The German town of Mannheim has been terrorised by ‘extreme violence’ over the past week.

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    now a politician from Germany’s afd party has been stabbed in the city of Manheim the attack comes less than a week after a police officer was killed and five others were injured in a knife attack by a 25-year-old from Afghanistan at an anti- Islam rally in the city’s square and our reporter Charlie Peters joins us now with the latest Charlie welcome to the show an astonishing State of Affairs a mass stabbing on Friday a politically motivated stabbing by an Afghan Refugee um police officer fatally stabbed he died on Sunday and now another attack this time on a politician who’s currently standing in an active election cycle Charlie Peters what on Earth is going on in Manheim well it’s a normally sleepy town in Southwest Germany but for the last week it has been the scene of extreme violence and chaos last night’s attack in Manheim reportedly conducted Ed by a man who is now receiving psychiatric psychiatric treatment in the local area now reports indicated that it was an afd candidate for the upcoming Municipal elections who approached the man and we can play footage of the attack last night though with a warning it does contain some distressing images in it the uh the supposed victim here Hinrich Co the afd politician approached the individual who was seen tearing down afd the right-wing parties posters in the area he’s then seen brandishing what appears to be a knife and slashing at the victim who then Cries Out police police and that’s when the clip ends now as we understand it the victim Mr [ __ ] has received treatment for injuries to his ears and his stomach the police said that a 25y old man has been arrested and that comes as you said after a 29y old police officer was killed in that vicious attack that mass stabbing attack in daytime in the city center on Friday that incident has sparked a national conversation in Germany about migration in these upcoming EU elections in in an election where immigration has been at the center of the discussion the as salent the suspect who’s now in custody he has he was Afghanistan born but he’s been in Germany since 2013 he has two children he wasn’t in the country illegally but in reaction the interior Minister has said that they are looking to speed up deportations to Afghanistan from those who pose a security risk in the country that’s proving cont controversial because in 2021 Germany actually ruled out deportations to Afghanistan due to the new Taliban run Administration the afd said they were shocked and apped by last night’s attack and the chaos and the discussion about the rise of violence in this town continues to rumble on and Charlie Peters as you say Germany goes to the polls tomorrow this is a huge election for the future of the European Union the afd of course are renowned for being their against the European Union this is clearly a politically motivated attack if they were taking down literature removing posters that’s an offense during an electoral cycle the politician apprehended the individual he was attacked for his trouble Charlie Peters something very very somber is going on in Germany we saw Nigel farage on the streets of Britain yesterday but this is a disastrously potentially dangerous political attack on Germany and as you said there’s now a massive conversation about immigration and criminality kicking off in the country yeah that’s right Martin and it’s not just politicians in the last week being attacked it was Michael sternenberger uh supposedly anti-islamist activist who was attacked and stabbed in that attack on Friday in the city center he was the main focus of the mass Rampage from that knife attack from that Afghan born uh as salent but there have also been reports of other political attacks in this election cycle over the last few weeks the chancellor Olaf Schultz has made reference to this widespread concern and that concern will be heightened after last night’s incident caught on camera of someone tearing down right-wing afd posters and then stabbing a candidate a politician as he approaches him and asked him to stop Charlie Peters an astonishing story thank you very much for bringing GBS viewers up to dat and


    1. When are the politicians who are selling us down the river going to accept that certain groups of people have no place in civilized Western countries? Did it never occur to them that the main reason the countries they come from are so unpleasant is precisely because of the mentality of these people, who have contempt for our values?

    2. 1 man can extremist can lead 10 extremists, 10 extremists can lead 100 extremists, 100 extremists can lead 1000, 1000 men can lead 10000, 10000 can lead 100,000 non-extremists, and so on….

    3. What on earth do you mean, "supposed victim"? You are literally showing a video of him being victimised. Does your reported understand the English language? Pathetic.

    4. … imagine china fighting india or north africa fighting with south africa, and all trying to find a refuge place, and UK with a heartfelt open borders policy. Literally UK will not have time to say a word, already will be under their feet …

    5. The evil gonverments in western nations
      in the last 80 years have sold
      us out. No doubt this is a plan to wipe out whyte people world wide.

    6. From Indonesia I think westerners are smart, what's the point of bringing millions of Muslim immigrants which will definitely bring violence and chaos

    7. And yet again another afghan with a knife attack just couple hrs ago. Whoever comes and wants to live in Germany is crazy! It's not safe here anymore…withing a week 4 knife attacks…..the German TV doesn't inform all attacks, we became super corrupt. I want my Germany back pre 2015 😥

    8. I don't know, I'm not a westerner to be familiar with the terms, but doesn't common sense dictates when you are a "refugee" you should behave nicely and maybe don't stab people?

    9. Mannheim isn't considered a sleepy town. What are you guys talking about? I was born and raised there. The Mannheim/Ludwigshafen Metro is one of the more problematic areas in Germany and anything but sleepy. Violence, especially stabbings have been a problem there for as long as I can remember, just not politically or religiously motivated ones

    10. Same thing is happening here in the States. The whole free world is under attack at the same time I hope our leaders put it together soon and get these invaders out of here.

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