In this vlog me and Shui head further up the Lancaster canal to it’s heart. Lancaster city from Galgate.
    Join us on this most stunning canal.
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    #narrowboats #Lancastercanal#canalboat #offgridliving#narrowboatlife #Lancastercitynarrowboat#Livingonwatercanalboat#canal

    you thought you were watching somebody who knows what he’s doing well you’re wrong because this a narrow b Wheel I enjoy pretending to like him if I was in the office you know I’d do that Ro break that’s strange phenomenon there look is that strange what the Sun looks really weird no it’s just covered by the cloud that’s it covered by the cloud that’s it yeah a lot of cloud you see scientific cic explanation just try to you know shed the light through the cloud shed the light through the cloud yeah go Prett she’s found it Wild Garlic yeah oh look at that wild garlic isn’t that absolutely gorgeous look at that wild garlic what nice all that is this these are delicious these are delicious these things these flowers absolutely delicious wow PR aren’t they aren’t they pretty they only come one you know oh the smell a year pretty aren’t they the smell of them yeah just walking back from Mr van and a key I got caught when I was in Preston fits the locks down to glassen Basin but my usual CRT keys don’t fit it at all there’s a fraction of a difference on the keys I don’t know why what’s happened there have they upgraded all the locks I’m not sure but it’s a uh beautiful morning you got all this see that it’s like a fairy land they smell of wild garlic all over the place it is absolutely so tasty these are M there a kick to them really nice oh don’t eat the one cuz the dogs weed down there I know bit dog we and garlic He Lovely isn’t that just isn’t that just a beautiful picture wow it’s like walking in somebody’s Garden what that place is but it’s completely stunning that house that house that I’ve just shown you is called ail Ministries and they’ve got a little coffee shop you can visit the house I think you do spa spa breaks healing places things like that you know what a stunning place and I hopefully I can visit that on the way back at the moment taking suie to at the moment I’m taking sui to Lancaster uh to catch the train today is Thursday the uh 9th of May she’s getting the Train on the 11th so yeah so she’s uh she’s enjoyed herself but a good old good old cruise on this beautiful Canal is a stunning Canal I most I’ve met beautiful place for been I’ve been here for a night and I’m just getting ready to go now very very good moing spot there’s moing Rings here and everything you know just around the corner from G gate there’s all these hidden moing Rings uh it’s much more peaceful around the corner Signal’s pretty good couple of bars on e um I’m mean soie today we’re heading to [Music] Lancaster uh I had to repair had to repair my ripped it again had to do a little patch there a lot s’s not very good I know it’s it’s actually hard it’s like a glue inside it it’s very tough to get through so yeah there we are heading to Lancaster today on this beautiful Canal the fire is still on it’s still cold so nippy um um not t-shirt weather yet night today so uh yeah and the good old Mr Heron there look watching us off waving in his own way yeah it’s Naro will yay he’s saying at least he looks like he is oh that’s not waving that’s oh oh they didn’t know HS could do that with their feathers must be rude no do oh for God’s sake just started fishing this big onk of metal comes along to stay still you won’t see me it’s a brave one AR you you are a brave one no it’s not fear’s got the better of him all the way along down these slopes you got this wild garlic it’s packed solid with it look at the lushness in the spring of this this country is absolutely stunning especially on the canals you see a richness That You Don’t See in the towns and cities but you do see it you know got pockets of parks and stuff but this is it’s all banicured it’s all manmade it’s you know but it’s still beautiful isn’t it the first Bridge of the day two fat ladies 88 to Fat lead is that’s a great scene 88 Bridges wow and the short I’ve only done half of the canal so far incredible I do like the bridges it’s got this um Yorkshire stone is it very solid though bit cracky there look oh dear the coping Stones cracked isn’t it all the weight on it not surprised L Arctic L is going over these little things you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was hoping to get to hes Bank while while while Sue was here Sue and my ex-wife in the to get to H bank and show her the beach but we’re not not going to make it should I got two days left so we have to get to Lancaster and I’m going to Mo up and then see look around Lancaster the museums and stuff you know then I’m later on I probably go to H bank with Leon and then come back down you know so shame it’s past where a way past where a train station is so it doesn’t make any sense to go up there you know but the but the canal winds its way right along Moran Bay and back up um right close to the beach it’s very tired not much of a beach very Brown sea but be nice to get there just just see it and just have a little set on the beach for a little bit wouldn’t it might drive up there yet and another a lot you know get Mr van he’s not very happy at the moment I think the power steering pumps making a noise I haven’t done those bushes yet cuz we the Jack snapped completely the car went poof the van went slap onto the floor luckily I wasn’t underneath it just designed for that van as well you know so it’s old um um some’s given me a jack I haven’t really tried it yet I’m not sure if it’s strong enough to do that to be honest um somebody told me that there is a a Breakers yard full of jacks so I need to get to that Breakers yard and see if I can get a Jack from there I tried at the Caro was nothing there so yeah so our destination is Lancaster and that’s it I mean so over oh I used to be married together it was were married 15 years um but we separated you know as you do you just don’t get on for a bit it just escalates you got each other’s nerves and you think we’ll have a little test break see how we get on and then we got different properties and then it’s you know years pass and we’ still good mates in actual fact it feels like we’re still married to be honest but with me being fre a man wild Garlic’s beautiful isn’t it yeah I wish you have a br on the real butter and then make some got some real butter but you know you need to have a mixer oh mixer so I get some butter at Lancaster then should you pick some do you want to stop um yeah unless you need to eat it you know you need to put it in the fridge brunch them first yeah blanch the leaves or blanch the leaves then dry it then dry it chop it and it’s very smelly though on the boat isn’t it very smelly yeah the boat will the boat will stink of garlic yeah no you I probably you know I’ve had garlic before in my fridge stunk of it it’s horrible yeah yeah but this is a different garlic is it this is not Spanky one but then again is quite quite strong as well yeah so I I don’t know whether you can call heav then well don’t can’t stop therez it’s very very shallow anyway so we can’t stop yet no just and it what a gorgeous Canal this is it’s absolutely bloody stunning so glad I came up here you know I really am [Music] [Music] Sun’s come out now look how the colors have changed on those trees that it’s absolutely LH Runners are out we got the Reds burnt umbers over there beautiful [Music] colors we’re now getting closer to Lancaster tell by the decent paths decent here all the way into Lancaster we looks of it um we not far from Lancaster now so 10 20 [Music] minutes it’s a pretty little house 1827 there look what a beautiful little place parking oh tit misses he likes a bit of parking don’t we know looks a bit parking this is a nice area look I mean look really row isn’t it it looks like we got some decent borings here and look in the distance you got the lanky beautiful this is the outskirts of Lancaster I mean Lancaster’s very pretty way more just down there zoom out well I’m more just down there we’re getting just getting the bus back to galgate isn’t this lovely though this 10 minutes walk yeah 10 minutes walk so we [Music] little lambs sniffing you look right come on then there look at the stunning views up here yeah this is just in this is Lancaster stunningly beautiful and you got Lancaster Castle just there wow see you know put put in the B just kind of very short you know no no one’s I just want talk about it just curious yeah don’t ATT R’s going to be asleep in a second that baby is seems tell you about the Lancaster Canal such a pretty Canal isn’t it keep saying it it’s just so much so much to see and then go some going off the nature and stuff more in nature no it’s the beauty the little cottages and houses this is terorist house oh next that is inform school just walking down to the town center from the from the moing this is an inform school so I’m very impressed with Lancaster very impressed easily impressed you are I know I am just just the Ambiance of it the lovely little Terrace houses Cottages want to go on that side what does it come along what what is it come along go on that side dear looks like it’s the side doesn’t it is a sprit


    1. " Today on BBC4 the next thrilling episode of Wild Garlic Will , we'll see him strolling past huge vistas of majestic white garlic blooms . Join us won't you " Beautiful music today as well .

    2. Great video shui is great 👍
      Youve some beautiful spaces along that section you cant video it all but yer agree its lovely.
      Hope your van gets fixed ok soon as its bit of a life line for you.
      All the best
      Kev the brinklow kayaker

    3. wow , all that wild garlic , it all looked very pretty , but it would actually make me feel ill , as i'm allergic to it lol , not been to lancaster for years , i bet it's changed quite abit .

    4. Haha, you sounded like ‘Venom’ in the opening title. The sky is weird is more likely to be cloud seeding… our illustrious boffins at the Met Office think it’s wise to drop Aluminum Oxide ‘dust’ into the earths atmosphere to refract the suns radiation back into space. They believe that this will ‘cool the earth down’, it’s nuts and not a conspiracy theory as I’m sure I will no doubt be told I’m a crack pot… Will, growing up, we were fortunate enough to have lived, ‘the good time’s’ the world we are in outside the boating community, is unrecognisable now. Towns and cities, forget it!

    5. So stunningly green that Lancaster💚its all the rain we've had! Just wish they'd let us have a bit more sun 🌞we need the old vitamin D! Glad shui enjoyed the Lancaster😍👍👍

    6. If you can you should go check out heysham beach and the tiny little village streets around it 👌🏻 There is an old church just up from the beach with the best view point too 😉👌🏻It’s just before you get to Morecambe 🤗Shui is so lovely it’s great to see her even if it was just a short visit 🤗

    7. Hi Will!
      Thanks for the wild garlic tip.
      I was out in the Stockholm archipelago the other week.
      Found a small field covered with it.
      Picked a lot and made a sallad.
      It is called ”ramslök”in swedish.
      Then I googled it.
      It’s a percieved spicis.
      Not to be picked…….!
      It was a nice sallad……..

    8. Afternoon Will. Another very enjoyable vlog with extra humour added. You are doing quite an in-depth coverage of the Lancaster. It deserves it. Lots of "chunky" construction wirh big stonework. I have noticed that the "Pope" on the tiller has been quiet. Is he away on a religious retreat perhaps? 😂 Regards. Paul.

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