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    so today is the last day of our self-guided bike tour with touring Catalonia we’re in roses Spain right now and we’ve only got about 30 kilometers to go today so the goal is to enjoy every moment so we’re 2.7 kilometers in today and we’re stopping because we saw one of our tour mates her bike was parked at this little I don’t know what you want to call it place that you can buy stuff your garden and so Darren’s just going in checking on her and then we’re gonna continue on hey what’d you get see if I can get it back nice lots are racking is that for the garden or for we found Diana along our route so we’re gonna ride with her for a little bit at least yeah yeah so what do you think of Spain this far yeah do you think you could live here and you yeah I think I could live here yeah yeah it is warm right now I wonder what it’s like during the wintertime probably just a little cold but no snow or anything yeah especially up in the mountains before this trip Ryan have you been to Spain yes once I was in Spain but no I had never been and like if what do you think is like the defining characteristic of Spain good to say one word or something to define Spain yeah the Internet has been pretty bad every single day right here in Spain and we’re not even camping yeah and we’re in hotels pretty bad but now in you know in all seriousness it’s really nice to ride the kind of back country roads and the the trails here I think there they’re really cool yeah I mean along those same lines there are so many trails in this area which is really cool like a lot of parts of the world just having one trail like this would be amazing I think it’s kind of one of the reason why you you think you have even coming back yeah yeah so accessible yeah yeah I am thinking of coming back because there’s just so many trails and the terrain isn’t like it’s good you can get around fast so we just arrived in but this is our final destination for the bike tour and we’re just trying to find the train station at the moment so we can buy our tickets back to Barcelona for tomorrow we’re at the train station now asking about our tickets for tomorrow back to Barcelona we have to find out for me at least if bikes are allowed on the train so that’s the important question if not I’m gonna have to ride my bike all the way back to Barcelona so Ryan asked about taking the bike on the train they said it wasn’t a problem so now we’re making away across town to the hotel where we’re staying tonight last and rent whoever gets it this is our hotel for the night hotel period Neos we have arrived today it’s up and today I do the lasted music for the past five nice having hear that so we just finished up eating and right now we’re in the center of big who it is and you know what I was just talking to Darren about this and this town is so sleepy and I know it’s granted it’s around the time right now for siesta time so I get it but it’s still too quiet – thank you I like great Darren loves quiet enough I’m like I’m like give me the city in the beach and Darren likes neither of those I can understand though what you’re saying it is quiet yeah there’s a I think what we should do is how hungry are you guys dying I’m not dying so there’s a there’s a place near the museum you guys walk up there yeah so it’s near the museum and then he was suggesting there’s a vegetarian place there and there’s also a number of other restaurants we can check out the veggie place we’re gonna they offer and then and that’s in that Plaza there’s a several other restaurants typically he also recommended this tapas bony-ass calamita which is for our location we’re off to dinner now last night of the bike tour got to get some dinner the turkey part is finding food that all five of us will like that’s gonna be the trick somewhere over here I wonder if that’s it Oh integral that’s it right there that’s the place yeah close alright sorry man he’s dry and you’re gonna follow a road and recently well that’s it for our bike tour with touring Catalonia it’s really been a great week beautiful weather fantastic bypass friendly people good food spectacular beaches yeah it’s been really really great I love this part of the world and I would love to come back at some point in the future so if you’d like to learn more about touring Catalonia doing a bike tour maybe here in Spain be sure to visit the touring Catalonia website I’ll put the link below this video and if you want to learn more about bicycle touring in general be sure to visit bicycle touring pro at bicycle touring procom thanks for watching guys and I’ll see you in the next video bye bye have any of you guys ever seen a vending machine that sells burritos burgers chicken burgers onion burgers hot dogs waffles a bikini which is a hip and cheese sandwich no way yeah Darren’s on with his sex toys in this lending machine there is Brompton Rosie 26 inch mini sized doll and bunch of masturbator ultra furry handcuffs that is hilarious

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