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    the early morning light filters through the hangar casting Long Shadows on the Sleek forms of our F4 Phantom 2s the smell of aviation fuel and the distant hum of engines starting up fills the air a stark reminder that this is no ordinary day the packed forces are breaking through the follow Gap and the war we feared for so long is upon us I am obber lant Hans vber a pilot in the Y my comrades and I have trained Relentless for this moment but the reality of war is a different Beast altogether as I strap into the cockpit I can feel the weight of the world pressing down upon my shoulders the radio crackles with urgent voices commanders issuing orders and the faint sound of distant gunfire and explosions our mission today is to provide close air support to the baguer Ground Force as holding the line the fold the Gap has always been a strategic choke point a direct route Into the Heart of West Germany the packed forces know this and they’re throwing everything they have at us tanks artillery and infantry are pushing through with a ferocity that is both all inspiring and terrifying as we lift off the landscape below us unfolds a patchwork of green fields forests and the scarred remnants of battle smoke rises in thick plumes marking the positions of burning vehicles and devastated towns the radio chatter intensifies as we approach the combat zone my heart pounds in my chest a mix of adrenaline and fear the enemy is Relentless migs streak across the sky their Sleek forms darting in and out of the clouds anti-aircraft fire arcs upwards angry red streaks against the pale blue my Squadron mates and I weave and Dodge unleashing our own missiles and cannon fire the air is filled with the deafening Roar of engines and the thunderous explosions of ordinance I spot a column of t-55 Tanks advancing through a narrow Valley their turrets swiveling ominously with a quick command to my wingman we dive towards the ground our Phantom screaming in a steep descent the targeting reticle locks onto the lead tank and I release a pair of AGM 65 Maverick missiles they streak away their Trails curving gracefully before slamming into the tanks with devastating Precision smoke and fire erupt from the impact points and the column grinds to a halt but there is little time to celebrate as missile warnings blare in my hand headset and I yanked the control stick executing a tight evasive maneuver the missile streaks past exploding harmlessly in the air sweat trickles down my back as I level out and scan the skies for the next threat minutes blur into hours and the battle rages on we’re pushed to our limits our aircraft straining under the demands of combat I lose track of how many sorties we fly how many targets we Engage The F the Gap is a cauldron of chaos a crucible in which the fate of our nation is being forged as the sun dips towards the horizon casting a Golden Glow over the battlefield we receed the order to return to base the ground below is littered with the wreckage of War a grim Testament to the day’s toll I guide my Phantom back to the air base the engines whining as we descend The Landing is rough the runway Pock marked from earlier shelling i taxi to a stop and climb out of the cockpit my legs trembling from exhaustion the faces of my comrades are etched with the same weariness the same haunted look of those who have seen too much We Gather in the mess hle a somber silence hanging over us the news from the front is grim our forces are holding but barely the packed forces are Relentless and the cost of each inch of ground is paid in blood yet there is a Steely determination in our eyes we know that we are the last line of defense that the hopes of our families and our nation rest on our shoulders as I sit down with a mug of lukewarm coffee I reflect on the day’s events war is a brutal unforgiving teacher but it is also a crucible of courage and camaraderie in the face of unimaginable odds we have stood our ground and tomorrow we will do it all over again for the folda gap for Germany and for each other June 20th 1989 Germany the Strategic Warsaw packs offensive across the inner German border has taken NATO largely by surprise facing NATO’s sag the Soviet eighth guard’s Army begins its multipronged attack at 5:00 the objective is Frankfurt am main home to the fifth Corp a key military Target and transport Hub at the frontier the 11th armored Cavalry Regiment with a few isolated battalions put up Fierce resistance for hours the Soviet eighth guard’s Army spearheads the offensive at folda the American 11th acr’s squadrons must resist for as long as possible while the Soviet and East German divisions cannot afford to let up their Advance the Warsaw Pact seeks to capture Frankfurt NATO is desperate to regroup and Counterattack both sides battle against time initiative economy of force and speed will be key to achieving Victory General the Soviet e guard’s Army Vanguard will reach folda in hours given their numerical superiority it’s clear to Nato that this is the Warsaw Pack’s main access of Advance their War aim Frankfurt by way of the kinik valley the 11th ACR and our border forces will only be able to hold off the enemy temporarily do what you must but slow down the offensive sag reinforcements are being rushed to the front but need time to deploy the first US third Armored Division unit should reach genous later today the bisphere is sending their tanks to efed planning to Counterattack however the natala folks Army intends to spoil this operation major indeed General the East German fourth motoren division is on bad held’s doorstep they have a chance to encircle the 311th ACR if the West German fifth Panzer Division can secure alfeld lerach on time NATO might be able to disrupt the offensive at Fula our troops have already made contact southeast of FAA it’s going to be a tough fight but resist as long as you can with further reinforcements hopefully we’ll be able to contain the offensive shoots and division yeah that came out rather broken hey guys stealth here and welcome to a new warno campaign we’re playing the folder Gap this is going to be a very long campaign although it’s not even the longest one there I’m going playing this with a couple of my friends they might rotate in and out depending on availability at least gosth is going to be a steady player I look forward to this campaign it’s going to be a very very long one we’re going to see all sorts of different Army units engaged to try and hold the Fuller Gap won’t be easy but it should make up for a very good video series hope you guys are excited be sure to subscribe if you aren’t already to catch the next episode who is going to be arriving in a couple days and well here we go enjoy the bottle all right yeah so we’re gonna have our first fight of bad headers Feld by the way speaking about Hungary in the intro did you know that in real life the plan for the Hungarian Army in case of an advance was to go through Austria which was neutr I do expect to see Austria added to the game so tal battle I assume yeah I’m just looking at the units that we’re facing and the units that we have it’s still the 31 ACR that we know from the previous campaign and you can also add air support don’t forget yeah don’t forget Air Support yeah we can either add in some f4s um two atgms two bombers or we can bring in the 22nd tactical Fighter Squadron which has strike Eagles and strike Eagles yeah I agree with bringing in the the HS and the ATS how’s the AA oh they got some iglas B the command Squadron has a strella and a Shila wasn’t bfield the main objective of the previous campaign yeah pretty much yeah yeah you to hold bad herfield in the previous Campa so yeah this map includes the Army General from the first one you can still transfer over units I believe in this so you could give everyone a squadron Co want to do airsport specific sure I mean I I unfortunately cannot transfer any of the planes out so I’m happy to play planes specifically or whatever I don’t know why they didn’t break this up a little bit but I like the soundtrack okay so we have pretty balanced amounts looks good to me you have your recon you have your tanks yeah please keep the aavs alive they’re too good to be lost try you see we’re facing we’re facing um 40 t-55s and uh about a similar number of bmps oh on an urban map at that they have a t oh and they’re going to have some planes and artillery and some Recon yeah I think they have one of their models of the t55 has an atgm that’s pretty nasty they also have cast y they have castes say yes there is five there is now five Hungarian divisions in cision almost no infantry here yeah that’s the problem we cannot hold the town yeah um they’re going to capture Bravo and Alpha if we let them and just hold on to Charlie they’re going to have to push a lot of forces through unfortunately their morale is 296 so breaking that down is going to cost a lot of kills but I think we can do it yeah looks like our main defensive points can be the middle tree line yes yeah you want to take right or left um I’ll take right okay why is the music so good because 1980s I’m gonna bring two fighters to try to protect against cast since I don’t think the 11th has good AA I have some Stingers maybe we can kite one of them over okay and then I’ll bring in both of the bombers one’s better than the other but I’ll bring both of them to hit concentrations as the German Commander would say we’re given in this Creek that’s is time to fail I’m going to try and hold back and not hold the front of the Town where’s the markers on this oh here we go this area I’m going to lose yeah don’t bother F1 F2 F3 the thing is though your infantry is going to die cuz they have well you have what like two Dismount Troopers maybe eight if you combine everything yeah so I’m trying to keep a couple in the back as a rear guard in the town yeah they’re most likely Avenues of assault are just the roads yeah agreed so we’re going to have coal covering that from the skies to some extent work to park a Bradley in uh in the uh so there is the main road leading into the town right where your mouse is go right yeah this one we’re holding just like the edge of Charlie parking a Bradley inside the town where these Troopers are so if you zoom in then you can see there is this band going to the left yeah and if you park a Bradley here then the auto Cannon can te the btrs two pieces yeah so I’m kind of hoping for I don’t have many points as many as I wanted um what I did mostly in the previous campaign was just Bunch up abs like if you have a block of a four to five you’re going to be good but you’re going to have to just survive long enough for that to happen they’re cycling out damage tanks and making sure that none of them die ideally I think it’s going to be abrs for me I don’t have really point for anything else I got one SC ABS or three abs and an a relieved rid of one mortar to try and get a bre Bradley so I can see what’s going on here um I got a missile see yeah I’ll keep keep all it together for now and then one Mor Co I’m putting a stinger right here in the middle so I might be able to help you if you kite it all over there sounds good yeah I’ll try to try to get it over if it need be ready ready ready not ready I think one t-55 is worth two points so we have our work cut out for us yep just making sure my guys are facing the right way employ out Daddy I am what’s the key for splitting stat again um do not remember but if you click on it there should be a little thing at the bottom center screen that says dissolve yeah I see it now thank you getting two points per tick mer CV should be arriving in the sector pretty much now Recon Battalion bombing Target yeah I’m going to call him the lighter bomber ideally if you can take out the conquerors that’d be great yeah going to shoot for the conquer three of them oh yeah they got loads yes sir I’m going to go for the middle one try to get the other two I only got one but the others are panicked contact right okay and there’s a tank yeah just look at that enormous column coming at us yeah I got my heavier bomber coming in hit the tanks 9 seconds to un two points we can buy another tank then also keep in mind uh resupply is free successful hit what are your orders sir all ammo spent move but watch our flanks your Ord plane s25 my side yep I got my two fighters on their way thank you and use that thing as a I’m going to bag it well those things are made out of yeah there we go four points nice work reverse keep facing the enemy instruction a right watch out okay my plan’s EV vacing all I got for a little bit everything’s reloading but did get some stuff ones on my side are starting to pull back a bit Yeah you got a good angle as they come out of those buildings yes yeah I want a spot where they could do too much to me oh here we go you should have the upper hand oh man that is so many Jesus yeah you’re mowing them down uh when my bombers are up unless things are pressed really hard on you guys I’ll probably use them to start hitting artillery big right also try to give them separate targets because I see that they are shooting at the same thing yeah and now it’s die a on the right is dead getting some light Arty attention on the left side almost up that looks like something a bit heavier than mortars it’s probably 122 is my guess or something yeah the graa they lost eyes on me so early retirement yeah okay bomber coming in on that Jesus Christ look at that look they want to go home some of their pieces definitely get home en all right Five Points yeah our s got it yes maybe a supply Vehicles would be a good call do you have you don’t have any you don’t I don’t I think they’re only in the headquarters troop sorry I’m sending a Hamet to you sir thank you we’re about to lose my Scout in the middle h copy oh Retreat yes Captain move but watch our FL out engaging right thank for the gun runs the uh conqueror apparently has a track broken that’s interesting for a wheeled vehicle he’s a double m and they replaced his lower half that’s that’s the same as when you get firing computer reset at t55 firing what nowan you know Ivan has a blue screen shot down on the Gunner seat yes Ivan has a blue screen it’s just him looking up into the sky pretty good so far yeah yeah we’ve only lost one uh morale Point yeah was my Scout no actually Scouts might be freebody am sending the Hemet here thank you yes sir where’s their next wave it’s a bit quiet let me get a Recon Bradley on the far right iar you loud and in the words of fragman a Recon badly good job Gunner waiting for instructions it will be faster on the road what are your orders sir I got an at plane coming in for those t-55s gas thank you good that’s a good firing line for those abs yeah that com ining are pulling my tanks back for a minute got a bad angle here yeah I got to realign my at J plan bring us there oh you’re getting hit by artillery find it there it is yes sir enemy Spott yeah I found they already great is that hand Carri mortars yeah this is red enemy Spott waiting for instructions successful hit that resupply is perfect thank you sure what are your ERS doing a counter push into their territory now yep we’ll find them and then we’ll them nice I’ve got him amm SP right side arer only 200 M points to there is got it nice thank you instuction I’m trying to push out from M Forest as well oh there infantry yes sir waiting for instructions it enemy Spott careful those M and are still alive in the bushes yep C capping left nice enemy nearby the gunport ready hunting for commes I capped it actually I think you should pull back yeah still too many angles and get me here open gun I hear you loud and clear yes I like they completely pushed off my side almost like the AI gave up this side and I could see why you had a good push there where’s that Mort Fire coming from my Mor maybe you’re saying oh it’s yours yeah you’re right the HS your ey like a big pizza pie out platoon ready sir ready sir fall back this is red two enemy spotted successful hit guess we should bring more tanks in yep are you still on a plus two or plus one income wise plus one okay I’ve only been plus one good artillery is heading me now uh Bomer on the Move I’m going to make a push into the side of your sector there in the front yeah if you yeah if we can clear out anything I just need to be able to get some freedom to operate this is red two enemy Spott move but watch our fls anybody need ammo the got it it seems like there’s almost no resistance from the ground no end here I think the I think only had a couple there’s a couple on this side instruction comat speed driver successful hit Let’s Roll enemy all right this might finally be my chance to try and push out what for Kies okay I’m at least counter capping yep enemy go why aren’t you using the hot key for hunt I don’t know the hot key I don’t play this game Dam that was close got it all right same as same as war game what never used it there either you think too highly of me my mistak sir thank you for acknowledging that AK you need a new hmet uh yeah it’ be useful sending in here I’m just going to contest and wait for your forces to catch up uh be careful sending the T there because I saw infantry movement there okay I’ll buy inry group and just have them check that out is enemy Spott good job gun ready Co somewhere already on the left yep sh who did they smoke or was that you no they smoked and they just killed an aav shot best job I’ve ever had sucess H my guys are made into the Zone very good we can find thatv we can knock it out there yeah beautiful nice work some stray infantry yep Supply got a Bradley here now so BL extra fire support enem might as well just destroy that supplies we’ve got this yeah I think so more we destroy here the fury we have to face in the future yeah I’m just afraid of sending my guys to the town up 5 minutes to Victory should be a good one at that considering they didn’t even get I think 10% of what they needed yeah they killed nothing on my side yeah they got one of my tanks and one Recon MH just wish they’d send out more planes I’ve only bagged one yeah important that though I think sense that they don’t wanty the sense that that you have aircraft or whatever the AI probably if I keep them back then that leaves these abs exposed I knows everything this is true the AI are instruction are greatest fools in life and death angry sket noises success hit them and’ll them best I got coming up to try and make sure I sweep the area good Logistics trucks throwing hgms at me from here en there’s three oh no not what I wanted to do okay my Force right and go through the town be careful enemies nearby yes Captain with their numbers I thought this was going to go very very different what is good instr who needs experience in war game and warno yes sir 25 kidding me [ __ ] exactly when my planes bugged out for fuel yeah they exactly what they were targeting I should be able to bag it before it gets out of there also already from the left again yep on it oh that was nasty did they get one of the ABS yeah they got the command ABS as well oh priority Target oh boy that’s the only command Abrams in the whole group one another one my bombers on its way to try to intercept I think they lost line of sight come on F4 get it it’s burned half it has one missile left all my Fighters okay I one fighter that’s up on its way that was horrifying to see it’s still flying over here got it it’s going to die but watch our FL thank you sheesh I’m taking the a over here yep well that’s 325’s dead out of a likely four that’s an rm70 what the hell I have my atgm coming for it if I can keep eyes on it sending Scouts those those Napal Rockets are nasty oh yeah even against Abrams it’s lining up to fire I should be able to get it before it gets all rocket off got an ABS going there as well if I hit yeah you should be able to get it oh it’s firing firing got him so you got some rockets off might be coming to you yeah it’s targeting your M moving thank you you can heal up with the hmet in so far as the 19 seconds are important Y is that is that the name of the of the um the Russian pilot rocket off you seen if you’ve seen the movie he’s sorry video I’m gonna try to get that command but I won’t have time match is over good opening there job good match I kind of like how they pounced on us the planes 99 to1 Victory ratio good work guys yeah these battalions should be gutted that we faced yeah good call on using the tanks I was going to be like I got I hold in town that would a bad chice that would have worked in war game a bit more doesn’t well I would have run an ammo no matter what I would have run an ammo without supplies I took that for granted you got six anti-tank weapons let’s say you hit four yeah I mean a big thing there is we took out a lot of AA actually yeah a lot of missiles arm 70 nice Cole you took that out nice that help us in the future yeah I five artillery 122 pieces dead yrm 70s they lost three sc25 ATS that’s very important so big losses okay so the man Abrams and the you know the a one which I mean it’s not great but could have been a lot worse oh yeah yeah the biggest issue there is just it neuter stealth’s Recon a little bit been losing two of those in one match no I still have another one and I have the whole line of Bradley of course yeah yeah for about the Bradley all right so there you have it the first of many many battles this is just the 11th ACR and one of the air wings we have tons and tons and tons more coming our way thankfully it’s not just the 11th ACR that’s going to be holding the line the next couple of episodes we’re also going to see some different units so be sure to tune in for the next one coming in a couple days hope you guys enjoyed the show if you want to support my work please hit the join button down below or join me on patreon for other ways to supporting me I’d be very grateful for any support you can offer thank you for watching I hope you’ve enjoyed the episode and I’ll see you guys soon for the next next


    1. Will you play this campaign till the end? Last time you mwntioned it not getting many views and you being unsure about it. Not that I would want that, I love this game, but just asking

    2. Hey Stealth that went surprisingly well in that fight compared to last time. Surprised the AI didn't deploy the no Fly zone feature from their AA battalion. That would've put a dent in this defense. Good thing those tough SU 25 got shot down nd won't be coming back.

    3. Been anxiously waiting for some more WARNO ever since release. IDK why but you in particular are just really pleasant to watch while you're playing RTS games.

    4. Hard to believe that people lived there with the danger of a (nuclear) attack 24/7 for so many years. I lived in Eichenzell for 5 years back from 2013-2017 and talked to a neighbour that told me, his garden was done in 1999, before it was a concrete parking space. This was, because during the cold war he didn't want to put any efford in the garden just to get it nuked without a warning. Such a strange time for someone (like me) that was born after the cold war…

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