Hello Friends…
    Did you know that you can study in Germany for free even without a fully funded scholarship?
    Well, today’s video is just an ice berg of the many opportunities that awaits you in Germany.
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    date: 1/6/24

    Germany opportunity Card, Move to Germany without job offer, Move to Europe without job offer
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    Hello friends since it’s raining opportunities in Germany I mean you relocating to Germany with your family through the Shen cata or the opportunity card we might as well grab the opportunity to study in Germany for free now if you don’t know about the sh and C or the opportunity card I’ve made a detailed video about it how to apply what it requires and I’ll leave a link to that in my description box so you can check that video out okay now to today’s agenda we are taking advantage of free tution in some universities in Germany okay now Germany is known to be one of the countries that offers um free tution education to International students however not all programs or all universities offer free tution so I’ve taken the time to go through 10 programs in 10 different universities in Germany that offer tution free studies to International our student so we’ll take a look at the requirement how you can apply and we’ll also take a look at the funding I mean if there are other funds available to um International students through department or the university itself why not we take advantage of that now if you have funding there wouldn’t be the need for a Blog account okay so we’ll take a look at all this and if you are interested kindly watch the video till the end friends you’re welcome back to the channel you know my name and for those who are seeing me for the first time my name is Kisa and I share content on stud abroad scholarship opportunities internship and every opportunity you can find around the globe so if you are interested in this kind of content please do watch to subscribe and turn a post notification [Music] on so before we move to the main agenda for today the Germans have different gradient system they have the ects and then the normal gradient systems that we see compared to our GP now we will take a look at these two so that when we are going through the requirements you will be familiar with some of the terms and in comparing their GPA to ours it will be normal to you so that is what we will take a look at first before we move on to the main agenda for today so as I said earlier we’re going to go through the grading system before we move to the programs that are tution free so these are the lists of um grade points if your University grades you in alphabets or letters it’s listed here then the US grading system also Ghana uses the same is listed here then the German grading system is also listed on this side oh sorry on this side okay so for letter a and then for 4.0 GPA which is the highest in us and Ghana um the Germans will grade it one or 1.0 or one Z okay so this is the AG grading system if it’s um a minus 3.7 cumulative GPA the Germans will grade is 1.3 if it’s B+ here in Ghana or us it will be 3.3 and then in Germany it will be 1.7 so the list goes on and on and on and this grading system was provided by the G University Frankfurt okay so this is the grading system I’ll leave a link to this in the description so you can compare that to your GPA see if it will help now moving on to the ects okay some of the German universities will mention ects and it’s quite confusing so if they mention ects what they mean is that for for 60 credits it’s equivalent to a full year of study or work okay in a standard academic here 6 credit will be usually broken down into several smaller components that is the courses okay and then for the first cycle or bachelor’s degree um it consists of 180 credits whereas a typical second cycle or Masters consist of 120 credits okay now some universities will have 240 credits it depends on um in the year some undergraduate programs are 3 years others are four years so depending um on the program or the university you attended you multiply the 68 by three or four and then it gives you the total ects or the total credit so that is how the the ECT is also explained okay so before I proceed to the agenda for today I would like to state that some of the programs are still opened okay they are certain applications for the winter intake so you can put through your application and by October you’ll be moving to Germany to start with your program most of the programs are closed and some have also opened or about opening for the summer intake so it means that your program will start either in April or mainest year okay so that is it before we move on now the first program we’re going to look at is entrepreneurship and Innovation management by Technical University theat okay this is the programs page a bit description about the program then we move on to the information and admission about the program so it’s a fourth semester that is a two years program um language of instruction is in English and then for the program that possible dates it wasn’t even stated it wasn’t clear we we will go to that later then for the admission requirements you also glance through this but we go into what deeper so you need a degree um either from Dart University or an equivalent degree for example economics or business mathematics then an English requirement C1 is required then they also give us they actually give us a breakdown of the course and everything you need to know before you start the program so let’s move to the application I mean the requirement okay so the required document is a school living certificate in the original language or in a certified translation either English or German then the list of grades and subjects in the original language and certification then University entrance exam if required in your country a copy of your passport ID page prove of language skills your degree certificate transcript of records for each semester in the original language as well as a certified translation of the transcript if it’s not in English or German you also need certificates regarding prospective graduation from the University at which you will complete your bachelor’s degree and transcripts of Records so this is for for Masters okay now authorization of documents to be submitted is not required I would like to add to this that if you’re applying to in German University and then they require a authorization let me know in the comment section I will give you asls and then free way to notarize your documents by the German Embassy or the German consulate in your home country okay so we’ll go through that I mean if you want me to do that let me know in the comment section so there is basically what you will need and if your program this program is in English but it can also be taken in German so this is the German requirement and then this is the English requirement okay now for the English if you cannot provide any of the tests above you can confirm from your University at which you completed your degree program that English was the program’s language of instruction once you can provide a proof of that uh you need not to provide any test score for it so that is it for the admission requirements now for application deadline so application portal for this University is already open for international students for the following degree programs from 1st of March um for an application for the winter semester okay now this serves for example for the application for Visa or for submission to the foreign registration office there are application deadlines for some of the programs and then these are the programs okay unfortunately the program that we are talking or discussing about today is no it so it means you can still reach out to the program to know if you can submit your application or not now let’s move on to the course involved in studying in this University now they have done a good job by breaking down every little thing that you need so from accommodation to food to phone radio linces um health insurance and then Learning Materials all the course have been provided here okay the course have been provided on their page now let’s move on to the semester fees now as I said earlier on my thumbnail none of the programs you be going through pay um tution fees but you would definitely pay semester fee or student fee so let’s look at the semester fees you’ll be paying for 2024 winter program you’ll be paying an amount of 36818 as an international student okay this is what you’ll be paying as your semester fees and there is a note here that semester fee may also be paid by the students who apply for leave of assents to maintain their status as student so you apply for a program you’re not able to go or attend um the program that semester you can still pay the the semester fee to maintain your seat okay then you can enroll the following semester that’s what it means and they’ve provided a details the bank details through which you can make your payment now this University have scholarship available to International students okay that’s one way you can Finance your state in manyy so the requirement to this graduation scholarship for international student is one you should be a citizen other than a German citizen okay you should have higher education and trans qualification from a country other than Germany or from a college in Germany okay other than Germany or from a college in Germany then um you should be enrolled in a bachelor’s or Masters or teaching program in Technical University from start and your overall GPH should be 2.74 then final Theses already registered or will be in the next six months so even if you don’t have your CES available you can still apply for this program now um award procedure funding is awarded on the basis of performance criteria and if applicable in consideration of the applicant social or family situation students with children will be considered in particular and then student can only be funded once in each course of semester you apply for the scholarship um through this link okay and if you have any question at all I’ll leave a link to this page you can find the email or this international student service and then make more research about it now you apply to this University through their online portal okay that is how you submit your application to this particular um program The Next program is global Public Health MSC by Legend DOL University of Technology okay so this is the programs page and there are some fat sheets about the program so it is a master of science degree program and the duration is three semesters that is one and a half years um total act for this program is 90 program starts in October that’s a winter semester okay program is started in English and application period is between April 15th and 15th of June 2024 or any other year now for suitable applicant you should be a student from a variety of different background in medicine Health policy and academic health research interested in studying Public Health International Development epidemiology and Global public public health concept okay then you should be a healthc care professional and other practitioners also healthc Care Professionals and other practitioners who want to broaden their knowledge of how to reach the sustainable development goal by 2030 and who want to improve health globally can also be a suitable applicant to or for this program for the general admission requirement you should have a general German University entrance qualification or you please check your eligibility at Dad if you own an international qualification you have to meet the language requirement now this program is start in English so definitely you know the language requirements then you should have completed an undergraduate study program at um a university in Germany or abroad which encompasses 210 ects or at least 180 ects Credit in the field of Health Medicine Natural Sciences any other degree related to health now if you only have 180 ects you can obtain the misson 30 ects by taking relevant University models from the range of courses offered by Legend of Institute of Technology then lastly you should successfully complete an assessment test and clicking on this link will lead you to the application for the assessment test they’ve given giving a stepbystep process in applying to this program and for your tution fee you will be paying 72 student union fees per semester for inquiries you can reach out to this now for international applicants okay the is another fee will be paying coming 2025 2026 and that is 50 application fee for application to every degree program at theend do Institute of Technology plus 500 um semester fees for enrolled students that is for 20125 2026 Academic Year and of 2024 2025 so you can take not of that now you can apply to this program through their online portal okay by clicking here it leads you to how you can apply they also provide you with step by step application process so you register you select the program you enter your personal details you upload everything you have to upload okay then you continue with that they have about 10 scholarships available um to all students okay so if you are interested you can just go through them you can reach out to them how you can apply if it’s not very clear to you and you are good to go with your application the N University is anal University of applied sciences and the program is sustainable land management and cons conservation it’s an MSC program and location is in bernberg it’s a fourth semester program and program starts in Winter the semester contribution is 96 it’s a fulltime program tght in English and the total credit is 120 for this program the application period for this program is between 15th of January to 15th of March okay but application Peri has been extended so you can reach out to this email address you can reach out to this particular email address to see if you can still submit your application for this program and you can apply to this program directly through the online portel okay you don’t apply through uni assist or any other means okay so let’s look at the requirement to this program you should have a qualified University degree in nature conservation agroecology environmental science Agricultural Science or any related field such a degree must have been obtained for a standard period of study of at least 3 years this program is taken in English and you have to provide toell iils as a proof of language um proficiency you can also meet the language requirement by providing an adequate language langage certificate combined with an aptitude test by the anho University of applied science now there is an aptitude test that you will have to take so as a basis for admission an aptitude assessment procedure takes place in the context of which the final grade of the first degree and the field of study letter of motivation and personal aptitude of the applicant are taken into consideration okay so you take a personal aptitude test then lastly you should have some form of experience either you’re working with an NGO or you doing a voluntary work or anything of that sort they are all considered as work experience okay so that is it for unhold and unhold also have some form or means by which you can fund your education with them so it’s either you go for the state assistant for students the scholarship organizations their German scholarship for um people who have low income and there are also jobs and internships also that you can use to find your education whilst you’re studying in anhold okay so that’s it for anhold University the next program is linguistics that is master of arts and Linguistics from the University of Henry chin University and and program has two entry periods the summer and then the winter it’s a fourth semester that is two years program and the language of instruction is in English it’s admission free with an aptitude assessment in the application portal the summer application period is between 2nd November to 1st of June and then the winter is between 2nd of May to 15th of to 15 of December wow okay so these are the um application period and then the short and the deadlines now let’s look at the entry or the admission requirements you should have a bachelor’s degree in integr linguistics or a comparable degree course with an overall grade of 2.5 or better then you should have a good English language skill so that is basically all about the program I mean the requirement is very very simple they they don’t demand any other thing aside this but if you have any question at all you can forward it to the program um coordinators here so we have two email address you can forward any question you have to them and they’ll be glad to assist you with it the next program is master of mathematics from the University of Regensburg let’s look at the general study information so it’s a standard period of study that’s four semester 120 ects credit master of science program and they have two entry that is the winter and then the summer language of instruction is in English and course content is required to successfully complete two of the three following compulsory electives at least 18 ects each um arithmetic geometry or Global analysis and geometry and then applied analysis you should have gone through two of this at your undergraduate studies before you can be considered for this program for the qualification um a successful completed University degree or an equivalent degree with at least six semesters of study in mathematics or a closely related field with an average grade of at least good that is 2.50 and then prove of advanced knowledge in mathematics to the extent of at least 18 Credit Point which corresponds to the model of bachelor’s program mathematics at the University of rensburg then you should also have a proof of knowledge of English at least B2 of the common European framework of reference so we’ve done that now for the application deadline if you’re applying for the winter semeer semester your deadline is 1st June and if you’re applying for the summer semester the deadline is 1st December you take that into consideration for international students there are some details that you have to consider here document you need to submit is your final certificate of first University degree your transcript of Records prove of knowledge of the English language on level B2 your Cur colum V if applicable proof of further education such as tutoring in mathema stays abroad relevant work experience or internships in relevant institutions you also need your school living certificate that is your high school certificate copy of your passport and then for those from China Vietnam India you need an APA certificate for applicants with bachelor’s degree from the countries I mentioned then a letter of motivation if you have any question you can direct it to to Dr Katherine WTH okay through this email address and then you’re good to go okay so that is it for this program also it wasn’t stated if they have funding available the next program is master of science in biology from Henri H University this university is in D and they also have the two entry for the program is a fourth semester languag is in English it’s admission free with aptitude assess ment in the application portal they also have their summer application between 1st of November um they also have their application period for summer between 1st of November to 15th of January and then 1st of May to 15th of July okay so this program is still open you can still send you your application for this program for the entry requirement should have completed at least a three years bachelor’s degree in biology or related subjects that is biochemistry or natural science and have a good Proficiency in English the application may be submitted via an online application for both the summer and winter enrollment so there are prerequisite admission that you have to meet that is there are some courses that they consider you should have completed whilst you were um studying your bachelor’s degree okay so the these are the prerequisites so make sure you meet this prerequisite if you don’t meet it you can reach out to the programs coordinator through the email address okay through the email address here and then you can ask in the question concerning the prerequisite or any you have now for non-e Citizens you require a document called a VPD now this VPD document can only be obtained from the uni assist so for the application you apply directly to the university but you need a VPD in addition to your document before your application will be complete or successful and so you have to reach out to UNI assist for that document okay so that is um one of the documents you need you need a degree certificate with transcript of Records proof of English language skill and the VPD okay and the VPD I think those are the only documents that you need however you can reach out to the email for further questioning they’ll be glad to assist you on this okay then the next program is social protection and MSC program and the University of bone R sing University of applied sciences Bor Rings University of applied sciences this is the programs page and applications are currently closed okay however if you’re thinking of applying next year you should know that it’s a master’s degree program it’s a four years it’s a fourth semester which is a 2 years um Program start in English and the winter program starts in September so few months to come the program will start so let’s look at the prerequisites so you should have at least a bachelor’s degree from a relevant academic field at least five months of relevant work experience including voluntary and unpaid work or internships and then prove of English language proficiency at C1 level and then a research proposal so this is the requirement okay this is the requirements for the program so for winter 2024 2025 um you’re going to pay a total of 31510 that is your student contribution no tution fee just student contribution and out of this money this is how they have breaked it down so 17640 goes into your ticket or transport within your state or your region then allocation to student body is € allocation to University sports is €3 student sale administration fee is 13.5 Aid fund fee is 0.2 and then uh Nest bik fee is1 social service fee for the student is €15 okay so this is how much you will be paying and it has been breakdown for you so that is the Fe you be paying also on this program if you want any funding you can use the that helmet smch program which is currently opened I’ve made a video on that I’ll leave a link to that program in my description you can check it out so they fully funden this particular program you don’t pay anything all you have to do is to apply to the program and if you are selected you just move to Germany and study for the program okay it’s tution free and you wouldn’t need any blogged app account before you can move to Germany okay so that is it for this program this program is International Management by Regensburg University and this is the program’s page so it’s a master of arts program it’s a full-time program it begins in October that is for the winter semester and application deadline is 15th of June so you still have time to submit your application the total act for this program is is 90 it’s a three- semester program okay there are no restrictions to this program language of instruction is English there are no tution fee you only pay semester fees and the faculty is business studies okay so this is the program and this is your contact if you have any question you can get more information from this professor here so let’s look at the application requirements for international student for application for the master’s degree of um International Management you need an international bachelor certificate and diploma but it has to be recognized first by uni assist and so you have to request for a document called the preliminary review documentation that is the VPD I mentioned previously okay you have to request for this documentation from uni assist and definitely you’re going to pay if you’re requesting from for this document however if you apply for this document or if you request for this document you can use it for a whole year you can use one document for a whole year that’s how it works okay so you need that then you have to have an adequate Proficiency in English now this has to be proven through FS degree program that was held mainly in English or an adequate International experience study abroad in the English language or adequate subject related practical knowledge that is an international internship in English or proof of English proficiency at level C1 of the common European framework of reference for languages so you have to upload all the documents onto their online portal and if you have any question you can reach out to their International office as an intern National students for the program I have also showed you how you can reach out to them okay through the structor so that is it for this program also the next program is MSC business mathematics the requirement for application is a skill in pure and Applied Mathematics on the level of full BSC degree mathematics pass with gr highly above the international average that is 2.5 in German system and then knowledge of English of at least um CE that’s the common European framework level B2 okay then um knowledge of at least one Higher programming language that is the requirement for application if you made this requirement you are good to submit your application through the online application system the last University we’ll be looking at is foda University of appli sciences and the program is global software development this program is a master of science program and the standard period of study is between three to four semesters it depends on the student so it’s between three to four semesters um let me increase that here yeah between three to four semesters the program begins in summer and then winter I mean they have a two entry language of instruction is English application deadline for international students is 31st of May for the winter and then 1st of November for summer okay that is it now that’s look at the requirement so it states here that a degree in computer science with 180 or 210 eects final grade of 2.5 for better and for those applying with 180 ects 30 ects must also be completed during your degree program so whilst you have been admitted you still have to complete a 30 to make it a complete um 210 ects then for the language skill they accept toel with a 550 and ILS with the minimum ban of 6.5 okay so that is it for this program I mean if you want to reach out to them the coordinator for the program is here so you can go through their contact and then send them an email okay so that is it for today’s program thank you so much if you stayed till now I am so exhausted thank you so much and please like the video and let me know in the comment section if it was okay if it wasn’t okay let me know where I went wrong and then I will um correct that in my next video than thank you so much and see you in my next video to bye for now


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