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    [Music] [Music] on guys see h okay so I don’t even know where to start from I I really had high hopes for this driving test like I wasn’t over confident but I was sure that I be telling me that unfortunately on this occasion you have not you have not passed your driving test I mean is that that’s that’s crap okay so I fed my first driving test in the UK get at least that’s what they said I know that I not feel like pass in Jesus name honestly to to be honest I should not even lie he did not pay me it’s not the pay me he pay me he pay me ah this pay meent body pay me all right so in this video I’ll just be talking about you know the first my first driving test in the UK the driving experience and why I failed my driving test I know some people like to hear bad news some people very happy you happy no problem so if if this is a kind of gice that you like to hear i w even beg you stick with me to the end of today’s video and also I’ll be sharing um I wanted to say sharing some tips also I’ll be sharing the lessons I learned from this particular driving test so stick with me today’s video is proudly sponsored by fitv so fitv has been kind enough to send us three pairs of shoes and if we must say these shoes are beautiful I think everyone should have a of f view in their wardrobe or you can even buy more what do you think First Impressions I think for the women and the ladies it is more about the appearance that’s why she said it is beautiful but for the men for someone like me it is more about how quality and how standard the shoes are and I must say that these shoes are superb in fact I don’t know how else to describe it I just wish you guys could feel it the texture the how it feels even the soul the material the design love like you people do not tell us that this is what we’re expecting honestly you know we can’t like to you guys on this channel these shoes are amazing and I think you should try them out fitv is a cotton Edge company pursuing human food health fitv shoes are helpful for people in their daily lives to prevent sprayed ankles and knee injuries they are friendly especially to people who have foot problems and have wide feet these shoes are equipped with whiteo boxes patented proper cm everol and shock absorbing Parts all to provide you with a cushion and comfortable experience one very important thing to know about fitv is that they are very particular about the sizes their sizes are inch perfect if you have long legs or you have wide legs there are options you can choose for the sizes there’s the wide that’s the 2E and there’s extra wide which is 4E so so for instance if you use size 11 for some of us if you use size 11 and you want to get shoes some of us like to choose size 12 or size 13 because you know if you get exactly size 11 it might be too small for you it might be tight but the case is different with feed feel if you use size 11 true size 11 I can assure you that it will be a perfect size and if you know that you’re a size 11 but you have wide feet you can choose the 2 e or you can choose the 4E which is the extra wide but still size 11 so I can assure you that it will fit you perfectly this helps relieve that foot pressure that makes you feel uncomfortable this is one of the reasons I love fit view the shoes are really amazing so the link to their website will be in the description please go there and start placing your orders and for our subscribers and viewers feedb has been kind enough to give us a 30% discount if you use the code Fab 30 so what while you placing your orders use code Fab 30 for 30% discount great deal if you ask me so thank you fzv for these shoes we really love them they’re super amazing all right now to the juice after I think it was almost immediately after I passed my theory test I poked for my practical driving test and it was a hustle getting a date you know that’s the way it is sometimes you don’t get dates in 5 months and 6 months sometimes you even 6 months G you won’t get a date in your city you have to look for a date in another city and you won’t even get a closed date everyone know start you know so I had to I can’t even remember the city I chose at first I had to choose one city five away from me just to get a date then there’s this app I used to get a closer date in a city of my choice so I just scheduled it to choose another city and it closed it for me and that worked so I I got a closer debt I got a driving instructor I went for driving lessons driving classes you know just to learn the basics I’ve been driving from Nigeria but I mean a lot of us know that driving back home and driving here is different so of course you know how to handle a car you know how to you know do the checks and you know drive around you’re confident but here they’re really strict with the driving rules you know following speed um road signs speed limits um keeping to your lane and of that you know so I got the driving instructor and you know we’re working on all of those things now at the point I felt I was I I I I was good enough to pass my driving test I mean I drive every day you know then I should say I drive because I was using my international driver’s license which you can use in the UK for up to one year after which you expected to have your UK driver’s license so I started using my and because you know we bought a car I was using my International um International driers license or driving around he helped because it’s not enough to just drive once in a while when you go for your driving lessons or driving classes because you drive every day you’re on the road you can Implement these things so my system was let me go for a driving classes anything I learn then I can practice when I’m driving by myself practice practice and practice and that was what I did and I got a hang of everything I knew all the drills um front be pking by reverse be pking all those things navigating through about and all that stuff it was the morning of my driving test I BFF I almost even finish my spray that day I was just spraying everywhere I put on good clothes good shoes you know so that when the examiner looks at me and just does it feels you know refreshing correct guy you know so I was I was pumped up that today not today you know my wife was ready you know I told my friends my I even told my friends we going to throw a party Once I pass you get yeah so I went I went to the test center with my instructor who is also my friend we got there then he said we got there early okay so let’s just drive around let’s do some drills just to get you you know prepared again you know so we went around and he was giving me instructions I the round about go right I round about go left do this do this I was doing everything so he said he asked me to follow a particular let’s say M2 just you know just to explain he says follow the road that to M2 and I was doing that I was following the road signs you know everything I was following and I was getting it then I let me just say I made a mistake so at a place when I was going past the roundabout I was supposed to keep left I was still following that rules that leads to M2 you know so I was supposed to keep left but I was on the right so at the I kept left I was supposed to go out the next turning by the left so if I keep if I had kept left it would have been easy to just go out on the left you know but I was on the right then I saw that sign late that says if you are going this way go left and I was on the right and I was like as let me just you know let me just enter so immediately he saw that I wanted to do you know swing my hand and he returned my hand he said just follow through you have to go and turn again and come back and he was telling me he was almost pulling my ears please don’t do this in your driving test and I remember that yes it was one of the things we walk on when I was having my driving lesson that if you realize that you’re on the wrong lane or you are going the wrong way just follow through don’t try to change your hand don’t know just follow through in most cases it will not get you a driving for just find a way to turn around and go the right way but don’t say you want to change lane suddenly or you want to manipulate don’t do that and my instructor was telling me don’t please I beg you don’t do this in your driving test so and I corrected that and I was saying okay follow the road at least to to the city center I was going to city it’s just fine so we did all of that and went back I’m just trying to you know cut everything and went back to the test center we got there I was well prepared I went inside you know can I see operational license we did all of that go to the car they ask you to check um just to confirm you have good eyesight you stand at a distance you reach the plate number you see and you know all of that we got in the car and we started the driving test and I was you know I was still that go today not today I was really really nervous I was confident but again I was very nervous you know because that was my first experience then my examiner a very wonderful lady we had a quick chat before we started you know she asked about my how I’m doing my family and all of that and we had a very good chat so we started um and immediately we went out she asked me to take I think write the next right then almost immediately I mean just about one or 2 minutes into the exam she asked me to follow the exact road that my instructor told me to follow just some minutes ago you know I told you we got there earlier my instructor was saying okay let’s just drive around the exact M2 it’s not actually M2 I’m just saying the exact Road my instructor asked me to follow just to practice was where my examiner took me through so I was like a so like this be and funny enough I was I followed I was I was smiling I was following the road speed limits following road signs and everything and when we go to that land about I was talking about I was supposed to keep left I made the same mistake again I was supposed to keep left I was on the right again but this time around I didn’t try to do AO I didn’t swing my hand I followed through and immediately I saw that road and that sign that says if you’re going this way take left I did not you know do that I just told her oh I’m supposed to go that way but I’ll just turn around at the roundabout and I’ll come back she said yeah that’s very fine so I went around again took the roundabout and this time I planned very early I took I kept left at round about I kept left and I followed the ex and that was fine so and from there she said again that followed the road that lead to the city center that we did with my instructor just some minutes ago so I smiling so like this go the work God don’t but my bread I fall I was smiling you know I was very confident ah so this is how God wants me to pass and I was blessing that my instructor my guy God bless you thank you very much God bless you I was smiling I was going she said do front B parking I did it we even did emergency stop I did it and when it safe to do so park on the left you know the stuff I did everything was perfectly fine then I think we did Crossroad to we did one Crossroad and you know the yellow box Junction that kind of Crossroad then we went past the crossroad I think we pass one more time then we went back to city center that was all over you know no before we started she asked and do you want your instructor to go with you or no I said no let me go alone because I already told my instructor pleas I want to do this alone I don’t want to be nervous because you feel like someone is looking at me from the back that I’m mess up so I just wanted to be alone so when we got back to the test center she said um so I tell you your result now do you should I just tell you you want your instructor to come over so I was confident that I don’t pass like everything you said I should do I did not kill anybody I did not you know no fault I said let me call my instructor to come and hear the good news imately my shter just got by the window I just did like this she said or she started with unfortunately you know that expression that I’m very confident I was already excited I just G my certificates now and she said unfortunately on this occasion you have not passed what are you talking about so why did I fail why did she fail me because I not fail she just fed me why did I feel she said that do I remember that cross that there was one crossroad that yellow box Junction I was talking about I said yes so that um I I was supposed to give priority to one car and I did not give priority to that car and that was why I fa so I had just one serious fault I think about three or four minor faults driving fault and but one serious fault and because of that serious fault unfortunately I did not pass that’s byebye and she left like I was shocked you know you if you go for some you you do something you know that yeah I don’t fumble for this place or I messed up here or I know I might have failed somewhere but I was confident also now I was not trying to rewind in my head that priority now this was what happened this was where I fa it was a yellow box Junction I wish I could go back there just to make the recording but I can’t so I don’t want to have I don’t want to get there and have panic attack or what that thing called so it was a crossroad yellow box Junction I was coming this this way going to the right so it was Vehicles were coming this way this way front and front and back left and right yeah so I was going this way going to the right so the light was green for me to go I was the first Cary in front the light was green for me to go now the opposite side it’s green at the same time so they are coming they are turning this way we are also going and we’re turning right so I was turning right now I noticed that there was a white van on my right white van on my right and I know that that white van has priority so I waited I did not move the light was green but I did not move I gave priori to that white van now immediately the white van came across and went his way then I came out I saw that this the exit was free and there was no there were no vehicles coming and I turned to my right and I left and to me I felt that was perfectly fine now my exam was saying that there was a car behind the white van and that car also had priority and I did not give the car priority and I was like I did not see any car behind the white van if if there was any car I mean if I could have waited for the white van it means I knew that that white van had priority then I would have waited for any other car behind but I did not see any other car now it is possible that I was so focused on the white van and I was so focused on the lane in front of me that I did not look behind the white van that’s very possible so I don’t want to say that maybe she filed me wrongly or something like that but honestly I did not see anything behind the white so I was trying to look what must have caused is it that I was just I lost Focus or I was too focused on the white van or that I was too confident that I didn’t even notice my surrounding you know this thing takes this thing takes a lot of planning observing you look to your right look to your left you turn everywhere you you do this but I didn’t want to be too slow at the same time What van don’t come out not in my phone light is still green let me go now and I also even know that at that yellow box Junction you can go and sit in the middle of the um of the yellow box Junction if you are turning to the right and the exit is clear so you sit there and vehicles coming can go once it’s clear then you can move but I did not move in time because of the white van the white van left then I moved and now she is saying that there was a car behind the white van and that was that just off me because honestly I’ve been trying to replace in my head over and over again I did not see any car I told my wife I did not see any car it’s really painful that I mean she should have just thought that if I had waited for the if I could have voted for the white van it means that I knew the rules I mean if you have given priorities to the white van on your right it means that you understand the rules that okay this person has priority but I did not even see any maybe she felt that I saw the car and I just wanted to go in time but it was just really painful and it was really it really Hur me that you you that you that telling me that know exam not wait for the can you drive can can you drive in you come and driving test in I’m going to fail you or can you drive in a b if if you come and drive in I’ll fail you have you driven in Lagos before telling me that do you know number of years I spent driving tell me just one small driving I can tell me that yellow box Junction is there yellow box Junction in Nigeria you see everything would have fed now honestly that really P me see for the first time I think for the first time ever my wife came back home and she saw me on the bed she saw my countenance and I said baby I’m really sad that was the first time I would ever say that I’m sad or something made me sad I mean there be times that you be unhappy you be sad and all that but I don’t think I ever mentioned it or said it in that manner that baby I’m really really sad it’s it really pained me just one serious fault if you have two serious for three serious you miss couple of mistakes you know okay I need to go for more driving lessons or something something like that but something that even the person that made the saying I made the fault I didn’t even know that I made any fault but that’s your job as an examiner so I understand that I failed I understand I respect that I accept that I mean even if I don’t accept what am I going to do I have to change spot so in addition the reason why I’m putting the addition is so that you guys can have a full picture of everything she said she said that I took too many risks and that I was going too fast for the roads were going on so I’ll take one after the other she said I was going too fast for the roads were going on you know there are some streets that cars will be parked on both sides if even if the speed limit is 30 you shouldn’t go up to 30 you should only go up to 30 if it is safe to do so and on roads where cars are pked on both sides and the road is really narrow you’re supposed to slow down and observe a lot so you’re supposed to be observing in case someone jumps out of the vehicle it’s not somebody will jump at but you know just to be ready in case of his like Hazard perception sort of you know and I wasn’t doing that I wasn’t going 30 but I was going about 2025 and she felt it was too fast for that kind of road I was supposed to slow down and observe it she didn’t tell me that but I know you know though it she didn’t record that as as a driving fault but it was just part of our observation then the what was the first one I mentioned is that I was taking a lot of risk I was being very very calculative in the sense that when you are say at a roundabout or at a junction you want to turn right turn left you know you yeah of course um I know that I’m giving priority to any vehicle coming from my right you know at a point where there’s a car coming you can see there’s a vehicle coming already but I was being very calculative that before you come yeah I don’t go now you know when I think I think the expectation is when the road is really clear let the vehicle go when the road is very clear then you can move but I knew that if I had if I move quickly I mean I go on time you won’t slow down you won’t swear at me you won’t swer or you would’t do anything like that I was sure that I would that I think that what she meant by I was taking a lot of RIS risk but it’s not risky the vehicle did not stop the vehicle did not SW I did not D anybody where is the risk calcul is not today that we’ve been driving we’ve driven in Lagos we’ve driven in I can’t even know I mean as a photographer we travel around for jobs to distance places and we drive 3 hours 4 hours we are still driving on the road so I’ve driven in a lot of cities in a lot of states in Nigeria it’s not today that we’ve been driving telling me I’m taking a lot of risk I did not Jam anybody I did not jum if you jump somebody you almost jump somebody then you know that’s a risk I did not jump anybody so what do you mean taking a lot of risk so now with that those were the Things She Said No addition no subtraction I think I covered everything now to the very specific things I learned with this driving test or with this driving test experience number one is don’t be too confident I’m not saying I was too confident but I was well you because I was no honestly I I was too confident because I was still being very careful very cautious and you know but maybe I wasn’t I wasn’t careful enough or I wasn’t cautious enough you know or maybe I lost sight of some things for instance she was saying there was a car behind the white van I did not see any car so it’s possible that I was too focused on the white van or too focused on other things that I didn’t check if there was you know any vehicle behind the white van so please don’t be too don’t be overconfident don’t be overconfident be careful be cautious you know observe well then the second thing is that it is not enough that you know how to drive it is not enough that you passed all the drills you did everything you expected I think that it’s also a very big plus that your examiner is satisfied with your performance with your driving performance what I mean is that she felt I was taking a lot of risks I was going too fast for the if she felt uncomfortable with your driving even if you passed all the drills I think you’re still going to get marked down I think that they still going to find a reason because you know some faults might be minor fault they can take it up as a as a serious fault or as a major fault some some things that should not even be a fault they can take it up as a fault because they already uncomfortable with your driving you get what I mean so I’ve seen people that with this that happened they just get a driving fault or a minor fault while I am getting a serious fault so I felt it’s because maybe she was uncomfortable with the way I was driving or she felt I was being too calculative or too taking too many risk or something like that so as much as possible try to satis maybe you don’t I mean you won’t even know what will satisfy your examiner but I think it’s a very big plus if your driving performance satisfies your examiner your examiner has to be satisfied with the way you’re driving so it’s not just down to you did front B parking you did emergency stop you are doing your observations correctly you are doing this you are doing that your examiner has to be satisfied with your driving performance now what I’m talking about is my opinion I might be wrong it’s just my opinion from this my experience and from some of my friends we’ve had little we’ve had chats here and there then what again another one is my friend will always tell me to to will always tell me even when you feel you are ready still go for driving class even when your instructor says you’re ready still go for driving class when you feel you’ve learned everything is just to drive and pass still go for driving class see this Driving Experience I met somebody that failed um driving test nine times nine times in fact I was asking the person like you filed n different times before the person now passed like you felt no look at me you felt night different and you didn’t give up how will you feel many times and you won’t give up I’ve seen people feel three times four times two times times plenty plenty four times five times you and you you please is your name because it seems that you have long suffering how will you feel driving test n times and you did not give up for the N times what are you talking about see me that I F only once see I didn’t want to talk to anybody I didn’t want to see nobody I I didn’t want to I my wife was dagging my cloth that some days later my wife was dragging my cloth let’s come and do freaky freaky what are you talking about this young woman the exam already told me that I don’t know how to drive you you’re saying that I should come and drive woman see I don’t want to drive car I don’t want to drive woman being I don’t want to drive anybody just I’m not driving anything tonight just leave me alone just for I can’t see the thing is still messing with my head because I mean just this one that if not for the just one serious I would have pass you’re not telling me unfortunately I’m not going to book date again I not wait for God knows how long before I get a date before you re to get a closer the those stress it was something I thought I just pass once and it will finish I mean so please take it seriously as much as possible go for driving I know people that just came for from Africa and the F we’ve been driving we have experience and from driving T and they fade this is I know like this I don’t to I can put their passport photograph so you see them they feel nobody told like two times three times nobody told them before they they got driving instructor start taking driving classes so you need to take it really really seriously any you see any small like this you fa there’s no now it it was also very helpful for me I mean the drive the desire the the passion apart from the fact that if you’ve been following our YouTube channel for a while now you know that as a family and as individuals we are very goal oriented we take family projects really really seriously once we make something a project ah it’s like you are [Music] givg complete so and I didn’t want it to be that we only we’re sharing success stories we’ve done this we’ve done that let us share failure stories too because if you come to me that I passed my driving test in one go I passed my driving test at one sit I may not take you as as serious as I take someone who has faed three four times because I want to learn from that experience that you you faed nine times and you did not give up please sit down let’s have a chat why did you feel the first time okay okay why did you feel the second time okay okay why did you feel the third time see all those things I took it into account and he helped me when I was when I was practicing when I was driving he helped me a lot if not I would have the only one serious for and I’ve had like maybe seven or eight serious thoughts you get so that’s that helped me then the point I wanted to make is that he helped he also helped me that I have my friends are are also goal oriented let me put it into perspective I have two very close friends here I have close friends now two of my friends to to pass first driver normal level pass car pass first seting driver normal level so me I don’t pass don’t pass let me pass my come certificate I Dost me I couldn’t even call them that don’t feel I could I think was when did I even speak with it was eventually he was even the one asking normally that I would have called him immediately I don’t reach I don’t pass I didn’t call him I didn’t even see anything I didn’t do anything I didn’t have the confidence to call him it was as if I Wasn’t Man Enough that ah which eyes will these people be using to look at me I don’t know how to dive yeah I mean it feel really bad it feel really embarrassing I was it was it was it was a low point for me in my life it was a very very low point I felt really really bad really I don’t want to use the word depressed but I mean I was really really unhappy for this see if I made this video immediately after I dest I just be crying you people would be looking at me what happened to this it’s not just driving test but it’s really a big deal for me because we made a family project we made a family I mean this thing we shouldn’t be talking about you still want to do driving test I mean it’s it’s all good it’s all good it’s not if it really pain me like that but really pain me really P me it really P me I won even lie really theer still anybody near me like this that person collect really really P me but it’s all good it’s all good so a very big shout out to the sponsors of today’s video fitv please their links will be in the description box go on there check for they have different kinds of shoes and footw different kinds you work for some minutes or you stand for a while and you start your shoes start hting and all of that feed is just the best for you honestly I won’t even lie f is the best for you read the description if you have any kind of medical condition that has to do with you standing walking or putting on shoes that’s why fed view just came out all for you so they have different brands different types different sizes different designs check them out please place your orders and you know you you thank me I’m sure you thank me you thank me so thank you guys for watching today’s video I really appreciate the love and support please like this video share to as many people as possible you know and please drop your comments in the comment section you’ve learned a little from me let me learn from you too now if you have driving experiences success experiences failure experiences please drop them in the description box I will learn from you let others learn from you at as well and very importantly please click on the Subscribe button before you go and we’re going to see some other time thank you so much and you know how it is it go be


    1. looooooolz. Oga Fab, it wasn't your time to pass it. don't worry about it, when its your time, it is your time… our naija driving comes with loads of bad habits

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. That got me cracking. Your wife said you should come and do freaky freaky. The examiner already told you, you cannot drive a car, she said you should come and drive a human being. 🤣🤣 You don't want to drive anybody. 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Fab Daddy, Ibadan ke? 😂😂naahh it's the famous Nissan Micra of ibadan that will make her fail😂😂
      But you know if you wore an Arsenal Jersey for the test, things might have turned out differently 😁 she didn't like the Devil ontop the United Jersey😂…Seriously though, by God's grace you'll definitely pass the next one🙏🏾🙏🏾 In Jesus name.
      Love from the Da-Silva's.

    4. Pele Fab baba, I am sorry, I was laughing all through because you were actually talking to me after 12 years of driving in Nigeria. I need to book my Practical test now and use all the guide you gave in this video. Just drive like a learner and drop your experienced driver cap somewhere. After you pass, take you cap back. It is well my brother.

    5. Sometimes I think the success or failure of driving tests also boils down on who the examiner is.
      Some are just never satisfied with whatever u do…

    6. Omo.. I just passed mine today… after failing twice… on the risk part.. they dont expect a learner to take a risk an experienced driver would take (remember every one on the driver seat to them is a learner) also, the test is at the discretion of the examiner… just follow the technicality of the test and you will be fine..

    7. Its the Agba driver failed for me on your thumbnail 😂😂😂😂😂

      I passed my first theory and first practical test. Manual driver too. 😊

      I'm so glad i passed because the pain for no funny at all. 😅

    8. Take an L and jog on my guy, life is not all about getting what you want so stop blaming the examiner for doing her job correct to avoid people being killed in them roads🤝🏽✊🏿

    9. I’ve just failed my second test and now I have to wait until may next year for my next one, didn’t help that my examiner was abrupt, horrible nasty energy, made me more nervous and I couldn’t control my nerves, this is my final attempt until my theory expires, fantastic 🙁 worst feeling in the world!

    10. I failed my test cause I hit the curb during parallel park it was painful cause I had just that as 1 major . Watching this video I understand how you feel

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