Join us as we head home on the ferry but be very aware if your travelling on a ferry bound for the UK.

    [Music] well what a very strange experience this is we are in the check-in line going from KH over home to where are we a Portsmith Portsmouth there are loads of immigrants I mean loads of them walking along the road um and when we got here they asked if we’d had any trouble I’ve never seen anything like it um to be perfectly honest with you I did ask the lady in checking what happens how do they get on um and they’re very confident apparently they’ll just open the door and jump in um so we’re going to be thoroughly checked at customs and they quite happily can check us CU I make sure there is nobody here they are very very crafty so a little bit of a scary experience there if you are coming across on the ferry don’t let they frighten you but do be very aware keep those doors locked and do not stop at the petrol station right by where they are because well I just don’t know what’s going to happen they no they don’t just jump in or whatever and apparently the lady said they are very confident so we’ve just gone through passport control again they’ve checked our tickets with the passport and obviously the great concern here is these immigrants we’ve just seen them all running over by the gate so I’m not quite sure what’s going on here um but thankfully that’s the end of that so now we are going in Lane 26 hopefully if Mark can be dividing oh there we are are you in the right one Marcos 26 there we are oh what does it mean Lane 26 are we going to be searched I’ve packed everything and tided everything up just in case we do get searched and have have to have everything out on the floor hopefully we won’t have to I think the concern is more for the immigrants at the moment don’t you yeah and we’re all lining up ready to go so finally it is 25 to1 and we’re finally boarding uh I don’t know what the problem was uh don’t usually board this late do we no uh we are going on the ship Mont and Michelle funnily enough um don’t think we’ve been on this one before have we no uh little bit looks a little bit different to the one that we went on from uh Portsmouth to the half that began with C Constantine or something so we’re slowly making our way into the garage bit of the boat oh good lord see very clear directions from the staff here bumpy bump so we are in the 706 um cabins what a pava this is oh for goodness sake have you seen what’s in here we walk in here and it’s a city and I thought we had a bluming suite yes but you have to pull this out of the ceiling and and it it was such hard work wasn’t it it was I don’t know if you if you were just like hadn’t got a lot of strength you wouldn’t be able to do it would you whereas the one on the previous ship was already done wasn’t it it just fall straight down yes so I don’t know bear that in mind you’re going to need your muscles uh so we’ve got here a little uh dressing table with the most important plug sockets I bought my own cushions again cuz I never like their pillows and we have oops oh your typical bathroom all very clean all very nice yeah there we go I’m Miss admit I do prefer the cabins on the other ship do you they are bigger weren’t they yeah this seems a little bit crumped there’s not a lot of room here and I think this one was more expensive than the other one um but hey ho now we’ve got to go off to duty free this ship is a lot bigger than the other one um and we’ve got to go and get our neighbor some all right Donna uh so we’re going to head off now and and try and sort that out for her while Mark’s finishing his beer behind me have you drank that already no still here he’s got his dutyfree so he’s going to be happy I’ve told him he can’t have anymore until 10 or we’ll see anyway let’s put our coats on go on Deck find the bow of the ship and uh yeah let’s take it from there we’ll be sailing in about 8 minutes let’s hope it’s not as Rocky as it was when we came oh seasick tablets see you in a minute those so you’ve got your how much were they they were 5450 for 200 they’re not for Mark I might add so uh a little bit more expensive than Spain in fact quite a lot expensive than Spain Mark’s just seen gray gr gr what is it gray gray Goose vodka how much £34 for liter which we’re not buying it which is cheap we be arriving in Tom morning 6:4 it’s a lot poer isn’t it than the other ship yeah that’s the rate at the moment one 152 of the pound right let’s find the way we trying to find sign we might have actually found it there’s a first at the same a will so just come through the rest people on the signal passengers head to the nearest station and follow instruction life jackets would we got it wrong again this is actually the St of ship we are so FL aren’t we Colin what are you going to do with us out oh it’s a big one isn’t it Mark it’s a big ship so we’re going to try and see what else we can find maybe you’re not allowed to go on the bow of the ship no maybe not perhaps he needs that to see where he’s going so this is the what St port side port side and seaside so um we are leaving the port very very slowly look at all these SE all these seagull down here oh look there’s a light I can show you look that means there’s lots of fish down there so over there we’ve got the hav if you remember we came in over there I glad we didn’t go out from over there cuz that was a bit of a track was it yeah we are very slowly leaving at France we will see you again France won’t we one day so the next time we are on a ferry with you will be from Port player Blanca laner Roti to f ventur leco um and that will be in Fe and that will be in February sound’s a long way off but it will soon be around and we are in the canaris for 12 weeks yes see you don’t realize how qu how fast you’re going until you see that boy or whatever it is in the sea do you there you’ve got the bar there but I can’t film for long because of copyright so come on quick mark cuz we’re not stopping here are we so the sea is very calm this evening anyway I think it’s time for bed I good a you’ve got another beer that’s why you okay we will see you bright and early woken up by the sound of harp music at quarter to goodness knows what hour of the day it do qu to say so we will see you thanks I’ll repeat that again we will be going to bed we can find our room and it’s not that one here we go yay time for some crisps it is night night all night all welcome to britania feris alarm [Music] clock it’s quter to 6 what’s going on and she is sp again it’s time for the other one still s Happ 6 Tuesday the 25th of October good morning marus how are this morning oh dear oh dear you we’re off to the Toby carv for breakfast good morning Pleasant night sleep wasn’t it Mark it was okay yeah not too bad the um there was no airon in this ship it was very very hot wasn’t it in the C it was yeah so I don’t know what it would be like in the middle of summer coming on here it must be quite um hot uh definitely preferred the other ship I think to this one did you it’s more comfortable but there again it was smaller there’s something wrong with that there’ll be less people yeah anyway we are going to get ready to go down to the garages jump in the car hopefully there’s no immigrant laying in the bed behind us uh and he’s eating Normy chocolate but we shall see catch you soon here we are arriving at Portsmith look at the state of our wind screen I have to sort that out getting off the ferry will farewell Britany fairies not sure when we’ll see you again but hopefully next time we’ll have a little camper so maybe a few years yet right now you must remember to drive on the right side of the road was it the left side of the road on the bright side of the road yeah so what they’re doing here is they’re checking to just see if there’s any immigrants anywhere um which is a good thing it puts a little bit of a delay on but I really wouldn’t fancy finding one anywhere in my car would you or underneath it for that matter but that is what they do especially with motor homes and camper vans but don’t let it put you off the security are extremely good so we’ve just gone through passport control just chatting to a very lovely chap about the immigrants uh it’s becoming a real issue it probably already has it’s always been an issue hasn’t it yeah but when you actually see it for yourself it just brings it home a little bit well that was an experience on that furry hope you enjoyed the crossing we’ve just stuffed ourselves with Toby Cary breakfast 5$ 5.99 unlimited yes so we did make a big old tisue out of that one we’re off now to Red shot uh camping in the New Forest we’ll be doing a vlog from there we’ll see you again in the next Vlog bye bye


    1. Grand wee vlog folks, thank you. Yes it can be challenging especially with a MH or Campervan or Caravan. We used to stop overnight at Cite Europe in their car park, ‘attack the shops’, have a lovely meal and then to bed in the MH to catch the early shuttle, entrance about 5 mins from car park. Money spent helping the economy, but sadly no more. Car park used to be full of MH or Campervan and Caravans. Overnight camping no longer allowed and even a day stop requires someone to ‘ride shotgun’ now, so sad actually. Just don’t know what the answer is.

    2. We had it a few years ago in the pet check bit for the tunnel, it was scary. There was one on the roof of the motorhome next to us. I was scared to walk the dogs and they were staffies😮

    3. It can be very intimidating when you see them all hanging atound in groups. Back in 2018 we stayed on a site overnight for early morning sailing with Brittany ferries from Ousterheim when we had the MH, there was a Migrant camp just outside the site, also close by was a lorry park close by saw loads trying to get on the lorries, we set off early morning and hightailed it to the ferry port trying not to stop until we made it to the safety of the ferry port, even then there were groups of Migrants hanging around

    4. Whoa….didnt realise it was like that with the immigrants!!…Loved watching your hols in France….Looking forward to your Canary island shenanigans in the sunshine 🌞 😻🙀.Xx

    5. Scary yes. But call them what they are. An invading fighting age army of men. It will end in blood and soon. The faith conquers all who do not submit. Glad you are safe.

    6. Hi Guys, we have been over few times the last 4 years and just at the centre of town at the traffic lights have witnessed them trying to jump on open car trailers and in one instance an IMMIGRANT fell flat on his face when miss timing his leap of faith to get aboard, at the camp site at start of town at the roundabout they sit amongst the trees all day and night. Usually there is plenty POLICE about couple hours before sailings. In fact we are doing the trip mid December but know all about the DINGHY DIVERS.

    7. Just watched this one…done that crossing many times during the day with a coach full of primary school children!
      Hope the cottage DIY is going well. Can’t be long before you go into the sunshine. Just done a three nighter in Malaga…would 100% recommend it for a short break!

    8. Hope Mark was on the top bunk. Regarding Canaries, I looked into it but everything is so expensive for January – Is it a case of booking 12 months in advance to get a decent deal (I'm no car if there so need to walk or get public transport) or is it just always as expensive as a summer holiday? I have a feeling you might have a top tip on this.

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