Join me on a Glasgow Daytrip cycling from Glasgow to Balloch! Explore the stunning cycling route by the canal with breathtaking views, historic landmarks, and charming villages. Perfect for cycling enthusiasts and adventure lovers alike.

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    Happy Cycling! 🚴‍♂️🌍✨

    00:00 Intro
    00:27 Glasgow Start
    01:16 Confusing Signs
    01:50 The Nolly Brig
    02:07 Magnet Fishing!
    02:40 Stockingfield Bridge
    03:38 Lock 27
    04:20 Short Break & Drone Shots
    05:56 Erskine Bridge
    07:24 The Bowline and A Drink
    10:29 Dumbarton
    11:44 Getting Lost?
    12:21 We Made IT!!!
    12:46 Loch Lomond

    #Cycling #GlasgowToBalloch #bowline #ScotlandCycling #CycleAdventures #scotland #scottishhighlands #GlasgowDaytrip

    when thinking about Scotland most of us will think about beautiful remote places in hilly areas all only accessible by car or train but today we will be cycling to one of Scotland’s Infamous spots balar we will be cycling for about 20 miles along the national cycle Network route to L Lomand let’s see if we can explore Scotland by bike hello folks join us on a cycle run from Glasgow to Balor we’ve just cycled up to port dond and now we will be cycling from Glasgow to balar Via the national cycling Route 7 let’s see how it goes [Music] [Music] so the sign is saying FK but f is in the other direction and we don’t we shouldn’t be Cy shouldn’t be cycling into that direction so I’s just going to check to see we’re fine H okay yeah the the path might like split at one point let’s see where we end up [Music] while we were cycling we noticed quite a few people were magnet fishing at the canal magnet fishing involves using a strong Magner on a rope to search waters for magnetic objects while magnetic fishing is legal in Scotland you require scheduled Monument consent from historic environment Scotland and permission from Scottish canals we have just cycled on about 5 minutes and we’ve now come to this bridge we’ve never been here before actually we have come from here and the path does split if you cycle up along the bridge you get to F and if you take this path it will take you to Clay bank and then further to Balor so for one we’re actually on the right path the national psycho Network Route 7 is a Scenic mostly traffic free link between glasgow’s West End and Balor in Lomand and the tras National Park it’s a fairly flat raid taking you along the fourth and C Canal Cade River and the ve of Len [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have now arrived in cly bank and I don’t think we’re halfway there yet but we have already cycled an hour so it will take much longer longer than or will take longer than what Google Maps says to be honest um it’s also because we’re filming in between and you have seen that the route it’s well it’s pretty busy it’s because it’s 25° in Glasgow and it will just be as warmer if not even warmer in Balor so everyone is out and about at the canal even though no you know you can’t go swimming here checking how far we still have to Balor it says 15 m jeez oh I have to tell Ian that we have to like hurry up a little to make up time Ian has already complained that his bum is sore to be fair the seats aren’t really comfy um but we’ll see if we can like invest more into the bikes if it’s like worth it um because it’s we’ve only taken the bikes out twice since we’ve got them uh no well we no no no that’s not true sorry we cycled on Lewis for like half an hour no we went into tone in that oh yeah okay we went into tone sorry yeah my [Music] memory the esen bridge is a cable State Bridge open to traffic on 2nd of July 1971 the bridge wasn’t only the the first large scale cable State Bridge in Scotland but for a Time the bridge was the longest cable State Span in the world at that time the project cost £ 10.2 million which is equivalent of almost £150 million today the bridge was the first fixed link between D bartonshire and rire as well as crossing the clay the bridge also crosses the fourth and CDE canal and the north Clyde Railway line so we still have 10 miles left until Lo lond and we said if we only have 10 miles left we’ll take a break and have a wee picnic but we’re now leaving the canal so let’s see if we can find maybe a wee bench somewhere because I’m exhausted so you can um cycle that way that is to bowling Basin and harbor and and if you cycle this way that takes you to balling Milton Dumbarton and L laand we’ve just stopped a wee bit further along at the ball line oh no that was elegant as usual perfect time for an inches if you want to sponsor the video just let me know cheers swing into action you are now standing at the point where the swing bridge pivoted when the bridge was closed the railway track ran over it when it was opened had to stop to allow vessels to pass along the canal below the Machinery was produced by the Glenfield company of karuk and installed in 1896 yeah it is the world longest of its kind it must have been at the time at the time yeah we were just there last week at milport yeah we went by that but that’s that thing you know after now when we’re cycling back to the ferry wait oh yeah second and now you’re just outside uh just outside there was a building there was the buildings on the left hand side do you mean that that we Harbor no before that like you know how you had all these kind of red brick buildings on the left one that’s that’s that that’s the Marine Biological Station oh wow I didn’t know that was a university it’s not a well I mean it’s like a I so you I think people who are doing marine biology go over there and stay and it’s like a place to stay and study right I don’t know how long I don’t know if it’s not like a full University no but like a faculty or like faculty [Music] [Music] [Music] we’re at the rounder boat now that is just before Milton and then comes some Barton and then um after that there’s Bor [Music] 5 miles to B woohoo just asked Ian we’re still in milon aren’t we his answer don’t know all we care is that it’s only 5 miles to Balor but it’s quite a maaz here it’s not like the straight cycling path as you’ve seen But there are more than enough signs um that you know keep you on track and let’s be honest if I don’t get lost you won’t get lost either if you’ve got this far in the video why not like And subscribe you’d really support the channel do you know what this really reminds me of when I walked the west highland we and you got lost there as well didn’t you yeah I got lost as well but we haven’t got lost so far that’s because I’m I’m guing this no that’s because it’s actually sign posted of course Ian would take credit for that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well folks now that we’re in Balor thanks so much for watching and I’ll see you next week bye


    1. Great video and these cycling paths are a great innovation – we need more. Great weather as well. I often tell people who say the sun never shines in Scotland that I once got sunburnt at Loch Lomond. I fell asleep after a few lunchtime pints!

    2. I have been trying to work it out for ages, but I give up guessing – which part of scotland is your accent from? Love the videos by the way!

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