This was my first time driving to Cambridge so I did a full talk through about everything I do while driving.

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    I want the triangle to disappear and it’s basically gone so I’m going to steer all the way right stop here cuz there’s pedestrians in front I’m just going to be blocking their path if I go any further they should be waiting for me and they are and I can see a traffic light ahead and what looks like a no entry in front ah parking where nobody else is about hi guys welcome back to clear view driving my name is salon and today I’m going to be driving and I’m actually in Cambridge where I’ve never been before so today I’m just going to be driving around town and talking about what I’m doing so doing an ongoing talk through I haven’t done one of these for a while if you guys enjoy watching this content and actually learn a thing or two don’t forget to like the video first of all comment down below let me know what else you’d like me to be um doing on this channel subscribe if you’re new and thank you to everyone that has subscribed I think we’re over like 700,000 Subs which crazy number still and I’m truly grateful and select the Bell icon so that you get a notification every time that I upload as well as I always upload twice a week usually on a Wednesday and on a Sunday 12:30 now we’re going to go straight into today’s video and I’m just going to do a nice mix of things the first thing I thought I’d do is actually talk about how I’m doing a parallel park so this isn’t going to be a briefing this is literally going to be start to finish how I do a parallel park and then I’m just going to be talking about what I’m doing whilst I’m driving so my car seat is ready going to move slightly closer legs shrunk slightly not I was happy with the first original setting okay everything is ready I tend to sing a lot when I’m nervous I don’t know if you guys realize maybe I cut it out all the time any who okay we are ready okay I’m just going to hand breake off pop it into gear looking around from left to right signal on checking my blind spot Mr Postman is on my right turning the wheel fully to the right cuz I this lady parked very close to me I’m going to slowly turn out I’m going to parallel park with this black car here so I’m going to go alongside it keeping nice and straight I’m a bit closer than normal so I’m not normal driving distance into reverse get looking from right towards the left I’m looking in that tiny window passenger side and I’m going to start reversing and I want to see the end of that car to it literally needs to disappear I can see the wing mirror now looking right looking left I can see their Bonnet going so I’m going to steer left and looking over to the right and I can see in my left mirror a little glimpse of their bonnets I’m going to keep moving until I got a nice 45° angle about there and steer right looking right looking left lady in front but I’m going to keep going now I’m sitting tall to look that look in that left mirror and I want the triangle to disappear and it’s basically gone so I’m going to steer all the way right look looking right looking left I’m going to tuck into this space and here we are and I’m straightened up I could have actually left that triangle slightly smaller still but I’m happy with where I’m parked now I’m going to move off I’m going to put it into first gear look all around this time from left to right so you always look in the direction you want to be actually leaving by the end so I want to start here so I finish on the right cuz I’m moving to the right hand Breer is off signal is on I’m turning the wheel fully right again because I’m quite close to the car I have to steer quite early gradually releasing the clutch and we’re on a 20 Road I can see the sign just here and I’m going to turn right at the end it goes into a 30 Zone up there so I’m checking my mirrors top and right signal right I’m going to be stopping as I can’t see the road at all starting with the brake clutch goes in rolling rolling rolling and I’ve got a cycle Lane here I can see it because it’s colored in red white car’s giving me away no cyclist looking left looking right thank you lady looking left still even though I could see the traffic lights were there I still want to make sure there’s nobody behind the van in that little section so you keep glancing back and forth until you’re in the road now this is a 30 Road and I’m going straight I can see the road marking so I’m going to get into this Lane traffic light is changing looking behind and I’ve stepped off the accelerator already I’m going to start easing in the brake clutch is in rolling rolling rolling I’m not going to bother going back into gear one um on the stop but I did it as the lights changed and then second gear now I’m looking at this roundabout already my right side’s completely clear I’m going to keep looking on the left but keep going they should be waiting for me and they are now I’m going to turn right at this roundabout top and right mirror signal I’m breaking a little bit there is a cyclist in front my right is clear and I’m going to go round and round about and the cyclist is going in front of me the car in front of me was quite cheeky not to indicate there I’m going to get around her here because there’s lots of space keeping as wide as I can from cyclist I forgot to mention Cambridge is full of cyclist I I feel like half of the uh Road users are cyclists so you have to be really really alert I’m going to keep an eye on this lady on the left she is pressing the traffic lights but they’re still green speeding up gradually now no one’s behind me I’m keeping more left cuz there’s part cars to my right I can see the road marking I’m going ahead so I’m going for that left lane I’m going to just step off the accelerator and break no one’s behind clutch goes in now I’m going to ease off the pressure on the brake so we don’t jolt forward as if you’re in the car with me going to put it into first gear actually going to go into neutral cuz I can see I’m going to be waiting in a while I’ve actually put the handbrake on as well I think I’m actually turning left at these lights I’m going to Mir the signal I’ve had a little scan of the roads I don’t know the roads around here too well so I’m hoping we get some nice interesting roads now as I’m waiting I am checking both mirrors left and right cuz cyclists and motorbikes will catch up and I can see them right there and because I’m turning left I’m watching that left side in case someone comes up from that side I’m glad I put it into neutral and not sitting there holding the clutch cuz that was quite a long wait clutch in hambur release looking in my left mirror and top accelerate biting point and popping into the second gear keeping an eye on this cyclist now I’m turning I’m going to look in and turn I can see a 20 Zone in the distance just where the van is on the right hand side of the road currently still 30 until I get to that point because that’s actually the Gateway sign the left one seems to to be missing I’m going to keep a bit more left cuz that black car’s coming through and checking the right side I don’t really want to catch up to this cyclist now cuz he’s not too slow soon as I said that he’s slowed down and I can see a traffic light ahead and what looks like a no entry in front so there’s no point of overtaking right now so I want to make sure I don’t get too close to this s [Music] list and I’m in second gear dude I’m going to stay back from you and this is where I’m going to be turning right checking top and right so ahead all of that is buses only you can see that blue sign in front buses and taxis should have taxis too and there’s a pedestrian to the right one in a yellow one with a big jacket and they’re all they’re all going to cross I’m going to go after them so my plan is to go after all of these pedestrians there’s three of them now and it’s all clear checking the right side before I turn also and I’m in looking at in front of this Lorry and at the gray car on my left this looks like a oneway road and W on the right I’m looking in between the coaches to make sure nobody steps out and there’s a man to the left making sure nobody walks across from the right hand side cuz the left is fairly clear I can see the pavement nobody’s nobody’s there oh there’s a lady that stepped out between the cars just there this is why you look now I’m going to turn left at these traffic lights checking what’s behind and to my left breake clatch and I would go into first gear if I’m going to move straight away going into neutral again just cuz it’s a bit of a a lengthier weight so again before I’m moving off from this position I’m checking that left side in case of cyclist getting ready person in front is moving now accelerator on even though I’m turning left and it’s traffic out controlled I’m still scanning The Junction and here we [Music] are you going to third gear along here I think I’m coming up to around now and at this particular roundabout let’s turn right somewhere we’ll take the first two three third exit third exit yeah checking top and right signal right I’m going to position really close to the center Island but I’m going to stop here cuz there’s pedestrians in front I’m just going to be blocking their path if I go any further I’m going to slowly looking both ways edging forward so there’s a bit of a junction from my right here I look there and then I look at the roundabout and there’s a bus and I can actually take that and that’s first exit here on my left this is the second exit ahead so I’m checking top and left signaling left and spiraling down to take this exit we go okay so I’m coming up to a big roundabout now and no one’s behind I’m just breaking a little cuz I don’t want to get too close to these guys and I’m going to be turning right that exit so I’m checking signaling it’s going back into a 30 Zone after here breaking a little bit clutch in popping it back into first gear keeping an eye on these two pedestrians on the left and the car on my right I might as well just give way and the left Lane’s clear so they’re going to go now I don’t want to invite him in I want him to sort of make that decision on his own really traffic light is green cars to my right and too close so I have to commit checking the left mirror spiraling down I’m in the middle Lane this is the first exit that’s the second exit so I’m checking the left I’m going into the left lane but I’m still going round there we go and now I’m going to Signal left and I’m in position to take that exit lights are about to change y they’re changing but I’m still scanning all around keeping left as I’m exiting I’m checking the right side as I exit also and I’m turning off my indicator road marking yep it goes straight perfect so we’re approaching green lights I’m going to just step off the accelerator about here and then back on again you do that in case they start changing and if you’re too close when they start changing you have to continue but you don’t want to be approaching too fast to at that point just going to drop it down again a second checking the right side the I think the Lane’s merging so I’m checking the right signaling but I’m not going to push over I’m just checking what that car’s doing they are holding back already which is great I’m just checking top and right can see them in the corner of my eye thank you mister miss and Signal off so I’m approaching a tea Junction now and it’s on a bit of a hill I’m going to turn left looking at what’s behind and I’m going to break and clutch it’s a bit of traffic Lots going on up there these two are nearly at the end anyways might as well stop for them and then I’m going to prepare my feet so I’m going to accelerate and keep lifting the clutch there we are there is a lady to my right I’m going to stop again as I get to the end eye contact so she knows that I’ve seen her and after her I’m going to step up forward same routine and then stop again now I’m getting eye contact with the bike rider and he’s not yeah you guys he’s looking at me thank you mister and also check from the cyclist there’s no cyclist if I if they don’t look at you they’re not going to give you away because they haven’t seen you but you don’t want to push in and assume that they’re giving away so there he clearly waited he even invited me into the road I can see he wasn’t moving and I’m going to go ahead from here so using this Middle Lane there is a cycle Lane running alongside and I’m going to break and clutch and I’m going to go just neutral because the lights just changed so there’ll be a while before they change back this is a really big Junction and I think everyone has their own separate timing I’m going to start preparing my feet cuz I think my lights are about to change as a cyclist to my left and she goes ahead this is why you check keeping wide from her into second checking where she is and then driving so I’m currently in third gear but I’m driving 20 mph so I’m having to accelerate only a tiny bit just to maintain it okay so there’s a van on the right hand side loading so I’m keeping away from him and also being wary that traffic in front will get closer to me because of the van breaking for the pedestrian but there’s nobody else I’m going to drop it back into second gear and slowly release and then we’re going through oh the road surface is not great and back into third now I’m going to be turning right in a little while there’s a pedestrian Crossing and some pedestrians lots of pedestrians about so I’m going to start to slow down just in case anybody wants to cross and there he is and into first gear scanning the sides this man no not Crossing okay we’re [Music] going so currently on the oneway road you can see that with the sign on the right hand side as you can see this area is very busy with pedestrian so you need to be on high alert because we’re in a very touristy area at the minute so sometimes they don’t pay attention so you have to I can see the white car starting to Edge forward and I’m going to be turning left I think it’s here signaling there’s nobody to my left I’m going to slow down a little bit and Ste although it’s quite a sharp turn it’s still quite wide going to stay on the right cuz I’m actually going into the car park now and signaling you’ve got an upper and a lower car park all right let’s go in the upper in second gear already and I always sit forward if I’m going through any narrow spaces just to make it easier you can second gear struggling a little bit there Wiggly through I am a little bit to first now slowly with that clutch of release accelerating through I’m actually checking the right side here and kind of watching my back tire and eyes up there I’ve just held the same position on the wheel for a little while I’m just tweaking it left and right if I need to there we go looking good looking good looking good barrier ahead please use both lanes I’m going to go for the left lane cuz it’s empty raking clutch watching the back tire going around that edge and straightening up window [Music] down and Buton the car thank you very much checking surroundings taking this white car to my right y thank you she’s letting me go first you don’t want to assume priority and we’re going through let’s look for a space let’s put this here all right no spaces at the minute so I’m just going to breake and steer going back into first again I’ve got a giveaway line looking right it’s all clear looking left all good ah parking where nobody else is about all right let’s park over on the left here I’m just going to go into a Bay Park reverse no one is about as nobody crazy enough like me to come right to the top and park doing a full lot looking across looking back here looking at both my mirrors and then wiggling about and all right guys that is it that is the end of today’s video if you have enjoyed this don’t forget to like the video comment down below let me know what you thought of the video and subscribe if you’re new select the Bell icon so that you get a notification every time that I upload which is usually Wednesdays 12:30 and Sundays 12:30 that’s it for me today I am going to go for a nice walk and go for some lunch [Music]


    1. Love it Aman! I'm from Cambridge, so the roads you've driven are where I'm actually learning. Learning to drive around here definitely prepares you to be naturally very alert because of all the cyclists (and mopeds!), and in turn, I've become a better cyclist as I have a better grasp of what drivers are thinking themselves.

    2. When i watch the way you guys drive everyone is patient and its great but here In Africa the way people aren't patient to each other hurts me a lot and a lot Motocyclists are always in a rush one mistake you can run over someone

    3. @7:45 is where I missed the sign for "busses only" and got a £30 fine in 2021 lol. I was distracted though because a film crew was filimg a tv show with "Fred Sirieix" from Firsts Dates, right outside on the foot path to your right.

    4. Simple but educational and entertaining video, great as always 😊❤
      Btw you seems to do a full leg stretch when you press the clutch, guess every car is different but it just looks interesting 🤔

    5. You used the handbrake a lot more than people generally do today. I would do the same as you, but im a bit older than you. Handbrake on out of gear and relax and check what's happening around you

    6. A nice drive Aman,Thanks for the ride around Cambridge. them bloody potholes! I've got to pay £300 on Thursday, I managed to hit a big one. It's relaxing, I enjoy watching your Students learning but end feeling stressed for them because I can see what's going to go wrong.

    7. Aman, what is going on, my friend. Good to hear from you again. This video will really help other learners to pass their driving tests in the near future. You can only hope that an instructor such as yourself can really strive to educate the importance of safety whilst driving on the road and the dual controls being the most useful thing today. See you in the next video

    8. I know the triangle of priority with pedestrians and cyclists at the top is now the normal. But i can't help but think we still need Darwin's award for the idiots. Its the only way to help humanity travel in the right direction.

    9. Nice drive. Thank you for the video. Can't wait for more. Thank you for the tour of Cambridge. Lovely scenery. Only fault that I saw was minor one at the beginning with reverse parallel parking. There was an incoming cyclist and you should have waited. You reversed on their side of the road. As an American I don't really understand what classifies as a driving fault. Other then that cant really say. Thanks again and have a good night.

    10. Hello ! Nice to see you in Cambridge. I am learning how to drive and the instructor usually takes me some of these roads . What time is this ? Not so many cyclists and scooters , who are nightmare !! 🙁

    11. i love these videos! ive done about 10 hours of my lessons and i still cant get the biting point. your videos help me out so much!! thankyou aman❤

    12. I've been watching you since before I passed my test and still do. Please do more videos like these, they're educational even as
      someone who's passed their test!

    13. the title of this video doesnt make needs correcting…"Driving Talk Through With Me In Cambridge"..ehh…what?…"Driving Talk With Me Through Cambridge" is surely what it should be?

    14. Thanks for this video, I just had a question about checking your right mirror to see the back wheel while driving up to the car park at 16:16, is this always visible or because you were leaning forwards?

    15. Would definitely love to see more commentary driving videos! As someone who doesn't have many opportunities to be in a car outside of my weekly driving lessons, they're really helpful for me to get a better idea of how every routine, technique etc. comes together as a whole.

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