Cycling Adventure from Lands End to John O’Groats raising money for Great Ormond Street hospital. 🏥

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    I said to him so he said some of it worth a few quids but not Mega Money like Mom and Dad thought it was worth but he still plays with his trains if he plays them have fun a it that was pretty Co is it I think other people might want to uh might want to use that anyone can peek in the window while you’re having a shower so anyone can have a good look so uh good morning good morning uh Katie how you doing welcome everyone I’m literally just setting up I’m just starting off just getting the map and everything uh started up I haven’t had breakfast or anything yet so we need to get out of here and uh hopefully get some Brey all right that’s that done we need the map on right so hopefully the heart my heartbeat’s working morning morning so yeah hopefully heartbeat is showing and a location on the map is showing uh if they’re not if you let me know I will restart them I hope everyone’s had a good morning uh social media was quite lovely last night uh the guy that was on the racing bike uh I think you clipped we done some clips of that uh the got on the racing bike so they should be up there somewhere all right let’s get the camera lifted there we go oh I have to put Sun cream on legs at some point so uh we get to somewhere to eat and then I’ll put Sun cream on my knees otherwise I’m going to end up looking like Rudolph the red knee red knees reindeer uh yeah hope everyone’s well uh oh God these shs are really weird cuz they’ve got a liner in them and they’ve got this like grippy silicon hem and when you first start riding it’s like it pulls all the hairs up your legs until it reaches the point of like where you’ve stretched it to and then you’re all right but yeah there’s a pub down here kaas s says reminds me I need sun cream I had mine for years cream I’ve got I bought a I got really sore so we done a 200 m round trip before we come and I bought some bum butter right for like for chap legs and stuff like that uh but I’ve bought a seat cover from Ali it cost me £4 for this gel seat cover it is the best thing I’ve ever bought another old car look the best investment ever because I’ve not even got the Littest bit sore on the whole journey morning which just been really really really good but yeah they’re uh they’re under a fiber from Audi so if you’ve got a seat that’s not so good just WP one of these seat covers on it I paid for a really expensive seat well not a really expensive it was about 50 OD quid but it said it was a sell touring saddle and it’s got gel in it but all it done was give me fr I haven’t started a set or anything yet either Norton now I’ve been to Norton for work is this it’s not the pub there is it no [Applause] [Applause] see all these like they meant to be pubs she said to me it’s just down in the village so not okay oh that looks like it there is it let’s turn in here I think Mars want to figure out a way I can go in the back I got somewhere I can go around here can we get around the back uh oh that was good be a bit more safe around here out the way nice oh right where should we sit I don’t really want to be in the sun we got numbers on these tables uh 110 let put to 110 let’s go and ask and see what I can do hopefully I’ve made Brey if I haven’t yeah I’ve got Sun cream uh I haven’t got bite cream I don’t think I’ve got antiseptic I think uh what was the other thing antiseptic cream there was there was another cream I just can’t think what it is on but I did say I was going to do a long one today get back out and right yeah I’m going to pull up here so I was looking at the time and thinking probably need to get back and get dinner for about five I’ll do it again there was all the gypsies lined up out I was like oh really have you got any comment uh back over there oh I take it there was no signal in there hang plck that in for oh let’s get you uh let’s get you set up so I don’t have to wear a wear you oh o o yep I can see you in chat but you’re not coming out on the other phone bear with me let me get set up Sam once I’m set up and then I can uh cuz I’m not seeing chat it’s coming out on the wrong on this phone I can see it on the screen but I can set it up so I can hear it on this phone that would be amazing then I won’t have to worry about when the internet keeps dropping out on the other one uh just get that on there they battery on the floor going try to rush I did try and ring you and you didn’t answer so I just got on the road cuz I was getting kicked out basically I didn’t have long uh there’s the battery there we cof get blood coffee stream CL ask wow Wii what we got in this bag got my hat we got some socks here we go so we have crossed Dore there’s the sign we’ve done it just got another heel try and connect this F right try that see if that’s working someone types in it I’ll see if it comes out the speaker are we working right you should okay TTS is turned on it’s not coming out the speaker try again there and it’s not no why the hell does it not work it’s connected try again it’s because basically the camera phone that you’re watching on has got internet but the chat phone hasn’t so I can’t I’m struggling to hear anything on the other phone but it doesn’t want to work no give up it don’t work morning mate I have a mic adapter plugged into the USB port on the phone and that’s where I plug my mic in because he’s got a microphone plugged in it via cable I get no no sound so I have to use like a Bluetooth speaker or headphones now with my headphones it works you have to fiddle about with it but I managed to get the audio to work for the cable and the sound to come out through the headpiece yeah which you’d think Bluetooth would be standard but it doesn’t audio call and that doesn’t support fingers crossed we got yeah well I was going to connect it to the Pub’s Wi-Fi but the problem I’ve got there I’ve got to go through a whole full filling out and it’s okay doing it on this one but it means I’ve got to turn you off go through it all I’m like nah just just for five minutes ni uh I really do a few more reviews the only thing I’m really really struggling I need to cut my nail and I can’t find my now so I’m going to have to go somewhere buy something I need to get home I need you to get all my uh things where the Hat where the Hat rubs here I think I’ve got like a it’s like a hard lump there it’s probably a block po you’re my geta she likes to uh pin and prod me basically oh okay yeah it said Tina followed again this morning I’m like what’s going on yeah that would be mine that should be my breakfast breakfast yeah yeah old the last on purpose cuz I thought well I can always take a couple of sausages with me I think this was nine quid I could have got the six pound breakfast but she said oh we can do your large one I’m thinking I can spread this out pretty much through the day I’ve got bread so I can make sausage sandwich later on so I’ll probably eat half of it and eat the rest on Road oh thank you amazing what should I start on First on do you know what I forgot to ask for I don’t know if I got any pepper I need to get pepper right [ __ ] we got pepper left find out stuck gets this sometimes it sticks we are good that Bloody muscle every day every day without foul oh God it’s like really really cramping I don’t know if it’s maybe it’s this do day no worries mate thank you for eating I don’t know it’s literally right here there that right there it’s literally it feels like it’s gone solid all I know is it really really hurts and uh it’s driving me mad 7 be 50 thank you1 to is yeah the Sun is out today that’s that’s not good though that’s bad it’s bad anyone who Cycles will tell you you don’t want the Sun out [Music] really1 Oh I thought you said Phil oh oh is he oh that’s good well Lu’s on the men she’s doing the Monopoly thing what’s the Monopoly thing I can’t remember know no don’t do Escape beans I want egg on toast oh it does look good M where will you be plasma yeah well I’m no no this is Sam before you shoot off where was that hotel for tonight that’s all I me I literally woke up dreaming that I was in a hotel bet she’s gone already no no I wonder where it was oh if you could please that’ be great I was going to a look for it in a minute but that would be amazing i’ got a book a disabled room anyway so I can put the bike in there are Masters that’s a nice it’s like a br wor on we all know what M Martin’s been typing your productive text just let you uh let it all out you’ve been telling us what you’ve been typing naughty naughty you just can you just put the post code in chat can you just type the post code so I can just copy it because otherwise it’s going to try and copy the whole thing I think yeah it’s going to try and copy the whole thing and it it won’t understand thank you that Mak it really quick for me I can just drop into Maps right that’s 38 mile uh 3 hours 24 minutes apparently that does take me back onto my room so I think that’s possible I can make it I’m going to be naed by the time I get there but yeah we can make that how much uh hang oh oh yeah probably cheaper than going into it yeah either or I can send the money back it doesn’t matter I can just do a transfer put back again but how much was it sorry how much is it what was it 29 that’s still really cheap oh should have washed the clo they’re normally cheaper on Monday so I find Monday is always the Gest day because like Friday to Sunday people stay but when it comes to uh Monday I don’t know any no travel LOD travel lodes are cheaper I’m not going to eat all this there’s no way can eat all this like I need to eat all of it but I can’t right so that location where before we do that though it’s already camping in comary there already camp in near commentary rather than see I don’t mind I don’t mind a hotel or a campsite I’m quite happy like I’ve had a shower last night all my clothes are washed I’m now smelling fresh again uh if it was really bad weather so yeah I don’t really mind if we can find a campsite nearby I’m happy with that as well either way Sam oh no R you go out Sam I’ll we will fix it don’t you worry don’t worry about me thanks for looking we’ll work some it out I’ll get on the road I’ve got to get back to the rout thank you and the money um so where was we from earlier so the guy on the racer that we uh we saw that I thought was an original rally but it wasn’t it was a specialized he’s reached out on Facebook uh com on live post uh the lady that I met at the uh with her family was that was the cafe where I went for cake and no one saw the live stream this cake it was huge this bit of cake it was the cafe by the river Sorry by the canal so yeah it was lovely to meet them only one thing missing for black buding put a really D bit of black pudding I think black puddings are love it I hate it but yeah I do love that’s a lot of cans you need to cut down in your busy pot mate like we might have eight cans now and again that’s a lot of fizzy pot mate that ain’t good for you wow I’m a little bit shocked mate to be quite honest like because they they really are not good for you even if it’s Max without the sugar yeah that’s not helpful for you 24 I we so we buy 24 Cs and we have them in the fridge and every now and then I might go and get one but in a week I suppose I’m lucky if I have two cans of or even if I have a a Pepsi a week so since we’ve been away I don’t think I’ve had a fizzy drink have I I got offered one turn it down I could murder a cold fizzy Pepsi but the problem I find is then it just gives me lots more wi that just seems a lot of can of C exclamation my socials that will take you to my website and bring up the live stream push X the web page will appear at the top you got the little Discord items icons on all my social media click on any of those The Roots all available there this place is nice and Qui there’s like two cars in the car par morning mate morning morning who’s been into uh break no she i’ like 21 2021 with clouds perfect means got sunam 69 why couldn’t they have had sashet if they had chass of sauce I could have had sandwich for lunch but yeah I ain’t going to this and I’m not wasting it so they are going to be my I so what’s going to happen as soon as I get on the road I’m going to be absolutely starving M again and that’s what happens every time I just can’t eat all in one go not I’m struggling to eat this but on my legs if you can see that this muscle here is growing it’s like a big dip where literally all the fat has just disappeared off my leg days tomorrow yeah I don’t want it to up because you can’t really like if I’ve got to go to the this is one my about the hotel and I was a bit like don’t book it because of the oh my God what the hell is that up there I can show you you won’t see it whatever is got massive wingspan Hest Maybe Can’t that yeah we don’t have Eagles over it it’s too small nice yeah I would have like some brown brown Source sachet because I haven’t got enough room to carry stuff but I could have thrown something in the back of the uh back my bag pardon me but let’s uh I a look can we work out where we’re going to go because up many to get back top unless unless that going thank you there you go thank you very much right let’s get you back on my chest getting rid of all the cables cuz all the cables get caught so I’m have to make sure the M wish the microphone is just easy to wear put somewhere all right nearly done get this down in there will it go back with help oh [ __ ] hell come on oh right let’s do these bags up we’ll leave that bag open it’s got hot stuff in it it uh if I don’t if I don’t leave it open it’s all going to uh steam up oh for right let’s see if we can go get some internet right turn that on [Music] turn left onto road8 why isn’t running a little window I will in a minute mate I’m trying to fix this at the moment why won’t the map run in a small screen look I go to no the maps won’t run as an overlay why not oh there we go it won’t run as a thingy yeah right we’re all plugged in yeah I had to had to fill around with it it was being temperamental I got it though it’s done we’re done right big hole don’t want a ho in 50 yard at the roundabout take the second exit onto harvington lane exit the roundabout onto harvington Lane God the legs are burning already literally not burning what’s the time now 12 give it until half past and then remind me to do sunscreen there’s a lot of old cars around here I can’t see many Hills either which is nice is the music playing have we got music need to look into some of these uh these viewers as well because I don’t think like Yi said oh I think they no music at the moment okay oh if you do do uh exclamation m v space five so it’s exclamation V is for volume and then space and then whatever volume but five is normally about right oh there we go that should set it we should be good thank you Martin oh it didn’t work when Martin did it strange he’s not allowed to volume it should have worked when Martin done it I’m sure Martin’s got mod credentials I have to mod him again see if it’s not working onit continue on e Road for two miles so maybe the other roow went to Norton yeah probably but he’s if he’s a mod is should better do that they go thereby looks it here he comes we made it there you go St and we’re going to go all the way around uh yeah we’re going to blast it round yeah oh another squirrel squirrels everywhere today our face come on internet we can do it we’re back nice it’s getting worried then can’t believe how GRE and bright everything looks today farting 69 follow me Santa would fire a rocket into the sky on the screen and it would come up you on the naughty list or the nice list but it was random who who would get what list and just reminded me of that for what we got in this bag got my hat oh we got some socks what SP can we get is it going to get me hang on fast as we can what number can we get that was funny that was probably the best bit of my day for sh well hope the L don’t pass that could end badly [ __ ] hell let’s hope the Lorry driver watching where he’s going for anyone who didn’t see that the horse box the uh the door is wide open and uh in the roadside but it’s one of the top doors so kind of level with the wind screen of a lorry or a bus or coach like pin it don’t leave it swinging out in the road pardon me how many miles we going to do today then says there was me thinking we weren’t live and we are steam past offer says 96 gigg sp5 miles farting Martin 69 says a good 30 a good 30 nice okay nice expected let’s see if we can make that happen giggity sponges says I’m going to L and keep it on for ad Revenue thank you mate how’s uh how’s brakes doing mate tell him if he’s better now uh I’ll meet him at Stratford upon Avon not the London one gy sponges says 40 plus mate you got it 40 plus I think the hotel was 38 says he’s doing good good good farting Martin 69 says he seems to be okay no I’m I’m in for this now there’s no way unless I [ __ ] fall over and die I’m not stopping farting Martin 60 9 says looks like he’s in London just reminds me of old carriages when’s the last time you saw old carriages like that with the doors ones back mate what’s that now you go sponges didn’t sound too horrible actually later I’ll try and give you a call in a bit it’s that time of day when the sun’s come out but it’s still really chilly it can’t quite make up his mind there there look it here he comes we made it there you go to get back on top unless already unless get Lu of always asob for what oh come on so [Applause] in all right come on we can do it [Music] Mark refresh oh I think it’s R exclamation mark R exclamation mark f oh my God steam off says it’s fine now nice yeah try the F command I don’t know if that works command oh for in 200 yards slide right onto High [Applause] Street that was up here think where is it turning here yeah should got then actually we get through [Music] there yeah we’re going there 485 yeah I thought there’s ex here there’s not we doing a U-turn in 200 yards turn right on to Honey Born Road b485 [Applause] [Applause] turn right onto honey Born Road 45 mile see I think I’ve been through here before on the uh on a narrow booat there go look how busy that is oh mate let uh change up let’s go steam offer says I think I might have seen on TV all right until it fls [Applause] we’re on the conne yeah we’re getting near the tower it’s only thing we’re live streaming in the middle of nowhere like we are we’re pushing the limits of what you can do live streaming unfortunately in 200 yard turn left onto Wellford Road we’re going to follow it now anyway we’re turning left you’re right turn left onto Wellford Road can’t do anything about it unless you have all the SIM cards probably in a good setup to handle it no there’s no 4G mate there’s going to be no 4G out here on anything Road for one mile oh Martin’s going to leave me close to his nuts exclamation mark vibrate [Applause] steam past offer says yeah he loves the vibrator steam offer says vibrate farting Martin 69 I tell you what back I’m going to add that every time someone says the word phone I’ll make it a trigger word so it goes like like it’s when you get a text message I can’t think who made that one but it had a really good write up the reviews were come this way they said it’ll be great they said right which one of us is going in a big old first Ro soent St p that was pretty cozy is it C can you see how thin this path is that I’m trying to cycle whoa so I think I’m literally following the river the river’s to my left side just the other side these I’ll try and give you a call in a bit welcome to Clive’s Adventures thank you big e for joining the community really chilly it can’t quite make up his mind like the sun on my back’s really hot but the air on my front’s really freezing got the best of both and there’s must have gone on the E now I did I was going to do a long one today get back out and yeah I’m going to pull up here Stone and we’re going to go all the way around what we got in this bag got my hat full of some socks later I’ll try and give you a call in a bit it’s that time of day when the sun’s come out but it’s still really chilly it can’t quite make up his mind like the sun on my back’s really hot but the air on my front’s really freezing got the best of both world and there’s I gave him all my old Railway stuff e you don’t make me ask how old give you a call in a bit oh just making sure we was on uh there we go see if that comes back oh God this is like excruciating I’ve stopped steam P offer says back yeah the 4G on the V phone don’t know it kicks out every so often not sure why it loses it on the uh on the camera phone I think it just forgets to reconnect it somehow I don’t know maybe it’s a bug it’s probably because I turned the phone screen off steam P offer says it just doesn’t like us no it’s the it’s to do with the oh I could do that I could put that wrap on it actually it turns the screen dimness down rather than completely off maybe that’ll fix it so if you it’s because you turn the phone off to turn the back lot off so you I get more out the battery so before I’d use a whole battery by turning the phone screen off I can8 hours and only use 50% battery does make a big difference whoa [Music] oh I gave him all my old Railway stuff I said to him so he said some of it worth a few quid oh God like just down there and I was like oh my God pain Ste offer says he’s turned religious turned religious I was near wetting myself literally that’s how bad it is it’s like someone just turns the tap on thank for ster says oh God yeah I I stopped to do the camera stood up and I was like oh my God I’m busting I’m busting I didn’t know I was busting for a week until I stood up and I’ve had all the checks and they reckon there’s nothing wrong so I’m out here doing this if anything should happen at least have done ch [Applause] the one thing I’ve not bought on this was nice some honey because I’ve already got it if I need them something for dinner I don’t squeaking on this bike I hope it’s not the carrier we haven’t even done 10 Mile yet un moo says hi there hello moo you’re right Babs what you up [Applause] to did Mommy show you how far I’ve got I’m quite far now and she goes quiet on me I miss you baby oh little stinky girl Anu says yes we are going to see dap at a jumping place are you guys see Deany are you I thought you already gone mommy said you were going ages ago wow look at that one gallon two gallon Three G oh my God literally I can smell the fuel he’s left a fuel cloud in his wake it’s probably what that ha is that’s not heat steam P offer says click Med says I was looking at the phone coverage map you’re in quite a good area yeah the only problem I’ve got mate is the phone unu says we are there parking oh nice if you keep me on I can sell over to dhan I can say hello to auntie Tina and [Applause] everyone hang on I’ll put my face on hello how you doing oh that’s not going to work that’s not going to work I’ve I’ve done the wrong thing hang on that’s not going to work steam past office says seems like it was an all charger steam P offer says 70s Dodge Charger there we go that’s the right one is that better 7 DOD charger yes I believe say see you soon because I got to go okay baby love you lots have a good day yeah miss you stinks Anu says see you [Music] [Applause] later hi hi oh mate me it’s I put Sun cream on yet I [Music] oh there it is turn right apparently I can’t believe how old that truck was did you see so we’re now in oh wow bar out time that was you can tell I falling off load can’t you yeah practice falling No One Clip that oh God this bike is a nightmare hi hi now right how the hell is that possible I put my glasses down and only part of the lens is uh is tinted so they’ve now got a line on them it’s the white that’s better right start in the low gear let’s go in 200 yards turn left onto High Street apparently we turning left turn left onto High Street then turn right onto Chapel Street still weird still there like a a line in my sunglasses turn right onto Chapel Street then turn right right down here and then turn right they got there looks it here he comes we made it there you go f out time that was you can tell I falling off loads can’t you yeah practice fall now no one clip that it’s the white 40 I reckon there a lot thank you are you drunk is so now ah where’s the road going excuse me there’s no one gonna get this thank you mate for Crystal or fast have to find somewhere to stay in Bristol though I don’t have to find a hotel yeah nice mark one Mar one gol what we got in this bag got my hat we got some socks so I was looking at the time and thinking I probably need to get back and get dinner for about 5 I’ll do it again that was you can tell I falling off loads can’t you it’s very quiet so I don’t know if the stream’s going connected okay that is that for for so we’re now in O col me I we e it [Applause] don’t know back or not when I get back that was pretty cozy is it for that [Applause] is what’s up horsey hey a you locked up in this heat fing hell really you should be out and about mate yeah it’s a bit warm in it welcome back mate uh so we’re going to the bike’s making a strange noise and I’m getting paranoid you can only see Sky we got a horse over there it’s overheating I think he’s getting too hot he blocked in doors in this [ __ ] heat hope you got water in there says they locked it up yeah they locked it up but with the heat today and him stuck in there it must be [ __ ] boiling in there [Music] yeah I know if it was like I’m a bit like worried be honest cuz it is really really hot but yeah steam puff offer says yeah not very animal friendly not today mate no it is absolutely Ely cooking all my lube loads of luet right I’m not sure how this is going to react I think it’s going to probably fall off I’m going to strug it and the [ __ ] thing back on but says water there but should be to not feel like it’s overheating yeah it’s a bit that’s not doing anything that one no I think it’s bent it so much I can’t get the [ __ ] thing out I think I think that might be the uh might be the problem yeah it’s definitely bent it nice yeah I’m I going to get that out yeah [ __ ] I definitely bent it the washers are worn as well between the frame and and this Alum put the washer on like that yeah but I could hear basically what happened was couldn’t Lo but it was that needs a good uh a good clean that’s going to have to be cleaned at some point I have to get I said I need to get some uh cleaner I can give it a good uh and a brush really so we need a screw fix and then we can give it a clean right so that’s one thing what for sorry mate I can’t let you out this is private but whoever locked you in there I think they need to get down here and let you out look at him he’s let me out I’m bloody up I’m baking I’m cooking Ste off T he his head out is probably the best alternative he’s got yeah but you know like when you worry like is he going to die is this gate solid please be solid gate cuz that’s probably better than what I was on yeah right let’s lay that there wonder if Mr Yates is all right he’s been very quiet today must be uh I did tell him in his Miss to make babies I said get on with it hurry up make some babies we we made babies at 31 so it’s time to make some little Yates I think let the fishes do their [Applause] magic welcome to Clive’s Adventures thank you imagine for joining the community he’s going to be like oh my god what have I done cuz there be this little yatesy giving him [ __ ] steam off says yeah I have not be much around horses so not sure if they could die of it well most things seem to die if you let them overheat heat exhaustion it or whatever they call it Ste says I think there are enough of them in the field yeah well I’ve replaced that bolt now so it was literally I’m coming across here and it’s bumpy and it’s all out my mind was like if that bolts snaps if that bul snaps if that bu snap like [ __ ] it replace it I don’t know if it’s the foot paath it told me to be on I couldn’t get through one of them there was no signal but there was a how do I put it there was a gate one of those swing gates there was no chance of me getting this up through there steam office says yeah but at least it’s open and it’s proba so it’s so you only got 21° yeah apparently it reckons I’m 27 miles off cour apparently so hopefully we might get back on course what we got to do is find another road am I near a road yet sorry am I near a road yet uh you’re near the greenway the cycle path okay that’s not very far from here now basically you’ll see a farm just on the side of this hedge and that’s where you’ll come out next the is it is it gated or okay there was a gate back that way and I had to go around the houses to try get cuz I can’t get this from them right right I’m like why make it a cycle rout and put a gate yeah yeah absolutely that’s crazy we was on one of the groups and there was a lady from Holland I think it was and she was tour in the UK and she turned around and said why is there Gates She Went if it’s supposed to be a psychopath because you can’t get the bags through trying to think where you mean from here so I I come along the river yeah uh I come down a little through past all the old really old houses and then on the river I know but if I go back to where the houses are at the top there there was an like a there’s like a little road and a little path between the trees yeah yeah and there’s a gate yep I know exactly where you and I said to one of the neighbors I went there’s no way I can get through there and I there a gate at the other end he said I don’t think so he said but there’s definitely a gate this end so he told me to go around the river yeah basically what you what’s going to happen come out the end of here so you get to The Farmhouse you’ll turn right and your B on an Old Railway line called The Greenway perfect leads right into strap it’s going to be very busy but oh that’s perfect yeah that’s perfect and even and I’m well I’m I’m doing Land End to Jon Gres oh wow okay nice so this is pretty easy compared to down there yeah yeah fair play fair play so yeah we’re doing pretty well we’re live streaming as well you just on Twitch or YouTube as well uh I upload to Youtube afterwards yeah but twitch is nice because we don’t get the [ __ ] yeah right right it’s kind of like the audience come looking for you whereas if you if I I tried streaming on Tik Tok we had some guys say I’m going to come and knock you off and we were like well come on then there’s two of us amazing we drag you out your car we have some fun and we literally waited around for him he didn’t turn up obviously yeah I think you should take a written exam to be on the internet basically they’re just trials but we call him out cuz we’re like well let’s have some fun with this cuz this this makes good good footage we were sitting there going what if he does turn up CU normally they don’t yeah of course of course but uh they know they’re miles away on a key in front of a keyboard don’t they so they’re not bothered no but it would made for some good interaction never mind thank you Channel C Adventures C’s Adventures nice one I remember that yeah or just scan the barcode barcodes everywhere but uh yeah C’s Adventures but yeah I’m on YouTube Facebook but all the live streams mainly on Twitch now I used to do it everywhere but trying to keep up with it when you’re cycling oh yeah I can imagine I was like so we went just we do twitch and with twitch it’s more there’s a lot of interactive stuff that works with it yeah so we got lots of silly stuff and I even normally I’ve got horns and stuff so if they see people coming they eat a but biib people so but yeah I’ve turned them on off cuz I wanted some peace and quiet anyway nice meeting you mate yeah Clive’s Adventures so here we go let’s get back on this oh there we go wow hi lovely day is it it’s gorgeous it’s gorgeous why did she sound like she was from Essex or was it just me uh yes turn let’s turn all the things back on you can test them hang on right tabs right so we’ve got stream stickers on uh sound alerts on blurp alerts on and and hard effects alerts on there mate if you uh if you redeem them now they will come out the speaker I turned them off yesterday because uh everyone was just abusing them so down to the farm and then we follow this route and we should uh for [Applause] what’s a note [Applause] mate what no something says looks like you took a wrong turn and ended up in the Netherlands morning mate afternoon mate whatever it is is there a way around that it looks like I can go around that please tell me I can yes no Google mate Google Google does it every time oh loose rocks oh God says g into no speaker is definitely on I’ll tell you what to do I’ll restart the app bear with me we’ll restart it streamlabs stop and then not streamlabs stream buddy reopen stream buddy and then it should work there we go try that it should work now it’s just uh it’s going to be a bit delayed though oh M but I can see Hills both sides so there’s Hills to my left Hills to my right St says afternoon D are you well rested from last night’s campsite I need water help me I need water help yeah yeah yesterday was really nice I think this is the way I think I’m going the right way fingers crossed yep must be the right way says hi K off says home for tonight for tonight righty which way is it go oh mate which way is the does it go that way straight on what you trying to do green way I’m trying where I’m trying to kind of kind of go that way but to stpf yeah turn left there oh okay brilliant thank you mate ah left here oh there we go nice didn’t see it it was literally just there there we go oh yeah it’s behind me why couldn’t I pick that up stupid bloody thing they call it Greenway steam off says hopefully it Loos up the muscle between his shoulders oh my God says just a wheel B on anding tonight the field to my left right all I can smell is sour cream Pringles oh god really sour cream Pringles is all I can smell all the way along here oh yeah yeah if we can get to Stratford says ha says if we can uh get to statford upon Avon we’re pretty much on route to where we need to be back to the original route on the GPS but yeah it says we’re 25 mil out but that’s going back to Onion Field maybe it is an onion field yeah but because of other smells in the air it resembles that smell it’s just like someone’s got a can right under my nose imagine if you had that you get to see the stream smell the stream the smells come out your uh device onion Fields was it po Fields would you sing about onions probably poppies or daisies no says I pop you can’t stop well I’m going to put her off the Pringles has anyone seen the Pringle can trick off strawberry field my 13-year-old son show me I want it to my 13-year-old son showed me a clip they where they were joking that he’s got something in the bottom of the can and his girlfriend goes to grab the fingles he was proper laughing at me when you pretend you don’t know like a real dumb adult and he just went bright red and started laughing he went you know I went Pringles it’s like no I went what else would you have in a can proper funny like I trolled him and like Sam was Sam was doing the same she was going well I’m trying to put everyone off Pringles now I’ve made you one them so Med says Pringles are healthy if you cycling 50 mil a day right next stop thing is if I eat them they dry me out I have to drink a bottle of liquid y says please don’t Dole maybe you can get sheep flavor lamb and mint sauce you never know I’ve replaced that boolt YY uh it was bent that’s why it wasn’t coming loose it had come loose and bent it so badly that uh it couldn’t fall out that’s one way to stop a man doing says how bad is it hello mate cheers says [ __ ] uh it wasn’t that bad actually it was only a little Bend but it’s carrying a lot of w so the carrier still a little bit bent but it’ be fine oh yeah off at least 100 only 98 to go yeah I’ve got enough to fix the bike about 50 times over oh so yeah we should be there in a bit [Applause] oh Med says I buy the 70 G cans instead of the 200 g I would a whole can in one sitting oh here we go says I know full well your carrier is more than likely exceeding its weight capacity probably oh look at this bridge this looks really safe hi hello there yeah it’s cuz there’s uh I probably wouldn’t hold a train anymore and there’s the race course anyone watch horse racing a’t it weird horse racing is now for the rich well it’s always been for the rich is it but oh God what was the what’s the one with the oh the peaky blinders who’s watched peaky blinders I love that series that was amazing off says no but I saw some shedding earlier today oh if you literally Ste if you’ve not watched P blinders surpr the bridge didn’t bule under the weight of your biking the amount of sausages you consumed not as much sausage as you’ve had in your mouth [ __ ] oh yeah Med says I would gu a train would be a bad idea but I think your bike fine I know it’s heavy but it’s not that heavy my bike’s yeah I think a train to win yeah if you’ve not watched pey blinders uh Steen I definitely off got sausages from breakfast in the bag still peaky blinders is really good it’s it’s place right it’s placed around Birmingham with a birmingh accent it’s based on a true story about the Gypsies and the way they work their way up and basically he works his way up to like a millionaire uh from the bottom but uh they fight their way out of most of the battles and uh the way they used to pay the police off and oh it’s really really good it’s set back in time like 100 200 years ago it’s really good when I started watching I thought I this to be rubbish and literally I was gripped instantly steam pass off this seems like I already got it on my to watch list nice yeah that’s a good one mate that’ll uh that’ll take your time up yeah I watch that one with the misses after meeting y’s misses and she just reminded me of uh when you watch Gavin and Stacy and Stacy’s accent oh this looks nice look [Applause] well them them things oh you can they’re not they’re not yeah they’re not that difficult I can’t care the weight no they are they are good fun once you get going on them it was getting on them the start but what gets me with anything that balances on a wheel when the batteries go dead there’s only one thing that happens it’s like a barrel yeah I know I fell off fell off a few of them right that was uh yeah I’ve played with most toys when it comes to so which Rad do we go do we go along that one or that one or that one uh not sure y says y y why why sted up on a love it there Mrs Y is a card Martin 69 says why can’t I use my Chanel points nice why can’t use your channel points I’ve not got the you haven’t been timed out or anything have you you’ve got moderator rights anyway she she better do [Applause] [Applause] anything says refresh the stream at Martin Martin 69 yeah close the app and reopen it mate paring Mar 69 says steam offer says y can you farting Martin 69 uh right so there’s a path there so says no permission so Kus says says out of stock for me also so BB see that doesn’t Martin 69 says I have done that and no better says I think has that permission which way to go through traffic cycle land goes that way y says they’re on a timer normally [Music] Med says to thefly that’s that’s round R hang on I think it’s this way let’s go this way NOP it’s not down that way that’s private so all right farting Martin 69 says I can’t select any I’m looking for the cycle route I’m thinking it’s there’s a cycle route on that one emotional Dam it I don’t know if it’s this way through traffic I know if it’s this way or not which road am I taking I’m not sure which road to take that’s Southeast that’s definitely the wrong way the maps disappeared off of uh [ __ ] sorry nearly got squished Martin 69 says one got one working y says if it’s 21° outside you can guarantee it being 30 in the Butterfly Center amazing experience though if you like it says that way we go this way the electric makes it so much easier look at the speed he goes It’s time though that’s the problem I left light it says you can cycle on the path but look at the state of it Martin 69 says hotel or C tonight either either or [ __ ] hell did they hit every railing looks like they did steam offer says you can cycle on it if you want to come home with square me right so marting Martin 69 says CLI steam says professional crashing yeah uh I need to find my files now so I can open it and download the jog routs read me oh hang on you put them in thingy haven’t you you’ve already separated them you put them in Discord uh I just need a while quickly opening them where’s Roots the jog route right so we got Bristol no [Applause] will that be on my map now no it’s not why is it not happing on my maps that’s strange normally when I open it it opens on my maps Bristal to leads there we go Med STS and the local Council charged whoever crashed into a railing for a replacement and never replaced them it says I’m on the rout right no it still says I’m miles off the route what bit of road when he go back up don’t know let’s find out steam past office says are we be white oh God can’t see the screen says my brother had an opal manter that he crashed into a telephone call VT charged him for it to be replaced and it’s still leaning 30 years later right so I think I’ve got to go straight over this straight over think does it I think if we go through the town we should be good yeah says sorry left to get cheesecake farting Martin 69 says it y was it strawberry yeah apparently if we turn we can cut through the the route I need to be on is to my uh literally to my uh right y says I love a day out in Stratford upon aen picnic by the canal restaurants are amazing we need someone to take the next video for the next place says no it’s a homemade to one we picked up from as Cafe yesterday that was nice that place wasn’t it it was pretty amazing let’s go says never distracted upon but I have been distracted East London yes sir oh it’s pretty just think his little Z3 and my little golf will annihilate it like it’s said it for breakfast I can’t wait to get back home and drive my car I can see the co so straight on let’s go it’s busy busy busy think I’m going to do a hop God this cheat I’m not going all the way around veryy your right yeah that’s what I’m thinking about we we find somewhere up here we do it over this way oh yeah there we go it’s not very pictures though is it there’s a park over there let’s get over there let’s get over there further we go in there it’s really busy and then uh we do it from in there says can the says it’s really nice over there it’s busy busy busy over there oh yeah butterfly farm that I need to service the bike as well my gears ain’t working half the time steam offer says it’s a tourist track yeah it is mate it is very much so [Music] we’ll go over here by the bridge and then uh I’ll make the video and then we’ll get back on the road yoube says it’s a lovely God that’s hot like it is baking [Music] [Music] oh yeah we get along here get the phone ready we do a quick video Ste 22 only yeah I’m turning TT off so I can do this video there we go all right let’s get this done right hopefully we get this done see if we can get this quickly hi everyone I’m Clive this is Clive’s adventures and we’ve reached Strat for upon aen so yeah only a few miles to go and uh we’ll be heading towards centry so let’s get it catch up soon don’t forget to check out the links below right what I do if we get we get that edited now I’ll get that up on the on the on Instagram and then uh uh where can we go to do some Instagram stuff uh nice uh TTS is back on everyone so said I’ll pay the ten to go on the F wheel to do your video you can well you’re going to ring him ring him up and prebook for me right Let’s Escape here’s my route here route actually comes through here so K says too busy here for me yeah that’s why I’m get I’m escaping now I’m not going to buy anything around here cuz as you said it’s it’s tourist crap y says I’m guessing you’ve pre-planned your destination for tonight as I was late to the party today no no I just I’m plan I’ll just plan tonight where I stop mate wherever we get to I’m hoping to get to centry uh if we can get through centry that’ll be even better uh we’ll see uh so I’m on says it does get hectic there especially at the end of the school holidays steam past office says K is yeah I like lots of people on the TV so I can turn off well we’re on Route anyway let’s go let’s get it says you get to Travel Lodge is uh is it Sam said it was 33 has it gone down so the Travel Lodge this morning was uh she transferred me 50 Quid so I think I’m pretty good for uh [Applause] tonight we should be good we should be good y says I do know I was looking last night yeah it was 33 earlier but I feel that I haven’t really done that well today already feels like I’m a bit slow [Music] [Applause] she just go down the High Street and so everyone raising money scan the code I haven’t got the balls to do it steam office says we’ve noticed yeah y says I’m trying to get one destination ahead of you now it’s it’s a long stretch from eim to centry y says especially in 20 heat yeah it’s definitely warming up I’ve lubed my legs up for you mate don’t get too excited you might have to get uh Miss YY to get a a wet towel and put it on your forehead might be working you up I was going to say Kate you’re f it long long as you’re on your bike keep him keep him off full reflection legs yeah I’m uh I look like a satellite when I go past you know like glowing up in the sun I was going to say to Katie uh it’s not too bad though if you’re on a bike because you can easily just escape with all the [Applause] crowds what I really hate is the people that walk past me and then just stand in front of me and stop you deserve to get [ __ ] run over like I see you coming look at you eye contact and then stop ah y says have you been pass to post office to get any stamps yet no s says I H with a cat the other day just sat down in front of my cats will do anything for strokes says L well they say they got nine lives maybe he was trying to see if he how many he’d got he was testing it titties oh sorry titton titties offic say he was hoping to get rid of the final LF final life yeah steam cast offer says and you just let him they’re all disappointed so because I’m going to zanti and we’re going to be on the beach most of the day I’m going to have to put the blur function on I reckon pretty much the whole time says I’ve only just realized that the halfway point is just south of car D yes steam P offer says left steam past offer says how to type in heat yeah going to Zan i’ got to be really careful I don’t get a ban I remember when I went back to when I was in zanti what in my 20s God it’s cuz it’s like where all the youngsters go my son will just be giggling the whole holiday which will be quite amusing like if we catch him doing anything we look over in his little face she just goes bright red we’re like would you look at no no no oh it’s proper funny [Applause] oh being a Sunday I thought there’d be a lot more people coming in to Sayo I don’t normally stream on Sundays y says we’re all outside getting the T or getting burnt you mean everyone’s getting who’s out like who goes out and gets a tan who’s a sun wor worshiper [Applause] steam past office says a red T says Lobster [Applause] mode the I think I’m going to have a drink uh go oh God when I look up in here I lose all my balance take breath Bader did anyone else hold breath with uh what you call it when y says F show got my mic with me hey he left me I’ve been deserted steamcast office says it yakes so only 39 days if they [Music] [Music] I need a Pringles can and a playing card I can do that noise for [Applause] it really didn’t help mate oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yuk says hope you’re turning left soon this is a lot of easly Direction it’s going to be to avoid the hills mate that’s what it is there probably be Hills on the North yeah it’s probably what it is just avoiding heels stin off says the four loans got him whoa a little B little bit of wind got me oh come on go go go go go steer says ha says b blah a no F the farm Shop’s right if it was right on the road I’d go in it it is really hot Go pass go [Music] on they’re pretty quick there aren’t they I just don’t like the sound of the gear change it’s clever y says DSG fart yeah office says it y you’re attracting all the Sheep I’d love DSG in my with power it’s got but I don’t like the sound of the uh gear change I like mine War bang War bang and when I say bang for anyone who’s Haven hasn’t heard it it’s it’s like a it’s like a gun shot out of a very big gun it’s not just a pop it’s a [ __ ] explosion it’s cuz the uh the map was done for California and not the UK so it’s it needs remapping really y says it’s a sea of Thieves Cannon yeah pretty much e I right foot path coming up I look for this road [Applause] here is it this one I’m not sure let’s stop here just to say probably look is this one yeah it’s just delayed [Applause] [Applause] ah I need to start drinking a lot more but I can’t it’s like I’ve got a lamp I can’t swallow any more water it’s like I’ve got a blockage it was pretty that little house Garden Center it’s very pretty lot of private estate you can go through looks at it I like the fence oh [Music] [Applause] oh yeah C simp did you redo anti de did you redo anti- Lobster cream uh oh how often do you do it then there’s me I never normally wear it I’ve only put it on today just cuz I thought I’d give them a bit of a uh a starting chance but yeah normally I don’t use Sun cream my knees just normally get really red I don’t normally burn them uh as for my arms I go I got quite a olive skin when I get tanned I was more worried about my nose cuz I always seem to burn my nose y says remember G up naked Death guy from Family Guy that’s I suppose that’s one one way of stopping people grabbing you if you just cover yourself in Sun cream you just slip away steamcast offer says hard to kidnap someone who’s slippery in sunscreen play sunscreen on dies all right playing sunscreen on [Applause] diesa that’s not what I wanted I want his sunscreen for whatever his name was play sunscreen on diesa sure playing sunscreen on [Applause] dieser I give up who was it by anyone know it was by y says l m AO kosa says LOL steam offer says play sunscreen [Laughter] on who is the oh the sun says playing [Music] sunscreen oh God I got real Ike says bman wasn’t it B that’s it play sunscreen by Bas lurman on diesa got it here’s the album Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen the sunscreen song class of 99 on diesel thank you YY ladies and gentlemen says everybody where sunscreen if I could one tip of the future sunscreen would be it the long-term benefits of sun the rest more I will dispense this advice now enjoy the power and beauty of your youth never mind you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they faded but trust me in 20 years you look back at photos of way you can’t Gras now how much possibility for you fa like by chewing re Tres in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind time that blindsides you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday do one thing every day that scares you s don’t be Reckless with other people’s hearts don’t put up with people who are Reckless with [Music] yours don’t waste your time and jealous sometimes you’re ahead sometimes you’re dead the race is lo I can’t hear it cuz the [ __ ] forget the insults if you succeed in doing this tell me keep your old l sh [Applause] take for [Applause] [Applause] y says have you ever watched the YouTube program top ones no I don’t think I have we’re not on it then are we [Applause] y says interview show where they eat hot wings that get hotter and hotter oh ah just done it I think I se yeah I think I’ve seen a clip of it on H Tik Tok but I’ve never watched it [ __ ] look at the size of that hole [ __ ] hell did you see that ain’t that one says steam ster says it I I saw something similar on Aussie’s World Tour [Music] I’ve got a really bright white Mercedes I know what I’m going to do I’m going to tape up the Bonnet and the roof and paint them matte black minutes show steam offer says or whatever his travel program was called ho re lamb beef and mutton meat matters it does [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] says you think YP says you said mutton I just want the clip for the L Bank [Applause] okay Sam went to me this morning are you alive you haven’t messaged me I’m like well no cuz I’ve literally I get up I’ve got to get off the campsite can’t do anything I didn’t even go live until the 21 oh I found some cool space let’s see if we can book Hotel UK coverage 2% of the time uh close that c says AFK that’s take me on a different route this is taking me on this route the other rout is taking me out through there look so that must be a slightly different route look Ste says we can’t see the phone you can’t oh that’s all right then [Music] is that all right y says I think I get back into pedling to North Wales [Music] room where’s whoop whoop that’s 24 mile away though D we can make that at least book that I can get there late can’t I doesn’t matter what time I get to the hotel so let’s book so what was that that says 29 but when I go like that it says 39 steam past offer says yea just write a note in the booking that you might arrive late y says where are you trying to book I’ll hunt for a discount code uh Travel Lodge but I can’t see the [ __ ] phone one adult accessible room right check in today check out tomorrow search okay y says travel 25 sorry mate gigg not right now yeah [ __ ] hell travel 25 well you got that one there b says travel 25 is coming up for a 25% off Cod say sorry bad yeah sa the only one I can find say a good [Music] I’m going to try and search for one without a cuz I done accessible room where did it find oh it’s the same here it is travel AR [Music] all right look so we got this should be an accessible room one out at one night double [Music] beds fait extras massage breakfast first now your breakfast is [ __ ] pets Wi-Fi don’t need Wi-Fi 9 all right bear with me a minute now [Applause] come on come on it’s not going through why is it not going through bear with me just trying to pay for this it won’t let me pay by Google pay for some reason y say say I can try looking it play Silly [Applause] buers I’m just waiting for it it’s taking ages just Wai uh page to load says you don’t have much signal mind the stream is in and out y says steam just his sheep sh should make the check in fun again CU just being I think it’s starting off be a car [Music] yeah up says booking it under little Willer uh no I’m already booking it mate your travel code didn’t work or your disc your discount y says it’s probably got some secret terms and conditions why why’d you say that mate I’m paying for it now right I’m waiting for text code y says okay yeah I read the terms and conditions and the code is for a booking in July not June oh okay oh all done all I got to do this cyle 17 Mile and then oh God I’m CR on my arm for right swap water over just put a tablet in it say SS live oh yeah good one mate it’s good you know how to do that because otherwise we’d be screwed wouldn’t we says 17 miles travel with summer fruits that one I didn’t realize that let put another little bit in summer fruit is mixed with a bit of grapefruit [Music] yeah MR2 is everywhere must have been a car show oh I just got a shot a tablet wow T cancel cancel your phone you bell end I didn’t know you could do that did you know you could do that look gy sponges says no no nor did I you can make it bigger or smaller with two fingers oh you learn something new every day Peter F says potatoes we know know Pete [Applause] [Music] continue on a429 fors are you staying at a hotel tonight uh I’ve just booked a hotel hotel is booked the hotel is 17 Mile Away so we’ve got a we’ve got a bit of a push y says BR so says giggity sponges greetings it’s going to be nearly 40 miles [Music] [Applause] YY sponges says hey y says love it when a pach arrives with his G sponges says zap up all that power goodness say welcome back yig says WB at Kos gigy sponges says how many batteries have you gone through uh I’ve only got four with me but the batter I use so I’m getting two days out of the batteries out of these ones gigg s says that’s really good Peter says ffs I can’t type the [ __ ] y says we’ve noticed it peteran V is 22 miles says using vibrat too muches sponges show P say if you turn to Qui he needs to F I see it I need to get over there says World fixes the Glitchy oh here’s the shed world’s fastest shed welcome to what thank you g for joining the community I need to get over but hang onina that’s it Ed China yeah [Applause] yes Ed China right the cycle that says take me up that way in half a mile turn right onto National cycle Route 41 cuz don’t know I’ve got two different routes I’ve got Google there national highway so we must be right near the motorway Peter F says Colin f is my hero with the word’s fastest mobility scooter that was pretty Legend for Peter says sh yeah following though to do it [Applause] been along this enough times mate have we [ __ ] you future so long [ __ ] ZR 125 lump on your bike B keep the pedal sorry I think pet might found that funny oh [ __ ] holding my money back cuz they wanted my system [ __ ] you tight [ __ ] run squirrel run if they paid out for the system I ass for in the first place wouldn’t have [ __ ] happen would it tight [ __ ] pet F says there are a bunch of retards matey no they’re just tight [ __ ] tight that’s all it is [Applause] tight but that’s how you get money mate to be quite honest you have to be tight you know how me he whistles when he walks turn right onto National cycle Route 41 Stratford Road uh in a quarter of a mile at the roundabout continue straight to stay on National cycle Route 41 strapford Road they threw away everything they had and ended up with Gavin yeah well they don’t the thing is don’t want to pay the money they want stupid people that will work for [ __ ] peanuts that’s what they want and don’t get me wrong I was happy on what I was paid but I weren’t going to do any [ __ ] more for it I done my job I W working in the workshop [ __ ] them and they done what I wanted they made me redundant which is exactly what I wanted so I could get out of there and get paid for it that’s all I [ __ ] wanted was to leave cuz i’ had enough of [ __ ] [ __ ] they asked you to manage it then change the [ __ ] goalposts n [ __ ] off so I just act like a goodie two shoes and uh say the right things in the right times and boom I’m gone uh where we going where’s this telling me to go no it’s not to me says yeah because you misread and thought it said penis I I was I was telling yaty how uh you know when I got I got called in the office because C office says pen is broken they called me in the office because of in inappropriate comments in the workshop and they said oh we’ve got a lady in the workshop now you’ve got to watch what you say and she was worse than we were and then she told me to stick him in her drawers the next morning and I was like surely that’s a bit Peter Ben says s it’s a bit early for comments like that [ __ ] Legends [Applause] pet says that was [ __ ] yep where do you want to put work stick it in my drawers and I was like after yesterday surely it’s a bit early for comments like that she we just put on my [ __ ] desk [ __ ] priceless I win all we wanted to do was do a really good job we en thing is we had pride in what we did that was the funny thing I had so much pride in what I done that’s the thing if you go to work and you enjoy what you’re doing you can’t [ __ ] argue but once it gets to a point where you don’t like what you’re doing P says honestly future geriatrics can suck my balls y yeah if you’re in the same situation mate if you’re not liking it then uh there’s always something better mate out there you just got to find it like you probably I don’t want to do a full time like I could go and work for someone else but I’d never work fulltime it’ just be a part-time filling in job kind of thing I was looking at like charity work and stuff like that so I get to do different bits and pieces welcome to wari there we go we’re in Warick all these cars should go down to London because they can all go in London customers always were happy to see us that was I think that was what pissed her off mate says is this where Davis is from war Davis I’m not sure I don’t know where he comes from he’s from Star Wars is he he’s a [ __ ] Legend as well it always makes me laugh that sketch with him uh War Davis dressed as a frog with uh Ricky ja says do you have knees do I have knees I have ner says yeah he used to be a bear yeah I’m laughing says Pilkington asked him if he had knees oh what gets me there was there was a program it was all on it right and there was after they said cuz he made the joke about the front says Adventures has special needs too and uh what Davis said like that we’ve all been friends for years he said like he said what’s not funny he said but everyone else gets offended not them they find it hilariously funny let’s get on the road oh someone’s got carry cooking smells good someone’s got the carry on [Applause] oh I was going to tell you about this so Sam when Sam was looking at the campsites you’ve got to be careful some of them are swinging [Applause] campsites oh have [ __ ] E knocking should be knocking on my tent going [Applause] hello I want to play with you pet says stay away from a Adventures after a curry the race Hawks War steam P or a banana oh do you know I haven’t eaten any bananas today I should eat some bananas I’ve got eggs as well I’ve got soft eggs in boiled eggs in the uh in the back Peter says it’s Ste steam officers that explains the lack of party oh yeah no b bananas yeah it’s made a big difference is it I have got some though but because it’s so hot I just want to get a push a right go slow Peter F says Bob R is a adventure speciality what you all about you cheeky shits oh says your colorful bowel movement low ah this is a fun Hill I think we’re going all the way up as well oh carrot oh look at that that must have cost a few quick to [Applause] restore right I’m going to go up under the arch cuz that would be better here we go let’s go through just think how long this has been here [Applause] Peter F says Ash might have something nice up here a cake shop or something that’s what I could do with Kus s says cake cake need cake have a bit of dust fat fighters anybody have a bit dust my mom used to prop properly get the giggles to that my dad really never got it he was like says I hope you had a proper corish pasty before you started off I had a couple of pasties mate uh they just made me a little bit gassy but would you agree everyone this has been uh for everyone who’s been with me and seeing this it’s quite an Epic Journey getting to see all of these places and right buying gold right where’s my in 200 yards turn right onto Castle Hill a429 Castle Hill I think we’re going to go down through that yep turn right onto Castle Hill a429 then turn left onto Smith Street oh they’ve woke up they’ve woke up turn left onto Smith Street A4 4 29 oh in 300 y turn to centry Road National cycle Route 41 says your heart rate ain’t working lately my heart rate is not working all right mate thank you for letting me know I will restart it as soon as I can lots of [Applause] bumps uh hang on Network connecting go back stop right you should be able to see my heart right now that fixed say working now thank you yep I thought it would be that’s my heart rate there’s a lot of work has gone into getting this to work Pete there’s more this is more technical than pretty much anything future could probably manage on their own they’d have to get Salon turn left onto Coventry Road National cycle Route 41 yeah I’m going off I’m going off the uh continue on centry road for 34 of a mile you again uh just to let you know uh have you got Amazon Prime P have you got Amazon pet says yeah right go to Google type in twitch Prime yeah twitch Prime link your Amazon Prime to Twitch you can then sub me for free yeah so go online now and type in uh it goes off on one of the adverts but if you link the two you can then uh go into go into Subs it’ll say free sub and you can sub me and you won’t have any adverts and you get loads of extras as well don’t take it takes five minutes to link it it’s on the it’s on the screen somewhere Peter F says okay on it thanks yeah and then you can sub me it won’t cost you any money yeah youd have to watch the adverts then the link is somewhere it was in uh I don’t know if we’ve got it as a command uh hang on I’ll put it in chat mate if I can find it I’ll copy it and put it in chat for you it doesn’t go off very often Peter F says well hurry up because I need you to help do my rear drop link once you’re back again LOL oh here we go there you go click that link and that will take you to Twitch Prime and then you can log into your Amazon CU twitch is owned by Amazon if you didn’t know that mate so link the two together and then you can sub me for free so I get paid and you don’t have to do anything well apart from sign up gigy sponges says f e e e free yeah it’s not a bad deal is it Peter supported me since I first started streaming anyway so I remember Gavin used to as well bless him when I was one of the crew [Applause] if you won the lottery though this is what you want to be doing win the lottery [ __ ] buying a big house you don’t need it just travel just travel until the day you die you don’t need to own anything all you need to do is go and see the world see the world every day starts raining go somewhere hot gets too hot go somewhere cold just just travel and spend your life just chatting to people around the world and meeting people I think that’s what I’ve liked in most about the streaming I’ve got to meet and chat to people from all around the globe and ask questions that I’ve always wondered which has been nice but you get to come to the UK and see if we CU we think it’s [ __ ] we’re like look at this [ __ ] we live here in 300 yards at the roundabout continue straight onto centry Road National Route 52 please don’t be any cars coming I’m building up speed to get around this roundabout exit the roundabout onto Coventry Road continue on centry road for 3/4 of a mile nice we did it [Applause] says om line in probably food oh yeah yeah we need to feel F fuel the fire a little bit now finished breakfast I don’t taste of anything it’s like there’s no seasoning y says you’ll be doing the old ice bucket challenge later I it’s nice to see people doing stuff for IRL streamers I’d have never seen it I think it’s fantastic especially since I was once a bike rider and this trip is epic to me thanks CL oh you’re welcome you’re very welcome you I mean I feel very very honored that people are watching me do this uh I think that was the thing when like I streamed I kept asking myself am I going to stream it is it worth the aggro and it has been because although it is a bit of a nightmare and bits and pieces you lot have stayed with me and follow follow on my Journeys So yeah thank you for coming out for the uh for the rides even though the signal sometimes is a bit [Applause] rubbish ah [Applause] and it’s making me want to do it even more like it hurts pulling this much weight hurts gigity sponges says can you feel that I can feel it mate in my legs but I need to go and catch some other cyclist and I need to overtake them sponges says 26 [Applause] let’s go ready here we go G sponges says get a z TI I always find it amusing when I got this much weight going past all them cyclists can I get off this curb I don’t think I canes I was oh yeah [Applause] I need water help me I need water help we [Applause] [Applause] in 200 yards at the roundabout continue straight onto National Route 52 wari [Applause] Road uh we’re going oh we’re going off here we’re going to the left [Applause] exit the roundabout onto National Route 52 in a quarter of a mile at the roundabout continue straight to stay on National Route 52 War Road one says hello hello we done him we’ve done them excuse me let’s get rid of that there’s not room for that how you doing Sam you’re all right y says Hi Sam 91 says we’re good yeah yeah I’m good1 says Hey y says F you will get upill faster Le won the warier I think I’ve been around this little road before there’s some really really nice roads out here m91 says did you decide on hotel or not it’s book already all done we stopped halfway looked at our options booked the hotel he F says we both have say M’s 91 says which one the close one whatever the close one was y says five star Hilton with Spar package [ __ ] off don’t make me laugh you little [Applause] [ __ ] F Mell 91 says at Peter you too’s 91 says was it still 32 uh yeah 31 3199 exit the roundabout onto National Route 52 continue on War Road for two miles [Applause] [Applause] say melly’s 91 says there you go I got you breakfast hotel and even change for dinner I’m amazing I probably won’t have dinner to be quite honest I’ve got enough food on me [Applause] uh I’ll save that for tomorrow uh y says the dream of not pissing about with attent Sam a [Applause] best Peter F says if FM’s 991 year were both okay time be glad when they re open the road from The [Applause] Strand person 91 says next Sunday is F’s birthday oh they’re catching me I’m seeing how long I can push it for says if FM’s 91 he’s still looking older than me [Applause] M 91 says that we just came past there and had to detour and then had to detour atland if that’s closed [Applause] 91 says did you book an accessible room y says added to calendar live 76th birthday Peter F says a PM’s 91 year I know it’s a [ __ ] show at the mo welcome to Clive’s Adventures thank you87 thank Q wake 87433 wake how you doing welcome in welcome in welcome to the live stream I’m Clive this is Clive’s Adventures we’re about a third way on the log route so that’s Land’s End to JN Gres Southwest point to Northeast point of the United Kingdom so yeah welcome along for the journey sit back relax let us know whereabouts you are in the world that’s always nice and uh yeah 91 says fa I’m pleased you’ve got a room I know you’re not fussed but just a much easier convenient evening I’ll be a a this is quite a h oh God [Applause] desmell 91 says it was funny watching watching [Applause] what what a [Applause] Miss Peter says come on May you can do it M 91 says people waiting for you to poop [ __ ] yeah I clip that oh yeah we clip the idiot so we can uh review it later [Applause] [Applause] the rider that went the other way she went live streaming that’s all I heard her say was live streaming steamcast offer says ni with a clip of your Tourette [Applause] my Tourette did I get did I call it uh did he get me calling a [ __ ] P says at Adventures have you been through drive through McDonald’s yet no we done Gregs Gregs told me to go to the window a lot we’re closed but if you go to the window off says I think it did okay Peter F says you got a charity bucket for you no it’s all done on the barcode mate I was going to put the barcode on the screen but it’s pointless if you do exclamation mod so do exclamation about socials click the link go to my link tree and if you have a look it says [Applause] fundraiser it’s all on there and if you go to there it’ll show you how many people have donated it shows you where I’ve I’ve gone all my roots on there as well gig sponges says socials Peter says you need one for help the hobos help the hobos the r Kenworth does that mean the place is full of dogs just saying cuz chav is I couldn’t say that without laughing oh sponges says more like heal the Sheep Kar says dogs dogs sorry thing is I watch oh what’s his name Paul Paul I watched Paul Smith and uh and oh god let’s go and Jimmy car far too much and it just bleeds over into normal life just my sense of humor [Applause] and 91 says we’re seeing him soon we are seeing him soon yes so we’re going to go and see Jimmy car says it gigg sponge is shame he could have gone by a wer and we’re going to see Paul Smith and he’s brutal thing is he doesn’t mean it it’s just him it’s just him having a laugh but it seems that he’s got a massive following now he’s done really well Peter F says fire whales for sheep even pet says I hate being dis sexy no don’t worry about that that’s a 200 y turn right that’s a minor issue2 you wonky legs probably the first thing I’d worry about don’t need spelling we get what you mean no one in here can spell anyway P says always get turn right onto Waverly Road a452 unor moo says back hi moo sponges said iint a while ago inpo oh Sam likes him continue on a452 for half a mile yeah Sam liked him didn’t you Sam Peter Fen says Jim Davidson is a kend I still like Jim Davidson but they’ve tried to silence him because he won’t agree he says stuff that’s 91 says I did not politically correct and all that stuff what do you mean you did what you gone off of him now what’s he done wrong Peter says not like he don’t back too much there we go there’s Kenworth train station over there look we’re in a ghost town I [Music] think FM 91 says how far you got uh well now I’ve got to this bit steam pass off how much a k now this bit I don’t know I don’t look Sam to be quite honest I don’t like knowing cuz otherwise you’re like oh [ __ ] I’ve still got five miles to go so I don’t like looking I’ve not got it down there either look it doesn’t show how far I’ve gone cuz I prefer not to know that way I just keep pushing [Applause] otherwise I’m like for [ __ ] sake I’ve still got like 15 Mile so I just don’t look in 200 yards turn right onto the blunders the blunders says M’s 91 says Fair do yeah it’s uh it puts a limit on it otherwise so yeah it’s quite nice not knowing oh but it’s uh there melly’s 91 says we’ve been with tea this afternoon is she right dead quiet around here like you think everywhere else I’ve been it’s been really loud and noisy I’ll get here turn right onto the blundel I’ll can turn it down [Applause] M’s 91 says going to spend next Sunday with her and Jackie uh I think he wants me to go through here that’s going to be fun to get through oh yeah that’s easier I’m going to do that will it fit don’t think so got the I’ll keep forgetting about them [Applause] oh [Applause] God can we get fre up we did it we did it oh in 200 yard turn right onto albian Street oh right so through here IED out the other side oh God so heavy done it right oh yeah I forgot about the uh I’ve got poles on the back and the girl said I don’t think your poles are going to fit no there we don’t we’ll get there turn right onto albian Street that’s a nice little cut through in a quarter of a mile continue on to stonely Road you think I’ll probably never go through any of these again you still with me Mo she pops in and then disappears normally on me sponges says 30 miles oh okay so if we’ve done 30 miles it’s a few more miles continue onto stonely road then turn left onto Forge Road turn left onto Forge Road then continue on to kenel with Greenway project hang on where am I going where am I going where am I going yeah going this way when you go past no it is that way is that way let’s go that way turn right onto Forge Road then continue onto korth Greenway project right where are we going continue on kennor Greenway project for half a mile oh that would be nice bit of shade for a little while oh let’s have a look been for a few of these didn’t [Music] way oh yeah sponges says you’re going past crack ke says I think got there that’s right I’ve done lots of hills I’ve come all the way from Land’s End yeah Cornwall and Devon was the worst oh go I can imagine so yeah this is this is a breeze now enjoy the rest of your day did not want to interact did not want to interact she was like oh just go away that’s what she wanted to say I love talking to people like that on purpose [Applause] maybe I should have put great almond straight on the back [Applause] bags but I didn’t want to ruin the bags CU I might choose change choose to do something else later on so I done the barcode so I could change it on the [Applause] website just have little Banner thing on the front Manny says welcome to C’s Adventures Thanksgiving sponges for joining the community giggity’s been with us he’s been with us for years we have to tell him off every now and again man says hi mate how you doing oh there’s the railway to the right of us right now K says I feel like I being here a week now you she’s already had enough she’s like I need to leave now thanks for uh thanks for staying with [Applause] us I’m really looking forward to a hotel it’ be nice to get uh although the other place have showss oh how do how do that’s all you get around here how do lot of how do instead of Hells steam offer says watch [Applause] time yeah mate oh I left the flag on I think the flag yeah the flag’s still behind me the flag was to give him uh fun yeah in 200 yard take The Pedestrian over okay please don’t be steps he’s done that to me twice now take The Pedestrian overpass then turn left onto cry Road okay so we go over here no ST well apparently there’s a footpath going down to my left somewhere somewhere along here left onto cry thanks that’s all right [Applause] continue on a429 for one month while [Applause] [Applause] okay apparently there’s a cycle path up on that path oh looks like putting another road through then are they go go go go go oh come [Applause] on okay I was thinking the bridge was going over the top of that but look the road’s going underneath it big things happening around here [Applause] so byby Countryside putting a road for it [Applause] all right oh yeah [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] that back muscle hasn’t been hurting as much today not one I’ve been cycling anyway it was hurting this morning when we was eating when I was having [Applause] breakfast fly little bird fly [Applause] ah I think I’ve been [Applause] bitten there a creaking and cracking noise coming from [Applause] somewhere just making sure my frame isn’t going I’m really surprised it hasn’t but it’s a super lightweight aluminium frame and when this isn’t fully loaded it doesn’t weigh anything it is really light well I think it’s really light I’d like to know how much it weighs actually we have to weigh everything when I get back but uh yeah it’s a it’s a nice little bike I used to use it for off-roading through the woods and doing small jumps [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we’ve still got a few to go in 200 yards at Jibber Hill roundabout continue straight onto korth Road A4 29 Ste pass 37 to go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] B to plunges head J his taill [Applause] St says next to give says oh [Applause] [Music] hope he knows he left his side door open well I find out when he slams the brakes on and his door shuts continue on a429 for Miles that’s a big hill in it that so is there we go [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh yeah they’re a bit Bros h [Music] y says those bananas need burning or turning into bread well what’s wrong with them they’re bruised cuz I keep put them in a bag m [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] says she’s judging your banana right [Applause] m [Applause] [Applause] have you uh has anyone seen Maggie seasoning liquid it’s like a little it’s like a little bottle with a little red top it’s got like a brown liquid in it it’s called Maggie seasoning uh if you’ve never tried that on your eggs it is amazing like my my son and my daughter they’re like potato can I put Maggie on it cuz I started doing it and they’re like couple of drips of Maggie on your in your egg Seas Maggie uh m m a g g i e I think I think it’s spelled it’s like a beefy salt salt salty beefy flavor uh they do a spicy one as well but I love uh I get a lot of Bal EG cut it in half couple of splashes on the yolk a little grind of black pepper and uh oh that makes a brilliant little [Applause] [Applause] snack you doing Pacman child right [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] ah [Applause] [Applause] motor [Applause] Fest Lan yeah it’s a bit they don’t really give you much [Music] today I’ll get what you mean yeah yeah you expected to pull over and stop uh oh garlic really strong really B good strong of uh smell of garlic de offer says you’re probably the third cyclist in the area sponges says well I’m not actually the log route is over to my right by a couple of right miles so I’m not actually running on the little jog [Music] route wow this is a bad [Applause] route am we in the way oh okay I take go red turn on Kor ro9 uh seems like continue on a429 for one and a half miles yeah it’s uh it’s been a nice day mate to be quite honest I’m trying to keep out the sun under some of these so I don’t get too sun burnt how no brakes doing today oh sorry after [Applause] you yeah I’ll let him go past [Applause] yeah we’ve done [Applause] 26 it’s Sunday mate you won’t find anywhere yeah you won’t find anywhere but I’ve got all my roots all my straa roots I’ve got my live [Applause] stream like I can send it off to them and say please check live stream 1 2 3 4 like literally they’re all on going to be on YouTube so all the proof is there of me saying about forgetting the post office sponges says we can try tomorrow for a stamp but [Applause] I’m thinking he crossed over for a reason ayle over there yeah y for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I think it was a stick that just jumped up [Music] oh lost him of water 4.6 M to go ah it’s all good I thought we were just around the corner rubbish that’s why I don’t like looking that’s what I said the Sam earlier you look at it and you go ah I thought I was there [Applause] no I thought it was there I thought nearly there oh we’re going forgot the outside have we got the inside outside outside 91 says the miles to the overall Journey deast offer says it says’s 91 you made him TR himself yep thought we made that nearly what’s he waiting for [Music] [ __ ] know he’s holding everyone up what he he’s like it’s a red light yeah but that’s not to you [Laughter] dick oh it’s funny though though he was being over cautious it’s cuz the people were crossing he thought oh it’s red because I’ve got to let them across when you haven’t and even the people cross him were like uh no dude you got to go you got to go and then he pulled away and went damn I’m an idiot I thought that bird then was a gner road ahead closed don’t tell me that I ain’t going back [Applause] ask [Applause] [Applause] emotional damage Martin and giggy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sponges steer says he would have fun Mar 69 says how are you doing doing well doing well mate doing well it [Music] yeah oh [Applause] have turn you up now can’t hear you right where are we going to end up in 200 yards the roundabout continue straight onto War Road A4 no get in there mate get in there Vis are down cry station here we go I wonder if I can get through let’s ask this guy where you going love Yeah m round is there any chance of getting is there any way through on bike or walking or Y continue straight to stay on War Road what is it going on there uh it’s the motorfest as soon as you get the pedestrian area everyone to way around to get past it yeah apparently uh because the whole of the the Ring Road is is one like one circuit so the only ways through it I mean you go through on foot that’s problem the vehicles is belovely Nightmare they had so how far is it to walk about I’ve not done it myself uh literally this will be my little world for a while yeah but if you go you see there’s a BL stand in the back of the panel Val I think so well where the cars are just turning you look past them and loaded up uh if you sort of go down the right hand side of that I think past all that boarding all that shoting go down there and for des access is on the right hand side so you can cross the road there and look down and go big road um no car uh but I suppose it’s just goingon to be ring it all the way through there’s a sign map over there that that’s I’ll follow it right the problem is what happens people people don’t see it and I walk past them and they walk into try theyel should be a straight Ah that’s all right I’ll blast if I get lost I got sat now but thanks anyway mate thank you let’s go turn left towards manah House Drive then turn left turn left towards Mana House Drive then turn right [Music] go don’t take any of what you [Music] [Applause] said Drive then turn right onto man house drive so I’ve actually closed the whole road to do it that’s quite fun k a a a c h o w all right we got to work our way around [Music] [Music] then excuse me is this a do you know if this is a way through is this a way to get through oh okay uh oh hang on I think we can go up here there’s a road over here let’s try this one so they’ve closed onto Park Road they’ve closed the underpass and turned it into like a racetrack by the looks of it that’s that’s some [ __ ] doing is it in 200 yards turn left onto Quinton road so you got the got the fly under look 69 says click gy sponges says 35 miles nice marting Martin 69 says clip well go and dump the bags back off at the hotel come out on the bike see if we can get around this way turn left onto Quinton Road in 50 yards at the roundabout take the second exit onto new Union Street oh here we go look mate this is a better place to stand it’s full of idiots up there [Music] they’re racing around the whole that’s some planning is it to shut a city down just to do some racing look at this look I should bring my car up here they want to play yeah I don’t know I’ve got a do you know M1 golf VW M1 golf yeah yeah I’ve got a Cabret one with a 300 brake horsepower V6 engine in it so it’s really small doesn’t look special [Music] But Here Comes Driving Miss [Music] Daisy run now I’m like radi I’ve got people all over the world watching me okay uh but I’ve cycled from Land’s End in the South so the furthest south point of the UK and I’m cycling all the way to the Scotland one go and my one would leave it absolutely would leave that yeah I think need some faster Mark 1’s down here we need to get mine out mine’s broken though I broke it before I come away it’s got so much power the the shaft that goes to the wheel is broke broke it I don’t know can you you now I don’t know this guys start calling me the what cuz you’re not allowed anyone filming or oh are you not getting bored I just get bored I just enjoy watching the the good thing of being up here if they can roll they can crash we’re safe that’s what I like it [Music] here says it’s broken and needs rebuild again yeah we always break you we [Music] that you know what before I go show you my car see we can find mine says they have a NASCAR race in Chicago next month oh do they last year as well pet says C you haven’t missed [Music] much oh my God yeah so oh so look looks like that but has that under the Bonnet with a supercharger so doesn’t look fast but is fast uh yes uh it’s fun when you’ve got someone who spent like 100 Grand on a I don’t know Mercedes AMG and we pull away and I go by and I’ve only spent 35 Grand yeah that’s it it’s crazy but yeah have a good day mate you got the best job in the world yeah yeah you like cars I like you if you like cars best job [Applause] [Music] trying to Fig a really good spot where I can sit where no one’s going to moan at me probably over there yeah if we sit over there and then no one’s going to moan right mate thank you exit the roundabout onto new Union Street then turn right on to little Park Street yeah we get here they can’t stop us from coming [Music] [Music] here I’m I’m live on the internet all around the world oh okay say hi I’m yeah you can say hello hello I’m cycling from from L end to John GRS oh okay well far that is far yeah but we’ve got all over and same time as this on to know this is on I didn’t know it was on I was coming through and I was like going they just closed the system yeah [Music] my car for here would sound better what you got uh 2.8 VR6 and a little M1 golf Cabret oh okay 300 brake does over 160 mph but for this I’d have to put the other gearbox back in cuz it’s well it gets to 160 and then like it feels like the car roof’s going to be ripped off yeah and it just the gears I the problem was it was revving out too quick to cruise so we l from the gears and they went we can’t get sixspeed I went oh he went well we can lengthen them he went if we put a diesel box in it and change the final drive he said it’ll make all the gears longer in okay I’m in fourth I’m like into Fifth and the revs just come like 60 MPH 2,000 revs it just ticks over but what is it VR6 yeah VR but they just sound a like straight through Cherry Bomb on it oh okay but you get that real raspy noise which it was the closest thing I could get to a as yeah Cannonball Run at the beginning with that note yeah I was like I had the VR6 I went I can’t of f one of them I can I can get one of them yeah it’s got a few Pistons missing a few but faster than a kunach an orig well probably faster than the original one cuz they weren’t that quick really not really they were just house brick on Wheels yeah so do they do this every year yeah yeah every year I need to come back to this is’s just crazy they do drifting yeah you miss that over in the can you dri can you drift on your games yeah cool but um yeah over in the where the POA bus station is cu it used to be one Junction round but they leveled God knows why they did it but they leveled the bloody car par it they brought it up to the same the Ring Road and then put a through Road through it and so why have you done that cuz that Arena was bigger than the one you’re now trying to do it in over there but again it’s counts a littleit I’m surprised they let this happen surprised they let this happen I know yeah it is quite surprising on yeah v70r I wouldn’t mind checking the v70r through this cuz that wouldn’t mind making that about the break yeah mine’s just under 300 and I think any I’d like to go more but it’s loses traction now that’s yeah that’s what I’m saying this is three this is 300 bra standard exing car yay for the m [Music] one are you clipping this lot you lot cuz you can do the Clips you’re in charge of doing all the clips so if you haven’t clipped yet it’s your problem uh [Applause] I’ve turned the speaker up I can’t hear you you have to [Music] shout there was bikes yeah there’s there’s my car oh okay that looks very nice yeah it is very yeah with that under the Bonnet it’s a bit of surprise no one knows it’s under the Bonnet until I’ve gone yeah that’s it got three air and and a water cooler as well the way that went my one go my one just goes what bang Bang Yeah literally so the kit I’ve gotten is from California okay so it over fuels a little [Music] bit yeah I got a couple got a couple of airs I saw the T-shirt I was like you’re a DB man I just dropped myself in it cuz I’ve just gone and bought another one well I think Pete’s in chat he’s my mate and he’s probably got that t-shirt I’ve got that cuz you have to go around collecting them yeah oh D I’m right you do minutes four minutes what are we going to have next hey boom they were doing bikes at the drifting Arena they were Wheeling around the oh were they earlier yeah that’s one of them oh [Music] [Applause] nice that thing that thing is a that’s a he had it like proper into a drift yeah I’ve just G and bought this from [ __ ] Northland oh nice and I got in it put [ __ ] half a tank of fuel in it oh up half a tank of fuel in it and it drove all the way [ __ ] back from North umland without missing a beat absolutely [ __ ] Immaculate M has gone [ __ ] nuts they’ also got a type two camper in the garage yeah no no more vws that’s it usle yeah I got to sell the be oh I used to go to all the VW festivals my little boy there you go see yeah we had a T4 camper well we had T4 done up as Herby it was called Herby the camper and it went to every show I want to drive that yeah that’s nothing else just that that but not on the streets no sundunes yeah that’s it fields and whatever else you know on 999 where they’re chasing you I so when I’m riding along I’ve got sounds that people at watch they can push the button and they can do sounds they can B people they can do turbos there somebody online doing a noise for him yeah they do it here they redeem them so all the events that have gone off oh okay and there you go see and this is what they can see hang on if I show you you’re on Twitch yeah yeah I’m on Twitch so that’s what they can see with the map and all the speeds and where we’re going and my heartbeat and everything else and your died in the [Laughter] corner who’s that who’s that old man [Music] yeah you are you as bad as my boy my boy went Daddy are you going to die soon I went why is that cuz this is when when he was about your age I why is that cuz when you die I’ll get the van yeah yeah I’ve I’ve already gotten fighting over my lot my oldest doesn’t want to sell the orange one I’ve had that for 20 years and then top with the green one cuz he’s just landed himself a cruise ship his first cruise ship U he’s just passed his degree in Dan and he was up like I said that came from North umland and he was up in Keeley which is just by leads so I went right I’ll go all the way up there and surprise him on the way back [Music] a bless and um yeah a bright light say rocked up in the car park they can all have if you don’t start the orange one we can all have one what do you mean you can all have one so we going do about the r you like grind all the rust out repan of I mean that was a that was a r red one was r [Music] CRA I turned up there look there his mate that was me bringing it back I just rocked up and he’s [ __ ] dog with two dicks you know he’s like what the [ __ ] he B another one was yeah he’s going away for 10 months so he won’t see it but I plan to lower that and put a decent set of wheels on it but I don’t know how cuz it just it found out that I didn’t realize until afterwards but the Reds rang about and I didn’t know why and I thought yeah whatever it just found out so happens it is is that the guy tag three owners from new right right really okay two of them are the type three type four Owners Club members so the guy that started the club in the first place yeah right so his he was the founder like the what they call us the um not the chancellor but he’s the guy that sort of started up the club in the first place and then because his son didn’t want to sell it or take it out of the family he was the next owner and I thought the only other owner that had it was the guy that I bought it off it and he had it six six months I think he said and then he lost the garage that he wanted to store it in so he had to sell it muggins here ended up buying it is out and the Bloody folder it’s got a [ __ ] folder like that of second it’s only ever come second place but God knows why but ever hit second place but sod in Volkswagen show Concourse to Elegance it’s been in it’s come second Stanford all v action [ __ ] hold up for whatever reason know why I went down to a show just to meet a few people parked it up in the car park and I got back it’s all surrounded they went it’s yours went yeah they went get it down the I went what I went I’m not in that he went no get it down there yeah [ __ ] one didn’t it that’s all right then I was like you know when you walk up and it’s like thing of shamee I’m likeit I’ve only just turned up and I’ve beat all of you yeah see somebody else yeah I’ve not seen a Nova yet what’s going on it must have got stolen from tell you what it was a dude in a um cream early mini and he come Kan and he didn’t even break from the chicane yeah he come through here early on about 2:00 I think we were watching it oh we’re at 97 come on we need a few more people in and make sure you smash a follow cuz I am streaming for cat oh my God he just missed that nice driving flying through there earlier like animal yeah they’re funny Bunch oh this thing look at this that corner through there I don’t know whether he was watching him but he come through near CLI that far corner waiting for him to come back full looped it off they closed it off and they’re now using it as the [Music] return here we go yeah next Junction just behind this building full loop to come back around and then back up otherwise they’ have to go all the way around the which should have been fun but that [ __ ] the it’s got so much power all it what is that though what engine uh it will probably be the V10 out of the cuz it’s it’s angry yeah a Martin like my golf sucks children off the pavement and tries to eat them that thing well yeah that’s it I said it’s something similar to what they same Eng they put in yast Martin so the equivalent would be what the um is it the f p is it no what’s that big Jack it’s now out now I think a Skyline on here would put that to shame oh yeah there is there’s been two R32s come through earlier on okay was quite they were going to quite quick like I say that mini pistol over a lot of them because it didn’t have to break I’ve only got like literally I’ve booked a hotel and it’s three mile away so we can stay around all for a couple of hours now and watch this got not much else to do I mean yesterday I mean last year they had some quite big Leon stuff going through but obviously they got to go for a lot slower because they can’t it’s only 3 mile away it’s booked in it so once I get there all I got to do is roll in yeah Will [Music] ENT crazy I haven’t got programmed so I couldn’t show you but there’s one on the floor could just pick it up I didn’t see it sorry but yeah I say the drift Arena would have been fun on your camera yeah but they were doing bikes he didn’t know going on so they were doing bikes I don’t know what he changed down for he could have come through there he could have come through there in a high gear if in doubt flat out there’s a front wheeel drive just plant it it’ be fine just hold your foot to the [Music] floor throw one of your Grim bananas didn’t create a truth patch all day long they’ve been on bananas because the heat they’ve gone started going brown they’re get rid of them bananas they ain’t Mario Kart you bunch of idiots yeah [Music] [Music] that’s you’ll get banned from he needs to carry more speed and stop going down the gears cuz if he come around that corner in third yeah I Reon it’s same that that whatever that is I reckon that engine in that is in that in G with a massive turbo this is it and it’s and weight ratio it looks like theyve stri that right back there’s a guy building a a dco rally out of a Range Rover Sport he’s just cut just dropped the shell on top [Music] nothing noise again we need to go you’re right I thought this was supposed to stop at five I think it’s because somebody had a crash earlier let put it back that’s what it is that’s what I’m waiting for yeah of noise see what I mean there’s another one coming and all and if I see a crash I want it to be really expensive yeah yeah EES yeah yeah yeah of some of them erasing to be honest 150 Grand bare minimum this guy’s giving it some beans see what I mean similar noise but hell of a lot heavier yeah so I reckon they’ve got that’s the same engine out or whatever that is I don’t it’s an F type or what I don’t know to be quite honest though the micros they’re a good little car they are really I up and dropped again right so I went [ __ ] so I’m driving along I to literally have the handbrake so I had some T to hold the engine higher and I’d stop and I’d like let like just let it off to put it down let it kiss and I thought it’s blowing I’ve broke the head studs I’ve broke them that’s fine so I drove all the way through people have B me I’m like just get out my way pulled up on the drive and i’ I’m like yeah it’s on the floor cuz exhaust come went right underneath on them yeah that’s right wrong my M around have you got a weld no my M has went on me engine fell out so we just took the whole front off and all it was was these little bit just a couple of little welds only like little strip welds to weld it back together but yeah that was a fun car that little 1.4 golf but when that was broken I borrowed a micro and it was the Auto yeah and it was the CVT so just like an elastic band what manting bik gearbox the way that works and you used to just foot on the brake foot on the acceler and drop it and the thing used to just take cuz it would spin up yeah and then it would drop but it would go all the way up to 90 mph and you’re like that and I was like this thing is quick really yeah not expensing for a m but they’re only a one they were a one ler but they don’t weigh anything I loved it and I said to him light I went can I modify it she why I went I want to change it she won’t let me change the suspension yeah see it was too that’s a straight through as well I don’t like it’s got any that’s why it’s making that noise it’s got no exhaust to it at all who but on the on the golf it’s running clip it’s running uh 225 45 15s so they’re like stup all around and toy proxies are tri8 so it does not really spin but I’d like to see what speed I could get through here yeah cuz it’s like a Formula 1 car all these cars are doing that got body roll mine doesn’t long as the roofs [Music] up yeah I’d have to be careful that curb though but but when I first when I first done it torque steer broke my fingers really yeah it’s it’s nasty if you’re coming along and you drop it down again and you on the Lorry tracks you’re in two lanes it just rips the wheel it’s horrible it might might be because you’ve got 205s two5 255s because they’re quite a wide tire they’re dropping in the tra so the tra [Applause] [Music] that’s uh we want to get the we want to get a crash before anyone else does and we get it [Laughter] online go on Grandad I’m not being funny but like I say 150 Grand I’m surprised he’s even racing it [Music] yeah he’s going down a gear too early don’t go down a gear you’ll carry more speed yeah yeah he’s absolutely ragging the crap out of it it’s cuz he’s used to off-road is it yeah I bet yeah that’s it I bet you that’s he’s a offroader car yeah only use second when you can’t break yeah that’s it when I first B I bought the free golf which was petza in the Stream and I’ve come down to one of the corners and I’ve got I’m like you know when you’re stamping and nothing I’m like there’s a right corner coming up and I went second dropped the clutch it’s gone up like that and as I’ve turned in I’ve just flipped and it’s gone like that and I’ve literally just gone full lock and held my foot to the floor and it just went round the corner and then we come down into the pits I’m like yeah no I’m [ __ ] handbrakes don’t think [Music] worked entire story for the golf yeah it brings back memories Pete you’ve been in most in most the things like when we crashed was going to drift around a roundabout and I went yeah watch this oh oh we didn’t go sideways and we just went straight on straight on into the curb down the bank yeah yeah well if you bear with us they’re just on a short tea break yeah cuz there was a load of cars coming as I’ve been cycling in and there was loads of uh mr2s a whole line of mr2s yeah that might well so if they got like a whole lineup of show cart right yeah it’s around the town center I mean most of it I would have said is probably be on his way home now so do you have to pay to get into it oh it’s just wow so I could bring my car up next year maybe next year’s event yeah I think we’re have to do this motorfest yeah um and just see if we can sort of find it for next year’s event get in well I’d live I’ll come up and live stream it because then I can make it an event this is it come for the two days there plenty of hotels there’s one there well I’ve just I can’t believe I me 30 quid of paper a hotel tonight yeah Madness yeah yeah yeah two weekends [Music] it inalar yeah you know what I mean you can do the whole event it’s normally over a weekend and like I say it’ll go from yeah if you’ve got I’ve got last year well this year I took a photograph of it but can someone look this up for me and put it in the Discord thank you that was the so we’re here yeah okay so we’re we’re sort of the racing starts about there he coming right around it goes around to that Island there and that’s the where they’re coming back oh no sorry it doesn’t it goes all the way around there sorry so yeah we’ve come in we’re standing here we’re pretty much in the half of it going back around and coming back again this is a good spot though cuz they got quite a bit of speed by the time they come through this is it there is there’s between there and there two long straights that’s why you can hear them coming but yeah um the drift arena is over on the far side of the Ring Road yes where the poor meal bre station is say the red areas are all the show stuff see we’ve actually got a 2 m selfie stick so I could actually put you on it and actually put you all the way down there on the wall and you can [ __ ] you Pete sorry sorry but yeah you can do say the slip Road don’t say bad words on and off yeah oh okay yeah well fig yeah you got slip roads that are on and off obviously the Ring Road you can get onto those if you want you to do a closer longer shot as they’re racing but it’s picking one yeah well the guy over there went he went oh you’re not supposed to stop here I went I’m not a car though am I yeah he went I get told off I went you look bored you got nothing else to do said he was going home half no just he just takes a picture of the you just take a picture of the bag and you know you can like yeah you got everything you need by taking a photo of that there we go the live streams and the charity cuz I’m raising money for great wman Street oh are you yeah I think they’re the ones that deserve it yeah PL cuz there’s little kids unfortunately that get sick and some of them don’t make teenagers and I keep seeing on the Telly and I was like do you know if I’m going to raise money for anyone it’s going to be for these kid cuz they try to do the best for him before the numbers up really why spoiler it’s a shopping trolley it’s a shopping trolley dinner table Yeah remember when they used to do that with the 911 fins on the bucket the oh yeah you could just sit on it be 91 sorry beat with a 911 on the m [ __ ] dinner table oh they’re going to do a victory now that’s what that is [Music] yeah they were doing bikes in around the circle oh wow so when does it is it going to go is this ending now or I think this might be the end of this yeah I think was due to finish at five I suppose there’s not that many is there houses well I suppose there is houses nearby there but yeah that’s it that’s the problem I think what they have to do is they have to clear away and open obviously tomorrow morning he’ll be back to usual on it this thing be like a flipping car parking this will be here next year we do this that thing there right as they come back through guys if you want to start doing the clipping for the clips they’re going to come back through any second so as they come back through if you do the Clips here they come they’re coming back through if you want to do clips [Music] see with mine I go who bang W Bang Yeah I don’t think I’ve got any videos it’s so loud I had to put a the only reason I put the Cherry Bomb on it cuz the exhaust system you had on before because it explodes or it bangs off the Box kept falling off yeah back pressure in the Box I just couldn’t and I was like I thought the out well I was going to put a screw in and I I tried now it broke that it have snapped it off yeah or split the you so I thought you know some it so I just put a cherry bomb and now but I get you know when you get the P behind you that bab and they go right me ass bang they they should why that is he’s not he’s not at me ass no more yeah like thatat in the vault fancy have you seen the lambo is it Lambo the guy’s got a Lambo in one that’s what I meant so P the alongs side think I had I had in a uh sit on my ass for most of the right and it’s like what are you doing drop it down again fled it I don’t know 150 OD quid L 150 odd miles down the road there was no uh no P anymore I wonder why that was so cuz you s my ass thinking it was a standard Volvo and it bloody ate I’m to do the RAC life and house on steroids yeah that’s it yeah that’s it he just got smoked he just there’s a guy there’s a guy is it is it America or can Canada that understand the lambo one or it’s got stupid engine in it now see in the 90s there would have been a much more to look at on the bridge what was that work bang Bang there goes Nigel Manu into the serial box I think that’s it yeah right I think that’s it right well nice to me yeah and you mate um I don’t think my phone will pick that up it’s too freaking old but I’ll take what is it screenshot is it Android yeah just do camera just go to camera tried this before and it don’t and just point it and see what happens yeah it doesn’t have a fit watch so I’ll take a picture of that can somebody take a p no see what I mean it’s not picking it up [ __ ] got a scan in the top do no I don’t you know what I mean so what I’ll do is I’ll take a picture of that and then I’ll get my lad to scan it no cuz but you know so if you go out of camera yeah yeah I’ll show you it should have it built in I thought that on Android in here you pull down right and if it’s not in there so you haven’t got scan there you got scan there that’s right don’t worry about the B no it hasn’t see [ __ ] oh you might have to if most of them have got it I know that’s what I’m saying so what I’ll do is I’ll see if I can get more all right everywhere but uh nice to me yeah hopefully we’ll get up here next year cuz that’ be a good one to get some of the lads out yeah I might even have the green one sort of finish by well it’s a cheap like if you come up in one motor and you all throw M it’s a cheap day out is it yeah damn right it is like I say I don’t know how much it is to put some on a stand but as far as I’m aware there’s nothing else that you have to pay for even if you’re just paying for your stand yeah and your night you know most most of the cars on there were roll caged up yeah that’s right they’re all yeah but I’m not being funny if if you’re sensible with it I can’t see why you wouldn’t let you run it through there you know what I mean it’s not as if you’ve got to be an exclusive Club member or whatever to do it I mean I don’t know the full in and out of it so you’d have to look into it yeah so motor Fest cry and um just see what the sort of small Clauses are cuz just the sound alone oh yeah that’s it you want more you don’t it’s not even about the speed it’s just it just sound good right we better leave him to it got long way to go yeah three mile yeah oh sorry three mile yeah today that’s it if I was camping I would not hang around but because I’ve got a hotel there’s no rush Fair nice to meet you than you mate when you first wed up I thought [ __ ] it’s a mar they can do what you like aren you really I should have brought beers if I known there was it going on and you mate see you later on right I think we’re going down there Peter’s hotel with toilet and beer I think it’s this way I think actually I don’t know turn right onto little Park Street B 4544 then turn right onto new Union Street Peter F says welcome back at C Adventures turn right on to New Union Street B 4544 then turn left onto little Park Street in 200 Ys turn right onto L Street B 4544 steam offer says welcome back Steve actually let bounce I’ve seen that one charger before turn right onto ear Street B 4544 busy busy busy is it in 300 yards continue on to Gosford Street Peter F says be beep I’m a sheep beep beep I’m sheep that’s what uh that’s what we say to YY beep beep I’m a sheep beep beep I’m a sheep continue on to Gosford Street then turn rights on the N says holy [ __ ] did the guy get a restraining order we’re going turn right then turn right I’m turning right somewhere says it’s in the for his name ch turnning right Peter F says it YY up here up here we go this way turn right towards gson road then turn left onto gson Road uh I go down this way we going that way or no we got the other way y says I was in the kitchen cooking X Lampa Babs turn left onto gon Road wow I I like fruit but that was a very big pair in a quarter of a mile turn left right well it was an eventful stream I didn’t expect that [ __ ] hell uh right so Peter what’ you Reon next year yaty next year day out Martin pet says what is it waiting do you fancy going to that what was it called motorfest in centry next year [ __ ] that was awesome that’s better than anything we got down our way Martin 69 says yeah maybe uh I think Hayden would want to go so so I don’t know I’d have to ask Sam to see if she wants to go to it cuz it’s car related so but yeah that’ll be quite that’ll be a day out look it up yeah well book in advance and get hotels book them like [ __ ] year like a year in advance bigy sponges says take the golf up there exactly exact Mondo exacto Rodney Martin 69 says depends if it’s on a weekend D D D D well it was on a weekend this year stop mentioning the bloody golf you’ll set him off a game I love my golf mate I’ll take you out on it J You’ll see what I mean you’ll fall in love with it turn left then turn right I’m very very proud of it because i’ never expected it to turn out as good as it did it did and yeah it’s uh where’s the there the ccle PS here let’s have a look there is yes mar mar 69 says it’s very FF fast yeah it’s crazy I’d love to have it through that street though cuz I was watching going through there and going it went that fast Peter says it’s the least fed [ __ ] box he’s ever owned cheeky [ __ ] bags right let’s see how many rear end do we get when we slam this light on [Music] on says you like slamming re yeah right where are we going turn right then slide right at Jimmy Hill Way Jimmy Hill not to be con confused with SL right aty will fix it then turn right at Jimmy Hill Way oh all righty then [Applause] I just like the way they 4 four then turn [Applause] right and plus all the traffic it’s just going to get a nightmare in town but yeah that was good to uh that was good to go to I enjoyed that but yeah yeah so he’s got loads of loads of vws toward Bley Road and he’s got Volvo Bley Road he’s basically he said he I think he said he’s nearly at 400 break in a Volvo that’s some serious power in an old [ __ ] Volvo on Bley Road continue on binley road for 34 of a mile so yeah I have to uh if he messaged me I’ll have a look I’ll get him to send a picture of his Volvo and what he’s done to it that sounds kind of cool this is going back towards uh my route as well so we should be good car right my ass so you can see a cycle PA over there but look up down up down Cross Road up down up down no [ __ ] that want some cruising how far we got until we get there stay out wide Stop Fun coming through little by little parting Mar 69 says nearly 37 mil we’re doing good mate we’re doing good we let’s get on there green oh so it looks like centry have pulled their finger out and done some proper cycleways look [Applause] this looks pretty nice didn’t it look in 200 yard slight right to stay on Bley Road a428 slight right to stay on Bley Road a428 69 uh probably eggs and sausages cuz they need eating continue on binley road for 3/4 of a mile we’ll see what happens YP says C me saying that you have wait oh [Applause] [Applause] m Mar Martin 69 says sausage sausage sausage so I can now class myself as an official Cy proper cycl you’re so cute you want to see my little sausage oh sorry was that your misses on your account hi Miss YY thank you my sausage is bigger than yates’s gigy sponges says [Laughter] clip says my [Applause] is did she says agreed did she type that on your account please tell me she typed that on your account that’s process she’s trying to get squished says y says Wes the lot of you that be a soft [Applause] Landing says you got a million C F yeah that was funny though we’re such children but it’s it’s worth it it is worth [Applause] it don’t forget if you are watching from outside the app and you want to take part or join in in any of the stupidity you need the app you mean this stream is about raising money and awareness raising money for kids and awareness of getting out there and going for a run going for a walk going for a ride it will help with mental [Applause] health is it like when you go to like a car dealership you can I can take her for a quick spin around the block and see how she handles few burnouts put the top down and then see how much I can Crown in that boat phenomenal and people Tred from all across the country to eat oh really says click [Laughter] [Music] God says omgle Mega Chi should we go should we go have a look there it is over there look literally straight across the road you turn left onto brinklow Road B 4082 then turn says yes oh look it’s right next to my My Travel Lodge is right next to binley Mega chippy says she’s a category sponges says go to it dude of course she is you’re driving her what you expect she means to be driven by a real man I don’t know who’s laughing more right is it yaty he’s misses me or you at your Destin of go go go Ste says is in all I can say to you yaty right is uh welcome to the home of the roast and you’re the one getting roasted there we go binley Mega chippy says go to the Chip Shop my it’s closed saysed sponges says it’s [ __ ] closed yep you we can’t have chips sponges says Sunday yeah right so all I’ve got to do is going to uh turn right then you will arrive at your destination and uh here we are so there’s the pub we don’t need to uh I don’t need to find a parking space you have arrived there we go doesn’t matter mate I’m in a room tonight so no one can find where I am it’s fine you’re not going to find me here are you stream says gutted oh well it was a good idea anyway farting Mar 69 says remember to put your Edge in laal Steam cast offer says he’s in room 69 giggity sponges says YY don’t you dare oh know I haven’t seen Mrs YY in chat all day what’s going on you we can’t have all these jokes about you and you’re using yak’s account this is just not on oh we’re at 87 viewers s says picture of a sheep on the door hasn’t taken Katie’s long to pick up on the uh the YY thing is it really there’s a lot of love in here though uh I think this is where I’m going to say goodbye to everyone uh thank you for all the laughs today uh yeah L always loss of words I know what to say to you lot thanks for continuing to support me and hanging out for the day and uh hopefully if everything goes well I will stream tomorrow and uh we get some more miles in but at least tonight I’m going to have a watch so let’s have a look who can we raide let’s find someone to raide says thanks again yeah you’re welcome thank you for hanging out let’s uh let’s go raid someone right who is on is Tom or anyone on we keep R 69 says you’re not on later batteries yeah recharge them oh breaks his [Music] says let’s go 16 viewers let’s go 18 viewers let’s go for the ride yeah this Ro was one way I can hear him I can’t see him ra ands nice what 19 people coming out for the ride got to the Top Hill up the hill how long we got oh we got 21 viewers for the ride nice9 says was on little ring bik I don’t think there is a ra three I didn’t make that one but yeah much love everyone thanks for the continued support I will watch out for a raid later if I do one but I just want to get something to eat now and have a rest really then I’m going to phone Sam and have a chat with Sam so yeah says night yeah take care everyone

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