I think the Wicker has lost all its public house.


    so I’m looking across at the big gun Pub in shaffield I think this is quite an Old Pub or it was been closed few years but it looks a right State at the moment but when I’ve seen some old pictures of it it look really nice this Pub so it’s been let to go to the uh dogs for a long time but Dora Vernon aam Miss abish tells me that this is going to be converted into something so it could be more or whatever so it’ll no longer be a pub but the whole area of the Wicker is looking very sad to hour I remember it was a thriving busy shopping are wicker so that’s just a quick update on the big gun PB


    1. I went in there in the early 70s underage drinking because the plain clothes coppers never went dow the wicker,and in later years it was a good pub crawl there were that many pubs and a good barbers,but now it's a bit of a dump thanks to multiculturalism

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