National Park before we hit the nullor the actual noore is quite a few days away hopefully the wind stays in our favor [Music] got a funny drink what have you got now whoa H cool well mission accomplished for another day that was the easiest day so far by a long long way that looks so weird be like Matt vut just eat ice cream it’s time to have a little rest here find where our Motel is have a little rest there put a video together 200ks tomorrow wonder if it’ll be Tailwind again hope so I hope so for the last couple of days I’ve had these tiny little punches they’re like four or five all you can see they’re all trying to seal and they’re not quite doing it and then it’s been fine until now when it’s gone flat should have gone tubed mate roller in it oh boys coming for dinner my friend so there’s a little water there’s a little water bowl down there and they come down fly down and have a little drink you can hear them every now and then now boys and they’re all along mate guarding us protecting us from the evil Mac pies what are you doing made a mess why have we got two bins we put sealant in there and I think you’ll be okay now so I don’t want to use a CO2 to seat it again so I wanted to just put sealant straight in how much do you love me Francis i f skin and teeth for you I actually asked very kindly the woman if I could have the last cake to ask her it’s a shop he do so much for me you know what this is saying dude what Tailwind all day ah that magic Tailwind snake double up coffee stuff no stops again potentially no stops we’ll see won’t we yeah be rude and to no they don’t make it we machined the parts for that one what it is is it like it just stops the wobbles we’ve got about 200ks to do today and again there might not be any opportunities to stop so going to figure out a way to get this bottle on my bike on the plus side Tailwind all day hello [Music] so we are taking today slightly easier than yesterday uh I think yesterday we wanted to get back as quick as possible so we could get proper sleep seeing as tomorrow’s a rest day it’s not so important um we’re taking it super easy 170k to go now we’ve just uh to this little sign these are the only signs you can uh put bikes up against and they don’t fall over so these are our markers big truck looking at the elevation map about a third through the day that we reach a peak and granted it’s only like 1 2% but The Descent after that is going to be really really welcome when you’re carrying this much weight it just makes a huge difference you can basically Freewheel Al the longer today goes on the faster we’re going to be because the headwind gets stronger and stronger did you see the sign for uh wild animals for the next 180 okay H it’s the total distance and yet we still haven’t seen anything no we won’t see anything it’s all made up it’s one of them Australian jokes got Bears stick snakes kangar marshmallow hats yeah keeps the flies away apparently yeah marshmallows on the strings who have f it so I’m not sure what was going on with my tire last night but seems to be okay now banglo a more sealant in and then pumped it up overnight went down about an hour later and then I pumped it up again and now it seems all right so I mean the longer we can go without using up our inner tubes the better as we’re not too high risk today or in much of a rush trying to just keep it going tubless for as long as possible we were discussing maybe doing a quick Tire refresh when we hit Adelaide cuz obviously there’s going to be a bunch of bike shops there maybe just put a fresh set on cuz I mean our back tires are already looking pretty bold the extra weight on the back of the bike and the sheer distances do add up 150 to go bird oh who he is hello hello not one of our boys but he probably knows my drink is warm my water’s warm my back is warm my back is very warm so in 25ks uh there is actually a stop but it’s off the route so if we can avoid going there we’re going to avoid going there that’s why we stocked up our bikes for so much stuff uh going to eat this sandwich tail wind’s been brilliant today again feel pretty tired but I think it’s just like 5 days of riding does that to you doesn’t it still no kangaroos still no koalas so a giant lizard uh but we were riding too fast for me to film it it was just standing in the middle of the road and then a massive truck came past so might be dead like all the other Wildlife it’s a lie there is no wild all there is in Australia is flies let’s look those big ones about that big they probably kill you everybody keeps saying use bug spray it doesn’t work you know what I should have got at the gas station damn well to Vanilla Coke love cycling Francis [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on little Cloud just move over the Sun for a second give us a little bit of shade big truck the way sing we’re heading into South Australia mate so here we are on the biggest long drag of the day we’re just plugging plugging away got the Bluetooth speaker on so we’re in pretty positive Spirits what we got to do is get to the top of this and then we’re descending for like 40K obviously this is all relative it’s still a very long ride snake seen another dead kangaroo haven’t seen any live ones got a little twinge in my knee at the moment but trying to keep it Loose by massaging it a bit on the bike hit it with the uh homemade foam roller later on should do the trick 90k to go dude a fly Just landing on my way how are they flying this quick they’re [ __ ] look behind us now that is longer than drift Road it’s quite hot now it’s over 30 definitely over 30 in it there’s the base mate I’m a Believer in base layers until this temperature [Music] I think that was easier than yesterday uh I struggled a bit today it’s the heat I wasn’t I need more water man I need to get my water we’ll find a way to carry more don’t worry we use your bloody bungees it’s good though like that drag in the middle was a absolute knob jockey finally rolling into balladonia now first stop petrol station Sero or can of Coke wonder if they got vanilla that’s going to get worse it’s only a dollar more so worth it how’s your ice cream the bottom broke Kam predicted today would take us 7 hours 45 minutes yeah yeah we did we did it nearly an hour faster 653 what was our average speed just short of 28 kph jeez for 192 km that’s mate I was earlier I’m having ice cream you’re so red you’re so blue d d d [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to day 6 bike packing across Australia we finished our rest day and today we’re going to be tackling the longest straight Road in Australia it’s about 90 Mi long and we’re about to hit the start of it now I’m bringing you this introduction from an emergency air strip in the middle of no legs are feeling amazing after a little bit of rest we spent yesterday feet up drank about 3 l of Vanilla Coke so feeling refreshed and positive today we’ve got about 245k so long day on paper bit of a headwind but it’s flat can almost see in the distance the turning onto that road almost there separ crossing mate let the people pass yeah let the people pass careful careful here’s an actual kangaroo 6 there’s a live one a live one they’re existing they’re real an he’s coming with us yeah it’s our new boy oh he ran out of steam pretty quick what is this I thought there was going to be a proper sign I thought we could do a cool video thumbnail next to the sign for the longest road in Australia I’m hoping there might still be one mate this sign was uh installed by Jason MC moan apparently but here’s the selection today Coke bottles they’re more robust than water bottles so we filled one with water one Coke we’ve got a long old way to do without stops today there’s one like 40K to the end and that’s we’ll do a bit of a refuel have some lunch but yeah this is this is probably the longest day of the whole trip I think luckily it’s flat though so it should be less time so it’s 246 km 180 M of climbing 100 m of headwind the energy drinks are so expensive I’ve been mixing them with water cuz I can’t afford them anymore $7 what the [ __ ] austra’s longest straight road someone’s defaced it mate started raining not heavy but still rain wasn’t really expecting this today it’s actually quite nice after that Mega hot day the day before yesterday we’re a little bit cooked so uh quite welcome one nice thing about being on a road like this is that when you do look behind you You Can See For Miles so you can prepare if there is anything big coming up like that oversized load on the way might have to get off the road for this one swimming pools swimming pools yeah yeah lot colder today isn’t it it’s quite nice actually it is good I mean I don’t I’m not the best in the really really really really really really really really hot days I just get hot [ __ ] a spiky [ __ ] Bush why are we running gravel tires Chris cuz the tubeless works better and knowing us we find gravel so also we’ve done loads of gravel the other thing is it’s because it’s um they’re wide they actually are super comfortable yeah the road surface here it’s like loads of little loose bits and this is a good bit it’s only a couple of KS an hour slower both using a relatively fast as gravel tires go there pretty fast Tire I’ve used these tires loads for other things like on road Offroad I just think that I know that I trust them today it’s particularly important to keep stopping and stretching cuz you can end up riding and riding and riding forgetting to sort of stand up and stretch we don’t even have any there’s not even rollers today so zero reason to get out the saddle but it is nice when you do it might as well take a few minutes cuz not going to be stopping anywhere for lunch what’s that called crou [Music] [Music] Ando I give life I give I give I [Music] I just prob riding is it tubist they do do this [ __ ] we’ve been on this road for a long time man we we’ve got less than 100 miles to go though today now does this look really weird no you sure not sponsored but shout out to this pump it’s what is it it’s fabric fabric fck a FL so not only is it a really sturdy little design but it doesn’t actually push that much air in with each pump so you don’t reach that point where you can’t get any more in very quickly and you can just keep going to like 120 PSI if you were so inclined we’re not running 120 PSI we’ve got like I don’t know what 40 40 because we’re on the road I’ve actually been trying to run the rear a little bit more because we got so much weight on the back but it’s good hey can you hear it what is the weight of your Vila fully loaded both of our bikes are borderline too heavy to carry up a set of small steps it’s a lot of gear it’s small stuff but because of it all the cables and everything they weigh so much I did tell you what mine weigh didn’t I I can’t remember I think it’s this [Music] way right 60k to go to the uh lunch stop but we’re having lunch now because yeah took us a while we’re still averaging about 23 K an hour 24K an hour but it’s hard straight into a block headwind when we get slightly further on after the stop we actually change direction slightly I’m hoping that will turn the wind slightly into our favor or not be quite as direct at least that was nice yeah they stop to see if we were all right yeah not like him no he’s not stopping fly fly [ __ ] you they ignore it it’s amazing how much difference it makes when you got a few trees around you like this on the stretch of road back there which was like 50ks long there was no trees whatsoever and the wind just carried absolutely killed us as soon as there’s a few doed around it doesn’t have to be many there massively noticeable how much easier it is hopefully the trees stay with us for at least a bit keep overtaking the same car which is like parked at the side here there’s some lady reading a book she stares at us really weird every single time we go past can’t quite work out what’s going on [Music] there about life ahead there’s a cyclist up ahead yeah is it or is it a guy walking I can’t tell guy walking with a wheelbarrow he’s walking [ __ ] fast if he’s walking it’s the first person we’ve seen on a bike well no second person first person going our direction we’re Invincible Hearts like stone fire in our [ __ ] so update we’ve been riding into a headwind for the whole 90 Mile Road um has been quite fun we caught up with that guy worked out the lady that we’ve been overtaking when she’s been in her car other side of the road it’s his support vehicle he only he only had like a frame bag on so he would have needed it he sat on for a little bit and eventually we split ways and then me and Chris just just turns to here so we’re 65 k out from our Roadhouse now stopped at this one get as much food in as possible uh I think I’m going to wrap up cuz it’s getting a little bit chilly put a shile on for the last bit unfortunately I think we might be riding in the dark a little bit today just cuz it’s been headwind and so slow but um there’s a Direction Change coming up so it should go from a solid headwind to like a slight crosswind which is better not ideal but better definitely going to be easier tomorrow cuz we’ve got 50k less so we just need to get there now that’s that sandwich mate best sandwich I’ve ever eaten I can’t hold the camera steady cuz I’m so cold I’m shaking man let’s go 60k more headwind mate 60k more headwind J drink real brand news 65k [Music] oh [Music] why where did we start right so the current situation yesterday on our rest day we were filming some stuff for jam and uh Chris stacked it which was really funny it wasn’t funny it [ __ ] hurt we just had to ride in the rain for 2 hours we basically just plugging away into that headwind again was a bit of a drag but epic towards the end and we pulled together got here it was kind of cool wasn’t it man it was kind of cool unfortunately when I got here and I imp packed all my stuff I realized that the UK plug adapter that we’ve got which was on the end of my extension lead which charges everything that we have um must have come off in the wall of the balladonia Roadhouse room that we were in so now we can’t charge anything we were chatting to the guys who run this Roadhouse and they’re fairly confident they can get um one part of my laptop charger and then we can charge everything from the laptop so we’ll see what happens tomorrow morning about that if not there’s going to be a bit of a delay in the videos I can probably still get the footage uh for the next few days I just can’t edit anything together yet so it’s going to be a bit of a delay and I don’t know when this video is going to go out it might be delayed we can’t think straight we’ve just ridden 250k [ __ ] that with not that but we Australia we an Australian version on it that apparently is very common on the plus side though mate how many kangaroos did we see today’s ride slightly shorter we’ve got 200ks in that direction uh cross headwind so not a block headwind which is nice and apparently halfway through there’s a descent which is unheard of what’s The Descent I don’t right madra is our final location Madura is the place The Descent in and apparently there’s an airport there as well so that’s about 100K is in so the resupplies are actually spread out really nicely today isn’t any flies this morning our boys have got our backs mate I was quite aish uh you beautiful okay teeth in tummies in you both we’ll exchange our details yeah we live in London if you guys are ever in town we are in April and is getting married we’re going to [Music] so I cannot quite believe un luck we were s outside the motel just there the guy inside was working on a solution trying to find a plug for my lap top so we could have split all of our USBS from there and charged our bike computers and stuff just by chance this couple Chris and Ian stopped got chatting to us cuz they were cyclist and lo and behold they had a plug adapter we now are fully functional again Chris and Ian thank you so much so it’s a proper crosswind today like we’re doing our best to squeeze into the little shoulder like the bike lane and getting each other’s draft as much as possible but it is quite difficult especially when you’re checking behind for trucks and that sort of thing we don’t want to be seen to be riding too a breast but it’s all right we’re keeping Compact and it seems to be making enough of a difference people checking if we’re all right that’s nice it’s actually quite nice when you get overtaken by trucks because they give you a real boost they cause currents in the wind and you just fly for about 10 seconds which is really good as long as they’re not too close how are you feeling I’ll get better as the day goes on I thought I not I’m never good in the morning as you know people don’t really probably don’t see that but I’m never like particularly good in the morning I’m always really sluggish drinking Coke eating sweets look at this Coke diluted with water it’s not quite as nice but better for the hydration mate that’s what we needed straight on here oh cheers bate good to know that’s how long we’ve been on this road that’s how long I’ve needed a piss for so cuz we were waiting around a little bit this morning we um we’d eaten breakfast quite early and then started the ride a couple of hours later so we’re in a bit of a calorie deficit we need to um we’re stopping now getting some food in 40ks away from the actual lunch stop and then uh we’ll have another refuel when we get there all going okay though uh it’s the first hour or hour and a half of every ride legs are just bucked so they finally started to kick in and now the ache goes away and they just become dead instead which is a million times better oh yeah so you don’t get stuff on your foot it use it as a fly swap someone was asking how good are the mirrors they’re so useful I think look we’ll be onon here both you and I shunned them a bit at first we could admit that can’t we yeah but actually genuinely probably the most useful thing we have on the bike you need to have it in be able to get it in the right place yeah that’s quite difficult once you’ve sort of trained yourself to look at it it’s amazing yeah really really really useful I like the fact that we can clip it on and then it’s gone but the safety fact of it being able to pop it out and move it around into a set position is fantastic what packing tip what when when you stay at hotels little sachet of stuff like this jam peanut butter whatever it is it’s a little good little I love peanut butter so it makes me go oo makes you go what [Music] it’s round one mate take your shoe off a lot I have today I do when I’m like why why aren’t my legs working and I think it’s got to be something to do with my shoe I think it’s something to do with my legs the 1,000k that we’ve ridden maybe 1,000 would off to stay 1,500 Seven rides Seven rides well we the first week is hardest first seven days plan this what they say [Music] you’re just eating peanut but now yeah desperate times I guess that’s not a kilometer sign what we at they no 69 our road past it didn’t [ __ ] see it cuz of seeing squares seeing squares at that point seeing squares two of everything we’re quite tired of riding into this headwind now but yesterday we were at this amount of K still to go and it was getting dark and it was raining so it’s not that bad pretty cool having that descent halfway through today as well broke things up a bit this is a Mega Ride Mega today and yesterday are the two hardest days just sto next to the kangaroo bones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don’t need to shake this is a [ __ ] hug man bro even harder than yesterday mate why were you standing like a superhero as well cuz I am Superhero mustache man what are you doing talk to the cows mate come here [Music] Daisy wild life I don’t know what time it is cuz we’ve gone through another time zone so I think it’s 7:00 in the morning morning we got about 200 Cas to ride today it’s going to be a headwind again but after today it should be a Tailwind so we’re feeling fairly positive it’s going to be a long one cuz our legs are smashed but you know what Ken said eat lots of sweets eat lots of sweets and things should be getting easier from now on your body starts to adapt and then you just get used to this sort of mileage you ready are you ready kids going to miss our little house mate I’m not really going to miss it let’s go [Music] I’m aware of the boms that were created today when you told me that’s sure there’s a [Music] way the water so still and my pain is gone away the air is much cleaner after it [Music] rain see just over there I don’t want to go too far down cuz we could end up going for ages and ages and ages we’re at the bottom of Australia now basically that’s mad that’s is it so here we are I don’t know if you can hear me cuz we’re riding into a headwind despite the fact that we’re riding into this headwind we’re actually very positive we can see the sea the scenery has changed completely we are now officially in the nullor National Park the road surface is super super smooth I think the speed limit for cars is lower cuz everyone’s taking a lot easier giving us loads of space with the headwind it’s about 19 K an hour on the front when you sat there so nothing crazy we’re just happy with a bit of changeing environment it’s amazing we’re going with 30 km turns as it stands just alternating between that when we get a bit tired later maybe we’ll make them shorter but let’s see how it goes no stops on today’s ride at all there’s literally nothing in between the Border House and the nullor Roadhouse which is where we’re heading so we stocked up got a couple of sandwiches each loads of water which in turn reduces our stopping time cuz we’re not waiting for a cooked meal or anything like that all good we’re just pugging away this is just what we do now R into headwinds the signs have changed what they were every 10ks we’re trying to really knock it back and not ride too hard into this headwind cuz it’s just not worth getting there 40 minutes quicker if you’re absolutely wrecked like we were a couple of days back just stay on top of stretching as usual and praying praying that tomorrow will be a Tailwind um the app still says yeah although we haven’t had signal for a bit might have changed what signal they install these things they just look pretty pylons they’re like boosters so when we’re at the roadhouses we should have signal but apparently they haven’t been working recently so that’s great bit of VAB bit peanut butter [Music] jam ice cold thank you thank you so much did all through Europe people would stop and give me a little bit of kindness M thank you so much thank you this Legend it was some lovely cold water ice cold just to the right time cutting your turn short mate you had a better mustache than you it’s not that hard is it not that hard that was an actual snake that was an actual snake and it was alive did you get that c that was eventful gu stopped for gave us water that was really nice thanks man um maybe we’ll see him at the roadhouse later it’s really nice cuz water’s expensive out here saw an actual snake pretty sure it was a poisonous one it definitely might have been a poisonous one I’m not a snake expert but uh he had that sort of that Swagger to him that made him look poisonous yeah but he like we thought it was dead so we didn’t give it any space and then it retracted very quickly and scampered off into the and then scared off into the bush yeah that could have gone badly I guess he alive we’re alive everything’s good Joe Kendrick didn’t see a single snake speaking of Joe Kendrick he’s the guy who’s got the record for the fixed gear lap of the whole of Australia nuts but he’s London Bas I was chatting to him these Sour Patch Kids they’re vegan his recommendation what we’ve got to do now is ride 64k an hour we’ll be there in an hour that’s your job mate is it yeah it’s my turn got a handful of Sour Patches left and then I move on to my snakes don’t stack it it’s annoying cuz the other leg happened a few months ago I know how to deal with it I just can’t rest it that’s the problem day after tomorrow we’ve got a rest day and then yeah I mean that’ll be our chance to try and fix it I’m just going to roll it a bit tonight but not too much cuz we still got 200k tomorrow new leg day mate we could do with a foam roller that’s not a bottle of coke it’s just the harshest foam roller ever look to go oh we found a new animal didn’t we what one lizard lizard got loads of lizard today Tred to attack you if you went past he was like and then he literally 150k back to that other roadh housee that would be quicker than riding the [ __ ] 60 we’ve got 34 you know what would be quicker what going this way getting a [ __ ] boat from Perth sailing around the world because of their Tailwind they’re just moing up in [ __ ] Melbourne mate where’s your sense of adventure what do you mean my Venture I don’t about getting a boat that’ be well exciting more exciting than this [ __ ] road if it’s TA in tomorrow I retract everything I say it is quite fun isn’t it it is quite fun you just get up a it and get your momentum [Music] g a built-in Shamy leathery leathery nice oh man that could be wor we could be in England where it’s raining good point boys all right guys I just want to say a big thank you thanks so much for that really appreciate wor you made good Headway yeah considering the wind the wind yeah that’s the killer but it’s good for the legs good for the lung that’s pretty good cuz when I was in Europe I I used to be pretty proud of myself if I did 120 k was there’s mountains in Europe how many gears you got uh so we got we’re running 11 speed and two on the front so 22 gears yes so I had 10 these ones actually turns the other way yeah one are those magic doors that turns the way that you’d think would lock it that guy was a legend he was a hero wasn’t he such a cool D there’s a guide on the back of the door about snakes we definitely saw a king Brown today yeah um and it was like a black one it’s probably that one Western Brown bar Ando it’s for you it’s Kevin the cat giant whale there here we see Chris in his native environment the ice cream fridge I’ve been distracted B [Music] what I don’t I don’t eat ice cream I don’t know you delayed my getting second dinner cuz you wanted to edit your video and the restaurant closed [Music] rest day tomorrow what we going to do we got out the last tonight pen on I’m going to go to bed so good morning and welcome to today’s video we’re currently riding into a huge crosswind which won’t last long cuz we’re about to change direction significantly and fingers crossed have a bit of a Tailwind most of the day I’ll believe it when I’ve ridden it it can’t be worse than yesterday though it just can’t be got me wow that work that was quite impressive actually it’s a hot one today mate it’s going to be 40 and Australian 40 which is hter yeah what camera strap is this it’s really good uh it’s the yellow edition of the is custom made [ __ ] up [Music] hot struggling to eat cuz it’s so hot it’s blue what do your name Chris Chris [Music] covered good mile cuz we went down to yeah thank Che much thank you so much mate all the little Tony you bought some Tony oh I’ve also got tangled up yellow tonies yellow ones are poisonous cool that was David from yesterday the nice chap who stopped to give us water giving us more water and some snakes Chris’s favorite sweet super super nice guy thank you David for that ice cold water was just what we needed cuz it’s getting really hot today we’ve got 227k to complete today we’re now in a kind of cross Tailwind which is very welcome instead of riding at 250 watts and doing 18 kph we’re now doing 27 kph and barely having to ped feeling so much better because of it we just need to stay on top of drinking we got no stops until 140 K in then we’re going to do a refuel for now just enjoying the wind and the change of SE trees how much of a legend is David oh man he’s a Mystic warus Mystic I am salty so yat Roadhouse this is one that used to be open recently closed now an AB original um thing luckily there’s this uh little area of shade with a table so we can have a nice warm Coke this guy does not realize he’s closed he must be thinking [ __ ] bollocks I’m out of petrol toasty we’re still warm what a surprise so we’re out of the nullor national park a lot of people stop here and still thinking it’s open it’s no longer open it’s probably about 143° today we had to replace the headwind with something right this is a lot more bearable by a million I kind of prefer the headwind I’m going to have with my dinner mate how many flers have I got in my face right now none one one two one snake right let’s roll got a bit of uh little bit of salt on me it’s quite hot let’s keep the T-Rexes out again mate protecting us it’s not going to stop kangaroos though they could just jump over it so what yeah but T-Rexes won’t get for it mate got hole in it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Sun cream on my eye I knew that would happen this morning when I accidentally put it on my eyelid yeah egg oh oh nice casual egg sunglasses [Music] tan it’s Pro isn’t it sunglasses [Music] tan toasty so we’ve been going really really well today um made it to the stop 80 km to go after this point we’re actually doing a significant direction change once again heading left and we’re in a crosswind at the moment so it should turn into a Tailwind for the rest of the day could be a very quick second half of the day it’s getting a little bit cooler now as well which is nice since we reach the end rest day tomorrow cannot wait man mix with cool W Bridge Water should we borrow our mates bik said pretty pimp isn’t it he wants a little Tony I got ony want little Tony see me don’t see him see me how’d you go [Music] we’ve only gone and done it got about 9k to go today it’s been tailing pretty much the whole day except for that little bit at the start which was Grim it’s cool down enough that we’ve actually had to zip up our jerseys which is mad it hit 41° today which was hot definitely meant we had to carry loads and loads of water which is a bit annoying cuz it weighs down the bikes but almost there now time for a double dinner I think we have started to come back to reality I just saw a Subway rapper we’ve just cycled through the Australian desert part of the most Barren landscape in the world let alone Australia into a [ __ ] headwind five more KS mate five more KS you know what else we saw off oh boys he yeah we saw off boys like I I can’t see no your back’s fine your ass is covered in [ __ ] but yeah you’re right oh my God the lady was like there’s a pink lake we can go there tomorrow maybe or we can just sleep what what’s that no Noony quadruple Pizza Day celebration that we’re over halfway back in Civilization my friend checking out my town lines on my legs well they look great is this better for you it’s like girls by cycling shorts now don’t they even though they’re not going to cycle in them It’s Fashion baby I need to explain to people how much of a legend David is Legend is a word that’s too often used quite often oftenly but he is a legend I don’t know how much he’s in the videos already so he must appear three times yeah they appears first time where he gives us a bottle of water each and he and he briefly mentioned to us then that he cycled across Europe and then he just left he was like good luck with your rest of your ride and that was in the nbor with 30 mph headwind so it’s really well timed we then met him at the motel we got chest to him and he was telling us a bit about how he rode across Europe on a clawed Butler bike uh and how he held on to the back of a combine harv combine harvester do you remember that it turns about how he held on to the back of a combine harvester in in Sweden and got attacked by a swarm of bees on a descent going into going into his gay as well and he had all these amazing stories about his adventure and he was and he sort of said like when he was doing that a lot of kindness was given to him and he wanted to reciprocate it so he came and gave us bottles the next day as well the next day we saw him again and he gave us it was hot it’s probably like plus 30 coming up 40° he pulled over by the side of the road gave us a bottles gave us some sweets and he said to us I don’t know if I see you much more after this I well honestly thank you so much like you proper legend for doing this and then lo and behold we got to penong where we currently are and he’s sitting sitting there having dinner with his wife and we had dinner with him and and Sabina for the for the evening and he was only here cuz his car broke down yeah but he knew this was our destination so he decided to come and see us for dinner he’s he is off warus he is well of warus it’s hard to be a warus you have to be a special person there’s going to be a lot of people that don’t know what what the whole warish thing is all about isn’t it if you want to know what actually what how it came around you need to go back and find the videos then time lapse team with a world tour Rider in it with Alex D who shouted warus probably better than anyone I’ve ever heard he is a war D is war yeah good Wares War [Music] [Music] what we got a helmet on for safety we’ve done well today what getting ready 207 2 12 km to go out of 212 out 212 oh yeah out of 212 22 out 22 two rest stops probably some wind probably some climbing this kind of climbing guess what the wind is headwind headwind crosswind like crosswind One Direction crosswind the other direction crosswind crosswind crosswind crosswind [Music] get a pedal stke in the right action so here we are rolling along third block of this trip five riding days till we hit Adelaide which is our next rest stop they’re all pretty big around 200ks each today is just over but compared to what we’ve been in we’re back in Civilization now so carrying a hell of a lot less stuff on our bikes they feel noticeably lighter which is quite funny we’re going to be going through towns gas stations that sort of thing so carrying water and supplies become way less of an issue takes a huge amount of mental strain away so we’re feeling really good obviously legs are feeling pretty fresh too let’s see how long that lasts next up sauna wow now it’s all wet so we stopped next to this uh field covered in Poison 30k still the stop heating up nicely all over us salt salt marks all over why aren’t you getting attacked by flies me yeah ah yeah I got a hat with a net on it but they just land on us though and you’re okay yeah have you got a spray on or something no no no nothing just random must be Australian like Australian blood BL yeah so we we don’t have this in the UK out Bush north of pusta and that and you get the little tiny ones yeah and they they they’re just unbearable so that was Phillip he just pulled up cuz he saw us standing next to the gate to his farm and uh he owns 10,000 acres of land mad Chris has just uh stopped to take selfie with a couple of lizards he’s been looking for them all day it’s funny now we’ve crossed over into Southern Australia the signs that tell you how many KS there are to the next towns have become more regular mentally that’s so much easier to deal with they were every 10ks before and I know it doesn’t sound like much but 10ks is a long way when you’re knacked it’s just something about it being five good for the brain almost up S Juna now there’s a tree going out of a tree just want to down there you’re not carrying any fruit of it no just jelly sweet thank you look what they got mate look what they got so I just stopped to this gas station we’re in sauna which is um 70 km into the ride we just went through that weird quarantine thing and they stopped like fruits and vegetables I guess cuz of fungus or fruit flies coming into different parts of the country and uh yeah as soon as we went through that we got massive cool Sea Breeze which is really nice bit of a relief cuz it was getting hotter and hotter the further we uh came this way anyway now the route kind of deviates from the coast we’re going to slightly more direct way there should be one more stop towards the end as well so we’re stocking up a little bit going to maybe tie one of these drinks to the back of my bike but looking good how much did we consume [Music] that’s myget today on a puff his head double spin no [ __ ] getting near me do you think do you think we stink more than we think we stink because there’s more FL there’s more F than there has ever been the man do you have any flies on him and he didn’t have any stuff on either Philip was his name Edwin’s been replaced with flies you’ve seen my fly swatting skills yeah yeah they’re impressive aren’t they we’re going Lizzy [ __ ] fly this works man what’s the the town secret if we can’t tell you that if we tell you you got to stay here got to stay forever forever that why you’re here yeah yeah so on the way into this town there’s a big sign and it said the town with a secret unfortunately couldn’t find out the secret from the map cuz we’d have to stay here D didn’t want to stay here you willing to sacrifice yourself stay here find out the secret text it to me no cream soda yeah I’ve never had one it’s what Keenan and K drink isn’t it well that’s why we’re having one mate is it what Ken and cow drink no they drink orange soda orange soda yeah someone drinks green soda someone must drink it cuz it was oh they make it that is really good all L cream soda a love of Crea been for a while so my feet have swollen up the only way to stop him from hurting is undoing my shoes completely and then letting them kind of stretch out so that’s what I’m going to do ride with undone for a bit Kev help you out if you need a hand you go hands Kev Kev out Kev wait I’m sure I could do that thanes [Music] well 5Ks to go now Chris has been in beast mode on the front on his Arrow bars for the last 20 odk so we’ve actually made very good time I think it’s safe to say that was the most straight forward nicest ride we’ve done on this trip so far uh because we came slightly in land away from the coast there’s barely any Caravans on this road and to be honest not many lorries either really Pleasant beautiful countryside the wind wasn’t perfect but it was not a patch on the another Bo just what we needed as a first day in the block Happy Days [Music] yeah I got my clouds and my feet on this is ground there’s a woman over there breast cheers 35k for the coffee says the lady pizza for breakfast the smell of fresh L gas in the morning 175 K to do today couldn’t be better we’re actually on the same road as yesterday so it shouldn’t be too busy today’s ride poera to Kima we’re feeling good this town kind of looks the same as the last town we were in I thought it was the last town we were in [Music] the lady who was running that hotel told us there was a bang coffee place about 45k down the road and it should be open at this time so that solves the problem of grumpy decaff Chris cuz it’s not too hot right now that’s where we’re going to refill our bottles and uh stock up for the rest of the journey there’s about 70k to the next stop after that for now just enjoy the morning enjoy the lower temperature and the suspiciously low winds see what happen oh boys rocking it you can always hear them coming can’t you boys I mean they’ve done so well I mean we’re what 12 days into the ride now they must have been training Ultra endurance Gass some strawberries an apple or two I haven’t seen fruit for a while I know what’s that they’re really good snakes hey snake review the new segment of the video killer pythons one piece equals one portion yeah good fru flavor but the winning factor is the size of them the other they’re poisonous those ones as the man said 99% of snakes in Australia were poisonous before that an apple poison well is that an Australian Apple it’s probably going to kill poisoners checking out our bikes it’s hot today but at least it’s not sunny it’s overcast which is nice actually it’s really nice yeah perfect condition yeah except for the headwind 36k to the bakery hey you film those trees yesterday you don’t need to film them again same one in it you know what’s up what’s up Do Vanilla Coke this is nice here it’s really nice is it where are we will will will signed on the bakery we dinner yeah there man we can restock then what we’ve got 100K after this 100k get some more snakes just check the snake level few nuts few snakes don’t know what kind of Supermarket this is but they haven’t got sandwiches so we’re going to do 100ks with uh sweets and knobbies nuts and a bit of leftover and a bit you be all right be all right mate 100K it’s like 2 hours you and your arrow bars 2 hours Tailwind 2 hours it could happen you know it helps when you put the lid on your bottle properly doesn’t it all right yeah so we’re back on the road again we’ve been pedaling for about 20ks winds are off fav pretty happy about that surprising amount of climbing in today’s ride it really is Lumpy uh I think we got about 600 M on paper which turns out to be a little bit more on our wo they’re not the most accurate thing in the world in terms of elevation so God knows what we’re actually doing but with the weight on the bikes it’s significant good spirits though we’ve kind of turned off the road that we were on to an even quieter road which is nice just got to keep rolling in the shade again for now as well making the most of it mate do you need a Christmas tree for this year that one well that f with the tail fin maybe that one actually smaller [Music] might be that maybe can’t wait to drink some warm water rehydrate slightly less than I can’t even behind the pig less than uh 60 K yeah and we are it’s not even oh it’s 22 not bad not bad less than 60k excited about tonight is he going to make us an Indian going to get is like is Indian food in Australia going to be terrible or is it are we going to get food poisoning cuz we’re in the middle of nowhere and it might be weird or is it going to be all right I don’t know there only way one way to find out isn’t there what are you doing I’m getting my tonies out so I can get some my knobbies Tony should probably explain this joke got a mate called Tony who looks like a gummy bear but now he’s lost loads of weight he’s all ripped he’s like a ripped gummy bear B over your out right last couple of Cl today now they are starting to drag a little bit the legs are just tired from the last 2 and 1 half weeks so even a tiny little incline actually makes significant difference to our speed but yeah just one left and then back to the motel which apparently has a curry restaurant next to it sounds pretty inviting to be honest prop a curry we stopped for a piss here about 3 hours ago that yeah where did that road go the moment we’ve been waiting for the whole trip our gracious leader oh boy he’s a big one I don’t know they got that big he’s just really old we call him Derek he looks like a Derek do he right d not very ctive today is he for Derek must been a hard day standing Garing flaming galar no oh that’s a selfie proper G selfie other than the giant gal you wouldn’t be able to tell if this was a different town to the last six we’ve been in I mean he does help doesn’t he a lot distinguishing individuality that’s what these towns need to Dobe that’s why they bu yeah a lot of pink G merchandise as well inside mugs snow thingies toys magnets did they get snow in Australia they do actually I think that was one of the nicest rides we’ve done better than yesterday better than yesterday cuz it was even quieter and then we got real like we got that massive view across the plane you can see the mountains kind of on the edge Wicked anyone would think on how to plan a route took us across a nullable it was the only way it’s a gravel road across in alore if you preferred yeah should we go back and try it yeah we’ll do it with a headwind as well 31 hour one 35 35 mph we’ll ask Lawrence to come as well well then he can sit on the front fly boys again L is in the air he be up mate taking recovery seriously doesn’t recline anymore first is all right got my peanut butter and jam on taste probably have round two of that as well got my no sugar Coca-Cola just for the haters would you like sausages would you like some sausage would you like chair is not reclining welome to the snake review we know they’re great a classic black and gold snakes super juicy and Fang free so we’re just having a little stock up I’ve gone with the uh watermelon only sour patch only reck you might get sick of the tast I didn’t like the surprise no surprise be a windy day [Music] [Music] 832 K on this road no word of a lie little bit sketchy trying to get the camera out on the bike today so apologies if the b roll and there’s less talking because I can only really film when we stop cuz it is that windy we got a wind that’s about 50k an hour cross tail the road does snake a little bit so we’re getting a pretty solid crosswind at some points which is sketchy as soon as there’s a break in the trees you just get massive gust Ste regon one oh no oh was cold when I bought it not cold anymore what are you doing feel like I’ve been in a [ __ ] tumble dryer for the last hour and a half I say tumble dryer not a washing machine cuz it’s hot washing machine’s wet pretty tired of the warm liquid now as well we’ve got 20ks to go till we get to iron knob KOB cheese and then we’re going to get some cool water cold coke maybe vanilla and then we’ve only got 70k to go after that which is great news we’re also kind of going in a curve so this should turn into bit more of a Tailwind but it’s all right it’s not the null various lengths various colors pink red and purple tastes of purple that one good consistency slightly hard on the outside Taste of pink and now the small one much more cheery synthetic flavor quite as [Music] good dark trying to hit the [Music] whatever you use Francis Cade of YouTube to check the wind it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz it lied we’re not using Google for wi cheing ever again cuz it’s a lie is it you okay I would I mean I’d be great if I didn’t ride like 300 WTS for 10 minutes because of the headwind got very red face I’m not surprised just coming around here it was just went straight into our faces yeah SL you down real quick from 30 kph to 13 could be worse could could be [ __ ] snowing I quite like some snow right now be honest didn’t understand what you said positives sun has gone in negatives wind is stronger wind is stronger also a negative there’s a fly in your [Music] face old school it’s like a hair dryer fu yeah ridiculous is it it’s fairly unpleasant this to be honest go down there yeah go down there what’s down here [Music] really creepy it’s the sand right Sand’s kicked off in the atmosphere which makes it look really flipping creepy yeah it’s horrible actually like a scary horror movie with zombies and vampires and koalas on drugs it’s like when you’re in a video game and they put fog cuz they can’t load as much of the map as you can see we just got to get to the end of that end of the fog end of the fog and we’ll be there Why didn’t it explode it’s too hot it’s been flat yeah literally where are we can tell you we don’t even know we’re next to some hills there is a hill there I think we’re going through it rather than over it though yeah just like drinking the tea how are you feeling mate uh like I’ve been beaten up by headwind again 50 mph headwind 50 days an hour not miles hour 50 m hour probably be in that field somewhere over there just rid past a lovely prison oh yeah that was nice I had a big snake there’s a big snake there 8K to go it’s 20 to 5 maybe get there 20 to 6 how did you not find the P of cake my friend I don’t know and you found your chocolate drink as well got skills yeah I got skills what we going do about it hardest ride of the trip up there up there definitely I think it’s tied yeah that that was as hard as a nullo day and that was supposed to be the easy day that was hard because of I mean these were black they’re brown now there’s so much sound I think that’s why my lips hurt they’re like cut by the yeah it’s so much sand and dust in the atmosphere that it’s just like it’s just [ __ ] us basically it’s kind of like shafted us royally I got an hour mag thing Magpie I couldn’t even say I got attacked by Magpie today and you nearly took me out run into my wheel I did ride into your wheel yeah tired man tired so that is up there as one of the hardest rides of the trip especially cuz we thought it was going to be an easy ride cuz the distance just wasn’t it was weird like as soon as we got um into those Crossing sections all the dust like kicked up the section just before we stopped that was insane we basically weren’t movie you nearly witness Chris go Hulk and snap his bike in two pie I haven’t seen you that wrecked in a while you you you f I was in the Shell anyway we made it it’s like that scene in Mad Max where they’ve got um all those trucks and they’re driving across the desert except instead of trucks we had bicycles and it really hurt most fliest door system but in Australia they’ve got those special extra second doors to stop the snakes and spiders in koalas get in it’s and one bats I mean no one wants to have a fight of a one bat those guys are Hench little bulldozers aren’t they like today’s route the last stretched to adelade split into two parts we’re finishing in a place called Spalding it’s about 160 170 K away we’ve got 1,000 MERS of climbing in between and a lot of it is one big climb at the start so I’m going to hit that and then refuel afterwards are you ready kids hi [Music] [Applause] Captain sinking like Stone don’t leave her so we’ve been on the main road out of port Augusta for the last hour or so just hitting this first big time of the day reckon it’s about 600 650 m in total so not to be sniffed at one very positive thing much quieter road that we’ve been on so even though we’ll be traveling a bit slower because of the climb not so much of a problem with cars looking forward to it kind of engaging different musles to usual we’ve been riding on the flat for so long my IT band have been completely wrecked hav’t the stretch loads it’s just nice to be able to get out the saddle a bit every now and then once we get this one out the way it’s then sort of rolling all day so that’s a nice thing it’s early on in the day get it over and done with 20° today not 40 positive how you doing ah usual mornings you know feel like [ __ ] ride into it I never feel good when I first start riding good breakfast though good breakfast we had a lovely FaceTime phone call Nick it with Nick from the wedding everyone drunk drunk because it’s like 9 wasn’t the time about half 9 10:00 in the UK we lost an hour oh God that’s why I feel so groggy if this ride wasn’t hard enough oh yeah we’ll take away another hour we just keep changing the time zones to confuse them fly fly fly how many time zone Chang we had fly four I think four fly [Music] [Music] [Applause] it’s 8% man 8.1 now this is a bit of a shock yeah we’ve done this have we since per days ago I think we’re nearly there though yeah getting there yeah just chug it just filling up our gas more gas that descent was amazing I haven’t done a descent in so long feel like the last time we descended was what about 5 years ago oh that reminded me why riding a bike it’s really really fun that was cool it over 50 comfortably wasn’t it quite a that nice smooth Road smooth Turns The Climb was pretty beautiful as well to be fair it was to see there might be more might be more n hope not so I don’t want to speak too soon but this ride was everything we hoped yesterday was going to be don’t know if it’s a psychological thing but the change in scenery there’s different trees Farmland bit of shelter climbs descents rolling lovely Countryside like we can’t be happy right now this is this is bliss super quiet Road as well got like maybe one car every 20 minutes and they’re super friendly few climbs coming up and then massive massive descent for about 30ks feeling good fueling up oh the [Music] greatest boys you done well there my friend I think we both have succeeded well veggie burer and it’s not one of the [ __ ] Roadhouse ones which are all [ __ ] this is actual pancakes today has been a good day and we only got 70k left oh what a lovely day my friend oh what a lovely day what a lovely day Mad Max M your W’s going somewhere just just does that someone’s put highlight on our route for today bless you our next little town that we’re going to go into is called Laura some kilometers away from here the best ice cream ever there whatever ever so because Chris likes ice cream so much everyone’s been commenting on his cutes and Instagrams about going to this ice cream place in Laura Laura’s the next town along he’s very excited apparently I do vegan ice cream as well so I might actually indulge this has been a good day you’re happy boy oh yeah wait what even is that crazy colors it’s crazy color flavor isn’t it chocolate flavor Brown flavor I love Brown it’s my favorite color [Music] from London yeah yeah yeah oh wow we need to have a pizza or something we were talking about pizza while we riding over weren we yeah I thought I saw a pizza box in a field yes I had a dream mate we’ve got a palace it’s pretty nuts isn’t it it’s good there’s fruit on the table I know I really want all of it we haven’t seen much fruit over the last two weeks what’s fruit might be plastic H it’s real Pizza fruit pizza oh good thank you thank you you kind gentleman lovely is it yeah it’s great like England day 15 we’re riding to andera today and we’ve got a rest day we’re starting a little bit later because it’s been raining we didn’t want to get completely soaked so we’re about an hour on what are you doing did you zip up then I can’t get my sweets oh I’ll do it again so we waited about an hour temperature’s gone up significantly um rain has stopped a little bit of rain on the road got jackets on should be fun uh public holiday today so not as many places will be open hopefully the servo is still so we can get some uh sweets and stuff rest day here we come not all bad got a little bit of rained on for the first few minutes of this ride heading towards the sun blue SK up ahead maybe a few showers later but I’ll be honest oh Wheels it’s actually briefly so as long as you got the right Gear with you rain isn’t really that bad first today’s ride is pretty much all uphill and we’ve got a lot desent into which is basically the coast just like yesterday when we rolled in senior is amazing check out this it’s like being in Yorkshire raining all M bananas we stole think oh I sold an apple as well so we got about 30ks um 20 more K top of climb descent dried up a bit it’s quite nice my camera is all wrapped up still just in case it does decide to Chuck it down but yeah all good oh man it’s so nice to have fruit [Music] again the planishing the snakes good to see mate Food Land that’s food just I love the word Food Land great that was attracted to it that’s why we stopped here we’re now in CLA probably the last big town before we hit adelade I think maybe maybe yeah maybe there’s other little ones I don’t know you see you see the coffee section M I was like there’s too much to I that’s why you took 20 minutes bit overcast bit drizzle but just like being at home isn’t it it’s probably better than London this is a bit better than the main road mate just a little bit why we go on it bit slower but who cares better for our safety you shout snake at us out the window how’s it going nice to meet like just say snake W what’s your name Nathan [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah the cars don’t give you much room along here it’s pretty rough too we were like in a town just down there guy shouted out the window snake thought he said snake trying to work out what other word be friend power buddy friend power my friend’s been fun isn’t it that answer that at least you got your chocolate milk now we’ve both been miserable for the last hour such a busy road and it just sucks and the cars just don’t give you space do they think about the road trains at least they drive around you there’s no room a there a loud dog it’s cuz there’s another Lawrence open there he wants to say hi to Lawrence the only looks angry as well atten so today’s ride not the easiest to get the camera out and do any filming whatsoever it’s just been kind of riding single file on main roads I’ll be honest first bit of the day was actually lovely and then there was a few showers which not so bad for us but definitely bad for getting this camera out so if there’s a lack of footage today that’s why we have just passed through GAA refueled tiny bit of a crosswind but we’re feeling good there’s only about 40ks to go to Adelaide seem to be in a park of some sort uh on a lovely bike lane legs are definitely feeling it today just a bit dead time for a rest day just in the nick of time good job we got a rest day coming up mate exactly yeah we timed that well didn’t we we planned it it’s like Milton keing in we could be in Milton ke right now so we finished going through Milton ke and I think we’ve been really lucky cuz considering it’s a bank holiday this whole industrial state which has been going on for the last 40 minutes uh is completely deserted so no traffic to worry about a few bike Lanes dotted around anyway but stress-free entry into the city so far we haven’t really been looking forward to dealing with loads of cars cuz well for the last two weeks it’s just been straight on 26k to go oh boys boys this is ter Ying what the what what is this some of them are hung quite nicely but most of them are hung by the neck oh my God are we definitely going to ad not horror movie I think we need to ride faster this is [ __ ] we need to ride faster he [Music] look clean beds little table for you to table up not an entirely [ __ ] view I mean it’s a bit [ __ ] when you look down but when you look up it’s kind of cool David Jones He no joke is that from par Caribbean it’s a it’s a I work at that shop [Music] [Music] morning mate how are you did you sleep well last night not really no I know we’ve just uh treated ourselves to some new tires for the remainder of the trip you’re a [ __ ] both of our rear tires are completely trashed uh so put some Road ones on no more gravel for the rest of the trip it should be a little bit quicker just to put into perspective how uh how flat or bold our tires are on the back that’s our current situation um so for the next 5 days fresh new ones get these off just run them tubed 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 popped on 107 what’s the Chan of that by C time I’m going to race it mate I’m going to race life I’m not going to race it no you’re not I would probably tell you off [Music] was kill o’ri taking the win out there George will love this and Ken will love this and it’s not even one that we had great design who did that uh some guy with a silly mustache right now you can put your Co welcome to day 16 running across Australia Today we’re leaving Adelaide sad but starting the journey towards Melbourne happy 160k to do today quite a lot of elevation we got climb out with the city legs are feeling ready don’t forget my camera what camera that one with the what’s that a strap oh the F off [Music] Edition when it hurts just bre down on the Lees you [Music] can you got another noise mystery one another mystery one it’s what it helps just be a baron or something it just bugs me noise yeah cool they’re just loading the next oh yeah so successfully made it out of Adelaide those are some amazing roads I think we went up Mount lofty maybe I’ve definitely ridden it before when I was here for the tour down under a couple of years back we have just gone through a tunnel and now we’re on lovely lovely quiet country lanes which is wicked exactly what we needed big climb now out the way we’re basically rolling for the rest of the day and we got a lot of elevation to lose too got a squeak got a squeak oh he you definitely have a squeak we’re just collecting noises mate like Pokémons Chris just stopped for a piss there and then we realized an electric fence behind the Bob wire do you know how you can tell when electric F has turned on you touch it and you go or you touch it if you’re that much way inclined and you like a bit of electricity I know bondage thing or something touch it if you don’t listen for the hum so we may have found a Teensy bit of gravel just to you know we did it on purpose to uh grab our new tires so they’re nice and grippy now yeah it’s heading into a town called cool lington and we’ve got about 20K till we hit the only stop of the day we’ll get some lunch gravel section was actually pry fun surprising how much you can do on road tires it’s kind of okay you’ve got a fairly squishy frame as well which this is very comfortable all the more fun always takes me a while to get going after a rest day legs are a bit solid mate we can trade in our bikes s for a boat yeah would say no laar La who’s Jack he’s a bird don’t work we could go through the drive-thru you know they do a veggie burger I keep seeing it on that TV that we’re watching traffic for the there’s traffic for the drive through though we don’t want traffic only Muppets drive cars he uh after the gravel all right yeah guess what I found oh yeah unoo coffee humus coffee Bread Co humus and bread that is a winning combination nailed it m nailed it nutritious and delicious is it what was that from nutritious and delicious Honey Cheerios wasn’t it Cheerio song from the Cade vog reckon if you asked Cheerios they’d say something about that oh I’ve got to take your helmet off mate Rebel Burger Rebel Whopper I want it I want it made from Plants even the breads made from Plants man yeah maybe next time we do a Hungry Jack actually let us know in the comments is it any good someone will know basically Burger King isn’t it it is Burger King I heard it was uh like sneaky move by McDonald’s they registered the name Burger King in Australia or something but today’s ride’s going pretty well they got about 70k to do road tires feel very fast we had a bit of a detour and gravel earlier it’s cuz we had to replan the route last minute to avoid going on a ferry which we didn’t realize it was in there and when we were looking at it we then didn’t check it properly and that’s why we ended up on the gravel but it was quite fun and it was absolutely beautiful there so don’t really regret it I’m jealous of your humus well jealous I’m jealous of my humus I’m eating it on the elevation we are here basically means it’s going to be flat all day now although we did have fresh EG this morning the climing wasn’t too bad it’s time it’s been freezing today finally get rid of this guy back on our favorite friend the aoad I think it’s pretty much takes us the whole way downside is there’s traffic upside is there’s two lanes so they’re not going close to us and it’s a quick road so we just churn through the mileage big car Boris big car Boris tell you about the story the story about when I used to work at a bar and black keys turned up and played a gig did they that’s basically the story they basically don’t hang out anymore do they no sad they were good man they too much time together like we have so we’re now definitely back on our old favorite kind of terrain the long straight Flat Road we’re basically specialists at this now nothing can stop us beautiful Seaside Town apparently looking forward to a nice chill when we get there way ahead of schedule even though we left fairly relaxed this morning going to be back by 300 p.m. too easy headwind back we’ve been riding into a headwind for the last 30k got 15 more to do but we’re going much faster than we were in the past I think we’re just fresh maybe it’s the road tires I felt good today maybe yeah yeah I’m just inhaling food I don’t know if I just didn’t eat enough yesterday but I keep like getting a bit of a sugar crash and then I put anything close to you in orbit of you it just goes he’s a long vehicle though he’s not a whatever the [ __ ] it’s called a Road train why why change it why AR they all just called long Vehicles why Road train it’s like a car what did you call it earlier car track car track car whatever you want to call it it’s just it big boy does actually look quite pink I don’t if the camera picks it up I know where it’s pink why diluted flamingos [Music] so welcome to meningi pronounciation no yeah I’m not quite sure I think it’s I think it’s pronounced meningi anyway meningi meningi nearly made it to our motel but we thought we’d stop come down this pier uh it appears to be quite long it’s beautiful around here I think that was some of the best scenery on today’s ride we’ve had so far last road was a little bit of a slog but Moon’s out the moon’s out the moon’s out it’s Australia it’s all backwards is it they have the moon in the day the sun in there can you hear those birds they sound like they’re mocking us I see you see go Sammy Pizza I have pizza bate garlic bread day Spud Spud what Spud I don’t know what that is another day down man three more three more to go the last one doesn’t count four okay yeah three more and the last one doesn’t count cuz we’re g cuz we’re giving Mark all of our stuff he’s got L have you ever seen a man carry two lots of bike packing luggage on one bike cuz you guys are going to F just like a thousand seag gos outside right just like most days on this trip we are exhausted I’m going to get down edit this video hit the hay tomorrow we’re tackling 240 K so it’s one of the longer rides on this trip and looking at Dark Skies it’s going to be a headwood most of the way the plus side we have eaten our body weighting food um so it shouldn’t be too much trouble just going to have to plug away it’s going to be a long one 4 days to go well 3 days in one day cuz the last one doesn’t count always excited I’m ecstatic outstandingly excited stupendously excited I want to hear the mocking birds again you look like a ski instructor wait you say that cuz of my I hand welcome today 17 bike packing across Australia Today we’re starting a ride in winning and we’re riding down the coast for 240 K it’s going to be a long long day uh looking at our wind app it’s headwind of course we ate so much food last night we’re feeling very recovered pretty positive there’s a [ __ ] ton of birds here a ridiculous amount and Pelicans did I sleep well yeah I actually did you know why I slept well cuz you had the massive this is a bed that Chris had this is a bed that I had the F when’s the first stop today 140k is in 140 150k is in that’s I’m carrying bread with me that M my friend m but just in case we get stranded do you know what there is in that Stu a massive [Music] Lobster so we’ve been laughing at this sign for the last 30k are we Delirious W it’s a pee PE sign you got to go you got to go I’m not sure what’s going on with all these weird layers difficult one to dress for today be honest yeah it is had a coke bottle malfunctioned look fell off it may or may not explode now in your face had worse so about 70 K into the ride now feeling pretty good road is absolutely amazing we have this like huge S3 to the right of us so it looks great it’s also super quiet not many cars probably being overtaken once every half hour or so really really good we’re now inside a national park as well super clean M of litter over the last few days and in the alore as well it horrible to see a lot of Caso Chris gravel go on gravel just do it let do it you see it up there it’s not a cyclist it’s an orange hey the cyclist had a blanket in his mouth I’m not sure what that was I think he was riding in slippers as well you know they’re comfortable snake you got to do what you got to do what is he carrying a worm is an carrying a worm oh yeah they look like Australian ants that are going to bite us yeah we’re in Australia everything kills you doesn’t it [Music] he bigger than uh Dereck no same size same scale cuz they all mates aren’t there from the same universe you know what his name is what Nigel Nigel Lobster why Nigel it’s just his name you got a problem with his name no don’t upset Nigel man oh yeah it’s nice and warm in here it is let’s just stay in here instead of riding like when you came in and I was outside looking at these things I was just like you bastard why did I not go in first you would have stood there and you would have been like this I’m doing that now we’ve got 90k to go there we’re done we’re done well not vanilla yeah less than night K you’re right uh I’m going to be buzzing B and get one free coffees what do you do you what do you do with the other one when it’s B and get free genuinely found something you like buy them all they fit in your pocket 1.2 K 1.2 Kil last me about 3 minutes wouldn’t it I was actually planning on using the stop to answer some of your questions from yesterday’s video but it’s really really cold we just want to plug away so we’ll do it back when we hit the motel later got under 190 case to do it’s Chile same road that way how much quicker do you think road tires are two or three I don’t know if it’s just Placebo I think actually it’s obviously they’re quicker 90 it’s probably a kilom quicker like in honesty we’re riding a relative a pretty fast Road tire but we’re also riding them tubed also carrying all the tubes we’re carrying five tubes as well bance is out doesn’t it yeah it probably does I don’t believe it first time in 2 and 1 half weeks it’s not straight on it’s not straight on it’s left how do you turn left robe is that way but Rob Brewer is that way it’s a lie ment ment isn’t that the bad witch from uh Snow White malis I thought it was the way up Van too banging Tunes in that car sha Paul in the sh [Music] theall right that’s been a bit of a s into a headwind but we’ve been on smaller and smaller roads progressively through this ride now in this absolutely stunning sort of Country Lane with Farms either side loads of cows around loads of sheep way less traffic on the hole and uh nearly at our destination we’re both pretty tired though because well it’s been 240k on a positive note arm Motel is next door to a Chinese restaurant bit of a change from Pizza Chinese Chris you happy do pizza mate I hope so been riding so long the Bluetooth speaker run out of battery the wo’s run out of B tree the Chris has ran out of that tree should be illegal to do over 200ks hey boys so as a lady Dro this off for us and it’s too heavy to lift up give what so this is a note that says from Porsha and Malachi some lovely people have sent us a care package of all of our favorite items snakes dinosaurs Sour Patch Kids these are the freeze Edition hardcore fruit actual fruit Vanilla Coke that is Bonkers thank you so so [Music] much so here we are rolling had to backtrack slightly today to get out of the town now we’re on new lovely quiet roads we’re actually chasing breakfast this morning cuz nowhere in the town was open at that time time so couldn’t get any food luckily we ate most of that care package that we got last night it’s funny how things happen like that we really needed it about 80 km to go to the first town and that’s where we’re going to stop have some breakfast recoup and uh plug away it’s going to be another long day but it means to an end 3 days left how nice is this beautiful mate this is stunning yeah we’ve been on this road basically C to left beach port all the traffic as you can see we had a lovely chat of our boys we’ve seen the flying Penguins oh that’s awesome that’s a lot of egg big old lips behind you probably bit of a mess we’ve um made it the 85 K to Panola we’re in an amazing bakery that we found filling our stomachs and then uh 130 K to do after this that was a bit of a challenge on um just South Hatch K tired feeling tired going to eat this chill out for a little bit wait for the energy levels to come back and then plug away try these tonies they make your mouth all cold it is cold I’ve got four layers on I think we’re cold cuz we’re tired yeah yeah at least the chili peppers are planing Chili Peppers Melbourne’s on a sign so back on the road food has made a world of difference we’re both feeling million times better has got a bit of a niggle in his leg so taking it easy for a bit these things just happen on Long rides like this we were talking about it and if you’ve got any sort of underlying injury doing this sort of ride will bring it out all we got to do is plug away the difference between us riding hard now cuz we’re so fatigued and riding easy is only like a couple of KS an hour so we might as well finish the distance and feel slightly fresher at the end still averaging 25k an hour or so so it’s good few climbs towards the end of the day flat for now 50 case to the next [Music] St noisy as bird so we’ve now crossed into Victoria me and Chris both agree it’s starting to look like Australia again after what looked like the countryside in the UK for ages got bit Sand by the side of the road kind of burnt looking trees bit more rural few more dead kangaroos it’s in interesting I think Victoria changed the law about how close you’re allowed to overtake cyclist to 1 and 1/2 M quite recently since we crossed the border we haven’t had a single close overtake from anyone so perhaps that’s why 20ks to go bit of a refuel get in there food I’m a bit sore today all right we’ve got 60k now this is not my finest day shall we say no no it’s probably the worst I felt what’s the injury where is it this [ __ ] this guy is very sore very stiff be right tomorrow we’ve managed to like not I’m managed to not really do anything haven’t I really just soft pedal so it be all right tomorrow yeah just need to feet up when we get roll it a little bit but not too much and then feet up chill out chill out got 67k 69 got a guac got a whole bagette Sour Patch Kids cuz we’ve eaten all of the Sour Patch Kids that the lady game as I said we’re 68 K to go um unfortunately we’ve gone through another time zone so now it’s later than we thought it was only half an hour though only half an hour we can we can we’re not going to be back that late but uh still bit of a rush when we get in get dinner um sorted get the edit out just had a message from cycl Maven he’s definitely going to be joining us from the last stage uh from baller to Melbourne so that’s cool and we’re also staying with Shane Miller tomorrow night I will not be riding one of his many many turbo trainers I’m fatigued oh what just TT him chewy caramel fudge crunchy bards and loads of chocolate apparently it’s very Australian I’ve never seen it before Chito 55 G of stuff nutrition [Applause] [ __ ] what have you done what have you [Music] [Music] done how good has this ride just got cuz of the cows M the cows are nuts why do they come towards us being friendly but I think they’re probably evil cuz we’re in Australia yeah yeah everything’s trying to kill [Music] us right so we made it to Hamilton we decided to do a two up TT for the whole rest of the day completely smashed it like 30k an hour average for the last bit we are now very tired but luckily we’ve only got one big day left unfortunately we hit Hamilton about 5Ks ago Hamilton’s quite big and our place is booked on the other side of the town so we’ll be there eventually didn’t Factor this in it’s one of my boys you’re right mate no I need some painkillers round the G which is looking not at its best cuz we had a giant tree removed out there today and so there’s wood everywhere was it a koala that did it I don’t even know how big they are it’s probably like massive can get like loads of people have told me to elevate my legs so I’m elevating them I don’t I know how to I know the science I can’t be asked to explain it right now I’m too tired man B’s putting your legs in the [Music] air good morning sunshine it’s not sunny it’s almost a bit Frosty outside another day for the jacket welcome to the penultimate day of riding across Australia today’s ride 170k to balarat I think we’re pretty much on one roide the whole way we’ve had a breakfast of some description let’s do it man last big day chewy [Music] feel of the day Sour Patch Kids not sponsored beeping man come for the ones that are different flavors today instead of just watermelon H definitely looks like Tony what’s that what’s what that a jellyfish my friend you know what’s great uh frosties no flies and frosties cuz they’re great they’ve got smaller as we’ve gone further east maybe they’re still here but they’re really small microscopic so we’ve been rolling about 40ks now our uh our mission of today enjoy it enjoying this trip while it lasts we’ve got 2 days left nice steady one today few climbers at the end into Ballarat luckily we got a nice warm welcoming when we’re staying with Shane later on all we got to do is cruise and get there coming up to lunch time now so time for a little stop might get some snakes or a Vanilla Coke decent Roose today not completely quiet like yesterday but but they’re all right hey look dead kangaroo yeah still in Australia why was the air conditioning on so so strong in there come out here to warm up in there was Antarctica out here is Australia there a tad chili how long have we got to go 80 something case about 100 mate 100 I don’t know if I can do that your turn on the front my friend [Music] I change this message yes and he said tomorrow it’s pretty much all downhill I could confirm that it’s true I’ve seen the root still can’t put my fingers straight I have like nerve damage in my hand from a crash just got worse basically I can’t grip with it it’s from a crash like years ago where i’ I’ve had this problem for a long time and I can’t I struggle gripping things anyway it’s just got worse from finding Lots it’s quite funny cuz me trying to open things is hilarious isn’t it at the moment it’s quite funny cuz I just can’t I’m like Chris do you still need a Christmas tree yeah nearly Christmas B last 20ks only us Chris I know man it’s pretty crazy is it just on the last few rollers of the day some 41 playing good times can’t wait for something that’s not pizza Sun’s kind of out this is so nice killer P they’re big snakes one piece equals one portion bring the camera over here and in the oven I’ve got things warming up oh my God we have veggie lasagna and we have they’re not quite homecooked because I don’t homecook but somebody at a shop that did kind of homecook homecooked them so we’ve got like about four or five kilos of vegetables and peas and carrots and the best food we’ve eaten in 3 weeks haven’t had for so many weeks so I thought you know what would I want at the end of a long ride typically it’s asleep but yeah there we go so you’re warming up we haven’t been doing much of that either for the last three weeks I would recommend trying it this is what the kangaroo had like tar it is we that that that fixes tubeless tires yeah it’s my mate it’s my mate all they’ve done is changed the label you got that from the kangaroo it’s the same size comes out of the kangaroo yeah there he is he’s done it I’m the dumbest I know like for someone for someone who knows quite a bit about cycling like I left at 11 I was just like yeah just packing [ __ ] whatever I’ll get there no worries it’s all up pill sweet wait 9 hours later see man we were like he’s going to be a while I was just like cursing myself the whole time like it was getting dark I was like man I still got an hour to go ta the whole time and I just gave up I just went and go to hot chips and gravy and I just so there’s only one way to actually Mount this bike it’s like the easiest way to mount a bike possible and boys you need this for your bike’s outside you ready you have to wait for it you let the bike do all the work there we go have you had a bike fit on this you’re looking pretty slammed man you just SL this is how I sleep it’s so good you don’t have to have your carbon bike like is it that good is it good I’d ride it I have ridden it yeah I I haven’t missed my other bike being indoors my other bike doesn’t do this as well uh no chain ring tattoos either it makes sense which is weird cuz people are saying oh yeah we want to I’m all for about riding our bikes indoors when you think about it we’ve adapted our outside bikes to ride indoors which doesn’t make sense yeah and the brakes work [Music] which is kind of weird how much are they retailing for they’re 3499 us a lot what will let you what will I know you can’t ride it outdors what’s it an algal level bike 105 level bike it’s not it’s not a replacement like look the kick is still there and the core is still there um it’s just another Choice it just opens up the market a little bit more maybe for maybe not fory pure cyclist maybe for more this is this is purely for people with a bit of sply I Reon it all is this is all outside is free that’s the satellite this is you can put it you want but that’s the satellite you should try it so good do you want me to put the seat down for you feel the gear change it actually pulsates through so you can actually physically feel the gear changes oh that’s weird yeah yeah but without that you wouldn’t know it’s it’s too smooth go the big ring on The Front Climbing Hill get out get out of the saddle and see if it feels I st socks oh my God we turned up late in anticipation of you turning up really late but you’re here first he knows me so well he would have been like don’t worry Ferg would be like half an hour late so there something on the back let go cross it’s the car wow just wait here we go it’ll get this one coming and it gets it yeah 150 160 m yeah see that’s great there we go that one’s coming fast it’s going to kill me Cy [ __ ] cyclist thanks so much good to see you no problem I’m I you riding with us my destination is home good morning welcome to today’s video and welcome to the last ride of the Australia trip it’s kind of sad mate 120k downhill all the way we’ve got Mark with us so he’s going to sit on the front the whole way because it’s a headwind of course it is I am excited you smashed from your uh your ride yesterday well I’ll sign to you boys you know how how destroyed you feel when you’re getting back into cycling it’s the hardest thing ever man like I you overestimate I thought it would take me 6 hours yesterday to ride from Melbourne to here and it was like how long I got there at like 9:00 I got at 9:00 at night you need to get some tonies in you got some tonings do you want one yes I do oh there’s a snake in there as well snake and ton oh sour [Music] Ah that’s why you stopped for fishing chips last night when you just there and it was funny because all the boys were in the bar just forgetting steaming playing pool you know the types right so that’s why it took you 3 hours to get to us joined and there’s me comes into the bar you know with Myra just like hi guys took about 15 minutes to get my chips had no gravy on it but I couldn’t wait cuz I had to get to see you boys so I had my chips and my bike and I was riding and wind was blowing and [ __ ] was going everywhere just come up to we’re at the toor the very tip of the hill now from Ballarat you come up the top and now we go downhill so all the way all the [ __ ] you climbed yesterday thank for that I’ve had the best shower I’ve had in about oh wow Shane Shane’s Shane is Uncle Shane he Uncle Shane he he could be worse you know imagine Shane with a beard or aous it was like me with a beard buddy second R you could grow a good beard though I I can I had one at the tour but it was so gray it’s [ __ ] cheers guys see you on YouTube [Music] [Music] we got some gravel no I’m not a massive fan of gravel but I think our bikes are going to hold up all right oh touch wood it’s like they’re new tires it’s fine we’ve got enough inner tubes mate we put these road tires on for this gravel specifically mate specific specifically specifically specifically you don’t go in there that’s the men’s going the ladies no Gordon oh the Gordon yeah who’s Gordon 60 km [ __ ] so this is Nick is it sari or sary S sari whatever I’ve had from uh he actually runs valow kicks we were talking about his new kicks the uh the black shoes he’s he’s here to ride on the front all the way to Melbourne sweet he has come he’s come out he’s met us from Melbourne and he lives in Brunswick so he’s going to take us back to Brunswick yeah and there’s good eating and good beer in Brunswick boys that’s all we want you cannot swing a a PB I didn’t think there was any dead cats here it’s just dead kangaroos you know my friends were together without me and in the dream they were happy laughing without me I had a dream friends [Music] together we done it what man well done boys well done huge achievement I’m going to have a beer might have two [Music] hey Francis Cade crew I’m ringing the hotel to make sure that these boys can actually get in for tonight hey Sylvester how are you nice nice to talk with you yes yeah listen mate we’re at the pub getting steaming is it all if the boys come in at 11:00 how long are you hanging around for you know what cracks me is this whole sloping down thing do know they don’t have to be sloping down they need to be up but you can put them up yeah but [ __ ] you don’t want a liter and a half we just cycled across Australia don’t give me that [Music]


    1. Very enjoyable, and so much easier to watch as a feature-length film! I watched a couple of Francis's other journeys as playlists, and this is so much easier.

    2. 1- used to rate Alex Dowsett until I seen him on YouTube and realised how bloody posh he was. Could live with that but onto point 2

      2- thanks for all the effing and blinding, absolutely fantastic, thought with someone posh being involved was probably safe to have on with the kids around but there you go eh. Absolute idiots don't give a flying forget who says what but FFS put a warning in eh you complete twats. Don't get that on GCN and both you idiots are free to bring your children over to Scotland and I'm happy to use much better swear words in front of them.

      I don't comment a thing on YouTube so don't be thinking I'm a keyboard warrior Matt Stephens etc wouldn't do that neither would Bradley Wiggins which is funny because he actually won a tour

    3. Amazing film and effort lads! Total props to you both on this epic ride. Took me back to my younger Oz bike touring days, cheers again!

    4. Welcome to Australia. Where the land is vast and lots of nothing around.
      Fun fact.
      99% of snakes in Australia are poisonous. The other 1% are killer pythons.

    5. I really enjoyed watching this lads, great film. I went to New Zealand in 2006 to visit a friend for 3 weeks who lived in Christchurch at the time and ended up staying for 12 months. One day i had a real lightbulb moment and decided I was going to take a train to the North island, explore and cycle back to Christchurch. So I bought the cheapest MTB i could find equipped with front and back lights along with a lock. My kit comprised of two pair of football shorts, two football tops, two pair socks, a small rucksack, sleeping bag, a t-shirt, combat shorts, flip flops and a pair of PRADA trainers that looked like Donald Ducks head(hideous looking things but I thought I looked cool). I had not peddled a bike for about 15 years, so when my mate told me my "planned" journey was about 400 miles, in parts absolutely no sign of life on deserted roads so he advised equipping myself with safety equipment and at times there may be nowhere to stay at night(hence the sleeping bag). So i pushed the boat out bought one of those foil blankets, a whistle, a tiny keychain torch, a mars bar and a snickers and off I went. One day later with saddle sores, blisters on my feet and hands and terrible sunburn and a tinge of regret for the birth of a crazy lightbulb plan. The regret lasted all of 10mins as the unbelievable scenery all around had me. On my left was the beach and Pacific Ocean, on my right intermittent mountains and pine forests. Every so often I would encounter menacing packs of EMU and Deer who would form small relay teams to sprint along aide me giving me the real evil side eyes. Anyway the point of writing this was it turned into a wonderful adventure where I encountered very few people or cars at times and very definitely multiple 200meter sprints being chased by menacing EMU. Memories i will treasure the rest of my life

    6. You do a really great job of documenting your experiences, and as I have said before, I also like the way you stay positive and upbeat…you are living out some of our dreams…thank you for sharing.

    7. Do you share your equipment list anywhere?

      I would also like to know how much money you spent on your supplies throughout the trip. Food & drink.

      Do you have a budget or plan or just play it by ear”ear”… you need what you need?

      While I am asking — how long did it take you to plan out the logistics?

      Anyway, really enjoy your vids.

      Thank you

    8. You were running tubeless…was that smart?

      I know you had some challenges early did you change out tires during the trip?

    9. You were running tubeless…was that smart?

      I know you had some challenges early did you change out tires during the trip?

      Oh — lol — you did change tires. Wow, your back tires were worn.

    10. I just returned from a month trip trough Australia (with a car) and although I did see some kangaroos, I certainly saw more signs warning about kangaroos and of course far more death ones and not really much other wildlife, just a few lizards.

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