Ukrainian FPV drone destroy jet ski with 20 Russian soldiers as crossing Dnipro River.

    Drones targeted Russian soldiers crossing the Dnipro River on a jet ski. Footage shared by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine appears to show Russian soldiers crossing the Dnipro River on a jet ski being taken out by a drone.

    [Music] drones targeted Russian soldiers crossing the nipro river on a jet ski said Ukraine the video released by Ukraine’s 79th State Border guard service appears to show the attack Russia has been using an Eclectic mix of vehicles including motorcycles and golf cart style buggies footage shared by the ministry of Defense of Ukraine appears to show Russian soldiers crossing the nipro river on a jet ski being taken out by a [Music] drone the video released by Ukraine 79th State Border guard service appears to show the Russian soldiers being targeted by Ukrainian fpv drones the Drone tracks the jet ski as it crosses the river when the Russian soldiers reach the opposing Bank the Drone hones in and hits the jet ski since the early days of the war Russia has fitted crude metal structures on their tanks to protect occupants from anti-tank fire better this tactic has evolved into what has been dubbed a turtle tank so extensively covered with metal sheeting that the vehicle can can barely turn its [Music] gun the caption accompanying the video reads the sgsu aerial reconnaissance unit struck at an enemy crew on a jet ski in the kersen region with fpv drones the deaths of the Invaders are being clarified the ministry of Defense of Ukraine later posted the video saying the occupiers tried to cross the dinoo and received a warm welcome from the Warriors of the 79th Detachment former Russian defense minister Sergey shyu announced in March formation of the denpro river flotilla and a Riverboat Brigade [Music] the denpro a natural barrier forms much of the front line in southern Ukraine Russian forces have adopted various eclectic vehicles in recent months in an attempt to replenish dwindling equipment and adapt to the continued challenges and threats posed by Ukrainian attack drones a russian-backed battalion from the Breakaway luhansk People’s Republic posted a video in which they appeared to attack Ukrainian positions on motorcycles [Music] in the video several troops can be seen on motorbikes riding over rough CrossCountry terrain according to the post the Russian assault was successful quad bikes have also been used in Russian assaults according to reports Russia has also used chinese-built open toop golf cart style Vehicles near the front line in Ukraine in March Forbes reporter David ax noted that the vehicles lack armor and weaponry and are typically seen on farms and construction sites not on the [Music] battlefield it’s Reckless if not insane to deploy an open toop unarmored allterrain vehicle in essence a heavy duty golf card in combat just a qu mile from the front line axe wrote at the time the vehicles were being used to transport infantry to the front line per Forbes and the video shows them being struck by shells and explosives dropped from drones Russians have also been seen modifying their armor in an attempt to protect them from drones and anti-tank fire the everpresent threat of drones on the battlefields of Ukraine has pushed troops to experiment to boost their chances of survival [Music] [Music] Ukrainian forces said they captured a Russian tank covered completely in electronic jamming equipment however the vehicle was still seen being taken out by a first-person view drone director of the keev Research Institute of forensic examinations Alexander ruven earlier said that the Russians began to equip their reconnaissance drones orl 10 trackers of foreign production which are designed to track the location of objects this indicates that the enemy is trying to expand the functions of its reconnaissance [Music] drones in Russian reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles of the or 10 type Keen eyes experts found trackers for tracking the location of objects all recent UAV samples that have been submitted for research have such elements this indicates that the enemy uses drones not only for general information collection but also for systematic tracking of points of shooting down or Landing of enemy Birds trackers are equipped with basic and autonomous power sources so even after the main systems are disabled before communication is lost coordinates can be sent ruven [Music] said as the newspaper notes a video was published in Russian social networks which shows how an fpv drone detaches from the Drone womb in the air and continues to fly independently it is noted that in the event that the Drone womb could not find the target it can return turn back the device has a vertical takeoff and Landing option defense Express clarifies that this is not the first such development of the enemy however preliminary tests were not successful enough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] master that’s [Music]

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