„Find new a happiness with a new bike”. That’s the slogan of the „used bike fair” in Graz. It takes place every year in April right before the bike season starts. There, the bike and every aspect of cycling is in focus for 2 days. The main part is a fair where owners can sell old but still roadworthy bikes. The sold bikes are checked for safety before the new owners take them home. With the help of this project people earn money with their old idle bikes and other people are glad about a new ride for small price.

    find new happiness with an old bike this is the slogan of the used bike fair that’s held every april in graz at the beginning of the new cycling season on the carmelita platz at the foot of castle hill in graz the bike is center of attention for two full days from advice to cycle acrobatics the styrian bicycle festival which ran for the first time in 2010 encompasses every aspect of cycling alongside the spectacular performances and other exhibits the used cycle fair offers the chance to buy a new if pre-owned bike right at the very start of the cycling season many people have an old but still roadworthy bike lying around at home the cycle fare gives them the possibility to make money from these old bikes children’s bikes are especially priced since kids grow so fast and so need a new bike almost every year before they are sold the bikes that are on show are given a check over and issued with a number and price it’s not unusual for there to be some real gems on sale and they quickly find themselves snapped up by new and very satisfied owners most of those who are interested in buying have very definite ideas of what they want from a bike in terms of technical specification and general condition to make sure the bikes are checked tested and taken on one or two trial well i rides found a great bike and phoned my girlfriend about it as she’s the one who wants a new one i’ve reserved it for her until she gets down here so once more the bike fair proves itself to be a great place for buying a used bike at a good price be it a machine for fitness and leisure or very simply as the urban transport of the future you

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