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    [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w you found a sket how would you tell you person how you well I don’t [Music] hey everybody Welcome to Dapper react 68 it’s another Tuesday edition I think this is our second Tuesday edition that we’ve done banti um it might not be the second Tuesday edition for Dapper reacts ever but I’m pretty sure it’s only the second one with you here so yeah I I’m pinch hitting tonight so hello everybody yep today was uh announced and originally scheduled to be uh Jackson with Jackson that has been moved to tomorrow but because I have promised people Tuesday streams we I could just not have a stream today so I am having a Dapper Rea we’ve got a new video to look at this is uh based on um a Answers in Genesis talk given by one um David Menton the late David Menton he is uh or he was a human anatomist and he’s going to be telling us how evolution is baseless also Rosa apophenia God Keller for 199 says topical antibiotics don’t taste good I would imagine not no um you Al yall also might notice that we have a new element to the set here we now have a uh a thermometer type tracker for when we hit things like the fancy new DA Dapper Avatar or well not necessarily a new Avatar but when I use a fancy Avatar and a Dapper 2u so as I’ll give a quick demonstration as as you guys you know super chat or gift memberships it goes up and it’s currently at 1999 so there you go uh a little bit later I might add some polls to see if you guys want to see like the current Uh current donation just up there or not I don’t know it feels a little tacky but other people disagree with me so what do I know I’m just some dinosaur um so yeah banti how you doing oh um it’s kind of a loaded question I’m sorry it’s not usually a loaded question wasn’t meant to be uh be more specific are you feeling well today uh there’s a headache threatening but so far it hasn’t fully manifested so that’s good I’m drinking delicious cold seltzer water that’s been lightly essenced with the passing thought of Raz cranberry and yeah I’ve been and having better sleep which is good not staying up till 2: a.m. and getting up at 11: so yeah you just not doing that to do things like watch the SE the season finale of Shogun a few days ago or anything gosh so good yeah so anyway we’re not here to talk about Shogun much as that might be fun we are instead here to talk about David Menton and his evolution is Basel speech from Answers in Genesis now this is a fairly old talk but I had not heard it before and and I skim through it and if I remember correctly he does some he does make some arguments that I don’t think I’ve addressed here on uh Dapper reacts so I figured it would be a good thing to add in there um but before we get into it we do have the drinking rules to go over because it is a Tuesday stream and Tuesday streams are drink drinking streams I have some uh wheat beer here so um first of all we will take a drink anytime David Menton says something that’s just too stupid not to right to sue our brains sometimes uh so we’ll also take a drink if David Menon get something that is actually factually correct but that he’s not just directly quoting from some other source so it actually has to be knowledge that he has that he uses his brain and his vocal apparatus to impart to us take a drink if he gets that right um we also take a drink anytime David Menton tells a joke that doesn’t land or tells a story that didn’t happen let’s take a drink if David Menon and he has done this in the past so this is a real realistic possibility if he mixes up what we can know from the single skeleton of Lucy the australicus afarensis with what we can know about either her species or her genus or even her family or tribe or sub family whatever we will take a drink but we can only do that once per stream because once it starts it just kind of keeps going for a little while uh we will also take a drink if David Menton cites a source and we look at that source and not only does it fail to support his contention but it actively contradicts him we call that a troan source we’ll also take a drink if David Menon mentioned that uh prominent German political party that you might know of from history in like you know the 1930s and 40s we’ll take a drink for that technically it doesn’t have to be Godwin’s law because Godwin’s law involves comparing or calling the person you’re arguing with a member of that party or comparing them to that part members of that party and that he just has to mention them they do it time all the time yeah um so there is also if either or I managed to get a prediction correct on what menton’s going to say next when it’s not super obvious which again judgment call then we uh take a drink for that there’s a few of them that are judgment calls you know what and I’m in charge of the drink counter so I can just add numbers to it and no one can stop me like literally you would have to come and physically restrain me in order to stop me from just like putting a three up there I’m going for your knees first cuz I’m not worried about your arms my tiny little arms uh Professor Savage Cobra says two stupid such as the forehead and the orbits are on the same part of the skull yeah yeah that was mostly just just lying and then DM original Institute academic excavation wing for $5 says is this Dr David if the dinosaur if a dinosaur had feathers it’s a bird Menton yes yes it is uh it absolutely is so um and I’ll also check this out ah I did it wrong I can go boom now the people have given more Super chats the the bar went up I don’t I don’t like this thing where I don’t end up taking a nap and then just for no apparent reason around six I just start yawning just chronically don’t like that I can see where that would be inconvenient also uh as Ryu for who’s a m member for 14 months and is at the amot level says AIG is a bag the body heart M kidness decided they need four of we will take a drink for that it’s not quite true they have four tips but only one base so you know putting that out there oh I did I’m I’m GNA have a really neat little announcement towards the end of the stream oh fun well there also a few ways you guys can make a drink one of which you just saw from uh a staru so if you Super Chat anything to the effect that AIG or a bag of dicks we will take a drink for that because AIG uh hisor ially although much less so in the last few years has been uh pretty aggressive with the copyright claiming of various V videos um uh DM original Institute academic excavation Wing says that I missed yours oh wait was there a mo there was a Mothra I’m sorry yeah we’ll drink for the Mothra so another one is that if you put in the channel emojis if you’re a channel member in any super chat or Milestone chat of the Kaiju that’s Godzilla got King gadora and we’ve got Mathra we will take a drink for that and last but certainly not least we will also take a drink for uh gifted memberships take a drink for each gifted membership up to the point where we have to have about 30 drinks at which point I’ll just finish this beer grab another one and add the appropriate number to the drink counter um that being said uh this is shock nice yeah um I also if I mess up the production which I guess I technically did just now by messing up the uh little ther thermometer ther professional that’s daers a professional take a drink for that 23 for $2 says AIG is a bag of things the snakes have two of there we go that also works although again technically they’re Hemi not the same thing as the Mamon member so so take a drink for it okay banti I’m not going to ask are you ready because you’re definitely not are you likely to be more ready in the next 30 seconds or so I actually am ready this time that’s what you think ever the contrarian here we go very very different uh here’s a gentleman jacqu Mano very distinguished scientist sadly he died some years ago uh he won the Nobel Prize in biochemist so we’re talking a top drawer scientist to say the least okay so one top drawer top yeah so one thing I want to point out about winners of the Nobel Prize and it’s this thing called Nobel disease right so Nobel it really is Nobel laurates have this tendency to um well go kind of crazy and um yeah they often say things that are very very Rec silly so anytime someone says well this Nobel laat said I’m like that’s actually not a great a great um a great qualification but also appeal to Authority well yeah there’s that too R apia God sorry aania God Keller for 499 says did someone already say AAG is a bag of Barbed Hemy beans technically not in those words so we’ll take a drink for it all right here we he wrote a book called chance and necessity and in this book he said that uh everything in the biosphere everything in the living world uh came into being by just two principles one of them is chance I think you all know what he had in mind with that and the other I mean probably chance it’s yeah probably chance yeah all right why is this being said like it’s some kind of like evil innuendo like you probably know he mean by know what he meant by that wink wink nudge nudge if you know what he means yeah chance ridiculous there was necessity what exactly did he have in mind by that by necessity he meant the laws of nature and that technically that’s true that is what he meant it seems pretty obvious but good job David you you figured it out buddy and Lieutenant Professor Savage Cobra says for $2 AIG is a bag of bells [Music] I’ll I’ll accept it it’s it’s on the border but I’ll take it I’ll take a drink I’ll you know what it’s close enough to bellend so yeah that’s exactly why I I’ll take it because it’s a ends of bells so yeah Bell ends bag of ends Bel yeah B of V Bel yeah it works I’ll take it look I’m pretty generous with those if it’s got AIG is I’m pretty sure I know what you mean so take a drink for it uh I think you should read this comment by by Christopher Canada atheist uh at fanti not sure is Dapper if Dapper is aware but French verb for to Li translates men so hel lies translates to Il uh I can’t watch a Menton video without thinking this is very apt yeah no um I agree my friends is where Evolution’s going chance oh that reminds me there’s a reason that one of my video series about David Menon was literally called mandas Menton because m shares that same atmology ASA in French uh Carrie Bronson for $5 says by chance he really means opportunity to get paid I don’t actually think that’s right but I’ll take it anyway um R ainia God Keller says today I learned YouTube doesn’t censor Hemy pans and super chats try it everyone it’s true they do not seem to censor that word so that’s pretty cool uh all right here we go doesn’t get you very far as we’ll see natural selection doesn’t get you very far you have to look for something that produces sort of self-ordering something that’s a necessity something that’s a law that kind of uh produces form or structure or order anything at all to get a leg up on chance I I really don’t understand what he means by get a leg up when natural laws act on unpredictable systems there are outcomes that can be have immersing complexity like we know that very simply just look at a snowflake right a snowflake is a result of the relatively chaotic nature of water at water vapor atoms suspended in the atmosphere and the laws of physics and they result in very orderly complex structures as a result of chance and nature I don’t know what leg up you mean but goop do3 says AIG is uh it’s like God is not that that’s a little bit too obscure sorry gtu um don’t go read God is but just know that God exist and and Alondo can prove it God exist per yeah P God exists per se and so in his book specifically what he said and by the way he was an atheist very outspoken atheist okay he said chance alone is at the source of every innovation of all creation uh in the biosphere pure chance and absolutely free But Blind is at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution I could give you quotes like this I mean all evening long we could just go one I’m a Tesla Ranger on this water’s a molecule there’s no such thing is a water atom did I say atom I’m sorry about that look I for some reason I always misspeak when I talk about chemistry and the reason is because I’m bad at chemistry I do know that difference though and it’s true water is not an element unless this is ancient Greece or maybe avatar the Last air bender uh love true music for $2 says how about AIG is an a bell we’ll take it I’ll take it and then druski first I’ll take the drink trki with their first Super Chat thank you so much says AIG is a bag of cork screw shaped duck organs that’s a good one we’re just going through we’re cycling through all the intermittent organs let’s just hope that we don’t come to the bed bugs oh yeah not not fun flatworms also flat worms some species of flat worms do the same thing so be lucky you’re not a planarian and if if you’re out there and you’re thinking no I’m male I’d be fine yeah planarians don’t have males or females they just have a fight and whoever loses gets that traumatic insemination oops don’t lose a fight his opponent I swear if somebody changes their display name to traumatic insemination that one actually might not get past uh YouTube that one might might get blocked um ASU for 499 says taking a drink for random chance like that is anything resembling a gacha I mean if God is omnipotent surely he can control chance I mean I would presume so yeah um and then the question would then probably become like does god control chance in a way that actually seems um different than what you would expect if he weren’t controlling it and I did mess up the counter there a little bit so we’ll take a drink for Dapper’s a profession it’s it’s the first day with we have uh we have some sock puppet imposters in the chat that’s cute oh well if uh the sock puppet imposters start causing problems my mods I’m sure know what to do and I’m pretty sure that that’s not the real mat hunting although I guess it’s not impossible that it’s just a different person with that name who happens to be uh an outspoken anti-atheist it’s also spelled D haunt e oh is it I didn’t even notice uh Dr Dino uh for $5 says Aloha Amigo how how bad SN creationist oh it’s it’s David Menton he’s he’s just on the cusp of smart enough to know better which means I strongly suspect that he was uh mully line that is such a good backhanded compliment he’s just on the C of knowing better I’ve been searching bovid and tricorns for no reason in particular they’re very interesting I I agree they are very interesting uh one of my favorite uh bovid species to look at the horns of is a bison latifrons a very fascinating organism uh one that’s been found in many places including outside Denver as well as uh this Miles City over in Montana so I don’t know why I brought that up Ros apophenia God Keller for 499 says Dapper I find one can be betterer at chemistry if you treat it as a strict subset of quantum mechanics um I mean but then I would have to be good at quantum mechanics and I’m also not good at that so you know and then for isn’t chemistry just physics though like really yeah I mean that’s I mean that’s that’s true then science Nerf for $2 says AIG is a bag of krian modified pelvic fins ooh very nice and as to traumatic in the oh in yeah in Navy Soldier a yeah ination got it Ryu for 199 says I’m doing my part vishanti oh that’s pretty great all right here we go I’m gonna go I’m gonna go ahead and guess that insemination didn’t make the cut here on YouTube probably not probably not no um sorry YouTube It’s a science term I don’t know what to tell you after another pure chance uh one moral suffice uh Julian Huxley I mean he’s about as major figure as you can find in evolution in fact the quote I’m giving you comes from a I mean as major a figure as you can imagine as of like 110 years ago or something yeah yeah odd years ago like oh okay and fake deg great our worldview com who’s been a member for 24 months and was at the amot level says H Godzilla so we guess we’ll take take a drink for Godzilla and I suppose for Hines but that’s not a rule all right here we go series of books called evolution in action published back in the 1953 uh Huxley was the keynote speaker when evolutionists were celebrating the 100th anniversary of the oh I’m thinking of the original Huxley this is like his grandson this yeah okay fair enough fair enough Menton sorry you know science stopped in like the 1903 anyway so I don’t know why we’re based on what creation is say that might as well be true yeah publication or yes of the publication of Origin of Species and the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s birth as you know just recently uh it was the 150th anniversary of the publication of origin species in the 200th of Darwin’s birth so 50 years ago Julian okay well I guess now we know when this was Speech was given which was like 10 years ago or something was the keynote speaker to represent what evolutionists were thinking about and this is what he said about Evolution nowhere do care all of its vast extent is there any trace of purpose or even of perspective significance he said that evolution is impelled from behind by blind physical forces uh he went on to say that evolution is a like this expression evolution is a gigantic and chaotic jazz dance of the particles and radiations hey that have been a good place to put a period right there okay I mean it kind of completes the thought we understand what he meant I he nitpicking huxley’s grammar because I mean not going to say that that’s wrong because I do that kind of thing but like I don’t know what the point is exactly would that change the the meaning of anything not really no Roos apophenia God Keller for 199 says YouTube does allow insemination all right and then Donald Haro for $2 says how about hemid depis I guess it allows that one too uh yeah seems like it which Huxley am I thinking of Sir Equinox because all this Huxley wrote Brave New World uh Thomas Huxley H why are there so many Huxley too many Huxley I’ve never met a single Huxley in my life and yet they’re all over the place when it comes to like literature and science what’s up with that this is the real conspiracy everyone thinks it’s the globalist no it’s the Huxley but he kept on after this and I’m telling you this is just a guess of mine I do think maybe possibly God came down grabbed him by the cheeks and says Julian you’re going to finish this sentence just the way I tell you do not deviate one word cuz how else can you explain that okay so jul God micromanage people’s grammar all of a sudden I love the idea that suddenly God came down after having apparently not inspired anyone for thousands of years right because it’s not like the Christians have been adding books to the Bible for the most part accepting certain groups like The Mormons sure whatever um and then suddenly he was like all right this guy who’s an atheist who stands against everything I stand against at least according to Menton I’m going to inspire this guy right now but only for like half a sentence like okay I I mean I guess I technically can’t argue that that didn’t happen but like seems farfetched he went on to say as Lizzy in the chat says maybe it’s shadam Huxley the fourth the POA Ember yes that’s the yeah the little dode Huxley uh Dynasty yeah Huxley Dynasty house Kino fits a random chance conspiracy rage who’s been a member for 10 months and is at the amnal level says AIG is what evolution got stabbed from behind with with a Godzilla and a gadora and a Mathra and then a bunch of both good and bad yeah both good and bad ones we’ll take a drink thank you very much yeah all right here we go impelled by blind physical forces a chaotic J dance to the particles and radiations in which do you see that word up there only in which the only overall tendency we’ve so far been able to detect is that summarized by the second law of Thermodynamics the tendency to run where down uh that would be the wrong way does that mean that all of it runs down uh no actually uh the second law thermodynamics yeah I was going to say cuz it’s overall and tendency doesn’t mean all yeah the ther the second law of Thermodynamics is first of all a a statistical law which means that it does not actually have to be followed in every instance it also only applies to isolated systems uh none of which actually seems very relevant to Evolution because uh life life forms aren’t isolated systems the Earth isn’t an isolated system system um and again it’s only a statistical law but yeah you’re on your way from an expanding cloud of hydrogen to say Albert Einstein somewhere you got to go up a little bit oh no yeah you do have to go up a little bit but I’ve used this analogy before right you ever seen a fast flowing river that has like rocks in it sometimes parts of the now we all know right water flows downhill we learned that in like I don’t know third grade or something yeah like very early on right you learn Rivers always flow downhill okay that’s one of the reasons why if I’m ever you know like stuck out in the wilderness and I need to find my way to civilization I am going to follow a river down hill because City will eventually be there um so but in that fast flowing river with the Rocks does any of the water ever go uphill right when it hits that rock the answer is of course like a little teeny little bump but it still does it water doesn’t always flow downhill sometimes water flows uphill but only a bit of it and only for a little while that’s what life is life is a little bit of uphill flowing water in a much much larger area of downhill flowing water and I mean that anthropically right the sun is losing far more energy to entropy than the amount of energy used by life to increase in complexity and overcome the second law of Thermodynamics if you take this system as just the solar system entropy is increasing overall but that doesn’t mean that entropy has to increase in every single subset of that system now we’ve had a we’ve had a whole bunch of stuff to read so uh let’s see first we had fits of random chance rage gifting five Dapper dinosaur memberships they went to Robert atet Alex Markle Ian Houston ktina Pac Bas and debop so here comes five drinks here we go one 2 3 4 and five also Nicholas kale music has joined the channel at the tatra level welcome Nicholas and I saw that people were already sending emojis so I do appreciate that we also got a couple super chats asked the traumatic insemination Ryu I’m probably going to read it that way for $499 says water flows downhill then what about the Nile as we’ve all learn from video games North is up don’t miss Rosina Kell oh yes Rosina opinia God Keller for 199 says how many stars blew up to make us um so probably a lot it seems like there’s at least two supernovas that seated uh the nebula the Earth formed out of with heavier elements um but then again like there were previous generations of stars that you know seated those stars with heavy elements too so I mean two is the the most proximate answer that we can arrive at and I mean who knows how many if you want to go all the way back to the Big Bang um my finished Journey for $5 says some critters have two tipped P some have quads does some have seven branched candlesticks not that I’m aware of if AIG would if so AIG would be a bag of those okay wait wait is this a is this a manora reference seven tipped candles sticks as a as a as a reference for a seven tipped intermittent organ shall we say um probably okay um all right so let me just update the tracker because I don’t have a easy way to uh integrate it right now because this is actually running in an instance of blender this is just the blender viewer with uh 3D viewer yeah so here we go uh it’s amazing when people say these things just to give you further evidence that chance plays a major role in evolution several years ago I visited the which is a weird thing because as far as I know no one has ever contested that chance is a major part of evolution right it’s it’s like he he’s going around like now let me try to give you some more evidence that gravity is a major factor in the orbits of the planets like I mean I guess you can but why well I mean unless you’re talking to Flat Earth there’s no one really disagrees The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago one of America’s great natur history museums and they actually had Incorporated oh I’m going to answer a question uh no waiting a little bit until I can read out the chats and actually get a chance to update the the thermometer is not a a Dapper as a professional because it’s not a mistake that’s just me having to get through stuff in the priority that they exist in a little gambling casino into their evolution uh exhibit just to emphasize a role of chance just love how upset they are about that yeah I nothing can be random nothing can be chance all has to be planned every single bit of it MH well if it’s not God’s plan then I mean it must be atheism I guess not entirely sure how that works here we go picture of some kids going through here I like to think of Miss Tommy and Sally I think they were brothers and sisters they I mean they don’t look like brother and sister but maybe they started off over here at the this business on the left here that’s called a dice layout they have these in gambling casinos uh I’ve been told I don’t know I’ve been in casinos I don’t remember seeing like the chance layout of dice just plastered anywhere but then again I’ve I don’t really gamble so I I don’t know I have been to several casinos and never seen one of those yeah but I’m laughing because it’s like one of those well you know these are a casino not that I would know I’m a good Christian I wouldn’t gamble um I’m trying to think last time I was in a casino I think I was trying to get to the movie theater that was inside the casino because you know I was in Vegas and the only way to get to anything that’s more interesting than like a grocery store is you have to go through a casino yeah so like I’m try to navigate through this entire like a casino floor just to go watch I don’t even remember what movie it was but it was just to go watch a movie and they were having fun just throwing the dice you know and banking them off the wall and I’ll tell you I’m glad that a lot of young people don’t read anymore because over the top was a sign that said is life just a game of craps you know craps that’s a slang word for dice for chance I think really wow all right here we go we’re gonna we’re going to have a poll here did you know that craps is the name of a dice based game of chance just ask my audience if you guys know about this of course my audience is all Godless Heathen so they would know but uh all right uh TD Lane who’s been a member for 27 months says yo cool fan art Dapper thank you this is it I actually get a lot of really cool fan art and I really do appreciate it Tomy your sister selling um something that I asked for specifically yeah there is she just one big crap game her whole existence your mother your father your Christianity I don’t I don’t know exactly why we’re bringing Christianity in but the answer is no it’s not just also Dapper where’s the poll oh um why isn’t it me why can’t I that was weird the start poll button was gray out and I couldn’t press it until I added an option and then took the option away again I’m calling out a YouTube oh they’re all fancy looking now that’s cool goodness that’s fancy apparently YouTube changed that I think they might still be working out all the Kinks um also hey chat if you’re on desktop click the three dots next to the live chat like the live chat and un toogle the reactions and that stupid floating heart smiley face thing will go away yes you’re wel unless you like it in which case you feel free to leave it it’s no skin off my back but um let’s see um I miss Rosa Super Chat I believe so Rosa Keller Rosa AIA God kill says does K does only Kent get a drink for a joke that didn’t land um no I mean he does too but I think I missed the fact that that was supposed to be a joke so you know what I’m going to update the uh tracker here and take a drink because that is a good point where’s a drink okay here we go wow I wonder if the parents prepared him for a challenge like this whether like also like learning science why is he complaining about oh these kids don’t read anymore it’s just that you don’t know how to use the internet my I mean yeah kids are reading a lot we read a lot yeah they’re just not reading the things he wants them to read which presumably is like a Bible and very little else maybe the Bible and the Answers in Genesis website the two sources of knowledge their Pastor did or their youth preacher or their aunts and uncles or their grandparents did anyone prepare them to be challenged with is your whole existence just one big game a chance well the answer is obviously no whether you accept evolution or not because Evolution involves significant non-ch factors like sexual and natural selection those aren’t chance-based then they went over to the one-armed Bandit and over the top there was another sign uh while they were cranking away on it on the top it said over time tiny mutations add up to big changes boy they got one thing yeah that’s tiny mutations could really add up to big changes he’s right take a drink for that good job here’s some tiny mutations right here for you they’re cancer cells growing in a dish called healer cells but I’ll tell you my wife and I we both oh AE in the chat says kids these days don’t Bible all they know is hate God Brando Sando Eat Hot Chip and lie you know I still need more information about this hot chip because sounds great and the meme will never get old no one has ever adequately explained to me which Hot Chip this is uh as a traumatic inin you I can’t I can’t do it for 499 says V’s advis about the heart button doesn’t work on iOS thanks Susan with a Godzilla we’ll take a drink godilla the actual iOS desktop not like iOS on your phone are they the same I don’t know but that’s M which I realize is almost certainly who you were sucks Apple get with it yeah right it’s also possible that it’s actually um Google’s fault because they’re the ones who write the app so you know uh and then get on Google and apple right all right let’s update this here it is I like it it’s it’s it’s Dynamic right the the level just fills up it’s very nice I got to tell you guys so I was trying to figure out a good way to get a completely customizable tracker for like you know donation goals and whatnot and I kept thinking to myself if only I could just do it in blender and then I realized yeah I don’t have to render it out I can just screen cap viewer so there you go and it took me until literally today to realize I can just do that there’s there’s nothing stopping me literally nothing came down with cancer here a ago we’ve been B uh this is uh this has nothing to do with the stream but hey TD Lane did you know we’re getting highspeed rail from here to Vegas nice you can go see the spear yeah I’ve had surgery and radiation and chemotherapy and the whole it uh really works some major changes but I don’t think it’s what they had in mind I think they thought hey why would you get chemotherapy when you could just like have God heal you directly I mean normally I would say I feel like most people who are theists get medical treatment but then again he was also an antivaxer so [ __ ] him kind of mutations work for the better boy these are some sick cells you’re looking at here notice the nuclei are all different sizes there’s odd lots of DNA uh in there the chromosomes aren’t separating properly congratulations you figured out what cancer is right what am I supposed to take away from this these cells came from a lady over 60 years ago from her cervix she was 31 at the time checked in at Bal in Baltimore at John’s Hopkins and they took these cells out and growing them in dishes ever since these sales are so they also didn’t ask for her consent so that’s uh called a ethics violation but um seems like it didn’t matter too much because uh henriett laak was uh black woman and it was the 60s and uh no one cared so uh I will say though I don’t think that’s a good reason to stop Hilo cell research because I mean it’s it’s providing a lot of medical technology and also it’s not like we can fix it for her I mean she died of that cancer decades ago and so I think it’s important to recognize the ethical violation there and put in place ethical rules to prevent any future such violations but I’m not one who thinks that we should probably be a like this much less upset about it if they just like paid some restitution to her family yeah yeah i’ be that would be a real just that’d be a nice thing to do to say it yep Oh they just keep dividing normally the cells in our body only have about 20 divisions and that’s the end maybe related to our lifespan these things have been that depends heavily on which cell it is right the cells in your gut divide hundreds and thousands of times during your lifetime many of the cells in your brain barely get into the double digits right like it depends heavily on cell type you can’t just say that cells in the human body have 20 divisions and then they’re done that might be an average but many cells go way over that dividing for 60 years and so far out of her cervix we got about 20 tons of cells uh they’ve been used in biological research they’re kind of the guinea pigs of Cell Biology uh Dr Jonas sock used him to help solve the polio problems so the lady has certainly served as in that way now oh how did he solve the polio problem David mened was it was it vaccines this is never getting monetized I said vaccine more than once we’re done H curious in it how about that David the polio problem how did how did that happen yeah this was back before AIG became antiva and that’s specifically because um it wasn’t a right-wing thing at the time it’s interesting that they became antiva immediately as right Wingers were cuz remember for for a while for quite a while actually antiac was actually the other way around yeah it tended to be a left wi thing right it tended to be like hippies and like people who were way into too into granola who were antivaxers and they like I don’t want all those chemicals in my body but then well I will say this though is that hippies they’re free spirits but they’re really not that left wing that’s fair they’re really not yeah if you pick left or right and oh wow congratulations Holly Hawk and Triceratops and also wasn’t there someone else that I just missed rolled by um your traumatic insemination Monger maybe big number I’m not sure it’s up to you it’s your Big O card there’s no prize so I don’t track it um but yeah it’s like right as basically uh magga types in the US became antivaxers suddenly AIG was all like well I mean I’m not saying antivaxer but I’m a vaccine skeptic and you shouldn’t be forcing people to have that it’s like okay you’re antivaxers and it wasn’t based on any science it was just anti-authoritarian like you can’t tell me what to do that kind of attitude so and then Rosa apophenia God Keller 419 says Janie McCarthy used to be the face also Carri he tried to lock some of that back and be like I’m not actually anti vaccines I’m just anti-ad chemicals and the vaccines I’m like so you’re still you’re cuz literally there’s more arsenic in an apple than there is in a vaccine so yeah okay and also the people who complain about Mercury compounds those aren’t used to stabilized vaccines anymore so uh you got to pick something else yeah can’t complain about that anymore um also Donald Haro says the body replaces itself every seven years H oh yeah so it is the case that um basically every seven years or so pretty much every molecule that used to be in your body has been replaced but that’s not the same as all of your cells replacing some of your cells just have a complete turnover and stay the same for instance um muscle cells fat cells and neurons basically never divide after you’re an adult so it is a little bit more nuanced than taking that seven-year statistic and just applying it to cell division so you know it’s a but it is it is interesting point and that yeah there some of that is definitely cell division here we go my mom got very upset uh when I was trying to talk to her about getting the covid vaccine when they first came out she got very upset because she didn’t want to get the vaccine because she didn’t need it and I said Mom you were born in you know the late 50s you remember getting small poox vaccines mhm and she just looked at me and was very upset that I would dare to miss mention that I remember getting a smallpox vaccine it’s the second most unpleasant vaccine I’ve ever had anthrax was more unpleasant yeah um let’s see we got a for 569 nice as to traumatic insemination Ryu says YouTube censors my super chats that mention the name of menon’s medical beliefs thanks Susan yeah um yeah YouTube I their their censorship of of pseudo science tends to hit the wrong targets I I’ll put it that way yeah but also we’re GNA end this poll and see how it went so how much of my audience knows that craps is the name of a dice based game of chance yes so 97% of my audience did know that 2% did not okay and star song for $5 says Sumer now claiming vaccines cause gender dysphoria I I kind of want to throw something that’s I I want to throw something now wow they are just desperate yeah that’s I really hate that there isn’t even a fake study on that as far as I know I’m talking about you know I’m talking about uh just chance if we had any evolutionists here they’d say you know you’re just skipping over the thing that really makes evolution happen all evolutionists agreed that if it was just random change you wouldn’t get anything yeah you kind of are Menton weird weird that but the deal maker is oh did you have something no okay why is my computer being weird all of a sudden oh I don’t know I know why doing I know why I mean I think blender might be eaten up a million resources if it was just me but it’s not it’s something else it’s eating up a million uh resources which uh I’m going to I’m going to stop it from doing that now yeah oh now we should be good I had sheep it up okay I yeah that was my second guess technically I guess that’s blender but it’s not the blender that’s tracking the um the thermometer thing natural selection in fact as nearly as I can tell natural selection does everything for evolution God does for creation well that better be some sort of a theory we’re talking a go I need you to elaborate on that a whole lot mentum yeah I this is not an equivocal like yeah I don’t I don’t know what’s up there as the traumatic insemination Ryu says for $5 I mean to be fair vac do cause you to live long enough that you’re more likely to experience gender dysphoria so I I I hate that I can’t technically say you wrong yeah it’s not wrong yeah it’s but it’s something though I’m now pouring my second beer already I usually don’t have to pour my my second beer this soon well done everyone and then for $499 Rosa apophenia God Kor says this is this is a censored word in YouTube super chats dick it’s all with like the the italics so it works we talked quite a lot about dicks last night when Kip was on the Deep drinks podcast that sounds about right all right let’s update and then we will and it wasn’t Richard carrier it was actually about like the body parts I don’t see a difference substitute here uh anybody Give me a definition of natural selection let’s see I mean natural selection is differential reproductive success as a result of organisms trying to survive and reproduce in their environment it usually excludes mate selection and or artificial selection uh so basically it’s selection that’s not based on mate selection or um not artificial selection and that is not chance based damn M’s going for a blackout tonight yeah well I mean it’s Menton Lieutenant Professor Savage Cobra for $5 says the craps are also a thing experienced by many people who think anti parasitics are an adequate substitute for preventative medicine yeah that’s a that’s a whole other C well I mean if you drink enough bleach it’ll cure any disease well don’t no it’s I mean it’s true it is true that is not medical advice YouTube that is sarcasm please don’t drink bleach don’t do that I’m G get I’m G to get a community guidelines warning how close you come natural selection is based on changes in the genes most of which are the result of mutations we’re talking about random mutations there are mutations in our body that are not random they’re predictable they’re reversible they’re repeatable uh are there does that mean God calls the mutation if they’re not random I mean I guess maybe he doesn’t like the idea of chance and Randomness so does that mean God’s directing the mutations and if most of them are bad is see making the bad ones happen yeah I don’t know but also so I would like to know which mutations are predictable some mutations have a higher chance of occurring than others but as far as I can tell no one has found a deterministic way to figure out what mutations are going to happen when under any circumstances so um I’m just going to go ahead and take a drink because I’m pretty sure that Menton just made that up Robert Madewell with some good advice contrary to what Google says don’t add glue food even if Google tells you it’s a good way to keep the cheese from slipping off your pizza the AI yeah but Larry and G now yeah cuz a Google wasn’t already bad enough they had to give you an AI that will give you advice that might kill you that they scraped from Reddit yeah you know a site notorious for being serious about everything mhm Rose Rosena apophenia gone Keller for $499 says why don’t your Earth Creations ever seem to acknowledge horizontal dream transfer I think most of them just don’t know about it honestly I think that’s that’s what it is for the majority of them um yeah I I really think it is that simple because you going to remember the average creationist and even most creationists like phds they are extremely incurious when it comes to science they don’t want to know about science they just want reasons to continue to believe what they believe about things like the history of Earth genetics and evolution like they they really don’t care care all right here we go they have actually a function but we’re not talking about those we’re talking random mutations and you cannot select what mutations do not provide you talk about selection natural selection really isn’t selection I mean there’s nobody out what happened this time ah he’s just out here saying all this stuff without anoun of self-awareness yeah yeah they’re making choices uh and what is there to from that’s why it’s called natural right that’s the whole point of the natural part is that while a selection while a selection is made among options it is not done consciously select from the mutations that are already there you want to do an interesting experiment go down to your friendly Midas Muffler dealer and order it the Midas touch we’ve got people making analogy comparing it to cars again you know what everybody I’m going to do some brain storming and figure out like a clever pun for uh creationists using comparisons automobiles for their biology and Carrie Bronson for $5 says there’s a serving robot with cat ears in my my local restaurant the AI Uprising will be much cuter than James Cameron L you to believe well yeah I’ve eat at a restaurant with a robot server yeah I mean the AI is it’s oh and uh Thor gizle has just joined the channel at the tetrapod level thank you so much everybody send uh tetrapods and some sessile tunic kits no pelagic tunic kits don’t do the pic tunic kits but they’re so cute no they’re disgusting horrible they are very cute they’re all like transparent and stuff and they get to move around like they look like something you would buy on an adult website and and that’s weird thing for an animal to friend this is uh why bad Dragon exist just saying I’m not saying that you’re incorrect about that fact um all right we’re gonna keep going a dozen yellow roses you won’t get them you know why they don’t stock them does it make any difference how badly you need the Roses like you forgot your wedding anniversary or something no he’s not actually comparing biology to cars he’s just saying you can’t buy at a car store therefore you can’t select mutations that don’t exist in a population and yeah any difference at all they don’t stock them you can’t select them so you can’t select what’s not already there to be selected now let’s get to what most people would how they would Define natural selection survival of the fittest is that what you’ve heard if it’s what you’ve heard it’s because all you remember is a slogan from high school yeah yeah I don’t like the phrase survival of the fittest it was never the definition of evolution it was only ever a slogan to help people who aren’t Specialists understand at a very basic level what natural selection is one of the biggest problems is that as I’m sure he’s about to tell us it’s a bit topological the other one is that differential reproductive success which is what we’re actually talking about isn’t binary whereas survival is you either survive or you didn’t differential reproductive success takes into account the fact that one organism might have three offspring that survive to pass on their genetic information to the subsequent Generations another one might have 33 which one do you think will have a bigger contribution to 33 UC oh no exactly also Jillian Huxley conspiracy Ren says you know who else didn’t like that phrase Charles blessed Darwin that’s true he didn’t he was not a big fan um oops just left off a whole decimal point point there that’s a a professional also that’s a traumatic contamination Ryu for 669 nice says all tunic kits look like bad Dragon merch just not pelagic more um maybe I just haven’t seen enough of the merch I don’t know I I don’t spend a whole lot of time on that website you know it’s kind of what Darwin not that you’re not allowed to go have as much time on that website as you want I don’t care it’s just not my thing what I’m I’m a this is a very accepting Channel you you go to whatever websites you want to that aren’t like IL I go to whatever websites I want to go to don’t go to thing don’t go to the criminal ones but other than that I don’t care around survival of the fittest remember now this is a god substitute so it has to have a lot of explanatory power it’s not a god substitute God substitute okay yeah that’s exactly what scientists were doing they walk into the lab that day and they’re like all right guys they pick up like a test tube and they’re like we got to find a substitution for God yeah let’s go like no one is pretending that natural selection is going to inform you of what the good is it’s going to save you from you know the cessation of your consciousness of death no one thinks it explains the origin of reality no one thinks it’s a personal entity that you can confess your sins to or pray to for help it’s just one of many mechanisms of Evolution that’s it that’s all it is what do we exactly mean by survival of the fittest uh which creatures survive why it’s those that are fit isn’t that true no sometimes it’s just those that are lucky it’s why it’s a bad phrase because not only does it lend itself to topological interpretations which is what he’s complaining about but even if you don’t let it be a toy which it’s only kind of it still isn’t very helpful what precisely I like what a ASU says in the chat science or I can’t believe it’s not God sarcasm well and here’s the other thing right a lot of Christians and other theists would actually say that having an a natural explanation isn’t the same thing as it not being God because if God is in fact as most of them think like the foundation of reality and the cause of the universe then all natural causes ultimately are also Divine causes even if they operate according to consistent natural principles so it’s it’s a dichotomy that you don’t have to make to be a theist right you can just choose not to fact I would argue that probably most theists do choose not to but then again I’m also not an expert on theism or really anything do you mean by the word Linguistics I’m not no neither of those things biology nope I don’t have any degrees in biology or beating the charges you’re never beating the charges I hate that you’re right about that I’m not a linguist every it’s not true all right U we got a couple super chats here for 666 the uh the number of neero Caesar uh oh there it is I finished Journey says hail Nero Caesar there you go okay also can daer make a short video of the Darwin prayer please uh yes please yeah tell you what guys remind me of that and I will try to make a uh I’ll try to make it into a YouTube short so that way yeah um also I would like to formally request a um I I whatever EG wave file thingy that you have it in of the gopost rocket because I really needed to use that a couple times this week and didn’t have a so you want like a video file format M yeah um I know it’s not wave but my brain is slowly losing the ability to find like proper words cuz uh thanks THC well just remind me and uh yeah I can definitely do that all right uh we got a few more as traumatic insemination Ru for $5 says yeah as a the myself I choose to believe essentially that the Creator wrote down the math formulas we’re attempting to discover yeah that’s actually been a long-standing position among theists and yeah um the naturals versus God dichotomy isn’t one that theist are required or anyone is required to draw Lily Thomas for $2 with their first Super Chat thank you so much says AIG is a bag of pelagic tunic take a drink for that although I I think you have reversed who’s using the adult toy that pic tunic is look like because uh they they look yeah I’ll I’ll just leave it there and then I will also update the counter which I’m actually having a little bit of fun with I I like that it actually works and it took a fair bit of tweaking make this work so oops and I just screwed it up somehow oh yeah vag vager is reading you for Filth right now they said Dapper not a linguist dinosaur now let me just conjugate this Hebrew phrase and translate these Egyptian hieroglyphs um I actually really bad at conjugating Hebrew the point where I basically just don’t do it I’m uhuh marginally better at translating hieroglyphics but also Dapper is a profession yeah it’s true have you ever seen me conjugate a Hebrew verb no but that doesn’t mean you haven’t done it okay but of all the people who would have seen me conjugate Hebrew you’re like one of the three who would be most likely to see it isn’t it the ability to survive think no it’s the ability to reproduced successfully it’s one of the problems with the phrase Fitness is not about just survival right for instance you might think that an octopus isn’t very fit because they only reproduce once and then they die whereas as a human you can reproduce several times and keep surviving after you finish reproducing even for decades many humans survive for decades after you stop we can’t even breathe underwater can’t lay EGS oh goop 23 I miss your secet have a distributed neuron whatever like our brains aren’t distributed all the way through our body they’re just stuck up here yeah 23s noop 23 for $5 said Googling God Subs while cooking because I ran out of God nice um K slinker kpg Survivor says what about Klingon yeah I mean I conjugate Klingon verbs all the time although it doesn’t really mean the same thing in Klingon because such a heavily uten a glutena of language that um yeah you don’t really I legitimately thought you were going to say glutenous and I was like oh this is uh this is about to take a turn well it’s the same root word right because it has to do with glue and sticking things together but uh Klingon is a glua and like heavily so and in a glua of languages you don’t really talk about conjugation so much as you do just hacking on various prefixes um so yeah like there isn’t a conjugation table that way you really don’t conjugate things you just either add a suffix or a prefix yeah sometimes both like there’s no conjugation table that you’re going to look up for klling on verbs if you know what a clling on verb is you know how to form it if you know the various prefixes and suffix um and I just lost what I was talking all right octopus right okay but here’s the other thing right a very successful octopus lays hundreds to thousands of eggs in that one reproductive event or conversely might fertilize possibly tens of thousands of eggs if you’re a particularly fit male so like does that make it less fit I would argue no that that’s very high Fitness individual at that point I don’t think any human is ever going to be as fit as the fittest male octopus could possibly be but they’re still not surv got a sad because I thought about my octopus friend oh yeah anybody that watched that how long did you cry yeah I mean it’s one of those things right like that’s just how it works for for seapods broadly um Lieutenant Professor Savage Cobra says for $5 AIG is a bag of organs many male rates use for conjug or for conjunction that’s should be conjugation but we’ll take it all right here we go this went through for a while now what survived the fit what do you mean by fit you’re able to survive which surviv the fit what do you mean by fit you’re able to survive no it’s reproduced but okay I can debunk strum in too yeah that’s another thing is like if if you were like the best at surviving ever but you never reproduced as far as evolution is concerned you don’t really matter to the Future genetic traits of the population that you’re a m of so as far as Evolution goes you basically just didn’t exist now if you are doing kin selection sit situations like many humans and some like insects do where you know like you’re not reproducing but your siblings or your cousins have reproduced enough and you’re helping their offspring survive then in that case there is a sense in which you are still said to be fit because of the kin selection effect but we’re we’re kind of ignoring kin selection for now because it doesn’t happen in most species we’re going in marel in the chat says that octopus suffer postn Clarity so strong they just die rip also um yeah the reproductive organ of uh of many sop pods is detachable and it goes swimming off on its own to go to go fertilize eggs so even if they didn’t die it’s a it’s kind of a one time use sort of situation there use it and lose it yeah it’s called a toy and if you like them I’ve got another one for you you realize America it’s like the octopus comes once octopus the next panel is just dies do it defus is a principal cause of total loss of hearing think it through for a while doesn’t really say no that’s not really what a j didn’t land well they laugh that’s the problem I it’s really a poor God substitute I’ll tell you that evolutionists have been aware of the problem with natural selection being defined as survival of the fittest for a good many years yeah as in it’s never been a thing yeah they’ve been aware of this since Darwin because it’s never been a thing and even Darwin was like I don’t like this description I’m going to take a drink for that was just incredibly stupid goodness yeah that’s right Alex Marquel points out that’s from casual Geographic I tomorrow is when they release the meet and greet uh paup or VidCon next month and I am God I really really really really really hope that I get to meet casual Geographic next month like my top I think it my top three are casual Geographic forest falky and shiaa oh Sha’s going to be there too H that’s pretty cool uh let’s see Ros AIA too late to plan it’s like a like a month out that’s too late for 199 says SE PA grow back their peeing right uh not not really because there not really a reason to cuz they’re they die after that one instance of reproduction anyway um so yeah not not so much all right here we go in fact uh 50 60 years ago uh population genetic has changed the definition maybe another four or 500 years no oh my goodness I’m they did not they changed it to get rid of this thing that was never a part of it in the first place just read the Origin of Species while I don’t think the phrase differential reproduction success get is in there as like those words the concept certainly is and like honestly I highly doubt any of them will ever bother reading it because to them that’s like a step down from the Satanic Bible I mean I’ve told the story before but when my mom found out that I was reading uh the Origin of Species in like high school man it was like she found like a a Penthouse Magazine under my bed mattress or something actually I think it’s probably worse than that uh yeah I don’t know so yeah sorry Fe your Monger we’ve run out of missiles of stupid yeah can’t put any more keys in that’s going to happen it’s only two keys that’s it schols but they changed it from survival of the fittest to differential reproduction no they they did not change it that’s just what it always was survival of the f survival of the fys was never anything more than a slogan a slogan that most evolutionary biologists aren’t big fans of we’re saying by that is look the individual counts for nothing in evolution no because what’s having differential reproductive success individuals right it’s true that Evolution doesn’t happen to individuals but individuals are the things that are selected for or against based on their phenotype that is the product of an underlying genotype I taking another drink I can’t with this I’m drinking this beer really fast today because this is this is dumb Al maybe I’m thirsty I really like shock to it has everything to do with uh whether you leave more offspring or not oh hey we’re a little bit overdue for a quick break so what we’re going to do is uh we’re going to take a quick break uh We’ve get a chance to get more drinks you can use the you know use the bathroom get snacks whatever you need to do we’re going to take a quick break there will be ads and uh Al the musical STS have bent opened I will see yall in just a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] got [Music] [Music] know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay we are back welcome back thank you for sticking with me everyone uh the first thing I want to say is first thank you to everyone who is supporting the channel um you know we have the the tracker up here and a big part of that is because the channel really does need you guys um without the support the direct support of my viewers the channel just wouldn’t be able to exist as does this this week there are going to be five Dapper dyo videos is today is the first day of a consecutive 5 days of new Dapper dinosaur content going up publicly um if you’re a channel member or a patron then two of those videos you’ve already had access to but there’s a stream today there’s a stream tomorrow there is a Premiere the next day there is a Premiere the day after that and there is a stream the day after that so um and just even having that much content that I could possibly make for you guys is only because of your support and I do recognize that Lieutenant Professor Savage Cobra has just gifted um five memberships we will be getting to that after I finish this little little bit uh so thank you very much for that so um if you are someone who is currently thinking about supporting or increasing your support or anything like that and you want to do it in a way that is uh helpfully predictable for me because you know the the variations in income on YouTube are kind of wild um um there’s a few great ways to do that the best one for me at least is patreon it’s where I get to keep the most of the money that you guys uh donate that comes in at a dollar a month at the lowest you can get a 15% discount if you go annual so it can come out to like a little under I think like $11 per anom if you want to do that that’s us um there’s also the channel memberships there’s a join button right below this video you’re doing that it starts at $199 uh the patreon is linked in the description either way you get get early access to all my scripted videos you also get early access to mirrors of live streams that I do on other channels that I want to put on my channel so for instance um the the Friday video that’s coming out is a mirror of a live stream on Jackson wheat’s Channel where I was talking to a creationist uh you can get early access to that so if you miss them on the other person’s Channel or you just didn’t know about it you’ll get an alert from me when I put that up for Early Access uh you can also get access to the cool Discord where we have all sorts of fun conversations we had a bunch of cool stuff happen just today in both General chat and gaming and the meme dump and even the ttrpg off topic Channel there’s a lot of cool channels there it’s a really fun community at least I think so I’m actually very very happy with the community that I’ve grown around this channel on that server um now if a monthly or annual thing isn’t your deal there’s still other options there is the merch store right below this video you’ll see a merch shelf if you don’t like any of the merch that’s there try clicking through anyway it will bring you to the main store page where there are other things that I couldn’t include on the Shelf because it has limited space there’s also a Amazon wish list Linked In the description uh it has a bunch of just fun stuff in fact today I just put two new RPGs on there I put in uh vassin and the uh the loop tailes from the loop RPG I was like man just put those books in there in case anyone wants to get me that RPG so uh that’s just a a great way to Brien up my day I mean I still have my plush face hugger right here at the desk because it brightens up my mood when I see the plush face hugger um so yeah that’s what thatd it’s true uh now if financial support isn’t something you can or want to do especially if you can’t afford it if you can’t afford it don’t give me money um but still liking this video and sharing this video and commenting on my videos and watching a few videos consecutively all help by the way watching on times 2 speed it does or it does reduce the watch time but watch videos on times to routinely so I’m not going to tell you not to but what I will say is in that case watch two videos there you go let’s get back into this oh no wait first we have to read out the names and take drinks uh so let’s see HL aristocles border barbecue Jason Hyatt Al trucker and old man ryer just got those we will take five drinks one two three four and five and we also need to update the uh the thermometer here boom there we go has to do with the population so they redefined natural selection as differential reproduction simply meaning those that leave the most Offspring survive so no it’s not survive it’s have the biggest influence on the Genome of the population following that what is okay think about this does anyone think that just having more kids mean you personally survive longer like how does that how do how does anyone think that works right like let’s just say that you’re a male human because male humans have you know The Highest Potential reproductive output because well I mean they don’t have to carry babies you can have you know 20 babies at a time if you’re gangas Khan most most male humans will never get there but like it’s possible Right what if you manage to impregnate 100 different people at once and then you die of a heart attack because that’s probably a lot and it kind of makes sense that maybe you die of a heart attack and by at once I mean all that they’re all simultaneously pregnant not that it was one big 100 one person org which never mind we’re skipping over that now sorry that was starting to go off into a tangent right okay great you’re probably one of the most fit human males this ever existed because very few males break like three that’s already unusual in fact many human males never reproduce okay but you still didn’t survive survival is not really a factor at all except in that if you Sur if you don’t survive to reproduce then you are heavily selected against now Nicholas kale music for $ll du with their first Super Chat thank you so much says new drink trigger Volks beetles I legitimately um so I’m not going to make I want to say Lightning McQueen so that like they I can just go kachow uh yeah all right let me just update this real quick Rivia did you know uh for the German dub version of cars the Daniel Burl played Lightning McQueen I did know that yep he’s can speak all the languages he freaking can now that guy is not beating linguist charges I mean well well polyglot but the polyot chares his mom teaches his mom teaches catalon so um actually remember I had a professor from Spain and uh for a while he was working in Catalonia and he always brought a newspaper because like halfway through every staff meeting they would just switch to kadal on a language he didn’t speak so he just pull out the newspaper amazing he’s like they knew they hired a Spaniard who didn’t speak katalon I don’t care like okay good all the mutations that occur simple question does this result in you adding to the gene pool by leaving more offspring or not yeah who could imagine that the thing that matters for evolution is the thing that results in changes to the gene pool or not you know the entire point of evolution right like okay what about mutations contributing to increased reproductive rates some of them do some of them don’t there you go uh this is Dr James Crow arguably one of America’s greatest geneticists the time of this picture and quote he was professor in Sher of genetics at the University of Wisconsin medical school and he said that the typical mutation um remind me um it is the chairman of genetics at a medical school a a researcher in evolutionary biology most likely or is this someone who’s going to be focused on things like genetic diseases and and things like that yeah okay okay just making sure that we we know who we’re talking about here because this is an appeal to an authority that isn’t even an authority that’s what creation is to yeah like oh I’ve got my you know degree in this field but I’m going to publish in this other totally random journal and then be like I just got something peer reviewed mild usually has no effect but shows up as a small what no if it has no effect it can’t show up as a small decrease in viability or fertility sorry James Crow but you’re just wrong here I don’t know what else to say I’m going to take a drink okay look a decrease in viability or fertility or at least fertility right is by definition deleterious in evolutionary biology the definition of dilus versus beneficial when it comes to mutations in evolutionary biology is literally whether or not you end up having more or less reproductive success as a result of this Al right that is the entirety of it there’s nothing else to it if it results in a decrease in fertility or a decrease in viability that then later limits your reproductive success it is deleterious it’s not no effect now the fact is most mutations are actually of no effect because the majority of the genome is nonfunctional and therefore can sustain virtually any mutation with literally no effect most mutations don’t show a small decrease in viability or fertility now I don’t know exactly how much we knew about that in 1997 Maybe 1997 that was a slightly more reasonable thing to say but we now know with very high amounts of mathematical confidence that the average mutation literally does nothing to affect fertility or viability literally nothing now of the ones that do have an effect more of them are deleterious than are beneficial and that’s true but the vast majority are literally nothing shows up as a small decrease in viability or fertility once again that’d be the wrong way but okay but even if what he said was true it’s only most of them that he’s talking about and deleterious mutations can be selected out and beneficial ones can reach fixation quickly in a population that’s of the right size for that thing to happen and even if it’s not of the right size it can happen slowly anyway the way Dr Crow is is retired now and he’s spending what’s left of his life working on Evolution well then how is he retired is that his Hobby I guess it’s his hobby it’s a weird hobby my my hobby is evolutionary biology research like okay have you ever thought about like woodworking or or painting no right okay yeah uh trying to uh improve our understanding of it well let’s look at a few more things that are going to impact on this whole business and natural selection to see if it really does work for us uh I love how he’s saying this while working for an organization that accepts natural selection as the mechanism by which they get species off of the original quote unquote kinds from the ark right answers in Genesis depends heavily on the effectiveness of natural selection and here is David Menton at the AIG Creation Museum Auditorium complaining that natural selection doesn’t work somehow like dude this is bad for you you need natural selection to get you where you want to go crypto 457 says these are the folks who think that gen work like vampire Bloodlines from vampire the Masquerade what what is the evolutionary evolutionary biology version of diablerie how does that work like if if like if human sucks the blood of a chimpanzee do they get more Evolution points like what if um you know how sometimes species can diverge for like Geographic reasons maybe a river formed between or whatever and then a few Generations later maybe humans build a bridge over that water and their populations start to mix again maybe it’s that oh okay yeah that’s how you get more Evolution points in your Evolution pool yeah okay yeah yeah yeah we know what happens but does it really produce fundamentally new organs and creatures no it doesn’t and here’s the thing right Evolution never really produces anything that’s fundamentally new everything that Evolution produces is simply a modification on whatever came before something duplicates something changes shape something changes biochemical activity but it’s still fundamentally whatever it was before now you might say that your jaw is fundamentally new structure compared to like you know the earliest Cates like picaya that just had like a a hole at the front of their head but then you realize that your jaw bones are actually the same bones that other bony fish have in gills like the jaw not bony fish sorry the jaish fish right now granted they’re not so much bones as bits of cartilage but still those are homologous your Jawbone is a gill Arch it’s just now chomping on things right you might think oh well teeth are new Verte didn’t always have teeth yeah but they had tentacles on their skin and they’re homologous the tentacles of contries as well as many other primitive I’ll get in a bit uh vertebrates are directly homologous to teeth your teeth are basically scales that only exist in your mouth now really weird and creepy uh Ros apophenia God Keller for 199 says Evolution points even have a 23-hour cool down priz in microtransactions oh lunar regolith fantasmal terrain says diablerie gets one closer to the pure Genome of Cain oh no oh man I was not expecting Eugenics I was not expecting this to go quite so heavily into a vampire the Masquerade a game I haven’t se in a very long time whenever I’m on a stream you can always talk about vampire the Masquerade because you know oh I know I ride for a vampire I know also I’m still a bger fan of the old Work World Of Darkness lore than the new world of Darkness mostly because the old world of Darkness has lore and the new world of Darkness has a lot L uh you clearly don’t know how many vampire books are out now all right that’s fair yeah many many specific City ones plus the like packs for all the way that they streamlined the Clan so there’s extra lore now well okay in that case maybe I’m wrong they even have lore sheets it is a brick load of of extra lore isn’t a lot of that coming out of modius isn’t they aren’t they the ones with the Vampire license right now uh I think so yes I notice because I get emails from them because I gave them my email in order to download my Power Rangers rulebook PDF and now they’re like hey there’s a new My Little Pony RPG supplement and I’m like I I don’t I don’t care sorry guys not that look be a brony all you want I it’s I’m just not one Moto Chima is one of T pay $9.99 for 100 Evolution points or play this to our R event for point1 chance of one Evolution you can also get five Evolution points for watching this quick ad also moto moto Motu Kimura is uh not it we’re going to take a drink for that hang on let me make this screen bigger spell wrong it’s Moto there’s no second there’s no third Motu oh why why are they like this I I don’t know the great evolutionary geneticists he came up with a concept known as kera’s distribution or the chimera’s distribution where do you get Chimera out of that it’s Kimura but we’ll take I’m going to I’m going to take another I can’t I’m taking a drink chimera’s distribution oh yeah apparently the most famous one of the more famous evolutionary biology gen population genetics guy uh was actually an animal with the uh the body of a lion and the tail a tail that’s just a a snake and he had a goat head and a lion head and a dragon head and he’s a Japanese guy very very unusual mutation effect he said look the zero line right in the middle would be a neutral mutation be this a new Pokemon Mewtwo Chimera thanks Lieutenant Professor Savage [Laughter] Cobra maybe maybe it’s it’s Mewtwo Chimera and it’s actually what happens when you you take that’s what he tyed yeah yeah it’s it’s Mewtwo Chimera it’s Mew Chimera and what you have to do is you have to breed like Mewtwo and uh you know like another Pokemon and then what pops out in the egg is Mewtwo chimera I use hang on you know what I actually have a little sprite generator that will mix two different Pokemon together so let me go grab it and then I’ll have chat suggest what we can merge yes merge mewo with or bad just neutral the interesting thing is is I don’t know of any neutral mutations are all at least a little bad nope that’s not what he said that’s literally not a thing K said right there are absolutely actual neutral mutations so if if you look at his curve that he draws on the left would be the negative mutations the ones that are harmful by the way Menon is going to pretend that Mota Kimura thought that there either were no or extremely few and so few as to be irrelevant positive mutations and when he says that we’re going to get into why that’s just a lie but we’re not there yet and over on the right the curve you see over here would be the positive mutations that are downright beneficial you notice he didn’t put anything over there he said he didn’t know of anything that was beneficial to the organism in its normal environment okay so that’s just a flat out lie there’s there’s only two options here either David Menon read kimura’s work in which case he knows this is a lie or he didn’t read kimura’s work in which case he’s not allowed to cite him because hey spoiler alert if you don’t know what a source says you’re not allowed to cite it right like there’s a reason that I don’t think I’ve ever cited the mahabarata in my life you know why because it’s way too long for me to read so I’ve never done it here’s that drink by the way here’s what actually happened Moto kimuro realized that if he put in any positive mutations at all that they swamped his numbers what motoo was trying to do is he was trying to figure out a mathematical model for neutral variation right variation that is specifically at that zero point and he could account for various amounts of negative mutation in his math without basically having the whole model fall apart but the instant he included any positive mutations at all what he found was he ended up having worn away selection in his mathematical models which rapidly drove the population to fixation as a result of natural selection but he was specifically trying to study what happens to genetics and that are not under any kind of selection and so he couldn’t include positive mutations now I also want to point out this no selection zone is generally misunderstood by creationists after I read this Super Chat Rosen alenia God Keller for 499 says a good neutral mutation is orange fur in grasslands when all prey and predators are red green color blind yeah actually that’s an interesting example um so like you know how tigers are orange but that’s somehow camouflage in the middle of a green jungle it’s because their prey primarily artiodactyls can’t actually distinguish between orange and green and so as far as a deer is concerned that tiger is basically invisible so um yeah and here’s the thing right Modo Kimura in doing this was explicitly saying that yes there are positive mutations I’m not including them so that I can track neutral variation so anytime anyone says that that’s not what he’s doing he’s actually pretending there are no positive mutations that’s just not true I’m not going to say it’s necessarily a lie because most people who say that are just you know like not not exactly phds in in anything right um now here’s the other thing oh I lost track what I was what I was talking about with mokura because I read a Super Chat and my my train of thought went away oh Vince o Conor for $10 says evolution is badass silly creationists I tend to agree I uh yeah I do so I mean Evolution can do a whole lot of things that are really really cool and uh update again well we’ll just hit play so even oh I remember selection Zone okay Pati often misunderstanding selection Zone the sele the no selection zone is the area in which genetic drift is stronger than selection and therefore mutations that have effects that are within the no selection Zone cannot reliably be selected for or against by natural selection and so they can come to fix the population regardless of their Fitness effect within that range but the problem is that that range changes in size depending on effective population size organisms with a higher effective population size have a smaller no selection Zone because the larger your effective population size the less strong the effects of genetic drift are whereas if your effective population size is like say the Noah’s Arc example where effective population size is five right because the entire genetic diversity you have is Noah his wife and their sons wives because remember their sons don’t have any genetic material of significance that wasn’t already in Noah and his wife so you don’t get to count them as three individuals for Effective population size you only get to account Noah and his wife and then their wives who we can just pretend were maximally unrelated so in that case the no selection zone is going to be gigantic it’s basically going to be all possible mutations because there’s going to be so little diversity and such a small population size on the other hand if you look at modern humans with our gigantic effective population size relative to say you know the Noah’s Arc scenario the no selection zone is going to be pretty small now it will also take a while because of that large effective population size for these genes to come to fixation but the no selection zone is small which means that relatively minor positive or negative mutations can be selected out or for there we go that’s what I wanted to say take it away on the negative side he doesn’t quite make it to zero cuz he doesn’t believe there’s really any truly neutral ones nope he just cut off the y axis because he didn’t have an infinite amount of paper to print on but notice that the ones that are not terribly negative are the most numerous that’s a good deal isn’t it and then as they become more and more negative there are fewer of them and those that are positively lethal out here of course fortunately very rare but his whole AR actually it’s hard to say exactly how rare they are because if it’s completely negative or completely lethal in the sense that like you know the embryo doesn’t even develop the term it’s hard to tell uh for instance among humans right of conceptions around like 30 to 40% or so aren’t even noticed by the person who’s pregnant which is a really high proportion now most of those aren’t as a result of mutations right most of those are things like failure to implant which is usually not a mutation based thing but a significant number of them are because of mutations that cause the developing embryo to terminate before it can even cause any significant physiological changes in the person who’s pregnant but we don’t really have a good way to measure that because how would you do that right let’s say someone conceives and then there’s a mutation that causes the embryo to stop developing after four or five cell divisions and then then what no one’s going to notice that how how would you notice that you don’t even know that there’s been a conception to check on you wouldn’t notice it so we actually don’t know how rare those are I do agree that they’re probably pretty rare but it’s not something that’s easy to measure and I just want to put that that Nuance out there I’m not really saying that he’s that Menton is wrong about this point I just want to point out that very severely lethal mutations are hard to count for that reason that we don’t tend to notice them is a good part of this curve is in a no selection Zone that is natural selection has no ability to select out these features to remove them and as a result we we accumulate mutations this is this genetic load that’s been building ever since Adam and Eve’s kids okay I know this has had a lot of jokes so far but I’m not going to tell the genetic load joke they could marry their own brothers and sisters they had no negative genetic okay we’re just gonna it’s okay guys it’s only bad in in the present not in the past take a drink these people’s timelines they just I I’m starting to wonder where they’ve hid the time machine because apparently the further back in time you go you’ve got well slavery is okay but also you can marry your siblings and that’s fine like what’s the cut off date for those well for them the cut off date for The Sibling marriage would be uh the delivery of the law to Moses because that’s the first time the Bible has an explicit condemnation of of close kin marriage so they at least have an answer for that when it comes to slavery I don’t know I guess it’s when people realized it was bad which is convenient that God apparently realized it was bad just as humans were figuring it out to baggage to gang up on them today of course we can’t do that because you carry a double dose of bad genes that become home as Zas for something really huh even if there were just a few good not very good but slightly good mutations they fall in this no selection Zone where you really can’t get rid of them nor can they really help you uh there was a mathematician by the name of all right well we’ll bring it back although you we’re actually not that close to being finished so let me um let me open this back up Let Me Hide uh banti just for a second where is evolution ah that was loud okay let me uh let me hide you for a second there vishanti that way people don’t have to see me fiddling around with uh share screen sharing and whatnot um Here Comes Menon again and no crashes of programs don’t count as Dappers a professional because it wasn’t me that screwed up wait are you kidding me is it still screwing up again holy crap you they can still hear you you can talk it’s fine okay all right cool so hey chat where is out of the original 150 Pokémon which one should we mix with Mewtwo to make well the origal Chimera first of all it’s original 151 but also Mew and Mewtwo 151 sorry all right and what was the second thing you said I think Mew and Mewtwo should be out out of the question for what we’re mixing they’re not too powerful doesn’t have to do with power okay um see I’m trying to get us back to where roughly where we all right let me share that um here we go hopefully this won’t crash again but we have a super chat from Rosen apophenia God color which says young Earth Creations have God’s morality but they use utilitarian logic to determine when uh incest is okay and when it isn’t um so actually uh I think they would actually say that God uses utilitarian uh moral philosophy to say when it isn’t isn’t okay but that they’re using Divine command Theory which is weird because it seems to me that like God gets to use a more rigorous moral philosophy than they do which is like I don’t know it’s just a weird take yeah okay chat let me let me clarify out of the original 151 I didn’t ask which is your favorite of them I was asking which one most closely resembles a chimera that we could merge with Mewtwo and thus make our Mewtwo Chimera oh hey fade degree our worldview comrade says uh for $2 sorry sis Moses just said it’s a nogo how dare you oh that reminds me of the uh The Fallout show where it’s just casually dropped that apparently cooling around with cousins is a it’s just a thing that all the vaults do yeah yeah you’re like oh H that’s that’s thing oh I’m also genetic baggage I’m waiting for fearmonger to do a thing okay fearmonger get on it guess gang up on them today of course we can’t do that because you carry a double dose of bad genes that become homozygous for something uh really uh Dreadful even if there no it can’t be ditto because you read Mewtwo and ditto then you just get Mewtwo no that’s that’s that’s one of the only things I ever used ditto for in in um in Pokemon was breeding Pokemon that I actually wanted to breed but I didn’t have both of all right here we go were just a few good not very good but slightly good mutations they would fall in this no selection Zone where you really can’t get rid of them what fear traumatic insemination Monger says remember everyone it’s not inbreeding if you say no Chromo my good that’s yeah okay all right also um I I want to point out that uh according to moto kimura’s work the no distrib the no selection zone is probably not evenly distributed on either side of the zero it’s probably skewed towards the negative side but whatever just going to ignore that for now nor can they really help you uh there was a mathematician okay well so he’s just not going to mention the fact that that’s I mean I understand it but like I said earlier that’s literally the opposite of moto kimura’s conclusion Moto Kimura did not include positive select or positive mutations not because they had no effect but because they had such a huge effect that he couldn’t do his math if he included any so he opted not to include them in his model because remember models aren’t an exact replication of real life that would just be real life models are simplifications that can help you to make predictions about real life with the understanding that your prediction is going to be off a bit because of the simplifications of your model right so like when you trying to calculate okay it’ss in like e8th grade for Americans calculate how long it will take for this baseball to fall to the ground if you roll it off of a shelf that’s 4T tall okay so you get your all your calculations you get your gravity equation you know you get out your calculator you do the numbers but what does that problem usually usually say it usually says things like ignore air resistance and friction why because those are really complicated things and the difference that they’re going to add to your calculation is going to be so biscu that when you then later do the experiment with like a stopwatch which is the thing I did as a kid in high school right or not high school but in uh Elementary School we did the thing where we rolled a ball off of a table and T how long it took to fall the error involved in timing that is going to be higher than the difference from making a more accurate model so you don’t make the more accurate model it’s the same thing in evolutionary biology all of our evolutionary biology models are simplifications but they’re simplifications that still make useful predictions that have been confirmed in actual population genetics when we’ve actually tested populations Donald Haro for $2 says does that explain why God needs a Starship what does God need with a Starship it’s it’s a really good question and it might be the best part Star Trek 5 a movie which generally speaking I’m not the biggest fan of which I feel like is not like a super uh hot take or anything it’s not not the best Star Trek movie uh it’s better than Insurrection I’ll give it that it didn’t have a a Warf with a giant nose pimple for some reason yeah it also didn’t dedicate an entire scene to uh to female leads talking about their boobs and using the word boob by the name of halane mathematician geneticist and he came up with what has come to be known as haldane’s dilemma he basically argued that for creatures that don’t uh you know reproduce very quickly that have longer lifespan say like humans primates what have you most mammals you couldn’t get enough uh successful mutations occurring in one individual to really do anything okay I’m going to take a drink um why didn’t that add anything here we go okay so H’s dilemma actually only applies to the kinds of organisms that we usually think of as reproducing quickly because hame’s dilemma only applies to haid populations that reproduce asexually now vishanti I know it’s been a little while since high school but to your understanding are humans either hloy or a species that reproduces asexually I’m going to go with haid no you you’re you’re incorrect about they they are in fact deplo deployed yeah and they they you said something that reproduces asexually humans right yeah humans definitely reproduce asexually I mean hey I I know that everyone in my chat who’s had a kid definitely didn’t engage in any sexual activity to make that happen that’s not how humans work basically yeah you just cleave in half in the lake splits off like you know the moon and Thea there you go like hitting the Earth um that’s precisely how genetics works so here’s the thing haldane’s dilemma which has to do with things like the cost of natural selection which always I’m not realizing is on screen right it specifically targets that kind of group because that is the group that has the least ability to get rid of negative mutations when they occur right the reason for this is you can’t do any kind of recombination or any kind of offsetting of negative mutations as a result of beneficial mutations in a different lineage whereas in say humans let’s say one human has a beneficial mutation and a different human has a different beneficial mutation well in the future their descendants could breed together and both get both beneficial mutations on the other hand if one human has a delerious mutation that gets passed down the positive mutation from a different lineage could offset that Additionally you can even get originally unlined beneficial mutations to cooccur on the same chromosome as a result of crossover events but none of this works for asexually reproducing uh haid organisms the reason haid is important is because even an asexually reproducing dipl organisms you can still have chromosome crossover which helps limit the problem with haldane’s dilemma so humans never actually were valid targets for this hame’s dilemma and so what ends up happening is when you calculate the number of offspring that a particular organism needs to overcome this cost of selection with when the organism is actually both hloy and asexually reproducing it ends up with very high numbers but um friend of the Channel Zack Hancock who runs the channel um oh what is it pop genen talk pop genen that’s his channel talk pop genen he has a video on this where he actually goes through all of the math to determine how many offspring a human would have to have in order to overcome the modified version of how Dane’s dilemma that is modified for a diploid sexually reproducing organism it’s like three hey banti can humans easily have three or more kids per f hey I guess humans don’t have to worry about it then cuz there you go that’s all it takes oh we have a we have a a super chat here Rosa ailia God killer says dap dinosaur can your species go through parth Genesis in special cases like chickens I don’t know I have the wrong parts for parth of Genesis and I’ve never done it but the answer is maybe so yeah that’s all I got all right we’re going to hit play and I am going to do some math and then update the uh the thermometer in a paper he published some years ago back in 1957 he said in this paper I shall try to make quantitative The Fairly obvious statement that natural selection cannot occur with great intensity for a number of characters at once unless they all happen to be controlled by the same genes which is very unlikely well haldane’s dilemma has been sort of dismissed by a lot of people but in a paper published in the American Journal of physical anthropology this investigator made this so one of the things I want to point out is that PA dain’s dilemma is a dilemma not for evolution but for certain models of evolution also Donald Hario I’m sorry for $2 says women talking about boob boobs fails the beal test uh does it uh yeah well no actually it doesn’t unless they happen to mention like a guy in that conversation as well which they don’t which they don’t I mean if it’s just their boobs I mean I but I’m pretty sure that it would end up failing anyway because they say oh I hope so and so likes it or so and so does like it or so and so paid for it I got this for so and so like nonar Insurrection they don’t no no not an Insurrection in fact I would say most most of Star Trek the Next Generation why would you remind me that movie exists sorry but most of Star Trek next Generation content I would say probably passes the beal test because um named female characters with first and last names frequently have conversations in start Trek the Next Generation that aren’t about men at all so good job Star Trek although does it count if the conversation is about uh one of their sons feel like it shouldn’t counts I mean yes it’s about men just like as a category what if it’s a baby not really CU you know let’s let’s consult someone who’s fluent in like Trope POS okay so cuz there’s that episode where where Troy ends up being pregnant and has a baby and it’s a boy and then he grows up really fast and then he goes and turns in back into an energy being and Troy had no say in this but she went through with the pregnancy anyway a rather refreshing comment though the scientific community in general no longer regards holding’s dilemma as a problem there remains little clarity as to how it became dismissed and as as recently as 1992 the issue is still regarded as a challenge okay well here we are uh some 32 years later and it’s not an issue because if you again if you want to see someone go through the actual math go check out Zack Hancock’s Channel he is a phg population geneticist and he will walk you through the math of haldane’s dilemma as regards uh diploid sexually reproducing organisms and the answer for haid asexual reproducing organisms is that they can actually have that many offspring so it doesn’t really matter much by evolutionary biologists well some people have rather despaired of of whether natural selection can really do anything in the way of producing fundamental did he mean despairing probably new creatures yeah look here’s the thing we we all understand that natural selection is not the source of genetic variation I’m just taking a drink because that’s all he’s arguing here is like people have despaired of natural selection producing new variation yeah ever since Darwin not even Darwin thought that natural selection was the origin of new uh variation so we go which also means it is time to open the third beer of the night here we go here’s a here’s another beer pour I make my minimal acceptable beer pour which is to say no more than one bubble in vertical extent monol layer is the minimum acceptable amount of bubbles for a beer po which okay uh not quite I screwed it up I’m going to attribute it to the fact that I’m already two beers in although it cleared up almost immediately so still not great uh in a paper uh in annual review of genomics and human genetics these investigators said it remains a mystery how the undirected process of mut combined with natural selection has resulted in the creation of thousands of new proteins with extraordinary diverse and well optimized functions it’s just a flat out mystery I mean I would disagree but I don’t know what else was in that paper and honestly I’m kind of tired of just the random appeals to Authority David if you have an argument you could just present the argument right you know saying the names of a bunch of people who are better credential than you are isn’t really impressive especially when what they’re saying isn’t really the consensus in their own Fields Rosa apophenia God Keller for $499 says how tiny are drers AI use a sack of hemen sips um they vary is the answer um because I pce myself to make sure I can stay in control of what the heck’s going on so yeah um that’s yeah they vary I don’t really have a better answer than that I don’t have a set amount um but I’m definitely not like you know drinking entire beers or certainly not taking shots because well I die um so yeah also I don’t think we’re going to get the special Avatar gu it’s not impossible we’re going to be wrapping up soon so we’ll actually get a little bit more Meed it and then we’ll start wrapping up now there’s a growing number of investigators and scientists who really are losing their confidence in natural selection as the whole answer well yeah because it’s not the whole answer Darwin knew it wasn’t the whole answer that’s why he wrote about sexual selection in The Descent of Man taking a I’m taking a drink jeez that is it’s literally un since Darwin it’s it has not been the whole answer right we have all sorts of other stuff we have epigenetics we have sexual selection we have genetic drift we have Niche construction we have niche partitioning we have evolvability as a heritable uh phenotype right like we have all of these things that we know about and that are part of modern evolutionary theory and have been for decades in fact the Neo darwinian synthesis that occurred back in like the 50s was already adding new things on top of natural selection sexual selection mutation right they were already bringing in things like drift like this is not a new development this is just standard evolutionary biology and I mean yeah I guess it’s true that natural selection isn’t adequate to explain everything we see in evolution but that’s literally never been anyone’s position not even Darwin’s position in fact even before Darwin discovered sexual selection and wrote about it in Works after the Origin of Species he already knew that certain things like the peacock’s tale which he later explained successfully with sexual selection couldn’t be accounted for on the basis of natural selection and he knew that was a hole in his Theory something he then later filled in with sexual selection so all right but uh we are coming up to the point where it is probably about time to get out of here uh guys I hope you enjoyed this um I’ve had fun banti do you have anything coming up that you want to tell people about uh Yes actually um stall for time I have to go grab the link okay uh so what’s coming up tomorrow is Jackson with Jackson that is the show that normally would have been today uh Jackson couldn’t be here today and so we have moved that to tomorrow so at 600 p.m. Eastern 9:00 p.m. sorry 6 p.m. Pacific 9:00 p.m. Eastern tune in here for Jackson with Jackson um then on uh the next day I’m going to double check because I believe we are having a Roger video Roger from mud fossil you so that is going to be chemistry is hard mud fossil University and living volcanoes so in this one that Roger is going to badly misunderstand very basic chemistry even chemistry I know about and uh also tell us how volcanoes aren’t you know like areas where there’s High Press magma welling up from the mantle in fact no they are the anuses of gigantic living organisms so take that uh Rosen apophenia God color for 1999 says dream of Barbed hemipenes I I probably will not but thank you appreciated okay uh you have the thing that you were yeah I do I do I do I do okay so after a lot of delay I finally set up my patreon so I put the link in the chat and yeah it’s there if you want to support me I am going to start putting stuff out V uh I just had to well I had to incentivize myself to do it and I realized that if I just went ahead and set the patreon up then it would literally force me to put stuff out so enough nice all right uh for $5 Don Haro says does anyone he yodling when seeing the slideshow above yeah I I assume yeah virtually everyone does honestly virtually everyone um okay so then on Friday I’m putting out the oh sorry no I didn’t say say the time for the so that Premiere about Roger is going to be at noon Pacific 3 p.m. Eastern uh then the next day at noon Pacific 3 p.m. Eastern there will be a mirror of the chat I had between Rob grown and uh Jackson wheat and myself if you are familiar with uh let’s see logic he did several videos about Rob grown he’s the one who won’t stop sniffling and then wiping it on his hands while making extremely brain taking extremely brain dead takes on virtually everything um that one I believe is called oh no I didn’t call it that but it’s called debate dumpster fire Rob Gro with Jackson wheat mirror um the description though starts out with on January 24th 2024 I had a talk with Jackson and Rob I gotta go grab my hamburger it delivered right now so I have to go okay and yes Tesla Ranger I have seen Kindred the Embrace I own it on DVD um I had to talk with Jackson meet and Rob groin turns out Rob Gro is the is a gigantic piece of crap but that didn’t fully come to light until about 2/3 into the video uh so there you go that’s how I start out my description of that particular video um then that so that’s Friday then on Saturday at noon Pacific 3 p p.m. Eastern we will be having the direct sequel to this I’m hoping vashanti can be there I can’t guarantee it because she’s not even here now but uh then on Tuesday we are going to be having the next Kent with bent at 600 p.m. Pacific 9:00 p.m. Eastern that brings us six video or five into the future a a full week remember there is a new daer dinosaur video every single day for the next 4 days at noon Pacific 3 p.m. Eastern so if you ever this week need a cool thing to do this channel noon Pacific 3 p p.m. Eastern there will be a video for you to watch that is brand new at least to the public with that being said I want to say thank you again to everyone you guys have been extremely generous I’ve been having fun with the little counter guy I’ll just show you like you oh can you know it can go up pretty cool um with that being said if you are a member of the patreon or the Discord and you’re interested in just a few minutes I will be having uh a Power Rangers SPD watch party uh on the in the general chat at the voice chat for that so feel free to come over and say hi for that if you are a channel member or a patron and other than that I hope to see all of you tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day bye hey before you leave I just want to take a second to thank my patrons and channel members especially those pledging $20 or above Ben hovind thara tapioca weasel Whispers Elon teller horse flesh Ian Chen Kelvin brosk van Manon landed null ma bab sphincter of Doom Vace John acrian ETV and strawberry vein it’s because of my channel members and patrons whom you’re seeing on screen that this channel can stay afloat without you it would all shut down if you wanted join the team there’s a link to join the channel below this video and there’s a link to join the patreon in the description on the patreon you can get a 10% discount for pledging annually and either way you get early access to virtually all of my scripted videos often 3 to 5 months before they come out for the general public thanks for watching


    1. Hey Dapper, not directly related to this video or anything, but I thought it could be a fun idea to sometimes run a simulation of the free software (if it's still available online) Darwinpond or Swimbots in the background (similar to the transitional fossils slideshow).
      If it's a video that's over an hour long, there's a very good chance that from a random starting point, digital creatures that have adaped to swim and forage, will have evolved. In real time. It could be relevant for when "random unguided processes can't produce function" is the topic, since it would be happening in real time during the video.

    2. "There better be some sort of theory." Oh boy, Menton, you'll love this thing called the Theory of Natural Selection. It's a really popular thing in this thing called science.

    3. 32:02 I was watching a video criticising evolutionary psychology and one of the things that struck me is that the field seems to ignore mechanisms of evolution that aren't selection, as if every trait must have been directly selected for some purpose (and in this case 'traits' can be anything from basic emotions to personal preferences). It's frustratingly oversimplistic since there's so many more processes involved even with just selection, not to mention genetic drift.

    4. catching it on the rerun but my vote is NO NUMBERS on the donato-meter!! i don't wanna know that shit as long as you have enough to pay rent and buy good and entertainment

    5. I have published my new joke, _AIG Is_. It is not plagiarized. It is an elaboration joke of a joke by gupdoo3. It has passed inspection and been verified by The Copyright. All credit goes to me.

    6. Henrietta Laxman's family did (recently) give permission after the fact, but they also noted the irony that some of them could not even afford health insurance after all the good her cella have done 😢

    7. To appease All Gores rhythm, my cat showed me this morning blue Jay's are fledging in Illinois. Yes the baby was caught and put safely outside.

    8. 1:30:50 Sorry Dapper Dino, but according to a quick google search checking multiple scientific websites (PNAS, Nature, etc.), there is a 3rd o in Motoo Kimura's name. Doesn't change the fact that Menton was incorrect in most everything else though. This also seems to be a quote mine from the late 1960's to early 1970's.

    9. Really disappointed that Vishanti and chat didn't figure out, that obviously you'd need a Carmander to make a CharMewRer.
      It's pronounced Chimi-Ray!

    10. Take a hand full of dice.
      Roll them. Selecting out the ones that came up six.
      Roll the rest of them again, selecting out the ones that came up six.
      Repeat until all dice are six.

      There you've just used very simply selection pressure to take a series of random events and obtain a predetermined result.

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