BBC News at One moves to Salford: The One O’Clock News, now known as BBC News at One, was first broadcast from BBC Television Centre on 27th October 1986, then since 2013 from BBC New Broadcasting House.

    Its last London broadcast was on Friday 31st May 2024. Starting Monday 3rd June 2024, it is transmitted from Media City in Salford, extended to an hour incorporating news from the nations and regions.

    This video shows the last London bulletin and the new Salford format, including news from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


    this is BBC 1 [Music] the 1:00 news from the [Music] BBC good afternoon this is bbc1 Northern Ireland and now with Friday’s BBC News at 1 here’s Jan hill and Delan Harvey today at 1 Donald Trump says he will appeal after the historic guilty verdicts in his trial for falsifying business records the former US president tells supporters he didn’t get a fair trial and special treatment for the first hippo born in the UK for seven years in Wales rail bosses claimed timetables will be a thing of the past ahead of a milestone in preparations for the South Wales Metro and Welsh conservatives say the Welsh labor government’s performance here shows the party can’t be trusted at [Music] Westminster hello and welcome to the BBC News at 1 Donald Trump has said he will appeal after becoming the first serving or former US president to be convicted of a crime he was found guilty last night on all 34 counts of falsifying business record they also say that they have launched a missile strike against a US aircraft carrier the USS enter um Eisenhower to respond to these attacks so this is an ongoing conflict all right James for now thank you very much James landale and the time is just after quarter 1 our top story this afternoon Donald Trump says he will appeal after becoming the first serving or former US president to be convicted of a crime he was found guilty on 34 C of falsifying business records still to come scientists have discovered what they believe is the earliest and most distant Galaxy ever observed and on reporting Scotland at 1:30 police failings led to incomprehensible suffering for M9 crash victim Lamar Bell a public inquiry finds and calls for more money to help people on low incomes who struggle with opening bank accounts are obtaining loans [Music] now we turn to the election campaign and all the party leaders are out and about just over a week into the campaign for July’s vote could even be a bit of wintress over the tops of the Scottish mountains but it’s still 21 celsius in Southern England Jane Darren thank you very much that is the BBC News at one for this week and indeed that is it from the news at 1 here in London after more than 37 years you may know the program is moving to a new home from Monday so do join the team in Salford from Monday if you possibly can from everybody here on the 1:00 news team in London it has been an absolute pleasure and a privilege so thank you for watching every lunchtime right now here on bbc1 it is time of course for the news wherever you are enjoy your afternoon and from the London team it’s goodbye thanks Jane welcome to Wales today I’m Lucio in the headlines this is BBC 1 Scotland now the news with Sally nent and Reporting Scotland with suzan Allen it’s [Music] 1:00 today at 1 the conservatives pledge to clarify the legal definition of a person’s sex the equalities Minister KY Bok says this would make it easier to protect womenonly spaces also on the program 3 2 1 work starts on the Rob burrow Center for motor neuron disease just hours after the rugby league hero died in hospital surrounded by his family and 80 years on we hear from one of the oldest surviving Veterans of D-Day in Northern Ireland a murder investigation is under away after the death of a woman in her 80s in Banger and a warning that cutbacks in the Health Service could have catastrophic impact on [Music] patients hello and welcome to the BBC News at1 live from sulfur the conservative party is promising to tackle what it calls the confusion over the legal definition of a person’s sex if it wins the general election well our social Affairs editor Alison is in our London Newsroom for us this afternoon and Allison this is a complex issue and it really does evoke very strong feelings doesn’t it it certainly does Sally it’s a really contentious area and is at the heart of many of the culture wars which we’ve had in recent years Frank Gardner thank you the time is 16 minutes past one our top story this afternoon the conservatives pledge to clarify the legal definition of a person’s sex and we will be hearing more more about the issues concerning BBC News viewers as we approach the general election with your voice your vote on reporting Scotland at 1:30 we will bring you the latest from the second week of the general election campaign and the teenager from Huntley who’s carrying Scotland’s Euro pennant to Munich by bike after surviving a life-threatening [Music] accident the BBC has learned that a waste company linked to a £200,000 donation to the first minister of Wales was under criminal investigation at the time we have got a full weather forecast in the next half hour but now it’s time for a quick look at the weather here’s Louise hi there Sally well the image behind me could have been almost anywhere yesterday but if I’ve not put you off stay watching because I have all the details just before 2:00 Louise thank you now if you are a regular BBC viewer you will know that there is one voice that we really value and it’s yours you’ve told us you want to be more involved in how we cover this general election campaign so we want to hear about the issues which matter to you we’re calling it your voice your vote and we can find out a little bit more now with our UK editor Ed Thomas and our political editor Chris Mason Mason afternoon both of you so Ed tell us what this is and what’s it for yeah your voice your vote and the ambition here still to come on today’s program we will will hear more from rugby league Legend Kevin sinfield following the death of his best friend and leads Rhino’s teammate Rob burrow from motor neuron disease now it’s time to join our colleagues with the news where you are thank you Sally hello I’m Jennifer Jones with the headlines in Wales that’s it from us BBC newsline we’ll be back at halfast 6 here on BBC 1 forai it’s back to S nent in sred [Music] now just one day after the death of the rugby league Legend Rob burrow age 41 his family and his former teammate Kevin sinfield have attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the motor neuron Disease Center bearing his name commemorations will take place later this week to Mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day when thousands of UK and Allied Forces landed on the beaches of northern France to liberate Europe from Nazi occup among them was Percy chaffer from London and he’s been sharing his memories with our reporter Jane mccubbin but there’s likely to continue to be a few sharp blustery downpours and the feel of the weather I’m afraid stays disappointing Sally Louise thank you now as ever you can keep up to date with all of today’s stories on the BBC News Channel and on the BBC News website and app too that is all from the 1:00 news team for today enjoy enoy the rest of your day [Music] goodbye and that’s all this Thursday lunch time from me on the 1:00 news good afternoon and [Music] goodbye for


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